HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 7i
% atriir. ,4> ,ItIfti tax ftP11411!
.f(N Al, • GOrmul('ia, ONTARIO
e News of the
iptotrale 46 546646464444464546 4545464645 *4510464445+ 45454546 *4. *45* 4t 454614**,4646 46 4546 4,45+450t'
Misses Dome and Hato Wire, of the
day. visiting friends in tiotterieh
daring the past week.
ing a tww remittent... for TI Sal
Maplewood Farm.
II •tirv Homey was in our
l'or:Tic.--The following prt•tty little
gem composed by.our poet laureate:
(K..14'111'1,4111 where gsA, tier
11) ail:sling that 0111 .0.111111,
I',&11111114.11, of Alberta, Arrived. last
week in Each/fish to visit little
daughter. who wits seriously ill with
ine gil is. The illness terminated
fatally on Saturday. 'Else funeral
take. pima. today, Rev. Air. McLean
of Ripley olpeiat Mg. Mitch syn.
pa thy is expressed bar Mr l'atriphell
who has lost. him only daughter.
the fine 1.4.w st•sulence of %1 rts. Ilug
la., and it noW rellnialts to Ise painted.
141111, W114 lid 1141 NEM hist
Issul ..it auction wale last
'1•11sisrs.14,•. Alitch Cow. are gradually
going tip ...dre ye.tr by year, 01541 it
May sitentiored sta.11.11 example that
one 411 MeKenzie's catty. was
Li1414 tlown at. $711.
or the year .Whone flocks or wilt! geese,
OltAlalli slam ill Al.. -This the 61111.1
utmoet'ved IlYing overhead by day. with
their heads pointed! fol. the most part,
slit eetly 1.. the Moat h: The great ma -
Pally of ',lids. however, inigt-ate by
and it limy not be 144 ow, :illy
known that docks of even the small
i.lists earl Ile seen and the sires res reis •
stg•Ilileil ill Midnight. as they weii.1
their way south. This is slot.. by
51:55: of tlw Moon, 31141 I lin lard.
Which 1141.11.41 to tly :55 toss ItelWeell
often slistillgIliSherl Isy the
v I. NIENTIsoN. Tom thighs.
who went osit oll one sof the harvest
excursions to the Nrorthwest and had
been won kiug fleas- Brandon. WI•eiS*1•41
W.11.1 fit ilfri111d141.,
1,1,1 as assistant
dentist, soaked itt the p.(1,110 •il
last Wean...day on a 's bit. The Dor-
th...• Miss Isabella Ito- ars
she had Levi/ pritelissing tasrft•sritni
pia Is' vffit the airrit-"-tire
intends rein. • g agitio Is. Seal tie....
tVe t.. learn that Holy NI, -
s ...Wrist its Alt, •s GA. is at poesent seri
...sly ill St SI 11 fever. Atossalt1
a• tu. laaisian, was visiting. at .1.
fo• am. last loVasittesday Irons. lha sant.
gamest. who recently returns -d troor
the Northwest , she Nut tssfln
te tehing Arlon., it oil. r Saskatoon.
Sask., Was vi..ities,g at John Artst•
14 II AST IAD 55 sill psi 111.• •
Anil -tattled beffilla .1015, .• _Tinker- istel
• 111, awl has that work well outtpletoill
mi. McCabe. of Ite ller, has
moved ts. the farm I.ttelv purchased
March liretoos, V. S.. of Mantel!,
anil his brother. Allred. of
were son friends in Gude-
Members all present. Iteete Met1t1 Us
the chair. Minute* of last meeting
. were res.l1 Ili/ St kill lit
treasurer's +dilemma, allowing loal-
Wire head of 111I711.111. was rect.i....,1
eon awl Aitehtttion. Dr .1
waited ;al the 'mitten re .arding
hum, hospital for an opera oii, asking
*Ai for it HIM 11114 attendanee w.ts
oo dried to he paid mid the Reeve was.
requested to bring tlw matter I/1•1111t.
file county conned, on lion of
31,04., Thompson and Anvil...ma
Cheques to tIM anemia of rol:!1 were
bussed for psyntent of at ts issed
by the board. 1.* al adjoin tied to
• S. moot. Ity.emer. The following to -
Junior III. Lizzit• 111 as. k. lit:
- lamina Johnston, :1St ; 11 a
111.tek,e- Senior 11
an; Pearl Jobtiston,• :til : Cass.
