HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-25, Page 1Ofd printing
that -OS - the kind . that
patrons of The Signal Job
Department get. No order
too big, no order too small,
to receive prompt and
careful attention.,
The Signal
Telephone "3•
dlitTY .:gt'uND PEAK -Na kr t
To JANUARY Jst, Sell. to NEW
/or $1.00
Subscribe Naw
THF; SIGNAL 1'RINTINI: I 0., 1-'J , Puri ulnaeiy
1 am offering for isle Debentures bearing interest
at five per cent. per auuutu, payable half -yearly.
These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof-
itable investment. 1. would advise anyone having
atone,' to invest to be sure to call and see flue.
W. L. HORTO ° -
of Thanks•
'AH11 11f' , ANKH.
wall 10; lowein and family. 11 k Rout, Lrdse. atI, ler.
fu: 'heir alednr.. awl •par
. .. .. ., ni 'wre• ' ,•'urn:
1 ti f it A i` f' A N• !t E►'.V M Y
l Hrt 1.1, saris ..I ,n l't. W. h A -a
;41.whoc! .\,ars-t ;eh ahetfer chen'oro.. leer
..e. er reut....ted
to tees\1y«a oras xy•
1'01 Sale
V P111 E Z i1I►
r • large doer. :\pply Caretaker •
e• 1t ,': wort .-oa.ter)•
n 1. F't'RN ACE FOR KALI:.--A
• , '' 1 ern Beek rural toruses. t,..41
•r n i evt .wn,lllfoe; mei -tee. hot are
n•..,. fort. Apply -to J. H.''ml."ltSF • Suction *ales.
alt wryest, per boa $1 0e to It
rtagerhea'. per bush..• ... 1 nu to
e per Mr.h . .. .... a n' t.0
lewheet. per hush .._ .. n kt to
1st . neo'. per bud, 0 Ni to
Peet t.•e no.i, e s i to
Ilerl• ter 1,11.11 �,, a Cr to
Vat-tdu Si :in. to
Four. fMgqlli'. per tort ...1... 2 71 to
FI'•tr.l tarn' -per ewe �'C Iio
MMu, p'. tow 'Si.0 to
sb"rr., is eon .. Yn net to
Hay. pert •r.. :M t, to
tr'o'd, icer to
b ..-,.r-�• tt to
'ran -r, Incl " Ii. t l to
Egg-. fro -n. leer des 1+ to
1'W ator.. u :ti to
t'attic. ordin y art 11esd, pervert! I .r' to
• attle. vL,we: t]Ie cwt. ......11i to
Haw.. . - _ 3\ ... - :F. -to
lembr. .... 1 .. to'to
Cheep, ea cwt r'r, to
....... n 1. to
�-u.1s to
, isto
I to
: a, ry
HU.'..r, Is'r
limn, .e'r•Ib
_have. per lb
Lard. t .•. Ii. ,,, .�
Tahoe: per Ib . .
Linde••, per ewe-
'sheep 'kin.
.0 Hocken• . .
'1'wreel• ...... ..
12 to
e S:
o :e1
N dei
. 17
t u rm ntee. Well -ell enemy. 4- 1 --
i l'Cl'It)N ",U.K
Mortgage Sale ur -
_ _ __-- -Anti STI 0`K AN Is IMF%'M}:NT1.
1.alit.. J. Mahe wi'1 ..1' A pa!,p ...a ari w,
!1 . -
t r ALE
f 1!
RTY A( :T`t{Ja-ii`
,. .•cl''v v ir•.e..4 the nnwnr. ran' ;Int., - .r yetabun.,,on,
;••-n mallow,. which well M_ pr.AnmA 'I' l k'her\Y: OF:('F:MRRit �wr.
•M'i of dal.•. three will he seer"[ Ins. t.rhr .i. l'ek .hwty`
the Dery snare. l iebltrd p. /e In'•..n\ wd. to
drhy{„, ,r,. ...i I., ., ,,, :nnAry. , o• P ..14.! eon : I root toddles, rl.id1r .. v....,
new• it •1,w ...in „ow., In Thr rnwl, Of I hr Hiit.toru, I'• Ina foal, by 10.41
„ler,.:- s., s, t, erase ': ell day d N” .'iu, • Ion
' I •prteg foal. by Andrew. Perehe n : .i
• t•'I„•',.an el ;,.Mork nu..,” the i'rut•erty sow ruftro++l ru br-In salt. I Jen.•; raw.
erwn .•,•, life. .+mtaihiug'.1 S.•rrr,m'.re ndlk R: t trrr-, .o'iinit ren free. 041: Y
kr..,,,; tilt -ins' tnrrinn• of Int- num , l,.U. , rowing two years dd :2 -t errs. swum'
,,„•,,,,,,,,,,,i,... o In the SIattland Innthe t0 rf ane rear old : 2 heifer.. memos u, , year o A : �I
--'n of ii.rler4 h fwrrA !n the town ,pro. I. e.. I brood -on. Aur b borrow ' No
•Ilius.: h. The nreprr.v i-. most 5dean- e.
