HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-2, Page 7•iPf" ;1* • '1 II i 1•' Itlt1 111 unu l,. 4/Ft r..11nr.lt lir hl a 0113N1)INt l i PERIODICALS and L11;RAKIES bound or rehired. 1101•1la -I.1/rl'll1RINU 1_LEA_TIiIR OOODS ,ill unto. Isom dIY at=lwlchto un Wavb,K rHF. siri 4 0uderl. TAN, l.oit, STI4ATI+ i.l'RI:I) K. COOK, TEACHER ON' Pomo playing. ThnurY. Il.rnu1•y mid 1'uuulrly.dl4t. I',i .4. erulwlwl Nit exantina. li011. of Toronto Iron-.r4141ury of Mudu. Apply .t T helomit s Mode Stora. Il•dcrr k. \1n,g1 .4 • ) Pluto,. at n,,ldenne or Mr. Ales. 1Le ken. �1,'ntario Nt raul•$t 484114119 4.4414( 4.•• 01 u. l• ,, ',um. heat.11 Buell. -14444('9. WATCHMAKING. 1 TC. II A i SKY PARK %%arena sass. JaeKm • rya optician. sonar. -Ida of 24411410, (i..4. -r.'' h. rout. CiVIL ENGINEERING COHAN M. Rt)1{1SkTS, l`I V I1. 111111 Ilydn/ullc knK4I1t'f, 01.1arlo loud Furs •or. 11111' • dM'r l l n Trlcp/ l our' er 1.11, .vo•ner Stout MEDICAL-- 11"� K. MK14$.ON k' T111{Nlittl.t,. A T. Amman ,,4. 441. n. 1% A. Tr*Na4r0. . M. It. (ML<• H.ndlt n 44444 t. 1'l • LC. I- ► „/94,444.11 Ike Tlrnhnttr Saul hoe., n•.i.lrn.w. \114t1. ...Ir... I. . 1404..10 • lhu rrh.'4,44.rn,• 14441. M11114144 •t 114.4., 'utak. 1.it.44?4. u��.'rit 4,f • 1111, W. P. UA .1A1N..4.1. h. • .411,1'., '1'.•II1.I4.a14' II., office a..1 n•-idenr., 11,11.9• of I'omit y Read, LEG _L_J111.1.11R4N, 4,.9x411 Or, wiser. -4-n'. -. *cm' nate' 1lace- .\044111. I..•sr 41aM1 I Meal. 111 set std' Mondays. 1)1.(1. ('AMI:R()N, K. l'.• n•t)t'tl•� 1 'tilt. ••olicilar, nolnry 411144? •. Ugln - N.1u111oa Street. Ocdortrl., third .,or fr. ., myuare. H()Ul)I"lN)T. HAYS it I. \ I harri.40r'. .,,414c41 or., 001 411(•. pa(1' • 11- m the Merit Moe t'ourt.Or. m:4. 4 , 1 1 • -r: *Loom, nest dotw 4.. A. Vit . .race T9 i este fun&to lend at f. r' .-4 •:.1 W. PRnCI►Pl1JT, K.1'. .., l'S..4 "- +LAIR. 14.%!CIO .,'hat. 0•V•1*. oar Ken,' 1: ( tHAHI.KS1:Altltt►N', 1. 1, I:. 1: \It it -.14:R. n.' h. Money to trust at 10.., l 0. JOHNSTON, 44‘1140'd.1.:1: j4, - +nlieltnr, 11n1uu1'. ',' • . i••,• t• ume'e. H.nlll;314 atc4•' INSURANCE, LOANS. LTC. >ks PRIVATE 1'1 NI.4 Lt1111q 1...14. ,t 4..,44 :•• 4. 1:1444.1, 44.,,•.tr❑ 11x!,4,4?,., -I r,. • c •'. .. iY• it: RNI) OIIEI{TN, . FIM' (411 L,,IITNlsti : Hent -l'. 4 .•114.11 •.. ..•1 A nl'tirwn. A,. less I. 4144*44ea4 ..1411,4 4114 %11'1 4444.'1.1 •1411 err'. the ,Wen. 4r.11•1.',' ..•••1' 1tn• tel. • m.nl41iuo. I1* 1 Rl4.11T1 A\ 11 air 614.1411-i 4' 1144 '11, 11414.1114 AI.,). Huata, 4.,-4'00140444. - "' frith!• e.R ,,, MA.iaa- 4404[144 eq . of "r , ' v .. ■1411 141. 110.1 Id . Ai. rt:, •T-'-1T1,7'1""•r- 14411N Foul: sr stat sweeten! II1.ur.nlw, Arent fur le .1.1,1 1',u•nal .4011 .4o'k 11*Innblr•. 11..,..11111V 10 Ail 11 .'I►w-•.d 0" 1.'.1 11.0 , .4.1 .1 1,44•+1 1 t .II 44 4•111.w, eft* ner'.4Y•-4 ••t r• ••t Nod S.(11..