HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 4TuuRuuAY, NovuoigK 11, ISMO Londesboro' Convention Annual Gathering of Methodist League ana Sunday School Workers. Thea aleonventjuu ofthe l' .wortli Vouug pe. j4!!:: what cannot he dour lw•ague. and ` nii.l'►y sehuuls 'of the in the tutus.• r it is aln age of enter - Methodist dist ict Was held in til i t tinuumt, therefore wu lutist Make church, t undesha'o. lastwit raigiun attractive. lioderieh Thursday and Fiiday. N .v.vulier 141 Rev. Iitvid Rogers. chairman of Ihr and bib. The Leagued :and S ie l ii ilioi,•t, I,I•le wed t sehools of the dist ict were neat Iv all Hosts" alit in a Most repremotite•d, .oiue of,the yolulg pt•op6 .hoard the hearty al from the sintoulidiug circnits t•ou u,.• r. nsruti,al for 11,. in loads. ---'111e Consent ion was in ill gisen ley the Condi respeets a' seance of gloat ili•eiritl it ii I i.u1: and will no doubt he a'gre'e uul'elu• The f:vemog Session. to the week at this y.•.u. The ho•pi tally ii the Inaule.ltau I•e•.'l'I.• W•1 • indeed generous .inti the ideal wrthiit of mite'tainuteut 1.) pio•v'uling diener and tea in the lecture Awn' Of.lhe r ive and r .' i chuls•hWas ',u fele utut r helpful features of the eonyt'ntion. 'J he program committee were fortmiatt• in securing Rev. Dr. Kil- lwru. wile has just returned Iron. Chilies, and Rev. S.'1'. Bartlett, of '1'0 remit., to x.si.t in 111e conv'.•ulion, The lit,.t session oleenwl ett 2 p. ne on Thursday, the prrsidei,l. 11ev.- A K Jones, ot•Auburn, ple.i.liug� The Chinese Awakening After the deist al , x,114 ist•, and a few appropriate remarks by the iii.ii man, tev. Dr. Kilian -it gads his Ur.l • address to tai• tutu iitiun, ..n "Sign - of the Time* in China.- V.• ;ire Ii. &newly askftI "Is ('hind awake:-' . Chino i, awake and, has.- entered oil a new era. She is familiar with the newspaper. Railway. are being opened op: :1,e1 1 miles ate in opera- tion errlion and Ii,U1)I utiles projected. Elt'e tric lights are being iutviu.ed. The telegraph is -being extended and the telephone also has found its way to China. lirtau factories are in oleta- tion. not only at the purls hut in. the interior. The natural resources id China are oructicaliv untuu� heti. This with the Nuler,thilndance of cheap haleuwill wean gloat' wealth for ther country iii the future. The .edueational deve•ltipment is another important sign of the times. I.tIrge lees of Chinese are going abroad. especially to Joplin Mau)- strong chai'aete istics are to be found in the Chinese. Opium is onee`uf the greatest Ili-ltlranii't_ to the_ progress ..f. the. liospel. The people do not defend it use, but condenul it. In 11)07 a deer was leered that the cultivation of ii• - poppy. the ruanefarture emit ren$ ref opium be abolished in ten -ears. mud they are going to do it. This 's an important sign of the times and :how•s- what the people are tirade u'. An other greatalindrance is foot- ending. All the women of China. arc rippled, the custom being practically universal until about two years ago. , A move• anent has begun against it 'hich will no doubt gain the day. hat is the cause of these two great movement. The one influence gt'tn ere than all others combined is • t influence of the Protestant mise' eriaries. Many difficulties are owl / by these noble men and women. For the first (en or -twelve years it was ilwo.t impossible to get premises in; the outside cities. But tittles have changed. About seven or eight