I 1 Fee. tree. • x
coo1 ref/diet twr h: 11 n t L ue.trr
..4pn.n .it .44Vol-so rm. of tr*Pi; the dobeaut idly w t .i.4
we lamb : I nal bred Loire -feet Mm a erre
so. 1,i, *g ens Huron rural C"A waned i remit)
I 'din et. ft ft. rut : I nu t - I' Hurn• i wn I
,•.crNrn' perk nrwnr•tfr I the Corti ,1 menet) pal r : tfannn.g ndll: .•atNer: 1 wont
'.,••tor•,•., npnv wh1. h Ibe tniIMlar- aro", reek : a Waal if). O(.traw: r , kanrti of bent
••+rot i• •.r*t ', .hi. a fwnuln n seat ire. k lumber. nd nnni-Fal. other article•,
d wn•:St +1-o pro,lde n' etrrponi -Ur foe I j e▪ '••rythlor els et all , will tee -old, art I.
' •r•lirn.e•- overlooking .Dern the n
v'.•'' anA Mir,cr h t hr reran ...led down
.'nob, t r I t
Cl"r .and under. t'a.A
' Ms. -.\II ioniser I n n
TERM. d!
•• d'oe„• prosper'. t al mel aTI .fh4 Due nTrr rAat uunnnlr•lei'en n.jn•b• eredlt w111 be
•.....,,..4 pro'tN" . total firmed anywhere• ! Ira' en othtrni-htn Wim' ea.pdnt note,. .\
11 �. l:AN.-,dhlen-ot cols 1'I'J +,x-
:. KIL alt.%. iwni.t... t:..4.. l. -r. or to .: • - Ataessw iN nolw`ele (wigl,, altswedptraa0i
'Iv. BK\' 'ION Es ( therm 1-°n cerosin wniount',
solicitor for the Vendor, L. J. M.ei :R. • THOMA. itI'NDRY.
. • •ea.h IC S. - I _ Proprietor._ r °-Auctlame'r,
. t'•
- ; A1-c'THiN SALE -
. Reay estate to: bale. er ,
-_ :1:.•AI al: F'.ttt]t, FARM :`TocK AND
1:\I 'OH ilALlf'nR EX-
. K•) - IM1'1.FMENTS.
• it %Not'. hares end lot In lloderirh. -
• J•t
‘e,.. be
:brie: hoa.e. Mien
.'.•t' ...hiding a "rod oroharl with
.-•tint!. R. Ii. ,3}:Ri1At.1.. lob -al.
'a t
:,+,• seri+ with T! ar ; In a -rot. : frame
me w... h phone in. 1'' lee un inelndnlr T•• -p,- w,.1 to annnoroeed at 'ate` end ae Mr.
-nr, 1 tc4 a Nth loam. :e1 ac . a: tn. per P•'di.rt.or 1.-.c11ing the farm through being in
re, hrn.en wed ,hared. Tale t- se -nap. 't. poor health end not le.t tag help. the term• will
i• a„+o- n0 rva rnr. 1 crl'a with a+ tea•,nnLte. At.it t
v r ora' Mynd :n,at,•.-u teed tot v
headings, lee acre. ho en : pH �' W :OOP to to /one to . it
• �t locality and prone In hat ; Anv A r yiyo :: Krldmg-. rising.old irons trews, old : 1
benKM ethane
rem., N. nolle., n -slog two veer. old r I -prini colt : 1
K' raw, -Ix yews old. uph0.ev1 to be in calf: I
E 1+1.• ' r
Ivl . Y yak ran. Sark. . - ._ •... - _ c nr trots gran nM -n fDn-ed .to be ire calf
-- .lana. three year. old. -np to be Jn-.calf
1T'SF •FOk -MAT... - I cow. risme tone tees. old. +utittosed to he In
hnr:i 'pee Inc• with the modern ImpOWe• fair: I sow. four years 014, due to calve: I
ver•. le semi --itersted 'tint n ftlisib sere•- wet. risingthrew year. old. anppo+td to be In
V f1
three .nearly
' r heifer. new' 'ran old.
.t:: l n
Bairn 1�' \. K 3
. f:. t Ht:t;Tito.
--- ,- 'res! ::•tS•ets, rising theme year. old : 1 +free.
''r1r��rUI 'i F. MR SALE. - A TWO• thole/ two year. oM: I heifer. ti -log two years
■e t•tiritY httc M.- iintin reit ?Oso h -told.. �i rlidpter et Ca • to pe doe to r pug ; !1 velli
Bi t nett. Per is' oars be Mot b1 ewe Lelre-ter ewe : T Haiti ter rate i Pali
Iling at S113NAL Oflea. ewe Iamb, ; i Naesey-Hnrrl. binder, 'nearly
Mr. John iinher•t.rm will -ell 1,3 roibl
tutu et t1.r t,temiv-. Int 13. cone,•.stem. a.
-l".iiborne,ou r nine weal of Auburn,, on -
rHl IttutAY. I's: E;IHKft :.n.
ee uttrorine at I o slack . -
'The far tn. rute.l.ting of Ill erre, of gots I:.od;
fret... Mei.... two frame bene with -'otic
-Idblin:g ander race.. good orchard. fair fenee-.
and a good running -,train. making it a goal
pa -tire and Rr in faun.
The Roll of Honor.
List • of Winners in Best -kept Premises
Following is the annual report for
11aIN of the directors of the tiuderich
Horticultural Society :
Director's Report for too,.
To the Member, of the (Joderich HorUoultarel
• Society'.
