HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 7\.4 )CAL _TOPICS. for Goderich. • I I, tie caste and the principal unto parts k is figuring on a new prop- Will bo taken liv twet 10,-41 juvenile ice raring Meet for node, sat on 'eider the auspiees lerish 11tH Sw Mni:ket c deft in tie have the riche.; on at the Agrieultittal• grOunds. Iii be rprinkled with water raelon. ttlent. Master h:rnest, Davis. itupil sof t be (isnleri ti id Music. Kew N1'0114141., it Toronto, whos.• dancing Wls enjoyed by everyone last seasetii. will ink.. pert again this Fent% Mins Vern ‘S'illiallin, the Inman dan.•- ing sits., win' take 'part in the "eosa la. • MI . Jordan lila tee chorus dustrial Proposition. trained to its 'bind excellent..., and heidin hi iii receipt of ii the )u -torment.« will be pi-etty and ni eat fi. he solitelorw Of spec! seitlar. For this- at t rits•1 is .si NI r. ,1us whirls is looking Joist sit is istt.t.tlliisg it spot light and K The company v..1.111,i moving pieiiire tuachine which will Arley site einevenielit -tii greatly ash! hi the elynet of tlie choi.us diet aria Would pill lip a JJJJJ herd. 11 *3..sklor 44,141.111d1 Presentation to Miss Annie Clark. 'vestment of itle.sitt ask., what indisceinents . the A reccitt 111111110.r of The l'orkton o titter in the we y of hones (Sask.Euterpe 'se gives en itecomit a farewell wither -Me hold at- - Siutb., ill honor ot MissAnnieI lark, Baker. r who left; et the end of list month to Ferguson rind Miss Slaled take* In...dime as teacher at.. Norte It of lioderieh, write iii ited Miss Clark is a daughtet p. sin Teewilny evening at .-f Nlr. nits' Pe.tter Clark. ot t ehitreh personegt.„ Swish lielett-, anal* well remembered 11Is a i;. It., h.rtner pupil of the Ooderich College le gr's lllll 101 141111411 the ale lii.dituS Ills. hb e. ab d een ter eche eart Melia 4of I he tireletieb Lit, -',oldie school ft r cen se factory, iii 'I id a ison of • IMO., atal ha4 hail art . as iirgioist bit ehia- o both the patine -rhea -root the Sterhn- 'alkerlosi, and the bride. j.. dist iiigregstitios. the eourse sit r of 311r. anti Mrs-. Peter - the evening -ail ••iuldress este...sing lie townehip .f Stanley. appres-iatioil s.8 her serviees 411,1 . . g gat` wished for her future welfare Concert. ,s4t44 rt:IS4I'liy the l'resbyterien , pastor, o 'egs for the Junior Bend .wl le the Nletliodint ministei pre. I leirsday. Decm eber nth, Nen si a ha:lifetimh e and -bag contain - *sing Gat "edits', And the Mg it' gold. Slime (141k ',tette St is plIttilog toolsth 14Vely MIliti41 reply.• t haeking the Slieho 'tinker it a !meat ediceetis._twi.... e kindre-aw thuin.ez \tier of this eroneert. .withthe stay sit e and expreesing.. her regret vstried titeribere, sited, pas tit wi..11.4. Wan Y kind Iliend1. ;rte.. tents. mit in aafew Company: ---popider 13 11 ,119! and:A - I 'Ilan II insure is large 4101..114.e 1.1144 WINO 1 1.44114414, who appeered in etaleelt of this popii• V1,14.114 114 re Holele on MI mday erving lag ,nination. evening, gay a pros/tam which woe thounighly • rjoyed from begin - for the Mayoralty., neng entL Viso Stahel iliadts...I. of M. II. Cnitsmon, K. C..the. first -e cultivated entisened lately in ',mitre, Vloke 01 e014.141•41 isle .to )Wer anti Wits utnicipal election surisperis. Isearti to titivating& ha the quartette Jim, with The Signal to. 1111111 Mios Ruth Wellington ex• interon stated .thitt,he rec.- 'rens as it vinlinist anti tioiebty mane fact that Die .0 lllll •il ,if herself a buy4olite with the audience. hair to fare us gleat deal Her playing was perhaps the best. I:. Ile 'heel twee 'asked to feistier et ile. progiaut. Niko, Proses he tiosysernIty nri.1 wsiuld has a full. deep %seise. which WAS Vel y .e lei d g so if he is, tt,ltI effective. its the...quartette r'.. nines nf the elect isin (it a tier readings %Ie. were- received with ii Its back him tip. I much is . • Miter Satlipson luAs sweet, wa ell- Mod Mated is and roung • 1,4 solo,s wet.. beard with pleasure. I oet wedding- eras ...Ilene 'no- 114 olist Was is kol.114 • 1.011.ilirrilig ,eV., Father M,Itme tit St; th.. ',to' my weenies -id the evening, teh foli Wed oi4.1,ip irn• mill the. entertniiiiiient. Whirls was ber 28th, when Miss Jean the hist i, Mr. Jordan's course, lighter .1f 'Si •, a,ssl Ara. WM% 4 -1404,041 fon. the 101. WK. iii attract inns.tti c . which. 