HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-2, Page 3w THE SIGNAL: (. DERICH. ONTARIO • GSuggestions About Hand Wrou¢he Jewelry --- Ingen- ious and Useful Handkerchief Case--- Novel and Attractive Waist Hanger ' 0 F T S tt'nteb fobs are favorite presents to own tro,i Klrls who :Ire -clever at dt- stviinl; and 11111k)nl bow wrenll lot p•wrlry, rolls of copper wet wiill lnrstll e, a pretty greven alone, and mounted on tan ^antic of a heavy nalllc an..Very sukl'rt. It 14 11 (nab - lot, 141, Ui 11.1s•s. 1a•l1 hllekles made out rf old watch eases, and trout oust ilk, tare frnu,iy, not In mention charming girdle. trout old hlahlum+d elmiad and !rvtivorl: napkin rhi;ts. The ring is -. et -bato lerrtwlnllruls r strips. the at rips holm; fastened !onetime with silver ..2.-1411 x»-Ornamentat Aeiilgn• Old tutus are often )oluwl lo; ether for deg collars. alai quaint buttons are set .ta metal- lauds for inlets.. These are ,4,1 • t few Mn .est are Interested (11 real and crafts work, Useful Handksrchiaf Cass. ,\ uviol b:uulk.•r.•Iiiot ease can be melt. by womb:whiz dowered ribbon wuh 3 'milli elge . li.t the ribbon (hp .aldlh. of ■ basalkrr•blef when It 1a tooled Into ri. squire. allowing A little tor. Ihe nn.sb. 'Turn both ends aver a -FtiTr haler tan la reei:ulrsl far a FOR YOUR WEALTHY FRIEND. 1- Artlolag s..Mlsit Gest -That .A Sulu- to upto Maks a Hit. Til* women who wishes to make • present to a wealthy friend' who Wu_ SeeminglyTo need of anything you can afford to buy will be sure 10 make a hit If She makes ler three or four pen- teeton Into which can be slipped dell. este evening clothes. Choose a close cheesecloth In any pretty, delicate color. A soft gray Is serviceable and washes without tad Ing. Use the width of the material. doubling It arrass lit the top and sew. lag the two sides and the bottom In a twain. Cut a small hole in the middle of the top fold and from it cut a straight silt nbout a. )'ani long down the middle of the front piece. Itind nround the holo null down each aide of the slit with three-quarter inch white tape. Tho Ops fling cin be cut back and hemmed. 1f preferred, or can be bound with nar- row wash rlhbon In • contrasting color to the cheesecloth, Fasten tapes at each side of the neck opening and about six inebes :.[:,r: 10 the bottom'of the OIL If the e-..'ers aro intended as gifts aod If tbere a t tr it good Idea to work tbree inittais on the rbeesecloth just below *be ope_ninr. Use white mercerised cotton rind pod Well underneath to make the letters raised. Thin mauling Is a convenience to tell whose frock the bag contains without opening 1*. w -- Pee the Traveler. A dainty eeneenience for traveling *4*_.Ilttle safety pin case made of linen and embroidered In a .conven- tional design. Two pieces of stiff pa p e el or 0Ar1Mu(rd are _cut the alae of the ova,_ !o 'the design. and one 'piece Is for the er of the r sr. t other for the back. The design may - he trans- ferred to the lin- en by mean. of carbon paper and embroidered in a plain Ken- Ringiorl • t It c h. The poppy In red nod the leasee green. with bind- ing and bows of rel ribbon. Corer wch side of the rnrdbonrd with the linen and stitch on the ribbon binding. T w o pieces of white flannel with pink edf11 61~ -edges are sewed not 1 I I tet. 1 Aaa In it the top to bold the safety pins Pins cf different sixes may be put into the flannel. and- is few black safety pins will be found u ' 1. It 1s an attractive 11t and would be thoroughly apprecla , by women at home as well as by traveler. I alle w..' Me eta, .fir a • • o o e, e, e. .. e J . NATIAtAL3 EEQICkLL Two Embroidered Halrldkerehiars Ribbon eel..