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The Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 4
I. '1'14R fdl131J i►Nttt♦ wit% r rr1R t,.1. (•'. 1 4 r , l .i Ly u,eu of good 1.1.gh.h stuck. HURON OLD BOYS. , ells.• h, ie dls011etly a. it satellite ei that gtt•al .11uniniirv. declared It. t osteon re, leveling.? n es rs..Sing- Mtge' a1 the titan w Ito hart U „'ked T14t I,NHVA'- FE•STiVL COC1•SON hum into what was a detighttul :due - A.T T©RONtO. tritium i 'tinsel:. feel,- eel(' nutWelted I'• the.eeen• .- -- r't int;•tui,y'ui.•ut by Mceoz.. R. roster. .tl:opt end Mott, :anda i ••uplt til Bi igI I s'.41 Vi''''''''' Si ear •a. bt F \ c teadung' O. Ittmummers quaint "hale (bell dialect he Alt. W t .1. tiro II-• ('1)11 I:.t,K, . No, t.' n.u,i .r e 1 ti..D is Gone_ t...: k ..r ... sass... 1: • 'lite ll•,"t.,t� Del I; y A- 104 nits, bc1.1 I Gut , al b.Ea •i•ut I.;rt a THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO 1 Ease 0. whi'1 has t'w/us- bet shit r t hiaai'.y tem L alt la .l . . I 1,4n.•, hold- Iia -.v tt14.04' n- pta•huutcun• p' the b g r s • oa os tl t„ at. II.*,lt, iur lit sass. tl:•' ' helot, a. NEWS OF DISTRICT. ,t' @nInI t• 1t, •a,. eel t �1net)... 1i)llill t� 1 u lin• wad •I _ .. ort; use lila• .t u:. PORT ALBERT.• tee.• atl'""'4 :1..• •,I list LI t. 514x15 o./ -..a 1\'il;u it a ett haat Satutr ay oil vxdrsl l7ie :. ♦ tit .Nt l 114.1411,..; lsi t l tt. � } horse, I114 has. .t s'41 :t h •this) pup. r aril 1 • • ilei l t 'Instil '11111111,11 I..t'..i.e• ,:' ti , It It'• l ''1.'- weTk I:e`i!• :5 s"i.s; to 1 •'rear. , r lust t A nn w i i6VI t ! ti a• r at 1 I Mi.. lir t l .a 1 r a'1 . Erred I:aa't bidet '11:, t .,li alt :l 1' t , 1 tate I t:'. atiem,-1.er.••1.1t-411.r. Al, i_1" --k lI t t. 34_ eni__f.• 1 l .1111:1:11141. '-'1 I'un- g li non. Mare ,•,1I d4.i %stTi_..i.. t►a,1ir less, r ol,rd 111131.y a I'M :ve t (heat 'rimy l .the I. p wet, allsseaec mils.. i !AI 1 {,C I 1 herr :,t ea. gees lust i-ih. :� I,nl,t ftvn :411.1'.( of gees.... h...l ea+.•- rt tad e•w 11I .:. I tended Day t':ain y > edit;.t'tehoppaui- i reran-•lt��n•.} 1 y a t 7 i r tee etre t-• ` . lrlI> I'., One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of K.daay-Diae-ssc is OPSY for which Dodds Kidney Pills are the only certaa.. cure. ' In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually Jammu ,/ op, and the water, which should be expelled in the form 'Purine, flows back and lode -rain the cells of the flesh. and reds out the -Remove the filth which jsl..ee v the drain. Restore the K,dneys to health. There is only one K.iiney Medi.ene DODD'S KIDNEY ILLS SMUG SOAP In., l .\\ k. ;iaaL Alfred t.. v i, l:'.• arc •tt) to tri••+ ..til, .4 ti.l(t •_. 