We desire to s4h[Jtit for your con-
sideration a statement of te opera-
, e•' ear
„lions of our b Iety for the party
a list of the prize -winners in the c01n-
prFtition for the best•kept premises,
and some euggeat ions se to what
-should, be done during the coming
year :
tirfprovement at trchoot
grounds. Offers were made the trustee
boards of ow• public schools and Col -
Lost or,Fonnd
D sKRVE * two-3'ewr.,ld red Leer. de
Greed. about :stir punnets • fpe�I�tyr "4" chipped
a Ole -Ir week. w1t+ M. right rump. J. F.
To Rent
convenience-. Mewl. t +'noble rent.
Apply to .1. H. HA1t'KIN:+, Art St. t',tnck's
,t ecce•. - :oil
Situations Vacant
1 uta, WANTED.-A'l' ONCE.
i Aodiningrooru work. Apply at HURON
be rood ltnittrr en freedman marbiner
al -n on Hepworth loopier ' needy work and
nerd 'W.V. Apply to AVON H1kflERY, Ltd.
r res! toil. Ont.
(1o4.'•to-,annd distort. A to rolnent n In
," e r rr.iI n.
len n n t
tar the right men. sTU\ }: k WELLINUTIJN.
Toronto, tial.
No In. A.hIMM. du'le. to .n.nrneree In
'anpt.re It'1e: eft aprllrarinn- to he in befare
Dee. muter ith. Dees aware...suns ewlary and
elerinKe. to FRANCIS ria iv -r. Jr, Sec..
Ione. P. n. ;1 -It
Wentleutwn. for S S. Nn a, A-hAekI : d"tlee.
to rntmretu•P In January. Cel.: all %pp& -atone
to he In before December 1.1, Nret Spnllca-
IInn.. •tnting .elnry required and nnalltleatlnna,
w ill he darn', ,l by THO,,. t'(,N1iRA M. Dun-
genne,'. 6i at
Public Noties.
'(p it X(11_ _
The rtenrii of thecorprwwt Ire M 1144. sooty
of Huron Will meet In tie irnnclt chain tar. In
the town Of IioderleI,. on Tneedev, the 7th
day of lle.vmter. at :1 de•lnek t, 10. All dr-
r.mtht- for-e(tlenient tend he placed with the
1 lark on. or before. the above date.
Dated Norehtber 11th. ISM. '
a'. LANE Clerk.
k aura TOWN OF
K. u. Js
new :I wagon. nearly new:, I cutter. neatly
new: 1 vet of-wh11Me'ree, : 1 nee* eke : 1 tog
SALE RENT. -IN THE gins chain. oho a ginentitr of hair.
�j0it. ALE R -TO Rlti\T. i.
■ meio or the Eeate of Wilhite Jona.. dr TF:RIIe.-All -mar of $10 end under. ra.h't
'awl. I un in.tru t by the executor of ! over Mat anmunt. 12 stand.. credit will be
',I' e•tateto offer C.. tle or rent In.n,imber Raven on tarot -hung appror•eA Solt.' nete._ A
;n''1„• ninth cnn„e..don, wewrero ilirl.ion of 1 dt•ennnt of .; tier rent. allowed for cash on
"'own -hie of Colborne. containing W. sere. I JoHN kn( Hhfi fSUN. THOS.'I:L'N URY.
f Old fliers i- erertevr on the promise' w
rime I.nn-s and kitchen in goof malt- also a) l'mprletm. - Auctioneer
arteriankbarn. with ,Rare beedetUeii• Asia.
chin.. table and hog pen.
rot fav her pert Velar” apply to i.uF1'Ud B.
.1N, I.Y Barrister. etc., Dederick. 71-tl
1IrL ' (�
BIRO 0141011 ToaONTt
&Vte,lairso CaerTaL. • 111,000,pii0
To accommodate the Farmers
in t1,
tree Eaoe opened Bratche•• e
dlages of
(� N
ARNA and
We ll/ECU the Patronage a1[ she
• 11L DISC
E lf0'ias
Highest current rate of interest
lin deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
A. G. QAHBLI,Menethr-
Nelson Mot'larty will sell by public suction,
at lot 'L concession 1. E. D. Colborne.. on r
ecn,sieneingat I o'clock:
t draught colt,diel three •ear+
Ire heavy Ars .Kue >
old : I cow, four years od, due to salve In
April ; 1 cow, eight year. old, due to calve In
May ; 1 cav a nine year. old. dun to calve in
Apr11 : I cow'. seven year: old..uprer'.d to rat' e
in May: I heller. three year. old. milking. now
in calf ' :) steer.. ri+ing three years old ; 1
heifer. rt.ing three year. old: I heifer, two
year. old : 1 heifer, one year oN ; a spring
calve": I brood row, doe tQyig in February: I
root popper : I et Mees•y Rare. db., harrow.:
I new .tt,ritq -tooth Ma+.ey•HarN+ cult(vator
I new Daley ihnrh. with all atraetlmeenta• t
wa' uantit
need easter : ► number of fowl, also quantity
n..tt.•,• moo ib'• nuwi.'i wl rouuen of themselves and hired no help. Your
the ,,oris,rati's. of t re town .r+ tirelenrh haw directors decided that in no case
.ern -I started a -ewer ..n Kltrsbeth ,Ira' t. would the • themselves be counted in
• in the -a41 town. `la•tworn e d intend.
street ro the competition.
