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The News of the District.i
t1'A`T141t The nude...bo l will pay tl.e
tearklit test, yyrlee f„r any 1u41,llty eg
tlt. tllclrs..1st
atpoultry red wniefatt
te�arl and starved before delivery. Turke 1vs
and other poultry will be roo.pled (star. tiiT•
It. K
TeeimaY, Nov. loth.
Ktetit MATt'u. -The iumnberr of
the NI. Helens Rifle Association wet
., Monday evening and arranged for
A 1110'11 uu H tturday. The captaiur
ire John Mcl)ouald and %Vill Web-
rtor. , The hiring side will foretell an
oyster supper at a later date,
Elizabeth Miller, of Holyro.id, war
flow over Sund•1y ...John %Vebster
has returned boom, trout the hunting
wounds and report. .t nice trip. He
brought with hint a line - deer
Mrs. have McDonald and son Ti. as,
of Wiughaitl, spent Sunday with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thoivas Todd.
\lis. Etta %Vellweeel, of Wing -
ham, !tato, it at present -visiting her sister,
Mrs. George Winne .... Will Todd
returned (ruin Cargill on Saturday.
..lits. Thurluw slant a few duys
last week with friends in %Viuyhaut.
.1)uruin Phillips, of the (i. C. I.,
war benne over 'Sunday ...Nretta
Webb, of the Winghant higl' school,
spent Sunday under the pateutal
roof .—Hey. S. H. Moyer attended
______14....eaemiuof the Ministerial Associ-
,y atio{1 yt (.uuciiuow a u le'i'U4day afters
titf ' I'.wn ..Harry Macey has returned
from Ithe %Vest looking hale and
hearty ..... %Veale pleased to .Leto'
that Mr. Bonner is No far improved an
not W require the services of a nurse
any lunger . .. Mr. and )Its. Jas.
I'nnlon attended the funeral of the
forruer's sister, Mrs. Robinsoti, of
Wingham. on Tuesday Rey. C.
tR . Saunders pxswe•!ied his farewell
ruooh in Christ church on Sunday.
4?eu wee LUC.KNOW.
•--• MuN11%V, Nov. Lith.
Miss Mary (lordlier, of Detroit, is
home fear a two weeks' visit with her
parents. Mr. an.l Mrs. Jus. lialdurr.
Rev. iI. I'. Howlett, pro rrssit in Vic.
411 is l'ollge, Tirirut., will preach
-wlnrattottal- seentons in the Methodist.
church on Sunday, _Ist inst.
'l'be (Sol news has 'been teeeivesi of
the death at Vancouver, It. l' , •.f lir.
lsaac Mathers, brother of Henry
Mathrls. of this own. The deceit/lel
young main had only rei'rntl cum -
memos! the pectic of his profession
at Vancu()ver.
F'AItsrh.s' IN,vr1Tlt g MKKTINua.
The Mouth Bruce Fa niers' Institute
will hold meetings in Lurks ,w _on
Thursday, Wit.11 inst., mutat Ihu! yroosl.
u Friday, 211t►1 Inst. li,•d t'arlast. of
"ylkworth, Mrs. 1i'nrtm', .d IJore'st,
,n ulhersw111
give aIds
' t
• , On Wanes -
. �
, to 1
day 11f last mock t r o yleqve•rk
un .i bylaw to pi • ole y1:i,ai1-y' ile-
pu qs,.r of cowplrt lLr mew 1 uoi-
.yiallmilJiug. The ,yl a a' was hhn.l-
uo•ly suslniu,-J. 11) :3 It I. of I Ilt.in
favor and 311 against. 'I'bt• money\is
1•, la• raised un drlwntuif
IIK.\'1.11 0{ Mlew. iii,ts,N:. TIe••.IL916•
.arurrsl al K inc.arduie_ hn tin• 3r,'
inst. of Mrs. John Skidolt of Lock.
bu v. the deee..s,.1 mod her 10
the latter Icing ill, went to
.11,11.• 1.,,-k.. at:i. I.. sot
while with their +ulol.twl
Ashley Ill or. %%'hile uu(siu g
leer husband Mr.. Seddon brr:uue 1.1
nod an att., k of pin l ois - restate,'
Loudly. illr. and Mt.. Said. n us -i.•
luruo•rly mesidruts of Pine River.
V�ut• it -
v for
Hut kVA' ('Li It ' .1t the alum it
meeting of the Sep•ty hockey chit,,
held last Wednesday evening. tlie tot
lowing ()Meers were electel:--Hon.
ptesidenr, .Irhn Mc(iaii 5-: p.••sident.