111 eoue..l..h .L t- l;:,xl,i t tit; t„ to ., heal atm; Is ii,„ua ,t;.ut. \\ e tope in brat soon The BayEs p • ; l h, sletbixhSt Imlay .chem of ' ort s 1, i,. t. .,,, era -often ti { os L S • Ib,. .' Its- pined)' ter arty'. lwh.l, Uta R it 1 .i,t t s { 1 ,c t•'•" tore 'a"i, pia. ti. n • for a hhri-t- h ') i tt . his e. :at • itis(- ilei• .sod • t•noetI. s1 ts•h i, to be sold esu ',• i s- a qct _e l -• , is t1 beisi in the shut,'ti tui t' o • as•, 'Severn_ n urs i.,.tt whe: het sla f k wh i t:gyp .:1i` s a t ,s i - -- - nt:ule, including cement doorstepa. a 1 istion et the windmill, a risterii :t the hrul.r. cement forrtidal ion" `under the I;u'n A1d has also put in cement pig troughs. X11 .,., .., t• s s -, h.. . t them not . 1••w et D.,./CREWE. With hart fK: y ..red - ire w ::1, •t Mi..,,.sv, NOV. __na Lr,Sit-4 war d AM. .t: ..'1 : :es,• -.T,. Y. ti[...-�1,t\ /lit - 't 1rw,-At noisily it t :w Le 1...t . Wait, 1,..1 .a• to y lass(c ,r,• ve,51- reg" t s l::raged Marls anal:. A. U. l'itllru the little t,: 1. • ..11 'rig the f;♦. t.,.„..,.. tl:,• store true hi.- on, Ir• t ,• t .td. y, t'••is 5t that it 'l'hr:tu a full:e rt, Elul takes i,nrsessi•Ne 11 ere, With rri-v In•c•, otbrt than :. ••t"a .+ t.,.i:1y \ll+. .l.. lf. y[;ai K:a) ,uhf I.:ecl. bjsket. `'i he 4111cs olasiglitc•r. Marv'. I S tut ileal t, 6 ides ici well-hi-1A.h*a 1 err r':1t3Wv'd t'•l 011 settatiav 41t.•1 :.ra•r,lil. a week T hi a t0tI-RM'a w rt', rail t lues,..,, ns:d'� utas ILA.. ,••-• with ylts.'\l't-Tiar.,TuT_,tTirr. nes. ,•.0 ale -1(e Mi. %ail••• il.•utt tit n1 1.Y I o• load'. - %les. • a 'f•-, � h15I •3 11 1 rep{s, .,i hvthc• r5•t:aHy .i'ray Laugside, visited, hn slut, bel the ite51',h 5p1141 sllultlt out Th• -111-1S t'tslb.-tt. 1:k:4 't•ur-,lay Miss 'Maggie Haute. ..f LuckW'sv Qu nil -It•-. It.' u• the moria'' ..t tilr- ►KfiItt hest t. 1.. ah -'-h eats. and Sunday :u het home sielmu.-il•11• a1,e-, 1home herr. .....-. r. Hy Ir•d_to k• J it. )ins \laud 1'ioree i. visiting her ,I. Pails, ' I11114aannen. A • t,:1 t 11•l i.1 I I) net • a,u: et•: .m., ST HELENS. • s,on.' w»- lilt. iest.11. "An ndot- roalsdiuu'i.•.the rt trmart called it, I iv tail ...K1..'. `N1i i1,.iL L'IItY •' vs , ara:auwd ...a1,.: 1,...“ 001 ;Vial it alit :';,*4,,,.....";,,'::. 1Stil.. t 1 nae.L, .ai nil; r. tit pt.''1lr At: rel eltiIlk W11.11 Wt, call p, flow a N,.1rd a.1..n iusi tee• at .all 1144 unlet Ili,. Lab1e 111 .11:yIt :y MAI' . fit - r . Al! Sul ! , r.-; is 1.1opertg tat •a 1 .,alt ei I toes 0511,e,y. 1arkrs. Wit ii r 1.11 ,-r ar.1 I6a\r :a ' iia`. f1 ., ' ..tt 4, lushly s+it: , ..part:a•d tai e,. E:•t. . w'ilhoad -est o) hu�.drto,r,. ss u. t'6.• 1. 1 . rM1t 1 Fa:. • way ono .t the Wetittr'15 ileiSriilitti it. AloN•n.sw. Nos', 22nd. Claiming s, ace, tint of t els vat (11tf.1. .♦.n lioi.a•. Mlis. Agnes, veals orDiet'iii.:. of r(ei .uu, to t•htl Ltd, retururd n• her home w n,• Ihis teth-et, of .udi ..i404lp • still the twiceedtnpt• la -t i:.gli carte dig•',. Lurknnw efter,n-sending is dew days lied :as befit. a piuprt p: r nt. liretta tie Wiest til Ali., 51)elI• I'hiht,- Welds seat house !rum Wing- 13or in tt t� Cc 'y kWh icer Sntul . s 'qrs. Hying- Tfini,l.