HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-18, Page 1Good Printing That is the kind that hops of The Signal Job 1jepartwent get. No order too big, no tuAer too small, to receive prompt and vat•t•ful attention. The Signal Telephone 35. au1•y sio'ONit YleAit-Na ir7.t GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : NOVEMBER Is, 1909 THE SIGNAL To JANUARY 1st. wit, to NEW SUBSCRIBERS for $1.00 Subscribe Now - C TUE SIGNAL PRINTING to., LW, P(esusagas. Financial I am offering for sale Debentures bearing interest at five per cent, per annum. payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having money to invest to be sure to call and epee toe. , W. L. HORTON TWE sTANDAIttl LOAN JOMI>ANV NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS t GODERiCFfMARKETS: • ---- -- 'Iiicalluv , Not ceder 1st Is dopy of change orf' running advertise.: ism wheat, per lac.5 • •. 47 tot t to hprhyf what, per bush„ u K to 1 u, ments must be left at this office by illy, per bust, y 9• to al ush 'Monday noon to insure insertion 040Bud meal, ler bosh_ U 'n to U :,Y y Mata, urn, per bust,.. a :l5 ld U :e. in issue of same week. t cess t rr n.. -Ib s si to ant 1415 levy. per 3,11.1, • U a:, (0::::, al 0 :ar .4r r.s•iiing,., len 1011 •9, 111 to II Irl Flour; Nuttily, per cwt s Sa to Y .d . Lost or Found Flyer in>tuets4wt cwt 3 wo to 3 ell - lino.. ler tun VI Si to 'Lrtn F' TI1 E F':\ I.l. Fid abort.., lave to"`t to •: WI -- - HaY, ynrto tonrt k7 r I.,1{ /* 1-. A t wo year old red steer. de tt'u,al, writ horn.d about 4e Iwuud. ; letter "A clipped Mutter per Its y5 Irl to .0 tai 1.In ............. 1! '.0 10 •S Ii, to 1 ,'h...a�, per lb , - It 15 to I,mur .1, mark• ego ou eight tone ,. J. F. A \ 14100%•-• . lioderici,. 1 Farr.. rr.s.n, per atom n at to I'Mile, untidy to good, per cwt4 I•attle, ealwr,-p'r eel ., 'i5 to 1 t to I to vi m to 11 Is to U 1.5 W -_--t5t0 III to Situations Vac ant f 1EAl'HF:It WAY:1'El). Fon S, S. No l-'. Ashneht. Mitis• to tan umrentr It. alfapt 1 Ieai len.. to Is, in Iefhet..het..ati 1 I w"elr•r Il h. INN -I A tt(y. •' .it "Jr - 'Sat owerlen•e. 115 F'HAN , 18 SI GTT. Jr LAW, P. I � - 71'11 fr1' tl'HEIt WANTED. - LADY (1K 1 gentleman. fol. S. S. No.11. A hart ; dulls* to l.numrn•w w January. 14t,., all npplic:eon- le be In before 1)eroember 1-l. ran. App•,,lica tl0n., eanng salary re sired and nnalielea low. will to Astral by Tints. I't i'1' IIA \t ll u, Louts, sheep, vier cwt IIAru, ler lb Macon. 1s•r lb hard. Ter th-- rrllow, per lb lladcs, per vat :+Lor{{'� skin. I'hlrkems'. Turkey- - - , -... -to to !s to Auction Sales. AI'('T(ON SALE u) •t k'ol Sale I'AIltY 101111 IIF witty AND HEIFEItti. LOK SALE. a1 PI It E WOl►1► hr -cur. Large dal, .l poly 1',ar•UarrA wise Maitland ceraetrry. `1GAL 1. i•KNACE F'(►I( SALE. A V .rand -baud (hick scull furnace- nirauuu large tn••• In girt condition: registers. hot and mkt air vile- complete. %VIII 'll rheop .. I have nu use fur it. Apply to .1. It. 1 :e/1.14111t\ F. B„deneh Pat SALE OR TO ltEN'1'. IN TILE 1 4., , b -r of the Y tate of will ins Juur de reseed.I eu no -t ructe•t h) the a xc•utor- of M• ....so. to offer f sr wile or rent 1M rinmler I. us tar ninth ,sauseion. wa.d.-rn di, I -sou of the tow n.hw, of t'oiborne. containing Iib :acres of Lad There t.• erode! on the premise• a frame house and kite hell It, gond missal.. also it Mr S. E. Ht -u1> .111,11h/ public auction at Ilse heal Its,,, sent, street l imlerieb. ou '1'lll'a,ltAV. NUVEMHFattint, rounneto lag at 1 o clock -harp: 'rtR •sty s•, r0 dense row. and heifer :of w hi,•ti li;:use a herd purchase from one 11141..'. Sr, from per,- t irk Holstein 'lark of a very highs caulking -rain. The Iwlanee are all ss lerted (rut: the best dory herd. In Oxfual county and non -i -t of .pnngeN and winter u,uikrr and cows lute u( uaiVe "in March and A` all r1e,4, ,. Wil holm yrs.• -t tun the hest sir of row. .m- heifer. I nave ever shipped and fanners and u.11ktne11 should not Miss .this oplaortunitY 10 seare .1111l• of Ian. 1114.1 ry ellen, la. 1 vest- I••1, th-'crcilu II III Is' 4114 r„orb 4,011 -long .11,1pro .4441141s•I •Ii.4441141elute.. .1 .1i -r sual al the rale o -IS pee s••nt. let arnluu allow as1 rose .,,-b. r• Y:. lilt 1•r.'pt h -tor: Wye hank h.ar,. with "tone fuu11dat un.. 4,11 u nit„w snarl•• and bog yen. ------ - -__ kW furmer tartaulars apply, to WF I I n E. i . IIA\r1.V. flarrl.ter.rt•.. l ernrh. .1 •r LWR SALE .-SECON 1011 A N D r doors, window. and Io raise Abel) to It. I >Il 3.3413414: . '1'Ihx,-. lal'NIM(Y. A mei umm•er Mortgage Sale • llA'I'1'ttl'V, NtiVEIIBEIt -_here. c - - - - - - . - .-- .--=- 1"I .,fiernaon and et,. •. tootokin Iwai. I)RT(;A(;F: MALE. u,funl range. coal heater. mens slitiper.; {IJI 1.o,ishold furniture, etc... ,al, the Anspor �1 I •a1 - JJuu.n. ul:U.atkt.'