HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 8sMit 11. Io
• __
Robert Rao J.'i!i.) s ho wee Mond
diettl in his bed at Fort Erie last,wei.k.
Was the first putnager of kW. cool...Mai
branch of the elti•rling Batik It,. hut.
been with the Sterling Bank ever
since it Waii established and was maw
&ger of the Fort Erie lormich at the
time of his drat h. Ile wao, g 1.011 of
Mr. mei 'ii vs. Jetire v. of Guelph. '
Th. i..te 0.141.1 ..14.al
, at Sanford of Alice Manning. relict
of the late Lawrence Nittiming, iii her
seventy-sixtli year, the itiii,iei taking
plate 011 Sunday. The family lived
tor it long time near liemnillre and
later ael tot .1inton. end since -Mr.
Menning'it dean' Mrs. Slit g hid
retitled a it h her daughtei. Mrs. 11).
Connell, lit Sanford. James Manning,
of Colborne. is it eosa, end !Mrs. C. Si
'Immo. of' Berlin, boriperly of Itodie
Melt, is It datieliter. T.Imte ate woo
oilier married daughters
Sit 1 ,Neliiaii, the tomtit soli of
4311 WO Sarah Stowe' by, tot (itelerich
tt i4,thip. patett•I away oil the :eel]
,ult The little fellow ea.iii his sixth
• Ye and wince lard July. when he fell
frot tank -and injured lii,. head, had
been troubled with it diowasto which
all ineatialde thirst. The her
erel w s held on 14 lay afternoon te
Maithe cemetery. the eervitws beteg
conduct 41 by Rev. M. Tin nball. rector
ofSt. I etoge's church. The pall -
'bearers • is four of the +loss -aster s
little play idles. A huge toe nem ei
the funeral Mdicuted the wiiiespread.
sympathy th t is felt for Mr. Anil Mrs.
Sowerby and , heir t wo surviving sons.
.1. W. Via ter wail 01 117t.....11r:
Michigaii. P. t( IlIltitil i d loy Iii•
father, from str fold, altellitillg the
tUaeral a his is. lei Mrs. NI1 edits
Venal ter, who di t here 1111 I 11 1,1y.
00(01W1 in ter* seventy-, a hi
year. The deceased nironaiitl pre e•
ceased lier it year ago last Apt il. 3111114
goo died a little IA PE 11 year ago. Two,
eons and three datightt 144 are left em •
-riving; lir moldy ad herr, n-si.
dents of • Micliigan bp forty years.
having moved there from West
%erre. Oxford P. ). in ISM. Mrs.
Vivitatth is ourVived by 0 e Mother.
Joseph Gaffney, of NVyande tie, Mich..
and one sister, .3tra. Intl Febrile. of
Croswell, Mit•Ii. .
. Wynn.
. One of the best•lintowet Ernie ents id
lioderich itasseel feign this WIII &PI ac•
- --tieities on Saturday last, -in -
aim of John NVynn. Re had,
hi poor health ha iwaLW time it
1101)e that I he change would lo.
--- benefit -he we er t 13;
a few weeks ago. His sojourn there
did effect solar change for the liett iv,
but the return journey, tel boderi ti
last week peeved . toe umeh for hie .
The funeral was told lin 11..o.hi.
afternoon /row SI, 14411.4e% olitirels,
where the tvetut. Ilisv. M. Turnholl,
conditeted %eerier. and many of the
dricsimed gentleman's friends gathered
to pay their last tribute of respect.
The Pall -hearers , were Ili Meteor
Judge Holt l C. Semler. 5 eat d : j le
outs. Or. Hunter. 'AV. L. Winn' and
James Valises, Mr. Wynn was boon
at t‘hieenstote 0111.,•antl was the 11i,-1
of his parents' fatuity i 0 'toe called by
death. His wife eredee.wil 14111 a
few year11411'. Five da 'ghee-
left surviving • Mra till. rs
s iill'P
' P and M . FranM
Frank Naltel, illWR
,8816 City, VII. 1 awl Miss NVytin
In Miss Pauline %%Tyne, of town. Mr.
