HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 2Tett% u*Y, NOvtii6lR H. 1999 • THE EIGNAL :: GODW ICH. ONTARIO UUUE)tlt'H. uN 1' hitt°. • PUBLISHED EVERY THURS1 LV IT THE s1UNA1. PNINTINU l'O. Uwlted Telephone tall Na If. ,Term. of Subscription i —11,117 per annum Its lora Ix month., Sc .three months. 9Sr. To t'ollleddState. .ub.crth►ra. $1.91) a year 11) Od tarirrad , envoi Ibito KtOS al gtilarly by well willll tranferta receive by •tr .au�a,l1ntn,g u. of the feet at a. tarty a data a• Whenit change of adde..a le danced, holt; rile old w,d the new whiner *tumid be civets. Alwrtie.tta Rafal:.• Irrratand other similar advertiwweute, IGC pal tine•,fur aNt m..ermutl awl 4, per lin0 for each .daeoutit iu.erinn. adra.ured by a Doweled, .eair. 1 welt a Ifuw tQ et. lurk. Bodiless hard. of ids lines and under, SS pet year. st Advrrttsrlwont. of In, Found, 1.1r51,551.1411- uanun. VOAW31, tiiLuxt ions %\'anted, Bmlws for Bale or to Rent, Faros for "ale or to Its t. Articles fur rale, rte., not exceeding right Ito.", L.' stub itowrt Sat : el for find month. J'e for .rah setb.t•utrrta mouth. larger advertise - went. In. propurt fou. Auuauueimmts In Ordinary reading type ten cents pet line. No notice Ir... than 2.e. Any •perial nog ire the object of which it the pecuniary h+nedt of any individual or t.ssirl- aUou. to be t-omedertd at,, advertisement aid to be charged r.-ehugly. liana for displ y and contrw•t advert'''. smut. will be sever\on application. Addeo+ all communication. to - THE $It+NA1: 1'it NTINu tao..erlch. out OUDEKICH. THURSDAY. NOV.11. Hast GOOD MEN WANTED., . If reports are true, only a few neem• hers of the prevent town council .will Seek re-election for the next year. The retirement of Mayor Macklin and Commissioner Megaw will hate the water and light cutmuiwnion 'also in a depleted state. Where are the re- cruit.w Thor.v who have interests at stake io the town, those who have thh wel- fare of the town at heart;' should con- sider it a duty to see that • orthy cat'- didates are brought out ii till the vacancies. 'Ain -Witch the c tnposition of the municipal bodies is le to hap- hazard, without any wet •irctid effort to secure for the town t • e right kind of men. Is not the- bus'. eon,yrf the Municipality of. sufficient- it port- ance to warrant the active cone.- of its leading citizens? Who will se, the ball rolling in an effort to bring f tit good men and true to till the Vaeanc es which are in prospect THE BYE -ELECTIONS. The bye -elections this week an West /Middlesex and „North Essex have afforded an oplxtrtnnity for the 11is- cuselon of Canadian political affair., iut its the absence of 'deftlhite iwues alone in any Conflict. This propos'• t Salt UI 1411 t.('ra; 1 rant.Shut' is, however: hardly definite t•6uugb to court ante a policy, and an object' to it would tte'that such cuntributiuna Might form a precedent that would lead to it permanent policy of money contributions. This suggestion of adi /'era grant of Illoney"seisms, hutted. to 1ie fawns! in ►oma. quartets as the easiest 1 c • ra !sats Ira of t Iselin • Can 'e oidigatiots: but the voting of Cana- dian tet fury Ill la+ sptet beyond the eontrul of Canadian authority isnot a pro's mil Ion whir•h appeals to the spirit of Canadian self -relirurcrand it oil. little aceeptitnce throughout the ',untoy as a 1-elled'siliey It we are to decide definitely upon doing something' ochre than we have I doing, the .1 .tt-ii flute-itt 'ii ii -1' GfaCanadian fiat is, a believe. hat iv Melt will most .strongly appeal to Canadian sentiment. If battleships air to be Ludt nlilt't'auadian )'• they .t I,.. Set:lir direct t.uttol of the representative. of the taxpay- ers whom. uutneyat. to IS. stunt. The IIiplyiug of the machinery of war. and the sacriflre of useful lives Let raining for a