HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 104 Tnrtt'w. i. Noys:swim 23, Dior.. 11411aN4I, • 1.1.4-1F11/!P IOU ' ,•T^ bJi(s QUALITY S7 ORE Great Reduction Sale OF CUT GLASS, FANCY CHINA AND STAPLE CROCKERY Three thousand dollar stock to choose from. This great vedtttion sale will continue until the end' of December. Early buyers will have first choice. fall at once and select your Christmas Gifts. We d, not advertise for fun, we tttivertiss for business. Space will not permit us to give quotations. Heutcmbei. every article reduced in prices CHRISTMAS PRICES FOR ONE WEEK (lest Montreal Granulated sugars. 9' Iia fon t± ties-fssah Quakawl/ateseatiew- ce .-. Id lbs new wet Pigs .... ...... .. New Raisins, at ter II'. 5c. Se. l•le, 12}c said New Currants. aterr lb, tie, Sc: and New Peels. at per lb. 1_'Lc._lir. ' anti New Dates. st per Ih,. .. , • 30c French Marshino Cherries, at per bottle. -Vac Sherrity's Mince Meat. lorrlh ,.. hk Ist•ge Lamp Glass... ;Sic Maple Leaf Salmon, 2 for 3 cans first-class Salmon for 31c tat lrage ((uaker Oatmeal Ac :x tic pee ages • e gg . , rn 25c Sherrill's FirrKet.'_'lot ....... lir :air can Niggle syrup for 93c eon Abode Syrup for sic I5c cab (.*olden wrap, 2 tor.... sic Sc can Poik and Herons for sic 12'n can flaked (leans for Inc A-tImer Ptms, corn and Tomatoes, 3for . 2.ic 13c can Crossed Fish Sardines. .. 120 ft cans Sardines -for. 2 0 -F,t4•-txrtNef4nhl iirr*lor :: .-:'::... : -Isle--- •-- list Pastry Flour tent., look• doze n treshlr candled Eggs. Par -dozen 27r 0 tars Tacl.•i'. Hot -ax Soap for re C. S. ENV! NG e., SWTW EEK $15 and $I8 LADIES' SUITS Twenty-five only for $9.75 •T arts are worsted and ladies' cloth, navy, _grey' Ind black, semi -fitted styles, and some. are silk lined, trimmed with moire silk, braid .and jet uttons. Coats 42 inches long. 'These Sttt will be conveniently laid out • and assorte in sizes to enable buyers to make choice nd• find the wanted Suit quickly. - Your Choice, each, for $9.15 CAMERON & MOORE KIPPEN. .Coutinu.d trout use. 7,1 visiting obi friends AwL attending-. hle grandmother's funeral in Essex. iMPatoisutvs os• Soon. asu.—As un•utioued last week, we give this week a1'ewimpressib i recetyed-by Jas. Mr. Donald in his late trip to Scotland, the home of his fathers. He was greatly impressed by the great beauty of Perth• shire, where most of his visiting was done. especially around Loch Tay. The n.rasiri lira ut+iae 9f. brcrlcan stone. by first putting down a heavy coating and then passing heavy steam rollers over this. In some places con- siderable of the stone is taken from old stone houses whish at one rime were the dwellings of crofters. Now these crofters have disappeared : some have emigrated, others have gone to the towns, or else their children have. and t,he_hgftsey tegawe vactintlan the death of the old people, the landlord allow- ing thew to remain vacant and in- creasing thi• size of the fares. These farms in *woe cares are quite large. One of Mr. McDonald's cousins kept a thousand sheep on his and there were many larger Clucks than this. Rent is 1 high for good laud, one pound sterling and over being often paid. He /ell M►c an nd outd- o here. Har - swing in the last ot tie tarso he noticed them using a in or with a table to cut the grain, having one wan to rake the tread dust k to be that too could hope to own his owl land therefore he di ' i pr Ings or farm a. vesting was in fu September. On • of/ the sheaves and eleven men follow- ing binding the gr•ala. \W� ales wet,• frenal y�ws "Minos Ln-JtalJw-erown a day for men and one shilling fm. woolen, who work out • great deal. Their miseoneeptions Of Canada were ver marked and they had a .tr,nng tendency not to believe the simple narration of ordinary everyday Fences with sae, - r . 