HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-18, Page 8TIsuti+u.►v.. NOV list ad,t 11t, ►taut
Malay Citizens Think ,Town Should Par-
. chase It.
Following up the article published
in our hast issue advocating the pin,
chow Kansfold's grove by the town
to order toprevent that beautiful Niece
of 'woods Prow being destroyed. The
Signal this week interviewed a -BMW
r. of 1•itizeus au, I s b eel and the
general.upinion eapre was til avor
of the novel's getting possession of the
propertypropertyt ratherthawletting it passe
Into bands inure likely to yield to util-
itarian iuftuenes Ihau to seutitneut,
though it was notice•alle in one or Iwo
of the opinions expressed that it wits
sentiment rather thio the idea that
the spot would 1w ap ideal ones for at
park that was the uppermost. iutl.,-
ence, Following are same of the
opinion.. extreseed to The Signal:
I should like to see the toren buy it.
I sol very •h in havoc of the
town's purchasing HansforEstfravr, it
it rail iw got at a Iwatunable flgtu•e.
Stockist' It. (i. KiIYSULIia.
' I i'rutainly.slould not like nisei the
ttrnye destrilyeil, 1 should like to see
it preserved as a public . pleasure
ground. DH. L. M. Maitre.
1 think it would la. a great shame to
see the grove; rut down. I Ihit.ik
f71s1 the amount of the mortgage
against Ow property' h cheap foil that
property- Toe town should own. it.
C. SlAt.ttn.
I would hate to see the grove. rut
down. It seems a little oat of Ito'
way for a park. but id ruureee if the
town grows it will glow in that direc-
tion. 1 think the lost .h,n.hl L.hy A.
- --H, l', t►csta.r. •
I think the town shook! take hold
of it if it ran get it at a re atonable fig.
ute. I always did think the toan
should have it as a park. as it is with-
in reach of the town wale'. I rer-
taigly think the town should buy ii
and sl Id devote a certain sou fol•
park porpoises: It might also co-oper-
ate with the sr hoof mend i+f f4+t+ntf
Oiblsms' psi-k'in the rear of the new
public school. ---,A. SAt'NI/VI...
Shoutd Be Preserved -if- Possible.-
To the Maar of The &cicala
SIH,• -It is to 1w biped ed t he conned! will
.act on your suggestion and svelter the
old grove as a park for the people. • It
is one of the most beautiful groves in
Ontario and 'should 1te preserved If
pentodes•. The thanks of the coin.
munity ere due you for drawing at-
tention to the impending male of the
property. •i IiLU-TI}I s: n.
The Nava Question Discussed 1E. N.
Lewis Again Breaks Out.
Ottawa. Nov. 15. i tie o ening de-
bate of Pal•hiament hinged larggely on
the navy sauestion, Mr. Boden de-
clined to discuss the question until the
(invennteut submitted its proposal's
• Sit: N'ilfl•id Laurier, however, dealt at,
length with the que-sti in. and re-
affirmed the position taken in the
mallet at the I nst .-es.i''ii with the
concurrence of Is its iso Ur• . He be-
lieved that the matter sl Id lie die -
Cussed ill the spirit of iespsuwibilily to
the Empire. as well is from the Cana-
dian standpoint. ••tar -tong as . wit
enjoy the rights lona privileges of
British citizenship. w, long we iiiuel
and shall assume and accept all the re-
sponsibilities that appertain to that
posit ion."
Lewis' Latest.
E. N. Lewis. M. P. for Need Huron,
took part in the debate with an u.k
pros of his mews uu the quest'
of Women's suffrage, whirl, he declared,
amid land laughter, should be granted
on the basis of."no babies, no ballot a� "
He gave notice of a res lul ion prohib-
iting immigration from • Entope, Tur-
key in Asia and Iberia, south of 44
degrees north Iiitit ode and ea -,t of ;•JI
degrees east longitude.
Mr. lentis also has given notice-. of
the r.•-intn.d irtion of a number of his
bills of last session, including the day.
bill d.1'dlls ars alar a
swain 111 an
g K 1 K
load line for veasrls, the imen flat ion of
wireless telegraphy on ships. of :mve,
1.055 temps, respecting the carrying of
concealed wealons, a•te,
Mr. Mcle'ah (Smith Huron( - has
given notice of a resolution providing
for the appointment of a special c
snifter of the House to revise the rules
of Parliament with a view to simplify-
ing piety dure and curtailing unneres-
eary discussion.