yearai ago poeople began coluing• in deputations tasking fot a teacher in. preae'he.r and ..tiering to Provide a • sop fns of rent. The doors are a .ening fur the ulise.ian- aries. The rid is for more lnitesion- aries. ',e ate Formenwomen it andom n needed for 1910. The signs all point to a .gteit future fur the Christian church In China. The next ten years le perhaps the must important time for this weirk. -Synthetic Study of Genesis. he toast to '.lilt pleasing :uldie.s .preelation of the glutei tainmint •.h,ir,i r'uugtrga The opening e•x.rea.,•s of the eV ii- ing session w'e'lt' eondu, tel by fit's•, It. M111731 /I, 01 IitNlecirh, 'fie• address of iVrlemiile' was given 1,y (V. Lyon, Tout Millon. are :t hle.sell uu•:ul. lust' S KI at1 ".1 hoel thi• Kpivoitli l.•agiie arc Ill. n,o,t iu1(.4a1 •01t work of the rlu'rh because x senor 81,4.1)• imprrs.iuus tae' lir+fin " \Ir. Lyon in a ‘cry compact .eulelrr es1q'e.std Ihe feeling tit til.. Lorldrslxu'u people: "(V.' welcome ,,n1 lu our sallag., lull• ,kion, our bottles and our heart., \ 1. ply was mini.- l v Rey, T. \1', 1'0.,•n,. ((odds nl w'el. outs• are urely nrr.trd, \V,• are engages{ in Ihegrandest work, greater tlt'uI tti:u ,•f a 'race Doling lir w'ellie,gtun. till soot e.. gie.u.r thaw that of I1t1tI•t•1 „T Mir hael Atrgelo, it reaches to e•teru• it y, \Ve 511511 go (nun this cousin• ion nlilie optlulnsde, ilium e.ntllnsTa-. lie and mu.ire suce'e.sful. The a WorkChina. o T nis instructive address was fol - .lo ed by a "Synthetic Study of Friday morning the des•ot iuil•-Il ex- t` n,•siei" by Rev. Dr. Dougall of u,.ises Were rondur•te,l by Rev. Mr. oderieh. This study was presented Taylor. in a very roncisr and at(raetis. furan, Making it easy for the student to obtain a hual's•ly,' view_ of the Houk of Uenesi'.. 'I'I►e•se synthetic 1,1.udic, are unlike the or•tlinary analyfi • study of the Bible such av is rwetoui'u y in Sunday school work, in that the pur- pose is to grasp the entire Itsik in it main tea:flings and.lacts, and :rise to observe the development of the chief thoughts of the book. So, the le•.'- tm•er i•ndeasured in throe give his healers a panes • survey of the remarkable Hook of Celle -is, He averred that he eared lit ii,' whether it was written by Muses or not, whether by two or three different writers and these aftet•w:uds edited 117 a still later writer, we lung as le could retain confidence that the 11014 was inspired 1;y Cion and here.• authoritative tie revelation. And be thought tidal was not ...MM..' t., -any one way. The look falls into two (-hie( did- ._ Adana. the fired- atriversa4 hist..iy, Lew second the history of a family. 'The uuiyereial history may have been car- ried down to the days if literature in the form of legends shipped ,iffier Ihe fashion (if the Oriental wind. It cluster. ,corm{ t ' great fact's -the 3.1'1• all iii I t the fall the deluge, u,•lu r. 11 u• thio- p.'rsion into sariutw int' s. Thr second le tet of (lenesis is the Wet m y of a flintily selected as, the nn- cestey of .ieituyu, and clusters around four great names Alraaham, Jacob Aed Joetjh•. All the lemk iheri•for.can be grouped about eight wards. Dr. I)ongaffevidently desired to im- ppress two things in IIenesis as of cl+ief importance the Messianic pltIIliise slowly de've'loping.,run} the seb':tii'• of f,adailie',e, always\�((r best, through whom the altenaia4r euiLs able se4dwth4 appear. \ Business Session. The sleeting til 'n wetit into a busi- ness