HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 5SPHF g1ON AT, • (;OTlP;R1(!N, (►N'I'A R10
TItUIO DAY, NOva1nRlt 11, 1141M
.,.aa• 1.aYvrJ
Lung Bad
Coolants so OphIllik
lathe' vile Safe sod needy*
cough Remedy for general
(army use, .
4DAy„ a LAWRBNC& CO., Montreal.
•t',,I1gh and colds. _ 1f everything hing ha+
fails try Allen's lamer Balsam and be
Never pulite the taxes a roan pays
by tllc rias of the diatuuntl in his shirt
It i-. \t..:1 10 have (XI hand
4 1 rept;t'tis', 1111 )le, l'ftective and
3 er..11)' :illplil'(l, for mosquito
ter ;;ir`, 171: l't
stings, sores,
i',;ui�c< suulburn, x1l(1 injui-it•s
t,, the skin, attd forty other
,' .ie. ". ,t 1.11 Call be etlr(-d
,; C1'. •7 t'.1 �:'y)e)111'y I.l)lon. Such " Ikt
) 1
IR tell);^:s' 1>r ':1� •'llllt
i„ tiritgt,44.4s,
A Letter from Engineer Chipman -His
Plan for Relieving the Sewers--
'. o.taca_Appro1e& . JttorsmAant-._tor_..
Public Ownership of Telephones --
Four Bylaws Passed.
It', easier t11 g -5 rich ,titer ynrt 11'1%1.
thfi• N •' niMi 1(1. ,
FOR economy'
in the table
expenses increase
- the amount of
taker Oats; eat it
at least twice a day.
It does more than
other foods and
costs only a frac-
tion as much.
The regular meeting of the town
council War held lust Friday evening,
unties adverse eireumalance4 in point
of attendance. His Worship the
Mayor presidetLand peeve (tallow and
Deputy Reeve Reid stayed with the
job f start to li'lioh, 11. C. Mull-
gs was. uu hand. but during the
evening, on the suggestion of some of
11is fellow -councillors, left to look up
A. H, Chrystal in connect' with the
disl•ussi•111 on the tow% tire rugine.
He returned later with a report.
Councillor l'raiggie loft. about the same
time as Councillor Munninge. and did
nut return to the council chamber
during the progress of the meeting.
Councillor Humber heal rolled a cigar-
ette and left the council chamber W.
enjoy it Ilwtnpe Councillor Jordan en-
tailed, and, consequently, the latter
was tested ill his ocoupauey of
Couucillor Ilu,tibi is chair. After
making a vigorous objection because
so ' work on the market building
whirl h,el been referred to hila' had
been taken fr 1 ' and referred to
another cutumitLeeon the ground that
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,.
Itching, blind or rrotruding
Pales, send Ine .your address, and
I will tell you how to cure your-•
self at hook by the absorption
treattnent ; and will also send
some of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
Irian your own locality if re-
' quested. Itntneaiate relief and
permanent cure ossified. Send
no money, but tell others of
this osier; Write 'to -day to Mrs:
N. Summers, hoz I Fil.dsor,
Ont: '
kevilon FIelCS
Ilanthiggrat <fre t
Rte ardISSSasaia>saMIL
Wet gager atom
karat kinds of
Rawfurs and SIS
other c ',tee ehairllIell were
allowed much more lit,erty, and after
putting up a tight against 1harging.
the ,,u,ller moving. picture show the
wattle hce11.e it, lite larger' Ole, l'uun-
Jordan also withdrew. 44 onn-
rillut• HAlliwe was absent. Councillor
Dean .Was un hand aluort all through
1 he meeting. During his brief absence
h• 'the couueil chamber the. at-
tendance .auk below a quorum, and
C •illor Dean was the first and only
•illus to respond to the rurnmlinr
for the return ut the atot•ntees. The
circ tamers drew from the Mayor
A 1:►.INti( 1• •111 4411 the actions .if
smut. wlemlors of t I.• couneil and what
he deemed their 1 Lek of apipreciali n*
of their respnn,ibihties,
The October Finances.