31 rids of matrimony to Her. IP+, will hits ev,;ii. rAs sift. ider-ch 1-.)14.4"1.. -than this "petting one. . • 1/11)11 Was attires! is, brown .• sni with (lir* Ana a hat , New Grain Elevator. ,Its4lisiest by her •ister, .%. J. t • eq...1- now hits Ids new grain while Ernest Voting' acted elevet or in r order and is. pre - tine: er'flrt. Pcfigjijjy pared .to pay Itielftgnior-prteertifferiet .inple lett un the -7:15 tient sit 'isis y must ket in t:aliAna. A I sit her sit.'., Trunk surveys,r ea* in town recently d Society. , and laid mit the se itch whit+ IN I.. I MI G. the elevatot, and it is ors of the Grelerir I, liodtj., lbe rails will lie 1.01 f,i a few day.. letY met en witordaY last . The elevator is thirty-six teet by :dirt v lite helves of is Tante.' t is Lb, frame teriki- "'Pt Prrnli"cs in t"an• 4'1'1'1111e 011 it isetindntion. 'The ....mum tee, b. go 4Iver Issilling was Is -it up 1.y S. E. 'Perry, of 'senile •rete it iii the All 111141 1.1s1 61414, and the etigine stud bucket« dileelots„Wills+ in pub- ' supplied -by t dchne Sle( ,Slai here in this isnue. . ot letrubin. thee twang a el-. pet tuning to civic :.Is. p. gasoline engine. -The elevator ..ecupied some rime and it j sets, a 111.111Si bushels and 1,55 "Id" with °I"! can iitilo:141 at the rat.. I 5011 bushels If time is. time to /kg. jp,k,.. kb,. coop -1 has shown n.iety may think tad vis:.ble , „dm& is.. in putting up eeeretary was instructed.,,.,set en up -toilets- letibling. and haw- , the coliegiete In..sutsitc inir it. on the railway t reek will 111e4t1 calling al tent inn It the ' notch for lie fetich, ts.iMi. Cooper will plovementerin the school ',ow IT able to offer the higheet pi ice+ for ginin, and will thus Iv aide Li, build up a first main minket Chive. New. -Wren) 1 ist. week is is story of the unit) Isit 10 (10deriell Of ons of ring town's. eititen : "(One mem eitizens suede an un• CHURCH NOTES. it te Gude' sri, lest Fridny wan returning from the' bete. co..prt intends using the 'ski elevator anti Owl, ,r lee, as a his ir end toed store for t he retail end of the business.. - - -n the train renc)ied l.tat Sunday evening }Lev. 11. 'A. (net :introit and the firnt. Wright:II A., rector tit Kincardine. %sae when the ',take. twriipieM el the ',ed teeorge's Ilielerieh. Of emits� chinch vely aceePlahlY. et t k itt stopping- all li.V. Richard II s. 1. Is., of gee. he (lid Is rnistitke wt,istd ter. the pulpit 'It Niirt h el hie Cr rubs would not street Nlethielist chiketi lent Sunday len the jok Pie lie hired is and delivered LW;.; vigsentas sentient, ot-tkeee in t .epy man dre.ve her dangerous t. g '('its'aelf1,4,111 tripiro-norreenstetb for .014 team- Strneav next sit Si wiorm sursast Meta. sk hini eherch are,.as lolloWst : 11 a, m., a OBITUARY. •TVir sQTGN A I GODPRIPH ni•rr R10 McDougall. A ten ya*-111rityss of pneumunia awl pleitrisy teriniuited in the death of John McDougall ssn Friday !AM at his ou Eldon street. He was, sixty-one years and three mouth* of ale and had lived all!his life in Gude-, rick township and the Limn of Comte - rich, moving to town some twenty- three yeare ago. One brother, Peter sleD, entail, id -the 5th emeession. I nale.i.-11 LoWnsilip. stnst foie. eist.u.s. 