.l:k'T1' Auctioneer. t',ider and by virt4rr of the twwen rbntatnaA , III ► eer4um mortgage wiielt will be •Toone. -.1 it SrIr Sur of sale. there will Ire oiterat fur silt L, {wide section by '1'h.r. Onndry. it., Ismer. .0 the court hour• In tate town of _l tele b. as Saturday. tit,' 27,11 day of ,.,toil 10, at the hour of 2 orlurk p. m.. the ,rula•I I kissI, .N • I li(1o., contain 1118 ,tl.rare. Sere' wIr.. awl economising ts trtiurr. of be. mire her sone : 11.0 un the Mid Wel e. is tf the !Own.hlt, of Hoderieh larlcl in the town of t,p,•ru . 1 b proper, v is most ad wan lafelli l>-stunted;the .0.tlherty Isrt ,.as no, *et- of about seven screw of beautifully wooden trove (vis a atong r he Ilaron rood u, .0 would' make nn r,,•ellent lark limpet') . the I' • rely porion, 01,00 which tile Iroilding. Are Meted I- ,ry suitable for 'tanning operation - and would also provide an excellent -Ur for suburban residence. ova•rlonk n ng the river and the Colborne highlantis and ,commanding mss of the lintel proMpecte to Ire found anywhere. /'or teem- and i'ondlt Ion- of isle Apply to J.L. KILWRAN. butistcr, undericb. or to Q1.. HMV In INF, Clinton. Solicitor for I he Vendor. ts.toler 211th. lista .'.'t Wanted It ENEKAI,SEItVAN T WASTE!). - li s rti, I tilt- .1 )I FI I:I.b. •inner I. ,;6• I,„n , .1 ,1 w"eflu„ca.e, -Sign-. II JANTED Ill' 1.A DIES. -TRIMER 11 ur four einfuresehall Tann-. Witt, mater, 1.011/nt,,,,, , suitable for light housekeeping. AI11,1, to 1111S 37. Ilmug:umon. aPitt. + IBJ ►NTBD AT (.-A %' UR IT winter,ANIsHB;I house to NCErent for the ,Ih ointletn r•on,enicuc.--. Apply to It F'. 1 RAMH.INE. Public Notice. lNuTIl'E. 1\ ul.11ultNF:•Ti\1'NSHIP. &sal :state for bale. \AKM NOit St11Tr F.\- grA,r�nn I iiASPE for house At't let In Ii,drrich. - t,u,s t'MMorul" ort 'sac ofemus emsbta to 'er4t t . +r baro IheS n hot ohs, v rfa ti n f►enr , t rock loran a neret-faitirrg well. a good Melton.' w141 Ort la • fruit. It. H. SUM F:ItSA hi.. loyal. Ont. t Not i,r n. hereby given that a number of road nib. kir repairs to the towo.hip highway- and 1 w will be 101 on Mit MAy. No,t Intoe, a . ronunrn. lag at 2 ti rllrek it u,. The coun- „ . first at Issas• ell will 11e•rl. for this I Serer« Fl.hrs, ou the road between t;alerteh and Jk•n11dller . and pmeeed from then• wherever it bun I+d,s r,,cd her, ...Fir) to let the eonlraet i is, the mound. It (.J,A. lm A, Reeve. t S kw' Y Ilse WESTERN LANDS FOR SALE. *tt►Tl('K .- *nacres with :rt lucre' In crop rframe dii,e : n Items. enwith 'phone in, Prin.F1. The 11'e.t w-awano.h Mutual Fire Insnrauce not, land M rich loam. ,L" asn. at Ills pave Company will receive applicpl Imes for the poet eery, broken and fenced. This is it•snap, ns t ion of secretary or tre,asnn't And waretaryand land ie `ring up every year. Iia, tins with tn•A-un•r of the said I'onpucu>. All applinant.. .dread huildings.In acnes broken: price Fal I"•rwill ',Issas,. fatward their apptie+d ion. to the muler.igrusl on or before the Duh day of 1 he aranana lootak--- ny onl'•rbf the lbpard. 1. M. RUJiEI(T`l b,ueg(tnnek,. November aM, 11511. Secretory. I .z n acre. gout locality and 'TOM. III hhOlele., A _ to can he bought lu l(t,EY• Yorkton, Sack. HOUSE FOR SALE. --- A NEW brick dwelling1p with the modern Improve - norms. pleasantly situated and near the SsuAM, Apply to w'- R. RoHKItTSttN- Hot:sE FOR HALF:. - A TWO- wroftV Nark Mime. with seven reales. e° Hrneeinel- Particulars can be had by palling at SIGNAL Office. A:U THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Haan Om= Toaolrto at ia.,5, OAF/Tar. • 111,000,001) INCURPORATRD BY SPECIAL ACT or noti(o iON PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, :_ AUBURN,.-- ---..-.. - VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the BALs MOTiN DISCOUNTS!). Highest current rate of interest paid in our SAVINGS BANK DEPART■ MENT, on depoit, of $1.00 and upwards. GODERICH BRANCH A. a. Haman Maoeter. Nl►TI('h; tS IIERh:IJl' GIVEN •that plan nd book of refcrenet of the Boss 4,1,Ilse hn trio We -I Shore Railway throng), the toasts -shin of I nl,gorne have been de1Sr,iwIhd in the reatstry °dice for the county of V. M. ItmtBRTN. Chief Kngineer. 7, 3 i•, It LOCAL TOPICS Rebekah Elections. • The Itelwkah lodge elected uftl- eers for next term last 'Tuesday night and the inmtalletiuh will Iw held ou January Itll, when Miss Anne Bacon, til Blenheim, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, is to be here to invest the officers. airs. J I. Munn. is the past grand, airs. Charles Reid the noble grand, Mise Alice Spend• the vice grand, Miss Gundry record- ing secretary, Mier Etumr► Campbell financial secretary and Misr (Almon treasurer. Junior Band Concert. The management of the junior baud has a movement on foot tot a concert in the Opera House, on Thurtplay, Deceutler 15th. 4,. J. Pink. tenor soloist of Colborne street Methodist church, Iwendoe, will Iw'one• of the en. tertainers. 'tn interestieg feature will be an exhibition by the Y. M. t'. A. Pfsya.iwlteaiasing-.4aer aaata)f. s.4 vocal male quartette. it is 1 xticeted, will arta 11 to tier please d the evening. The other mimic trill hw many and varied, and no pains will lie spitted to make the first concert of this popular urganivatiun a great sm.