`Tt t?i: ndnntii.t44 4LAe)Rl,lly lent, of N1..1 ilStow I. I- s isitin • bet see i I-'- ,fie•-_ . s. ti tar A..oc,atiot di i. Ilit .'nti:ly_NA Ixgner,etlCa:l ss.tiilei visitingatthe GAI- ti a me l- ,1 V l ace t the Ill'11'•Falt' eI11a11hA'Ntl:`D fur :Chir.- hunts o► her incite, 1'111.. 1'hihpis sen, %ti- (.1.„i0. 'tele Stark -tuck loan Clark was home Ilam the Ii. U. Mr. and %IrS, 'Wan;ea at. paws t,. la::ak.•�tt clearclearSha lie I. over S4 Inlay. . should iiia 1 r Itgioded a5 If Id;trk ('ho.. Void !slurried tiont the ‘west she••I'.' ':tiuulo year- ego." be sand on Friday 111-- Eliza Philips, tit with a bili(. men, U'iukle in 111se5r, Fordyce. I"spending Ii Hum ihrr•,few itaye with -whet. I Was stun ptli1 Unrhaiit r her sister. ! ty' will, as politi'ii.o.ptlattt. I eildt•at- Colina I'L•uk is sisititig Ilienu- at it,,t 1.. liuoi i.n,tuirice Hort ail aid- Lochlalnh and Kitnteil. tem eN.t, what elms,'. 1' .meld p),•- it, Msue,i. -The full..wilig is 1' r KINTAiL. ul'1' iT NOSV.-I1ELAYS Altl': IP dal Keruu• lienee ln�.ke site of it tad 1 it .e .4,145• •`te•ci.t- l•.a-t de wap. Put e, tr fW :pos. (niter. sser+- rdr--t•ra•:fu-4-40,4t..t tom,dn• .t for S+' . F4rb1s a -asp ' -'• loat't f sit tosee out new i a•kofrild'on+. nun-. li.at. fruit. c.uubo.. a ,g..l-• el, AWe sell viola rn,i -6111- f'i.!, 1-111.:111 . 11r11»A. l rlt:•r bttlo•11 Tr e--44 4 A JELL t,1 vluers l.: it a he:u rt,g h ooh I bent'''. the ....Il td th. I the match h held he 1,uldly -a,..pit•s ; that I my sett was loan n, I r,.i.hly. \\ I'll/ !Ten 111j. fowpan,`Ai hnu1tl•c)' betra)i-u alp by ihlcti.udating Ihat.thne had not leen I1 s-untilv.aridu Cut'tiMJdl I1 Del. nit a,1 sshit•h I had nut' art og:ted to iti'i-x14 a i,' :las hon"rt," Had a Jester. The . s.•ning' pt<i,faanurre -lie te the Hii, ii l,..e's exudeii•l. tid- ing of solid meat J,a•lwi rn its hutu'a- s us side's, tar Mi. Illi, k-tt •k lulketl - about our l.tdtillt.n tendencies a. State.. ahmltl)bf e had lately cleated, • and :d.0 stated et mamma s touching out infant navy and r se tiled duty to the Mel tier Country. - "ltUt I didn't come here to speak." / rohrluded 1.11. Illscksiork; "IIi olden .days, king. se. le wont to take their peter" ith jn•figtlimpliiit Vs., andthem l iiii-iii their • e ung IIKS- the lest of )nu tor tonight, hese bre e:lit . it le. -ler With un•, ' he Said. title/141g it glom r U,wstt Mn.ll. 1'. t)'Lyi lie. • - Mr. -. S. 1' tlhstn. I t •ca1ied vitt11• incidents of Ili.- Iru)h,N,d tit JIM tan F"' I, (mg ear r•ftiny, bawe\ el. ui 1nul to gine n different v151 -'01o1. of stoito. that. in- Wight has'' told at other lilt- • here tit the. A.sss'•it,tion. lie Ier•aalled 11150 a ai relit Visit ti. th-- T tilt, sl t'al lies and euipl\ar'i',r'd pat licnleuly the met that out of tln•'At1WtSemi tams Laxities i5 now fouling at iv oup of ) Dung ',win ttxiucd to pull, aIT»ns, drvotil► to theh:aliohal welter.. aim lemon -nig III sentare that 'liar's m Ile? old enuuUy which tut g,Ii lntinns h:r:- -Is•en the 'aril, of Millen. institution,. Ste in ;4.11 nf.rrat,,,,.it{etatu,is for Ilse' iritis if migrant, m-ecalliltgthat tlt, • . 