'the Mi•sea Atiuie and Kate and 31cDotiabl eeti Mrs. %Urinate, ell of townships survive. Sirs. NIctlougell alai a i sandy of (Mailer)* and tiro eons, the 34.isses Annie. Kate and fillit And Wilk,allul II/OUril the lost of hisabned and lather. The tonerei s.ul pia on Monday lUtirniug to St, 'Peter s chureh, where 11141is Was said be, It -v. FetIter Meter, it11-1 thellee To the itomitu 4's huthe cemetery M otne. pell-bearers were John Young, ' -John Lace). John 31eA vow, Criaries Si' tr. Tito -alas Locey and R. Phelan. NlacVlcar. - Orte-of the welianown residents of tioderich 1st forite•r years parsed away In Ti&olito tun sentinday last in the per...us of John MacVicar, brother of our towiasman Jawed MacVicar. The theteaseeti-iverl-neem-or-ferilitig-henith-for yeatr reit his death was quite •iinexpe :tell, lllll ing lie result of a stroke tif sPoplexy. The 'remains were. brought. tse tioderich for Moo. - merit./ he tuner»l being held un 'Slum - day afternoon. Rev. James A. Ain derson condtietedi he services atal the pell-bearers weie Willies,' Ctumbell. Alex. Johnston, bleoege Edward., Jemieson Reid Thomism IleKtmzie eariti-i-/TTElward. Al 4.• ViCat Wiii kill railwity uction for it good portion of his lifetime, anti in cimmsetion with his wark spent many years in Texas and West Vir- ginia. Ile is nurvived by one win. A. I', of Tutontif, With whom, she heti toen living bitterly. end besides his bt•tither there are three dieters living, Mrs. Thiamin lyie and .31rs. John cart yle, of Brantford, and Sir.. Alex. (!arlyie, of Edinburgh. Scotland. - • Howell. " • . News was received last week of the death of Sluts N'esta. Howell. of %Vin- iiipeg. gaatiddaughter of Mr. and Men. 'S'S. s,. Potter, of town. Miss finWell ems well knave in Gotleach. which Wes her Ratty.- ply*, Five years ago she neuVral- With her 'Mother, Mrs. D. 31elver, us Winnipeg. Lnst summer she and ber .ittler sister, Miss Mr Ile. both visited Istalerirls, and Miss Si este, wile, wits an tweomplinhed singer, sang a solo in North street Methodist church , • lllll lay mousing during her strut Ilea... Her death took mace 011 Sate -Huy; the 13th just.. alter alt illiiess of two or three weeks. The Wluairiseg lereglalal .4 the 1;t1t Oust - has rm. ',mowing reference The fusier41 ot the late Miss Vesta Howelp,• dangliter 'er Mrs. D. McIver, I, ok play- Monday +mermen* from the Omni residence, Mfr. Lengside street. 1,1 very leirgely attended. Miss Howell luasi bee11 for strum SOW if the C. N. it. audit sniff, where one was very highly esteemed, and to theta and her v friends tne an llllll ncement. of her death was a great •hock. 3lies Howell Was tut as dispOentioA that al - 1 raeteil ,unituy friends, their apprecia- tion being siloWli tor the. last time by covering the casket with flowers, is g them being: Coos. C. N. R. audit 'staff ; wreaths front the folIns- S. scott seal family. I). SI. Hints- ,•11,a3t. w. Shepard-, NI. Williams. F. Stephens & Co, travelling staff : slid slimy. loan Mr. and Mrs. A. %V. Broalsoick. Mr. and 'Sirs.. Hs - Sprung, Mr. and Sirs. J. C. Gillespie, 'SI,-. and Alta. Gest. Payne. Mr. and Mos E. M.Cooper, Miss Edtin McGuire, mites Helco Snide. Mr. and Mrs. J. Heslip, Mr. and Mrs. NV. MO iillough. Jay Johnston, Stewert Shepherd; c. Itedgegood. 114ttientild Glace Sleteaw, .11e. and SIM'S. A.I lialsover. In.' pall-twerers %Pie S. Gode, ieb kV, Sheppard, I. Belgegood, D. W. holo insole. J. Johnson 'and W. Mitchell. gev..rProfessor Hart officiated. . Gallagher. Lucknow Kentinel : One of the most respected citizens of Our', village 1,,,ss,ei float the been, of this worlu's activities at an early hour on Friday morning. the 12th inst., iti the person of 'lent y He hail been in his usual health up to 'Wednesdey evening, wt.en- tie experienced a par; tint feature of sight, baying ettfelrulty in finding hiss way home trent the . Theirsdny -ler he was not ing well he did not leave the hotese, and towards evening his contlitiOn be- came suddenly jalarminicand contort - tied to glow worse until death re. 'level! him shortly after midnight. Mr. traliagher Was horn in the year 1545, on a hum near Carlow in Col- borne township. 