- cess, The Sedimentation Basin. Two carloads of cement and the nee•essary tion work fol the new Boor for the s•diutenlat lw•,n arrived East week, hut the wurk of laying the floor will not be done for some weeks yet, as it will take sent:e time digging out along part of ane side of the basin for a runway for the water fr round the basin, which will have to be kept pumped Out while the actual work of putting in the floor is laving done. Th.• new floor will consist tit about a foot in depth of concrete, and it is proposed to lay the whole floor within twenty-four hours in order to present any seams in it. Auction Sales. .- On *Thursday, November 11th, Miss Bridget O'Neil sold her tel -acre farm on the Nth concession of Ashfield to Win. Quigley. of Kingsbridge, for At the judicial sale of prop- erty in the Williams vs. Moseop came, held in Stanley township on Satur. day last, the property was not. sold, the reserve bid not beingreached, . At the auction sale held on Tuesday by Daniel Carney, of the Lake Shore • road, Colber•ne, fairly good prices were realized for the stock, furniture, etc. The 7:l acre farm was not sold. the highest offer 1$'S,3fs1, not being eepual to the reserve bid. At the above wales Thos. (hindry, of Gish. - rich. wielded the hammer. Board of Trade Council. The trouucil of the Board of Trades met on Monday evening ..nd discussed a number of matters. It was decided to ask the town council to take up again will! the Minister of Public Works the matter of an appropriation for the improvernent of the harbor. Circulars regarding the proposed Georgian Bay canal and the project for the enlargement of the Welland -anal were filed without action. Arrangements were made for the col- lection of mentiierahip docs for WM. There was a discussion of the electric light and power question, several members expressing Nle opinion that the town should undertake to supply power and furnish a twenty•tour•nour light service. H. M. S. Pinafore. Preparations are in progress for an elals.rate presentation of Gilbert and Sullivan's masterpiece, '•H. M. S. in - afore," in the Opera House; on De- cember Pith, b one hundred juvenile performers. under the auspices ..f the Daughters of the Empire. This charming performance has been presented at Ottawa and nearly all the large cities and towns in Canada. with marvellous success. under the direction of II. B. Telgrnann, who will have charge of the entire production in (ioderirh. Boys and girls front the age ..f five to fourteen years are being invited from the families of the town, and the first practice will be held in the Lyric Theatre im Friday after- nonnat 4 &clock. -- The Boston Ladies. The pian of water for, Monday evenin s engagement at Victoria Opera House -the Boston Ladies -will be open tomorrow (Friday) at H. Ed- wards' restaurant, corner Kingston -street. The Boston-1,adiea - are -a strictly high-class organization amt present a varied program of solos, duets, quartettes, motion songs, folk songs, violin solos, readings, etc. This is the first entertainment in the College of Music course, for which course tickets may be procured from Mr. Jordan. The entertainments ip this course have been specially se- lected to snit the people of Goderich, and will Snake a very popular feature for the entertainment season now IV UTEItS'. LISTS COliK'l', TOWN - blue ltf COI.tlORNF: Notice ns hereby given that a 1'm10 will be held, [immune to The Ontario Voters' 1Jsa Ant, by Ib. Honor the Judge of the County ',sort of Ilse 'minty of Huron. at the lownshin hall. Carlow, on Frklay. the lin h Itsy of Nevem her. at the I of In n'clork a.m.. In hear and det•nnine the several complaints of errors and ,, ninsione In the t•ol li-t of the tusunicip5t- it) oft tie ttnwnstillr of' ythrne for l'rf1. Alfper-.ons having bu'liri•s. at the 1 battt are required to attend al the avid time and place, Dated November Ith Iedt F'. \, Mel►(INAOH, Clerk of the Towhplhlp of Colborne. f111O1VN OF (iODEER1CII T., ronin thnl Ihr ,,nmol s rnnnril M the 1•Itlsmd inn of the toxon of II5,,ierieh nn trod. to construct n Winch tile 'sewer on I lain+ street. hr lhr said town. tact it ern Nel'nn start and I011owne .tact, And intend. _to.iiC, 4 1?Rrtfon 0( t,l�_ tlnA{ nal tbl•renf lion r neat iir8_p..,st'ft to -lo• ilii"u,et T`T.'v' hs•neett rd thereby. front leg or ..Mull huge 113w01 Ii'hhreh 4ttreel. afnrc.s.ld. Met worn the sial.( ' tsdnts, and to levy such final cost a.