Geo. Smith; vice president, A. I1. 11e_
1,0d : s,•eretar y, %V. l'.•art : 11.'
Will Johnstone; managing
lee, Ii. Armitage, %V. Davison.
Watson ; manager, Allan Clow ; rap-
tain, W. Johnson. The club intoe is
going into the O. II..'. if the other
clubs in the Northern League go•
The Sepoys will be strong this year.
an they have all their old players ism
well as a few good new tines.
Hit %VAs Li KY. -Thr S,•n:inel tells
a pleasant story of the reunion of
a Kinloss man and his ps,eke•tbook,
in which was a goodly muni of money
which the owner haul received in the
vilbege for noun. apples lie haul sold.
When he gut home the Kilotons man,
Robert Guest, found he had lost the
pocketbook, and wee .,afraid it had
gone for go. el. Next worreil,', how-
ever, he came back to town tind,'hav-
ing done some of his intsirreeet the pre-
vious day at the I;. T. It. etatton, he
enquired of Mr. Martin, the itcent, if
. e
hrseen hint
with sn• ,t
n k
the previous evening. "No," said Mr.
Martin, "I don't swuetuber Seeing you
with one; hut cera it look like this?"
and he drew Tlr. tiuest'e old friend
from his pocket. it had been
trampled upon by (brume of feet on
the station floor before the station-
master got it. Mr. , Oueet was de-
lighted, of tours. and could not, sty
too much in mashie of Mr. Martin.
rf Tt'Kspnv-, Nov, IOth.
A (loon Ptp,ITsov.-John .1. Furan,
I formerly of West Wewanoiuh anti
latterly of Edmonton, Alberta. has
been appointed police constable for
the city of Regina at a eatery of flak,
a month. Mr. Furan nerved for some
time on the Toronto force, resigning
last May to go West. The Signal
wishes him every success.
BRIO V aims. -- The root crop is all
harvested and farmers are now busy
Vowing . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fin -
y, of Aehfledd, spent .nnA(ty with
the latter'm parent'', Mr, and Mrs.
John Craig Mr. and Mee. Win.
McAllister visited friends at Brussels,
Jamestown and Moleaeorth bast week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, (lrievee
visited Ashfield blends last week....
Frank Young and sister, Gertrude, of
Loyal, accompanied by Mien Mary and
Michael Cummings, of Mt. Augustine,
agent the beginning of this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Redmond, of West-
Cruel] a toe, and he remains a foe ;
rock biro, and he is a friend.
How's This?
p�aWs Weer etone hundred doom' reward for ns
RaiSit CateM roti�t snoop be opted by
T. J. CRRNKY R CO.. Toledo. et,
We the unsterilised have known F. J.
for the last IS flare and believe hitt
y honorable In all busliseu tran,.Mtlo,W
ammoniate able to eswry oat any obltgs
clam wade M his arm.
w Ins, Hlnnen t It iris,
wholertM iiriraaieu. Toledo. 0
Rwll'e CatarM Cure is token Internet's. mel
d eetly upon the
tbs e y all d fere..
Asa lets
s TsaY► ��tt aseslipsUse.
lf. NOW. At house every day except Thur'
toys. New remedy fur extracting teeth Itlowuo-
fermi, bettor than area 4'roma awl bridge work,
etc. Aluminum plates num broakable.t
• N. It -You can always have/our work much
better dune In the dente' oMee-(.tore Uwe,
better ts>iW,ies for doing the work, wore mow•
turtablu for'the uatieuL
Usti church. hymn book, also a sew
supply of Methodist and Presbyterianhymn
book, at tint Po.tolace Moose. M. RYAN.
In Dungannon for The Signal Wet, the Peet,
odice Nook and Stationery Storewhere
orders will be received fur ubaerlptlons ad-
vertlslulr and Job work. and receipts will be
given fur amount.. paid fur the suns
%VKDNKSDAY, Nov. 17th.
N. 1Voodiu. of (J dericb, visited
preemie herr oil N lay last.
A number of the ti. U. I. student.
spent Sunday at their ho urs here.
(I. ntotherv, who is engaged in the
eonnty town, visited at his home here
on Sunday.
A number of young people from the
village atteinled the concert at Crewe
on Monday evening.' -
Bellamy and Miss (:gluon were
among think.' who attended the con•
cert at Crewe on Monday night.