, 1 the fellow ing :
,hoar'. till t:rl'I1C
v , Hale
Non tt•.ident lases de•LI
IS puri toe -I'll . eN11:,
11."nb•-GnuAr)', pna•.pyl. Of sidle of l'
aaaldsegs,„yt,a.t,ay-f,alolle ,mss 1 , -
b• 2iaxl
\Leitlatel cemetery •. 441:14
•' - 11.111.1)1(10(41l",v
ti, ogee , ti 47'14
1'11 et u,,t and af.. rtiiiiis : ,17.(44
fire dupuui,eot 04 7,3t
Public works Wetetvl
I1elw•nture.. plias-spat 'v')' feY 249.)0
111110,1 t'1.' pout
Rill, payable
It.aik interest .. . 119.045
N *tee rept night .emmroeell r A; •I.90
Elect .m,. !'•,'. c {.lain
r ,m• trey
h.arl aromite r + t14iJ.
:,•1 ,role.o.1.Ai.* i1, '' nM1"tk '€ s9la 124.00
(4..rd oil IM,.kA - " r ' 4 -a•.a„
ol glide Institute rate le its 'Nikiaw; 3,240.10o u > nee i° 11,.p.
Book 1 deuce
('a. ,, latlaute t a r. (1* t'• ,
d RN.a.t
I:ugic. 1 IK.•Ily rep ,sled that the
.he .darns line ft.an-the town ball, to
the tt:a"rwmks wak completely rusted
• int k11.1 unth for service. tie advised
that n Hew 1,*,ij1d, .(.utile wire Le
out in at mice with a new alaf•m heli.
was referred to the lits- Comniit-
Public Ownership of Telephones.
'I'1,.• city clerk of Toronto wrote
s luny; . o-,g14•1.4(iu11 in urging upon the
Ontario 4. lvernment the advisability
of („oeynoe•nt anti 11alnii'ipal nwnet'-
hip of the telephone 4)•,ete111 through -
mil 111(4 l't",iu,r. \ blank for in .d
Ia1iUe11 w'n• em•biseo1, asking for legis..
'.tion to he int ,,site et tit the easing
e,sion of 1lit: la•0,.l10118. providing
t.ta ,king .if a VW.. L111,1101'0111.
Ili l'r•uvittrrion the 4111(4tloll of Gov-
.v1(1(1• 111 ownership an,1. npw•retinn of
I"Ilg-.listil111•.• tel p'1''' ' linl•s and
n,lno•iI) ownership dila operation
. f I 'cal i,elephuue lines. lin t ion of
rrp)1ty,lte4'r! grid and Reeve Hal -
1 .tt'. it w:ts decided 'to sign the 1.ei-
oougwltlee wade reports. the latter
recommending Mu, purcha►e of a
three -wallow Falrltauke tare extinguish-
er. 'the report* were adopted.
The need of some planking across
the (. P.lt, bridge near the 'Big Mill
to wake a dry sidewalk war referred
to the public works committee.
Some minor repairs were tt•ferred Lu
the street inspector to attend to.
Howe plaukiug till the approaches to
the market Nestles and a partition ill
the market clerk's office were matters
which were referred W the public
works committee.
cowman Shirking. _---------_---___•
7'Ire routine of giving 6O111e byhtw$
their three readings reduced the 'at-
tendant -I- in the council chamber 1K'•
low the quorum. and it was then that
the Mayor's comment on the "child-
ishness" of the betievtoroteome coun-
cillors was wade. The town clerk
made an ineffective attempt to induce
some of the councillors W return to
business, but the attractions of a
smoke and chat in the clerk's oltlee
were too great for wane members, and
Deputy Reeve Reid 11nally got after
the absentees. (7ouneillor Dean re-
turned to the council board at (Nice
anti some time later Ctwncillor ltuut-
11rr.put in an appearance.
Bylaws Passed. ...
Four bylaws were put through. The
Road Nlachirte Company bylaw was
given its third refuting. and bylaws to
fix a license fee for oohing picture
shows. to allow lh..li T. It. to extend
its railway track along \leitland toad,
and 10 ells.. up a triaut(pularport' of
land on the allowance for \Vater lane,
wets each givut three readings.
'On the question of the license fee (or
moving picture shows Counn311ors Jor
ds,n and Dean moved to make the fee
$:f and $ , to make a discrimination in
• •if the alnaller show_ and the
)terve and Deputy Reeve moved, in
accordance with the advice of the
solicitor, a uniform fee of $S a wont'''.