% 'pin was in the railway Mail service
I piling matiliwod until his swing,
that. 1115,11y years agioadooll It
lent front this positiod by no
want any cessation of his an-
d nowt othseee For a few
ill Dl
tivity It
years pm. he held the post of official
weiglimast • at this part. Ho. main-
tained a eon ant interest in nitiniei-
pal and poll 'cal adairs, and held
strongly to his twilit'. mid opitti.
lie wits a stall eh nail
illisItIg !Abelian al I WI the • 111/113•1 14
temperance his priti iples were Apt:illy
stable. His levee -it form tot reerea-
thntwart town howlin and even whirr
itteek t P itst ..... art.
11P was frP111101111 IV SPP11 lb 1111.. IZ veil.
On CH -tether 2.1th there:di. in t he
township of Cleburne, at the age of
eighty -f • years and eight ft "Ohs.
one of the teownehip's eldest and ti;sst
esteemed i•esidents, in the proromi if
Thurman Hero. The deceased vt.i, e
` father of Walter Hem., of town. l'h
. Exeter Advocate in noticing Sir.
Herter' death hays : It may tw said
that deceased Was one Id the stunt)
and stalwart men of r he township and
scarcely knew whet a day's Metiers -
meant until the past s tuer, and
even then at tirneti he Otte smart
and able to be .arenind until a short
time previews to his death, which wits
brought about. by the infirmities if
oltl-VP• dere/lard wan II alive
of England, being been at Avt .
Devolishire. wn.1 riled 1...4 wal 4.4
It lite house., ,The loan -lemons wet tt-j
six of thto members of Illuron leelge : i ti a
E. Moaning, C. A. Nailn, J.. %V. 1 an-
al ler. I:. I:. LaWlelice, A. Misfire and
A. Jelisiston. Al Stratford the tut.
eral was barn in charge II)' the'- tkitt-
felltows :rod the eervic.• .0 the graVe
WA. 11/1141111.1 Pll 11)' He% 0. I'. I.1411 1111,
p emir ot the 4'03111A 111ethiali1.t
chlIrcll. The Stratford Ilei ild says :
-tow tat.. Mi. 1.14Wsi ill 4% 4'. horn ill
Indent, I Wand, and whim about
I We're years of age eallle to this
eomitry With his parents, settling ill
II wittily on. 8111.1'.' am a _youilit num he
kat tte. the.hoot a 1111 /1110P 1111/11eleee.
HP 1141111' III At1111111111 ill 114:4 01,114.11 was
fifty years in the Note ithil slam. busi
liess, retiting :Jona bier years:mooted
leaving shortly lifterivarole Ielive in
Lettere+. Mr. Litreei wait one Of
Ii,,' 100111'1W 1111.1111/1•11•S i.f the centrig
Slethoodist . loin eh, being one of its
best suppoi lei 4 mail 4% 4. ill ,Ilis
,,ill ilaYi, allil he took ti leen intei •
est ill the !Smithy scli.sil work, hello.;
iiiiii or the fo lllll has 01 the ilest Silo.
110 ..14111111.. Mr. I. 'aeon wont a ' mato
alio paid 'trite attention to letsitiess,
teed, althootigli oot II .110e1 :owl retil tog
411,11 .siIiiiii, liairlitany ti lends in Ili,
/11 31111111K I he. 14/11'1' 1•111 /Oil,. II,
4'•• to' :_mottru Iii- loss lois ee th•
tho wetly Miss NItit 4 l'eel. or I ilia, -
.1 61, (11111. tlaughttes, Mist.J: R.
NI v..., -. Front Arteet, awl Men. rAlee.
(ii!).'.. Oman.. street. Otis city : 1014...
Coed l'elntiti. t.levelatiol ,anti ',Miss
1,11%, II home, ale. 01111 1•011, At ti,,,..
Of tido i it y." e •
• ., . Miller.
Seldom is such widespread Interest
aroused toy the death 'Iii any•ttie 'Sot
.mome.- t"auilaty .41.s W4lti_..the. _ease_
al Ili ili..11,11 of lonatinui Slake
whielt tosok. plats. at l'arloW On NI.o,
ilaV. 13.1. Ntr. Niiiier was 111111iitlithly
3,01,0,410o. 110.1,..1111141. 1111 .1‘431IIIII ill',
Ili. 131111 111111IN si'/A., 10111 04'1 Me IN 3.003
idthis:gentleman gave: lien a vitM,
it ids. 0 reWit • ' . ill filet t1 VI I" 1 /11 ,/ /1.• iii
loan.. in tir...4t Ile italic II it it w is
toot al . • his MI isaitiels .,4,0141iipt i..
that 1113111' I . (4.41 13141 1411,1W11. Illk
geniality triel kindlinese Made him n Ole
of Ilii' In ....i ,popillalr iit leitel.keilsg..