•' t wqe etr(•r TO 110 till• edge% s t••_•'h-'r for p.seklnr. :coin rly lilt, to re lee 114 when rnreling. g t.naaw filar neo handkerchief and, oyer•as( the e sirup ind of the turnovers the Iwo px•ke•t- fold the ii'" kete s Ilttl. case tow's F.r th. Wonsan Who Cooks. 1.•,. •.••'men eau resist the appeal of a ,:a,"u1 made apron. •int law ung; el :,t ' hating.dlth all apron la ludls- p•ra.r and I1,1(l( •feone like to test ale around tat. pk1 -.• at light tasks that .)o not regnlre !hent to he ensel•otet,r In more -eery i..'e hie aprons. .1 1a1I.1) anon- .'t title 1111111. (Me tout Sunld make 411 Ince 1'hrtsfrues pre•seft. b sM,fte in construction that any 111' '3 t develop lt. Al: t: !nal 1s needed Is •square of thin m'on'o-I'anlan.ltwn. sheer ullnsook a �yIn.• tt.rre•d dimity. The sh.0 of the slnse•• (•en to varied from a y:114 to tarty in••hee. or even more, arreording sttreh::,_I,t of the %04110? and the de- ad l.o. h nt the Apron. fl k•• sit Inch wide hem on the four fe.:. 1 hemstitch It on one or both • ,a The drown thread*. as pre- - 17 't I' • square to you with R point 1 Iain, And at the waist line o wcIT:II &TOpps tit 'au' , lit ke to form a email bit. • h side of the point Soh ea of the tnaterbu tote -wide. 'mow may be md, or they can he 4. ''.ntehtvt het at the bottom. l4i4'E,mlty apron U able of roan! n n.. - In addition to the hem - lam knrit em-la,wknot des n ran he eked in -Thee (m•ner tint ?Rill the +h0 -at -44e bottom rotber Irectly 1'44t,,r 11k• fnnecorners ran em- ''Mer,vl, l h.oae .,ptaerlte the b1h 'qnr 11181 "I? ,ilrr motif. '^ cull Wool *01, 1, ani to given by r1'tnehm;; IO 0...entail and wa king Ile bllblb cornea �...111rzf Dial. medal.' A nlonograul 1n the tenter, Mhos of color could be introduced IIIc embroidery with good' effect, A Nova! Waist Hanger. ' 1s a new shirt valet holder 1 4 Made by cutting white card- ,g• ard- • EEQutw Witte Cardboard bol11n Prom Wall Paper BabY Ribbon mat wore nnt.TlpA - I Twrhtyone inches In length and t� t►i llepth to the form of the 0"•It1on. ('tri a floral dellen from l'prr nTt'1 paste on the front Make )ries In the tap for the hi/thy rib- . t'1te yard being necessary, 114 balder is completed. 14l 1104/1.et NATCSIALs MIQUrLD slit C.dbasee Greta Lass "rem IW EsAssidwr 3141 Row, Scher r.. Something For the Baby. Something for the baby la nue of the moat Important of Christmas gifts. A Rlelghbell ring will delight bis Yount; fancy, for It has gay ribbon, and when be shakes It the bells tinkle merrily. A small embroidery hoop Ls wound tightly with ribbon. and ave strands of the ribbon are stretched across the How our "Interlock" adds ' to the life and beauty of tone of the Mason and Risch piano. IN all pianos except the Mason and Risch the pin -block is anchored to the frame by iron bolts. This certainly holds the block firmly when the bolts are first placed, but if the piano as in a warm room these bolts expand and enlarge the holes they are in. When the room gets cold they contract. They keep expanding and con- tracting until they work the pin -block loose put- ting the piano out of tune and marring its tone. Tb. Mason tad Rlasb Noma "Interlock." Mason and Risch , The piano with a soul. Now, we wrestled with