Pure and Elevating:
TilE SIGNAL : I;l)1W1'1011, ONTARIO
Arty family who miss securing a
copy of the beautiful pica etre, "Thr
Soul's wakening,” willsurely be
sorry a er they are all gone, and it is
seen in ue friend's boiler. The Leet
people in he I) ' ' are publicly
lecomuuPh •ng it to i•very i
Every lover f that which is purr and
inspiring cit of Tail Iii appreciate,
such a beautift
llatatna, Progresso, Vera Urus, etc.,
on hie way to the city of Mexico.
Judging front the speaker's remark's
his ktiuwietlkte of the Spanish lan-
guage, the lust of his hr•iug a Mason
and, his ready wit gained hint an
ant ranee and a► wt-leolue-. in oticj
place.: front wbit'lt all ordinary Ii-avel-
Irr would he excluded. Th. ter,vl►s
of the torture Iot.w et Mutes rattle,
IIat'aua,, and the honors of the
thiol seat Ii President Diaz miming
of an .evt•ut1111 trip to be a tpt-eriaLevl
with like ieter,fst and stored in a at-
tentive We •y for future use. In
itis description tion of the seeuel•y of the
country the lecturer was lust for
words to describe its beauty. The
differenee in altitude between the
.el y of Mexico and the town of ll.sle-
t 1, h is i► circtilnstaree• I hat had some
tinl.'uked fur' t'esults. For instance,
all order for eggs boiled NO ui toy min-
utes brought them in an almost tn -
co: .ked condition, am 1 one's heart beats
• mopped with tat.- I•ulsat' her•
were 'in the ratio of three to one. Al
the coni lusiun of the address a trio t y
tote of t hanks to the realm With
passed. The chair was urrupitni by.
l'. Seutger anti it Shutt uttisii id pro-
gram Wats giyutt, rwtsist hug of snug.. hr.
All-S.l'ufiuu, A. S. Mitelicil and M. It.
Itis lath ii,t y piano soli, 1,y t.eoffre,'
Nit. J. T. Uriplu and Mr. and Mrs.
I): A. Melutyue, of Kiutail, spent -
Sunday ,Veiling at Morgan Dalton's.
J I. O'Reilly and J. J. Deem.
shiptad a rarloa.l of latub.. to 'Buffalo
hast week and reitunuud I • well tat -
P. 'uV,allai•.' aid %Von. Bow-
ler have two teams working on the
O. W. if Railway neer
Mi -s Aiu'ie Sulliyee intends leaving
next week for London to take a course
in nursing %V,ii- Quigley, nut- geu•
1 t lit the farm
of the late Thur. l .`el ant n en s
loosing to it in the spring. lie has
also bought x handsltue iron -gray
team one a ' I f • John Metiers,.
of Crewe, and the other f . Thos.
m s• ,rnbi- ii.Itiue •tt .til V Lail; -.oil
Mr. V. ilea*.left ar Tirrut-n Oar -a --vial- to
'I h.... Il.yti- i- Si -h ung h-iirod• at. Tru'-t'alrr
`►'� a...a. itastall. of :Hrultfw1l, Wits Us tow„
a'Thur-1 a Ind.
I,.vn Kr'I boon• -O'1 matte it nil date.• tire -.is
Toros -tat titweek
tl, - II.•liellt H.cbb-.tir P U•r. i- the Si,-'!
a t1 o- \Loh 1t: I'.ul acrefaliEl k
1'Ies.lum Hr..ui ll tit Tur, ito,
Mr- Frank it. H,stgeis, liri4oulia nut. will
1101 r.Y•a.it a till after the New Veal'. e
ill.•. M. ant.. -h orf? illi- ulnu,ing ti, rr-
ei. .1o10- .1- 1.1114•--6u141 , ur-.• .t $or:uduu.
tar. I.. tl.uuutoud ret urwst to bel house W
I' iris is -i .,.-r .rfrera idea not .:-:1'.ritlr sl.,r
S.1•. Hick.
11.11•fen til attain-. of !lip Ila,k rl' 1 •on111n
01,0g hi. atria t. .M'. aria air
4+: "s:
A. M. Polley and Win. Marlton nut.le a .Idea
trip to Kincanliuu la.l gat unley i•1 Mr. Karl
lores,tutuuaulile. .
