HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 2e/Utitifin 10. " Turiumiki, 0%F%iiiYti 25, 111191 - - - ----- • - sulest in Britain have given their beat effort: to the enactuaeut of legislatiou urgently needed for the welfare of t l'•• realm, only to lie baulked time and again by the irrioptinsilde • lords. tita lbe_cti1/4 is now filled to over flowing. The aeople ot Britain. who t•jected the a. ttttt claimers whose legisla- tion has been thus ruthlessly slaughter- ed, will be asked to say whether they really wish to govern their own cotntvy, or - are 'willing to alhaw a set •tf Tory - landowners to ride aava•r •The reply should not, be in +mitt. The Houses of lords is ill blot imam British eivilist HOD, and 'should be ienniveal. -Siorat aidolatli II. ('NT tRIO. sitiNAL t•ti. Telephone call No. Sa, :Times of illubeCriotaet 11.0oper stintim it, tvlennee. It month.. Sir three inoe'lr.. . In United 55 .1,'. sub.eribeta, 411.14 a year 4..5tiet b. it. 444.111C10 eub.cribei, who fell to reee.vellW SIGs ki •metatirly by mail will confer a fa% or by :O.' alt,Z114/ U, of the tart it ss-ltrty a date s. ' When a rhatigenf addre.....i.de.ired. both the OU and the new eddre.w,dicitild be given. advertiasig nate* Legit' end othet ,druit Sr adverts hlint smier.t.., per hue for t irtion and te pet line foe euilt.egitent insertion. blea.ured by • t vosit scale. t wel yr line. to an Meta. , card. of .4x hue. end under. $S Per woo. advertisement+ of 1,00. Found. at rayed, $it - u I. ion..l'acatti, Situ dim'. %Vented. limo., for State or to 'Hero, Fenn. for Side or to Hera, As -Itch,,, for Sale. etc., not exceeding eight aie ites•e. ion ; In for nod month, „Me for oath sub....quern month. Larger adrertiew ileprOpOrtiOn. Announcement. in ordinary reading type ten tent. per line. No 'totter le. than Any speci.il Not me, the object of which 4. Ow pecuniary benefit of any iintiyidual or an.oci.- arm', to Me con.idereil an ad vertiseisielit esti (ohs. eharged woordinglg. ik RANA. for diaplay and rontract ad•ertise- moLie will be given mi application. adarees ali oonituuntretlow, to Tlia.altaNab OBINTINti co.. Limited THE SIGNAL : ONTARIO THE SIO*A CIODEFUCH. ONTARIO EDITORIAL NOTES. - - Dr. eirenfell. the Labritior man, was married last week. But ,his relate& lion as a brio was already established. Municird candidates art; stilt play. But they need not be :tfraiii of offering themselves perhaps they svoialdn't elected anyway. Judge Morison has decided in as ease brought before him at Toronto that it cigar is a drag. How eagerly some fellows' wall now take their medicine! A brave legislator at Ottawa is talk- , OODItitien. THORlititY. Nov..17, Igoe mg of approaching the combines with - -- -- --- - - -- a torminittee of ineestigation. 'What he ought to do is to get after th4na with AM Mime. i CANADA THE ,FRE. A splendid tribute to Canadian lib- erty was paid by the convention of the American restoration_ whieh met at Toront lab( week, when it pot on record a ‘reeolut ion contain- ing the statement "That the freedom of speech which we heve exercised 'dining the present. The suffragettes are willing to bileri lice' lives fur the "catise."- hays Mt.:4. Pante-buret. Thin'. all right, so long as it is their own trees, and viol other people's, that they sacrifice. A "Don't -go -to -Canada" campaign hair been opened in Chicago, isa convention without judicial restraint effort to check the emigration of based On sipper -constitutional and ben- srfogsied authority has he,.s more is United States farmers to the Canadian conformity with the fundamental West. Though noel° intended, it is a great compliment to Canada. That looks like a pretty big bill that That Canada tithe freest country ont Mr. Molding is prerenting for the inu- tile face of the' earth would perhaps ,ting of the country's business: bat - *or)t be too lunch to claim ; but at 4h! ahem -SS fgatiski of it is for improve- . rate her claim to be the foremost ex- ments at Goderich it would fierhaiws milder of ireedom on tie, American Ire rather rode to say anything aboot emit ineitt can Ia. established. It