•melting to the fmMnge thereof, by twenty annual special a•«r..rnmts; and that a statement showing I the hinds Halite to and prnpreed to be specIally aes•s"ed for the said work. and the names of the owners thereof, so lar as the saran can be ascertained from the lastrio hued asset went tall And Mherwi.e, Is now filed In the Milne of the rMrk of the munlctprrlity, and Is open to Inspection tiering °Mee leer-. The estimated \crest of the work M NM, at which FIs IR to be rot tried mut or the general funds of the tnlctt•allt y. none entitled and dedring to petition the nnetl Agahsa underteking the MODInreA w mud da won or before the JOtk awl of ' 1 her next. flat ihhs IIlb day 481gor ker,11l Music LIR. M. R. KII.PACK, A. O. S. M. 1 ;London. Englanitl. organist of St. Georges church, lioderich. is prepared to give bistrur. firm In pipe organ. Mono and vocal rotten, Sprciul attention given to the voice. For par- GculaN apply to M. 11, KilpAck, Re•p'dcnoe : Market streets near Boot In church. S.nullo at. Mrs. W. Cliff's. corner of Bruce and Not streets - Card of Thanks. (1ARI) OF THANKS. J Mrs. Miller wishes to express her:grateful ``hunks for the nervus11 of the members of the Masonic ftsternity, the Canadian Order of Forester.,tthe Orange Society, the tions of Eng- land. the undertakers Mew". Hrophey, and all others who gave tnelr kind aselstance at the funeral of her husband, the late Jonathan MI r, Worts cannol expresss her deep ap- preetatlon of the sympathy and respect ex• tended to her In her sore trial. Archit,00titto ARTHUR J. BARCi.AY, MEDAL. LIST Royal Institute British AreMteetts, Heeldenoe-- Saultw House. Uoderlch. Plans, is. tails and specificatione peewee for residences public bslkileiga Correspondence In - lilted. To =(tilt VISE FOR KENT. - MODERN idpal ri rAiftr fi tad opening. Remember the Ilt•st of the the work. tioldie & Met'ulloch have series next Monday evening -and be the contract lot the engine' room sure to attend. equipment. which includes a Sixty. Huron Fruit at Toronto. • The following are the prize -winners in the county of Huron fruit exhibit tit the Provincial Horticultural Ex- hibition at Toroutr,, 'last week : Bald- win 1, J. W. Edgar, Gerrie: 2, Ken- neth Cameron, Luckuow. lien Davis -1, Kenneth Centrism ; 2, It. K. Nloan, Blyth. Blenheim --I, J. W. Edgar ; 2. It, It. Sloan. rime -use- I, Jas. Denholm, Blyth • 4 1'..1. Huck - step, Blyth. Gulden Russet -l. K. Cameron; H. R. Stan. Greening 1, J. W. Edgar : 2, K. R. Sloan. King --1, Geo. Fothergill A Son, Bel - grave; 'l, R. R. Sloan. Mann -1, J. Hopkins; 2, J. W. Edgar. Spy I, (leo. Fothergill & Sou ; '2, K. ('anter - on. Any other desirable variety -I, John McDowell, Blyth: $, Geo. Foth- ergill & Son. HOUSE TO RENT. -A FRAME mL.(feed nr. Additions at Doty's: In connection with the foundry at the Doty Engine Works a new ceidw�.fur smeltingpfirlxtses, is be- ing installed.. W T n a diawele- of six feet and a capacity of ten tons per 1 this cupola tanks in size with the largest now used in 'amide. and ihereases the foundry output to such put exte•ttl�tl that castings weighing from (Cu to fifteen 'tone can now be cast. At prevent the shops are timing on an average fifteen tons of castings ler week and in another month it is ex- pected that This output ---wilt he detailed. A five -t to jilt crane has Iwcn instal- led in the foundry yard to handle the heavy iron casting -boxes and will also he used with a heavy weight in bredk- ine hinge pieces of scrap iron. The Proposed Elevator Addition. A meeting of the directors of the Dodd -jell Elevator and Transit four patty, Linlittd, was held on Muutlay III connection with the proposal to en- large the elevator to double its pres- ent capacity. The only obstacle in the) way` of, the works being under- taken seems to be the difficulty in re - curing a satisfectnry leiter of the land tot the east of the present elevator time the Grand Trunk, which has adopted the policy of granting only five•year leasee. Contractor Tronlan- haeser made nleamurements yestetdey of the land required for the annex. with'the intention on the part of the directors of negotiating for a longer-- term lease, as the directors would not think of going ahead on a five•year lease . Monday Evening's Recital. The recital in Knox church on Mon- day evening gave lovers of music an opportunity of hearing a program of high -,-lass musics The organ and piano (numbers by Messrs. Adams, Ki.paek and Jordan were brilliant ex- ecutions: and 'Mr. Kilpack, who is Staking his first -appearances before (itslerich audiences, fulfilled high ex- `pretations. The vocal solos by Miss Beatrice K. Hunt, of London, were sung in a voice full of feeling and power. The cantata, "Water Fairies." sung by the Ladies' Eveninu Chorus, under the direction of Mr. Jordan. was it very pretty piece of musical exp ecutiun, Miss Hunt took the leading sada part+ with excellent effect, and Miss Ath•laide• Nairn. Miss Amelia Ortel, Miss Edith Walters and Mrs. Huggins tall pupils of the Goxderich College of Music) also took solo -parts in good style. Town Council Prospects for 1910. From present appearances it looks as if the town council of Mu would Ise an almost entirely new body. Mayor Macklin declares his intention of re- tiring, Reeve Callow talks the sante wary, and Councillors Dean, Mallows and Jordan also think they have hard enough of it.