The Mayor voted with the Were and
Deputy,lteeve, tieing the only uteuiber
of the boardleft to break the tie. .and
tbylhe aw. larger stun was inverted in the
The Fire Engine.
Chairman Mannings of the tire conl-
wittee reported orally on the condition
of the town lire engine. The boiler
had etoud a cold water pressure of I9.,
pounds and a ideate pressure of 171
pounds and he thought the repair*
that had leen matte were a good piesp
et work. It was eg.eed to have Mr.
Chrystal gi site an inspection of the
boiler, however. Ns a' further safe•
weird, and Mr. Mu, iii who bad
�i•-t-n Maas -6e+4...44 Hp-- Air. CbIyatai, *aid
that. gen!ll•111»n would slake the in-
epeetiow the billowing day. though he
had no doubt the Ia)ile• was gal good
condition slow that the weak spot had
Iwen repaired.
A motion was passed to construct a
sewer all Church street on the local
ilproveu)eIlt plan. the council taking
111e initiative, and a petition for a
1) inch sewer on Ht. Patrick's street
from Colborne street to Waterloo
street was referr7ed to the engineer for
a report.'
The council then adjourned,
No man knows he is honest until he
has been tested.
All true greatness consistain being
great in little Lhinre. -
on. -
To .Improve Navigation System,
\ cirrnLv froflt the Blade 'imken and
t 1.3vrence NAY (gttion and 1m..
„t1'Irle'rll Association itivitel Co-
-pert! hitt in waiting on the (intern-
,.11.111 trite-thl' rtvw est- haling'
Weiland expel deepened and the Ht.
I awle•nre Hirer 1111111• improved next
•,O, :f-1,.• cleft: Wit, filial tiered,
nt/,tion of 11(4,9-1' li'tll'lly anis Conn-
, air Cr,igi'. to write. MI p1•0*0fillg (114'
nnwA'«- sympathy with the vee
1.41'141, (1111 144 I(IIII( • 4)111' 1(4(11(4000111'
1,v...15. Ott lira to el; np1•rate with the
\,+rn•iat gun.
A rirculu 1111111 the 1'niu11 of ('ann•
dine Municipalities khnwed nrtivily
on the trill of the 171ii0n in endearor-
,;K t44 Inv vont ambo; inereaNe in the
lI _ price of cement by the new merger of
the '.'men( ma11nfartmere of the
The Precocity of Jon. Th 'nihilism trttti- nailed for wn
as nPapraw
MetalGirl - Why d(KN11I bah)' 1,t1, !Midi ufopinion from
tetherr t6^ ,pei,ing, beforefrurethlg
Father -He (5n'ttalk yet. \-„11114
i habie, never do. .
Knells (lit' -Oh, yes, they dr... Jab
did. Nnt•N1 awed me out 11f 1Ii(i Ifihle
hew Jeb entered the day fir was horn,
Mr. Andrews praises Dr.. _
Mors.'. Indian Root Pills.
n .m Vuvrnilr•r 1+_ it will Le• Itnpn+ablr for rim
Ileo George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., i eotl(?' h1Y nNrnrt re lune for Any eon- Feeders and Stockers.
Wr'\ Ild: "nletlon work IM,. war. M, he/wren0 yon istcrrs of 14rdl11.n 1. (10,1 quallly 14.14
rt. man lean 1 have been troubled flooding In the ex
may &wire to relieve Ow JI at ss.16 to H. and np to p.!4 p.er cwt;
-----tl'kh thymic y� eertn system which will it esdkly . yem neat ebekera wire quina: ►t 52 g 1..m. '
constipation. This ail- ,-- -- or during any henry n4A'ajo. yon mal Milkers end apr(ngsr•a,
Mat never linty single-handed, and I t an overflow an Watering. curet
have been h foal Nelwsu ..urthwanl. It mercers l•+w•g the Ther
Ikit c i .. r null oris.
OO*tipwfiom I---e--,iw 4141 train. resat Role paint would be to hike up the 12. .at eei ad Ira each.
llydirine alter medicine f have taken in me, alarm waur+ewm new (Ak1 and reptile*
flip' f aHee
order to find relief, but one dmf lel, keit •' with an Is Mita :ewer laid three fie, dee per. A IknnM number 'iM ?Li
'1•,11. wdd tnkt raw of Ihr ..ono water to
. tae in the alsme hopormi emelitiowHlks t1,.. t9•kwta...+Aa+oal► rhe mri�'flow froroln at 57 tor
o ti.r4 per cwt.
