HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-18, Page 22 THURSDAY. NOvEMB1±R IS. Mat
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per tine fur dna lar.erUwt and to per line for
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nonpareil style, twelve blue. to an Inch.,
14u,4uae., cant. of six hoer and under, 113 per
Advo Usuutents of Lost. round. Strayed. Sit -
motel's a '•cant, Situations Wsnted. Houser tor
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Address, all e•mwuakamons to
THE SIONAI. I' t4 l'INU t'u., Limited
(Ireeirtoh, Out
UH,UbR1t'H. THURSDAY. NOV. Is. last
,Bowe Conservative journals, seetu to
think it strange that the Liberal press
of Canada should throw stoner at tlhe
British Hoare of (.Isle and at the
same time exhibit a considerable de-
rgree of complacency ill regard' to the
They rhoul,' remember that rim uthr
stances alter cast.: If the Senate
were alatructing the legislation of the
(iovernwrnl, there would be an tan-
tnistakahM demand for its abolition.
But the Senate is doing nothing of
the sort. It is asleep, and while it is
asleep it does nut excite ' hostility.
--}:yeaso..It the Literal pte.s--of On-
tario at least -were canvassed, we
belieye the desire for the abolition of
--the Senate, on -the ground of its ex-
pense and of its possibilities tar mis-
chief, would be emphatically and
generally expressed. As we nave
stated, however. the Senate at pres-
ent is giving no, special occasion for
such s 1pteseions. When_ the Coto
servative• 'core into power tat Ut-
tawa-tuu:e limb,, shout the year
11.13- and find a Senate composed
wholly of literal.. ready and willing
to 'throw nut their legislation, then
they will allow tbenisels'-. '-iv
things aloof the Senate et 1 s unlit
t, what Lilet a!s ate no,. ..vying
about the House of Lords.
And. heretic-.. ei•WAibr--pairla. -.Stop,.
pore. instead of taring constituted as it
is, Memberrhi1, at, the Senate elnUdd
Ie me the lierrdilxry- pein,tiple. w lett it
howling farce it iv0uld he ! Anti Il•.t
Li ala -ill ll' any Ihr I-il.eusl Int es
looks at the Iteitish Hoene of I L111..
'illi' :bye -ala. tune. I. Ile• (III.' is a
Hous last week lea I mixed at sal -
iu We•t %tialdls..ex if small L':e.
majority Was increas.•il 1-s it .ul.•nu.
Cal leer. ana&P in_ lttrllt : - .X +, us al -
bithe•t . held by the Lds•rils_war c.,p-
tuaral by the t',nl sea r.tl\'ars. I -u
geed to Ilie altitude art the elvelur.i oil
public quest' , the result in rieilbrr
constituency seems to prowess any par-
ticular significance.. No definite is-
sue was presented. and in consequence
we have not the advantage of know-
ing along what lines the people of
these two convtituencies are looking
at question of national policy. In
both awns ' uencies the personality of
the can stew seems to have had very
touch to do with the mull. In west
Middlesex the Liberal candidate was a
clever and popular y g man and a
__bard fighter. lie , won. In North
_liesex the Liberal candidate was.
rightly or wrongly, looked upon as
the nonriuee or dill f'ihat•htnar" ala-
Went.. He host.
One thing seems to be strongly in-
dicalad. That is. nnleai the leaders of
the.Liherat party give the party some-
thing to fight for they cannot count
'pan the entbusiaatic support which
wins elections, and thus almost any
seat may be captured by a popular
candidate in spite of a previous ad-
verse majority. There are ether con-
stituencies than Ndrth Ess'i in this
end of the Province that have been
lost. to the party in a similar way.
The lesson ought to be plain.
The turnover in Essex will perhaps
put some ginger_into Canadian poli-
tics. It is not a good thing for the
country to let. an' Oppouiti,na liecorlle
too much dircouragld, or to allow a
Government to flatter itself with the
notion that it is invincible. The lip -
position at I►t.tawa has been greatly in
need of encouragement, and political
discussion has been down almost to
zero point. If the fighting should
now become a little more strenuous,
as a result of the discovery that the
Opposition is not hopelessly beaten,
the country will reap the It'nent of a
more tteetir wird elAMMt discuwrion of
its affairs:-,
R. l'. 1 enras
try, ter of the Dominion
Grange, in a letter t, the press pt'o•
tests vigorously against the proposal to
establish a Canadian navy. He claims
that the agricultural clamgenerally is
oplooeu.d to such a step, and he Nog-
gesthat, as Britain's greatest. need
is Industrial prosperity% and, this se-
cured. she ran build het own warships,
Canada could horst give her assistance
by throwing down the harriers of
trade betweenthis country and (creat
Britain, admitting British goods free
of duty. This, Nays Mr. Drury, would
be the best answer Canada could give
to any threat of foreign imtei'fett'uce.
