HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 81, 1;1' '1; 3„'"' • • ; 1.1‘• ; •;11 1 , ,,, • • • • • j " • ; • • , , ' • 1. '•••. , 11/Lti 5, 191.111 1.T• s 11•*/\ THE SIGNAL: (;()I)El- .- rui.7fisi)Ay, NO1'ilb112 - Colonel John Sneed's Conversations on Domestic Problems Copyr•sht. late by C. S. Yost le and does It without !sickle' up any tolerroboot---Itt-olw-tioii:t-oeeli.•-4khusue talthl; out of molehill( our cross ortilgos until she get" to them. Ito.' If thele n (tut t..iIIl u IU tier twig!' -sbys gobs to nit -e her share of It a iiliont iuuil..0 4 coni of lierstilf. "Now. dill you es er Nee anybody tt Ills ;4 straight back a ti i %vat. really yid -I itossu old lit heart. nod ihnitl? .*.u. St1 e... you het Cr thu Iseeit 3 our lioliet It Unitive.* .31 d.i Vie Iii11111tt-il begin% sag; r beta', 1lhat etry 41::111te ..ld 14. dOlt II the road • 110.1 Y1111. . It's easy enotrgli to keep It utraiiilit now, While :t•uttr art. ten. hut a ['ter a nbile 3;011'11 *..Tin to leel THE IAARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Class Low- s,Chicago Higher -Live Stock -Latest Q4otat ions,. Et citing. NOV, I.In.rtsee, pleat futures ....lied le -day Lod ,ser t•• '..1 1.1itt:ef than SaturLta. aore higher. I eta;aso De, w,lwat ..Inats1 Tsct 1 Lehr: (hall $3101.1,ts' I 1.001111La•C t•tit n 14,41.tr. 4tat 1.“..-tobew at l4W9.' Winnipeg Options. At "n"iteIN,e, W1itt.it C108011 iii in Kit 31 l..y WI,' t N4., ie,. lie. . 0.... 1 ie. V.:Tiber Ma) .* Toronto Grain Market. Wt eat rat. 1..01 1144t to Sib • Nt' i rat, bush ; 4,1,'1 g, - . s•se hush ••1 01 - ••••• . ' ,..ilio• our shouideto droop. alai It ti' t, 1..1 . tit bu.,t,..1 - 6 St 111. -40%v -to Keep 'Young." ''II tett 1115.111 1101 I. why. pretty 50011 1-1,,.. lilv•ht4 ' ..• 6 7°. •••- l'NG NI rs li.ii iiiis Airis. tilt...4.0i "Telfir 4 11...4 . ;I, go III. anti •titr 11,,;',',I,.*:)•••,!,:::!:', - • -. 1 '' •••• 44 lot 1 the tili4ll3 tt het. I • •••Ilet 1.(010.1t Ii %PI 141.11 tilll. :I tot the urttr 4)5h., b „het v et 0 :stated. tier tattier. tinier -ill I lie It le I .. Toronto Da ,v 11.1-rtiet. hu, kled alit' dellztit '1 „;,`,'..1,...,;;- c.o.;q:,4 ....„,,.. ...., ettevate. froti !it .,. ' ...... tr II "'0 110 • l'..t,..t.. ,..;,.. I as Alt x It' 1".-1tIts.). .t t e. 1.4, ... .... ... 1 1!1 1' le t•oti 4' :I 0 . do'r y. 11....i'3.;i , : fil 4:1 -til yid kel.ileilfati Ittrets up las ..."[, ,' ' D.1,,(141. In moo; aNtouttibluent nisi • ' 'tT, y, toy; hot , -6 -14464/.. 1,..x. 44x:101110.d .- , , i) •• 1 •r„_.••... It • t t rt .-•TUU bid, ni, 110e III III• . I um. I i id^ '''',;','',', ,' . 44, ,. 1 ,' ... u•••• aozon .. :: .::, 300 het.- liitted-youre '''-t'IF` new Yen. Coiii,e Market e w. i li, -4'. 411,,...gone •..-4( I tivttier. 'I urn around. - I N FA% 1 • •It... •:. t .1! - l4', I.' Sit "nit. I.e....1, ......1 ,..1 hoe ••el ft sort et t.• no. 944-- - k t.-...9 ,. • 9 1.116. sei........i. -1 he 1...••le I 130'4 the better I II k.,,,.k. '11.11h a • t..itt.eat Nnille Sirs llot 1 '4••••........., S' /-"-N-••• ( CU . 