The Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 6_ __: ain _ •ee•'_.ev V•iveltdtt.t IS. 11Abl '111tH RUIN A1.• tutnl(`1'if114. 11NTAum Tm-RitnAY, NON -EMBER 21S. le1Ki HER PHYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio- "1 have taken Lydia E. k'iukhaws Vegetable Coin - pound during ehattge of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it I feel so much better that I can du all my work wain. I think I.ydta E. Finkham's Vegetable Com- pound a flue remedy for all human's troubles, and I never Toilet to my friends what it has dune for me." —Mrs. E. IiANsos, sot East Lung St., Columbus. Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Oraniteville, Vt. -•-• " I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. I'iukham's \ etre- table Compound restored myhealthaud strength and proved worth muuutxius of gold to me. Fur the'nake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter." -Mits. CHARLES BARCLAY, H.F.D., Oranite- ville, Vt. • Women who are passi ng through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that fur thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female Ills. In almost every commu- nity you will dud women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Plnkham', Vegetable Compound. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO L PEN AND SCISSORS THE SHORT ROUTE TO (lettingInto tu.w. I.anda tills winter will h• made easier, as the Canadian Northern Ontario Ratilw:ay- will in a few days have steel laid to (low fianda Junrlion, ahich i+ '3I miler n )rth of ,Mellwo .I J onetime, til miles north of Su lino .old 321 *les from Toronto. The flow Ganda Transp.art I' ou patty are building a gu,..1 team read from (low fingds, Junction that will 'else mut•1i shorter and a great improvt• 'luent over the toad use Inst year. Maps of the rout", also freight, ,p'gain er and express tariffs are i n you of preparation, and a n amnia rem'ut will h• Ingle„portly .,f the Melevice and all arrangement s reganlin the handling of the traffic. For formation write %Veil. Phillips, lir real Freight an I Pas sen ger Agent, C. aetian Northern linild- Ing, Toronto. COAST` TO COAST INA \ Tourist Sleeping Gar "fitting Tourist” is the popular way to travel now -a -days the berth rates but half (hone in the aticu dard sleeper and the accommodation quite satisfactory. Ask for "routist Car Booklet". Jos. Kidd, Agent, Goderich tins. hours 11,:51 4. m. to .t :51 p. in. GRANDTRUNKRAILWAY Ys EM GUELPH $2.45 return. December lib to 111th inclusive. Return lieu it December 13th, Account "ONTARIO PROVINCIAL F A I R" CH/CAG $13.75 return, Noy. '' th, 144th. :54th: Lee. 1st, 11th and nth. Return limit December 12th. Account LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION Above rates apply from (loderich. Proportionate rates from all points in Ontario. Secure ticket., and further inform- ation from F. F. LAWRENCE, Down Town Agent. Office hours- 6.80 a. m. to ti p. m. Them. three things 111 life at I've sllu'raid ' I There- nut hie uu alrtie I hot kin Jurat 'ton .Ice.of home wade bread The t w'o hist aro l 0 Ate the 1 bird I- Ihr.t nuuui.k to rat 'rnl. The following paragraph flour The v.. 111• t- 1r �Ifrlvrw• lain Woodstock n u 1 y..M y M• iii spirit w• • 1t urlri'•h "• ,l 1l ll a, a 1 event. the editorial columns of The Signa). It is on a suhjeut, however. whirl' is lou much negl.- Ii'd, so mu excuse i+ nerd••d for any 1,11,1 too,. The e-eade•r is ill just substitute ''4 alerich' for ••%%'uaelntotk" aid it will apply very M. a•iy' to this town: Isn't r•1 about t11111• (11..11• weft e a • indication, of the ihariteter of the roaring municipal campaaign' NV,. presume that time will he candidates tot the taueyoralty and for other pub. lir positions, and that these comdidatee will have rrraa0ms to eller the eltdtiiia why they .h Id be chosen. The .•ants Ivry begin to submit their %iwa to the 'people•, the more time the people will 1140• for eoisideratton. And what about the people•:' Is it not a clout thin' that they w'.