conflict which uob.xty dr.iieli, seems tat be a gigantic folly oil the hart of the nations : but if hainiada is to join the rest and spend her money foolishly she will insist upon hosing the fun of spending it herself. If. lien, Canada feels herself under ter of naval detente, let the money he spent with an end to the object. in view. Canada his no aggressive /Liana. ndi desire to quarrel with anybody : neither has she any ambit ions towards the building up of a gilded and useless navy. The sentiment whish stirs her is chiefly that of her duty iii sharing the burden of defence with -the Mother Country. A practical policy which would peahens most Utfectivrly-serve the ends of all roncerme'n would Ix• the stationing of training ships at various points, on the Atlantis and' Lyn .the Pacific; an the St. Lawrence and on the (ir•Itt lakes. The necessary ships could be purchased front the , British admiralty aud`coultf he put in coin - Mission at trance Geral'• training sit rt naval ju-s t•ve force. This wouldl._te- lieve the British exchequer to the ex - tient sit the price of the -+althea and would pru%ide the anal essential fac, tar in the building up of a'nava1 force -the men to titan the ship*, So far as the sea -power the kn- ife stands for the defepre n"''''f May . nil justice thrulighout 'the world, so f r will the people of Canada be pre - 1 to w aka any nelcewary sact•iflce name its integrity. .But the pomp and .ride ofj owerturist_it_aye no },tart in t- ideals of a (re tItnlsving 14' between the partici& the discussion hate 1,,.„}d not leen Parti ,ularly enlivening or useful. How scantily furnished the Oppuiitlon is with campaign material, ter ih the ti ovrrnm •Ht's and how lit policy and administration it finds courage to criticize, is shown by the fact that a petty incident in the West Middlesex campaign has been seized upon.as a leading issue. The Hon. Mackenzie King in iuldressing the electors of that constituency at the 'nominations drew some attention to the disparity in point of ability be- tween the two candidates, the Liberal candidate. Duncan C. Hass, being a trained advocate and a clever sp-,lku.r, -aitd-the 4-nnservativisr-andittate.-Rale ert Mcl.tuchlin, being. as he himself adutittetf, poorly equipped for the ex- pression of bis_virwue. r%Ir, McLaugh- lin happens to be a fanner, and Mr. King's remarks were distorted by Conservative speakers and the Con- servative prelim into a alight upon farmers in general, Even The Tor- ohto Mail and Empire has been print:4 ing leading articles advising the farm- ers of West Middlesex to vote against the Liberal candidate in order to show their resentment of thin "insult." It is hardly net' -scary to say that noth- ing wan further from the mind of the Minister of Labor than a disparage- - who -torn the Reek bone of Canadian industry -the farm era. Mr. Bordeln spoke at ettrathroy on Moedey, et•itieiaing --the--Tran.es.o- tinentaI--Stanway --project---anti in dulifiug in getters) charges of malad- ministration- -Of definite neuue with. the Government on matte•+ of policy the Conservative leader had little to present. On the other side, the (iov- ernmrat has appealed' to the electors on its recon of uur•t•esefsul adminis- ZORIAL NOTES. Phe Cor 'nion Parliament opens to- day. The Petite re Department had a surplus of ovd fiscal year. 110111,11111 for the last • (In the naval ti estinn the (io sery - atire party- _ of 'amnia does' not appear to lien h Wit minus whole. Mrs. Pankhurst, , e dnffragette leader, . says it is ' nil, t hat wins %Nell, pidging front � •rts. tilt!, IT doibgtier fest : _ In :i14 id the Istl 'mimics 'titles of the Pwtrintee of Hhft* to 1iip toe is sold miller license. -The "dry area Is -constantly extending. • The New Era says Clinton pt meet "a naming mill tyhgse brain:Ix are