this proble years ago and solved it, with our patent wooden ' nterlock method of construction, which is exclusi to the Mason and Risch piano. By our method we sink a series of en wood "interlocks" into the top of the pin -block and ack frame as shown in the illustration. Every chang in temperature affects the "interlock " to exactly ; e same extent as it does the pin -block so it is a /me- chanical impossibility for- them to work tie - Thus the Mason and Risch piano lives and retains its pure rich tone long instruments are jangling discords. We would like to tell you more about the construction of the Mason and Risch piano. Send us this coupon to -day, and we'll mail you -an illustrated .. booklet which will tell you exactly whyyou should have one of these excellent instruments in your home. The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 3Y West King St., Toronto. - MASON • NISCH IANO CO., Li/nitra TORONTO Send!me your Mos- trated/b,oklet eaplain- lag the, reasons why 1 should 0 n a Mason and Risch - This In no way obligate. ass purchase. Street.. „ -. BLACK KENT 51'o\/E POLISH Look hove mt1.1.t "!':.:.k l:l:l,;ltt" Stove Polish V :t poet for 1.4'. - - - None of )oa 'rta••gg little tins of fine powder (that tet .t la• mined with water) or a Hart{ cake tilt*A i.e ,ierripetb=hut a Ng generous t' 1 of coal Mae: pre tf,'tltat is entity applied, a bursts into a brilliant, lasting shine after a few Tbs.- - You certain'., do get :' c. worth of the best stove e pwli,h,'n the Li;, h c. cans of "Black J;nigjlt. aeml sea i , for large r''l n '014'1 If,dOr . dealer d. • mot bun ': n.0 t I:mkht.-- t rY CO. LCIILTED. 4541..luteal, OWL /seers /s1144, Irmo., • '2 a 1'' S4•4 0.408. 21 CROWN _YI(�7P ( AtTRIAts RrQ11111tD Serail Embroidery Hoop Ribbon Bells For Every Meal --- --Atbreakfast withporridge "Crown Brand Syrup" is delicious. Used with plain puddings or made rip with pastry, odd scraps of cake, etc., it makes a delightful after dinner dessert. At sapper it is just the thing to eat with bread and butter, toast or biscuits, "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is syrup at its best and in its most delicious and wholesome fortn. It is prepurem a Tele manner from absolutely pore ingredients. It is far ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesomeness - don't you think it's worth while insisting .on "Crown Brand Symp?" Your dealer bas It for }fon im 1, 5. 10 Red *alb. air -tight tins with lift-off lids, order some today.._-_ _ _ - -.. . HOY1211ADs RATWL&. hoop, A lbw of the Abbot 5nichcs where the atraods are sewed on, and a tell is Revved to1he other end. A practical idea is to take a hoop from a butter tub, make nokhes In the wood and tie it together tightly before winding with the ribbon. It takes only a few minutes to make the ring, and the ribbon and bells are inetpeosive, Any one who hits n few moments to emir* might make half a dozen or so and e.rid them to some children's home or hospital, for ther Is niways sure to be Solite very w Libels there.' Table Cover Oesign. • -- An nttrnctire d,slot, ter it table cover may be carried oat In stencil and embroidery. A mt,lel was doeel- rlped in monk's cloth of n worm tan shade Iltenciled to peacock bine nod orange nntlinel to deeper shades of the same rubor. Tapestry dyes for stenciling may he tsinght In any shop selling art mnferinls. Where the de- sired shade cannot be pnrch.sed It is easily obtained by mixing the dyes. The Edwardsburg Starch Co. ESTABLISHED 1858. Limited 10, brne*t, e.R?WTRAL, rod. Office. , MONTRRA T.. TOROI4TO sad RitAN11w,lt 1 THE MARKETS: QIRIIItA 1', 1)SI -. 