session, in which the following resolution a 'tieµ was ap nteel : Rev, Or. Dougall, Rev. W. Co way and Miss Mabel Rollie, A ballot Mae taken for the nominating committee and the following were appointed as such committee: Rev. Dr. Dougall, Rey. D. Roger*, Bev. A. E. ,ones, Rev. H. H. Currie and Mime Bailie, At the ilanglet Tabid, The meeting then adj net' and a tit sixty sat down to the ham/art Ip be lecture room of the church at iT o'clock. Rev. Dr. Killw,rn acted as toast -•lobster. The toast to "Our Country" was proposed by Her. T. W. (Jolene, of Clinton. Mr. ('teens spoke .r..- -of the vastness a.LouecsUWsy stucco sources and its transportation faeil (ties, and In the sentiment of Soot( "Breathes there a man with soul so dead," expressed his own patriotitnm. Dr. Dougall proposed the toast to "Our Navy, The day is fast receding be said, when Canada will have to de- fend her shores. Right, not migkt )fI• should rule, war being antagonistic to ,o- Christianity, Canada can and should 'pay ler own way.Aas rp�o1a�1 ?Peelle, f Clinton. We are living Of to a fast rape, is is needed be- ret's/sof e- reu This woe, billowed by an/alma ;tl- dress from 1{.•c.. Ile. {.illien•u; "Ilor iu t home," Eighteen ye+u•s 'ego ."u• w,.rk Si .as opened , in S'... Chum). Area of the perit•inee. 21'...11p0 square. miles and p quiatiun sjxty-$dine mil- lions of people. There are about I,essi Protest ail Iliiasiilhll it's in ('Bina. mostly troto the lIriti•h Empire anti I'he t'niled States. Four hundred of then( are in Sr Chu an,' which weans a 1131. S11' of 17u,i$1n people to each mis- sio tan y. The first task of the mission • a is the study of Ihe•laagnagltet which begun ,after leaving Shanghai.The 81st two years are, tree forI utgilage• study. There ore four depart tnentsof work : 1. Church and ch:rpe•l _!- hrisliltal Anil this sen ai'y: a• aiming an'.h pub- lishing hu1Rse• : I. sellund, and i'utle'gt's, ell ,►tae- :.a y,auppeluCu At that the people were very suspicious of the foreigner. %\'hen they do not ilndet'- 'huid the nlotIWe• they are' really to aserile evil Illofivets. Now -the ron- giegalious :lir IIs Christians and strangers are 111it'Il$pienmN, Ilp)on•- lunit)' was never so great for work in China. In the.niediees1 work There ale severe medial stations and three hospitals. "'be' policy is to establish hespittls in each station, but so far men have leen wanting. (Ir'eat work can I,.: d.•liethrough the hospitals: in• al l)'•patients go nut as friends of the missionary, • A large brick huililing has leen eeetetf fee. the printing press and a l% est Chime I'lui;tialt Magazine is uuw printed in Clueing. The Chinese Iii is endeavoring tu.estab- Il.h .also{., This is ,tilt' impnl•tant Teatime in the Illi isinll:ary -worn ill China. Primary w•huuls are needed 111 reach'r•hildreo and ulid.11e schools to train tea.hrrs. China will ultim- ately be won for l'hrist by the Chi- ne•s,•. News has leen reeeite•d of the recent revival in ('{Bout whish is the beginning 111 a great work. Atter this impressive and inspiring ,uidrees the meeting rinsed .w•itlr pr it veer _ .1111.11f Friday Morning Session. Chinese Women. tie. I knlgalUs second :esldre'.. un Ihut' Ifo,ik of Ii.nesis WA, fol- lowed by allot lel :unites -le from 1)1•-f�jbjuiiu ori_, "lhims• 1Vuuu- en.