it. , should•be not only the boast, but the It still remains to_ be discovered great care. of Canadians that their! what benefit !Ida accrued to Cantu:limns country should maintain this pre-emin-• through the cancellation of athe old principled of at frea• and self-governing -.ration y than in possible at pr 'sent in , the I .nited States cat America."' ence in liberty. • postal arrangements with the talked - :notes. alauy on 1,6th sides of the line can point out the cHiadvantagee of the preseint situation: The House of Lorde Ada taken It. _ life in its hands. In declining to paaa The Gasderict, H�iuplt of Trade has the budget sent up with an over. the Pull, all righ . Last week it whelming majority from the House of passed a resolutioe'intimating that a I4. 'anitaoais, it attempts to assert & Ubeernment appropriation for the l • -1 p. over in mattifis of finance which It harbor would tie acceptable, and be- lies not, possessed for centuries. . it is fore the week was out the Govern - taut without some show of reason that ment plank/e I down SKOP/. Ube lords take this serious and revolt,- Some A the Conservative . stews - tannery step. They claim that under papers -seem to be uneasy over the cover of at finance bill the Com- Preuder's declaration that the Cana - mons ie attempting to put through, dian/navy is boot* tinder the control of particularly it: regard to I tug' - Canadian Parliament. In the irpior !icemen; and .the land question, niece of common sense, in Whooe Con - with which the Lords have the t•ight, trol,should it be but, that of the repre- to deal. In A deepereense. they ary eentatives the people who are pay- ,. ical in the position Which they tug for it ? ,to taking. It they Allowed he Lto daleorge budget to plias w t Herbert Gledstone. who has been challenge. the chief usefulness of the Home secretary ill the British Goy - I lotise\of Lords, in their ey would eminent, will he the first Governor - Ie. gone\: that is. its power tend General of united South Africa; (lie interests of the great anifow ers There is some conjecture as to whether and the iivileged chi general . Mr. Illadsione will receive a title of The Lloyd- eorgt• budget ir. bitt an in- wine sort .ir will go to his pest with- stalne•nt of the land reform legisla- t the usual appendage of viceroy - ion which, ner or later, in one atty. We do not know how the people of South Africa feel about it, but a mat. many Canadians, perhaps the ma rity, would jest as soon have a plain " r," tit itideept Hall as an Earl otat I . John Bairns, for in- stance, would, he heartily welcomed in Canada as the Ring's reOresentative -- though. to be sure, slich an appoint- ment might be objectionable to a few elka of snobbery still exist in r been in THE CRISIS IN BR; TAIN. 1.irm or another will restore to the wople of lid ir rights in the land oh their birt a obstruct such botislation the c ief i rest of the majority of the ta:crds. 'hen the budget as to be votird upon he spec- tacle as presentel t nieenbre corn- ing from the °online t. from fl ding groom's,- ,ir w erever tit Isle for lordly pleaseire le -died therm_ some of tbelli who hied or the Meuse before, all briend errand .or looking out for t The ditties of their position - Tiers of one of the great lion Parliament were nothing to th their Orli:Regis of taking a part in • conduct, of this affairs of the nati was despised and neglected : to then the 'House of Lords was, fatly a rally.; titian the. - selves, TemUt- • this couutrv. 411t' W. ACHESON cg SO Saturday ant Monday Bargain NOVEMBER 27 AND 29 . • Fawn j tttt ared fards Iflannelette, light and nrd oil re soft. heavy qii oi,y. SI Melte. wide,. Wairth 12•• he yard 1. y, I Ow. I nuiraNliri tt4e.la heat KligliSh titt :12 old e, "Orton 'i'a best." Itopiler II. and 121e .