•t'e beginning to show sonar Interest in their own ttrt'p-wtway'wtn remltin content with the few chute, that are lu he made at the laud minute': Are then.• Mol softie luihlie--pt•ilwl eitililtt eap;tIlle of setting the ball going by ,tai eel ing tat trillion, to the spi'rial needs of the comuiuiiwty null helping to pr, cur the wily I.� lu4r the wants .ntlpiiril r 'There Muss\ Ilea plenty of .excellent material in ,,xltets•k for she {{public sea -vice still• fresh and un- tried. 'There must lie phiity-of ua•n to till i41r,es x111 ars lie ready to give their sett ices. though pasha unwill- ing to press !helmIves to I front. It should be the duty of the elei urs to se.nrh ...it cult los pie and bring'tloon forward. When a private esoriie.ra- Iion is in need of help it dory not eine lent itse•If with what otters it g,' u out in Iwurrh of what it needs. And, the business of the whole conlnklluily to write as import sant as I hat iii' any ,private concern. -'aid to:ud. whose skilful finger% weave With plug and tech the make circle round, o ,er which from brain to brain the flash Of t bought, or deep or shallow, wends It. frequent M ,)•.• "ho standee at the meeting of the ways.. Like to the keeper of a tolhg+ate'old or like a modern oMMaer oftt•w. • - Wielding a fair white hand to regulap The bu-y traffic. - - lie merciful a.. you are fair, and whet, .twain I ring "F.xcharge." in small requital Uf thi. sly song. faun t keep me waiting long. A story rotates from a Kentucky town that is worth repeatinv, say's The 1.lnliterille ('aurin•, There lives there a woman who says that she has wliate con iuuni.n with the Almighty, and now :and th.•u delivers to thus•• of Couunon clay a message that she has received from on high. The fart that these messages mune- Mies take iyf•a very unter•ialistii' hue drew not alter their effectiveness it, her opinion. One day she went into the of l'e of a well known • attorney and ap- proached him solemnly as oar about I.1 reveal an awe-iuiMpit-iflg secret. "The Iurl sent lite to you for $'2 i," she tarurouhcef. The atLurney lax.ked up and smiled. "That must I,, a Mistake," he re- plied, blandly, "Ie•cause the Lord knows I have not gut it." Celestial el llll,n1111i.'a1 ion was there. it.ut broken off. Ant of iolent in the poliiii'al catu- ittgn in Great* lititain is the revi\od for political tors of the satirical wog "\V'he•ti lit Olin Really Kn1.-.I the \\'nee.," from Gillett anal Mutllivtuu''e emote opera "tulan thes' as hru H,it:.iu 1.•.dly r.l.s1 the watts I„ ¢,Mel./ern Ike.+-- time, The Ilnn.c of I'tar- ul:otr no pretence To nit•lle•rt,u.d eu,immre or rfiul.ir-hip, uDlime. yet Hrttail, won her pronde.t hay.. I n good tares Re.- - glorfoos days. 1t hnnls I '.•1 Hritnin won her proudest bay. In mei (Jue,ai Bros'. gloaiou-i d.ay it he Wellington thra-had lkannperte. A. es y chill eon tell. The it -e of Peer+ throughout the wilt UI,1 no ing in pets imil ain, I nd dict it en' well. Sal Britain se he world ablaze In Kent King i. ing.•-glotioel.dar-.' I el ItNor n, -,•I are world ablaze ' In tom) K iriR ef, n, glee lone .hay+. - -" Sod while the Ilnnwo '•en withholds It- Irgist:O ire hand. And noblb 'tato d lot itch To lit, rfere with matte - hich They do not under -tend. t+ bright will Mine Great Brutal As In ging (Merge , glorious days .1s bright will ',hint, Grist Britain's As In King George < glorious day+• rays %Vineton Churchill. in the sours an nddrosa at Dundee, spoke cin y strongly on the suffragette question, saying in part : "I and quite sire that while•thuse tactics of silly II In'uutab,'r and petty violence rout' ', there is not the slightest? charter of any , lovernnlent which is likely to be elected giving you the reform) which you seek. Very soon we may be in the turmoil of net rlert ion. As far an I ran see women's enfranchisement is not going to figure in the proglant of any great political party nor do I expect it will 'hone in the election address of any prom- inent men on Pitcher aide of polities. That is not a very satisfactory