9 11 ear 1 Saturday and Monday, November 27th & 29th 1s L:\ l R RIs.; 'LR Month-end Sale Days, Saturdtth':oi.l Monday, the 27th and 29th inst., will be of unusual interest, because V we take them to make a clean sweep of all broken lots of Fall and Winter merchandise and clear the way for the receipt of _ Christmas stocks that must have first place after _December 1st. Holiday business is going to be good here, -because we -will have the stocks to deserve it. • it is to make room for them that prices for November ?Month-end Sale Days have been made doubly tempting. We must get all the room possible to properly display the big holiday stocks that are on the way,: -il:ead this list carefully, then come to- the store S turday and Monday Next. You will 'find every article as advertised. ing the Decks for Christmas fi TWO DAYS DEVOTED TO IT 1,1 MAPLE LEAF G ROC RY AND CHINA HALL 10 Fur Coats at $26.50 - Ten only ladies' black astrachan apd electric seal Jack• • • eta. AJ skins with tint»ire firings. The oheatest•one in the lot is valued at $35.ssl souse are $,'i',.:1I and $10.151; sizes 31, :lli and 3s. Ten ladies will get a decide.i bargain. for' we put these on" aisle Saturday morning $26 50 at your choice of the lot .D Good Coon Coats We have r.•reive,l a sine•, ial cunsigrfinent Of high-grade Coon Coats for wen. These we will have in stock for the next ten, day;. They :vie specially selected garment, very tine skins and heavily furred. Any man thinking of ,lwving-a-eo..n-anat--this-winter would --do wall- to come and.see them, as we re in a position,to quote some ex'- ceediugly close .prim. They ate not ordinary. cheap_ .bats, boat coaster ot high quality and garments that t•an be- depended upon to wear for years. ('note and -Pr them ' anyway. You need feel under no obligation whatever '[•r buy. Satin Quilts $1:95 Satin Quilts $1.03. Just -twelve line satin quilts, full double -bed - *See, - brassy weight. esti,. quality : reg- ular 112511. Saint- $l .Us.) day and Monday Linen Doylies 10c Thirty -Har pure -linen d.uuaak Doylies, round or 1 t oval shape., fringed : reg- llalar I:o•. Saturday ',1JL-I+and Mandaeach l Mandato • 1� Towelling Ends Seventy-five suds aas.'e l,/ lengths, two to four yard. All going Siaturdav and M .Lay at Remnant Prices. c TWO BIG COAT BARGAINS 20 Ladies' Coats 37.85 Twenty only ladies' fall and winter Jackets, most of thew made to wood quality black Iwavrr, plain sot: braid timiumd. Every garment new thin waren'„A snecial clearing lot at a money -saving pare ; tegular SSll.tst to 8111.:11. We bought there under value, and Sat- unlay and Monday you ems take y choice $7 .85 Ladies Coats $4'88 'len garments in thi- lot. To be milts frank with you, we carried them over from last season. Styles are pretty much the salute as this season except that they are net not..luite as long. They weer $10.151, *1'21st and $15.10) garments and will-14a1,P eple1d13 snare ,for u, dinsry tow. Clearing them Saturday and Monday at $4 8,8 .rash C7 ('laid Suitings 98c Sits patterns vety•Hne .Duality all -wool plaid _.Snitnogs. Inde from the very lieat quality wools, nice dark eil!Pcts, suitable ter skirts ; regular 81.2.3 cod $1.:11. Saturday and Monday (Me. per `yard ... Uv Directoire Satin Cloths 89c IienuinrJirectoirr satin cloth Dress Grads, 3+ to art inches - 'wide, rich satiny finish, will make beautilul house gowns. ag.sd rollsefion of fashionable shades including black: regular Q(h, 81.25. Saturday and Monday per yard • C77 Sample Doylies 7c -A big lot of importer: samples of fringed Doylies. mostly iamaf•e shape, all fine .ittality dewask, three or tour small holes clow to one edge, these will not inter- fere with the wear as they can easily be darned. Clear- ing Saturday and Moo- day at 7c, each or a for.2 JC Children's Croats at $3.65 F14 tees, -ehildrem'a tweed anal Iway.r tsars, light and dark cubit trigs, sires far girls ° from six ra te..•Iye years of MP' : regutter.$il.lsu and $71s1. Sat a relay• your $3 J .65 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Sc Twenty-five denten ladies hemstitched handkerebt.