-Mise liliulys McLean. of Iioderich,
visited at the bottle of her. grandpar-
etas. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. %Vilyard, on
RRTi1 Yay and Sunday -hurt
Mrs. Pointer and daughter, Miss
Will.. ie. Pointer, after a lengthy visit
with friend's here left this week. for
I.ucknow, whore they will visit for. a
short tine bet.ire retur g to their
I • in Pembroke. •
Rev. A. F:..1.1ies occupied the pul-
pit in the Methodist church here Sun-
d.1y Ir..t•ning last and conducted anni-
v"ersary services of Crewe, in the after-
noon and evening. lieu. L. Hirt -
lett look Mr. Jones' work on the
A.rl ern circuit
Tits: Hcy rants Itv-ruesIN,i. John
Johnston .'hinted (rout the North
Saturday last after it ten days' hunt in
seatrli of deer. He and his party
were su,ressfill in securing a few deet.
B. J. Crawford and Chas. Elliott are
expected I • this week.
A Ns:w' I.sniuO. - %Ir. George, organ-
izer for the tinder of Canwdiau Howe
Circles, is meeting with groat success
herr and expects to organize a lodge
this week, las a good number have
urine apph.•ati.en for nlewtte•rship. A
meeting will probably • be called for
Thutslay evening to wake final
liapka LOCHALSH.
MoNUAy, Nov. 15th.
l'KIt.oN it. Emits.-I'eter Fletcher,
a ce • art 'r 11
I t. u.ly u 1 hien Alg mgt;
s rn{;agetl at pit•arnt in making im-
p:ovetn•nts IN tII4' residence of his
sist,•t. Mts. :1. lb -Kenzie. We uuder-
st it'd Ihat .11.hn Pletcher. Invther of
the .L ,ce, is .•opting to lat'hatsh in
a leo clay's t.. reside will, (Its. Mr -
'Kenzie. 11r. Fleteber, who is in-
t,altdcd iu cunut-queice of a paralytic
-Ie ok,• 1.4.14%01 ti • time ago, has
Vs•••n under wrdiral care for situ,.' Dine
hock at his sister's. Mrs. K. Ross', 2nd
e,-t,,re.s of limon. ..Mrs. 'l'y're,
f•,r hest Iv 1I it y ('atop Bell. n daughter
o:f Alex. Campbell. of le,chalsh, ut-
ani-.l here today It. Jackson, Mich.,
it; eomM;nv with her dao, bti•r, Miss
/') re, iui1•1 son-in-law, in order to visit
Ie lends i,t this sect' .
Iles Is RAI'. The 12th e,meessiun
And I.nkeSlture tars are in dr.pai,.
I h,-ir disotuy they have die, ivered
th .t the hithertoco(.sidereel invincible
methods for rungntriug that peculiar
sMI complex uleellauisni. the female
beiu•1• are beginning to fail. Beeuti-
lill Art Vets are of no use• rubber -tired
and auto netted buggies are sway
down below par. wealth and learning
ate at a discount. -and good looks and
winning ways of no avail. Even the
powerful effects of osculatory and
consU-ictury methods ate only of a
temporary nature. There is now just
the one way, and that is to attain
the unattainable "auto." To conquer
you oust 1,e armed with a "Reg." ao
the buye.,srully.,;Mize• that they must
Itegin tit save. although "(t way be for
years and it may be for never' before
they secure the desired object Hence
you will See at present, these noble
hods sitting in the dust, plunged in
deep nlrlancholy and casting ashes on
their heads.
Tog Rls'LK CLUB. -Sine the Loeb
almh Rifle Club was organized, it has
been practising fairly regularly dur-
ing the summer and fall, and in conse-
queue.• sone of the members have
Leen making good progress. On the
last two Saturdays in succession a
Match was played. tornp osed on 'both
oreasionm of the name sides chosen from
Hie club and under the same captains,
namely. Dune. C. McKenzie and John
K. McKenzie, with the result that the
sides are now tied. '1'11 give some idea
of the progress made in marksman•
ship we append the following list of
members with their marks out of a
possible twenty -live. taken from the
scene for last Saturday's match. The
shooting with at 2151 yards, live shots
for each member. Owing to lack of
space, we shall give the names of only
the eleven members who made the
highest acmes. viz.: Ales. hong,
_NI ; .Iss. BarnbyyIS : F'. I). MrLets.
inn, Is ; John Melttyre,slli; John K.
Ross. III :.las. Mel)11nald, III ; Dune. C.
MrKTnzie, 11 ; Thou. Sandy, 11 ; T. F.