'S's bile quite young he apprenticed himself to Horace !lactate, of Lioderich. to learn harriess- inakinit.trina remained there a num- her of years working at his trade. In 141 he was waited in Marriage In Julia Phario. daughter of John Pharis, of Gods -rich. They !bed for is time in Ann Arbir, Mich., and moved to Liicknow about thirty-four years ago. For a number of fixate he worked at hin trn.de and about fifteen years ago he began business for himself, which he iticeterifittly cnbducted to the time of him death. Besidea the widow he is servived by two daughters. Mrs. enry Mather., of Me boundary is , and Hattie, at home. One son, Jam who died in Toronto threat years •o. was a young man of much promise, wing tweretary of I he Stark 'elephone, Light and Power co, of that city. Is survived also by one. brother, John, who realties on the old home farm in Colborne, and three sisters, in Aelifield, Wawanonit and Goderielt. Me was a member of the Methodist c.htirch, and eery highly re- spected as a citizen. It in cafe to say that no one could Tie found to !peak ill of him, while eXpreseions of regret and sorrow woe general throughout the town. Hin funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon to fireen- hill eemetery, was very largely at- tended. McClinton. One sit the old residenta of the county peened away At Weettleld on Thursday of Jest week in the _person of John McClinton, father of Mrs. H. i 1. Marriott', of town. The demigod nafore, nactice for "H. 'Si. S. Pin- sht together over 1:10 sif sI children in tiottericb, fr lllll the enthitninisin Find 11';v,e -Yed by the little one's This "seinen may be Is.' xpected "Pri'd 'The ehoriel hasm e w•iterbol progress and- ncerchntlY suil , Rotondo have been It. wee anti n satorday afternoon at the Hark est (sing, gatiou would hold a se will be a full practice eatprwr acO rid neer Thilraday, It House (both boys and cember 2nd. the i»se of whieh Parents of the children was to nid the buildi fund. teast the D. O. E. are week, however. sit s mf-rence of 1 m 104 to attend. tin Mon- members of the conirren gat the stirr • folluwitig days of next per %var. given up in favor • direct ices will he held in Mt. contrileitioes to the fund, sub- mit mons, the leertwof-thet stottaum ird sbeing contributed/ the g been kindly granted by conference. Although the nippier as A. been abandoned the concert will proceeded with on the above .late. It will)). literery end musical evening. It is expeeted that an important feat- ure or the pt•ograni wilt he eriertirene from '''SI,-. (lists" by local interpreters. A. Cook. %rowan : Miss Heinicke, v elinist and other musical talent first itf a moles on "The P1,., IWO Sen.- The «velem toren et the Ilaptist inch .4441 tlePII next Stindey are; rung, -A Preblern Heil," rig. "The Marring of Manhood." the fouith end last of the ripe on "Slenhooti." The preaehi at both services. Onte: need lied week that NI. Hospital, mots of the Empire will "eel tea in the (Main -Wren' 4Inesday afternoon. flee. Ills')' will also have is .y1volk, fa table :of home - .14" a candy fable. and\a-V1 1-eirtivetlatire to the entertainment. Is•ropen at 3 o'cl. wk. .1d The Heinieke orcheotra alma will he ems. As the ladies have ['repents The admission fee will he tl the town, they will tWe la mita, tintlittAtitiA of awe Of the sent to the Oddfelllows" pabibisaggs crown. -The k L." elock Wednesday after- Emulsion, (Or those suffering, from ILIPPP 1114, Thus' Publk In severe pongee,' mut- hemorrhagess is hesinvery liberal in re- used with the'greatest benefit. arty demands on their Choice new raieltim season'sn connection with the crop -a pounds fox Customers w Daughters of the Ent - will please hook. eerier* a.earl°, as 'thin" to add to their weenie at 31tremen VANATTIffis, "la* by"'""•41\ Harnikon street.- ry successffill financially. Court tioderich, No. :12. C, O. F., will I -Visit from Mars." hold a ball and oyster winner in Odd- fISI will he given !fellow.' Hall on ,Fridey evening, De - 'Pena House on December , cemher Ilkh, The meridiem art pr -a - ' direction ofJ. R. Jordan. I paring to give thefr gueets of the neatly sixty children in evening • good time. WAY born in County Antrim, Ireland, sixty-one yeara and. nine months ago. lie was married iii the old land, end while still quite young he cattle with wife to Csnedia, eettling at Plain. bora', Ont., where he taught school • 711-1:YeTstH)..k V. Nov. 2fIrd. N. A. Popplestime visited in Exeter a taw slay- -ba-u Mine Millie of Bow Jvis. itled relative. here thia wee)V. ' for a number sit yeers. Then his moved to the township of East Wii- .1. S. McKinnon, of Toronto; Nisited wanoeh, pin -chasing a tarot, of which his rioter here the end of last week. his son, John. took charge. , For F. Metcalf is still afflicted with iiN'121r111A'n taught jailis Anti is haa busying hard schr".ot1 Ye'iN onrtlie3113rt.h concesaion of Hull- time of it, lett, for three yearr lie Was master of A 'the Westfield school and after that full.