result for four years' raiment, strenuous, passionate agitation, such as yeti have eat rued on. I was told by some- one with whom i was discussing this question, 'But see how large are the subscriptions t hat flow into the wom- en'spolitical and social movement.' But you started out to get votes, not money. Vhat you have to ask yourselves is how you are to get out of this lane into which you have gone. \1111 flu to not really eiippilre you ate going' gen the vote by pestering a few inti• 14111.11s who happen, for the time Ming. to be Cabinet al Mist ere. on do not iulagine that you are to cone Ir ' vert this Uwuu•nduu. rumutmit y > turning the spirit of the 'tapir against you, by ...training iii every way the patience• and furls•atatom of Large crowds, by breaking up public 11044 lugs, by appal; to vulletace, 1: hirba„ n''irr all, i, Winite,'s sot -sl tsnetay. You don't imagine cleat are to Net the cute by that means. WATER GAUGE BURST. • C. P. R. Fireman Badly Scalded. l , 1'. It. fire•tamtn lien,. II. I)fatfus, who live, ill Itul,•rtsou sU',•et, Fort Willi ten, while tan ler eugiele near %1'e•stfind happened a nasty accident. he• w,tter gauge of the locomotive but at told scalded the while of the lett side of his Lo'e and head terribly, -It nal happened," said Dutfa,a to out• I el oeseut.1 ic.', "t hal -I had a la,x of %are-Iluk in Illy pax'ket. which I used for a sore on may lip; and when I had c',e,i'e•red f • the first shuck of the ru'rhlint. I pit'dueeel the talus and had it applied Iret•ly to the scalded parts. ATtte awe i argon -Mt ,171•,1 Tf-i os- stilus- iug acute agony. laic within it wundrt•- fully short tial.• %caul -Hulk gave un• rani'. I was able to cold lour my jour- ney', and upon retching hunt,' I ob, t.ained tool, %luau -link and r, litiuuevl Ihe' (iea(talent. II acted wonderfully well, and in a leas days had the wound nicely healing. I ,1„11'I know' any- Ihingyc su line °as a heal.•,' of -ll•it•ne, scalds. cuts_ awl sietidot iujurira.whinh workers are so liable to: and its 111y upininu a lax of %are -lick should Is• kept bandy ill ,'very- worker's horn•• " There is something ditTrrent ,old securer about %Sul -Hak. Time and again caulkers in, all branch., of tnidi• hale wilted its avast superiority i'1'r the a,wertised ointments and salves of the day. N., doubt the fact that Zane link in mule entirely from Retinal ere• teen,',',, and extracts, while onlinary MrltItrtits euntrtii mote tit. li•Ss rttd- 0 1 fats and oils, goes a lung way' to ext nirvana -link's superiority. Ilow- e-vet-,,tllis may he, the fact remains that il) four continents to which it has been i troduced within ten years it has l'l ,uh' the leading household halm Fut burtle, cuts. :scalds, bruises; ec- zema, piles.. %deers, rind -worm, itch, salt-iheuut, 1 kg, festering sores, .•happdplac cold -sures, frost•bite•s, and all skin iiries and diseases, %are-Buk is beyond doubt it most mar- vellous else. Druggists and stores sell at :11 cents a pox and the 'Lint -Bek l'o., Tm'onto, will mail a box, punt-fin'ee, upon receipt of price, to any of our readers. who may have difficulty in' otitis' g a supply of the genuine %ray -link from their local stares. Y _ Dtdn t Get a Chance. Mother •crossly, -"Freddie, haven't 1 told you that you t not talk when 1 Iain talking?" Freddie -"But, mamma, you wnn't let min stay up after you go to lied '" MOST WONDERFUL STUFF ! D. D. D. Cure] Annie M. Wiggins of Weeping eczema. - Anyone who has ever seen tin snf• fered from erg -an t knows how stnit- Ixlrnljyj{' it d,ties ordiuu-v treatment and doctors! p11'Iw.