- The posili,.n oto w -in is al i11111etNoo of phi' .1egn.. of t'ivilirt- 1 ion :ell I .nlight••nnient 111 til.. who{. Dation. Auce•st''I worship is a great hind' anti' t.' the advancement of women. Mari rages are arl':alig,•,I 117 parenrs:uul %cry few are nunuuaied aft twenty years of ago. Until the Iasi 11ve-year. girls have. not leen sent Iii school. They are mot, hippie/ea ie/e 1 I �. r "she is only a woman." I'lu• de••ir,• 1'..81 111'111" postrait7 leads to lunch of the .degradation to w'hieh w,nmuiis wbie�et.' - • Reports of Officers_ This WAS followed by reports of the -s414. •-u . f 481 r. _ pre•.id.'nt FIT 111 huwr,l a total of !evenly I.eagnes and '':t; members. and six hn-u4 wtrrreirr w-1441 r ss'ntts'rs rip --.It • i4.! : • ti(:tl e7ti gisen'lul missions during tie. year : $ I,Ylf.,rhu-u ( purposes ; $:MI ,.. (morel hied • 1141 to Yducatioe: et!:to:itil •t 1111111, ., 'lent:al, :\1,7e1n. I:q:hl attended nu-oiou:try Iraiuigg .1 h./.1 at SI, Timmer. (If these tea. :u,, now at III'. 11••,tcuues.v Haul., The League Missionar ,The lili..i..lust V vice-pre.i,le•tit I e p 11t, t1 int un•re,t'i• in the .tidy of 1111.•11111.. List Veen' thele were three sl,,ly classes. this year tains, '1'In1 aces+, mount .f-Missions,.y'ltivtirg• was Itt)i a.7(i. *Mow s. t,' s 1 has been req u i led to send Illy- A. 1,. Barris and his wife to china: :11r. 11111 '. is the lnission:u-y Io alto -t' snpp•a't the 1v:agues or ale listi• I are pl'slged. II was proposed 1h11 the {sago s.l aIle dist 11•7 to ruse sufficient money to pay for a Ti.•1111. tti• tln•i 'iniu.Gmary in three years, and the amounts estituiated as nerr,.sel)' for thio murk are : This year, :III.:wt.24 : 111.51 year, 4111.1:$); and $1.,'311 run' the lollnwing year. It was llIweil by Rev. Or. Dougall and •..•comievi by .Res. H. E. ('ul l if. Bart tbieees'Iwi whistle 4e adopter' aced that the missionary vice-president write to the van' I,eagues giving toll exp in n• ' TI-,rre {art of the third vi(-e-pursi- denY, ''Airs. Render, showeel the I.'l (tea to is- shite' active --,{ring thie line and many important suggestions we're thrown ort. It was pmposed that vsrielns'i.eagllee endeavor- to. in• crease the number of suhiserip1ions to The Epworth Era. The fifth Vice-president, Dr, hougall, reported six Junior League'', viz., North street 0; udet'i'hl, Nile, 1►un- Wtriiioti. Ontaii'o' stfee•t (f'lintonl,' esley (1'linton►, and i3ayfleld. Blyth League has a Mission Band which is doing good work. The report of the treasurer was then read and adopted. It showed • bal- oney. on hand of $43.144. Friday Afterlives Session. At the beginning of the afternoon session reports were received front the various Sabbath snhools sod the Slut• day school secretary of the district. Rev. W. Conway. Mr. Conway re• rted the following amounts received n the district< For missions, $' 44.05 ; '1'II141 SIGNAL: (.Ui1N`}'1(`11' ONTARIO Sunday school mellows, 811,4,3.10 : load. • $1,712.85. The total Sunday -•shekel (tile., is :1.347. Two 1•elitr a month fur Missions front this would wean goo!. 'Five rent. a wunth would kw $2,451.. He also calked at- tenlien to the resobition adopted by the Last fliien.iul district meeting, that Sunday scheud institutes be held throughout the district, At the close of thrs report the follow•iug entitiou war carried,: That Re•v..lessl's, l'on- way and Jones awl John I►uaWw le -a e+ttwtr►illwr 411 attr+►rtli e-Se+t'- these- iusli• lilted.' Does the Sunday School Pay 1 An address was given by Bey. M. 7'. Ilett, of Turoulo, on the subject : "hue. the Sunday School I'ay '1'o answer this question we must know 1, the rhut,n'ter of the institution. 