AO to Iiis 1.01111111.1 %111.01.NteiVely ot .4ne
tlelialiller laitel, a i he Albite, hoed- on
(bele' i, to moot I der lite thelteel hotel.
ot t lie to 111 house Ill Se 'tort I aloof 1.0'
lets, lets yea; lie I. 11 1104' 1100.1
1111. 1'10.03'11 the est ',no a I he tl'aVel.
11 141 :I- of the citizens of
places; Hi 44 111.41 he rodiThwt...,1
ifis twiet.el 'yesterday was "He
a the e%ei ill 1 0(1,1 e'll
.111.1 my persons gathered on the
lia.t rows about !ewe idong • the
he procession otrawe by all
le eatiosity
tied- was -ea er• -144444-o'
Is 4111.11 largest/or
tit horn to the cenietehy
tat .wagott . aped Wick lor the
ion, The- inside. shin* evs'
east,' weir ft! It, in, in length,
2 it. I in. del. and 3 ft I. in. itz
e foie letiodli.s 1.11
tn eh, e
'sired III N.M. Ili,.
big 111311 0/
PlliUg elf the
culled on 'the
1..tite of
rite casket
Ileariit! 11114 la
'4 i'll Ii'Mei.. He
i•cat • id, tea rico-,
pall best oe • toeing le
met tal eaorens of .1 li
era% r, and iii,' fa.
handles awe siweially
wade Iiv metal strips.' •
Si,. %filler was a mem' .51. IrIs-
Ill Star 1.• slip.. .5. F. ant A. AL, Cal -
le and ear also a entente. -Ad the Ca-
n:Milan 11-11..1 01 Forestry.. id the
(triter anil tor t sem of I.:pg.
Rev.- M. Teri -rebuff. rector of Wt.
11.yfe'S • 11111.1•h. esmellected oineral
e mud the Nlaetonil. biota 'ritual-
ilso .'.1 b1 ,thi let 1.114. 111UNP
.11111 at the gra VI', alettilwys 01 ittnr
ii:11:f L111.1gP, Cathow. Mast iitl
I, sIgii, Ionlef ich. and the rlin on
1.telge. making a large relit esentati
of the Ilasimie fetteinity. The pa •
bearers lyric Alex. Ifolwrison.
John., Frank Note;s1.. :tool Rola, Illus.
-II, of 311,01 Wog Soar; 131•11.
-mutts, J. W. Smith,. NV. %V. satins
( orget (rattan'. of Slit it land Lodge.
:led Chas. I Ike. Peter Fisher, Aka,
Maoslel :eel Woo. St r:itiglian, err he
F., liteimiller. •
Ste Ntillee was twin at Benruiller,
li iliame limn his
end.% .whim, with his
tato-Cs. I) thiel SI tiler (the Co her .d•
,Itt.ject t Iti• art hie) and Joseph
emote; t he early settlers i
titer rpm -444044- toeitirst the -fartrite-/-
to, • .. thee operated .1 114 0
.31W11.011 Alia 3 • VriA 11011. Jona, It iii
I'. uncle in lb.' min-
agemen, et Iii. heft_ and (milliner(' its
the lee
isiliss until I e •eri te (bele-
' kit 01 1 'kr; 11'01,0 of the old Albion
liotel. For sleoo I time he wit-. the
propciet,!1, a II,' East street
hot Ile I toned t he het el lon--iness
remained in . omit his
since leaving •1 be Weirton' hotel toot:
tweet, seven awl ei tit years ego. Si..
SI ii kr wire for is t Hue w. prietOr 14 the
ip I ..... in Sent, Lb. mid ter the
it t lb tee v l'3•111 t obey hetet
%It. NI is survived b ti sister, Sirs.
I IV I'll Gledhill. of Det tit. and SI t'.
mitt .-t ideettrift-were - i 11 i
Ong the •losing days of hi life. ,.)1,1s.
Mailer. I', inerlv Miss Meci tough. ot
I iedetielo
whit e
t 14.11 Ws;
1511', Millet w weighed to „les .
11111, 4% dim
Price Sale
Aboilt 1.:11 vole right lloeke pule
lislitel at $1.25 Atitl $1.511 ; special dur-
ing s de, :sie„ itic, and 7:it.. 1.3111.