u-. .Ino. 'Milian
no•' dth funur. NMI Itda!th+ tn) W
e -.e-- a tonimr of lake Anm1 ..at, thenad Mr. Tancoat made his sealed as fol-
ulanr 1,.• nna >'n,ts,t-tp to to hmm+f lows, and we believe his judgment in
ixt.•ly lenetilt.,l thrn•ny.Ir•mtb.K et shutting each case will meet withyour a
utero lairaM•th reel. w "reiseld. between Me p"
said trent-, and to levy sueh`flnil ,err teemed. proyal
Ire to the frontage there'd, liar twenty ennead la) St. Patrick's Ward - Thirty
special s..e,wmentw: and that tementahow-
ng the land. liable to end pro to be+peel-
ally n n --eat for the raid work. and the name+af
the or nets thereof, •o tar a+ the vwme can be
aeee!tained from the hear rev iwed' asaoaament
roll -and otherwi,m. I. now tiled In the Aloe of
the clerk of the muntrlpelily. and 1.• °nen fox
drones Marr hoers. The ied
coat of the work P. $ltl.trt. of which $n m la to
be.>yv viuled out of the general fund..�e1 the
A -avert M rove -inn will he held eon them lath
day of TM•.ember. 11)11. at the hour M s 0.6/0.1k
In the afternonn. at the '•nfrncil ehitmhrr to •t h.•
town nt titw4erleh. for the purpo+e of hearing
romptmtnt• again+t the tropowal a,.es+meat M
Ilia areinney of frontage mea-,er,ment+ or any
other complaint which the ler-on+ intereetrd
may dein• to make and which i- by law cog-
nizable try the corset.
fated the 25th day of November, Ilrn.
It I.. L. KNUX. ('Jerk.
1rgiate Institute, to aid thea[, by the
donations of planta and seeds, in the
beautifying of their respective school
grounds, your board feeling that in
thus helutnglo ee.ii_ sntr vstt911
people In a love for horticulture we
would be .doing a worthy work.
For reasons whieh we., feel sure will
not oecuc again, no act' was oaken Ottawa Estimates Include Votes for
in either case, but we hope, that the Harbor and Postoffice.
new hoard for131111 will not lore sight The eetimates'o[ the Dominion t:ov-
of the work.
2nd. Our protrial to the 'town t-,nment for the fiscal year ending
council and our offer of co-operation Mari;h-Ji, HAL prevented to earl" -
beautifying the surer intersection iuent last week by the Mini+ter of
spaces lyre Waterton tltreet formed FTn an(x, inf:ludo the fedlowioB lists :
the junction of three other streets Urslerich -- barber improve -
did not meet with the res nee that. vents
Pt) Company any to apply in
err lied helped far, ami $utnl hew (i!derich n ylie buikllug ad-. SWAB the name of the !•+sew to the-Untas
done fu the u111tter, biv we hecivic ditleno• railwayand municipal board fur the
that there are several matters of civic It is theundertoneati titer the larger sem I validatingof the town's bylaw grant -
improvement which we should urge is fur the extension of the ea,kh,,
own' the pew council for • 10111, and Lreekwaster. .and that the vote of ing assistance to the Company. The
we re iuend ltiat our inrwuing $iu,illsl is her the carrying
out of the latter also asked the town to appoint
o'wr.l persistently urge at least some plans f..r the enlrrR('►rtent and iw- a v' tit ��etarrtu`tp for as a e e4ixlnwit n y bye the
of these, and a' welt -arranged and ted.
proveiAealt of the posttrf ice•
,.gyslemat;c Idea .(f 1a•nurifyir.pl ;phere'isa-aura- f $15,*fJ) Ger Ilea- 10th or 15th of next' month.
town and relnuviog some of the blem- f. rth's new pusWMce ; Slane for 1 The remittent for permission to ajlply
Mlles wbie,l) have ton long been toil- (trailed Herod. approach topers ;'$1,01ari to the railway and municipal hoard
erateSd. Fur _example, why cannot for Kincardine, repairs to piers; was granted and the matter of the
the boulevards be levelled and DI 1 1 O)i
two flower shows could held during THE TOWN COUNCIL
theaeason of 1111. and the competi-
tion, we feel certain, which would
occur would ensure the success of
such shows,
6th. In elating this report your
board desires to earnestly invite the
eu-operation• and support of a till
larger number of our citizens. `Ve
should have a memhership of x5111 or
more in (loderieh. For the small an-
nual fee of one dollar, the return tirade
in a year's sub eeriptiou to The Cana-
thanHorticulturist and the supply of
bulbs given to each member are alone
worth several timer the cost of mem-
• Page
License Requested for Another Billiard
Room -Doty Company Asks that
Debentures Be Issued for Balance
of Loan To Probe the West
Shore Railway Matter.
Last F'eiday night's session it the
hetet Ltsti
=at' s_ one t
too ly one hour. All the wembear of
the council were present with the ex-
ception of Reeve tiallow.
A petition for a billiard and pool
ronin license wits received troth Fred
T: Craigie, who proposes to ofir•rr in
the premiere lately oc:upied by the
Olympia Cafe. .this waw referred to
I'roudfoot, Hays & Blair 'wrote of
behiiltft7,ssie American -Road- ac '
Company of Canada, Ltd.. asking Per-
mission for the 'e 1
trimrued to an edge everi with the
water table and then prups'rty-owners
and residents on thew streets would
have an opportunity to keep the grass
cut end the boulevards fro- each block
would Ise neat and uniform.