• y srl f ac Ladies' Skirts W. H. ROBINSON, District Agent, Seaforth. Ont. other posaessions of this worldwide! ceal the fumes of limburger cheeie in Empire, These fleets- may they be the diningat.om. invincible on both oceans -are the . O world's bMurcipal Career a Sacrifice. eat guarantee for peace. , They are is pledge and the sign of a, .. Hek ne* Mercury, covenant to the nations that there are t itlITPr. Olivet'. of Toronto. the 'Alma open routes and ports for commerce day told a representative tit the press among all peoples. In the British that had ha' .... t been elected chief ex• genius and spirit they are an asylum ecutive in the Qtfeen City his finances tor the oppressed and a sanctuary of would today Make a showing of bonus freedom tor the enslaved. Let no $20.000 better than they do. In other hard, narrow, selfish or timorous words. had he spent his time looking pol- r h2waiwn businese instead id that of the public.. he would he in much mote affluent circumstances than he ic at the present time. l'herefore be will not again seek election. ' In thie.toti• election it must be reinembered that in Toronto the occupant of the may- - A Guest or a Cap tate. or's chair is paid a salary, a stipend strange the world about met I such as would be considered princely Net er yet familiar &roe n - in any occupation in a town. In Stall illeturie we witteburari,e,. about the same ratio the town and Henan:ray tile • Noe Itiell-k township cetureillorgetanti to lose -Mai / • ti, this hoii.e with r.tarry dowe. material way. Tillie which otherwise Floored with like plaint' sad seas. would be devoted to their own inter- Shall9en I tower f nt hornet, , -,- esits they give fr to . public ming cerno meeting. usually, with a gteat I Re. ei *11011 be ikt twee !`, deil more criticism th commends- ott from roan to roonirst tion. the st rict ores often *ing of the Yet ally 1fO-.( can :trier ratty. most thoughtless kind. 'l'aeir mein And 1 Loon not to this rtai , retiard is .rt cousciousnees of, hasing 51 het tier egur,t or eapt tve I evintked a willingness to dipeb e th. full dot lege( citizenship. poor humanity of such a troon.! liath not. God, our cocatutin Father, lifted us into posterior such a day as sobottireen the at.trt y dome And tier floor of plain. ate( +rev, - - • I twee never felt at home,. Pee% Cr wholl) been et es.w. -wintant-warogo - - - A Protest. Windsor Recast BIlreaue makes steady strides in the of the free. 'In Detroit callers for m 'I at the general delis - - Lena --Why dem', you Marcy Are you tint 01.1enough ?" "Oh. yea." "(Sr rich enough ?" "I. think so." then's" am sot foolish enotigh." •Nliaa .1 glue tool, ! How foolish do you wail, to Dot let an .uwult,aa.n:.i dealer force on you a:: jmita tion of the "I). ez...1.."..Mithcl Plaster: I.nOk fort'ac '1). .Q; L." trade -mark on the I: guarantees the wint:ine the most effective remedy for Rheumatic kiies Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc- 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven tiLIC $1.00. . - - .\\ cry wicket,' no Input sign a card of FROM OUR COST EMPORRRIES:\ identification irvingname and ad- -dress. Failing th they get no med.- __ This, it is alleged, a the beginning of a, Spell It Out. 4 system "designed to stop the use cif I. &leery New., • the general delivery . vice for intri hunt apell Christmas with gut. and risque roman e." In other: for (he next month or so. looks wont,, it is another atte et to make better when it's spelled out -a it means more. A Frisky Team. 1:uelph Mercury. There's a man out here in F.:anima who has named as teani of borers "Cook" and "l'eary." Pritbably because they have a pole between them. The Strenuous Teddy, London Ad fiber. Mr. Rorie...vett wirers at he is safe and round in the dept'h saAVhen , proposes to intreodie t Africa. The fact that the worl hail heard moeal element into a purely litedivese nothing if his doings for three weeks function it is transcending its powers was so untasual that it created a *en- and introducing a n •people moral by legible t act. This curious heresy is common all Pro- fessedly civilized lenintries but it ' seems out of place in a cotin that rants day and night about ft one , The rant is largey rant, it seem It is no business tit toe postoftire del rt- ment under what name mail is b•kli if the owner or the owoet 'a .represent ative asks for it. 