A timelier tof 514e. cloth- bound Beek,
i•learilig at 2"oe. antI":15e.
Note Paper lied Envelope« /sell
J Petees, regodeeall-Ce
pea per special during sale, tic•
(toile or., tWo for I5e.
(dupes ill14131.01../11i/U30,14t1c4-3-
1:11011 1 1 111 111111's loot•peessed
regulat 25... per quirts
thu ing '..'It. two Teller for 25e. En-
velopes III 111.1,11.11/ 11731111` 111.i1.1`.
A minder tot told hots of Notepaioer
Reel Euvehole • clearing at,
lama 1Viit hug Pads, ruled or plain,
wieder ; special during side, Se,
or 2 for Fr. Larger size, 2 for 2.51...
Colonial Bookstore
Collet House stet et-, tiODERICII.
'Phone. too.
The Shoe We Hold Up
ton roar etailiiii..iati i- ill tile by 1/111• Of 1111`
ron,,,,,1-1 -h,w de-le...T-4a 111.. (smut ry. It 1- it
4.,... that ....yi. Iiiii3s.ily tsar a. lens skilfully
plaiti...o. .
, .
, SHOE 1 11.511"i pH ANI) srvt.v. . .,
re a...arra it. we.in. .1114 1011g .Ptliveil, 111,1•11.
I'01iiP 3131 161,1' )0111 441100 111101 with a How.
Then. aW all 441, ais width...a me ...As, 1411.11 .
..totee 3 Ill a- orood ••• .1 )114. Kul yoniSsloo...
laste to ofiliT-..
When made by
The Tailor.' • West St.
elliearY, May
pule beans, Wended, ftenh•
ereteld, at the seine mice lie
...11i11 it i c1.o T7.1 pound, MC.
Ft reit-bock just a rived. Pin e
mit "net b tr at :,, cents. litoit•
bons at lee Ito esie
up, tins, at Ilk'. 1:40.allil
re sa
NN'e aole. wed,. for the
celetoetted 'minted met Celery
Fine-gitsiued and y
lie sure you get the • pointed -
root, 3 Innichem for toe.
We early y large stmok
oof itltiii and settled Olives.
Twelve cages Just ;11TiVeil. Plaip
at. to Snails! at I:m.. to
• 11011114 ( /31 WPM l' /11' 2:11'
reountlit It. Rice for ... 2.1e
I remit& selected Raisin. fur 2,',e,3 !Hum& Lemon Biscuit for 2.-s•
3•peinids bitinger Boma for 2:k1'
18 11111118 Sligar.1.011 Biscuits 2:e.
ro ttttt 'Suitar-baa nits 2. -Pc
ttttt Currant •fruit Her-
mits .. ..... 42•Ne
tistrie-Virlail la
choice- roll Violet,
Sit ;etly new -laid h:gg'•
's wry' of Maui; Mingo.
'Our graduates go to goad
p • 'sit iutlel • heed 1111, our tralesitig
inaee kthem Peps le of do lie
the Lind of we 1111411 *14'willing. to pay to . We have
the isopiipment. Wet have the
reachers-.30 of them. If you
elettatte--gottil- -result,- and anine
lance to it pialititill at a good
eatery • 011111,' (4l our school.
Free eittalogue.
Canal Business Cdelkgr, Toros's.
Pi [wiped.
Plenty of the gteitittle Frent•li white l'astile Seep large Me
or 5c and Itic squat 1'4.
A large range of pie -firmed '('whet Soaps, 3 cake% in a box, al,
SW, alid 155' 'r box.
Vartettle• 1411AMIMMCIffillphar and otliertnedicated s,,p
shav int( soaps inIII' enn
Iui cakeand
s stieks.
S. E HICK, Central Drug Store,
(iooEt-tu UNI'.
W"K "
Saturday wilt see the wind-up of -one solid week -of Drfts Goods
selling -one of the biggest we have any record of. A wholesale house's
remnants of DreSs Goods and - Suitings.and. some not "shipped" orders
ait selling for less than half regular price. Brand-new materials, every
_yard of them. The sh.irteqt efta twia And ihere evry lcugth
you could wantbetween that and 7i yards. All new colorings, too, for
'they are this season's,- goods. Regular values$1.25 to $2.00. Your
choice of the entire lot, only
pc the vard.
vou must take the eftti eadv-euser-as-we-vane4et- t:itt -rettmatit kngttis
at these little -prices..