1 / o...f.' . t • '',.,' - '''''',''',1-"tt -;-.11..e' t" - . , • • • • 4 • : ; - -. .5 1.) 1..in,, 11.•%, .1 .,tt - : told to.. I u.1111V1 11 11 1 II,.' Wrap- 1 c-,,-' •'/D' 1.0 «113 TI...i.:,..d tor.tt hat's 140 , / - , .1t• . t it .St..t I It.ti 1e11.114.01. tot. Ill.it , ' . " , . '9 t: 4 0 4 I ;it rill I ..,,t1 3,11 Ill 1 ou t1.1zYtell ; • . • two.;e 1.4.'.0 hand of tutu , ou. ' Sit.' NIAINs L•toL -I r sioaiiii.i.., ..• t'` ' - ' :..'t; ,4 t Itt lilt I., tate ePlt• so I %toll t 1:11.100 I ! 1., ,;(1' ,,,.,4, „ 4„ .,.,„!ti " s - 1, ' ,...-. ' -• • • : pi II .IZ .1 lifth11w-lit t. ow lt: 1"- 1 ../aail. to hat's Moro; honey. you 11 'i be ,. too, V.04 1 illtItlill); t 0V end of th0. oi,i. 'rt'hackitone ‘lis made, to I .2. I. ''.. . . • .•1 I. 1,..!%01.1 th..re 12,7"; .......,...1.1 your le•ad. rind who. the soil - k i ...' • ....loll i i III. filte• , ! fr.rt 1'...zias tu. get wobbly VIIII l'Illl 1 ' 1•-t! lel- Pal, :,0'''.4I 1•I'llt I. Up the superstruoure tau tot- '-irr I. . ‘; i.,.. twIt..1114; alit. ' , hi,.1.,,,.his., "1 Ie I , I '' •''-f•'; .31111' 1'441191' t; -Netithat l'Ill 'against toilet (e W treO: ' •: ' 1,o "h.' w''''' t_lale,sA 3 "lir _fire, no , I liellet e III a I -„i, ••‘‘ hat IS It. 1 ,...,,,,), 1,1,; 711.' 11.0 11111.1Stillus iti , she 1.0intrt• .1. ego rs-Toit: ' us 111. Vila. ant' toilet. t t----- .1 II, n'm just 't • s:••• elie ut siNt;. :14 I• de everY' 11,13' t 4. little touch of i ,,, ,,, , ,,,, t,„tau.. tme..sawin' her twes -1' ' '' " '' " d'e.i'4 / .t,..1 ...IAA. ett.,,,--.4.,....- -r %%lel: • vf ha:. 3',:',... Into 110' • Ilevisse 0,1:1.1 44'1 1 3 ,11 ''111:11:' 11.."11t her st .cak, Ittit atm I .4141I'll It, the ''"I''"''' ; e. I t1110 51 vaiglit hi yo‘.r 1.11.1 hooey n'"u411.t l'''. . - if idie iliiIn't L iv,' a st:aitit ha; a It,' g 1. 11,111 I.. ; : ;.: a ,t.11 upt•n: lilt the ;0,1 till I Et, - lit lit y m- d .14' that Sort III Mita: IA heti your rett.1.. Ire ir % you. ti -- lied. 1 u; ;nal eoltonti logo.. to ilto .;. li t "i'''' 4 ',..iti 19 quit -1-'31M' 01i.9-41 01-9.411 3 Alf 11410 It .1 k It • • 140 If tell li It ..11•1 in't 1•11.41011 a Iii 5TOV L7-4;•11.'inri Don't use as much "Black Kuiltlit" as you 11 rlVe been using of 01 hr stove rellitates. -Voad 'lit need as 11111eil, to rilliaut, gi:ttctin:.;, lasting j.oIti t A utile of i!,0CS a way. And You gets big 4er o of a0t. than tit any uther tt.a: se;:s fall .• 11.f .r anygeel....•1 t.• int lel "Ii..1 it &with' ?Otto.. I . Ii ) t1r. to ed. e,sd4.0. I. a 1.1 Ca661 postpaid. TIE F. F. DAILEY CO. ulnres.. stlIILTON, Makers.. o e -2 in I" Sho• Po t4•••••I'4t•..4"-";";;;•' ••••--"4,1••1111.:71•••,••••;",,r"."•••.'