•fs, guaranteed every thread purr linen, nice fine even weave, good ehtaigh to s.•1l for a higher price. Mat- urday and \Iouda3 each 5c 27c DECIDEDLY SPECIAL 27c A Dress Goods Bargain Extraordinary. 1000 Yards of New 50c -to 65c Dress Goods at 27c To be sold in our. Basement SATURDAY arid MONDAY . Herr is the greatest then' Goode bargain that ever went over nur'enunters, barring none. 1In Wednesday w-• were offered over limn yards of I tees, Goods at what seemed a ridiculously low mice. but it wasn't low enough to let ns sell them at 27c a yard and we offered a• faits. that would. The wholesaler takes .tos-k I terrnua•u- 1.1. He wanted this Lot sold before then ii'nd finally; took sour offer. We told him to ship thelia I,y express in cede/• to have them herr for our month-end sale Days. Saturday and' Monday. Novemlter 27th and J)th. There are plain Serge,, plain Satin Cloths. striped Satin Cloths and other fan y weaves in navy, ted, black, green, grey, taupe. etc. All are this season's goods, Not yard but would have to sell at :Ile if we paid the regular wholesale price. Nast would lie tlflr., 115c, and some T5c a yard. Every yard of this in,nien•e, purchase gees ort sale Saturday morning at the very little price of 27c 27c A YARD Hut these for present lee, buy for next seAson, for you won't get such another price tor- many a lime day. In order riot t., interfere with regular stock, we gutathem on sale in the Baarmrnt, where there wilt he more<rtsrm for the crowds that will he sure to cootie to share in this extraordinary offering, \\ 27c Ladies' (iowns 48c Thier dozen only ladies flannelette (:owns, made from good quality flapnel- ette, assorte.i fancy srt'iner., mit full and long.: winter Weight. Special Satur- day and Monday each 4VC Wrappers $1.48 Ladies' fancy Wrappers, made from good quality wraplerette, winter weight. - --skirt .curt vers ftrf t.it.- shades of navy and red. Sat- urday and Monday $1 . Aga ery special, each `iv Chinaware tier Chinaware Department lies been undergoing the refitting )was again, and is now 1stlghter and better than -ever. We -have lidded a large section which occupies the centre of the China Hall. for the display of Fancy Chinaware • a Customers will find our Chinaware Department a most convenient place to make their selection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. We have also made leree additions to our stot k of L IMOGES. • vii 4'-tt••rr and CLOVER -710t4441 can to bought by the piece or in sets, as desired. We have a large range of patterns in new - Dinner and Tea Sets In addition - to completing as far as possthl' at the Present time our stock of Chinaware, we have a large assortment ot lk Hanging lamps, Fancy Table and Stand Limpet, Hand Limps, etc.. all of which will be found quite reasonable in price. Our aim .s to erode the best quality possible for the to ,est price if r' • - { Can be consistently sold for. 1 nu nuc invited to call and inspect our stock na often as you Inas wish to. - Groceries Phdbfsions and Vegetables, Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs, Sausages, Cured Meats and Poultry. Four Cards' Mending Wool Sc Four cards Mending Waal, soft and fine, hlark. tan or.natu.•alshades. Satur- day- and Monday four 5C cards tar Odd Corsets 35c Twenty pairs' odd Corset the clear-up of the entire stork. not all sizes in the hot , rettulitr *LOU ...nd $1.93 goods. t'Mare -Saturday sod Monday' per Suiting Remnants 59cwenty remnants -as of new fallSul len winter ui len• he run from two and one-half yet•its to four y s, the axon's hest colorings ; regular 81.2.3 and SLIP per'. yard. Very special for Saturday apd Monday, an, poi ya1. - %PQM. A Silk arance at 39c Two tombs-. and fifty yards of Silk, practically every kind we early in stock represented in the Int, short lengths culled ft a the stock. lots of them suitable for Christmas faneyw rk : regular 5Ite to $1,1111 -per yard. Choice Satur. ay and Monday per yard.... 39C 2� Sample Wais and Children' Dresses at Half -Price Twenty-five only ladies' R lets dud ,•hiluren s Dresses. The waists are made of silk, n and wool meter leis th.