1.1 inns wolf. 5r111rd lc est I ld land, that thrit d WOW' the rnnttol (fauatfa as w (ares, am wet'-- last Sitnrtkty : rug of ehrepi, is line in which he \\'. \yel,trt he J. Alrlloneld 3 already extensively eng iu ed. (.'apish,( It•xl'cuill' , Nei. AT, IlAltlthTUN. (1t1TIIPsdey. \V, MM (isms ,Ls, 1..'Milet .e 2nd inst.. Mfs. Helen St. Join(. a \M'. Mrlluiltnn ': 'M\'. millet 13 1 ylt,t'rissiie 17 1M-. 1,, miner ,tl iormer resident of the 1111 coneesu4on I. \\ minter• N. Hiut,phtt•s- S:' of this Iowiship. died at Harri-ton at \M'..Ala 1'lu•r.ot: it 1., well, ' , the age of ninety-one years. Mr. and A, Ait -hr-eat . 11 J. Andel son 'r Mrs. St. John lived in llultett and (L lllu -.y r 1j1 H. Nat tel C. A11.411s0h . 11; II. Tutu 1'S t Il' rte • 17. E. IL,ina•s 1.1 'h. Miller II A. Stuart ` s 1,, Stutut- la U. Murltiy 31 A. Mi Donald ti H. K. Rutherford rs T. 'l:ttlut 12 N. tetlydon Ir. w. \ie•litinald ti D. :McDonald .' b 1. -Hyde II 1':.lhoni- 1t U. .%; ie 11 l', ?:e Donald le .I. I'.titetsuu 11 2441 COLIdo)tnt. TI'vso AY. Nov. '-Sind. , \\Tann'. A5515F:itsSit S. -- sixty - Als,nt sixty-reest� «nd t seiel. :aasetul,fa5l' o Mi.n d Mrs. \\ ii. !. U et the home Allis ,m VII ray a min$g. tine act .•tT being the twenty -ti 1 anniversary of sup- per "x Iridin a s•. .After 1 couple 1 w tie K per hii d leen served, Ihieguests toured amusement in games and, conversa- t' Iliuing the course of the even- ing an . informal program w s ren- dered, including vocal is b) -ars Ada and fauns' Allis, Mr. ..)d t •reddo wk and lies. 1Vu,. 11a,sg Speeches 'of felicitation and giant withea w••te myJe by l.eorge train, lame(. Cue sir tun( others. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mo.u.sv. Nov. 22,1.1. Iii �r meets you half -way- dome all ) our work in half the time if you follow directions. " Sunlight Soap- absolutely pure nes es clothes from In- jury hands (ruin roughness life (ruin drudgery. 104 IY� •,a. i UIIJ.Nisr� Ion on Saturday last sass ►GILhw Attu. swing, of Shelburne. it resident of %t'ealliold a tow years ago, is visiting- frirnds in this neighlanrhotw.h5•tLales- ent TI.et.vt_ king t f. IOW in this neighborhood war fin- ished•last week after w very busy season. The apple - packing, tot., is practically Hnislied. 'snue, rat the (Armor have half very heavy- apple crop,. . . \\ a weir- plea: eel to note the iher of Prizes curl red off by farmers t'r'im \V....Diehl at t he Pro- ,visp•ial horticulture' }Exhibition at Toronto. W. Ii, ltoberte.m. of The Sigurd. spipnt Sinttay-withfrtende here, Thte-heistctlulth-r ted_1_a•i�.e _ss know of is Allen.a Lung Ifah+etu•. Which Was h ? J. H. COLBORNE \Ve arc making away down prices on Coats. Less to sell -black, navy, brown, taupe, green, in :•he loi. lot, $t�.io. Regular prices, `1=,5o, SI 3.50 an41 Si,. • kersey cloth. ;All this season's 'make. now than [\vent\ Any' Coat in the Made of beaver or Ladies' Knitted Coats \ small I. that Cattle Ill late (x'111 lite Makers. \t a gut 111.411 at a Brier that Nlluwa us- In ,.ell then, They are good value at tw:;.511. Plait.. cardinal. Kealy, white and Llurk, and white With cardinal Slur LicinKa, Furs • lurstock never wits, as good as u'.w, .