•itt:LI...t.";_it'rtit,.. ,••• ' ' '4' • 4 4 • - _ T.1 I zrd Loaf. Cr at ' . • • . , "I° I .;\ S. a, , La/ A chocolate .confection of ri' h milk choco- la'te and fresh shelled wain ts. Simply exquisite. In and poun cakes. • THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TOSIONT THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW Opportuniti son re ,t -o tritig to . t‘ttre Fine Fur Sets t 1:tirstrlittitte11 anti fitr-Ite iikl t . • I at sei,i11:t. :tivatit.tgeotts t 11:.,t1.itlt,ts..tti,1 misses' Cloth .1t 'tI; fittit due. 1111 C 11%..et.1 the ttit)ite%, ‘ie the t‘tttiti, tot ow- 1)::- Ciristtit ,i :ire ti .at the At .ty. 11 JOHN STEAD ST.. COD' litee C-\iren . Saver Tue./ ih Paldora has a ,ce:t overt. bz.ta..::c tlete: I iterz arkit.. . ot but -I a e.iil.i the yr: r_tit. aou si I Ly the 1% I I ' Vb01.1 1•11 Juut got lonne•.•liii -"I'00°1 04.0W40-t1F6--Tirriritt • • - - vzvls 4 • 11.3 ' ... ' I' .•••1 •' • " 1, .1 i oar sh-atIka's 1.a -h • c. li./t g,tits I. 1,.1t.• t' • , the leitt troat t'e• I 1,1:111.1 It i'.t iti Vr Vie era• 1,11; ' • t.* , 1- 11.11t, i1113'tA•uCt ou till riglit to an ellt..1•2eti•S, 1•e• !It „.< it Cl cry uoiffri•FF-47114:2110 Ta ile 3,4 1 our tlte only n;: llti3141 C, , Sreeri ockr•s. 1:1 ;1 - to . nil anti %% Vile ' ...ztertv 7•311Li•l.. uorkin too hard .0 Thud, 1'l, sit down and emit with yloi • alit hotv Amin be 1:tiiiier. dot% Ii I "'•her 'As I Was golu• to 1-euturk. gilt- resumed Int. 'I utter he 0,112 nriatui.-d imm-eit comfort:tidy ilu tIlt ttIi urn,' WI; some fat Ile, 1•••• 1111.11- hut tells . nlietit Levpiii• a i''lug 141438 rt.,,, being all trill et. • 1411 'l's.. bee° :Inning] here . • ..i,sith•Sable Uwe. Lit* littly lie I ca4I..1 0%4 3 home %1Liat rye* 1 - • 1 reckot. teald 1 hat t.ILL Nee.. ' %%emit!) %%atilt le lite.e' s, at. Ut I. tietitall It'll 1114 lid as site While • litatt•te just a. . 1 s. % i,.• 4 .40, 1114 4.1 1001:a 0 Mho'. (' t:c. 1•0 -.0011. IC) lit! With a tt.u.nili Witt II• 11130; 6111, all Its the (relit! th,t Vittli:1 0 ill lilt. 10114 U. tittli II ' cioritt jest 115 flitil•11 for one ...es ill C It .1.es for Cie other Voure '1 • he t litlliey. just as hole as' )'ill 'reel yuling. II lot it you feel 3.0111;.: i iookt Will take enre of ilbotiu.slc-eu Nov,. there's is g' 'id deal II...re ii t hal sta'onwilt than I Call work out for you nthi e grit O. 11110 his (111;ms .shi/t hot 14 te:1 1411111lierS duel, I, this- Ifia1 fhe 163)'; to"Leet1 s g I» to 1011 _ tattitt they _g_ • 1.AM oil -es and Ito eel ar, dark • t.4 1""" M1C lied to uo 11, 1.01 an/ lartr ;91 1•.•lea nrou r ,itt4 Scry;:::‘z 't.3 it t,ct, thu; Make vo-r new range Itas a site! ovcn, and Pandora' name - on t...2 di'. G. at once., to ncarcst McGlary Agoavt- 4°4 ick ou stz- Pan.337:. czt ovcn uaiunz rai Ics; re p 'I ,,, It !jct. she0- ( ' ,' , ; : ' , .fi:tikr.t it,',1:11'111 I 111,1 1, i'' - * l't, '''' '' '' ,31'' ' '1' ' " ' - ci,ow It: thela . I 't 't ' ' ., ,, ,, , , think it "41 1 ;., ', ' 1 •, ''' 1 N..lit 1,i mit op a t lloIrt )011 get the t '' ' t .' 1' • • ,, c....../. /..,..6111,....ii„,.. , 0,44,,,r ...,......„,.....),c er,---) i.i.1 I.,. Ill tour. ,,t.,'. t' ' 4 'et I ' 4._...4i o.ti th.it *.0 te '''.."' ''.11,, N ' ''°. ' '' I I ' ./t to so 41, ' "l" ,7 t',. ,,C,,,,I '• , 4..4 ,.... 