11,,i.,t 1940 rue" /hon ess '1e 56 Lowtwi.ive Stoc�s � GO. 'P 1.111,1.'.... '•,;•�� ', I"'' `I`;V4'y Just Three Weeks Till 'Christmas II s'.• pin -block Liv*ec,.,rid Chicago Wheat tb ,.1 1,.44. . t it , ure la.' . r0ru '41 w,I .11 •11• ., '1 .' Inse,l W„ , , .,flea•••• .4t• '4 •.c wo.• ., 1. i0, 4 ,tie ''011111*: .n •• , N•••au,l r ,,,u f..,1t't. s -, 34.) . Toronto Orion trk et • It o• to .5100 0. 1 l)4 \\heat.: ,11, Mesh % t.. at. I. -.l, 4,u-11 I. . 6011.:,t, buil'vt try., Mm.h.'l 0.; Ito I'.'.:'•) ,sl, d' eft Iota, /l ;444.4,41- - en o aryl Marmot. Cher per Ib 0 1.1 O l 1844-, •.•- 1.,t7; Jrn,on W1r2'ro not l.1. separator, dairy. lb-0 0'311 11Wt r. sl.•re lura 0::: 041 Hot r. creamery. solids0.: 41,1 ••r, r. l•au,ery 'bt rollsa . 0-9 11' ey, extracted a' 114, New York Claire Market. 1.:W Y4111<, Nov. L'.-llutt.•r-Nein; uyts,•--Oat. ee•am.ry h1'*»Ia Is, 3:140.; '.Eras, .•.See•: third to first. -,c 4, 3143e; late dairy, :tie lu 34e; guess. IS.l' 10 • wetl10f1( fag bury•, • 3( o' to 3i.•; wwt- en, Imitationr.eamrr, to 3c. :'hee+e--I'inn, .eccfpls., 44C. Wale, new,' full' cream epeeists. 1:e to 1;i,.. .1... ,Sept. f.rey. PINe. du., a kdober test, le'ee: dn., tale made h.st, 1 ..e d , .rmuuuw-l..-cored. -r-'iirT.1 i•. skims. lull to special. is to Hoar. Fg[s- Weak: reeelpa. 4%71. Stat., Penn- sylvanls end nearby hennery. wlate,- Lie L.:,3.•; eller.--retnere.r-R•BSe, •. tr'ic'e: dn.. h.•nu.rk. 1,101,14 anti misefancy..1 f,rv, At.• t0 4.r. Ao.. Ri'tl.. r.1 brown tale t.. grime, Mr In 3Re; western 0,1r:, first. lie to .Ye•; ('rat. 4,• to ?xi.. refrigerator, y,I4,• to !44,.'. CATTLE MARKETS United Stabs . Markets -Steady -N ---Strong-Cables Easy. Union Stock Yards 11Ri )N T(l. Nov. :1,-lleceil.ts 01- • fit, smelt at the Union Stork Preis sere 44 carloads, conaistink of ?63 cattle, (tt;, sheep :ind hlmlbi, k[lsl,17 ,calves. Exporters. Poe or tw• loads .1 exporters were mold at K. to Lw -0. ar.d If few bulla at U3.71 to saw. • utchers. • One lot of ehat(. Idek..l--entfte-waa re- pnrt.e.t at V.50 per wt . luj,ds "f good, Il. t:1.:: m.Jlutn. H.') to• i1'•'. common, .lo• 14.1., .•sews. - to 1t.r,: canners. fl.:01 to T.:0 per cwt Feed* The market for b. et rw ars Is firm Al ft to 31 i', and even •14.I.. -- owl wag r. p,rtid Milkers and *wring Fred It„o.,r:••e .'.,t i3 41.1 r•rs ant • ito Marra a: 440 to s:', .-a. h veal _ War ekTv06 ale worth frotp� per cwt. theca and Lambs. 1 hr 11AUuaa w 111 soon 141' het e, 4111.1 (ser the last -few months we hnv,• been eolle.'1inl( lugelhec a stock of Merchandise suitaido fl.r (1.01111 and sensible puel•entei un a larger sale than ever • before. ' Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs lltuldkerehiefs of every et mecivaIle style .411.1 Lind are here for your insta•el' . fl be child'. lam(1re Il mod kerchiel'•+ to t•Itibol toe real la..' 11, l.alker•hiet.,..o' •h pi ized by ladies of taste. 1lwndker inet• at all pt ices, from 2 for 3c to $1.50' each. Neck 11 ear fur ladies its all the .newest and -most up-to•daite styles now in-st.a'k. at'2.'x, :,!k, 7S4., 111 1,» *2..4) each. - Alotor ,~'rnis lure a►1 th.d rage just now. Nee themat a' to *:1,50 each. 1)1.4,0 11(4 ill (Arley 1s,3es. Gloves Gloves Gloves Th.•ry is no ,nor.