Iaealed that nothing winlld expel from the sanitary „ewers. alit i ., ern not son- ifi�ep�n�Zar a
toe franca lint membrane •.were yj hope to 'Plicae .wan o gen '.sol- drrtaaA for morel
ee the ose.ailtltewt•lkeeewlaiedewtalsch - Tie ',,,'tgatre materlrh-t.tK.►l.et wean} )u••► tante alt nr tyhtcn wore segrt at
- tPowh1e, yet at last i read about thele rials helot» ,p►.end of the )'Oar• ek451OL hustler erten.. Export ewe) et
Ionian Root Pitta low truly_�)) good grlaNte, p.9/i N per cwt,; can
That wan indeed a heck stay ter tate, N-IolaCHIPMAN. pee and roma Si per cwt., liAl p, 111,0
r h Toronto. tar,,. rib. 1i 1k to 16.a per cwt.
iris i wax so impressed with t e state-
'• 1d•ni• made that 1 determined t0 A letter' from the teem elicitor en. Hep& I
eloped a cheque for $:i2I, gins balance (tonne, !Amite& report hog mire. as
,, t.vr them a fair trial MYnwn A141etAa., (ed an4 waterM, at 1
They have regulated my stomach ens coming lel the town out of the • setae. p1}rkn. r s ar41 h pt.. t n n rare at j
1nwela, I am cared of coosti tisn ares trent with the Wheel Riga Company, nnrMri. p mins,
rat they trate no equal u 'maxi- atter payment of the solicitor's hill of Montr•al Live Stock.
coats. a amount of the settlement Mo1vTRF.AL my 5 nB . t the
per ewer half a century IN. None's *Aa $SIip,lkio add the solicitor's fees „tom, Yenta west (al J(4 (h
Indian Rnnt Pin h hero in min. weir, $d)2.7I. from which he dedoate/f renews d u Mork for the
(miser in the way u)' representations
nt, (Marva. Reeve Ualicw and ('oun-
cillur ('rs:gip moved to girt. tl;e 1'niem
t11, support asked for rind this w+.e Union Steck Yards.
e arrird. T()ftrttfTt 1, Nov'. 8.- Reoeipto of
From Willis Chip, C. S. live stock at the Union Snick Yards
The following letter from Willis w,fe 70 f (lrhsils .ci)rutiatin ,,f 1:"Ja
l'hipgian. (.'. E. Was referred to the fla"ttle, 79 hoot. 702 sleep and lambs,
pubs,' works committee j3 valve" Mel 2hrl hursea.
L. 1. Eno's. Town tiers.
lia(erich. -
Dksrt N0N. Owb,g In the broken weather
TiiHfirrh#t0t"t.n+ weeks. my rie0lotanl boo
Iron nmlhle 10 eomplete the nerewenr• fleld
work. and, as I A% pert to leave for 11Innlpcg
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High-
er, Chicago Lewer-L,ve Stock
-Latest. Quotations.
• Mi nd.ly Keening. Nov. 4.
1J0er10,1.0 wheat rulur"a •bused to -day
'1,A to rad high, r t ha q :bat urds> ; (1s(11 had
At Olio ago. 11,',, tier Wheat- options
-ed 1.,. ;•,0,' 11. •e •1 ^:.l u',la>. l* .-rlllr,7
i'orll %t' lower, •n:1 December era
t•, err
Winnipeg Options.
14 Winnipeg, Nos ember wheg( closed
X• lower than :Saturday, Nov her oats
Sar higher,
Wbeat -N•,vember if.Sic, )'lmember 930.'
Ma)• :4,..
(iota, N,.ventbr-31j1,r/Itrc•esnt.ar 23.6e.
Toronto gin Market.
Wheat, fall, b h 81 NI to 21 05
w heat. red, ush 107 ....
Wheat. gooier, Lamb - 0 es ....
Hui k44 heat, bushel 0' Ed
Rye, bushel '• 0 71
Barley, bushel 0 u ....
Pt as bushel • 0 20 ..