Mt-. HMI I Ir Love Ie.. returned in %%Ian ([hm
after a S i -I• if -,•ural week- with ler aster
alt e .
S. I•:wiig
.w 1N hiutihi-'i ha. returned from a trill of
t. er.i hilkitritri Brie We.r ant -writ nmmtn
ele tomtit. winter.
to-- Iowa-- I• It un her 1,401'0 to Iel,'lt r
Ihr t.•el, ll,',-as•,oli„gfhr -00111. r and- Lill
,.1 the ra Row res.•'. - ' --
Miss blade Treble ha• r•it.vad hove
terra font I h. trip to %%L nni-.
:and Ht - -•Stun. MA11itub.1. -
tine I deed' hoard choice
Note )'aper and Envelopes.
Extra sandal, for one week
only. Ilk• Iter box.
11? INFEH DAPS—ul' l'OUI;I:KE You'
ue.sl urn•, lou utwd thu laid, We lutte
it right twee. I1, that 1•+Iront twwd, ouvers the
Igrk•yt the head. ono'. and Mouth. loot it a lis.
no mor.• Blatt inferior nwkes. Coate and hoe
it. :ass about it. el.Itsn it, or you will tsltret It.
Agent. for W1,11 Swift Clothing and rip 'cop
lied .pt,•,nt-, full sire; rid, white, blur
and Out, tesularit.':i.. for Mao. Tomato eat
suptic, a for 2.. asuutonIa powrtor Ute. 3 for
Lie, , i'ust.•n,'I -tie- dal ally owed IIIc lair goiter,
oiter -
F olioUo feoe. ). -Oats,. wrllµtler. cic. 1-
A.JKLLM. Kiutail
WI':usxsnAY, Nov. 17th.
%%'eamixe .—The marriage of Miss
Margaret ,Courtney. daughter of
Miefund l'ourttlry, Kinlgil,. ter Fraukk
Owens. of -Mount Morris, Michigan,
took I•lure quietly on'rnestlit warn-
ing, Intl' inst., the nuptial mass lacing
celebrated at St. Juin•``ih'5 church.
Kingsbridge, at In o'clock. by Ret.-
1',the•i' M&Cuintarl. The bride wars
prettily aittite:l in,a, simple. lace gown
in princess style, with bridal- veil and
%%Teal Ii, lural i•.tu•ied is bouquet of
gurendy chi y-atillo • Mills It
('.tiltlo•y , I le, Joule el sister, was
1x9dt•hntrd. w'Itte-Hie 1irt0111 war snlf-
Lorteed by Josepht'ourtne•y, of�l'ount)-,
ine, Mich , a cousin tit the bride.
Miss Hatt ie Stale, of Kingsbridges
played the wedding march. After the
•rrenuiuy the weddingbreakfast was
sorted at the fine new residence of the
bride's Mottle', John C •toes. Kin
tail. Father Me'('urltiaek ant! Hey.
Th s Forel lining aiding t hose pres-
. -fm -
-t to a-fte uu o.a.t Me: root Max.
Owens left for their home in .Michigan.
The bride is will known in the thin
il'l..' A. Pulley I. ft l.t.t week for Ile
troll ,awl Toledo. thio, where she sill ..outinue
ner.audy of chilli µtledi114.
.illi-• la•..i n..
limit. -,1 Inm.L,1. Ss,- Um
-1 .d rkr-, .I. .t. Itiost., II.:it Mi-. w -'r
t -,•••1
k -. am...41.,-, -Lq it; hut. u. •
rlr-. tittle WA. in Toronto la't- a •It. In -ran
IIlly with ler hi -1i ted. elei's',. ,Ltelstl,.a the
+nwiteai( Horteeihen.J-
tb •. 1'n -neem,- oho ha. 6,0 -irn.liiat OA.
-n,.mu•r with Irr -.-err. MI,-. J. M.
,4o06. wa- it, tut Is ten ,. 7.•t .i•o- I:nt
a ark.
Mar -holt. wInt w.,- ..ii the IIn'.11 -1 ill
ufI lir +err boli 114011 ,1-uw•,-,•nra,•r, hau• I:, ken..
uu-mou ttli th -I,n•k 'r. tanntuluring I L.
al . tun n.. t. -
't a all+,.• H► ting- left out 9'w,wt,t alter
110,111 for Toru.do. SI. ' '; lb:trite- end Ni.or.tra
route IO tour Alai, where they will
-pmt ilw w'intrl-. .A1 1.4001110 1In•) •sir to he
mined Icy [hoar ..t -ter. ab ► Jont.ul. alIgor.
sill. then. tu!'lurWr..: �.._..
work. Tb.' torture IN
given ahnaddtely, free to all Who sode-
n/Tits, to 'HIM- Wet weekly paper.