warty world wide." We wonder h w they -get them nn the barrels. THE IUESTION OF THE NAVY. The question of- a Canadian navy hi much discussed then. clays. There Is a 'great Variety of 'opinion in the trotter, but, broadly, there are three courser open to Canada. One is to de- vote her resources and energies to the building up of a strong and wealthy state within the Emlfire, without troubling with questions of nsrles and naval defence. Another possible course Is to make a contribution in money to the imperial Government we an acknowledgment of Canada's in- debtedness to the British navy in the matter of defence, 'the third courn', __.and the course which apparently baa been adapted by the Ottawa Govern meat, it the t•stabiishment of a Cana- dian navy, In be owned and controlled by the Canadian o,overnment. it. might be said that there in a fourth alternative- sotnelhing in the waf of the contribution of the price of a battleship for the British navy in times of emergency or stress -in sorb a time, for instance, as that of a few months ago, when the German scare had so strong a hold on the nerves of the British people, and when the prof- fer M assistance from Canada and the other colonies would have demon- strated to Germany and the world teat the little island would not stand E N. Lewis h.,. hail his ear to. the ground in West Iluron and has heard s'emething which ealh for deep think- ing on the navy question. I -Titr•_1luuriuion_. railway rnuarui...inu i. making a reputation for itself as -a body that plMcea the rights of the tab - e• urn• every of yr consideration. Itckilon Bros.' clothing ftraoiy, whoop output el -known from i frothe At- lantic to the I'li•ific and still rlinthing, New- Kr*. "1:limiting" is just lir word, seeing it is boys' clothing that Jackson tiros, Turn out. - • It is amusing to ohne rl'e the way in whish t_►vrpntili_on papers with -h wete abusing the ttovet•ntnent for nut etuung t.outething tnwartli; Imperial defence have switched a d and are now afraid the country cannot stand the expense.' It ix No easy to he loyal when at mets routing but tali - %Ve are told that the 'whim' regllla• lions are to, be altered In tier direction of giving greater attention to the fuladateetals, such as reading. spell- ing. writing and arithmetic. If Sup- erintendent Meath is sensible enough to do this, we shall have to pull him it;, a peg or two in our estimation. Of Those Who Walk Alone. Nbwru their are on earth, !not 'sweet slid high. Who her their eau. and walk b Teti and lonely. taping that one toil heart until they die. Loving It only-. And to that airier see braid. them grow I i tdrru, whose rowing. I. like breath of (towers: l'mewlel by subtler love. ttti *figels know 'Through violate.. humus, t1A, they -e nn4eo1 steel N.r, bless It dull•- ail liar. put ott I(II 11:.• motion , Their look is balm. their touch 1- totdeotr,. TO tell ail .urrow. lb -times the word +•wile- 41 thrill e, I Were 414111e. ' 'flit. ouudel, xaiw, long after 4011th• ` d•'pertel : s lino its Uul'-.11ook they bear another name ' the tin 'dui 14 -sanest' Faithful in lily. +tn.l f elt hflil 111110 death. Such soul-. its -ewlI,. illuu,e aith lustre .plcudtd That glimpsed. glut I us1 • wh,sri.l. the vl.ion -til h.. ' En ti , w t si g• are rtdrd. Itit•ha,jd Hnrrttu. FROM OUR CONTEMPORAR IES. - 'Drunkenness as an Excuse." (amigo,, Titan+. Blythe wan "slightly' drunk" when he teat his wife to death. and the jury would not find- a verdict of Murder. If hr had been very drunk would they have voted I ' an illuminated ail - divas : When It Is the Last One. 1\-a-biuglon Herald. that th.- N...11 Polv li...tlI'olt• ie not larger than a quarter of a dollar," says The Montgomery Adver- tiser. However• a quarter of it dollar s.,ulrtiaws looks as, large as the whole side of a barn.. From the State of Vermont. . soatford Waren. A green old ae'seems a, gvery suit- able turnr'to apply to a man seventy.' eight years of age who has been swindled three times in one •year. 