1. II H$1 1, I 1 11 a s , ,,„,,,,,.., lt,r,41 ,,,,r. ,8 t_t: 1,c,r._ _LI 1../.7 4..1;11,C LY '1 :1e I ; 0 lo'.'1.... if al'_$:.1.V_.a.._•• LJ , I. :1-..si''';'1 • The Most Interesting Daily The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There arc the daily Home • Pages -the daily instalment of a gJo4 story-tt..: Social and refsonal columns -the illustrated. daily Fashion Hints. But the "z --tar's" strongest appeal to the wide-awake woman is the unusually interesting way in which it presents the news 01 a*.:•Cie world, day by day. There not a dry line in'it -yet it is not sensational or in any way "yellow." just good, clean, wholesome, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's worth reading a`iout.. Subscribe ns.w and take advantage of our present rate of of • • t tortt.li •t Pry • '-st • • • • • (LI 4,11 O. Init. I v.•'•• •,. 1 . 01 j,..; • ihjee • , uick Retsurns e'er vat 1., tit. 0 • 7-tr " t), Sit ti-ocitt . III a Jar *.•,.... • t53..!.t , 1., • 1 1.1 • • ' herr It . **Lon% IN hi it tine as tit. tints {. .. .'1“.4A.,". mt., . k vo-oe fou.l. ea , tr „44 Si .lsit that hatnre I y r et. . I. .1 •.n. a: 1 It.•111.111 ti la• e. 111141 It she II • t les he. r e A le: • ...tee a .1 1.4 0 to -Iv. 1.'4. X oli t Pr - . te• t• t...t 11Vtieti t• Iva SIC e far. 1 I W. 1.11 tit. ' Ut.r.11111.1 1, 0 0 .0 at .1 .1 v I an, - • %alit r Honest Assortment r 11$ I. :1 al t It c. '1 . LI 01 Correct rlarI:rt Pecs Ir.-- ail it:adi of 1,011 1.11 Heti hatter artificial flit •11 etty utth her as tong ;I ,.• It -I' ls (lel ,..if t t*Ith face in the I..'Ut :tad the jet she cali Out I:, A Nilo Ight ha, L 11191 u 01141 I •0+1.- t-1-4.04- naHee Ak. ex. to.... int e.t ,- 44, • • tt. :"•-• • Li, • - rme. le Church - • Io tn. it evp a. ler 1.t. tri tr • * 0 /01 d X of woo... ,,,1: Ut, *1 .1 r • C ru • 1'1 111 •: t I. , to mare , Ito TLeri• s fetal... e. uses tor strep--:M.Tr , , • I ,.• . •••91; T .• .1. i JELSPIliti Ig.EW. ._ p aados. ain't It? Huh: Well. I don't rare what you label It. It's the right 'smuts. tit course you understand I'm not 13 '1U. about years; Im talkin' about \44 look and feelin's. I've got to admit that me ban some Influence. but Its only :Mee. I know a fellow down- town svi's thirtytits years old and Is' acts like be was about ten. There's %ith a tbhkg as keepIn' too doggone roung, you 'know. I've seen women _ i i hot way too Then there'. another - • te'iow I know wins ain't iisTer- Tail' • and he's dyitt' et old age right now. '.44 ou see, hooey, the calendar don't ,omit in the game Ite much as people int:mins. Its the looks anj1 feellnl, - . but principally the feettil. that Mali you old or keep you young. , ''And you need just twn things. lit- - tte girl, to rem 7011 &MR' 70001. I've been Iteepto• them a ssere,t, seem' them for you. One of"them 'LI what Tr taittedif VW upperitm-thervather's a tormiglit beck. One Is n mental atti- tude toward life; the other's II phis- ieni condltfori. A man or n women with a stiff upper hp don't get dia. couraed. don't get the Nel, don't worry about Whim, When a Meet ., clam' comae along eh* grabs It sod turns I, around en the sliver Sala' w lei show; she Ands out what her allnq eismeate armatemikeeweae.... skew aaselialal Itt, on- 10 lalit'. 