Anther matter we should urge is a
systematic and positive course of
dealing with weeds. in far too litany
about town weeds are allowed
to grow with hat little or no attempt
to suppress them, and thus. the evil is
spread in spite of the efforts made by
many of our citizens to keep their
teemi free from Owns. •
;lyd.' hard spraying. We have
conside the matter of endeavoring
thetreesand orchards of
to keep fYuit
our town clean and free from the
many pests which are dolhg so mush
harm. The best plan neeume to he the
purchase by our Society of a good
spraying outfit, which would be oper-
ated by some capable and reliable
man upon the trees of id) our citizens
who might desire. such work at
a small cost to meet the necessary ex-
pense. This matter should lie further
considered during the winter ii...nths
and, if proved practicable, the arrange-
ments conrjtle•ted in time for the open-
ing of the next oration.
Rh. The best -kept promises cool.
petition. As Annnuu••ed in the local
press early last spring, we decided to
offer $11) divided into four, prizes in
each wand• for the beet -kept lawns
and premise.: awl no entry fee or
application was wilted from anyone.
We appointed Mr. John Tancott as
judge aid he made regular trips
through each ward every month from
June to October. Our desire was to
encourage the workingman and the
owners or residents ' of Ionian prop-
erties who attended to their premises
/ v (
Having learned that certain
persons are circulating reports
throwing doubt cpm my flown
cial standing and my ability to
meet my obl' ations. I wish to
1g reeta
are attso-
a e thatsuch
e alifledl
P unqualifiedly Irl[ I and y
y I
i And i hereby warn such persona
against circulating these stater,
t menta.
et Dorn
TSRZit -All •°m. of tin, cash :over that
anment. In months credit on fnrni'hing an
proved mint notes. Six per cent. dl.couut for
ow+h oncreditaniouut..
i tot [e
sold. as ro r e going
ltyerythlmt will ars P PUS
N t SS
Proprietor. Aamloneer,
kJ at -J o clock In the afternoon and i o clock
in the evening. --One bare burner with n,`1 n. II
feet of hot air pipes. Ili yds. of sea' hand
carpet. I Hrn.eeIaa rug 1=1. ''n now parlorboys
,f rrg*aa'er sad stand%tle I chains,
[ere machine l p�a1ced
On and after the 1st et December I
have deeded to"adepssks vasti SYS
TEM for ell motormen, and solicit the
patronage of new and all old customer.
1,M I sell
will be
wg 're R
rnrs line. It rya
ti nd I.he
° (A CASH. IPa,f r
pound Met a
change will lie for the .LrwlKht profit of
Ihe .bought[ for CASH r. twit h the nr ut.moo skill
and care and ,atisfart.lon I. always.
guaranteed as to quality and prise,
Thl. change means to every ptwer
off for cash hie owing.
premise* were coneidereel, and the
awards are as follows : Arch. Murray,
Victoria street, 1st : Alex. McNevin,
Victoria street, '2nd : Miss Strachan,
Albert ' street, Sed Mrs. Cuff, North
street, fall. .
$ti,tllhl fur Seuthampti ua, bar Jr Im
Spuria is ehos?iuft some very trolly
a 1 ,inttnent. of it valuator was re-
ferred to the species committee to re-
port at the next Meeting of the coun-
cil. '
A tilunic,ttion, from t e Board
of 'Prude urges) the appoint' of a
deputation to go to Ottawa to k an
d at
fancywork in the show ''wlnituwe of the art appropriation for (ioderieh
comb, Many week
e kotll[Or,PrCtlllb�1n oa�W.ladbw'
hut tis the eetinieter preset'
Now i. for rittinir or t that photo ittawa .had in the meantime
\ the t
roar. Don't delay. H. R. SoiloW;.ia the place. action was necessary. The to
.tyle and lit ere- the kind .Yddhaw. thr...t l.or
makes fold weather is coming. Von wilt
feel well and look well in Pridhaut. make.
Today is the birthday_of the (lode -
rich chief of ptdiee. His dial,marks
thirty-two years.
you uAcw1 mwed oun yourrfr Ir rwl very generously with i lodericlu
Wlu,ter of *moat. that hove i-tirt:tion in (rent the Hoard of Trade was w
sen before -the 494040444wyr
down. -
A letter from the Doty Engine
Works Company stated that the ('•em-
,many would he ready by i)ecemller
(h) St. David's Ward -Twelve
premises exaulined. A. L. McLean.
Elgin alweaawt, I+t : Mr. Harrison. Vic-
toria street, 2nd ; Robert Mclasen,
Huron road, :irli s Mrs. Breckenridge,
Hayfield road, 4th.
(c) Mt. •lieorr.g¢•te's Ward - Eighteen
l.remiess eunn111erd. Mrs. Sneyd,
Colborne street, 1st ; 0. F. Blair, St.
Vincent street, 2nd ; Mrs, McKim,
Church street, art,: Lionel ti. Par-
sons, West street, 4th,
;d) St, Andrew's 'Ward - Fifteen
premises examined. Airs. John
Craigie, West street, let ; Charles
Knight., Wellington street, 2nd ; Mrs,
Wm. Somerville, . Elgin avenue, 3rd
Wtn, Bropbey, Quebec street. Ith.