'Phis. however, is the complaint of a Vern ittnt man of that age. Strange but True. 1k-troit Nrw- Tribune. Nobody seeing to Care who the homeless, friendless men 'kits he walks the streets, but •when his laxly is found fit the river it seems to twt'omr a mat- ter of importance that his little history be found and written. 'The Difficulty.- hiooanliue Review. 'Fishermen along the Ilut•on shore are euutewhat annoyed that their license term was not extended. The 'lift!~ ulty alsntt extending the .emus some years is that fishermen are liable to expect it in other years when there is no election at all. U. S. Shipping Killed by Protection. Toronto Sea-, •Of nearly 4,01)tl vessels That passed through the Suez canal last year. Only our Hew the American flag. • The other :Mau were nearly all Hritiyh. .'hen. the I'ausul.e canal opens ti$ story -will be approximately the saute'•\ A Hint. Belleville I,tn'ltagrurer. By ill means let the children in nub - lie st•haxels bet aught to write well, be- t ause when they grow up they may. write to the newspapers, and the com- positors MAY Is• able to read their letters, which is more than can- be done in all rasa s these• days. • The Real Thing Needed. strat ford ft.- .cot. ' "We Japanese Christians want leas theology and more Christianity" is what Mr. Ttuuelr,i, to Japanese coun- missinnel• to I'an:ada, and a Christian. is re -ported to have said. Perhaps there are -dither plans where it would Iw well to hate- this, tun. Can Run Their Own Shov1. s 'moot -task Sentinel Review. thin. ,!antes -4 rowel -tie cTfi t i'tthn, - N. H., says I'.inadiaut will make foul • otlheu,-Asses iI they attempt to 'mild a navy. %Voll, Canadians haven right to make folds or Theis,setvPit if they want lit: What they will not stand for, however, is to have others make fools s t them, Canada Is Going Some. Montreal Herald. 'I'ite ('analian Pacific Railway has now got to flip' point where it has earned three million dollars in - week. That Ram. week The New York Herald opened an °Mee in ttaw•a on the confessed theory that whole world is getting interrt.t.wd hat goes on herr. There's a he - discovery for you, but there are people who cannot wake with. The Toronto Star pawed its seven- teenth birthday anniversary the other day without making any noise about it. This is characteristicoLTbe..Star. which ham made its way to the very front rank in Canadian journalism without th.• time of sensational meth- teb, iint lily the exercise of ability and brains. The Star's editorial page daily gives an eiecelleat example of gelsd common s,•nn• expreas+d in uncom- monly good English. A Nearly Modern Miracle. I:.u'tph %lar tai. y. A local in The Mercury of thirty years ago say.: -He lay a long time unconscious, when by shrilling and *raving his arms he attracted a neigh. s attention." Apparently the age n miracles had not passed thirty years ago. Woman and the Bsflot.- In ter We oto, not would rte a atiti-L from t if either in .'omliltt•y great ti n matters of moral reform doubt that woman's vote__ Illi to righteousness. hut, at, we doubt wery'"tamrt " or women in this desire to see wmuien actively engage- in pnlitieal'struggles. At any tate, wl thin. wdiman enters politics.r not, w do not think that T T Z T v r�, V r. many intelligent \men lir wnturn s•m.Yot:ae,MAAlexandre 8tw Ahigh-ta w imagine for a moment that the Millen- school. Kilter any time. unsfnatat. readily nimnn hinges upon Woman's obtaining get teWI1.1n-. l wrue today for handsori the right t1/ vole. (.rralgtni'. Not by a Dea*; Stratford Nes The Hamilton Spectator is forced to make alt. adnpasilttl, I an