•1•iptinns, mini how vel v difficult it is to get rid of it. Miss :\nnie NI. \Viggits, of Flet l's. Springs, Sask., Wes finding it at, t ill she heard of and dicot I), 1), II. Pre- scription. Then rano. relief, flntu the very first t ime she nerd it, 011ie scenes : "\'our I1. D. D. has cured my fare r pletely told I must say it. Is the most wngderfiil sinal 1 have e•aer heard of. I suffered with Weeping r,•. zema for :tie cit tut., uund le. tinder dor 1or'. ear.. v1.I Was ltrt ling 110 Is•It•n u he ii a tirnal advised III.. In setpl f lin a supple is,ltlr, 'Ili, hist tone I used it, it ei•, nems 10 help ale, and I at. on,•,• ./•ell felta $1,151 Intl Ile. Ri11 !elms. I had used half lily fare was as well as ever. I iMAVP recommended it Io ser• rral and ail squlirug fur a $L1111 bottle for a friend who [tied some if aline," If ran ur any of you- friends have Iwen suffering from ii .rt tiring eczema, or any iahet• skin disease, get D. D. D. just ass niele y tel you can, aIL.relieves instantly and pusitisely cures. F.ir free sample Mdl IP of D. D. D. Prescription write to the 74. 11. 11. Irt?swat ory, Iremit Intent (1. S.,'r3,Inr- alan St., Toronto, For sale by all druggists. How's Business? "Hn-Ise+. i, (non, 'all 1 he liege se: s gid the nmh•rtaker, "Its dead' "Felling off. +aid the riding school Mother : Tin Arwggist, "Oh. a -lid he staid. ' It's all write with me.' said the author: "1'i -king rep: +ald the man on the duurp, 'My hushes- is sound,' ,ruoth the headsman . Maid the athlete, olet kept on thei amp,' The bottler decal area it was "corking '" The trar•on '• It s goml." answered he ; nuke both ends meat." said the butcher ; The tailor replied. "It -nits syr," - 1'hiladelflhla Inquirer. 260 Good Stories. The Youth's Companion abounds in cu t•1•irlg settor•ip, of adventure and hero- in. line may describe an escapeft-our Mental peril, another a strange en tinter with wild cleature s - nlatll or t M. ala • of I li•se Mtn1 ie. are I1•lle an to farce, a d only ttingtrlwed as to namew and pllac +. A swot.. or more of Audi stories whale pthlishedl daring 1111n in addition to ehtrly �stulhers- Salgonul tam irain all, nal no t,wo alike. And this is net rota ring the serial stories, which it in helieired will be, curtaidrrrd 1.y old f' lu anion read -ere ae the best The I' panion has ever published, Every new Canadian selectiher w411 find it of special advantage to mend at once the $2,011 fur the new 19111 volume. Not only does he get the beautiful "Venetian"' ralendor for 191n, litho graphed -in thirteen colors" and gold. but all remaining weeks of 1900 from the time the snirseript.inn Is received, The Youth's Companion, Companion Building, Nocton, Mase. Subecripttons received at thl office, THE HARDSHIPS OF SEAMEN. FREE TO YOU AND aYERY •seTER su e FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER INO FROM wOMEN'S ASLMENTS, {1W1 w mime. Globe Suggests Commission of Inqui,y with a View to Betterment. The '1'urontu (hobs had a timely editorial article in a event issue on of' a,, 111• st•at- r subject, the hartl.h t lb su tl) 1 J1 Mul's calling. It said : "Canadian s•alltrn ale entitled to • sympathy from the grnerel public I inn they leave ever yrs le- eched. ain i 1 1 disposed sttl t rel, rd. 11 t n ' 1 doubt the (hardness of their lot hr should read the cut rent narratives of shipwrecks un the Likes, and 'stir the sufferings endured by those who sur driven through rtit•es of %%ralther into d:ulgirour 10ralitieu ftuul which noth- ing 'but ul,u•v,•Iluus skill and herute f0, tittule can extricate them) to sule'ty• Sailors hive Ipss that/ hall ea year in which to earn a living for a whole year, and under the t havoc able condition; this is a dietirult task ; it is not pleasant to tirit• 111pl:ata1hrresult of failure der to cuuluti'ail depses- shin or toaeridi Ind that umtit theta) to elis,'harge-Ihrir ordinal y ,tdtir+. "Thr cunrliliout of life tan bored ship are far from wheat they should lie. rind to make matters worse they atm often bard only for the trip, and are left without a place when the 1.