121 w hat it is going to cost us, 1:{, what we :us.• going to get out id it. Thee Sun- day ,chose{ stands for more than 'a good b. y or girl. Sunday school print rinks skald fun the foundation of in ttiuual life. II is not t modern iu- slillltiou eyrrpl ill its 111eth.tls. Its amu is to bring the Bible ,into the li wholife , f the while lU. nan. l h n I at',• :1110111 :{,155' Sunday s,•h. ails with ;yi,ll el teilrhe•rs and officers, and deet in the wuule Sunday school rattily. It dos t lily enough, ,' o h tem.:o i.e it g d.t•su't root enough. It dors ii t cost Ihe local church enough, bud thole f. cell increase 'of investment in`, it. Wit-tt is the Ctilli(ieasatitul: \Vh'te you bunye:t t'hristian"Itis you have a t twist Mu man. The - staple• appu,�,l was "Ile good" : now it is, "lir goo , I. i souugloing.•' A Session of Parliament. one of the interesting features ,.f - the ...invention was the t'I'.►rli, IIr, E. I1, I'. .\lelall uC Iwmdrs- 1 The •'Puns,." was divided into ewe distinct part., "lloveminent" and ••1►ppklsi- • following tomato hens ' ,tion.' The b Il wul tae 1 Ill n were 1 metwil :old ul'lti$e•<I,�the Iiocernment rallying the. resolution in each case : I. Be it resolved, 'that it is the opin- ion of this pµrlialut•nt assrwhled that rcery Sunday school should without delay iioveest to olganit•e out• or mom:' adult Bible elnsse•s, after the plans now proving themselves su.ees.fnl. Muecu-. Itev, 1►r. Dougal, l)pp.si- (I.111, J. Iiuustow, 2. Be it resetived, that it would be in tile illte'tests t.1' our diol fist work to hold tin annual summer bellied. Mover. Miss Mabel.• Billie. Opposi- tion, Iter. Ij, 1:. ('loris. :{. lie it resolved, that the mission- ary study class is an essential factor in the s ue,ul of mi.siimary interest. Mover, Miss M. B. Eriatt, , utunrn. Ilppositbill, Rev. A. E. Jones, - t. Be it resolved, that every Sunday school heau'gani2eally ,Iiisaion avu,y Jl.ver, Rev. (V. I onway. 4 ipposi- tiun, Mr, J. H. \lilliun. In cootie/ t' with these t•esotItti . the discussions were spirited and inter- est Mg. nter-esting. many grail lsinnts- being .bought out which were helpful to all will.) listened. . - Clbsing Session. , ..The evening session twgan with 're- ports of , "tires. The following re.olntion's were read by Rev. W. l'unwny : ' I. That inasnnieh as the l'onference scm in lull.'.,hitll held at Alma 4 .tf1ege+, St. 'Phomas, has !stoves{ its effie-ieuev in the spte,uliug'.I Missionary inspir- ation throughout this Conferetwe, and also in the spiritual quickening it tuts brought to many of out• y g people: :and inasenmVu as the I'onfereure Ep- worth League cuuyendi"ti :at its ,re- cent session heartily endorse{ this school and appointed ..fusers for the ensuing term. we reeouuneud emit of ' Epworth f.eiigues to give this in- stitution its heartiest sympathy and support. 1 I 1 r. ., That we again pl:u•e on record our unaltetable hostility to the liquor t raffle : that we 11.1.14{1111.1. our 1•eeptur.- ilility in view of the fart that SI many places within the hounds of our dist 1 i(t are nus engaged in 101'31 op- tion rvunpuigl.'. and we pledge nil 111..0Iit•sI syui eatIIy and support as w.• have importunity. 'l'ha'. Ihe sieve! e t hanks of phi• (invention hr'. tenderest to ttev. t)r. Kilburn and Itt•v, S. 