it re• gret.s having 'mato it, that t • section of Ilamilton's ptpllntii.n .tri can he classed as artialii.' in imisiea way is_ a limited one. Then it add with lengthens! comment, "%Vhere Iam- iltnm people will flock by hundr s to a vaudeville performance, they • iIl wander in by meagre tens to listen m a high-class concert." If it to an consolation to The Spectator it may he said that Hamilton is not the only oily of which a similar statement might be matte. Another Way of Looking at It. Toronto Wgrtd. Careful ohaervation is said to have resulted in the discovery that many Wren who object to woman suffrage belong ,to two classes -those who !Sully their wives, and those who ate henpecked. Men who find themselves equally tnated, with intelligent and reasonable women, have not the slightest hewitath'n Menti placing their wives on an equal footing with themselves. When men fulminate against female franchise, attention is necessarily directed to their domestic condition, in the absence of mme reasonable explanation. Prison Labor. Harnllton Tines. The Whitney Government setms to have abandoned ifs scheme for a Central Prison in Northern Ontario. The talk now is of one situated some- where ietween Toronto and Hamil- ton. Much is made of a proposal to employ the prisoners at road -making, . which, it is argued. would not be open ELLIOTT• ,a are ..itcrestcd tilt' fitof your fcland in our ow II(I age. A 20 year Swim nt Rt.t'ry )i\ iti('nd Policy wl-_ orated iflenl and t.tk art. of yourself. .7'1' d sample policy Sulo examine 11'^ }1„ 1 . : - _white \ OU W. H. RUBINSON, District Agent. Seaforth. Oct. ‘1'E KNOW The Tailoring Business -TET1Wt'GII Y FROM A TO 2. That's why Our Uarmc t- I1.1%c won distinction. MARTIN BROS. 'Phone 180 TAILORS add FURNISHERS. 1 to objeeti as, compacting with free Itltur. it is not easy to sea- the toter I Th1-..erie !Vide e made-Utelullua • weaf t l/huildd road,s. rl telehei-tittir than i' n a reference to th lamented death of material the r.fm, aur do an%N,ing e1xy. f'Alrr, Ilh.l 1Vhil-k.y •tf Ihse village, Hut, u. ii tai llter til fact, t gr.•►t de al lorno•rIy Mins -%luny- Mc \'.ttir• of The Late 1Dr.) Whitley. of the talk :attain_ prison lab.n• c.tit it Ii•rit•lt • (at -tit ion is the she•eerest. limiainile•, 'Tragic almost' in its sl (tentless `did The psi. 'rs sit -.I fie. employed at the news a to its of'l te- edit!! sit a.nletlynX ; they t.t.s.s as -1a. employed i Ma,- *I tat Whitlrv, sof a 'pendia-iti*. .'s as to Is 4y for their kegs. The evil It wassuN generally knuwat t 11141 Mr.. in prison labor is Il!a in employing the; %%little). was ill, but her Old positi.iu prisoners. but in . tnpluying them INt that drvelupert a . week ago .. lay, as to wrong the adaople• of the Pine- I1, -ole•. fah, but ph)habiy no wish. live Its a whole, fuel us dna wrong by ! in: to create unnecessary alar, Or. unfairly mutat cutting saute ptelteil-.and Mrs. Whitley Isar their an •'ett- t• inclass or trade. Thr pmest•ut (Inv- (,J.tut• until *leen the middle. of t eminent has carried nut the most in-• nr.•k,.whru \L-. and Mrs. Mc\'ittii, tf famous prison hats.. vont rail ever t liti.Ie•ir•h, parents tet Mts. %V tilt le - made in Canada, or probably in any were a •ntd, as well its lir. 1Yhit- ulher roundly. let's Molu ther front ,,adesleerti. Two -alact,'11aM•.srt snnihotied fentn ming - A Consistent Life.. . • hi M. arid nit h't ids a s eiaiis�t' fr "inure• 1:.•rone•er: . 'I'-rout....Ifr. Bruce Srin it h, art-.Mlpan- Nothing , command's Sir 1Vilfrid' i•.I1uy a trainedrimets.-, runtip un the Laurier to his fellow-eititrus no witch ct ening 4'giu, but an Ilia lest rw•elii-al Its the splendid' cunsistrna•y of his rind surgical skill av:.ilea nothinar. and poli 'ea and pet..n:tl re•„tvL His :ills. Whitley passel iiway on Friday tvhnl life liar h ern :a liar sc P171-11101/.