• eel et ut, on us new one, '. n• ca141u1g "1 a sailor is plr•t .riots, d. utI et Mus. si t h'.' paid, and another respects undesumablr. lin it be ask d, why turn follow it.. the .answer trust 1x• that it has a fem•inat- tion fair !he'll, amd it is well s r, hey. rare rare 16 ueces,ity to the inland hake c -'r on which so much of the prosperity of the ....midi y depends. "In older L. bettor their pusltoti as to lath wages and living conditi the seamen of the Bakes went on strike early' Ihis Year, ansi lies sttik,• lies Meier hlt•n formally declared MT It is difficult fun sailul ,, M , I up:r,te pas rl.n,ely and otgali/ '•- t'f,Tect idly a. lalxrrels 011 land- can do .iluplilyce•., en :a railw:4•, lot' instance. t la the uthel hand, when they du go on -.hike they have to deal to a lull e. extent with many single props ie•tors iustcalb,ol our great eta.p matins. No wondelr. this year's strike lime been only pis holly successful, and it srtrnl'. to be 011 the point of collapsing tIuiouKTi Liek of funds. so unu'h blue !leen given to the public as the result of an apin.al I.. the American Fedetwtiun of Iaats.r for lid. 'Thr truffle on the lakes is so inn portant to both Canada and United States that some eland, of iutproc'ing the condition of the sailors sl id rarhesil�' and persistently` 'Ino to ought until it is (ound. The process of let- teiweut may. he ilies-itrtbly slow, but it should at least be eonirrleared and cuntilttiath 011e of Ihr essential steps is to procut•e authentic infer tion as to the actual etrtttlitiotls, :ymd this could hest he obtained by noising of a emu - mission of inquiry. It • seems quite probable that the investigation would bring to light apFpropriate :old feasible remedies for the evils ex plsd, Anel that reforms thus tagtan might he car- ried un with (lar cu-olwration of both the seamlm and their eta; dopers." Broke Up the Celebration. , "Yesterday was de fulled' anniver- sary no ver- srary fib our we•aldiu'," imparted the white-haired negro, "an' afuah plantain' it great i'eIe•hraat iii de whole l'i ng went to smash "\\'hat kind of a ed•Ie it at ion?" "•% re-weddin'. Y..• see, me nn' ('hl(rhad it ill fixed to invite all nor friends to de chu'wh, an' den suet• panted by de rause bridesmaid, best' man and 'chillers, enrich rep de aisle an' to. le-wetleh•d befit' de rams pith4dm as ti 1 y vu' Mrs awl," "%V'hal prevented the eelebntliun?" "!tin jiallsory. Y.i see, We wanted uy.'t•yt •ing dr same as hefor', but de 11x11+011 he ref lewd ti. gilt hark de five define. sii s Alr i•onld p ty 1 ' le. Main • motley l" About Music, \1' uod,tor•k net K.• iew•, The Hamilton Spectator complain • that the p op P of that oily are not appli-tialivr of gn,al ll ll Tw„ high-class i•un^irl artists, it says, hit,' appeared in the city within a week, ,eel in each eau,' the midis -nee nuullp•red little• mr.• than a corporal's guard. notwillwtuMling I hat boll, were well ad vitIi.e.l ,utd thatthe rep IltraI, In of the artists lit Math c-a.-•- Stoodl high. "Where Hamilton people will flock by hundreds to heir a valid e•ville• p,•rftrmatie.•,- Thr Spectator gars ata to say, "thee will wander in by uleagn• tent to listen to a high bas ronrt•rl art Li>_..1:-luttY_. time ?hashing room only sign will behung out at it sent-ttinn.11 met, dram() p o for'mance, the treasurer will be w'om (tering whetter the dead bead II Wel outnuml,'ts gash receipts for the high ekes c art fatal U1.0011. Fur UMW revues Iltticillnn is 1101 growing as u should M11,101111y, and the only eons. lotion the musical enthusiast ran et•t, nal. ol the situation is the fart that in thi•t Hamilton does not stand about Thr same statement applies to twirls every other '-entre of population, throughout r(he' Province." It would pruhably lie AM well• to honestly face the fact at once that there is not yet it. thin country a vs ry general or generous appreciation of high-class mu sir, The rid •f reason is, no dtmhl, that the people have lend neither the t' • Mor the opporinnit is for the cultivation of a taste for what is. test. They are so busy with the practical and pressing affairs of life. Then again the high-class• concert art- istconies at long intervals. Musical comedy. the comic opera, vaudeville, we have always with us. We wantto he thrilled or anitsed, l'his does not mean that we are in- capable of enjoying what is better: but the taste moat Ile acquired, and the npixmtnnitier for