Special commendation is given to,
the residents'' of Church street for the
neat and orderly appearance it has
ptheand to u
ftetnte 1 all
caretaker of the militia library for* the
reignite he hue produced in the bosle-
yards fretting it.
Many of the ownoes of large prem-
ises, who hove, of course, employed
labor, dnerrve at word of praise for
the appearance of their grounds, add-
ing mach to the natural wttreetive-
bess of our tows, ,and we feed that
special menties should be orale oil
Wm. Coats' roses and tufaarous be-
gonias at the registry office, which
Mr. Tancott declaims to to 00501 -
passed in Canada, an opinion shared
by an expert garderser from Tonnes -
nee who visited them. Harry Reed
deserved drat honors fot his all-round
gardening and hi. Mede of sub -tropical
plants, and Wm. Lane for his hand-
some and well -kept flowers and
garden, but in each of there eases
these gerddemen being directors we're
h Pd fr ,m the r
dP err
We trust that the results shown in
this competition will be an incentive
to others of our citizens to follow
these excellentexamples, which
pleasure, not alone to the owners, hilt
to all nor eltizsns who see the results
of their efforts.
nth. We respectfully Suggest tha'
The 1:(>drrich Y. JI. C. A. is Welding
for the valuation of its plant re-
balance of
Pto the ratan
a ,•,sial evening next Monday tee the the town's to entitle it
Members and thele friend.. the loan,oThe letter asked
The annual tlreeting ('f the North that the matter be deallt emir the
Huroli Liberal Asses'iatiell will be timer council and that.
last �t
third Toes- timer o mimed. I. Y
held at Winghaw uu the which the drFh'nhrles could he issued
day of December. would be January 001.1010. Mr. Doty
The railwaymen's. tall en Monday was heard in support of the. regoest
eight was a .iii: essful rand enjoyable and it was 'referred to the fihanhe
function and many from out of town committee.
were its attendance, The Blackstone Another letter from the Union of
orchestra provided the music. - ' Canadian Municipalities sought the
hacking of the council in further ac-
tion to seeutx• legislation preventing
combines which seek to raise the price
of commodities undaily, The' letter
quoted a paragraph from 'the speech
from the throne f'reshalnwing such
legislation. which was, it was claimed,
theressmlt of the anion's -efforts. The
cement•"merger• is the immediate causer
'clerknwas▪ present
instructed It� The
assuring the 'pion of the towu'e en -
downtime of its action. -
The market e ' tee r'e
mended that the market fees up to
O[tuber lath, 1910, he sold to the 110, ad that the pres-
eat market clerk for n
committee have power ,to repair the
door's of the market building. The
report Iva+ adopted.
The finance committee recon, -
trended the payment of a number of
accounts. and the raising of money
to meet the expenditures on the pub-
lic school building by hypothecating
the debentures. The report was
The payment of $15 to 'William
Can'adice for his work - on the town
fire engine came in for some criticism
front Cuancillor Jordan, who said be
understood the settlement with Car.
radice was to be made only. when the
engine was in good order. Chairman
Mannings of Ole fire committee e'x•
plainer/ that there Ives something
wrong with the plicate oil tau 4tre
engi,te, but he thougt the money
spent had been well spent. Coun-
cillor (lean did not agree with Coun-
cillor Mannings. The boiler. he said,
would not hold steam and it was im-
pootittle to, get water into it when
steam was up. He did not think the
engine or the boiler was as good as
before the work was done.
The matter of drawing op a lull; of
hPestiuns with reference to the On-
tario West Shote Railwayto be sent
to the Trusts Company andling the
p1•occeds of the company's bonds was
referred to the special committee.
The suggestionto• ro
n a man t
assist I'aretaker-%Vettsn pruning the
shade trees about the town, and the
advisability of cutting out. some trees
where they were too close, wits re-
ferred to the !arks e'amhtittee.
The council adjourned at 0:13 p. m.
•., '.,.c ul Jk telt County'.,:, ,1 Yb Lam,
t 'lark
. leruiaaWanted ytone&Weyirytpts,'1'ur
onto . 1
wo More Dry W. i'. Pridhau, e
l'bri.tatn•,liift-- F. J. But laud S
Auction S,de of Farm S!atk .Ind, Ieitleu,eate
Itoht, J. 11cOoe, Auburn. ., 1
%tittlou bale of Fatty etc., Ilobn H.:Lcr leen,
•., 1
Reeder--Eituily Herald And Weekly 'star'...
.tnterlo 1'roaluoial leak -4:, T: H--•-- .. tl
Auction sale of. Ferro Stork, . eta Nekgn
M' ('tarty. Colborne . .. .. , . .. y
New ('utter.- Robt. Wil -on .,
Splendid Value. ill r.slfe•'.Mautler. • re Millar
The water and lighteommiseiun met
on Monday evening. but beyond the
passing id some accounts and the
granting of au application for a !ser-
vice there- was ,1.1 business done.
The regular meeting of the (ioelerich-
branch of the Women's 'malt Rite will
he held in the Oddfellows' Hall Mr
Thut'stlity, December 2nd, at 3 o'clock.
Members are requested to attend with
their fancywork.
The (loverntrient has an energetic
official ie M. R. --Baker. inspector
under the Fruit Marks Art, and in
common with dealers at other ship-
ping points (i,slerich shippers have
been having their troubles.