- Only Deputy Reeve Reid and Councillors Humber. alun- nings and Craigie are left, and if the two last named fight each other for one of the r•eveships the remnant will be still smaller. Under the circumstances there is a very general desire that Mayor \lacklin and Reeve Ballow should reconsider their intentions and decide to remain at the helot until the municipal ship has a new crew trained in. H. J. Jlegaw, whose term as wads and light commissioner is expir- ing, states that he will not be a candi- date for re-election. Wedded at 1Wngham. • h. p. boiler and engine. Soule of the other machinery has arrived, and it is expected that the plant will be in ulayation by New Year's. The Com- pany lots :heady secured a large amount of business for next spring's delivery, and is mallow. to iti't ititu the new prruiis•sas semi ate possible. 'There is at present :a growing dentait,l in-('.ttutda fur steel hulls for Ihe small- ct•sizt•d iiil'at111alato to . replace the wooden iuttoins, Iliad this Inn' prom- ises to he one of the chief Mainline tusol proelucts of the pew plat'• Back fee r,, the Hunt.' Freed Davis. proprietor of the Bed- ford hotel,. and J. Colt, postivaster, re- turned on Saturday. f- a very en- joyable fortnight's huutiug trip. The first week was spent in nearby dis- tricts, and , the second week the hunt- ers went to Port Rowan 1'or duck and squirrel shtatting and gut a bag of sixty-seven ducks. From Port How - an they drove to Tillsunburg. About ynty>jutndretl black hterierels and forty or nifty rabbit. succumbed. W their marksmanship in addition ttthe sixty'- eleyen ducks. Improvements at the Organ Factory, improvements are laving made in tine drying process et the Godes ich organ factory which, when conlplt-t will double the output. The dayin process hitht•rtu in .iso at the factory has been the - lust-t>laat practise and the method to be iutroduced how is drying by steam. The advantages of the new system are that It does the work (touch more quickly and much better than the old. and the change will double the cap•tcity of the dry kiln. Two steam chalubers of cement are (eine constructed by con- tractor Haled. In these the I bet - is treated with wet stet -un before being reoioved to the dry kilns, where 14,- 11110 feet of steam piping are basing ill. stalled to provide the beat for dry nig. The new system is being installed by Sheldon.., Limited, of Galt, and it is expected the work will be completed by the first of next month. A. S. Chrystal, foruerl • of (l,slericb, but for imine years of Toronto, has seer. engaged as "Supervisor of works' at the factory. At the Harbor. The schooner Kolfage cleared, bound north, on Sunday morning. Captain Lawson hauled his sail boat out on Harbor island this week. Yesterday was a very stormy one on the lake, a sixty -mile gale, front the southwest starting about midnight Tuesday. For some days there have • been no arrivals of grain cargoes at the ele- vator and by yesterday morning the amount of grain in the elevator had been reduced from :gi11,I(s1 bushels, which was the amount the elevator had been carrying, to :I73,1ss) bushels. The steamers Neehing and Midland Queen are expected by gbout Friday. The fishing season:which closed the first of the present month was a light one all along the lake, and fishing out of Goderich was no exception to the nae. The catches during the summer were light and unfavorable weather during October prevented the usual increase in the catch during that month. The usual extension of the season for ten days in November was not made this season. The mouth et November is the spawning season and it certainly seems Iwtter to protect the natural spawn than to attempt to keep the lake restocked from hatcheries. Several of the Goderich fishermen have gone toLake Erie ports to con- tinue their work. Physical Training at the Y. M. C. A. Ernest Colborne, who has charge of the physical work departunent of the local branch of the V. M. C. A.. was in Stratford last Friday attending the physical training institute and reports an interesting and profitable day's diecussi 'telltat ion and Bruce. day's progr of physical exefttees and games that ran be carried Ott in a large room wit hoot the use of gymnastic appar- atus. • Each one who attended took away with him aguos and suggestions and s physical activities, which I., 4cw•L .lank- UIt that._ menu' of the I,m!aI associtsl ion There'WAN a good repre- rn the counties of Huron The main theme of the was the various forms tock of ideas aid list of e will try -departs t ing the earning winter. It is ex ctrl that s' lar institutes will be ell tater on for fire religions, slue in al ►1 and social departments f the work In the physical work of the local Asso- ciation two nights a week, Wednes- day and Friday, are taken at the Col- legiate Institute gymnasium,. Mr. Colborne secured a aeries of exercises in 'Atypical drill f • New York and the chow is making good progress in the wits -k. Mise Warnock's Address. The assembly hall at the Collegiate Institute was well filled with an in- tel•eetetd and appreciative- ansa ience nn h'riday evening last, when Mims A. R. Warnock ."Katherine Hide"), of ,Tor- onto, gave het itddress on "Canadian Literature." Mise Warnoek refuter( the assertion that we have no Cana- dian literature and spoke of many writers et:Canadian birth who have attained prominence in the world of !Poses. An especially Interesting part of -ft r address was that in which she sketched, neremmarily• briefly, tote early history of Canadian literary art. To the writers of French Canada she gave the place of the pioneers irk pre- serving the records of the early days in this country. Miss Warnock also mentioned the names of unany con- temporary Canadian wtitera, some- times with a little critique of their work and sometimes with.