Mark. Hazel st 211/. Jitnior
SliplIttat11; 17:1 Black. tItt. Pati
Jobiwti :iv,. junior Pm! I
Draper.• 12-1, The hest spellet Ira Ise-
ston.. Charlotte Simpson.. Those
Whitechurch ciaresp 'intent Ill 1'144.
of a bilge so.semblege.......corted he
wedding ..f Allis. Alice. gi 13111111i:31101i /1
of Mrs. .%. Kennedy. of this place. to
held. As the lwallt Still -.trains ot I 11.•
I he bridal pat y 1113.131•11 I 4/
the front of the ••liorrii awl toot. rli•or
werlslitlg Ilse Willett
were ..pokeo (mil Mg two. young
journey were pi llll ....1 liy lIev.
Nr. •MeEwehriirn. The happy couple
e ill reawle on the groom s farm. in
and Mrs. Joseph 11•14..0. eon -
cession of Aslitield. m, as the 'if'. tie
els1,•sf• daughter. aeons.% Mae
tuarch being idayed by NI. -
Hackett. sister ••1* the bride. :is
I le• bridal party took their phtees Is•-
• vit est guests. The bride. who was
sttven away by her father, look.. I
ehartiiiiig in it gown 11: silk •
handsomely tr• .1 twit ki
and satin ribbon. She W,,11. tiro
-shower hentrittel britl-.1 roses..
lions wisideriltalt ferns. She was.
attcoded by her mister. 1.1a 114. y
colienne. groom's favor to lite
flower fairy was a gold locket. the
bride's favor to a, mg:it-11,4 WNW It
.gold brooch set with ..pals. At t..i. this.
t over, the guests twpaired to the
ing room. where !lies' partook 44 a
on the remainder of the evonii.4.
nos and onetly, showing he _ bigh es
teem in Which the young couple alt.
The bride's going -sit% ay 4.41.4-
tutne woe a tailor -merle suit of ashes
lett: or their new twine in A
folio by thej good wishes of a
host of ends.
‘Titottsnav, Nov. Ills.
RUMP No1104:1--Iliss Nellie Tyndall
hfui gone to Loot!, , where she is en-
-.. .11allowe'eti pita off very quietly
here, AM it cause on IiiiII4nr, Nit lust
the same someone was good enough to
put Mr. Horney's wagons op t he :load
In the ditch, opside down with rare .
Colborne moved to town this week
and Mr. 'McCabe isi moving in. We
welcome him into the neighborhood.
-.Miss Nellie I kincan spent. the
.2,.it kitsch piano delivered . at Met law Ma-
' Lion
How's This?
Wooten one heindred dollar.. reward for siv
ties ofi netarrh that mimed be cored by
liars catarrh nue.
We the onelen.kyned have known F. J.
Cheney for the 1am IA years. root believe him
awl financially able to awry ow any Wire
lions made Itv me firm.
Welding. Khmers & Mamie.