11.01 1.1111. Mild' hone tu;P•u.' RAW FURS Z1d Send your c3lloction3 to REVILLON 'RC& es..• -•-•s ..s• The 1.-carier thc Fur,Tra.tc re' I 34 at 136 Mnedia , Metres,. lit• any ae, .411.1. It's Just tam- ww",,,,,suin,;;„,' Ss 1•.4. 6, • I N .1.. • 1,fur the asking re ua.o.mterateil vete. the 4,tn.•• 'Air P. 111'. e et k • , Wit ear ItXPRE.4s CHARGES it Is. e re •4111 et lit 12;t tte,., I.t • 4.14., • I 11; . I LC/4 • uo.re or le4tt. luestly Were, :oaf • $1.50 A Year Th,e paper and **Toronto Dv!, Star" together for on. year- .11 Ouivonlood Lenten rffIl tor 50e. added to abort sutalCroption Toronto Daily Star 1. = diZEMNIMP Brioins in ctilvcs an! Hardware r • curl= c,„ a 1,„,.i.riii, 6.11.1,tai!..ii to :eat III p•., 1.f. •Ives Vor . al o • i t u. e to e --- hel WWI the i•Ourch tune. utot contre : tr... ,7-f-t-iltatt• .a ii., , . ..1t . .7kr",, . r '. 1 . . :.1. T.(' rv) y-,- -- LW. :1.1 11111 .0111e. • boom:. it s tkiii....1 - • ., . ,• - • ,u. .1.,.. ., I liaal to i;,.t littu. •t:13.- /.....I. -4T '''.%..,.., • • ' s ,..„„„._, -41 La,. I do," a pillar of the elotri II, und I E,,,-4. 1a.:,1•.%..,, ..0 .... .1. to.. .;,. ? e; r to', 1..:, 1: 1,...3 15:1,. I., ,...itti lilt 0 weal. li • 1• i1.8. 4.'o .-,u .. .. t 'I' 'o 11 A . patty, after new deacons I'd be teleoUt ir e • 'e ' • st; • . s 1.• . S."-, •tc 3 Zoi. 01.1 fie, e 4-7'; * .0. - •rs .. * . ; , ....i?" i 7A110.0r; t • t . to... o 2 , 4s144-4 •9100 e. Al • el• • '00 • ' ' • ,• I'' the LuatIll.l.u. II 101114. 0.49 Holt the . hurt -Is he a IstiAlst) good ltstitit to bitch out to, Whether yoUre Uguhihi' 00 happitiees lu Attie world or ilk, twit, d.twt wean to say that the church 'II carry a luau into heaven. Nvt by • tong jump.. Anybody ran join the church. but gettlie through the pearly gate./ Is a different proposition. some of the meanest. nu 'counting people I ver had any dealin's with belong to I lie church, and If I thought they bud through tickets to the green tields vt Eden I'd Wait to go the abet -wiry. nut .1 know tby haven't. I know thy'll all be brushed off when they try I.. come under the wire at the dulab. and so the things they do aed the thIngi meregy SO" DOMt me lint!. 'bit. On the other band, I believe a mon or a wanes. If theyve got the rignt kind of a disposition and the neczessary 'stiffnss of backbon, can worry along hruugb Wit lOut lItsartterartarttr wt. tied In the hereafter without any belt from the church. But -and I can't make that 'Thor too strong it's only one in a thousand who can du that. The other 1109 need Rome help to keen 'em from wandeetn' off the straight- away track that lead. to happinew Ind Omen mad everything eine that's worth havlag.-Oolosatt Jobe Sneed. ,,,,__•' t• I ,a ••: • a - : a ' t • 1 ' - .4 PL'-a'N-Is L• ... :. 4 .1.4 :... -,i ' ., ansr,ratu 0 , .. i...' .11•. ' ' les*ArL;ts•an"-)r 1 'eal•-the elm,. fl.t. ...