• arceplaM: gift 1114n o pail' n1' "10 Yea. especially when hough( bele. as every pair is gnarifntred, 7n Pettit'. -Anil Dent's make. 1r1 all styles and colors. from di per pair. 1lone up in fancy boxes. Ladies' Umbrellas Gents' Umbrellas n G , .. ,a• .•1 .'r a Iely sera gentleman. We have them in as,grrat variety of bundles, 11.tm *1 each. - Ribbons •"Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons For'tbiie who snake op gifts at home. we hie,• a aloe apeortment of fancy Christmas Ribbons to select from, (lents' Neckwear. Leather (foods, Fancy ('nnb/s. PLEASK NOPE -All pimento for the Old Country phalli.' ha sent .not Iatet• than the tush. TO 1.1(�-uetheir arriving on l'hristMae 11ay. MILI,AR'S SCOTCH STORE '1 OI1 C 6 uJ 'Phone L ,5 6 Mf mery rod and Towel drier -found Only on Panrroi-a tarys The 0' ', ;tr t f„r . 1..14 41n.1 barn•,. wa 'rn. Kh, '•I'. a w, e, s•':•I a: Y:!n to 11. h,, 1 oar !nt• of 11411 yearhu::e. at $4.40; .110 an 1' t ams...!:..' 1u 1:: Ennis, Nim - 11n111 144144,1. $11 _:+'. go^.I lamt,s. G.116 to M per tot. Hops. • Market steady : t f::: for selects. fed a n.1 watered, ,Ind 47.i', (n, h, cars. al .•,.ant ry pulutll. Montreal Live Stock: �1 1XTIt':.\1. Nov. ""'s lha Montreal 51.41 k Yards, West -clad .:. k',.. .• re'(4p4 f list mock for w• -•k' „111(1 \:1 w " ...r tie, Jeal 41110•41,1 ,• I h,a.t'M, :,0 1 .'. .11141 t.n r.tic.... The - •1 :'s' 1..1s n.ortott,. (0, 4,:111 w'as 11..' Ia1- 1,.. 114 entree ratTre fiieri routed a - further .11::rve. attrlhnt., t" 'manor suppl,••a and 111010 te4o0414.li0 w.ath.r. .3 feature "( Ile It adv was the keel, con11m•tfUnn het (weep peek. rs r er i arming cwM-k Im 1 prices were ',r per I:: Mellor, at :c for ''n•xs and :a- to, bn.l-. a low¢ n, the hlSh- er priers d.tpnnd' if foe botcher** 1',,' 1 ' trnele ((-4414 o.,rirrwhat show rally in tits, 'lay, bur the demand hnprnyrd. and a g,r'A trade was 410(0• ted,, for torn! 111-004int and for shtpn:ani to notsl,le ptlnla. ('holre enters _.I,I,l a, :'.e t0 541e: le at 1, to 31.e. (air, at 44,4- 10 ,yr: mr.nu•n, ,at M to 4l41.: emunrntI, of In 111,e, per th. Sheep Suit tenth prle'4 were fully n:alntalr.d. $elpplrr 4 were rale and on rlrth•r trade w04 410nr. ' 1,4,11)a soh! ..1 'A,• I0 •.• anti .heels at .-.tree to 3/311 peer lh Tonle In (•rhes -was quiet 00 at -collet o1 •.•1,11 offennex. hu( ."-:,- m.1 a'n• coed..atol Galan-Jwl(drMTrr447 3.40 11 -C-itrh. . Enos f .Met, Cattle Market. EAST nt'1'F%IAt, N.Y., Nn.':.fit.-cattle -Iierelpl 1. 2wsl 'o -ad: a,rlir l•_ isett.r--Lermltlt0,0 r.-ly avail': Tirinle Steers. 111 Ti tri. s: o' I! ('104, 12.4 to 11.75; hutcht rI, ft ;7, 1;I ;4 s, helfeee. 11.3 toAs.... }- .11 „1 F. 71: , Balls, 82;o to M; rtol'ker- mint feeders, 13.10 to 1.1; k hal fere. 11.25 1.. Lt .•u, rrrah ,•owes •and •I -'insert', -active .1r,1 steady. 11t to 170. \'eels- Itr-retple, •.•:,•' head;,aettve and • h!Ther, 5 to .•, 71 Yoga-neee•ll,ls. _ ..n hedd:..ar*J».•--anA 1•e to 1:.' higher:owls- ed.hr..lys--tt=:a..�•.M-owls- ed.544.1.3 colt '. c '0," re. 4.11 to IIY:a,: pies. 1' 4.o in 14; range e. 17.3(4 w 17.70; eoua, 1111n -to r; dant, a, 11. l.t.tn 1R.+, Sheep and 1,111,11,,-Itreelpta, :",eon to '•1. net lye, sheep, ',tends'; lamha, 1&• to -yr hlche .• 'am4s, 16.3' to 47 At: peaelings, f1.76 to 1c f'; wethprd, 11 to 11.22i; ewes. 11.. to f1: situp, mixed. T. to 1«; t'anada Fond to F.6o, New York Live Stock, '•Ne%\• 1'IIU<.Xoy .-.Iteesee-tterrlpl•. mnrk.•t, blether, . sl'.•r'. 