Oats, !filched ' 0 41 043
Toronto Dairy Market.
(7hreae. per Ib - 012% 01314
Eggs, case luta, dozen 0 J. 0 J
Butter, separator, dairy, ib0 '24 0
Butter, store lots ... a 14 u Al
Butter, crearnery, solids ... • S. ..
Butter, creamery. Ib: rolls.. 0 027
Honey. extracted 0 10%
Honey, cumba, per dosed..,2 26 205
New York Dairy Market.
NEW YORK. Nov 4 Rutter -Unsettled
and lower, receipts, 3445. creantery. spe-
cials, 2Ic, extras, 39e, third to first, '9a
10 :MK.';process, sloe to me, western
7i►TFy: lu 311 1 000 ,01t creAmgry,
day to re.
.'ll.+t a '''grin. reeelpta, 714; state, full
furry, *6%.-. •k,„ 1 h.(., brat, 14., do.,
cnnmu.b In caned, 1014. to Ihlitio, skims,
full to arterial, Sr h, 1Hflr.
1,:,•(;v ,Steady, rece l4,l, 4171, elate,.
( nor) (vulva and n. *rb) . hennery, white,
41. to Mr, dr.., catM•re,l, white. :Kir 30
vie, J,, , li ew,.u'>, brown. We to 43r: d',.
gathered. brush, 211.' 0, Vimwestern 1x-
tra first, •^ t., Me, first, Maize to :Be;
Freesias, 4.' (4 :Ate•, refrigerator. specials.
mark., (Wry, *ivy to 3h•, firm_ 31a to
X., seeonel, 9t• to Mir.
sans eoss
`a, m,w'eaowrm.aleur n,wa•a,ew,,,�„
T,1,0 6 0 O
-is the most
you can buy.
will malts_a cup _
fragrant, nutritious :,
economical that
Half a teaspoonful
Of _cnc _-.rich.
with,tfie delicious
flavor'that iirclllaractei istic of Cowan's.
t`"E LEAF LAra)
/Strength and vi(0111 y are e oIlie .1.
Bi Lift illvigolalinp; lunge Perre%Ina ,
which cuttsi.ts of fre,11 b• tit 114.44., rip
rate of iron and pure old tip 1114,11
sherry wine. Nothing .o111(1 IN' e'
beneficial for anemic women and
chi Id ren, elderly people whits/• stl'.m tit
1s.failing and all persons elm -down and'
debilitated. $l.ou bullies.
*Half illi• n.er(i of hum in puler.
couree• i. to 111(11 )plow :ince 1oreach
\'4411 won't Ia' disappointed If you
get the genuine Dr A. 1.," .'1. 1111101
Plasters for radii i. ,. , b.tekarhr, rte.
Huc1•e•>sf1r1 real. 1.. are in)ilated, luc1
out for the,trigiAltl "1►, A L.,",Mule by
Davis h 141W1value Co.
It used tut+��he that the Jut .t and hardest work
a wumad had lu do sboeut the 1,0,44'. was,
polishing the ►1u..es.
"Black Knight" %tovi 'lotlsM has made 0 No
work and nu mums at all..
"Black Knight ' i. a ( loth pane, that is spread, -
easily with • cloth u brush and shiers like a black
diamond after • f geglle rub*.
11 cleans as it lishes1 keeps the stoves fresh �.
gad bright, I)h •4100.1 Os little troubles*
palisgl one's .hue.
t , buys a bagrcas u( ""lark Knight."
Ze -at you
r dealer's, or wit postpa,d ua
1 ...:pt of prier.
ear 5,I. GALLEY CO. 1114111 D. 111.140 ION, Ont. Maker. of Ihr lances "2 Y ,r skew ratan.
/a•rrr4 Woo., ,./
acv nee• oe
Make Each Animal Worth
25% Over Its Cost -
On33ofaCent aDay
Nobody ever heard of Husk fu,rj' curing tie tat, or colic, making
hen, try in winter. increasing the y.rlu of milk live poundo par cow a day,
r restoring run-down animals to plumpness and v,gur.
When you tad stock teal - to )our cow. taxa,. swims or poultry,
you are mer.ly feeding th.m what you are g."wing on your own farm.