„1 sta'ermfit.'.nisid chteiirlisioanit.Ieuntde•:%,:..hte. for seventeen yt•ars he taught51,15(51on satinday. sit Londeshor-o'. walking out every -31onday untriiing„ ii distetice of flvenir six miles, and back on Friday nigh.. On S du: -days he worked on the ferin, MON*, of 'Fortune), welts visit - never Missing a day f. the. ' school lug the skit ovcr Sunday. • ' througb sickness, for 111411V years. miss M. Floody. v, iso lots 'won in ..‚Shout twenty ye trs ago he gait' '41, Toronto Visiting lief la other, E. sehoot teaching, end since then had i"t week. been or penoion. Mr. Me- i mm i,ilinn. h4", con.. Clintotn wife abed kine year,. two fined to the homer' with a severe rola:. and one daughter, Mrs Jackson Wight as Is able ts" Attend Lo bled sne.n• •ians. *isnot two yearn SIP). Nine children """' ("twel.IY a. itiodelich. 5.1 us',! HegleY. sit laieltniCav, was visit- ith his parents here the past asitith.voivinee: ;.1(Niihr.n Julius f‘Naiii..issii wl 1.1f.tikw. being stumble to %stork on accontit RsiiserIVL, NN%-leds.4t)fin:Id."1:1Maren.dJohinr4.Airtleit. I A. Somers.. who huts been laid off rickneso. ifs.rs „f wi'ngh.s,„ Jew" Helps, ,it work with a actions attack oi alupeli- GOlden. COL ; 3.1111. ,ilieitid. We are glad to report, is get - ell, of South Dakota': Mrs. Jame., I ting along nicely. ANirrins. lot _m.riSasrkasti,:. o(it (io.lPrmcb, f.w.ty fern jwifdr:yneletrro attended the rail - ball at tioderich on I he blurred took place on Sat ti day. Ntonday *Welling of this wrgk, having I ..ervieem being eonuueted at the West- i an enjoyable thine. field Church by Hey. A. E. June., pas- etniSiderable amount of Imultre I tor 'if the Auburn circuit. The pall- is ('aittiuig into town, ma on ar:eotint f the wear her being so nithl the buyers are, not very anxious for it. The tirtit thly fair will be held tiowoli wit. *member of th.„ 11,,,.tiy. here next 'fitestiey, November 34th., -terien church. hut hater he- joined-U*44, 4rinoll'dolfeltAtAteW.:1:110Z c'grigew711. diweni being iounattc.eotrIwie Marie Mason, who had the mirror- inHae fwaasvornedot althaell accotii:.e•eijvnatpoivle- mute boiling milk fall on her 1 tune a couple of weeks ago tar hew. Cgs, IN petty. Mile to attend school again. Leong nearly all,right. Mrs. A. 31, Rabb, of 'Teeswater, visit itig her patents, Mr. and Mrs. .11cQuari ie, lwre this week. lir. Annie Itomi, of Purl ph, anti Mix. bearers teem six grenchenns of the de- . -eased, Mausin, .V i Ilium, John , and Alva McDowell. Maitland Henry and Elwin Taylor. In eeirly life Mr. Mc - Spence. 19 the death on Saturday afternoon last of Mrs. 1._;ilen '1'. Spree widow of ree late Cremates *Waco, an, aged Cieristian passed to is reweid, the stir lllll ons•coniing at about I :31) o'clock. About is Week hefs.re hes. death it be- eAnie evident to herself and to those ars tint her thet she wits nearing the end of life's journey anti tin Friday she fel % int;u istiCOnseioUsliesd and re- mained in that conslit' until death robe.. 'rise funeral treik place bow residenee nn the Huron froad, its 314itiand cemetery. tin 3londey, and although the weather Wit's Very wet and chilly is number froiu tiewn and country gathered to Aurae their re- sioct fuer the deceased and their sym- liat ley for the sorrowing Matt res. It -v. James A. Anderson conducted Pie services at the house "and at the grave and the pall-beareris were Unties tieolge Lamprey. John Mc. leiblion,- John ltodkr. s, James 1 uill an 1 Joseph !hirer, ohs tietighleorn of II..' deceased. Mrs.' Spence was burn about sev.nte•four yea,. ago on the Teodoro of Soutersetehite, Eterband, said while she Was wine voting the family moved to Devonshite. Foll- ows.