$ r• N, 1.'41.114,16• timicn'l,. f:•I!LunY•L' ' _ . /rhILLOP 1'11:1: 4:\ X1) is l' It A NI' F; t• ft. •: sips a:..? I . .t..• f,.. .. ,.ng4•rly u.-,111.1. 'M,',•, --J. u. Mele'an. 1'..--..'4.4 :Pn4 1•, . T. 1'11. -rt V•....Pre- Ifin..'•e•trt I'. r. Therms. K. Ha Sr..'ft••4-.. M...f•1r'I. 1'.. I. IIts4•t.a. - 4.4..• 14,, 1'444•..,.', .r.F,'l 11.1 .1... n. tirleve, wi.,th".'t l:4,, -v,•• 11111••.•••••44-.1; John IM•e•,rwel., Loth..; J.en,'. Fn nor, 1: •. ,.I. - wood t John Nan., 11.0 LN'k : mlu•erleld ; .1nhn Il )411..', ,, Kt4•r,• . J,• , 1'e4ully, Il 0.81.11.. J. N', \',.•, Ilolnswrlilr, name for N'.•-? . 11?stah. Policy-h.kRan min -pay and ant their cants nsoci .ted I1 *,... .. 1111.14M. er n, R. ll. 11,14 .• 111.44 14. kimeatoo .crest, Ooderlch. MARRIAGE LICENSES I(ews 6f the Sistriet. Miss l.isa41 Ma41u1h11n, of Hrusllata, 31148 mlart•ied recently 41 Wiunip4. , Man., to MI'. Kelly, 141 Langdon. 1 . I► The town of %Vingham 111 conduct• 44$1--c•e't'1•mla.11d4114cr lu sectfe *grant r f* 1144. ('anegh, for a publ!Sc ill - 1'al'y Mrs. l.. \V. \\'tIIly, titer of P. H. 1S'iflry. 1)T Wtngttmrr,- ttir41-314-111g4r. 31111 oil Nov cols* 17111 in lire seveuty• third year. boy J. 1» K •h a foiling. SraGU ir 1 � now living iti Brantford, ham obtained a I'114t•ul Stater patent for his lawn- mower short moter. Ilsrry Bright, amu of A. J. lit fight• of Se.ator h, loin b' 4,u app.44444.41 man- ager „1 a hr,tllc11 or tar Dominion Kink 411 the rity of \\'lnnipeg. Dr. 11. K. Hy'udulnu, of EYeter, re- rris'ed the .•a.i news on Wednesday of i.e.( week ..f the death ..f him brother, 1144. 14:41444'1 P. II) 1141111,111. 1)1711inot, N. 1►. The drat 1... •.•urn•( ,at Winnipeg un NovrIwlg•r loth 1,1 M... 14•,h.•rt 141- ('11a11a11,n�former )4.41 .44th rr.4d41W. 41t the ago 1.f neveul y-L:u )tears and 1111 r 1 t)s. Mite. S. lir. gurc, I:xt•11•r, left L,40 of an: right -4441111,41 14111' 4411 .4'1140111 .It 1..10.11.•14. Peteria.., 1"14111•. al a salad' of 1/1N5* 1. John I'.1..ul.re. v:h1) has iweia e 11 played .4 - 4•111.1111.4•1 4111,1 rl.•r1.111•1 411 :al ill.. Str.11 fold i...a'lrlu we, lint. 1. 4 44ig 14.•41 iuijwnitirm: r gee TM" eRrrrl1r-trghlt �Mrra-�tl 4.4111• Tia• lints*, of ..Mt*. J..1). Lynn.,• ..r 1,9n'Irsh. or", Wu, tin• .telae of .1 plc i.. :11411a'rml 414 \\\'e.1u/n4Lay. N..%,.rl•Lrl,. 41111, when her) daughter Nellw•... 114.11.44 in tuarri.age an ('114114.4 11'01011 4 ihes:unr %411x441'• 4.444.4. Ru) 1, behove.' wilt• of .1.,4 . 1114. 14114 4. 1)f-th*tnra-14,4141, 444441 \li-* ,I. I14.1th; of Sevtf4rth• .11".1 at her 1141114 w )rt 144I ,411 Saturday. N.1) 4,• mlN'l' dal. Tho. ,deeessed was 1'141 y • ..te t y••441'4 .4414111'. . 4.:ilt..•4 Stools., .4f 'T.414.410, 4)hi.. and \lie. ►14131.1 SmaLd i', G9merly of It1.....J. u.tm.hl,a, .1.•14• 'ted ice 11.41'. , 1 1('1'..1,4 I11141.'(' 1i h, 111•• re11•nlnrlr 1at1yL44=