Henderson, II ; Hugh McIntosh, 11 ;
.1 :hn Henderson, It. As the relative
-landing of the menthe's varies con-
siderably at etch competition we
shall, in justice to those who (lid not
hspp u'n to e • within the range of
.above list• publish the ten ur eleven
highest stores of this next- rnmpett•
t ion.
MOND% V. Nov. 151,11.
Sr mint. I(KI'e1RT. -Following is the
report of N. H. No. 2, Gealcrirh town-
ship, for October : IV. class, total
5111 V(polet Chamber.., 3.111. Senior III.
clams, total lid) Maggie White, :ebf4;
George Ginn, '2Ki; Maodie Thompson,
301, Junior iII.. total 4111 -Benson
Bell, :lK!; Erne Whitely, 277; Mary
McCain', 141. Senior II. total, Ill) ---
Fred McCullogh, i17i ; Alvia Thompson,
K4;, Irene Harrison, 72. Junior II.,
total 1011 Gordon Tebhutt., CO; Norma
Ginn, 91). Senior part iL-Ella Rut-
ledge, Ali; Charley McCabe, 82; Vera
Thompson, 4..3. Amine Part II.-- Gracie
Mc( lithe. Part 1. -Marion Rutledge,
Gladys Ginn, Lorne Hodges, Reta
Harrison. Best In spelling : -Violet
Chambers, MaggieWhite (perfect),
Benson Bell. iret•fert attendance ;-
M. White, Maud, Vera and Alvin
Thompr+ssoonn, Irene and Rets Harrison,
L. Rn. Number on roll.21 : avers
attendance, 18. O. E. Forge*,
TL snAY, Nov. 16th.
No Time Tu Loom -Although the
Uwe (or.the Yining on the local option
bylaw is only about six week. away,
as yet there seems to be no campaign
work dime on either side. 'there is
one thing certain --if the temperance
party expect to win they will have to
do a lot of work, as this is no easy
town to carry, and the sooner they
start their campaign the better their
chances will be of winning.
d no Witt IT BK? -A. Hielup
who has the patronage for East
Huron, was here Monday of this week
and it is likely he will come to a de-
cision pretty boon as to who is to HI
the position of lott[uiaster here. He
hag -waited a long time, but we under-
stand it has narrowed down to three,
so it rhouldn't.take long to decide. No
person needs to complain very much,
as the two young ladies who are fill-
ing the position at preeeut cutout be
ANNULI;. SHIM/T.-The annual shoot
of the Blyth Rifle Club took place at
the butts here Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of last week. There were
about sixty of the home club in atten-
dance and in consequence the compet-
ition was Leen at all ranges. I'he
results were :
Class A :NO yards: Int, N, Taylor;
2nd, C. Ruidell ; 3n1, I). Stalker.
Class A -300 yards : 1st, l'. Ruddell ;
2nd, ff. Herrington-: 'Jrd; J.
Claes A-5011 yards: 1st, N. Taylor;
2nd, U. Stalker; 3rd, J. McGill.
Claes H :are yards: let. P. Carlisle;
2nd, J. Marshall ; Rid, Or. Perdue.
Claw H- anII yards : 1st, Dr. Perdue ;
2nd. F. Anderson ; 3rd, J. Mar-
Clara B- 5111 yards: 1st, J. Marshall;
and, Ur. Perdue ; 3rd, P. Carlisle.
Class C --''M1 yards: let, F. McIntosh
2nd, F. McPherson ; 3rd, F. Mc-
Class C -mo yards : 1st, F. McCaug-
hey ; 2nd,F' McIntosh ; 3rd. J.
Clam C-5011 Yards: 1st. F'. McPher-
wen ; 2nd, J. Cute ; :ird, F. Me-
Special Prizes. Kneeling. N. Taylor
off -hand, funDr. Long; rapid firing,
B.The captain gave a new hat to the
bent average at all positions and in all
olaases, which was won by N. Taylor.
NoTHS.-Loaf Fryiay evening the
town was aroused by the fire -bell about
N o'clock, but all were very glad that
it was nothing worst than a chimney
on fire. The old wooden side
walk at the river will be causing the
town sower expense in a damage bill if
it is not replaced, as it is in a, very
dangerous condition. Sunday even-
ing while• Mrs. Spafford was returning
f church she bad the misfortune t.,
go through it. Fortunately she
was not hurt very hotly, but pussihly
the next one may out get elf so lucky.
Quite a number were down at the
0. T. It. stat' Sunday t• • see the car
'.f live poultry which McLean Bros., of
Goedericb, were shipping to New York.