Next year Lent will begin on Febru.
asp It, fifteen days earlier than it did
this year so that Easter Sunday will
fall on March 70, instead nt• April 1 I,
as it did this year. It will be the sec-
ond earliest. Easter in a quarter of at
A change if advertisement fir John
Stead, the Hamilton ytieet drygoods
man, came to hand foo late for inser-
tion this week. Mr. Stead wishes to
call attention to Berme of his gesso
which are erspeeially suitable (or
Christmas gifts.
Some luscious -looking samples` of
Southern apples were shown us on
Tuesday by our old friend S. Lus-
combe. The fruit came to hint by
mail from Stark Brothers' nursery.
Louisiana, and the varieties included
were "Delicious," "Rome Beauty"
and "Senator."
Persons who failed to mecum course
tickets for the series of attractions en-
gaged by Mr. Jordan may Obtain
•rekets for the remaining three enter-
tainments for $1.50. Thine may he
obtained at
Mr. Jandan's stud is
South street, or by application
through the mail.
The secwed cantata "Under the
Palms" wiJ be rendered by the North.
street Methodist choir and Snnelay,
school on Tuesday e
7th. This cantata, whieh presents, a
beautiful incident .a the Jewish
church, ie one of the tinest and most
ambitious of its type. The singer+
will be massed on the attune platform,
and the forty-eight numbrer% will or: -
copy the entire evening. The decora-
tionawill be striking and suggestive.
,Raisins, Five Pounds for"2dc.
Word was wired Metiers, Ma,rrish A
Vanttter, the Hamilton street
t-rxPrft Wednesday e
t this week that
the trans-Atlantic steamer bearing no
cargo of raisins for them haul arrived
at. Montreal and was being rushed for -
want he rail with all speed possihlt•.
They may be here Saturday. If so,
they will be able to supply their cne-
tonters with choice new raisins this
season's crop --at five pounds for lie.
Forty cases of the finest selected
raising" s haV
a alreadyisen placed in
or n
it,,, sial n goodly )hon f them
\ g Y I
disposed nf. They are being sold at
vary low prices. No better quality haft
•t in1: P
r orhe on awl (Ni rlr
been willh
week and it suggested their
this season. Order* should be booked
surly an p(>naiMP. 'Phone 52, or
Heating Stores rad ft+ngee_Chew, a •. lay....'4
New Hooka and (rhes+haia. Auuui,b IteorF:e
Porter .: - . w
The Heal Thing . Mort in Hive • • . 1
lily Four iVeaits to Chriptma.-S F: Heck .
['oat Sale Corot need .1. H. ('nubbins „ 1
t'hriatu,as Waste -Sturdy a. ('o . , _ ..
Clearing the Decks toe Chrfstui.a. Flodgens-:
A (food School--Csutral Hrr•Iutrw'.l .... 1.
To: auto
An advertisement may not, he
able to operate wonders in a day
of a week. Heed sown its the
spring isr not o V
uln d sfor ev-
1 R
S t•ral months. The advertiser t,
11 may not know how h good
his al. is doing him. Hopei go
to hint, as a rule, say nathing as
to the al. They may not think
anything to ulo with
the ad. had w t
their going to hint, lint they saw
his name in the paper week after
weal. P.erlluetion V•.t�—C', S,";wierr, ■
Chinaware spev'1als.-Sl-orrirh N Vi„,aItrr..,,r
Clark a Pork enol Beane=YYui.. 1.'lark,. Med-
reel .. ., .. . ., -
Reader i;.T_It - ,,
,-,ud of Thaok-_Mr. 11.0., Le sono_. ,. t
aa/wwr pr...w-for Moat . f:. M. III ,v,,. ...-t
Public Notice -It F ii. rriliuk 1
Reade. -Morris . L.tuattlE . 1
ridav Raegayar-('ae.erou & t)aoelt ... 4
Two M u e ti., Day. W. A'•lir no I: see - . S
Buy It Now -Ptvd .Y. JvIR-, Kiot.,il .. .. a
'-troy Heifer John TteNeln. Laurier.. , .....t
Kiri Wt,n!••d 11•oou Hotel . . t
special Sae; 01 NI11lioery ,11-s Does eb �,. 111
Aurti . de :Ii.•,, Beckett I
Nati..,. • a ,. of (iulerlelt.....
call on . offish A Vanatter, Hamilton] I haps to there.
street. `▪ -y-r y -,,.•y-.,
Mi.,. Farrow •penia few days in Turd Ko dilr-
int tier week.
Mt•. Laura'arcs ” pending the .wrest with'
F'. W. Wood. made bar+tn,ult trip, Ix Loudee
and Toronto had wtrier.
NI -s SlenlY awn• at Winghera Aurin g the,
ee i t ak uiK some 1 •RIA e x and nation
i,. Alma Rancor; of New York. I. v eating
iwr+'nte, Mr ,.nd Mr'. f.- F'. ban's
Tt ,:,sn h- M..••Mill.'tn ie viatting her Saar
earls u4 011450• otf''Ig •--'• •resit
ratty.. ice..
Rev.'''. A. YVaght. R, e:.. 01,'., 1Vrirht 'and
rLild r lii,rardlne ,re i , !Owa on n reel[ to
MM. Y,Y `,grit - Parent.•. Mr. nod Mei. .Lumt., •
%Yon. Sharman ha. been laid up the poet
week wltb an ,ittirck of typhoid fever. The
stack 4,,, light nne...nl we hope 10 -•ee Mr.