Successor to C. A. NAIRN.
-;',;41114pille $10 WEEK IN COAT
77. 1:-- ' . The week commencing Saturday, November 13thi, is
--going to be our dritittai Slo.cxi week in the Coat and .
Suit Department: Saturday morning' we 'put On Sale
12 or 15 ladies' Broadcloth and Tweed ,Suits. and 2o
t ladies' Coats' at this popular price. Every ga rthent is
.i appearanCe Until wont MIL Suits come in navy, black
some of this season's best selling and most popular.
All are man -tailored, and will. retain their shape and
new. The materials are first-class, the styles correct,
titand green. The Coats are blacks or naVys. Not a
$16.5o values. We cleared them below regular price,.
or they could not be sold at this figure.. Comniencing
Saturday any Suit or Coat in the lot --
garment is worth less than $12.50, most are $15.00 to
k •
Live Chicks
'Fowl, I hiCks tirrse
III Ws. Highest priers
paid. Returns pioniptly
tit ,
De Candi ',Wiry a Prodse Cs.
'V o11.1 oNT.51(10,.
• nAmil.rox sTuf:Er
Monday Specials
owicg tot the fit that moo: re t.ler, Thp
\(hp, ived ef this means I. 11(14411114 what ojieeial inducements,
do not get their papor ant eve g and an. elms
Lutf"rholt Dein- Week to week in time- tn.-avail
themeav es of them, woo have deeitlosl te place suet1 lines a
45.• wish to 1 '11.EAili 1FT AT SPECIAL PicitEs t1N
sr)A In ti of Satin -de) Here are some of thew :
• _
\ LIFE CHIPS. regular Its'. per paekare. 2 foor
MAGIC -BAKING POWDER, regal:It hie per paCkage. 2 for roc.
RELIAN\E BAki N9 POWDER. roogultre 2,'w fur 1.7e. regular 15c
for lue. , .
NAPHTHA' POWDER, Metal to any on the 0)81 k,', 6 pkgs. for 25c.
WHICH WASHING POWDER, regular :e,pei, paekage, .7 for pc.
BEST STOCK -FOOD, regular SIMI! ptiekaize tor Oh%
BEST STOCK FOOD. 11.4111110' 511,. package for 3Ie,
wife, who wan ft Dreier' y Mims Eliza, II"' weight give above.18:1 11131 Is, i•
Apia °Niro:tidy 1.1 reef. TI1P 11.3• 1
beth Manning, emine 1,...,l'anotela fifty
was sant v one yea rind eight loon 1.1.1
nine years age, firet !witting Ill tem
doe, wimp,. he was emerged -Coro limy "1 iliti' lkiiii his ,1..ia.'illie-lss-
' On tile ettilistwl. A 8111/13 I it& after f Idure. 1 le bad no Irene. in g,,i
hitt arrival, !However, Ile . -eel with I,ealilli lei hill' cieret I'll'wev.ke Am
his wife to the towntoldp of l'sloonte. timer. ttern- rime a fat report tor his
where he engag
deal li remelted 1 1 es ti,
e(' in far ' g. and It)'
his intim+, rhino hittets he *manned eon•
siderable of this world's goods end Miss Warnoele in London. ngland,
made a fortable home few himself Miss 55' at mock, who has ii Mill
and familywhere he P11111 imied to IV-, 111•110-1. the Lyceum Cub lof MU,
title up to the time (4 his death. In Englend, the 1-11.S1 k11111V11111.•
religion he w' a P411e+hr81ilit 11,,,f -ill in Me weilif with- the se e
ame lita
politics a emetervative. HWr1 liis wife pre ird i +0i
11. 3111/4131N ill II11311•11111. 1
dere/wed hint fort )1 eight years. e, iced stich relents as this huirr TM
Then he married the wither,/ of the late Imperial Review of 141Priihm All
James Stephene. Of the first friliiily i„,11,,i, whi,4, im,,,
i ..,,,, I.. few..,..tiw ,
then., Purvive mix sons and one dattgb• I 'Yoitiliiiie.: ''1:111111 I Is' .1111.1.1.401 MI
ter. Win. of Handota, Man., Henry, Mims Witt III "It''.