*-.41. u, . ,,, ....., TAI OILED r.s. lesser, Pt tu 0.75. li„oit-11,ei;tie;;4,000 1,ps.1:. fsalr tic.. and 14.4' t, ...I., teeer. Lents. P. $3.11. triltitel. VILA to .0,31: '.I kr•rt. E" 1.4 $111/: time iv, ity et. 14.05115;;1- i 1 vi I- stais. IS to 116.7.t. New York Live Stock. Will. NOT LEAK_ NEw y.otg. Nov :1 -Il.' -iel;ta•. 5010 DY 013I 4 c .-..1, choice steers stead), otters a . o• &ALM ITTITINTISI ond 10e to -.::„. lower, hulls- fileahlt• I,,street ; manhunt itiel good ...e• •1.111 1.4 T ! COLMAN OntOCHSWIK Capetian LK Us. to :So 1,e -et , ittes•re. 14.4, to- al Sr. bules, U: . to 44.7:., . cows. St*, to 1114. taw rites. err.--nr-titetrer-frawone, , Caltes-It...Ipts s.2:, marks( steady tc GARMENTS 'THEY LOOK WELL WEAR WELL A13 Wrung , seals, t; to $11, choice. 1110.4. Ind in, eul.s. It re t•I 14.3; gr:IPOICIII. 114 t. $ta. Yea. Walk $4.:4 •st LI a Makes Solid Flesh Itecati‘e it creates an appetite. It builila up the ja.led, run-down system in a natural way 50C. and $1 tt) bottles at all drug- gists. ode sure you get the genuin. • Ds... 141 1.01•Ienee Co.. Stoatreal. A Good School In which to traln fir earn In a 'Vot eitlitellr Is tb. ('dated Business College of Toronto. Our fins Vie.. storm esimon• rme 174AUS- equitet. If younsre htterered hprepatitnel for and securing a protid MC" iiatThrri, write 11HM7stit delay. Adress W: H. SHAW, • Principal. Li • Our sales have been enormus this season, and 4 a fin,ith.r.• .ut :Jt Ores ifiLl 1Zatit.zes ktt • offer n.; prices on to sell tile ti 4t E% er% Stove or ilatteze is tzttaranteeki to antriiier Ye sell Sioves r aifferent firms, and the lat.est sto;I: and sell at the lott est prices. It vct 1 11:C1- aS3v: thTs is mcitley. We have a number of good second-hand Ranges and Heaters for sale, cheap. 1 lap& . Any Int. III tti • W• 1.111',' I•Vrit Pt • f II eV' Ai 4.151 Limo,., 1‘10.-- TfAft.t. 2$'u»Ile. It.t Trade. Ht. to *I let e.** CLutie. Tt ap. each. Ma -ng and Hall Lamps Wtt illtte 10111e Ape 'i -sI •••I nt siltui tuber.. Electric Maw* owl roam es. Buck Saws Thick Stitirl. Ohl each. Azini Irma Handles, S.ie each. Gloves and Mitts Erety style snit size. Boys' Ta -r %te.- pste n.t1, Cotton Gloves, lAhs for 284 . Bird Cages OiL a ti• -w eve. Our I'. to, .1,*1 our lees al Nit 1,1 Si 0'1 each. Bit .1 m,ed, Cape, Spritnes. etc. Oil Heaters See mir rew Oil Hester. dee. 00,44•1.s. sinsy ins 'fuel nil 'glee'. sin 'lit •nsii heal -the 5.1 thing I',. 1114L cold sown. Weather Strip 'Wather HI, ip for *loots and window, special at Ile per fioo.. Cattle Chains ('ttl• Chains and fk•Il Fix - torn at special prices. Leather Halters, 7k each. horse Clippers Every in Ike a nd 0 t, v 1 v. SpeMel at 111.1111 to Li 01) per Pill. EXISI .. i .. Mit neW Wove add Sheep -Clipping Machine. • Prisco Lanterns 1 A.e the bort-they give malls feel inn. $1 Ill I., .4.4111 mirth. Children* Lanterns. 230 each. • horse Blankets) Special at $1 .11) each. Guns Shot, powder. artridge., Wads, every size and 'ci t•• e 10111. (kit)s s1111 Rifles. We have a complete stock of Hardware, Tools. Cutlery, etc. Worsells' Hardware Store 111=11111111 35/2102211M Ulla ' 1 • ' ••.';•LIII1if.1•31112"