- time she attended 'salon' in S duerewtshire. and afterward.; at - termed college at London. where she received a first - class education, ac- quiring Un. ability to uncle' stein! rev- ers! languages. She VOUS married at Holcienle Rogus county Devon, in the. year lMXi and went to live on one of the Ot kney Intends. In 1/417 the fie mily came to Canada, living at first. hi the village of Wingharn and &Het -- Weeds in other partn of the county. In bed the family settled, in the town- ship ot Ooderich. whereMr. Spenee died in RISS. Atteu her husband'. death Mrs. Spence continued to live with her WTI, one of her daughters be- coming a whiml teacher and the other being married. Although her . former hits'was,very different she NOOD be- rates. mem:aimed with the (twirl' of farm life, and being a very intelligent 'volute, and always -ready to help any- one in tired, she was a comfort to all with whom she came in esintact. ATeen six years ago she 'had a severe illness and lost the use of her lower limbs, and elven afterwards she be- came altienit helpless. Though un- able to resume the activities of life, her sympathy and Christian ...ounieel were a comfort to those around her, and being a great reader she WAN Able to enjoy life to some extent at learn,. though at times 'she suffered a gond deal of pails. A short time agn the family moved to town. and took up .rsesialetiess•to the Huron !taut near the U. T. It. crewing. Two daughters survive, Mies E. T. Spcnce. school -Psinsitetoft A. A. Williams, of Dunlop. and one win, Chat les J. Spence. ()flown. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Read MORRIFIR sit VANTATTER*14 ad- vertisement on page Illthie week. Choirs, teas end coffees at *liftmen le VaNaprgres. Hamilton street. (little,. hustler and tooth egg,. at Mosli At V AN ATTISFes, Hatnilton Street., The NV. C. T. C. meets in the Temp- eranee Hall the second and tot Ia.. Mondays of each month at 3 o'clock. Fresh nausages now in stock -the home-made German kind -at 3Ion- Rpm le Vas:AY-riot's,. Hamilton street. "Lifehinty soup" is delightfully re - teething for tether or toilet. For washing underclothing it is unequal- led.Cnses and purifies. Elegant. Co tumes to Be Seen S\ s Here Soon. The pietureopie Highland Scottish es -entwine in the' rlimax in enstiiiiiing effects used by ALloney's Boys,' who are ROOM to appear here. Each of the Ike boys wears the tartan of a eliffet- ent Scottish clan. One wears the Gordon tartan, nnother west* the Victoria plaid, another the histrnic old McLachlan, another the Wallare tartan atul another the Hunting Stuart. Besides thew, the littler:trai- n/tit wear the ootta and cassock for their sailed wing', fancy dress Mexi- can ecottlynes avith the sugar loaf hats, cadet liniforms and immeeniste tailor snits. of white .rigoe. The POMAtenft are tumidly in keeping with the songs. They add imineanurably to the inter- est of the program, and every number epilogs a nurprite of tonne kind. Monday. December 13th. Is the data fixed for the aprearones:nf "Honey'sBola" In Ooderic Collector Westlake reports the taxes coittisig in %•ery freely, which shows a good stete of fleaneen, as the retepayere really don't need to pay un- til December 11th. Jas. Koss, of Alberta. is here at prevent visiting his father and his sin- ter, 3Irs. D. Nbii,ovan, who have both been seriousl, but Et least Mr. Rosa its showing signs of improvenient. Owing to the recent 'storms of tenow, ran) and ideet the road. have'got into a bad state. Thee on Slontlay there was an ice storm, which didn't help matters. its now business is very quiet, even the apple -tipsiness is quiet. H. - Creighfrin ii a s secured a good poeition in one of the large jew- elry stores in Ilemilton and left for three on Friday of beet week. He iu- tends holding the position till the New Year, when he Will return here fiu-as shot t littW begot* he goes back to th.