'bar animal, do nerd not mora feed. hot something to help their
L,.lua get all the 1104.4.04.1t of the toed you give them co they can get fat '
'and • tay fat all year round: also to pr. vent dl,vase.. urc disease and keep
1)440 9-t the M,t l. - hie ...midi" No-noshet." cased., all these
things. ROYAL PURPLB STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is
Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SP&C1 FIC cuntain, ne gran. nor farm produ.t4 1t increase,
A ".1*, from three to list mend, per cow per d.. before the Sp.c.hc has hien used two
.1., It makes the mak richer and Add. flesh !rite, than any other prep.:dein known.
1. ,ng cab*,. fed with ROYAL PURPLB are as large at sus weeks old as theyfvuWJ IS when
.nth ordinary materials at ten weeks .
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFICbudd, up rundown animals and restore, them to
piunW,*ss almostmnlpcalty. Cures tats, ",1,c, Worms, skin Ji,reses ■n ypermanent ly.
U •n 0.1•:wean. the 0,. aem en, says: "1 1 Mee used ROYAL PURPLK STOCyK SPBCIFIC
n,ly in the (tram( of'Tie Eel,' 21.11; largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in
I d•Henry Winters.' 2114. bruthsrof Allen winters.' e'nn. r of 5:0,000 in treating stakes
- '*4,'.e horses hive never been dff their feed once 1 eiimmenceil tieing' Royal Purple
• a.m ,,t a year ado, and t wdl always have it in my stables."
oyal P
One 4k. pa. kaCcof ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal ,evenly
day., which is a little over two. thirds of a Lent • Ja M,t ,tuck L+a1, m *0 gent packs ea
. la.t hot fifty Jay, and are go., three t mos a Jay dal_.
..g„en but.., ,;. Jay, an,l I;,.t, half :,gain as long Ah nr rp I containing Lar time, the
amount of the fifty cent package will last'a'aljay+. ROYAL P1JRPLE wdl mcrea,• :he value
•.1 1,„r stiKk 2.t'. at is an a'toni,hmgly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the
rch .h tot foal, .,,(,ting nature to J(gcst and turn fret into flesh -Asa hot,; Listener i .s a leader.
It w,llaave many times u,:uct mvetennary hills ROYAL. PURPLE POULTRY SPRCI-
FIC .s mor other Specific for poultry not for aliak Ono AO cent na.kage will last twenty -live
h.,-.n1Jays. or■ pail costing 51 Nl will last twenty-five hens 290 day, whish is four times more
ft, .t.int fur only three time, the ant. It 'makes a ' lay, ng ,,,.cline' t of your hens
.miner :mel waiter. rewrote fowl+ lo,ong flesh at mooni time. and curespoultry diseases.
Ja.twee ROYAL PURPLB on anent your animate and any other P6pacatIon on another'
animal on the mune condition: after comparing. result, you w41 sayROYAL PURPLE has
them all teat h, death, or 'tieback comes yourmones FR1i1-Ask
• your mer.hant ur writs us for our valuable 32 page booklet un cattle.
and p)Ultry- disc•*,. ontainmg .al.0-
oiakina r and full .rah ulars shout
1f you cannot get Royal Purple
Specifics from merchants or agents. we
will supply you direct. cypress prepaid,
un receipt of 51.10 a pal for either Poultry
or Sb,. k !'pec tics:
Yake money acting as our agent In
your district. Write for terms,
Por sale hs• all up-to-date merchants.
W. 1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Can.
Thinal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics and Free Booklets are kept in stock by
A. J. COOPSR. Godcrich
Building Sale
Our • store is undergoing extensive alterations.
Wilde t1 s -is- tt 'progress-re-bteve-tletitted•• t»-rkxr-ottt,
at greatly reduced prices, many ends of stock that will
have no place in our store when it is made new. This
week- we offer the following, which are seasonable and
likely just what you are looking for :
Two Lustrous Perfection Base Burners, with
oven. Cash price was $40, reduced to $34.50.
One Oak Laurel, 114, was $16, now $13.75.
One Oak Laurel, 114, was $ 14t. now $11.513.
There are .several 'other heaters, besides a number, of
cook stoves and ranges. We will give a more
coliiplete last next \week. These are all good goods,
and we•guawtntee satisfaction. ‘'Ve have a, number of
good second-hanil ranges. If you are wanting a
really good range, buy a Pandora.