- It is barely four t hr a1urnc tet s ienls gruwiug naturally since aim Whitley rune to tidier'- a • intd the other. There seems mate bride, and saner tier coating she had ing ti, xplain in order to 'Imo."'h deeply impressed ell Icy her quiet dig• nut any 'n•Ynnsistency in his public nity amt PtsrfifrsI refinement. 'and it ratter. F 1/511 his eat h .t mambo „I tans the e'surensa. of ti ' 'stn Jhet Its, he has tern happy in. cunt'riring the Whitley had -made it wise choice in lines cf duty r the Iwgiuning and the seleelion ,d n helpmeet. Mrs. onward, so 1 tat there has llicrn no Whitley had been busy sines tier e • ue_t of any chi nge of fried lir rude ing in getting her h1/mit alb':o•tively lair ' gs of an les, to pre•nerve the Meninges!, end. having gotten this right dstsitinn.- his ie•autiful'c'uC- praaetiraily are plishwl, wear douht- sistenry of 165 li work has been. Irma ant it-ip.sut lug ii Iwu-iud of inftnenr,• brought to mina fu •ihly in perusing and usefolnevi so well begun in her his great sp•„ch last week before, the h1/ town in Materiel'. find fur M.mttr,a %Vunles'a ' anulhuts '(`lith. I which her uhusi •.I talents 551 5i!tt t- ifiq-atulijf wits lir' temietril; fiftet Ttr•r.-but..the grim re-apr•i- tien and thi• progress -. govern tio•nt iuvtul•rl the lovely home anti eni end Welty ler its 1/ ration. al. I !town itxjair mistress._ Ti lir. whit. in- dealt with a full' and tat•utisil;lt'. Iry the sympathy. of the entire cenm- t rmLrn..ttrt> it -with t n-esna Inanity gnis-rnt7 err ala aret'fftpfy at eti(ulion, - Arnl the gurntx n thin last such a time a. this. fiat not for a long great speech of hi” can all be I i❑ time has the sympathy of this villain- :hitardeliv••rue•r•, of his which, in the been so atomred its tin thix .idrasiditi.'. To the broken-hearted father find Mather, who bury their hast child, t h. attliction isal t uuliettrahle. After a short r.erviee at the house, con dueled by Bev. Mr. McTavish, the re - Mains were taken to IItslerich tell the non Intim .an Saturday, whew the ie neral service and 'matt (IA plat. Monday afternoon. Bev. Mr. Mr- Tat'.iii started very early on %I•.nday now ing to be present at. the nhsr• quire. l'he dived -taw of the Methodist choir hail req nested Mr-. ng--a--s' F.. -et -+4n---' stank- a -ire. net Sunday evening. last, N dphetesifty s vetting of -t heyday of his young Marham 1, he. that essayed forty andentire yeard ago) fu add. rerhiscompat(iots on p.l it u•sI stihject• in tnietwe. Ida saw then, lis he RIPS num, that the happiness of his rare lies in a gracious fusion of I lie rami exert ing their energies fidget her under the liberalizing intimate's of he British const it ailitin and a 111.4.341talett•ance tau• the differences of_race and religion, the dine dominant senti- ment being ('anaelianisnt. t - -- church t Itnadittl grow hair. Tihat's why eerine,'-t1e giving pomade made front it, Maker. hair tint tin • 4•s1=NAailM+ rdia• • LONDON. ©ffrAldo Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS 'Resident and Mail Courses Catahrtes Fres W.,Weawvele; 1. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., Principal, Vire•Prinr,oe. veusimai=farrass-nara. CENrHAL hJi would not. _.:Whitley dill s _gving a 11/51.k ; shone whew the ItakMneel and w *leeuwhant time able to. Hail Mts. mg «tam.f }(. .tlianko- y. -- - Mudaand Were i}L r I'slit• we evenly he 1LTl1AT we., este? Hae the re utation of In•ing the lest pel rai training school in Can la. Thorough .'nurses have pr need results. Business men say ttur graduates -are the test, , and they apply to WI for office help. ur graduates succeed as none other. Three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND sod TELEGRAPHY. - - Enter at once. Write now for our free catalogue. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. • there was not a 'n heaven. - (►%vis' Menthol `fah• pleasant and eflcario remedy for insect and till and stings. skin disease Try it. 2.ic per tin. in a handy.'' hnnsehnld quito lid e' R.�dies, etc. $962 roughne2 One year ago, Mr. Ceorge WA/cerium was earning sdy,n1 SIM per year at farm launder, Now he is tanning at the rate of 511112 per year. Six months' training at our Business College made the differehre. Was it a good investment? He thinks no. His-addrew la New_Oagoode, Pour Countess PREPARATORY... COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter ally time. Individual instruction. Write for particulars. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE ORO. 8POTTON, PRiN. W. ACHESON & SON WOMEN'S Fall card Winter_Coats REOUL-Alt-itt)-Tri-Stir_ _- a/- $1 Q. A ri'unarkable offering of statue very smart styles in w •n'. Cu of M,.tel nits, tailoring, tel Intl and style pronottistc theta. ('-tdis of extra value/, �I/uu�ade of�` line bru.ol- a',loths. twa-telco haslet cheviots : ea -VatJ littsio W td•ri.il sale ail . . . ` �\J+ V/ �/V Men's Fur and Fur -Lined Coats For I' ' , 1/f well matched It. at : shell !made of black 6.4%1 4. ci it It. 'l'In, wLornt-sill it. of utter. The closest ex- tttuinativa 1, vac's 'slily fait hit and rkilhrl atirluu►uship owl material. of siubsfuuial quality and res �0 35 0 lilt, .: mark '.1 for el. 'ial rale r.. �lJl Saturday Monday Bargains Two days 5.1 iter dal sailing Irl It great number of lines. w•lri.•h will L• alq.reei/a ...I by all tti•unumicttl acid good huyet ., FACTORY COTTON ICAO yards of :11 t., :G -inch Aide, heavy, flue, e I factory. cotton -;regular Sc a yard, for ... - 52€ -SHEETINGS :full yarla i_•iul•It plain unhlcachcd sheeting: 17,, heavy, evellthreetl : regular2-ica yard for.....,. LINOLEUM$ • tin pull,' of ends tet all sizes lip W 3y:ods; telt- 3Ue alar talc ',iliac a yard, a tearing at per odium's. v.aid . CURTAINS iso sample pyh'ti Luer. Curtains, some slightly .oif.•d. tunny only crus el : worth regular $'2.011 to $3 50 /BUMa pair, on sale at $1.'21 to Jul W. ACHESQIL & SON 'Etch i he name BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS into yo11r memory It stn ds for :,II that is best in spool silks. By the exceptional strength, lustre, elas- ti 'ty and smoothness, BELDING'S SI S have obtained a unique posi- tion ' the favor of Canadian dress - make But, above all, ey appreciate BELDING'S SILKS ause we keep our range of colors r ht up-to-date adding a new shade L mediately it is origin- - aced, and thus eing able to offer a most compreh sive color assort- ment. a Wiling spool. when efeep/y ring prr7Demo. ` W ri i. lar Ile Hof --or aad. ) op dealer. BELDI NG, PAUL & CO. Limited 71 11.11' sTit EMT TO OFFICE STATIONERY Letterheads, billheads, statements, .envelopes, a talars, etc., ptintctl neatly and on good stock at the Sib„ Joh i)epartment. Suits and Overcoats The splendid success we have had so far this season forces us to believe we have the best godein at the proper prices. Buy- ing our chothing from'etch reportable makers of fine clothing am 111th Century Brand. makers exclusively of fine tailored Par- ents, and for our genekal line Abe W. R Jubnstofl '4o►m °.i, . thlargest clothing coneern in Canada, is it any wonder that, our lothing is :nee' ing with such favor ? IN f1EN'S OVERCOATS The Ru- Ian and Cossack rnllars are selling well, also the :-Cobalt tyle long poli; theey-hettlon enat. .rade in fancy ohevtots-i' m . ing with favor. Pollees, $4.17, to $22,110. MEN'S SUITS We have them in a great. varlet y of et) les, toads, in blue and black worsteds, and a spliendid range of fancy worsteds. Prices, $10.111 to $.t n. Male to your special 111eas11re if you wish. Hundreds of samples to choose from. WALTER C. PRiDi1AM THE HOUSE OF NEAL VALUES