\II new this fens Ni' resemels or old truck mixed with t All perteet gutale and prices 1IKh1, tw,, SI.tal up to titlS, :WA what w•a ate doing. Dress Goods • In suit lengths. • 71 tot+ yards in a suit. • New and stylieh, nail latest redwings t a line It�t. price $111, now at *7 Hosiery . It"gab t1 o M 1 mite+ 1 Stockings- 'n r 'Cs• "it• and .� ,r for tare. tern - b.• All., tome and get enure of nor IwrKaiu tckt K for � , wa and no seam*. Out of 7aI pairs thet e are rust 311'2 pairs lett. (Io,'t t..i-grl that wF carry I io'Ierirh hu trey made Stockings. tallea.' children's Anil 1515.: hrnvv•rit•hrd. 1olhmg tattler to Ise lewd 114 the iii -, The as-iuoolrnastrr hail been explain - lug to his boy's the difference between a.discuvery and an itivrns'•rlr. "Please. sir." :as�yk.,ed ;a un•uth of of hue audience, **emir- tette findingofthe N,•+•til Pole is Punch.di.ruvel s• or au invrntiun :• . Christmas Ooodb'here already 1) net leave your buying until the last t , ..r three Jay. iii torr l"hri,Uuwr Poore early. and. get I c hest choir'. ST. AUGUS I ME - • 'free'. v, Noe. 'Slot FAtsttt<Itl: Ci.t-it --Thor.. was .1uita• .t large n, 'el -Mince -el the Fernier: 1105 meeting last Thursday evening. Presi- dent Brophy occupied the chair. A Paper on sheep wee exit by John Wel h and short addreeaes nil horses and h .its -were given by Fred \boas and hit Then fled& .', very pr. di tat evrilin.( wit. spent by all present. m The )�. F:.'Ti . sx . fiats P.N .it . u. Co •oeIl spent Sunday with h-ien.la to this- vieinty .... Iles•. A. E. Jones Mrs. Jones, of Auburn, s i -i ted at Miran ,l I Si,-. and !.peat Sun itv 'visite' � e'i lo,,,, last w Ir.• has, neat tug hdr and 1 Ito state that imam-go..iq in 1 1 .sial w lee recovery t l'hunlpy0llia__laat week., Candid. Irs. H. _Hutton. of ()wail.. . ••Il in't you ihiuk, \larva c„u are lay with Irlrndrin this akin- its, ofd to play a its the• l.t•jr; ' u'y Ada Ifronhy 1 "1\ltlawmA: t.he. t,hl.•t 1 pa,, tA. islet'. Mrs. Mlo)'rl'-. of i♦in• better I like them" ok losrph K loin. j - i•rl fm'" the- \M r,t lolk- I a iudieben• edema- is letter ES_ •arty .. \\ran•51111v spoken without chertty. Mrs. -Joseph F*i-ntli sp rely i- •- heal trwa,ineiit in tit, ••F•ngsged to ilia heats( ifnfvirll.loot but - hope lu hear of yet not Lapps :" . "Meth slte'.awuew near future. • ly turns fur )owing. nod Ibnla., nod :horse,. and resit anti tint• T'n,N•• When trouble to bleep set time. I winder if I ani it •w,ethesrt K I or wrr.