An int evert iag article in 'Tile View
bylet ian, especially iuterertifg be
, Anse its ruurce I. a religious paper.
promote another view of the question.
While in rywpatby with all efforts it
behalf of peace. The Presbyterian
believer that those' who are opposing
the proposed naval polity for Canada
air working in a dire-liuu • in
there it little hope of progta•rr. Their
view paint seethe' lar 1r : Canada for
herrelf:'t. though they were to ray.
lir Canada. t l' a it. eunride•h itag her us is beet
illt-mete, t'etaiu her position as eaten
military power, and let the other parts
of the Empire Jo as they please. This
to tinkle, The Prr'bytrrisi lelicvrr,
will nut Iw taker by the Calla stain
people. They will not dire eiate
thrmneives fr the liritieh Empire.
Por h,•tuer or wurae`their (urtunes are
Isauul up with Ihoer of. the mother•
land and the sister British nation..
Canada's. part ieipalP b ti ill the defence
of the Empire will give her a voice in
the Imperial runncilt. and that voila
she is bound It, raise with no er-
tain soon,' in telialt of peace.
"Forret, soaking for Wax tar con.
*tautly. at work. awl more sit oWdy_. in
tittle leritain than in the over -rear
Il ' . . I' • the selfish interests
of dune• wipes' business I. helped by
war, foul the military Ia-adit`juus al
f. be. in wheel' fighting has twee' ,a
triode fur generations. ft- Iuu'gyxlet-
e•ut lolls' national jealousies. l'aurtia is
pirovidentiially flee. Cnn:wranr Will rte
lea excusable, then. ifas menders of
the British federal' . they bail to
resist the spirit of jingoism wherever
it nitwit's., if they fail to tvctgutize
Beat aro nap' has itsright to claim
sopa euiw•y of the rete Intl only secur-
ity for her commove Mid her posrrr-
shins. Every 'novena. t in favor of
at bit ration, every effort or a cuuunun
waif- ansa art ..a ,y snip
towards in new era o1 i termatwnal
goods ill, should receive th support of
I'Nt,wlir'tap iiiiun. In para alar. the
Canadian tiave-niuent Ani pciiplr
iihuuld Iw careful 1.. abstain ..w ar-
rogance and selfishness in the • own
dealings will ueighlear nation . To
seek the things, that make peat• by,
example anal lay counsel i..1he dot • of
Canada, within the Euiuilat.'
Now is the tins for the municipal
candidate to an himself. Don't
all speak at once. geutlrwen.
KU'uugc to say. Admiral 3Ietlijli
cuddy doesn't seem to • chair taken
with the notion of a Canadian cavy.
Christmas is Only a little inure than
array. IOC atom time to r
the youugrtew to begin waking ups
their lists fur Santa Claus.
lLluuassa was bully (eaten in the
.lQbye b e elections that week. Com
• servative in`r'rt•ut in hie tpuup:sign will
bare r lent 'lemmata restive.
The country /ill await with Iii-
lerwt lbs fin thet legislation against
cuhhbitter prewired ill the speeih front
the thrum.. The Siert Iegislal'
against a bi s.'. would, be N geietal
reduction in the tariff.
The Turvuulii Neils wants the Con.
sert:atire party to get together on the
cavy gta'st. . ,The '•iridepa•ndent'•
pin .en i, it know just what hate t.. I
take it it gels its elle lento the
t'onceu-votive headquarters,
l'he neuter for %Pert Huron' luno a
Irish .101 of fte.ik a noposats -1 iii •
aersinu just, opening ,and 'Iris alivttdy I
Ma litre.' to at oak them met/.-'Flev
probably dei U.dua ly any harm, anti
the member* roust have a, et lung t..