• West, where he feels more at home. ENTERTAINED Y. M. C. A. - The 10;10WOrtil LA•411ile entertained the tisembeise of the T. M. C. A. in the Methodist eleireh is., Tuesday evening of this week and a Very enjoyaltte evening was. spent. After an in- teresting program furnished lllll stly ley the League a very nice lunch Was passed aroillill. The inembero of the Y. 31. C. A. passed a vote of thanks for the kindnean of the Leagliete Men- tation. CHURCH ENTERTAINMENTS. Ladle.: • Aid, of the Preabyteriat, church intend ii 'Wing it supper and en tett %intern t ill their elitirch on t he evening of November linth. it being the anniversary of their patron saint. St. Andrew. A good titee is priori ised The Slethedists intend tiold• ing an entertainment about the middle of Deeember. Theie have been very few en(ertainment', here this St4/1/0010 SO those whirl') are coming ought to be greeted with large midi- enNrV"I; y NIST PAVE A PARK. The Presbyterians, who own the old cenietery ssr Hitisley street, etre trying to get a pine] of the remaining greves with the idea of disposing of the land. This, will tie a pond thing, a/ it has been an eye nore for a great many yews, Anti if some persim would buy it and clenti it up it would he more ealahle besidee improving the !erect grently. ,It is on the best resi- dential sheet in town, and it is a Amine to hemp it in hiss' ecindition it is its. if the council had tan idest of deellir- ing a smell pita they eteildn'i liner a better site than this het herr- we- then't suppose they hove any notion of buy mg It fin that pin•pose. • BAYFtELD. Wgifiny.sna%, Nov. 24th. • Will Shupe -et, who hen been a reel - dent of our village fin- the past, six months, left on Saturday to spend the inter with friends in Des Moines, Iowa. Miss Clara Richards anti her emit, Mrs. Beek,- of Toronto, ere spending few dtlyn with friends' in Wingliam. Alex. Martin. of Toointo, is Vis. I iting his sieter. Mre. I'. _Ciabinnell.- A SUDDEN CALL. -All the neighbor - Vinod was chocked on Tuesday morn. idg to hear ot ,the sudden death of Hewson, whieh occurred (luring the night. Mr. Hewson had notbeen well for sonic time, hitt was always going about, and indeed was. in him stare as usual the evening before. His death was due to heart tronble. Mr. Hewson was a well-known fignre in the village for years, hewing kepi, as drug and fancy more here for a mint while. He was much respeeted by All who knew bitu and will ii.. missed in the coninmnity as well an its his. home. Great empathy in felt for hi.. widow i‘t her bereavement • RE -s.'. J. Ms -Wear. Rrrm- I ALL, - .‘t us meeting of St. Atidrew's congre- gation held on 31onday evening which WAR called to consitier what :dens stuothl be taken regarding their pan- trir'n call from Raddeek Fork., (sips' 'Ireton, a unanimmin reerrletion WAN platted requesting Mr. McNeil to re- main in,Baylield as pastor of the con- gregation here. A deputation was. appointed to attend the Presbytery meeting in Ihnieetield, and prenent the resolation and Yet:meat. Aetind - ingly. on Tneeday afternoon nye memiwrit from the congregation at- tended the meeting alid stated their errand. Mr. kfcNtsil in a Very feeling reply thanked the people warmly for their kind words and wishes, hilt as he felt it would be for the best that he THURSDAY. N(lVEMIIFIt .1(R10 should go he had fully deckled to do! NEW BOOKS - so. Mr. McNeil will preteh his fate- I well sermon on Deceuilwr 12th and, and • will leave sho • fur _hie woe tr. where the beet wi.,Iievj CHRISTMAS ANNUALS. of his man% friend* %will follow him. A Pt.eas asT EVENIND, Weird' in the basement id the Prerbyterian church on Tuesday evening wnsi not 1, We have now sin oak all the new very largely attended. yr wii„ eopyright bunks for Christman. Wiled - slid gs u Were Well noutid lo• the ante!, ing -The Eoccignet.- Ono' did' entertainment provided, Rev. .1. nor. -$1.25: "The Attie lured." by - 1/. Speer!, Lotelon, wits iiresent and K.11'1101'6. gave a Most 414'11,1.111g and amusing Harold McGrath,. .1:5: "Haig, a talk ou the em Mies eusteillis, 4 if the I 1)411'4'4'. itY Freaerii. S. I s.ltustti, SI 25 Chinese /SS he 11441 110lieell 014411 III “Kehii411 coffin.