acquiring the Inst.. are limited. A story is told of a local fiddler who, one* efpnn A time, went to hear a great violinist. Ili• refine away ilisg11At.M1. "That may ie good mimic all right," was hip erwn- 'tient, "hut I wouldn't give ani Scotch reel or• an Irish jig for the whole pro Kraut." And it -is probabll a fact that of the smell number of rihose who do patronize high -rinse enncerte a goo I proportion. Ll they spoke their rdind'e as candidly as did the local fiddler, would say they were Mored. The remedy, of ..nurse, does not lie in the multiplication of musical yarn,'. dies and vaudeville stunts ; but in in- creasing the opportunities forhesring and becoming even to some extent. familiar with what hi better. Appre- ciation of the best will come in time ; but it will take time. I k1,ow wutuau's sufferings. 1 ha,afound the cure. I will uatl arse of any charge, my hetreaty hest with lse ull loslruct ions to any sufferer front teuoru'eellweuta I want to tell all wouren aboub this outer- you, w7 reader, fur yuursclf, your I r 1111 riot ht your sol rr, v r rioter. I want daughter. r1 t f0 g �e � yourself at hese lull you }row W cure 7 witboub the helper inductor. Men cannot uuderetrrrl wont. e11',,sufferings. W hal wo %Morn k,ow Irom IS. perleaca a e know tatter Iloon any doctor. I know that wy boom treatweut is a safe rid sure cure for rrh Whitish discharge lura LeYco neert tle.Ule. oIncemen or Falling of theWomb. Profuse ta •t r or 'aloha Periods. Uterine ,r Uurlae Tumors or llrowths, also pains Is the head, beck and bewNs, bearing dew nlesitngs. nor vpossess. creeping feel. Ing op the spine, melechuly. desire to cry, hat Stashes. wearlssss. kidney and bladder troubles toter. caused by weakness pecull•r to our sex. I want to rend you a complete 10 day s' treatment eatirely free to prove to you that )uu tau rues oureelt at home. .uislly, ulckly and surely. 't item.,ut er, that It will cost you notbi ag to give the treatment r euwple.e trial: and if you should wldl to continue. It will rust you only about 1$ cents a week. or less than t wo cents a day. Il w 111 nut Interfere with your wi rk or occupation. less seed me your same and address. tell me how you on Ker, if you a lab nod I will scud you the) MAO, treatment fur } tour AO, potirel)•free• in plain wrapper, byy return' Mall. iitillalsosendyoufree eleesturybook "WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER"witbrxplauaturyMotorail ionsshow lug why w'oureu suffer, and bow they con easily Cure Uirtueatree at home. Fac eery woman should have it and learn to think for hereon. 1'In.uwtwnthod4Ctursay.-"1'ouwu,.thareauopera- Lion."youa.ud.ridetoryourself 'l'huusauda of wuwea has's cunei I hrul,elc are with my home remedy, It cnr,•sall. old or young. To Mothers of Daughters. l will sapient a simple boom treatment w h,ch .q''edily and effort unity curse t u it sarrhue. Green Oieknew, and painful or Irregular Ment runt ion in Semite ladies. l'lumpn..s and health al wet a result from Its use. A'hereser you lave, I can rer you to Iodine of your own io.•atit,y who know and will gladly tell soy su tfen•r that !leis Nome Treat meet ..rally foresail women d dioeseee and makes women well, et rungplump rod rub...! . Just s.ud .. year address, and the free ten tinyii treatment is yours, also (hob k. Write today, as )1111 use; cwt see thisuXor again. Aoldner: MRS• Me MISERS, Sox H 846 WINDSOR, ONT. The Mason and Risch "Sustension" sounding board --sensitive, elastic and resonant . ,t HERE'S a sounding board that's alive. Every inch of it vibrates with each .note struck. That's one of the reasons for the full,trich, resonant tone of the Mason and Risch piano. In most pianos the sounding board is attached to the case in such a manner that it loses most of its resiliency— and resiliency is the most important feature in a sounding. board. Mason and Risch The piano with a soul In the Mason and Risch piano the "sustension" sounding board is raised on bridges in such a manner that it leaves every part of it free, giving