'I'. II u t lett for their pt•e.once, the unstinted genet.. its ..f their eel % les and the inform:' (ion anti inspiration whish they have imputed to us. I. That we as at convention place mi reFnrel'vier t►ppreriat ion of the ea reeding{) generous hospitality !'x tended to os by the Rev. Mr Currie :old tic Iialde•bnrti .imgueg,ttioa. The nu•thtl ,.f ent•rtuinnl.nt Iiias been ideal. tui .:ably promoting Ihe ...VIVO of fellowship. and we f,• •I til ti tai..,• associations will nil foil te.make the intluence of the t •nivention lasting. Officers Eheeted, w of the great pities for i I good now. A Ie as awe for for Sunday 24001 Aid, $71.13 for 'I'he• re'pant of the nominating con. miller. was as follows : I'r•si,lenI, Rev. A. E. .I.,ne•s, A.1 men: 1st president, .T. If. Hillion.7:usire-',elm 211e1 t ire-pr,•-.idrul, MIun Mabel Bailie, Nile: add viii'-pteiidet(I, JII•., E. lien der, Rlyth : Irk vier prrsidlrnit \l u•. I. SteveAs, Clinton: rah s•i,, presi tion{. Rev: iir. lmtg,ill, Gide' irk : s••t•oetary, Mi+, A. fel{, inmde.b ore : treasurer. Miss C. I►.unlisoi, 11':allon representative to I'uuferorl(-r, Itev, II. E. Currie, I,ondesboroi . \liss :Oliveto delighted the audienc,- with an ,appropriate solo !lively ren tiered. Another Address ,on China; Ion. K ilhnrn's last aeldrr's was "�terliueal Wools let-l-4yittrn" ,1'11-8181-3• great need of medical tx•at:neral. ('omlilions ale worse hrnus. of the absence of intelligent treatment. Tub errilmis is very cunluIon and suutll 11,5 is +lwuys present. Diphtheria. ti't'er+, an'I skin diseases due pret•it lent. Tn., reasons why the lett It r+t[Il la not ligte,l• are The free vunfiTii- tiun and the habit of using boiled water. • Many Chinese charu•teristics at'• hindrances to the medical trent men!. In emitter' ion with this great work, evangelistic work is always 131'814. Kdlxaru-a addreasr's 7L'{ -4,1e- - a .1111111. (If 1nforuuatinn to theronyen tion and were listened le) with intense int meat. This was Hallow,{ b • a ,election h• the Sunday who'll) orchestra of Inmde'rhnrri, which was received with loud applause. • Epworth League Success. Rev. Mr. Bartlett gave a watt ltafh- est (toeing ,undress on •'Epwot•tli League Success." \('hat we stand for : I. - Every young Met hodiet a Christian, 2. ---Every young Christian a smoother of the cimrch. -''it: fieri c chnr-eh member a worker. 4,-Evet'y worker trained for efficient servlet'. The Epworth League has increased 1,1111 in membership, hu: the success mut not be measured by numbers. Make all the members worth some thing. The appetite for spirituel things is not as keen as it ought to be. The League meat create that appetite• and then have a good meal prepared. Our success must not be determined by organization. Adapt before you adopt anything. 1'nity and (-nanpe'ation at'e found only in monthly business meet- ings. There should be a line of un - 'woken communication between the 134, Moth ammini_Q are simply kidney disorders. Tb. kidneys filter the blood of an that shouldn't he there. T{u: blood passes through Use kid- neys ever y three minutes. 11 the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of diwuler Can remain in the ` circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed iii their work. They are in need of stimulation, streegtheoiug or doctoring. Oue medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood inedimue there is Dodd's Kidney Pills general officer's and the local Leagues. Our lursMess is Hat simply to save souls but to snake evangelists. Be ,.,hest. Jr,.us is to h.