ek's first public appea
Phillip, Thos., Jolla, of Cell ore.', alive hyloatittott. WM- hotse to Imer fm.•
James, of-Exeter,ajel. Vie. Clarinetil
'r . 'tr opine-) unit he .4 hearing one who
of Csborne. Of the second family is as evidently awl . ompletely in spit
there fourvive t Geof•ge, of filattsliard. !Why with her work. •Illeres is a
Lizzie and bfary, at home, Mrs. eherm Mime her whieb Molds onto from
Charles Johns, of Unhorne. Fred, of the beginning. The -voiee is full .4
Weyburn, Sask.. Walter. ,,r I 11,,lerieli., iiiii.ie moil 1,11iii Call:titian aereont adds
' Mrs. James Beer, Of Exeter, is the pitioviney. As a vrriter Mies Warnock
only surviving -Mater. The3 nu,. aripriielat 14 eehat ,
took place front his 1 tte residliliee I.' is best in poetry alai 111,41', H/111 ill her
Zion cemetery on (ktolie.t. 28, mix sons rvadine wonelerftilly interprets the
toting as pall-lwerers. The symiontlIV 111i kelp. mei Meanings of lit,' writers of
of the cintimunit y is extended Ito lit,' t
nor own bind. There is, t lel. all torigi
bereaved. 'edify which lot refreehing."
, Lawson. .....
An dinette of a good many weekti' It is not often all 1.111p1111 14411 V .reefar.
duration terminated fatally on Sow at Tom' tbee• to e.gthe latest Parisian
day night last. in the 404.111 of Mr. mei New York stylinz Iii hair good-.
Thomas Lawson, who hail Iren a resi• yet Reich is the 1.3.31, as Prier , I kin,'
dent of town for the tonal four t earn, 'wend tor Tioroonito is v kit leg IMP 1,114 I..
since retiring from lounittess in foiteitt---- anti invites -rem inspeettnn id the....
ford. The old gentleman wits ef A prm als at his private apartments lc '
• \., quiet diepogiUrtn. but those who bed ...i'llS l et. the-ite.--i. _ --i.
made his acquainetnee during his so- l'hese hair goods style's, when prep- 1
journ in (Indent -di learned to appret-i- erly teljiisted, pe.otect and ornament
ate him for his sterling qualities. He the head. soften and beautify lbs pe-
wee seventy-six years of age. Mr. pression of the face, and consequently
Lawson was An Oddfellow, being a tone up an Aged appeerence. B,' mire'
member of Avon Lodge,' Stratford, and 1.1Pf them at Hotel Bedford on :
and the funeral on Tuesday afternoon Tuesday. November pith.
was attended by the member,' a - ,
Huron Lodge. Pro, 1I2, three of the With othet I anadiere readitige, Miss '
clambers. Past °rands r. Reid, C. A. Warnock will give the, inimitable
Nairn and 0. O. Whitely accompany. poem of Robert Service, -.1'he Crenias :
In the body to Stratford, where the lion of Sant Metiee," ntte of the most '
interment WW1 evade. Roy. Dr. weirdly hiamot.otts things that here ,
Dmigaii, petite? of North street Meth 'aver been writtene at the Colleeiate
omit chnrch, eondueted the, servitee Institute Friday evening of this week. '
New Fruits
-Sweofct Potatoes, Finnan Middies, New Honey, Sweet Cider.-
Petah elite...ma 1111tilio Meats and SauSage7.
Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs.
We are paying the highest price offered for Sutter and Egg..
we are selling strictly fresh Eggs mei& per dozen.
Everything in 4 irocaries, Ft web, Punt atul Gomm'.
l'11081" Il IIAMII.'fllV "II
For Fall Wear
,• We have_the.grPntest values- -in
men's fine shoes at
$3.50 and $4.00
just the thing for Fall weather.
We carry these in all leathers_
d have a, _full line of shapes
74. PI -Tr an lell..-Rofh-
ing ii town to equal them.