'entree such mail be part Of a *Totem of fretted against -4 public. The function 'oftette postoffice evident is to get mail to its owners. FERRU1 ?ZVI THE BEST TONIC liar all sickly people. Makes new blcoff Gives strength; Restores vitality, • Taken alter any tic If neatens • return to leestt Davie lawrence Mm•re....,' 300 1'1 Twenty sante ladies' telt twend f they dark wnistei u4,„ bowl tidily intede atitl fetlitoria Ole.• 1111 Anil 111 Cleat ing, -• • • • ' ....... Floor Oilcloths 3 Hitoteh Floor Opel& bit.. About non roil+, extras limey wei4li1 amid new patterns. I, lf, yawls Wide. Side price. I Ladies' Coats • Twenty only ladies' Twoosti Coos, full length. stylish 11111, n alit. Itr•glilat video r, $7 to "Ulf. Special, t wo days: • e -i. Men's Fur Coats Brown Wombat Coats, $23, for $io, Black •Dog. Coats, $20, for $17. Black Ctro' tsr, $3o, for S. W. ACHESON cg SO Only Four Weeks to Christmas. Yetheins Year (or Christmas Giftsasath "a- intit,. *Or ,,.ir Chri.trues Perfrm-s oath. We have mopie very part v spacial new WWI «I. in Italeat Stf Parfalate ifl sman (tory boxes I h.o, ere such sic e • ...tie good thou.. in .1 Se • o I ['it. 1 I te .1 lm it V. al.1 egir-• !pseud deirounta by the halltlesea or dozen to Sun lay Sc _ Teacborn etc. Cheistmas Per fume* from 5c to 15 fta S. E. HICK, Central Drug Store, - - - Gocicrich. Ont Business a Sir SU -MX d ellaident i-' Casa Fro. 1. werneric. I * '7nsie 1.014D0 ONTIMIU ammisr , -1,1,1111=S tuition. Further, the act is tyrannical. -- A Good Plan. • • Mr: 'Roe:delis Lapse. . Hamilton Time.. I , WhIMOSE It'we Pre.. The North Wentworth Liberals 'it is like Mr. Borden:and a, start. heartily approve of the idea of as Pre- ling lapse from his custouirwv fairness, iincial convention of the party, • and that he should say, as he did in his propose to hold meetings throughout I speech at Halifax • the riding to discuss plot form issues. I "To one thus returning from the The plan is a good one. Liberalism' mother country the question neutrally stands to gain by it. . i presents itself: how shall we stand in In the Way of Testable. '‘ the future within the Rinpire? Shall , we, as Mr. Goldwin Smith deeires and Hamilton Time.: ! predict,, become part of the great -Our old friend Mr. Lewis, M. P., of : American republic, or shall we follow 1 West Huron, has re -introduced. thus t the aspirations of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. i early in the sension, his views on re- who hopes and believes that Cauada j male suffrage. He modifies his de- will sever her connection with . the mand now, however, by the proviso, British Empire as a ripe apple drops -no babies., no ballots." 'W see eotne from a tree ?" trouble an None for Lew' coming Mr. Borden knows, AS every other from the direction of the noisiest. Coinerlien knows, including the editors clamorers for female suffrage. • of The Toronto Mail and Empire And The Toronto News, that Sit Wilfeid London Advertiser. Leurier's whole aim since he has governed Canada has been towards Hon. Wm, Iterty, M. P. of Kings- closer union with Great Britain, 'and ton, a Roman Catholic, has donatedithat be has done more for Imperial $100 to the.jtibilee fiend of a Methodist unity than any other statesman, living church, with the remark that "Chris- or dead. Mr. Borden cannot cite a tianity is a big enough platform to Word or an act in the life of Sir Wil - hold us all." It is possible that the frld which justifies the word.. quoted Almighty doesn't, attach m.8 InliCh int; shove from the Halifax speech of the pittance to theological differences end Con vative leader. distinctions at& tiume of the people on earth, , \ The Personal Factor in Politics. The opposition at Ottani" is having Montreal Herald. trouble with the navy pieweition. Lest The Liberals turned the narrowest Suffragettes Object to West Huron Members Proposition. Areffion Ma:House united -on a msoiu. poseinte majority to Middlesex into a New York, Nov. 18. -The assertion ' good big one. In Essex a good big that women should not he allowed to in ; Mon in favor of it Canadian navy, and 1 ape was turned into a minority. vote unless they haven baby,- reported hs.