•17 n had.. t;lc ..I aro. cls •-k. Ytal will wtaaye' toil I 'ut' • • , 1.. ••• 1\'t\ , eight-day Cameron Moore endRF,ikPTN( at th e,tuelduo•. . g FRIDAY BARGAINS1 There is very little talk of municipal eleeti4u mailers in this township as yet. • - 'fhe work on the 111 n eeville bridge is alm,aet completed. end it will be open for trnnfc to a week or two. - '!'he cement i.butments of Glenn's bridge over the Hayfield Miser were eumplcttd *owe time ago by the con- tractor, William Elliott. They Post close to *•J,10s/. The 1ti11 ps.1fle td Mitchell are to put on the etre!+super• The Shoe We Hold Up for your rc»mine, iW, ,- used( by .0* of It (ort•nus.l -hoe de.igto•r-of the ro,entry.' It •• shoo that i- Jr; honestly built a. 1t :• akItt,1i.> 1/1.11i 1.011. • slpfut: rt.tt'ua AND STYLE are is,•ed hn' urit. wearer and lona -eioe as well au-uchtre at an eat ly date. Ii. and base ye,,, 1'.,t, Md tt.•ith a 'silt 'little .le all •tre-iu,r1 width- ."we can Rune Thor. 'Churchill has bough\ the antes• a 4t .• ,taut ..- 1f you L.ot your •nw- eighty-acre fam-un on the 11th cu ces- made to errs.. hint ,iwtirtt by Mrs. Chris. Tehhatt ..of Wart. SHARMAN ' Clinton, the price being $2.011, la has 1. -en renter;hit• w her of yea s. Mr. t hurehill will use it for the rtti ro v- lJvut Ili •n, in tit, tsa'tc Inti•• ii .1dei s n; Ilife newer 1'r0% - at liono those t1,11 who I.h iucnnkt,ants rte lh, n a '"fu a ed 411 the latest iiettucitt•- a our i,-lu,5iuus and noeial tow nation al lite. Promise Fulfilled' "1 teineashes' the Dine when air. (deck,t•Wrk user( tnricr•ixim in little t --d srhlnl•hnnsif tri the hack piers of 1:..d --tint," hunu,rouas ,Trc•tilt'-it MI. \Villiers i'I' ndfont. M. P. P. tan !:entre Huron. "ale gess prntni:r MAFEKI$Ite. 1M't rh.F-nse, Nos•.2Ith: A Ni R PF -•r. \tan)• tremors in' this.e•rtum are ploWutt( meter their .tut•:u1LLws in the hope „f killing the l'ig white grubs whi'It of late have lie- r•r. lnr N 11ie1•414•e t0 the hay crops. 'fh••-e grubs. whirl' air supposed to Inti, into .tune lugs Liter on. err Mien twee jp,•hr-.long_ ;tail as .big atuund it. a Mali • thu11h. :anti prone. ism to Lelou,e n legible pt'*t, rspx•ei- silty where the soil is re n bmttry na- ture. 'Isley thrive pattieufarly well unfit r (lover and in tin') chases eat away the toots to thoroughly that the clover bucrheti may he (orkt•ti oIt the .plum IA( c of the ground. atterweids at Seatortls before moving to this township, where Mr. St. John died. Fur the last three years atm. Mt..'.lohn had lived with nn adopted son, George. Leighton, Al, Itarristop. InT'"c.c.s lnlln Kno♦ .lhottu smerte-esererrt}.itrehts-•t we -eft with Irt sander. Mt-. Nit. Metitulet'..... Mts. Samuel 'shrrNood ha.li'rii Net T. 11 is said li:•ili,• SUrtt1•r who is now teaching at Scott's school; I;:,• rt, signed and will teach slid New Year's it,; a echool flirt het teeth ... .lames 'emir -rims Was in Lurki'•w_.ttii Saturday, fhiisl:ing itp hi. -killing ftil the heel ling The Threshing sea- son int his' • •''I inn rinsed oma S31110117, and all the machine, nue now being 0srrhauleil ❑t,,l pliteed in reinter Mint-. tela Thus. AleniI7 is resin bosh- l whet -king en Anson Fit, kr., hurl. f.