11 ;: t., Oxen, 13.1-1 to 1:,: voila, 13.20 fn 11: tall elan., 41 to al 14, 'we and 1I.u. k 1415-ro-17.7.', 4resswr1 beef, In goral demand, and str,rly. r•:,Ivens-nrrrypta,. 2::0: market lefehwr. Vrahl, 17.0n to 110..3; selected. 110.10. Thrnweellta and cull.. .8411 to .14.50; barn- yardcoil'.*, 14 Ito 14 7'; wvnteen ralvra; Mr. In 111.75: Are:ova! raisons, flrm. - Sheep tont Intnba-il"rett.ts, 11,21: mar - 1 arm. Ri,..'p, 17 t., 4111; tripe. $1; .anus, to 1:.:2; larnh.. T':.'n In 17.142; t•gIle, 14 to 16.•18; yearling., e, In 10 I(ogs--pie, 1.1 1411, 10-114 Ovary- /17iTify, 1R Sf. Chicago Live Stock. (' tCAOr)I Nov. ' 4-Cottle.ne0.4ptr; 11 as; market eN .n11' : stern+:. s1 t. •r. In to 15.141; ,awes. 1r, 11; I-oif.",-. 11 tit 54: Mills, 13 to 1f'_:_.r3alyre-4a.4er..}s y' a etrows-rnt-twoori5. I7r. In !Ings-lteteIpte. :0,,10: ,nark •t. rr to 1.1cligh'•r: choke hrnve, ISA'',,1., i>' i, b,r,' . ere, 4• tt, to fR 11; tight 014441544,14 as. ' t. re. !lane, 4.4,84- ter Ot7F- h1 '•k l^r, f' 1t to fR 22: p11p, M to 1:.;;; hulk of sak•a. re l( to Lt:» St„ep_necelnts, :a,M4- market, to, •.lv to Ito• lower: Sheep, 14 -to 12 Iambs, 5.-.;! rf:0; yearlings, 17 10 V. -*- insane Man's Crime. _/ Rrnrnythe. Ohio, Noy. 'P ,j ft -r murdeeing his mother nn.1 on ruiner who bad attempted to nrr•'st hien, and. probably tat/illy wounding another tvt. man ind her husband ye.eerdny (3y., - Weaver complclel the trot:r ay by ani ride. Weaver hnd been declarer b) physicians to be insane and egotistic Lange For Sale by When a k*Q, ife is dui a Pandora dwoer net wastes tittle hunting for- a "steel." She just walks over to - the emery rod attacllntent to Pandora, gives knife six or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. This combined emery rod and towel drier 1s s patent- ed attachment you cannot Secure on any other range. Just one of the many Im- pro4'etncnta that Ro to 1nnlie Pandora the handles, range you can buy. 14 The Howell Hardware Lo., Liinited bu can afford an dison Phonograph The price places it within.reach of a No family is too poor to have an Edison Phonograph. No family is too rich to enjoy` it. Nothing that mcne can buy will furnish a greater range of amusement f every dollar invested. Mr. Edison intended that'his Phonograph sh' Id he within reach of everyone. 1 -le wishes. to see in every home. Prices range fritm $16.50 to $161.50. No one can buy a Phonnrraptr aper . than you can. No one should pay. more for it.' The Edison Phonograph in your brittle would give it something that it now lacks -entertainment of the best sort at a small cost, always available and Suited to everyone. Do not forget these things.' Remember that they . are found only in the Edison Phonograph, because no other sound -reproducing machine is so perfect and so faultless. None other is made by the inventor of the Phonograph idea as the Edison Phonograph is. RAlson Standard Records - 40r. ItAl.on Ambers' Records (twice as Tong) etc, Nahum Maid Opera Records - - ale. • Then are Rdlano dealers ever/when.. (in to the nearest a0.1 hear the Rdl.nn Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Amberol Recor0., Get .ompleto catalog% from your dealer or from as Narhael ►Maeptalt Co.. 100 Lakeside Ave., Oraaee,N. J.. U.S.A. \1'F: CARR!- A rt►tiPI,ETI': STU('li O1' EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS JAMES F. THOMSON 0, ' ', '.V EsT siDE !SQUARE,(101h-R1CH. (' %IA, AND 41':I: 1'4, WRiTE FOR CATAi.(K1Uls.