• So far 'Mr. Horden, the Oppositioni About the only moral one can draw to have been wade by E. N. Lewis. M. leader, has refused t" withdraw from ' from the double result points to the P., at Ottawa, Can., has excited con- - theattitude which- he thee took with difference in candidates. Sitceesa was siderable comment among prominent he assent of his whole following. Some achieved hrsits.hpuma spurs: defeat fellow e tjta. sat suffragists here. "As a rule I think it beet to leave tag place for the defetice of their own � the Coneervative members, how- man who has been along time in the unanswered people whip "[Ake hitch class interests when threatened he; et -'gr . hate now discovered that *direct Public ere, too long, by the look of the ntatirld atatenienie," said Mrs. Carrie aggressive Liberalism. These men con riled ion to the British navy would , times. It happens that way. some- Chapman Catt. one of New York's tire quite logical, -then, in throwing firth Ilest policy : °thee.% while alt.1 Imee' leading suffragists. "I am hick and 'Uncertain, Coy, and Hard to Please... tired of hearing seer thawed into theexistence of thHome e uf Gorda provin the idea of a Canadian navy, every argument. How can it possibly elnlidlephia Telegraph. . Into the conilict which rages around are af al the firii'-ernment will not affect a woman's+ intelligence to he or , A Raltietione preaeher oracularly not he the budget. If the Midget prevails, Vend enough, money on it to mike It held forth to his congregation last mto Jeft nit, "hrILIP Wella, t the Noose of Lorde will hereafter iie worth whi e ; °the's, again, ore in... normte on ••What Woinen Love in nentriin lihsh -suffragette, Sit ap)rgnrnit. in pious quietude. giving no hint on the Plart„ WAR even mitre v'ePheinimenat. Unable to -Noel the efforts orate- te. (dined to r, in lAin at' the expense of i Men. The women hat, we suppose, formers, and its eisefolners, for their tho-flovernme t's dim Of c i ' peewees, will be 'tone. On the other will not do for Christiad Brotherliness, TAKE THAT. E. N. _ t"'Iowan the world could motherhood, heir flowerlike faces of the inward e Opposition timely i mirth which no doulit they felt. 1 any more that fatherhood. affect the ha lot ?" Mesa Wells exclaimed indig- nant', by a last desperate assertion of to accodehre in the Mittisterial pro- : Well, anyhow, here is What the pastor Danti . ''Would there be any pos. their power they may thwart the teasels, mid it will interesting to gee i xolealalY told them they love in men :1 table (vie Or gphep in women euggest• Commons, destroy the Midget and for what kind of plat& ma the different 1 asst0 o u rage,teendiaratice.‘,, nobility, r *li tittle at least delay tlie ()sett lirow of laetions can patch up o ntford I hem- I hag (hat men should not be allowed to ! thre;lohn't. lielase ft.::?v,:n;'t 111114 I voli' tinfr" they were fAtiler° W117 all' make the 'no babies, no ballots,' A their class privileges. They are play• helves common ground in an attack I been unpurstied ell these yearn. . woman'a euffrage cry ? Why not tie,:fti,ifto.r great etnItes• and ire Ft ling thin 11001.1 t lif. Government, HOW Henna make it universal ? I awl sure yon - __ __. \ would find quite as many men harred It, remAins to he :e'en what the Brit- Or. Cerman ia out. with 4,1etter in _. Montreal Mortal. ,- When throwing ashes -mit the trout. roni the rat._ se women • i,h people will.- say when their tm„n his eharacteristically vigorous style window, see that the policemen le not Th --...4'• upholding the polieprff Cenadiati per- etanding benentle. lie doesn't Illee it '. e "IL- (;,:a“);'silind.riiv. '''''' `,.. s'emusghbaenll zd. tieniation in the defence of the fent. Ire making oxtail coup remny, coolie sour whiskies now have the hide and fringe remnved ereAN. pre. A paragraph typical Of the • .1 from the raw material before cooking.. whole lettee reads: '' • 1 A good way to elm up potatoes that ,Young girls frequently reriiiire W "flninueetionahly, with our harliotat have been frozen is to throw them at good ineigorating and blood -making Lord borehurn has declared virtually an oltr. fertile plains, your neighbor's cat when he Is eit- tonic. -Foll'. this purpteas nothing that until the . veto Power of the ciTfibmml,nise41,71;eatchetertIbie rem -wooer' iii. gaged in revelry by night. equals Erreovim, which is prepared House of Lords is retni.red no Liberal Ise -vetting in stewed imineasurable ex• When you dent knew whether it is from fresh lean beef, citrate of iron Government will again ass ..... fi live rt.