It war a different kind of ear (yon)
any ever seen herr before, being a I
eight derk(d I'nc. but we noticed quite
a her of t he liens were dead
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hall and Mrs. J
Bennett visited relatives in Auburn a
few days last week We noticed
that the list of prizes coming to Huron
.county (tum the fruit exhibit at Tor-
onto Inuit week was lint as large as
usual, but awunget the few prizes H.
H. Sloan captured some Root.
Wanless. who had been working in
Walkerton for the last few weeks, has
Mut ned home, having got through
with the job The apple evwpor-
alor here is getting a lot of apples, so
many that ,Dine have to be rofused.
By present proepecls they will have
enough to keep them going until New
Year's, providing the weather doesn't
get too cold. This is a good industry
for the town for the few months it
runs. Mr. Brown, the proprietor also
has one at Wingham and one at Tees -
water, which are both very busy
A. McVittie, who has been living at
the north end of the town, moved this
week into the house recently vacated
by W. McGowan. who intends staying
in British Columbia for the winter � s
Quite a number of the sport* took in
the shooting match at Belgrave Mon-
day at live pigeons and met with pretty
good success. The St. George clu
held a small assembly in their rooms
Monday eveningtit which a very en-
joyable evening was spent... 1':
Steadman who at one time worked on
the C. P. R. here, hut who has been
finishing up at the London School of
Telegraphy, has passed his examina-
tion and expecte soon to get a posi-
tion. At present he is visiting friends
here Mrs. Geo. Dawson, of SL
Catharines'. is at present visiting Miss
E. Mason here Jas. -Moto was in
Tetawater on a visit to his son this
A Builder. -Are you losing weight ?
"The i). A l.." Emulsion will always
help and build you up. Restores
proper digestion and brings back
WKDNIcNDAY, Nov. 17th.
A Woto OF SYMPATHY. -One of the
largest funerals we have ever seen was
that of Mr. Miller last Wednesday,
when a very large number of friends
and acquaintances came to pay their
last respect.. The sympathy of the
community goes out to Mrs. Miller in
the hour of her sad bereavement.
B it K v IT I ft s. -Rev. J. R. Mann
preached a sermon on Sunday to the
young men. It was enjoyed by the
old, as well aa the young Mrs.
Homey is spending a few days visiting
her mother at Holstein Mr. Mc-
Bride had a lot of fine cattle shipped
to him to McGaw station last week...
. Miss Mary Rose spent a few gays
with her friend. Mime Marsh Mr food.
last. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newell.
of fioderleh, spent Sunday at H. Horn.
ey's Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher, of
Benmiller, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Miller Mrs. Jarvis McBride visited
her mother, Mn., Mallowslast week.
fTrae. Mark.)
1,1‘i l 1 Tate See iya mer
I`r t'it- ' cnpt of the
• r. 1-r•.., f• r I t. nt,, 1t cntreal,
•.'••. . •. ',rit.Yi:i,lgrtes acs'
.;. tl , .,,q ,.awe.
stn 1! pi P,•• .:
1VKUNKeDA Y. Nov. 17th.
BAYr•IICLu BKIKp's. - Mrs. Beck, of
Toronto, is a guest at the home of her
niece, Mrs. Waiter Wallow Rev.
Mr. Taylor, of Varna, occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist church on
Sabath evening ...Ueorge Miller
and Miss Edith Miller, of Parisi, who
had bleu yisiting relatives here, re-
turned hurtle on Nlontlay of this week.
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
church intend holding a social iu the
bareweut of their church on Tuesday
evening, November Gird. The wain
part of the program will be given by
Mr. Alexander, of London, a very tal-
euted and clever entertainer, assisted
by local talent Mrr. Waken., o1
Goderich, js visiting her sister, Misr
Emily Ormond Misr Winnie and
Master John McNeil: of Seaforth Col-
legiate, and Miss Florence Martin, of
Clinton Collegiate, spent Sunday at
their homes Ken. Moorhouse re-
turned to London recently. ...Thr
Methodist and Church of England
young people are making arrange-
ments for entertainments to be given
at Christmas time. The Presbyterian
Sabbath school, instead of having the
usual Christmas tree, intends holding
a social evening for the childten in the
Sunday school room of the church,
some time about Christman.
)'ALL To Rev. J. Mi Neit.-Rev. J.
McNeil. pastor of St. Andrew's church,
having received a call from a con ro-
gation in Cape Breton, hTe pdTppol
taken on Sabbath :tart by • Rev. T.