- Ity Lincoln, $1-25: Calihousia. 'Thos. .%lex slider, s r Lon. "Anne of Preen Hithle." k0.70. Anil don. who Also Was present. delighted d"iens "Tilers too 1, lllll erons to everyones with his ch. tie r 1111.1 411111SillSt inenti". recitation's and shied!' he (Wain al-'' We have also /Olin stes.•1; of' Christ - !nen were guest.. at the home of sir. ' H'1,00,‘ . mr 1.14)1 lb.,11'4-• 11441 gen.'!" own,- "CI • il." "Cliatterisui ' ••Iii. Stuai.t's sister, Mrs. Stall len y. . Noe,. Slagazine,",, "Prio..- ,•Child's BENMILLER. ' reeeiyell there will likely beet shortage. ' Oen," et e., PO'. FloIll illfilf 1114.041O , ' , . - i in Annuale, arta we'wonld adY,-,• our _ Y, Nov. •ttrd. ' I eg"t• rivi its Se( II le the In at e and %V ho likes wili‘itteE;l1. s -s • ,, , have. them set aside. . -.. ',ear it IS !ley field .411411ellee %S.• Anrma,b,. o4B, by. sjj,,g.Lkb, kvalts.r, is spending s few it:owe ..C.1kirietz‘r.:414t?hooirlts..n..iilit,l,wit days in the vieinity. TAKINI. UP LAND IN TIIE WiosT --I %windows furs All the IN esters) hat vest exteirsiminit from these parts have now returned on the, 1:Ith. All seen* RI -eat thy Pleased Colonial Bookstore ',Providence permitting theyb will re- Court lloti.e Square, Gill/ Elf1( THE mune. brieging up the I with h.. country and .1. 31..yor ood; owners, homestead Liut. to whitgi Neltson Metarty lneve (Nene this' GEO. PORTER. ,Prop. turn in the spring. News as also been received that our tete citizen. 'Phone loo. Saltinel lie4Idle, ham been lucky I enough to oes-ore a half-seci ion in the. near neighborhood of the land taken , iip,by J. Mmes.. John Venstone tee I mains In the West, prep wed ill start I anion hetneertesaT •rmttee In -thei- spring. In the meanwhile he ha* al good job in Regina for the winter. Our best wishes go out .to these, our . old Bemniller friends. - K11111PoPNEn14.. %%•, Nov. 1.1th. 1 Mr„ Buchanan was celled to Ess.'tt I last week by the death of his nest heel at the rip.- old age of eighty-three. Hie son, tiolden. vent -TOM weeks 4. itoniflu out PIMP,' Pl.) .Invest 23 cents in a box of- Davis' Menthol Salve (" The' Cos y Comfort D. & L.") -and be prepP.red. for a hundred ailments, Which may not be dangerous but are veil' .annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, sprains, burns, bruiseS,insect stings,cnts, piles, etc. It is a household reme(4. always uieful for some trouble.' .__. and should be kept: in the family uwdicine closet. WILL WAKE HAIR GROW BEARINE Prepared from the grease of the Canadian -hear, Delicately perfumed. The %Ward husk 411 Years, MI nesters sec. per Jaz. Day, & Lawten, lidsmtresi. • • in Ie. exnerienoed in any home which we are pi-iv- ileged to furnish, bust we make lepecialties of -eie,y corners' that two e Ill,' "SOW purpose as 141einine, I r At tries Pie little article.. of birnit lire. ssrtisullsshiy :Irrtingell, eliarming usisiWilrinee to an otherwise (hill and . lllll red -.noun *P* II in.' mu t. All our furniture is of the iegbeet orreio.-throos`h pi wed. GEO. JOHNSTON 14TIIILE.-7S41 end UNDERTAKING PHONES - Re:sins:Ns New Cut te rs have received and placed I in stock a ratio's, of Cutters. and invite the inspecti•in of those whn want an up -to - dais' driving outfit fiir the coming sesuari. Gray Cutters Tudhope Cutters A pair that cannot he beat. Robert Wilson t-tAMTtTUNhI., fUDEMP(JH, Ngont for Massey- Harris Implements, Mel- 'otte Cream Separators, at d other leading lines of berm Mat hinery. P. 5.-f have for sale a number rif good Colt.. 0 CHRISTMAS WANTS All new irtil s Raisins Currants Figs Dates Peels, Etc. Coast.sealed Oysters. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone tit - West Side Square, MISS DONOGH :-Calls attention to her-.. SPECIAL SALE OF MILLINERY FT0111 lloW On, particularly good • values will boo..taffe. red -43--ma341444 . • , best material, style, antl good taste ht astonishingly low prices. A line of children's Winter Bonnets to close out at 50c Call and inspect before purchasipg. 41•Mii1M11•=•110.Mili, A