"The Family Ilerald.tnd Weekly SW-
tarof Montreal. lima/riot. of whin -h is only
one dollar a year. It is not the dismal
cheap ehl•,nuo but is ill sepia tones
ready for framing end lit for a place
in any home iii the lit c I . I, is
19x24 Males. end a Millar at nt
for a year's subseriptio to hat guest
paper and the picture 'II I
once safely packed -In a trait
hoard tube. Do not wait, un
crowd ahead of you in too hitt.
The Lite Mrs. Ian relive Mann dug,
to whose death on Friday, S .teu,ber
:111i. it shunt reference appeared in
these eolunue' last week. was Isn't at
Sarni,[ in Iota, ant when she was but
a hew' weeks old the firmly 'rel to
the township of Colborne, where she.
lived until womanhood and was soar-
rietl. Senc-rat years later Mr. mud
SIrs. Manning hermit,. residents of
Clinton, and tibia • Mr. \lancing died
n lout Iwo years ago, Of a.f ly of
eight children se%est ir•i'sura•iving, alt
follows : .‘Ir.. D. Connell. of -Salt•
ford Mrs. Ri1ward Juldtu.Iaof Benita-
1e•h t'Iwnshdp: ales. Isom. Fisher, of
lira ' goon:, \iia. 1. Ite'acuu,. ul
Smm�r,rhiII : Mrs. adagio', of Ashtleld :
\lis. I'harles IL•ec u, of Harlin. and
I rues Manndng, of Colborne einem
Ship. •
Very in etty Christi utak Hit la
for very little money. ,
Ltrt week of Cut Blass wale
at ..third off. *Salt+1 Berry
Howl for I$t3I. Sugar and
t'teaws, Wet gr Blit ties. Knife
Rests, ens, et..., at salute r'•
to etiun. This is a splendid
ch.tliee to get' high-grade Cut
Blass for I hristw,ui'tidos at
I;reatIy red urrd.►ltl fel
Colonial Bookstore
C 1 house marinate, •(iO1)EKIClt.
'Phone rota
the apparatus theu•i . Six or seven
years ago the appal- tits r.utsisted or
two sets of flying rinas, onP'horizou-
tal bar, • ladder'. Mee lair of parallel
bass, one v.uflling Illlrse. ate u•Iimbingb
rope, a quantity of anti. n clubs and
dh•It'll', and the rabityrt of Iifles
and other .,...l-t.utq.b.-..*Now I.h.-
'list has been 1...limed 1,1 -..
p ie.0-lel lutist+, the ladder. it
Ila mg rings, eliuil.ine lope.
.mall quantity of .t b -hells and In-
diut chub.. A towing lu.arhiu • wits
iysnilled, which was elesttoys for
want of proper eups•itisie in. and a n►ir
of basket -ball goals bave•. leen MA t led
in the last three years, Whick uare s iII
-doing- thit y. .
Does it seem right, Air. ,Editor, lh:i
tate fifty dollars whi'Ii the hs'yt
e pair of
e set oI'
:cud a
the isrlvas earned ley the.hist cadet in-
n: ec u)n-iht.uuie be sW-pwu It I coating
his utast necessary adjunct to sine
of the lest Cullegiates in --the Prov-
It is only redeemaablethat aCollegial e
equipped so well in ell tither lines as
Ideal -the al- tete is sin.ttl.l- basea, ll
e wa
ed gy
rlltoping that the U•ustises of the Col
Irgiat.e, having HOW had thin mallet
1'ruught to their attention, will at't
11th In the Mlggeel hent herein con-
tained, and thanking yon for : the
valuable 1.1114Pin your papers . •
Ylll'Ha LS TIIK IRTKItgwrit
ov'rtig (i. -l'. I.