Davidson, of 'Varna, who announced
THUaYDAY, NOva111an 14, limo 'f
Recent discoveries have shown
that falling hair is caused by
germs at the roots of the hair.
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de-
stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new Improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Dees sof clenge the coler ej she hay.
• gran 1.115 esu beetle
IS.. it I. pawn
tiers kis aunt it,
4.a to st so arra
Recent discoveries bare also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs en the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destroy these dan-
druff germs. Here, the same Ayer's Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
—taut 57 Ye J.0. Ser Oe., laws% rias,'—
the fact to the congregation and cited
them to appear at a special meeting of
Presbytery to be held at Brucefleld on
the 33rd of November, and also an-
nounced a congregational meeting for
Monday evening, November V. Mr.
McNeil has been pastor of this congre-
gation for almost nine years and it is
with sincere regret that they hear of
the intended depaa'turtof himself and
Allen's Lung Balsam is the sten ani
cure. for coughs amid colds in the
States and Csnada.
Smoot hueea
gas Cs.lor Variety
Thos, are
the fly.
loat.ro. of
:N Pro*ressive
Mit Dressmakers
find it pays to ego these world•famous •I I k s , as
BELDING'S SILKS are uum iarpessed. beteg rweod-
ulsod as Iho World's Standard.
They find dial BELDING'S SILKS are iu a class by
Take. for instance, the important question of
'Not a shade is asked for, but we ca.
supply it -.haply beoatase we spare
no effort or expense to ensure oar
having ad knowledge of all
novelties -sed Immedialoly a now
shade is known it is inoorporafed
in our Hue.
Belding, Paul & Co.
7.1 Bay Street
Toronto •1
A.k roar dealer for Ilse
.f sroml.ws, or write
as ler partiralar..
outer va 'I.ty.
it;oursef[- the
You cannot judge the Edison by hearing
other kinds. The Edison is the sound -
reproducing machine at its best. It is not
a talking machine. It is a Phonograph
reproducing every sound faithfully—the song
exactly the way the singer sang it; the opera
exactly the way the orchestra played it ; the
two-step exactly the way the band rendered it.
That is the Edison Phonograph as Mr.
Edison makes it—the object of his constant,
daily care.
When be says he wants to see an Edison
Phonograph in every home, he means your
home. Do you not want one there t Do you
not need this amusement maker for your own
sake, for your children and for your guests t
Hear one today. Hear all the others too and
compare. Only in this way can you know
that what we say is true.
�jvt Il;dls(re Standard s- - waft
.4 adrsw A.berel Records (twist as lona) M
adlses Greed veers Rascals • •JD
Tosn are adleos dealers everywhere. Oe tots. ssarert sad
bass w grilses Phonograph May both salsoe Standard gad
Asakss.Lasessda. (let oomMste catalogs sora root deals:
ear den as.
1N Lakwli Amms, Ono" N. J. MLA.
-ir r•.!ssans.
Special Cash k: ,4� ; Agin
Discount Sale
rt, ”` 0t , ;Tr",r1.
One-quarter off' all 66.6A216%t1!
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
this week only. Sizes 22 to 32
Agents for Stanaeld's Unsbnnkabls •U.d.rwasr
and Carhartt's Overalls, Smocks and Gloves.
I'IcLean Bros
Cascara Bromide Quinine
White Pine and Tar
Bedford Block.
The Druggist.
E -._.. _ _..-...- .-
Hartt Shoe
--- I
G. M. Elliott
, Nollvuov Ir'rM'r'rKa int' •r1.«.,';, '` jam,py'
fes,. v �;x,
IIFor Eavestroughing, Tinamithing, Pltunbing said Heating we can
111 give Sleet prompt attention, and all work fully guaranteed.
that looks
china but for o durability is far
superior to china. The price at present is 331 per
cent. off regular prices.
rSto ye s a Na. natism.*Csew:r;sal,s M
The Happy Thought Range still leads the
market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens,
easy to regulate. It is the heaviest and most
durable range on the market today. it is in a
class by itself. We have several other stoves and
ranges that are equal to other makes, ranging in
price from $25.00 up. Call and see our full line
and judge for yourself.
et Flie
Now is the time to do your Fall painting.
We have a full line of colors of Sherwin-Williams
Paint, also white lead and oils.
We are agents for the famous Regal Roofing.
manufactured by H. W. Johns - Manville Co.
Thisroofis fully guaranteed.
Seers 'Mane as
Hsass'Msss tax scz