-+: fent termer tars h:hl• tin ,iifi:r et his old position Os engineer in'n 'haw•nrll t•,t \Vert, tshrtt he wet last WESTFIELD. 'I i•estA', Nov. 2.11 d. TEACHER Ei.oAuI1.-1-Mis Lilian' (-lark hats been engaged to teach in union school irkatii,n No. I., East, 1\a- wanosh, for 1114$ at a HAW y of 8435. Miss ('lark has been li•attliilg at 1. ie inlah during the present year. She conies with high res da• C. 't : s •e Brown,'of NF:w•s 1\ leets Mrs. 1 . Conibet, whu had been visiting her daughter.fills. 'iV. F I;uupbell.tor tlie pew month. returned home on Ataitt- day of this week Mi. Lennox, of Toronto; !tar. and Mrs, Joseph Arm- our. of Wiugh:aul, and :lira and Mrs. Henry ialoriish, of, I,nilerlrh, attended the funeral of the late John :tor -1 'lin Constipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. „ t Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills,, thoroughly tatted by over fifty years of use, have proved a safe and c awe for constipation and all kindred 'p'oubles. Try them. \ - 25c. a bo ubbers and Overshoes • Don't allow the Rubber Footwear Question to bother you. then," ►te continued, "and time ha, writer. - f ullille•eI it genetun is.". { ill tt.tu' . Noe e--:.Jmm�s Maunders on alif r a \ 1 canslime! t , w n 1 'SIy well r, is dtuptinc n f nnd.tti•n, for lits Ltiuer I_ I'fTricltsteiek, tlu,uph lei, itini r lit licit! r flii shit r,n,l will hart, a six -t fool bas,un•nl With cement walls anti floor. Th.. roof of ,the house heist byes' ,Tet-,Partid i-rstrttrgfr,t GTA An sitdilier inrinding parlor and Ie4)rpims 4,•' • Mr. Sint hied et bee lass 111.1 when twofer teams drew y . week. ,I it Nl evi find ten of stop aerie Irnds nte'e' In tiro ?vetttr- r WI -taw 514.01• wont eats heist at art entree/tin "eel ...verity 11' m• home at which Neeirge Twe •opte were present 4111,111 h,''' ml's• 11,ts also had an lid flnisbt' it met i- now putting .on the ++ Sr aglow -lies. When a verandah' gue•.t of the As•o inion, ami t .1d hoav 1' 'trill rlrtn-s the front of Ihr hmtr+e m' will tune n vru neat and r•ntnfort they ?wild like t.. rens the orient ,� y who 'warm the l'xeihe 1;,•x.5- Itis- I able' residence, Thoa, ovemAndent- hna nhw.- ►red taswim Improvement- , hl.btts of 'icy father," deetaii.,1 1.. S.. I'xhssilll, a.st•t'arl. lininr•h.rl ,1 111„ To venters Idles in treeing she- reepenni-- Lility for ht- ha\ing tl,e Ko al i-ntnn,• • to i.e I41r11 i,. Ilnrnn to tine eight '.-m Ii centime, Mal John \V,-,.,ry, wee., Mi t'r•^11gi.tl:"il a Short 1"titin s)'.Inti Iti "1 think our r''dir l e sl,•„itd hese n hietn')." mired 41. ('..(sell. luteus.; a tel-it.•'I of in.ide'.t- in the Iii -Is- ye,u's of Ibh neIIi-•i1,in's in Mt. It.'t h..r',..•rlilnr'.f the Rana -el, Yericret\'i•r. ii f., Also Alf 'li,t.tt", are• -e T r You will always find that the Rubbers and Overshoes we entry i stock contain full Vale tor the money invested tun-priceit are as low as it is possiole to make them. Quality a our i •atel•walttii ew nd e never allow 'fiiretorjraiMrttarett - thrill/ern- ihr- ,site ',leek, Evt'ry iodq likes quality, and that is what }•Wu Fel,when buying I•notwenr limn WI. • - .