*, it is in one- intermit on the At- tea or coffee, do not water the fern and mire old Spani•li sherry wine. Ir. heavy hinvivn of "(flee. rim font' antic to remnitinieate with fins hrouni- with it: leave it to be warmed over re•on brings color to the cheeks and Nu& end on the Pacific with A testa -ilia for the other boarders attengthens the Whole system. $1 a tears some of the ablest men who ever Ner Zealand. South Africa and the Burning old rubber Isiots will eon. bottle. Ia,Speak cornea. House of Com- mon! will be dissolved aai,I the MOM ...... nentous election of A belOcenttary will be fought. For the Government Thoroughness the Corner Stone MARTIN BROS. 'Phone 180 TAILORS and FURNISHERS 962 Ones year ago. ale. NV1tkenillii was est:nine emelt COO pee years. farm t Ter. Now he is reining at the 1'te of $1512 per year. Six months' traininir te• "01 flintiness College' Il, -- difference, Wee it a good investment ? He thieks at,, His address he New Ong, ede. Sask. Four Courses: PREPARATORY COMME.RCIA:. •STENOGRA P,iy TELEGRAPH Enter any time. I iiviiitial Instruction, Write for particute OWEN= BUSINESS COW:0C I GODERICH GEO. 8P01TON, PRIN, I LLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Cor. Tose end Alexander St.. A hIgh•class school, linter any time, rinidnate,, readily get romiltiona Write toll ty fir h trui.oitie Catalogue. Nor. n vird' fe'. we ome in thy, a f visiting at P. !ballerina Mr and 11' yew Has the reputation of being the best practical training school In Canaile, Thipriptigh motifs- tare eitieiticed remit -1k Business men say pine graditetti are the best, and they apply to am for entre help. graduates succeed as n.' n e other. Three departments: COMMRRCIAL. SHORTHIAN end TAL40111,APHY.' Enter at titre. Write now for our free catelegite. O. A. Metatill.AN, Prtuet' pal. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ily MIS month mote pool the Christman. Wp h.... I. en in king great la. eparatl, us fo Clarstmis this • ear, end have piarelissed what we think thrni eot things we have e• et had. We would te t hire 5ii 111111. i11 and look riot stack over anal sPi• it you lee with US. Next wee.; Wive more par • kiders, • F. J. BUTLAN Dx‘ Druggist, Goderich THE STORE_ THAT PLEASES TVV\O MORE DAYS OF Clotbino- Sale fridai and Saturday Just two more days left for you tea secure some of the big bargain,' we are offering in men's Salta and Over- coat., anti boys' Suits. Many have taken advantage el this sale, and saved a good many dollars by It. We want everyone to realize the money -saving opportunite this sale means. 'Without going into details we will print the prices once more. Read the list, then route and cai inir.e for yourselves. Men's Suits $8 Suits for $10 and $12 Snits• $13 to $18 Suite for .**.i$61‘714:: Extra Special 11120 blue and black Cheviot Suite 11111.7.•, Just a few left. It means over $8 wired on a good "best suit." We want you Ira MO these /Mita, yoll Will lie Awl to be able to get mach on extra good suit for Po lii310 -1310fley. - Regular 11210. Extras special Men's .Overcoats Regular $850 to IPS Overeoat for $3.9,5 Regular CO Overcoats for V.75 Regular 112 to *la Ovemor• for :47.75 lien's Rain Coatik Regular slit for Regular $12 It a for Regular $13.60.4$1.0_ meta for in coat' cost. 57:51 R/110- 43.75 Boys' Salts The balance of the', bon Stilts. Regular *4, tor Suite for. ..... r•ot4 Men's Pants t 311.50 Pen t s for ............ fele *2 Pante for . ......... .$1.85 $250 Pants for. ..... ....... 11,3 and ftt.50 Pante for . V2•23 WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE MOUSE OF RffAL VALUES