)a ugh al-
Of the sixty-four t trier having
railways. says it recent editorial in The
Seer, lilt Il•e, lifty•uiut have pust
liely-iiwned ru:uls. All r.ailw.ays .0
ut•u,vl in tWent y -nine•, and ail ,err le
tale in only live.- twelve r•publh -
have public ownership.
ovi(lt-ll dor thus
Thoroughness the Corner StOne
The Ulster Echo, published sitIte•
fart, pays its e plinu•nts' to 1 e
British eltatuellut• of the F:xthr,tilct
in this stylar:
-Taffy was a Wel.hauan.
Tatty -was a thief.'
Mr. l.loyd-Iieorg a it. mit only ,1
11•e•lshnuur, but N psarhrr, and pt•aud
of I1utli ; a robber of other pas.plr's
,Jieu-raotsts and olhes. people's charde-
trr, a blatant blintetwr, ,auto hs Ilailgo •
nits demagogue, a I'eckstuiff, anal .a
Mieliback R,il o'spier•e, at fomenter la
the Toronto niche. enlfcizing the,
micertkin attitude of the Ottawa Op.!
rpt upon you
pond intentions
One year ago, Mr. George
Wakeman was earningpt about
Now he it earning at, the tate
of t1ttt per year.
Six thou+'i 1
LIM Ilia at our
Hominess College made the
ditfeeice. War it a good
investment? He think. wt,
His address is New Osgotele,
hour C ars
Euler any time. I nJii Wuxi
Write for particuialn.
•f{(100 IS strut! !Iii
ma e a living.
k for bookie
Endowment at
Ilea. tie' natal it ion of . t••iug
the last practical training
s.•h,ol in ('simile. Than. ugh
ruurle- have pa tatters' masulk.
lhaeinerr naso Nay our graduate's
aas-_Uw- _bre.. sad ti.—; app
to 11s for l. help. Title e
graditars suceerd as n o eie•
otbtel'. Three departments:
Knter at once. \\'rile now Ihr
our fire catalogers.
1►, A. McLaa iei.A'N,
•volution and .ar 1bV. ROBINSON-0- ROBINSON ?Len will wrangle for religion, write
a rcpt's advocate for the iamb, x raider i — 'fo:• u, fight for it, die fur it. anything
. Diana /meat. •Beak,rtb. Oat but live fat it.
I'h..l,.LI.,ph tee,
I fr,,111 'I be a'en.11ti:m Hart.. ,,lt,u•.•.. .
One of the sighs of li.sl••a ill. in 1lie --moat t time Tt Shr•-tre 4 genteel in, lit
registry of lice uu North street. This was a barrru, miluvel '-lar.king piece art salmi
shortly after his appointment to the office. cuucrived the idea of turning it to the
pair -suit of which be is very fund and in which he has had orient success. Mr. flat.
thorough way and last sumuier hal six hundred nose plants in bloom, a lovely sighs t
ser. The above picture shows only is portion of the garden. Later in the season, ahi
roses had failed, he head a brilliant display of tuleromero oled begonias. Mr. Coate is an i
the Goderieh Horticultural Society, believes in cultivating beauty, and puts his belief Mtn
eastsi tl,' of lite e,...it: y
1 until It.•gistriar ('wets
lilt ia•atian of ruses. is
went to work i11 his
• all whir cant) to
the glory of the
clivi• aua•tuis•r of
mart tee.
p.sitiuq uport every important ques-
tion, escept the attainment of office,
declines that "the only thing in the
nature of a policy that ever eotnmends
itselLttu_s_atno,linent aectidn of the
Upped t hint is the voila of nth ator-
Mg to convince the English-speaking
section of the Dominion that tar Wit-
frid is not a trite 'Britisher, and 'al ies
not respond to British sentiment as
the Premier -of a Hritish rnlony
rhuuld. It continues t
"The fact that rue Inas time I
again respenrd in a way no Pie ' •r
of British aneest•y would have been
am been to. Jo him found a weal
st'mbling-hl.a•k to these ge'Ilenren.
Mr. Mu/Ilk'sspeech at Mont.n•.d, shows
us where we. would .he if Mr. Borden
were Premier of Canada anal Mr.