(ioderii-h; Nov. 151h. 1', nil,
Itylothnr new thine, having Iweu a •y
weir training tit MI."Mai-y s-hiis- L
pital. Saginaw. Ilei; popularity wait
well atte' ted by the large and hand'
some are of wedding gifts. The
signal r •' s 1 he y g couple touch
a is •it .
u 1 li F . an 1
late nr a�lt't Int Y
To the Rdltor of The Sikh
DKAUSin, -Kindly now lite roouu,
in your splendid paper se make as few
remarks on a public, a •ratthi•rsemi.
piddle. instant iiii r ib this town,
namely, the Collegiate. Ins itite gym-
nasium, which has been Iltwrd- to
fall' into as rap her dilapi,hated oudit dun
owing to he tt'e1u'dng Inst a most of
sent at
il the -
The members of the Baptist r
• are arranging for mu anpp!r- and
cal evening about !let..•niter '2
Full particulars will is' ,tnnounc
At Victoria street .Met hi slist church
nest Sunday the sermon tapirs will be
as follows : II a. tn., "le/wine from
Faded and Fallen bases" : 7 Ina. ria..
"The Old Landmarks. -
The sermon tapirs at the Baptist
at church services next Sunday are as
follows: Morning --"M n t es a n
Beanie." Evening—"The Making of
Manhood," The pastor wilt preach at
both services. Everybody welcome.
Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Exeter, will
preach morning anti evening nest
Sunday in North street Methodist
church. lie will represent the educa-
tional intwtwta tai (an•dien 11I0tbo.
diem. Full congregations shunt(' greet
Mr. Hobbs.
A debite on the subject, "Resolved,
that theatres are detrimental to Chris-
tianity," is announced for next Tues•
day's me 'ting of Mt. Oeorge'a A. V.
P. A. For a later meeting Rev. J.
Elliott has consented to give an ad•
dress on Switzerland.
The address given by Ilea M.
7'urnh.tll at the meeting of Ml.
(leorge's A. V. i'. A. an 'I'nestlay
evening of last week an hit recent trip
to Mexico was very instructive and
Intensely interesting. The address
was the first of a series of thrr.' talks
on the subject and consisted chiefly of
is -a . • dear.riptton of the spataket's
pt'eM•fons of the country ,round'
A fen•nia•u' well-known retideent of
Bod,'ri.h paused away on M,11111/4y
last week at Huttitl,kin the person of
Robertson, and the remains were
brought herr for interment on Thurs-
day last, the funeral laking place fr
the IP. 'I', It. statim on the arrival of
Ihr I ::/p '.111. I rain. Ml'. Robertson
was a welI known .h•ygiods tncrraant
III Bod'•ricb until about it mutate!' of a
'votary ago and aft Cu' leaving,.her.. he
teside.l for a fent 'i•3rs is (11111t,ii In' -
fore wing to Muff do. His wife was
a daughter ut ale• I it.. SIrs. William
!smith, uif Rist street, and, besides lids
tat plow, he heat es at family of two sous
and three daughters. The sus are
Vert, of Bntfalo, itnd Witham, in lh'k
Inuils•i-ing Itusiitrss. and he daughters
lyre Mrs. ,t.f.-Wrirtuwmitr. Ates. Field
and Miss ,(Tart. 11r. Itslsertasn was
sixty-three years of age. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev.
.moues ilaemilton and the pall•Le'arers
were the deceased's sons and sons•in-
laaa'. lip rt+. Itolertsui and .11 ism Clara
also accompanied the remains f
5% ANTED. w,• will pay the high...?
price. All 1.0,11115 um-: be propbrly. (Noses"'
and-Ltrt,sl before delta.•ry. 'rurke)- aid
Ill her to nillry useeute I later. N', 'r. gip
111:1,1,. Auburn.
. Wrl,Nhiti4l', Nov. 17th.
.Iarrvistes. -The eyaporat
In - e supply of apples mn ha
not king any noire at present
Rey. . H. Sewer-, of -lirur
react in• the .Presby Ieri
et S !hath nlnrning, 1
Mljin p 'aching at Iirur
Joh11 Fent, who has teen- ahstbi
during the untyler w•orki
I'.ilwa'v. arri n1 home the I
of last. week .7 he nI
Pohid' clow'. fat this y
a few afr la'ft n tetteL Nes.
'Mounts A otitis o Slii•higan, arrived
here last Friday on visit t.I r'lativea
and old $e'iuitinhahc Me-.. Me -
Nally. of Geerieh, is .. ing at the
home of her Lather, .lam abut t.