- glorified. The greatest newel of the hem. is the spirit Oft he Muster. the baptism of love. Th last words of Henry I)1• d Wel ynotrd : • Tut nut ashamed tit o o t• eil ve e wu `t11tqq 1. 141. k))ne w �\ ht ti I )a belies 1." lies intltieu.:e seas ail for l'hrist.\\ Is s. ' This truest appeal Made a most aleluaglria e• closing for one itf the lest hpworth swift. and Sunday school ,'l1 y 'til its a Nude •i • 1 n rnU I •vt held the r al district. A Voun) Canadian Singer. Exeter Tim : Master Dunglas St:anhury. the to -year-old son of Dr. Sunil airy, id. Toro to. and nephew of Mr. J. O. ,Stmt's 'y, town, had 1a unit tie ex pig i Ru)•bester. last week. where he wits ugaged to sing at concerts under the ; **spices of the Chamber of l'utlnerce. In New )'ark State there is a society their object (wing to prutlet those "f t rider )'ears, and, thinking \luster Stint tiny was on regular einseert tour, all ago t of the society refused to let him sin at 'the afternw'Ii- convert on Salmi y. As the young contralto sileger ha gone to Rochester uhdet us special el age - meat by the -('hamper-avf-+Mn talar belly was somewhat indigo In the eyenikg the \I ape' of the c went on the stage, peeked the litt fellow tip :and after talking to �a fa a few 11tluut,". sand' I his singing. 5,1 pleased was the and Wm... with him, he was asked to sing at tour different churches in the city during Sunday And he tenderer) his services. On Monday afternoon and evening Doug- las filled his engagements and the papers of the lits devoted eonsideeable space praising him. "Thky ant unhapipdy-- *married. I unde't and." Ve•.: they quarrel incessantly," °I'hrn wiry do they not separate !" •'swell, they have a rlblwr plant.' Our offerings for this week are exceptional in point of quality and price. DRESS GOODS In suit lengths, 74 to 8 yards in a suit. New and stylish. and latest colorings t a tine new lot. Eleven suits MIAs lot. Regular prics $luta. now at $7.15). A thrtaysult lot, Were $7.15), now at 85,50 A four -suit hal, \\ ere $1,151, now a4-$1iM51. A four -suit lot Were $12.151, now at $K.hl1. One $15.11) stilt for $111.15). FLANNELETTES 81•.81.;, Just: about epough of ourili-inch, heavy Flan- nelettes to last for 111 days. l -time and get sonic of chem. SILK WAISTS Direct from the makers. Twenty-three iii this lot. --black, cream, brown, navy, taupe, soft taffeta, warranted not to cut. We Bought them +at a price so that we can well them atjust one dollar less than their regular prices. This is a snap iu waists. t LADIES' COATS Two dozen {'oats, new. A tip s:ial lot worth $12,511, $13.50 and $11.151. Our price for this lot is just 8111.451. Black, brown, green, navy and Kray, in heaver alit' kersey, UNDERWEAR On Friday morning we will have a tableful of ladies \'lists and Drawers. A mixed lot- -2A.., :5k'. ,and tis. 1'arattou brand, perfect 'goods, white and natural. Your choitse at may :'be. ALL -WOOL . ROSE o , Don't oto i' R w big lot of all-wtol, seamless, fast -color Stocking'', ti, tit, 7, 74, 8, $j, 9, p+' and 19, and the price'' are 35c. for ; 1:,, 45c. and 50c. tor 3bc, FURS Our stock never was as good as now. All new thief tall. No seconds or old tru::k mixed with thecal. All perfect goods and pricer right, tato. See what we are doing, i io . o•ks--_on-top of_the- stove, bakes in oven at same time For c'n ci( over ci.'ry pot -hole an.i '' Ic, in ('ander.. "yen at same -au" g' 1 L' •t rt-nit6, 1 htt'S Lc:a11.e• a".i reit,' .Il -alt 1s al -.e baking e11:1!1 I-:111 s art so yuaaflletc.l that lit .1 ft ,. .u•, el IV tltldur every 111•1 rrl'c, n•I ar.ernil oven eit'rc I,c u c 11:5. r • lilt. chi,n0ay. \u \C' . '•I .1 .