• dresses, wool or heavywrap. tte. We bought these samples at just about alf the to kers' prices, and offer youour choice commencing Sats • ay morning at half regular price. Trimmed Hats $2.45 Twenty Hats. spe•rially trimmed for Sat ay and Mon- day selling. Positively worth $Y.iii) to blltiiu. Part of that big purrhaso of shapes we got at less thair\ half-price. Trimmed with some of our hest materi Blacks and colors. On sale Saturday morning at eai•h , 2.45 III t Braids lc Over one thousand yards of black and colored plain and fancy trimming braids, every color you could want included in the lot : regular :';Sc and 7e. cleating them all out Saturday at your Its choice per yard Linen Crash Sc'. One hundred and fifty yards purr linen - cras 'roi►elienr, seventeen to eigh- teen inches w i d e, red border. Very special at Q I per yard Oa. 40 -inch Embroidered Net 75c • Forty -i n c h embroidered Net, white or ecru shades, suitable for trimming or full waists-: regular $1,511. Sat rdayy and Monday 75C uter ard More Linen Towels 2 for 25c Linen hunk -a -back Towels. lax:ts inches. hemmed edges, heavy weight, worth a Int more mune y, another twenty -five -dozen lot 25c to sell at 2 for.... .. Heavy Wool Hose 25c Extra heavy wool Hose, seamless feet, splendid line ter boys' school wear, guar- anteed to stand any amount of hard usage, all sizes. Saturday and Monday 25c per pair Cushion Cords I8c • One hundred and fifty Cushion (lords with tassels. A splendid assortment of shades and combinations. Just the thing for Christmas Cushions. Saturday 1 QC and Monday v 1Oc Safety Pins for 5c One hundred dozen Safer Pins. olid suras to s card. three sizes, made from the best tempered spring steel. nickel plated ; regular llk ler card. Saturday ,.tad 5C Monday. White Blankets $2.45 Ten paint of white union Blankets, nice soft finish and good weight, splen-' did blanket for ordinary ns.•. Snecial for Saturday ,Ind Monday per pair $2 45 Cream Wadding 2 for Sc ('r'eam sheets tine yald square ; regular :i . Mat-„•• urday and Monday 2 for 5C Girls' Tams 5c Fifty girls' wool Tarrls in white, gray, navy and fancy . shades, camel's hair effect. (Tearing Saturday and 5C Monday at each Children's Fine Cashmere Hose 25c Seventy-five pairs chil- dren's fine ribbed cashmere Hose, a clean-up of :tic and torr lines, sizes up to 7i}. Choice Saturday per 25 pair C 34 -inch Flannelette 7�C Two hundred and fifty yards heavy Canadian Flan- nelette, dark and light stripes, fast colors, strong and firm. St racial for Sat- urday and Monday per 71c yard . Y White Quilts 89c 'l'h,ru y -six o n l y English white honeycomb Quilt., im- ported by ourselves direct. full III size, each in large enough fol. a daalhle fwd, heavy weight; regob..• $1.25. Saturday and(�, Monday each......... 8 $ 1.50 Corsets 75c We are discontinuing this make. It is one we have sold right along at $1.30 per pale. They are not quite as long as the extreme steles. now worn, but are a very comfortable Corset. All sizes clearing Satur• 75C day'at per pair Umbrellas 79c One dozen only full -sir' U m b r e l l a s, self -opener. strong frame, 'steel rod. horn handle, sup that will not cot or lone its color: regular $1.225 value. Satur- day and Monday, twelve to sell at, each, / C More Dress Goods at 33c A fresh lit of Dream Hoods goes on our :tic table for Sat- urday and Monday. As the season advan-ea lines get broken and we pick out the balance for speedy 'telling. that is why you ran buy these Mc and Tic d r e s s materials Saturday and Monday at per 31C yard Stylish Handbags 1040 I adi,'4 gehtting leather Hand Bags, j$)t b olid frame. New shape, Ping inch size, small coir' purse. Extra special nQC at each.. CIV 11 • • • i 1 _ IIs