Jacob Wagner, who Sold la tarn) in
the Maitland hikvk, llullett'triw•nahip,
to Samuel Cox, intends lux ng next
Werk for his new hump near Tavi-
stork, in. the county sof
Large gnatitic s of apples are taken
to the eider mill this fall.
ter will be the prineip•) preserve this
winter Alexander V' 'ung, o f
\Vinghaen, spent the Iatte
last week and the beginning of this
week in the village.
MoNt.av, Nova kith.
Ili has a
rid and is
ahead, will
an churlst'•v. .1. I
ng on the
atter part
qde barrel
ear. Only
Apple but-
part of
Ns:w s Nn'rt:u. —Michael tray, wain
has been visiting the Sullivan fatally
for a few weeks. returned last week'to
his home in Guelpph . Charles Me-
(:arthy, rf San Jase, California. is
visiting at P. Sullivan's Mr. Md
I'an be experience I iii tiny
• 1 • which we Me'pris'-
ilegeil IA furnish, but we
- make seeei.thie•s of "eusv
' rot lit r>.' that set the
,1(111• pui'ptse its boudoirs
f lune,, - ' -3rtrnriivr-
little all isles of In. nit nit
attisliiatlh hi ;mg.J, lend
- --a Phar g appwal•anc.• to
an ithel'wlse dull and
tlionot-in ap aft 111e rut.
All our fmnit iii' is of the
hightail grade, though low.
primed. '
\\ . 'PHONEti
$77010:—Sal Re:mitsNI'R--17t4
Ix . 13'':t11 It Co., having
tote `.sl Ilse entire- stock
01 Lm ler of for Ifalerdch
Lambe ('a. at Ii.alel'ich.
are prep real to •uppl'y lh•
pnlSlie, w 'lesnlr and retail.
to all lines f
at lowest.
Their new )•tri 's sit-
ed Ietaa'ren Ihr R sing.
ton Furniture Co,'s F, 'tory
and tato Wheel Rigs Fat try.
Quality -
'PHONE 43.
40 cent Pure Coffee 3
pounds for $1.00.
Aan advertisement we will
s sell, for one week only,
pounder of our beat •W -cent pure
fresh•groanal malice for $1,111 (not
wore than nine pounds to any
rine person). r '
Fv'ery person waking te:.t•ent
pur'hase of Taylor's Ii.'rax
Soap will be given one 10 -cent
cake of- Infant's Delight FREE. -
ll6nes of fancy His'ujtia, i
p oundi fol .. • 'Zr
I pounds extra select Raisins
for .., Zr
2 pounds Lemon Peld for 250
i t hi Oi uingt' Peel for:...24c
a bottle,. Iifrent Flavoring
Extract for air
1 is Baking Kale (fresh) he
_' Ism ndsbest Patras t'urrants Itic
2 packages best l'orn starel1..15c
Lpounds heat Jay.'r Raisins
loot new) Zr
lel-cr'it bottle of Olives fir.:Iirc
I packagh•s Yeast lake Ifreeblltk
I -rent Lantern lilassee 5,'
Succ •r to ( A NAIRN.
Rubbers end Overshoes
Don't allow the Rubber Footwear
_ Question to bother you.
You will always Hud that the Rubbers and
Overshoes we carry i clock contain full
value aur the tuuney invested. Our priers are
as low as it is possitde to make them.
is our watchword, and we never allow
factory -damaged Rubbers in our stock.
Everybody likes quality, and that Is what
you get when buying Footwear front us, ,
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, Goderich.
Jas. Dean & Co.
Particular People Pleased
NEVER in the history of Canada have people been so
mettle—tiler tttnntt what glints they shall ►aaynittl•whter•
they shalt buy thein. ht view of these fleets we are
very particular as to the class of goals we put lull the market,
as well as how WP market them. No unscrupulous rm•thuxls
,pl'rmitted Sni your money back without argument are it
few of. the reasons that should make this store your store.
Everything in Hie store has bean purchased new"within the
past seven months. ..
Y01'11 EYE (IN 0111 FRiIIA\- I.ItiT ,
is a delight fully Soothing, So ening and Healing pr.'para
tion for Rough and Tender S ins. For Chapped Hands
and for gentlemen's Ilse after - •vmg, there is nothing
finer or better..
The Shoe We hold Up
for your ecau'ulalion is n'a.t, by one of he
foremast -hoe• d...iRuer- of the country. It a
slide that i'ss honest ly built a,i\hi 1-'.tkilWt .
)( t
H 1p, t '1
la1FuK ANI)
air assured it. wearer and late ser• hie as Well.