•t I.I.I C.'.! fuel does ,Vitra I'.,1.u.,rt ot\ncits a num. e. ff 'v. ettlul fp . hal 1•ke to LA a rtItiara us. net? ...s.t•tii .arcv (.0 fil41 fi4. e by The Howell Hardware Co., Limited Beautyand Sim licit P Y are twin qualities to he sought tot- 1Mi•ni«Ii tine town over anti yuu'll tend mayhem • are these qualities exen,pli&d 1.. a higher ileglre {hail here. WE' STUDY BEAUTY IN FURNITURE and gore It to you each piece seen in our stuck. Good finality apd reasonableness of price ate ale, assured you. GEO. JOHNSTON FURNITURE and UN1►ERTAK151. 'PHONES STUKK-St) RtwtuK�cK- 17s • 1111•1111111DCNMEFON & MOORE OM • 1111 ;The Big Slaughter Fur Sale; TO END\ON SATURDAY. Every Dollar's- worth o ur Stock to be Cleared Out Price Comes 'D wn Still Lower. I'he sale from the first day it opened I;,'ts been th of men and women are congratulating themselves on the friends Io the sale,, but now, after this great selling, the becoming broken, so we have taken decisive steps to round once -great rush and bring the sale to a close on Saturday. Actelnt store to be cleared out. So come to the store on Frid. where you arelsure to save money, .as every piece of fur will talk of men and women all over the town. Hundreds ne saving they have pocketed and have sent their sortments. ;Oe becoming smaller, the size ranges are Ip all the remaining stock and put prices on it for 'he balance of the furs will be shipped to our or Saturday and take advantage of a chance priced to cleat -at less than wholesale cost. 150 Fine - New Winter Sul at $7.95, $12.50 and $15.00, worth fro and Overcoats $12.50 to $18.00 44. This is the strongest offyring of high-grade suits and overcoats. hat has been made for some time ,we expect them to bring the largest day's business of the season. The should certainly attract every maq knows values and is planning for a new suit or overcoat. - There are too .nits and 5d overcoats, all new handsome and in the correct styles. At $7.95 :'"Il $ 10.h0 to $12.00 Values. At $12.50 $14.00 to $16.00 Values. i At $15.00 $16.011 to $20.00 Values. and who and Of course with even such a tremendous assortment you will be wise to co at once and get the very' first pick of the stock, for we look for a response Saturday that will soon put a ho - in evens t -4h, a selection as this, her -11 Grocery Department (Basement). Pte, r' Whe c you buy y..lr groceries in this store you will have solved the problem of how to save "WORTH WHILE ter ' SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Two pounds McCormick's Pilot Biscuits, regular 10c ,...2 for 15c. Corn Sitareh, regular Nle, for ,. 7c Petrbtage Extracts, assorted flavors, regular 10c, for 7c per bottle. Washing Antolini'', regular Ilk, for Cow Brand Soda, regular bc, for One Hundred pounds of good Butter for cooking, at Two cans of Aylmer Corn, for , , , - .. , . , , , . llll Two cans of Peas, for.... 7c per package. Two cans of Tomatoes, for .� $c per package, Two cans of Holden Wax Deans, tor .......... ...- ✓ Vlif)c per pound. Two cans of Pumpkins, for..... .... money. ONLY. 100 dozen New Fresh Eggs Wanted, at 30c per dozen. Candle your eggs. Cloudy eggs or eggs that are not clear when held before a candle are no use. 1k. 1k. lfic . trio. 1k. Cameron & Moore THE DEPARTMENT STORES. ..ode,. ...,s ..,..r,"". -,".. OODERICH BRANCH. *ieDO `aminsaimmaimm1 amme�ammaD0_I