Monk his chief lieutenant. It clay be
stated with as great cunfiden •e as any-
thing can is. elated that is a matter of
,purr sp ectrlatlion, that if a ('onservn-
hive Administrat. had been in (neeI
there would not 441 the past ten years
have lawn ear active a trartirifwstimc a's
Ow part of Canada in the cares and
tit niggle* of the Empire as there ids
been. We are justified in thinking No
from past incidents. It is only within
the past few weekra
s that t he corrpoud.
mire between' $ir John Mardnneld and
Sir Ch les- Tupper on the_question
nestinn of
a Canadian preference to ratan was
published. Sir .john virtually forbad,-
sir Charles meddling with the subject,
twosome Sir Hector "(Angevin was feel.
ilsg uneaw about it. That is one lin-
upon property and 'ironies il , thrift
and honesty ; an agitator and adven-
turer. an uht'rnt.elank and a brava. a
l'erkin 1Varleck and a Pt without me
rolls) into ono; a disciple and rival
Pf 1'Prior Grayson and Keir Hardie, a
M„eialiet waif in Literal iiiithing, n
Lor --the Premier. a ...snit.. 1 the elpr stittttion.
1t1'yddieairga• has a well-developed
sense of I ' •, and will enjoy this
portrait tat binnedf as heartily as apt y
stanre. A her is furnished by thr
correspondence on file ul the Depart.
Inent of Militia. The Colonial Secre-
tary of that titer drew the atlrnt'
of the flenabbatt HoyerttnW'tt4 to the
fact that. Australia had cnntritot tetI
two squadrons of dragoons to operate
with the British army in the Mt.xulara.
11* a amtart ..haL..1L...would wiLuni
gt4'at gratification to the War Office
and to the people of Great Britain
generally if Canada could see her way
to do likewise. The ('•nservative Ad-
ministration of that day refused com-
pliance in the plainest and timelines:
way, ant the corre•gmndtnc• was
(10•(41 with a note from frowning
street, couched in stingingly polite sere
cath.. It is the members of a party
with this histo.y who are constantly
endeavoring t'. show Ihat Sir Wilfrid
Lender is not zealous enough on lie
i ehalf of the motherland. The soother
land ham never heel a Wehner friend at
Ottawa, or one more ready to show
hie warmth by his works, than Nh
Wilfrid Laurier."
Falling Leaves.
`erre leave, that softly Hatter down
And hide In hollow+ bare and brown,
VI' tell a plaintive story
And. Il+tcning. I Iain ...Int heart
To .ee the . days depot
With autumn's tainted Meer,
1,1kc you, I el dwell In roan' I Md.And firmly clasp my feeble hand+
About some rherl•b.d
I'A.hu. tar winter. ley iin•Nth •
And everything that sprvak. Of+bulb
iron, out life + joi me measutr.
tn. reined teitvttr! briar -Mick ck ye-.ttew
The path. where yn only row.. grew
And bottereups were gleaming.
Yet yr have known the joys of .p, Ing
And frit the love of everything.
While I .e halm idly dreaming.
-I1. Isobel nrelfinan In t'a•,aAtan Mag.uluc.
Scott's Emulsion
is a wonderful food -medi-
cine for all ages of man-,
kind. It %rill make the
drlicate, ick1)'b tby strong
..old well—will give the
apa e, anemic ' girt rosy
Cheeks and rich, red blood.
It Will Put flesh on the
bones of the tired, Over.
worked, thin man, and
nail -keel the aged man
or lronlail in condition -to
re':ist colds or pneumonia
if; the -winter.-
All old pimple so r frau, attacks
of sudden exhaustion, yak head :u•
ttnn nnd'prnstrat imr. he best aid in
such ceases is Pet•ratviva, he invigor-
ating t.tnic which is p aretl from_fresh, lean beef. citrate n iron and
must null Soterifslr she..' -ft
epi elateethe.iag.sttiwri,mid
ens the whole bialy. PIPIMa I
tiUa Ntt.T tr Al.l, 1S1 litiNTS
a.••11 err.. aspa of paper sod this Irl. 6.e awe
be'Wtlfni a•.ina@ kora and I' „p'1•- wh '. h a- a
r -k bekk HMWM • ti,.sr I.,. k I...L,.