the instru- ment a remarkably pure,full, sustained, tone quality. We would like to tell you more about the construction of the Mason and Risch piano. . The story is interesting to all who own or contemplate owning a piano. Mail this coupon to us to -day and we will send you all the reasons why you should have a Mason and Risch piano in your home in preference to any other make. r The Mason and RIsch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St, Toronto. • MASON Sad R1SCN PIANO CO.. Limited, TORONTO Seed se year Illus- trated booklet esplain- Ing the reasons why I shoal's own • Mason and Risch plea This Is go way ebigaW sae to gercblaM Na..----,.e,s.,,,,. s••••eewer street-s•�sesF • Province •»e..saesse w Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On 35 of a Cent a Day __WGbody ever heartl of soak food' curios the bat, or colic, making hens lay In winter. increasing the yield of moik five pounds pee cows day, ur restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed ' stock fund to your cow, horse. swine or poultry. "TRE you age merely feeding them what roe are growing on your own farm. awns EEL"Your animals do need nut are feed, tan something to help their bodies net all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat etc and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them ..p to the best pys ble condition No toe k food- a an do all these things. ROYAL PURP,. LE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does It n Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SP&CI PIC cont sins no grain. nor farm modest, It increases yield of milk Irian three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two •rake. It makes the m1lk-cher and adds Mesh faster than any Other preparati,, known. Young calves fed with ROY pALLpPgUpRfPkLE are as large at Six weeks old as they would be when led ROYAL rear IPURPEES tei_ltOCK be' (tf'IC builds tip run-down animals and restores them to with ordis. plumpness almost magically. Cure,, buts, cola, worm,, skin d.seases and detail!, permanento) Uan McEwain, the horseman. Sart: 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOv,1t SPECIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 1.02# largest wogner of any pacer on Orand Circuit in Iasi. and 'Henry Winters.' 5091, brother of Allen Wooers,' winner of $301.11100 in trotting stake, .n I'WM Thr., horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Sp• almost a year ago, and 1 will always have it in my stables." /.a. feq Winner apt acs• op (Ane cirtk,f, '...e oyal STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One lar• package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will tact me animal seventy days. which is • Iitilovee two-thirds of ■ cent a dal. Most stocktonsisin1{s(tyya ckg{e last but fifty days and ore given three tinsel • day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCI€ SPECIPI� le liven but once a day. and lawn half again is los A 11l coil containing four time', the •mount of the tiny cent package will last •L10 days. ROYAL auRPLR will increase the value of your attrck 2,5 It s an aatonbhtftIY quick /etesnr., stimulating the appetite and the relish for fo od, aasi',ting nacre le dlgellt and turn feed at . Heah A boa f ttq}se it Is ■ Ie Qe[ It will save many times iia rant la veterinary balm. 1t OVAL PUIt1'LH OULY14 FIC is our other Specific for poultry, not /math -wk. One NO -cent package will last twenty-fivehens 70 days, nr • p2.1 cost Ina It 1O wilt last twenty-five hens 'Lao days, which is four times more material for only three times the roar. It makes • "laying machine "out of your hens Hs,nrmy ltankd ap 1(OeY'aLtaPI PILli sO•R t SmP■iInAItCex, IeV L7RR"CaMCe guaranteed, ,lust lane ROYAL PURPLE on one of your aam•le and soy otter Pprrielpmaeatlptt Q1l taather *MOW ,n fire acme condition: after comparing results you will •spROYAL PURPLE Ispe them all heat to death, or else back cornea your money PR RR -Ask your merchant ur write us for Our valuable 32.page booklet on rattle 14°814111-TRY aengd pooultryatddiseasress',I econtaining slob t ROYAL PURPL'adSTOCRiiid�lltL- TRY SPECIFIC!. If you Cannot get Royt gurgle Specifics from merchant., or agents. we will supply you direct, empress on receipt of 51.74 • pail to either POUltaV or Stock Specifies. nate roomy seting as our mad In your district. Write toe terms. Po aide by all up -to -dare merchants. V. L tleiklu 11g. Co., Utdot, Ott. loyal Pu, pis i 'oe k axl Poultry 1't+ee l f e and tree booklet. ars kept . In ata ek by A. TUE ORIGINAL AND N 0 LY GENUINE III WA It is OF IMITA- TIONS. 