Catarrh 1'nm le taken 1111441.10.117.
inirdirortly upon ?Se Mond awl ITIII1313113
f, of the .y.tera. Teatimontale meet free
78_90nts ger hot tie. *old hv all dreg:Meta
Take Mane Family P111101 fit smetleithen•
!tit. Now. Al iiiieet 41i4y 111111,
llllll 140 4, 111011 hrs.akable
1/111144. 414./lie 111 Ilie (World WI +1 MUM WW1,
! better Cie:Mi., for doing the work. mom won
PI is I /1111 1111144. I'm The 1441111111,-.0 t lie 1.11.4
•31.11 141.1311011,3111 1•311.at• Where
la. iii.1 ill be reeeltilt.1 fur ,41111.:111.414.111,5.
iti 0 15 !Ur ausutilits Ivan fur 1•1+,1,111l,',
. o paper, .. a tor lits is auto 1:x.
a number or lllll young
Carried 41111 ill rorrect style. 'Els:
chaperones .,Iitoket1 t•Itarming dressed
...digit. The lathes lireek eosisiihes.
with their led %.•ry
,140111. The gent leinen itlso were
diessed costiiiii••, suiting the style
of the 4 A 111104
A Ilium tNAI.F.1t. 'Elie
1114.114.1;11.14. i1111141/%41111•114 ill f 114• lllll -
onsidelahly motion...I in area. A,
..31.4111g 1111.11-10 to I Ile other ellil ta
14114•41 441 I he Irina IL I li.it he W.V. lil--1-
1•13,1041.1 III Mager...
144.1,1 iiiiitillify Meet 114.: 4111 111111,•
✓ iiiirch intend.- bat Mg st ist III 45
Th.! 111111. ll lll of
set %See in the Mythothst rhos cis will
1.• withdraws. on smoky ve
1• 4•1,4 Win 114* held 11490 :41
will preimai .11 2.i:toi 7 p. fin
NIonol.ty 'evening 4 so inia•rt will be Ind,
in the Atwell. ND-. Watt. of Ile
ping ormit The Ile. Daily T
'List six ye Irs iokkeelte
the posit en
(million.. matt
:III .4.911 Ill 11140
;tt le- t. the .flitriity when Nli
hand -otos, aVellIti_t I, it: by the Him
an•I ill111 11111• 11,1111 the eat
11111111111...... A11.I the general 4.-
1,-ponse Was made by the recipient.
aw•es Nat ..1•10.. will tato. very
Sickle. 4d unto.Wing
ii. _Rot, li tut let t attended
the Epwoi aint Sunday
.01 Fs i•I i) work Alen. Ittog-
ley is till, iv.s.k building a small frame
structure 1.n. (Iirvin, This will
ialte the place ..t III- destroyed
lin vitt 'can walk., art angelitertts l'e
1111011 5%". II. NI,Cliiro has Iliad _A
.01111, on his !worn y and on Sao -
tie day I 1st hid a pump played the
t:e• inem- to him in hi. liv,•ry
Melt, Ir.disitie, has . been
eitaJigisd in the--restporator tinting the
his been indisposed for a few
work lash week on the new Methodist
rapid progress- is. Iming
mode in the la her deli ID merits of the
10 ..1 of cat Ile frOlit ltWil T.11311l1()
1ttt of the
Mut ItiMiellitee Ctunpntly. ap-
plications for the position are being
here last Saturday On a Vlsit. Ers.11
the esilnirlast is ely short pei Mil of
his absetiee, Ise 110111441 great
her 4.1" eliang•m.
This week will finish the king of
Mad" barrels...for this season.- Nlost of
tile stork on hand- will he used up.
some of the Masons 41.441 this,
y tended the funeral of the
I oe Jon 'than Miller today."
Mrs. .%tillerson, the village. is
this week.
of apples on hantbk and lllll 11. rX•
'ht▪ .! week and reportb et•erytlinsgsatis
tl r-. James !Wild. Iris been
ill, and who is im iimiate of
lik.i,tstots hospital al present, is I.X-
•44,,, prearra full -ire: red. stale. Ulm
Im.4--Liadial.7- anti lila let ter
fioni Minimum. Lavoie, of this place.
convineing proof this fact. She -
"It giver, me great 'deafen.. to tes-
tify to -the henef11.4 I have receit ed
from Ilse lisp of I hisIsl's Kidney I 'ills.