* also stiiun from poem or story. The adilrren was followed closely from beginning to end, and at the conclusion the chairman, Ilia honor Judge Doyle, oafs ret• tffref1ffttn"TFTit of The aucTence in his remarks of warm appreciation, Dr. Mtrenq opened the evening's program with a few words in behalf of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society, under whose auspices the lec- turer appeared. Several musical numbers were given, including a piano solo by Miss Eva Somerville ; a chorus, •'e Canad►," by the O. C. I. glee chub ,• a quartette by Miese% Brown and Taylor and Messrs. Thom- son and McLean and a solo by Mr. Cook. "Live for Your Flag." one of Mils' Warnock's poetic writings. Three of the Colleeggiate Institute students gave a club -swinging exercise. Altogether the evening Was a marked encases, event oceu d a Wing - ham, A happy ere t i l - l R iP ham, in the Sacred Heart, church, un 1Veelneeday, tletoiwr Pith. when Walter John !Annan, of Goxderieh, was united' in the holy is of uaatri many to Mary Kathleen, third dangh• ter of Mr, and Mrs. Jahn McKinnon, of the township of'l'nrnlwrry. Owing to illness in the family, the"event was of a quiet nater', The bride was sup- ported by her sister, Miss Catharine, while the groom was assisted by his cotisin, T. .1. Lennart. Rev, Father- Lalllelideall performed the ceremony. After I,he wetiding breakfast the happy couple left for Detr•uit, Chicago and other points. but owing to the serious illn,•sm of the bride's sister Mr. and Mrs. lr►nnan returned hurriedly from Detroit. They will make their home in Ii,mlerich, with the great wishes of many friends. The Rural Telephone. Andrew Porter. secretaryy, of the Ooderich Ruta! Telephone Company. waited on the entineil of l'o1Fsn•ne townshiir at the meeting yesterday to ask permission for the company te. construct its lines through the town- ship, Red he 1•xp sets to attend the meeting of the 1Vemt Wawanleh town- ship council on - Friday for a similar purpose. Mr. Porter was in Clinton over Sunday and heard great accounts of the progress Is•dng made by the rural telephone system connecting with Clinton, It is only stout two months mince the fMet con- nection was put In.. 'There were thirty-two mubscribers to start with tend• now the*'e.rtnparry trim eppllra- tions, so Mr. Porter was informed, for eighty.four telephone's. The rural telephone, evidently, becomes a neces- sary ase soon as it is within the farmer's reach, • - The New Boiler Shop. George Hebei hes completed the cement walla for the boiler and steel structural shop now being erected for the Doty Engine Works Oompany+ near the old Itansford salt block. The roof, which is shaped somewhat like the one over the grain elevator at the harbor. Is now being platted in ttioa Ben. H ngger of town, who hast contract for this part of and the Literary Society is to he roil- gt•+atulatrtl upon the result of Ile efforL - Miss Warunek was aceom vied to town by her friend Miss H. Isabel Graham, of S eaforth, who is the writer of many delightful pieces of verse • of which is published on the editorial page of The Signal this week . Death of William Abbott.. Mrs. John M,Duuald, of EI,Tin ave- nue. was in Cleveland last week at- tending the funeral of her brother, William Abbott, which took place on Friday last to Wtaallawe cemetery. The deceased was thirty years of age and was is native of (ioderich, but since he war sixteen years of Age had malls Cleveland his twine. lie is sur- vivt;d by his wife, formerly Miss Pearl Huu►t, of Cleveland. to whuw he had been married (ui ten years. Besides Mrs. McDonald there are two sisters, Mrs. Wagner, of Berlin, (and Mrs. An- nie, of York, Alabama. Three brothers also survive, Nat., Robert and Henry, all of Vo dstock, where their mother, Mrs. (;eeorge Abbott, has been residing (or The past ten years, moving there frown Goderich shortly after the death of her hus- band: William Abbott -had 'wen ill only nint,) days from typphoid-pneu- uiopia, death coining on Wednesday of tart week. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. • • The headivarier, w Ilalerich for Lung Wnrk -u ppll... datul> :allele for the fu nu -blur of the 1: pint lieu's, fancy china. .1,.. es t1' diner Smith. Art .Stour•, East -toss. Picture Postal - is great t:ulrl>. This tie:ilhcu Is ju,t a fore(. -I0:0( what u•• ..hall nn„• for stet oral III/Nails to r Ik•Ilei gel 111 -ids of 01144 of V. .1. • 1'rnlhanr- s:Uni u, reetkIts and be ,- f000lil•. Ford i•Lt-s uuiteriul., flu,' tailating, right Prp•e'. The hest and lute -I des elm rami. in I,,otlg raph> :use etles•i> intt•had t> It. It. )+:atlas. -- w bo -e 1.1-1 •n• get the hruetlt ..f ht- tie t„ date mrthlals. Supplies fun' lint etiologr:.phrr.l yeeuelt>. Robt. Elliott's tracti . engine is at the Doty Engine Works for a thor- ough overhauling. • The G. T. R. pot a hanttsowe new pat'lor-buffet car on the service from Gtalerich. on Tuesday. Don't forget the sale of fancywork� in aid of the hospital in the Oddfel. lows'Hall on December 1st. The Planing Mills Company is sup- plying the I her for the completion of the new Clinton power Meuse. Court Girderich, No, :rl, C. U. F., will hold it special meeting this Fri- day to arrange for an oyster slipper. The local railway -men are holding ball in the Oddfellops' Hall next Mon- day night, the proceeds to be devoted to the hospital fund. Work nn the new (ioderich Masonic Temple will not he commenced until next season, owing to the season being now so far advanced. Dr. Mabee is again at his dental office after his recent accident to his arm, but has not yet resumed the work of pulling molars. Just a little more than five weeks and Christmas will be here. Do your Christmas shopping now and get bet- ter value and service for your money. James Mitchell, editor of The (lode - rich Star, was elected a director of the Ontario Horticultural Association at, the annual meeting held at Toronto last week. - A Grand Trunk engineer was hi town last week making surveys and taking measurements preparatory to running a switch into the new Doty toiler shop, - J. NV. Craigie was the pulchiser of the Olympia Cafe stock at the bailiff's sale, but he has not decided whether he will cont' • the restauraht busi- ness or not. Through the genecosity of Alex. Young, of Loch Melon Farm, Carlow, a basket of big, handsome Northern Spies has been received It the Signal office- Thanks A large gang of men is hussy over- hauling the shafting and other ma- chinery at the building un Rust street, preparatory to Metalling the new ma- chinery for the American Road Mach- ine Company, • The foundation for the new public school and- tllepitTtitions inthelnase- mrnt are cumpteted. The partitions are of cement bricks and a large quit►• lily lir-Aw Che. superstructure is on the ground. u d. K n The first real auowstorm of the sea- son "ante on Wednesday, when an inch or two of snow fell. A strong wind blew at, the time, and occasional - the storm hind the aspect of a full- ed blizzard. . Th A Felxort that the steamer Ionic had tebn wrecked on Lake Superior caused eb>ne apprehension in town, am one of Marwick 's eons was mail- ing on her. ulatil it was learned that the vessel was . I right. A thick' layer 'f cinders ham leek placed on the w • s adjoining the court house and shot du away with the pools of water ich in other years made walking in t vicinity of the court house so disagree. le. W. T. and Wes. McLean rade a shipment of poultry from 111 . , last :Saturday. Toe birds were ship, to New York in a cage car, which commodat.es i,i$f) birds. Birds wet taken on at different points along the line. L: ('. FtemIng county secretary of the Huron Y.. `1. C. A., ham been ap- pointed one of the five associate editors of "Rural Manhood," a monthly maga- zine devoted to the county work of the Y. M. C. A. of North America, published in New York City, The (:oderich Planing Mills Com- pany ham the contract of remodelling the old Haldane house on Essex street, awned by I1. E. !lodger's. The house in to be re. -sided, the entrance changed (rain the street t . the east -end and'the irllerlur.;at..las-t�nrrn+etfed: - _ _. Master Thornton Daniels, sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Daniels, ham been win- ning further laurels on the stage. He took part in a program at Bervie in comic costume, being recalled for an encore and,Kthe report says, delighting everybody. Thornton is coming along. W. T. fellow is putting up a two- story brick house on Victoria street, C. A. Reid has the mason and brick work, Jas. F. McPhee the carpenter work, and Thos. McKenzie,of Clinton, the mill work. A few days of fire weather will allow nim bricklayers to finish their work. The Pigott ase. la which 14. A. NEW ADVERTISEMENT8-Nov. 18th Pap Reader-Fwuily Iletald and N'etnkly Star .... a t'hrisunu I'apeteriva -lieu. l'one'r s Ureal Salo of ('lothint- Waltar C.,Prldhaw„ Special Hargalus iu Stove- Std Hardwa» trorst•ii.. Hardware. s Cocoa boor Mite -Howell Hardware CO Limited J Spacial Prices-(', S. Ewing. . e ... ... a I'osy I butfort Ueorge Jobn..wu , Hicks Inose Glycerine Lotion- S. E. HickII ('oat Week J. H. ( ollgrne 4 The Rubber Footwear Question Downing t Mac V scar. .... e Fridu> liaryaulus-1 'moron Sc Moors New Lumber Yard,- Jo. Dean a Co 8 Now is the Time to Huy 'John Stead' i New Fruits for t lir istmas Baking Morrisht \':nut ter 8 General Servant. Wanted Yrs. J. M. FieldI Steer Lost -J. F. Andrews Aaetieu Hale-/leo, Heekett I ,tnuouuewpie11t--Geo, Beckett. I Hymn Books -M. Rysn. Duoganooa 7 Notice -Colborne Township '1 Particular People -Cameron & Moore 8 ('hoose Your Wlitter ('oat Here-Hodgens tiros ... . ... . . .. . 