Downing & MacVicar
Nettli mde ti krone ,
. Have you taken advantage of our clearing sale of Rugs ? Wool Rugs,
Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, are selling at a straight saving of $2.66 to,..$4.50
on each. There are between 30 and 46. - We want to get this extia lot out of the
way at once and make prices. excekingly low to do it. 'You won't have as good
r tg.chance for a long time. -
Ta estry Rugs $6.45 I Tapestry Rugs $10.30
bieniiine tapestry Rugs, as'
hotted floral and teonvention.
al ilt.sittne size 3x3 yards and
3531 yards. (boost wearing
qualities. Sp iri AI for Sat lir.
day and Mewl ay, s6 45
each . • • • . •
Tapestry Rugs $7.75
Rugs are 3x3i yards
or :int yards. All art. good
patterns, imitable for almost
any ro.teu. The qii ditto.. vre
exceptionelly reeet lutd
cry Rug will give excellent
wear. Itegidar *10 If 1 Ala
411 1,1111 ies. Sal a rdav
_and Munday.„ spite-- $7
ID Velvet Rugs $0.35
(termini. E nglieh
velvet Mtge in green,
red end fawn shiulte,
Jfist eight or ten Rags in •
this lot. Size/ 3 3, 3 z 4
and :i;a4 y4111.. 11411 ilk's-
4en good pat lei ns. 44l' tlitje't,
that Will stand a lot a hard
„wear. speri g for Saturday
a n ci Monday,
$20 Velvet Rugs $13.75
There are some exception.
ally handsome Rage, in this
lot. Sizes are :1531 and -.2x4
-yards. (3rem), red and faahr,,
shades. Floral and eonven. '
tional patterne. Splendid'
wearing qualities. SAturdey
1 $1.00 Kid Gloves 89c
Kid (Hovel+ at a saving of Iii, a pair.
One hundred pairs Wire' brand- mow
Regular $15.110. • (Meer,' Thin, Pat, pliable slims, perfect fitting,
thiek ile. Splendid
dome (mite/term, just hi (nom France this
, week. Me
Macke, lan, heaves. sizes Ills) 74,
wenting q alitOie s. A 51.1$) More anystere. Ni, more that.
Saturday and *Imlay [ these' 1151 pairs. (hi male Saturday. 89c [
. each
8 p e e i a I, $11 1 x . morning, at per pair
I 1.00 l. .
....-k-e-......... ....-..............e.-........-......
Solid Wool Rugs $6.45
Extra heavy quality
si did wool Siptarets, revere-
- ible patterns. in redone ef
green, red and brown. Size
3x3 yards only. Saturday
and Monday.
each $6 45
Large Wool Rugs $9.35
Best iiiiality wool Hugs,
guaranteed every thread ab-
nolittely pure wool ; colors
wilt tint roll; combinations
of green, red and brown re-
reible patterrisRegular
fal at (slob •
as_a_11112mused :1_3.1111; Ssaattirdis
Some every -day prices that are
motley saving. They stand for
thoroughly reliable goods in ev-
ery ease. Non will not beat
itaies' • ribbed Vests, fine
quaky, white or natur-
al. each ..PL
Duties' plinth knitted Under-
wear, white or natural, beet,
quality made, per gar- Mil,
;tient. JUL.
Oatmeal Crash Towelling,
splendid dryer, per yardatb 1
Pure linen (lratt_jh el
red border, per yard 02C
An extra heav crash Towel -
One hundred yards 'Ace
and Insertion, 2 yards for ...Pl.
Aminsler Rugs $22.51
TWa only genuine
Axminster Rugs, 3 x 1
Yard., medallion pat-
tern, red and fawn
shades. N'ery special
for this regular sale,
l'4et) $22.50
Ladies' Coat' with PIT Collar
We hunted this Fiir trade through to get the best coat
we could to sell at We 111RVI nothing to touch this
for value. It is beyond question the very best in the
trade. Made from good quality Ideek beaver cloth. Cut
very full. 15) inches long. trimmo el with etrappinga lined
throughout, collar and revere of good quality Ohio
Sable. It is a coat, you could p ey $30 for and not pay
too much. Black or navy. A serviceable, stylish
and comfortable garment, at. ..
'Full bleached table Dernsek,
83 Bisbee wide and good cjp
weight,Ter yard
Half bit:M.:bed table Da 11111.81(
very special, per yard evil
: .....
Skein or ball Mending, teen
lar tie, our price, three 10€
Caraqrslesr-711Mloord.one earn osi°1°R,
Pleat quality Hair Pins, regu-
lar style or invisible. two Ca-.
lesees ter.... ....... 0,JI1L
%afoot y Pins, one &wen on
a rats!, two cards for .. eirlL
""ltlIule11l Feet, all size'.,
per pail.
All -wool Tett ail mktg. Wide
widths, good -range of 50c
patterns, per yard