Flit' 1111111y yeast' I sitlferell from Weak
ordered kidneys. I was subject 1,1
let Mho pains in the hack and through
my loins, P.(1 alai Ir mid it very hard
to :Stop or bend my bark at my work.
I also suffered ti out pains its ony legs,
clamps in 1.he 11111,44.14•14 411•44,14eal
swellings of the feet and link lee. I
lieree fumnil anything to .1•• me glom'
till I tried Distil's Eid•iev Pills. 'Elul"
gave me great relief anti finally cured
me, for all the pains have entirely ill, -
;trophy spent Sunday at SVm.
Iirtipliv's on the !al. coneemaion
Mhos !filmy 31,--Ailister-.Tent Sunday
with ht. -Helens friends Mr. and
Mr«. John t11' Auburn, sisited
in this vicinity this weck
Wialsli visited WilAKslitidge friends
it few days last week wita11ollerich
aryl Lnyal friends lohn 'Hoyle is
assisting S. Thompson putting in
cement walks around his house
The trustees et the separate school
had a flagpole erected in the school
grounds this week Wm. McIn-
tosh shipped a carload of Ppplen
from Annum station last week.
It's much molder to loy plans than to
batth them oat.'
ere. It. II, ss valeta hand. erwerr thw
Tr EsibtY, Nov. Mb.
Jorrisus. Mr. and Mrs. ltobert
Dick have got nicely settled; in their
home. They will be 1 • to friends
afterrtte-inth inst. A*
ing them fum voyage over the matri
sea Alfred Sutton and
shed on their neW farnt. lot suns -
whirl, Mr. Sutton got fr
his farm on the Babylon line. Hay
I All e in bidding Mr. and Mrs.
I Sutton welcome and in wishing Ilona.
NI. Ibniald hits ill 1 is sal hOlkle ft ono his
• trip to Scotland, looking am About:1s
the i,s•eist voyage had agleed wills
Inns. Ile enjoyed the trip itusuenaely
and understands bettt•s• thstn ever lusty
far tvio are ahead of Overything in the
..f farming. S time later
y • het ibe lames to he able to give
greater length Isis impressions of hi.
Walter Melleath's sale last
itttendattee was large and the riding
isriees good., -Last Friday the pupils
alll1•11111111l1 VII/Ibe Of motile *Way
• and !tack to the
apple-paeket•to are finishing up the
orchards bought in hulk, host a large .
t of work is to be done yet, in
thine 4 or.4141rtit. picked by t h.. farmers.
'Die crop of apples ito this section this
yt at is large anti ko sod.
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
luags. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar mediciae, a doctor's medi-
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about A yer's
Cherry Pectoral.
we realms our temiala•
ers urrA
Any good doctor will tell You that a medi-
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels are con-
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor-
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
AboNlat V, Nov. hth
Edgar McClure has left for In v"tsil
Head. Sask., to take a position i
Gus McKay has realigned
am mit!, Trete& sits 11172,sn
Isisiny.s. at, Ingersoll, to hick place j
he reliant. with is family Jit
Hey. NIeli Toll, pastor of
Preefiyteriatll tureh, left last
we,.k for saskab•Its van, whets. he is
engaging tiro net weeks; evangelis-
tie campaign, is his absenee his
w..1 is here will .• attended by ReV
, See the tgon Models in
,Two el the best lines made in Can -
Rubber Tires. ATitomo'bde Staid
and all the latest ideas in first-
class Carriages.
Second-hand Maple Leaf thopper
pkinchl, nearly new, for sale.
Several good drivers for sale.
Agent for
Massey- Harris Implements, Mel -
lone Cream Separators Fleury
Plows, Bissell Disc
Harrows, Land Rollers,
NA•surrooult -H %tuition So
Mwna ax:
THURSDAY, NOYBillitiss II, 1900
Special Cash
Discount Sale
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
this week only . Sizes 22 to 32
Agents for Stanfield s Unsluinkable Underwear
and Carhartt s Overalls, Sincidis and Gloves.
McLean Bros.