8 Mine, , t Unfurnished Rootlet %wanted -Box ,t7, Dus- garmon ..... .. . ......... action Sade of (hairy lows, etc. S. K Brady I i Pigott & Co., contractors, are suing the Guelph & Goderich Railway Com- pany for over half a million dollars, has had another postponement at To- rontowhere it is being tried before Mr. Justice Britton. it will be taken lip again Nuveuibet• :11th. The county treasurers sale'of lands for taxa.' was held on Tuesday, Of Ihirteen parcels advertised, seven lots in the village of Blyth were purchased by It, JI McGee, of Auburn, a lot in the township of :Morris war !ought by F..I. Martin. of Morris. and Another by !bulky Holmes, of Winghami __let tt. Thursday_ ;.qf _ 1, , Ew'eh's grocery tag, driven by a boy, collided in the dusk with a horse driven by Rates Quaid, of Dunlop. A _ -shaft of the dellvPry rig pierced Mr. Quaid'', horse in the breast, penetrat- ing About fifteen inches, and the an- imal bled to death in a short.time, - Inspector Torn, who is an enthusias- tic horticulturist, !set Saturday showed us something unusual, for this time of year, in the shape of a basket of plums which he had picked from one of his trees that day. It is not often that the plum -picking season extends to the 13th of November, The plums were of the Bradshaw variety, A draft agreement between the city of Stratford and the People's Railway Company, upon which it is proposed to lake a vote of the rate- payers of Stratford at New t'ear's, in- cludes a proposal f, ar a line from Strat- ford to (;oderich, passing through Mitchell. Seaforth and Clinton, The city is asked to take preferred stock -of the Company to the amount of LA - 11111). The Doty Engine Works Warted its private electric light plant for the first time on'IMondayevening. There are at present about seventy- five incandescent lamps pn the sys- tem. One of the principal reasons given for its imitallatioh is the fact that some mornings the/current in the town's power lines is cut off too early and it, the evenings ie not turned on soon enough. Yesterday evening Geelrge Beckett left his borne and dray for a few min- utes is front of C. J. Hat•per's store on - West street and the animal took a no - tient to run home. On turning into the alley beside /Mr. Beckett's auction house on Hamilton street, the horse slipped and put his nose through the window, wrecking it -badly. The shaft of the dray was broken, and the horse was slightly cut. - AUNNCEMENTS. - lllAle teas, coffees and groceries at MORKy41t & VAYA,l'r'tcR'A, Hamilton street. -Watch the 1Oc, drop in the window at the new furniture store, on Hamil- ton street. H -mule German sausages, from Rrrlitt fresh shipment, at Mo&ieiiaFF & VANATTRIt's, Hamilton street. The W. C. T. li, meets in the Temp- erature Half -the'- «errata acid Tat IC. Mondays of earls month at 3 o'clock. New fruits, peels„ flavorin extracts jelly powders, Wad dressing's, rte., at usR1me & VAN.t'rgu's, Hamilton street. We are paving the highest price of- fered for choice butter and fresh eggs At MO14111811 ek VANATrICR'st, ilamilton street. "l.ifehnoy Soap" is delightfully re- freshing for lather or toilet. For washing underclothing it. is seestual- led. Cleaners and purifies. The Daughters of the Empire will hold a sale of fancywork and give afternoon tea in the Oddfellows' all On Wntlnesay, December let, in aid of the hospit►1. Does your back ache? - Don't ex- p erirnent with imitations but get the genuine, "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster. it cures. Davis & Lawrence ('o„ makers. You need a good salve in the house. Davis' Menthol Salve is the best. .it res sunburn, mosquito and Insect and stings, piles, old sores, skin a, etc. 'Lic. per tin. UCTION SALES. Tnrnab iv. Nnyctnher lith. Auction .are of t dairy herd of ens- and heifers at the ret( harts, Smith "tact, U,detirh, commenclne at I niin•k .harp. S V. Manns. proprietor. T1e00, Nrewm,, nrtdiottver. Wyosksnar, November Yeth, - Antic,: sale of farm stock. Implements and hoitaehold fur- natal-. on lot tO. Iota root wast. Colborne ,a nun,., north of Dunlop), .wrtumencing at I oflock. llltsmy Zoetrnks. proprlelp Thea. w-itpagan %V. Dominion' bat. -('leafing sue - tion sale Of farm stack and Implement,, inclad• Ing about. in head of good cattle and a fleck ge grd Leicester ewes. property of Robt. Meek*. lot 31, a>nceselon 1. gest Wawanosh. I mile east of Auburn. Everything must be sole, ws Mr. McGee has all the farm weeded to RMS. THOMAS Grants auctioneer. BORN, STIRLINA. - In Uederl.'h townwhit, on Novas. ber:eh, to Ma and Mrs. Mason Stirling. a daughter, Mo NALD.- le Galeilelseitilestim 1 tic to Mr, wed Mrs. Joke meg= C la terrace. gees. MARRIED. YOOOOtt4tJJJJN�O�-- BURNSIDE--At tIte tata�ss Nevem . lI b �u�tyv. JNa lid a et mip, ea, e I seat, li tewnwlilp