'l \: 501.D Ohl THE MI':1tiTs OI' IINARD'S LINIIENT L( la•.IsII,LI Or 1 .ul. l ,.. coition \V'h•.•I 111,1 NOI'NIN Oh' t'ANAla1-AN ,J N-,ltTllw'112fT I.ANIi KKUC1.ATtuNs. Any crews,, who is the .els held of a family. o 4iy nolle over IS years oldlne• , n.ey hote,ol a quarter section of available IWun uwu laud ii Manitoba, liaskktchewae or Alberta. The ,l.tuhi,t i t mini appear lu person at the haul•, Age'n'•y or Sub Aipece,,cy. fur the hist. Kiatty by prosy way be wade al any „•eery, Oil certain roudlta,ns, by father. ".other, son, daughter, tawnier or sister of '-1.•tediug horer.eteader. IpHfa«-SO months residence upon -anti ,ulna stein of the laud In each of three year.. A home.teader may live within nit a wiles of 111• homestead on is tarn, of at least ii aeras -• 1.•1$ owned and o,vupiel by him or by hia rattier. mother. eon, daughter, brother or -stcr. Ip ii'rWnn districts a homesteader In gout -I.nat1eeg1t 'lar lire 1•IItte a quarter mortice ognb dote ht. hontoutead. Prior 'Mot per acre. Lutea -Mu.t reside six Month. iu tech of six rtess from date of h tend entry thlrludlig : he I.uue raerir,ai to earn howesbwt patent' And cultis sae fitly were extra. A houlu.tea.hv who Ii,exhausted hl. botue .ted right snd rsuuW obtain a pre-ewptou ay take s, pyurcluarmat luomeetosd in certain I,at Neta I'ri,o jaw per arm. Duties -Must reside slit months In each ,,f throe years, culls arty acre. and erect a home worth slow w. W. ruRY. Ilrputy of the Minister of the Interior N.H.-1'111'111 hurlers' political ion of this rd ertweoent will a it b • Mud fur. J. BKOPHEY & SON LBADINO— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully .ettenesd le it eft beers. night r gas G. JOHNSTON ARID FUN ERAL DIRECTOR urolture and Undertaking tearerOlnits. Wart Ode Squire. 'PHONIC: Store Sk Clodatich Itosidenoe Night calls: At reSIdenoe. SS New Ranges AT REDUCED PRICES. On areeptint ,,r having to mime to them have lost some of their brightness, thimgh in no way injured. We are norking a special cut of from I 11:3 '31 tier cent. On these for quick selling.., tht hot Wish to Cal y ailything hut clean atso sole agents foe the Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges. Another line we are pushing tit pro tent is the celebrated Brantford Roofing. suitable for house, barn or facto' . All grades. in Mack from St.gi ap. A gaud stock of theme lines &Ina) oh hand. All kinds of Contracting. Jobbing. .ating, Plimihing, Electric Wiring and Metal Work,. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155 NEW STOCK of l'ickles just in. MUSTARD PICKLES, SWEET PICKLES, MIXED PICKLES, AT THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY A bin new stock of CURRANTS, RAISINS, Etc. Illininert cash or trade prices for Potatoes, Butter and F.ggs. Let us have your orders for FLOUR AND FEED. Prompt delivery. P. g. RYAN l'ho ne No. 165 Hamilton St 1111 JJor.or Ban Ai ',lige 114 551141'111V too ooy 1.111, WI I al aiol dew I ii.as 1111 II Ci ,ii•al 1111 lily pro 1.1111111 I-1 ,r oitorl ti iltllt•ti I ait it cow, •Ill 101. A Midnight r• Wittr1.11 neighlo la 11,11 I•ii111,11 k hut xi ri Ivy t ally; Ai I, now ra lio ;ll eidging wool vIrettly 1114,1 Ptiiek Ito at the Opel Tht 441iil 111011101 um -1111511y jre day NMI 15, Week pool sch The !hold .rve after,. ember 1st . talilc of lam IOC 1101 .AliVeL.sf a bow. ;Willi !lit' 114'4 hllY generosity hospital. TI Hr. now ism' !,Floet. kinds this effort. ye 'Santa Claus beant There will be