- Always„on the alert for his values, ready t, buy in large qu•tn-.• titi.ctif it makes -the prices lower, and al\\a's a,ti,ching; where we can get better values ss as to },rile better values tha our competitors ~' is a great gars' this. Sometimes a grafter gets the game, but t is kind don't count for much, their own tactics s tm put theta out of c ramie. Isn't it ni:e to play the game fair and quare -and find L P b you self dinning out at c\cry 'move W for another move in the big game. If you a ee interested, keepvt in- eves on this age until you see it all. FRI I ,A1' is tour P BIO li: WAIN IIA\ . Awing to so much business benig crowded into Satu lay's trade, we have found it advisable to put int 't of our hig•Specia on sale for Friday. So, whether you see our a vertisc- ment or not, conte to the store on Fridays anyway. You. \l ll Lind you won't be isappoillted, and d sn't forget we have special 'stiles _ every day. LACE CURT INS Twenty (wire of irish'1'urrhuu •r 4 $3.2.1.$3.2.1."Twe 'iirtatn+` 31 yards long, regular Friday Bar sin $2.47 .COATS)' COTTON THREAD Thirty dozen Coats Cotton Thresud• - black and white. Friday Bargain ac LADIES' HOSE SUPPORTERS Sixty pair* Ladies' Hose Si ppm tele. regular and :rare. Friday Bargain 19c WINTER BONNETS Now is the time to get your winter Bonnet. 1011 shapes, regular $3.:el to lit •01. to clear out at one price. starting Friday Morning $1.48 r `MENS LINEN CULL. RS Twenty dozen tilrn'e Linen Collets, some r I t iU broken hues(, but nearly all size. ll Friday" Bargain 7c each TWEED SUITS 'Fifteen men's good Tweed Suite, this'uras"'n'i \ style*, regular up to $15.101. s Friday Bargain $8.75 BACHELOR BUTTONS 3,, 71 Ten dozen Barbel. r Ituttiris. seta' FridayFridayBargain EN S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS !teeniest...4W ,trill IGIe 1:a1111'N. , A Big Bargain Friday Bargain 37c in Raisins Oh, yes, it's getting around to Santa Claus time., Christmas is in the air; just four weeks more. Don't forget the Christmas cakes. You ought to be making them now, and this is just the time when we can help you to economize considerably in the Grocery line. Hundreds have been viewing the big pile of new Raisins in one of our windows. Are they not nice? They can't be beat, that is.why We showed them in the window. We purchased five tons of thea,flnest selected Raisins, which we imported from 'Spain. We believe', it is the biggest order ever given by any one store in Goderich. 'Blit here is the part that interests you most ; while they last come ailed t your share. - r' 5 LBS. FOR 25c. • more than goc worth to Any one customer. ameron & Moore REPAIRING ' Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderich. THE DEPARTMENT STORES s i i I GODERICH BRANCH $ SIMINNOMMOMID.O.1111111.61.0.1110_•. 1, • s....a..•r;.a,- _b-0