Sharman ,.round aeon II) .',ilium time.
S1,-+ Sri ' lohn,tnn, of Vi.,u:' :nal her
•ou+i n. Mina Hn,,-e Bieber. of ttninnfown.
Penn.vly inii., were tee r/eete of Mia esel.illiao
Nall Carrie iiraliant. ?'uirriew. Room road.
t7.. NA I,awi,, M.P. seas in tow., over WOuday.
heeled .one top from Ottawa to wl.elhuron
with aoutliner °Cotner member. au'cou.pnv•
Ing the remain, of the tete Ur. Joh•, Warr, S.I'.
for lb.lterin
IterotfreyHolt, TI.A.,.on of Hi, II.mer. Judge
Hnit, hies.se cretel a %tontine on the =Ion of the
Western Canada ('niege at l'wlgary. aesl left
de St or hi I w the W t ion.a sky -fn aaetasre the
rtbl i.:. u( hie acre- pods ioo. •
B'. an.l Her F. T. F genre end ,Add taea: IA
T!Cy:wan, of nrpnlford. are -In o w,, ,o .• reit
td Mr. Keener's. relativeK Mr. Earner re-
turn. to Wont ford this week but Mrs. flossier,-_.
and baby win n'uuwin herel for .sue wi a tee.
New rtisine, i-un•ants,• dales, figs,
peels, i•xfrscta, spites, etc.'. at Mint-
ltlr.tf it V \NA•t•TER'S. Ha1111It-011 stiee•t.
Finest selected VftlenciA 1.11%10e,
Veletacie seediest., • fultun:ls and
seeded- ifatSJ crop, at Mownwtt A.VAN-
ci"rKte s, Hamilton street.'
The Collegiate institute Bask. t Ball
Aswoeiatiofl wait formed un tel lay
last, when the following oftieers were
elected lion. president, J. ''1. Field,
B. A. : president, .1. W. Firth. H. A. ,.
secretary -treasurer, R. A. IV alter ;
r.snmittee, M. 41, Anderson. I). ft.
il'inlay'son I manager weld enptnin,
J. McNaught. The._ kale. ;plias alp• - -
e' rfee
ousel t h vy a of iII runts iia mew-
beew. It Wee also-elee'ided to bring -on
a series of ganw'e with 'twat teams and
.s teas from Clinton Collegiate' !testis
PIC per. December 3rd.- Ateliers set.• a
harm stock and implements On the 1-rr•tanea,
Int 2, conee,tion t. E. D. I 'olborne. eommrpeiog
at 1 0, -lock. NI.raoq M.'t't.werr , pmIrictur,
Tlwa. bit SORT, a(,Ctloneer. •- - -
Tm,tsuav, Decepddr 2nd.-Auetien wry of.
fares. farm stock end implements. en the
pn inisee. lot ti, vec...inn It, K. U. 1'pitorne
Mee miteirfwrof Arib,trnr: ,ommenrttfr at 1 -
e'rtork. Jnwv ltoln:rrrwo-r. proprietor. , fees,, -
(Il'%DRy. auctioneer. .
Wt:Drs F'.n.r. December tat,-1'le'krlug anis
Lion i,alesof Gunn +:w k ar:d Implements. mM
h -
log retout Si haul of good r'att.e „nA It lea Is of
�good I.eleester ewes. prote,tY of Ftot,t. 4.
Teliee, lot 31.' rooeteselo., I. E.wt
mile east of Auburn. }SerY t. hit mead M' old
w+ M r. ML•e:ar has all the faraa -.. -.
T11°eaa lS eft URv. auif{mleer.
STI'itDY.--At .Amours` -on .1Torwe.y, !:ovow.
her 1:'th. to Mt..od.Yle. (I. L. St timely, te
YVHYARD:-In Donaratnen, 0n Nu.netar
lith, to M t.iu.d M.., N,, F , W h yard, ., , tai
14111 butak
;S(N ti AK eat A- the ., r•
F'EtIUI. ). 'Reeled a
°nage, on November '.1n1, by Rev. 1' bee.
John IC. Fr - r'•itn , Jeri h
R. loner, JrrgKtt a c to
Aim Mabel Wako, (Soelera•h.-
1'IKRCF: REM.. Un tb'cdne.d'ay, Novesrbrr
'11th. at the n+ideure of the hrtdeereme a
brother in law, Hinck+street. by Rey. Jan.
A. Anderson. ft. A-. WIUlaau Pierce. of the
township of t+hfleld. to Viva. d,eail ter of
Robert and Mr.. Dell. towhehlp tI 1r ort
-;rI:Ncv:. r I,, (:aletirh, rt satin -day. Nerem•
her :1. Ellen T. Spent,. . eared iT r
(. A ,AU F K.At Luck n w on FNday. No.
rember 12th, Henry tiallr,Rher, in he r• to
Tio1K)t11A1,1--II,'•alerlch. on Friday. No-
vember Poth
vemMrIth John Mcl a all nR
year. and 1 monhs.
M1cV1CAR. At Toronto, no Satontay. No-
vember 11th, atthe ten dcnce of his see. A.
MacVicer, John MacV [car, aged de