I sod hate your foot 1111,sl with a µ.1r
Their are all sire- and width-. -o we can guar
aider a tit a. ,riot as if you had your -.hu..
111:41.• 10 Uhler.
New Fruits
or Christmas Bakirtq
NEW RAISINS- Forty cases, i'cludi• fittest seed) ae
Sultanas and other • vane les.
PEELS Orange. lemon a • Citron.
Flavoring Extracts
Jelly Powders
Salad Dressings
New Table Figs
New Cocking Figs
New Dates -
Almeria Grapes. etc., etc.
Wale It for s•eial anuoonl•einent in our CHiNA
DEPARTMENT next week.
Everything in (iro••eries Fiesh, Pure and Hood.
Choice Butter and Ptesu Eggs.
I'moast,:,: IIAMILTiN ser.
A little well rubbed into the hands wi dry in in a
moment• and the kid gloves esu he put son ight away,
thus protecting t h.• hands from chafing when going out
is Ms cold.
Perfumed 25c. PER BOTTLE Try it.
Prepared and sold only by
Choose Your Winter Coat
from the New Ones we will have here Saturday
They are late styles from one of Cai
that have every little new idea for Vint
them, just twelve or fifteen, All With tha
that appeal to people who want something
beavers, or the new diagonal rough weave,
best makers. Garments
Not very many of
ality and character
• different. Plaits
MI5 to $22.5
A sale o ats at $3.50
Twenty -fly Hats to sell Saturday at $a 571
each. Wort' every copper of $5.151.
Selling for $3. ber'ause we cleared `nearly
1151 new ah•pes t less than half regular
trice. Twenty -fl of these shapes have
n wicked tart, 'irint.sl with real good
Trimmings. and as r r milliners know how
to trial.. If We flgur• the bare hat at its
regular price. not on would have been
merkawl less than $t.W has we aid the
cost of the trimmings Sat and
next week, choice ci � C5/�0
twenty-five at $
Comfortable Underwea
Low-priced, medium-priced an high -clans Underwear for
women and children. Perfectly m . , perfect fitting, snug, com-
fortable garments that cannot but Ive excelley.t wear, Made
ThoroilgitTy'cfean, purr yarn. art 'nabidnkbfiie. Psidiei'yrti
won't better ANYWHERE, and we em lasisx the anywhere. •
The $10 sale I f Coats and Suits
Odr special sale a (:ante and Snits will
Lot another week. wenty-flve ladiesr and
i mimes' Costa and ' teen ladies' tailo!ed
Suits are s.'llinlf at, thi popular price. The
11.nsts are plain heave and rough cloth,
Mack, navy audgre•en. egnlar $13 to $17
values. The Suits are fancy tweeds
andplain etotdu a, in blask, vy and green.
The regulat value,. $12I, to $111.50.
Naught under value, we glv to a chances
to save, too, by giving yltu yo r choice of
these tailored garments. at e.1 - $10
Ladies; .ribbed Vests and
Drawers, Ane quality, white
or natural. Per gar. LJ�.
2 €
melt -
Ladies' white ribbed Vests,
soft finish, very comfort- 35,
able, each
Ladies' Union Vests, guaran-
teed unahrinkable, very oft
finish, winter weight..
I llswers to match.. - .... JUL
Plush -knit Underwear, while
or natural, very durable, an, -
per garment ...,....•.
Ribbed oollen Vests. Draw-
er@ tom • , just a little cot•
ton wov. in. A splendid
ineeliuWp1I , garment, 75c
each .......... .. .'......
Very Ane rib • 1'nderwesrt
Vests or Draw ptuarantme
,anshrinkable. F, ra spec•
el at per garmen ti AA
Satter grades $1.25 i`id Bandar,
Cnmhinatiois, $1.25, el.elr to
$2 151. Children's Underwear, l$a to
$1.155 the gamiest.
Boys' Heavy Hoes, SC
13[1ys' worsted nose, all pu
wool, extra strong, W I it t -
weight, seamless feet, apletl-
did thing for every -day
wean All Sizes, per pair..,
$1.00 Kid Oloyes,W
You save Ile a pair. Just as
good quality as you pay $1.151
for any place. Better than sold
in most stores for a dollar bill.
Very soft, French kid. Mark.
brown, tan. Sixes. Ii to 71.
Selling here at per pair 89c
.t �S.t10M -