The Howell H a rd Is aJI 1sc_-Co.
The Most Popular Paper In Ontario
The Toronto DailyStar
The best proof that people like a newspaper is their
willingness to pay good money for it. •
More people buy the -"Toronto Daily Star" than
any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly publis33ed in the
Province of Ontario.
Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily
Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other
newspaper in Canada.
These thingsdo not just happen. --,441,5,20.
There must be a reason.a ei�• Iai.
In this case there are several reasons.
The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market
Reports 11 to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers.
It is a Newspaper -not an "Organ" -political or
any other kind.
Not only the Woman's Page, ,but the whole paper,
is attractive to women.
It reports athletic events more fully than any other
Canadian Daily.
Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the
Khan", are most entertaining.
Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star"
better than any other newspaper. •
$1.50 A Year
Tha paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for
one year --$2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen,givon for 50o.
added to sitars subscription prices.
Int t,•ar e,.,tvnt r:'a
I I. I .•.t. way to preserve eggs for wintry, 0t.", the
way., is by using
You just, mix waterglass with water and put the eggs
in, and they will keep for twoyears. Try a can, only
15e. For sale by
Druggist. Goderich.
Cables Easy -United States Markets
. Active, Hogs Lower.
WEIS)N, Nov. e.-I.ottdon eaptles for
cattle are ender at 11111,', w 13c per Ib. for
live . a111r, 'dream -it weight; refrigerator
beef is quested at 1014,- per Ib.
►teat butchers wild at frgnl 0) 5ra.16.
Wed sure ur two (rime quad ty cattle
r•eacMd pt6.A; nwillulnt, 5151 to (41p, min -
mon, S1.rar to X..a. t•ew'N. 52.'01
simmer, 51 75 to 51. s.
1 1174
l� rear.
rnn.lrnr I• wire .,oven mil
a virtm t.0 t e mon illnesses 'canard oprladwn
Y ea4o-t noel had of morrow t1, err ,q Nair. Yr..1 Ib.wntr,4 bought mem alt
the r t we
vitiation and clogged.inactive kid S12.7R1 le order to make the cheque to Aiding Nov t wire *10 rattle, !So 14hwrp
7i11 in the ailments s whicrevolt from the town an even $.'e10. The aollei• I Macs, flee hnga ma 11411 eaiv.e The
ten' They cleans, the whole system tot's letter was Llsfrrred to the finance Mt lora rmw oral e'nret.n.puoyn thin morn
d p li blood. 5oM everyw •
casernitter.nae ilm► iall"! tL aa.,r
TDe A1laoce committee eked Lbs Oro
HEN ant or theder Syrup
emphasize the name
this name means that
von want the hest -the pam t-
tlle most wholesome and reliable
table ayrnp it is possible to
So perfect and genuinely deli•
dons is "Crown !trend Syrup"
that you'll enjoy its flavor abont
ten times more than that of soy
other male.
1t costs you DO more than ordi-
nary syrup and yet it is purer,
letter, and more wboiebonle in
every way. 1t is the greatest
--food for growing children. and
1-.04- Nivett_15) ivy quantity
"Crown Stand Syrup" is put
alp in ams s, loved so lb. air -tight
tins, with liftoff lids.
When you bay "Crown Brand"
von obtain a Syrup ea clear as
crystal and of guaranteed parity
and wlxilesomenese.
well-known !lair. Goods
Artist, will visit
at Hotel Bedford, on
Tuesday, November 16
•.1' R A N SFO RMA - Boring this visit he will be
TIONS Nh owing the latest Parisian and
NOM?AUOLI R9 New York styles. You are
SWITCHES particularly invited to eat!,
s,1, :I •tri l try on any of these
CLUSTER -CURLS ,'•►'ions,
The Dorcnwena Sanitary Patent Toupee
For Gentlemen who are bald, Is I►
head covering lar ettpet•ior In. hpth..-
- Itj'le rind' iluraiility ti, any other
manufactured. At the present day
over 1115,1(4) of these are in use
throughout Canada and the
Cnited States. ('all and have free
demonist ration, •
1/1111110s. ams. aa4w0 tsassn or 11111117111111.
The Dorenwend Co. of Toronto,