Ca ara Bromide Quinine
White Pine and Tar
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
Limited. 113,
facti.i-ers VFW,
twii7N4siro LANES.
M' sroport of 14. S. No. loo, Ashflehl,
Villa Sherwood, Allan Nelson. John
S. olf, Laura Johnston. Chas. Stneltz-
aolwo wood, llllll n. I le, 'roulette
11' I ,..tightitt: 11411i.• Fred John-
ston. III. Elizabeth Dren•
non, .1: Little. Senior II. Elmer
!howler. l'art II. Lorne Farris!),
Jean Stroll, )1:11y Downey, Belt .1011111-
0.11. Edward Smith. Senior Part
IL Marjory Johnston. Junior Part
II. Sidney Ferguson,. Laverne Smelts -
Leonard O'Loughlin. Junior l'art -
tinieltzer. Hest spellers foe t he mont Is
Ita la P. !trivia profs; Teacher.
blot tan Finds,
Thrrnened MO Con
Scrofula disfigures and
causes life-long misery.
Children become
strong and lively when
given small doses of
Snft's Emulsion
every day. The starved
body is fed; the swollen
glands healed, and th
tainted blood vitali
Good food, fresh ai and
Scott's Emulsion con-
quer scrofula and many
other blood diseases.
SOR SALE EY 51.1.1)al'i;GISTS
bealle.01 paper •nd this ad. for
I 1. It-. L. Flush Lank contain. is
elo,-.1-1.arrk Penny
.4 121; W•Iii31110111 Weal. Torrinlo, Our
he Fellow
who uses a
No matter how rough the
road -the. "Prisco" won't
jar out. No matter how
"Prisco- won't blow out.
If there is any doubt in your mind -
just use a -Prisco" .Cold -Blast along-
side tbe lantern you're now using -
and see for yourself !
- Come in and let us show you.
Hartt Shoe
G. M. Elliott
'1Our Music ir in the
dison Phonograph
Do you know how much Youare losing by not owning
an Edison Phonograph t.
This instrument was made for you by Mr. Edison.
It is intended to -bring music into your home. It will
. help you entertain your guests. It will amuse you,
during your leisure hours. it will ,help you to bring
up your faMily to love music.
Tisk is what Mr. Edison Meant when he said that
-Ale would like to see a Phonograph in eVery home.
. How can you let any consideration of money stand
in the way of your 0%s -fling one of these great enter-
tainers ? The Phonograph will give you so much
more in return fur the money than.you can gct by
spending it in any other way.
Do not take our word for it. Go to a dealer today
and hear the Edison Phonograph play the Amberol
Records, and you will know wby we are so positive
that you cannot afford dri without it
E,tiarmolsiormsraphe $111 50 t n $1132 50
Itabsoo Growl Opera Records - 8S.•
There are ftribton dettlert everywhere
11. tn tbe nearest and hear the E,Mon
fron2 your dealer or from 11111.
Matisse' Ftweeeraph Ceetwear. 100 Laseade Aye., Omega. N. .1., U. IL A. r°'
that looks like china but for durability is far
superior to china. Tbe price at .resent is•331 per
cent. ariviiiTar prices..
Stoves ,
The Happy ThGught Range still leads the
market in economy of tile!. Even -heating ovens,
easy to regulate. It IA the heaviest and most
durable range on the market today'. It is in a
lass by itself. We have several other staves and
r. ges that are equal to other makes, ranging in
prie,e from $25.00 up. Call and see our full Iiite
Now the time to do your Fall painting.
We have a 1'411 line of colors of Sherwin-Williams
Paint, also white loud and oils.
Clark, Supt. e,raee
,..241 it hest results.
40. arm* III f .bomentso.
We are agents'f\or the famo-ticRegaiReitititg,
manufactured by Ft\ W. Johns - Manville Co.
This roof is fully guaranteed.
give you prompt attention. and all work fully' guaranteed. :
Store 'Plasm so
Homo 'Phone its