t2s Wolangaea Street, Wen T.r.ei., (I,
Fall and Winter Coats
A reulark hIN
offering i
n Uf
.Uwe very •
mart styles
wo'iru's Octets. Materials, tailoring, trimming and styleg
pronounce throe Cu,t,s of extra value, made of fine broad-
cloths, tweed. and cheviots t $7.00anuad$10.00
special wale at ilii • , l/ ivv
Men's Fur and Fur -Lined Coats
Play lining of well matched Aral I shell waale of black
leaver cloth. The storm -collar art otter. The closest tur-
a iii itattoo reveals only faithful and skilled workmanship
slid materials eel robetautial quality and re- $35.00
li„Ide : marked for special rale
Saturday & Monday Bargains
Two days' spacialrelliu ill a great number of line.,
wbb• •li will b xpprr.•iat rill by all economical and good
11,1551 yards of al t.. al inch wide, heavy,
faut.+ayt arutiutt : leg olio be A. y •...1 Cue.,. S C
:aro anis 72 -inch plain unbleached sheeting:
heavy, even thread : regular'Ile a yards for........ 17C
;fel yards of ends of all sizes up CAI ii yards; rex- 30c
War Vic tuffiad. aJ
a yara.tring at peel• square yarJ
tosa►uple pairs Lace l'urtainr, sum•• slightly « I'd.
WW 11 • only tnhsbel : worth regular$2.tltl to $3.50
IIif.II) a pair, on sale rat >tl.' i to
Great Sale of Clothing
Saturday, --.November 20, to 27
Men's Snits, Overcoats, Rain
Coats anti ('ants, Boys' Suits and
Knickers', •
Come Expecting Big Bargains.
GEIS 0611111/11110
Special .Bargains in Stoves and Hardware
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mad Courses
C.i.k.enr, rr..
1. W. Westerv.h. I A' Wenaysle, I- (.A.,
• ' romoNT0. OPT.
('tun adian bear grease is in ltetu•ine, ('or. voi.gc and Alreaaler Sts, A high.el.
With other valuable agents, making It getad' F:nter an rune. Iiladnates read
R R I t p•'tg..... . at I re relay for rtatr,tarwn
the best pomade. iMM. a jar. a utnhatn,•,
The. Taioring_.Busness
That's why our Garments have won distinction.
Our -wlac have been enormous this season,. and
Our -sales: enormous this season,- and
we -hale --a, nitmber of Siov end Ranges left
that we are offering special prices on to sell them
'tick. Every Stove or Range is guaranteed to
he a perfect baker, heater rind fuel saver,
We sell Stoves for I I different firms, and have
the largest stock and sell at the lowest prices.
if you need a Stove this is your chance to save
We have a number (It good second-hand
Ranges and Heaters for sale, cheap.
Any nos tarn I mice ? We
have every style of Trap, and
they are sore killers. Mouse
TI•nit', 2 for :w•. (tat. Traps, Inc
$1.110 each. (lame Traps, 11*.
Hanging and
Hall Lamps
We have mane special my les,
at sprrial prices. Electric
lamps'end I'ixtures,
Buck Saws
Bork Saws, IIIc each, Axes
and Handles, V;,• eaeb.
'Gloves and Mitts
Every style and size. Boys'
leather Mitts, in, per pair.
Cotton Olnveert, A pair • for 2fia ,
Bird Cages
(let a new ftirll Cage. Our
new11stock is in. and our prices
are i1.MM1 to &i.inl each. Bird
seed, ('tips, Springs, etc.
Oil Heaters
Same our new I IiI heater. defers
not snntke, smell. east- on fool
and gives an intem'• he.tt t1.•
proper thing for I hat mold tempo,
Weather Strip
Weather Strip for doors nn,'
windows, special at I. ie per foot.
Cattle Chains
Cattle Chains and Stall Nix
tures at special prices. Leather
Halters, 711s' each.
Horse Clippers
tam ke a n d style.
special at $1.151 to IMOD per pair.
Examine our new Horse and
Mhiep-clipping Machine.
Prisco Lanterns
A.1' I lie Seat they give testis-
( ire inn $1 151 tin CAI each.
Children's lanterns, 2fic each,
Horse Blankets
Special at $1.Ill each.
'Dues, Rifles, Shirt, Powder,
gls Wads, every size and
soak • rent (ions and
We have a complete stock of Hardware, Tools, GNsgr els.
Worsells' Hardware Store
=ID 4111111111.1110