HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-11, Page 10004 Printing That is the kind that .at,als of The Signal Job IIr1wUtWtnt get. ho order tip, big, no alder too dual', t, receive ter uulpt, and careful attention. The Signal Telephone Seri• sot re sgt'oN11 TICAH-No. WU, tmto THE SIGNAL foUANUARY tat. 1911, to NEW SUBSCRIBERS for $1.00 Subscribe Now TUDERUCH, OlTARIOT CAN ADA:C1)VEll 1;1;1; I I, 1909 - TNN 1d1U 4M. 1 Kt 4Tt.tt rel., 1.141 putt. Financial I r tun offering for sale Debentures braving iul tx• st- .tt live per cell(. per . payuhle half-yelu•ly. 'these debentures es offer an absolutely gate and prof- iu►hlt+ investment. I would advise anyone having money Lu invest to he sure to call and set' iiu•. IV. L. HOIt'i'1)N THE STANDARD LOAN COWAN Y 41 • GODERICH MARKETS. LOCAL TOPICS Women's Institute. 'there was. a gond attendance at the .' I + meeting o Hie 5.V qt.* 1 wtitutA K f 1 on Thurslay lust. Mitch interest was taken in the pruitical demonstration in ',hula waking and it was pro• noutrr.d a success. The Ikt'•eulb•r Meeting will be it social aft"rnuun WW1 fancy work and the program will -eunvWt of a talk on "Cht•ietturas (lifts" and alio some piano xrlectionv. Police 'Court. . - Frank Jkrdiue awl Harry Erwin were before the police magistrate uu Saturday oil aeeiunt ora Hallowe'en prank, hot were let ill} on suspended weutenve, The Hinder- wax of stealing u soup• from Al ix. I'1•uzer. -Mrs. D. L. M1il.eal and !dim Mil- chell were I. playinnult and defend- ant in an adtlen the same morning tor trespass. A litre of 111, with coats, was ialposed. Appeal Dismissed. t'uelwpa t. Copy of (hangs of running advertise- Fall whe:u, (ter hush .. Spring wheal, per bah.. mints must be left at this office by Rye. per hush Hilo kw heat. per bu-h Monday noon to insure insertion Uata. new, per bud... in issue of same week. Cels', per bud, Harley. per bu.fl Y 1 W'Inel. 11 -101.1 1111 1 K . Fhlur, snotty. Iwrewl Flour. Patent, tart ewt -ntwn, I.1 tote.. ShoMr. per tun .. . hay, pet toll w'.adf, lire tool I.. Mater, r .r lb 1 e'he, •, pew lb .� .Fain fn•4.periTGr. ..:tt 1'wtos• 1'at f p , unliu'y to Waal, per cue , November li16. .... se if, to 81 .aI uic to. I w •1, .i•' to S lit It it to U xi to a :w Oa.to toss 11I.. to UJ1 M. lar to QI U. .. 2 ,l to 2 75 8.s. to : in ... 2:1 ill 10 ' LI 141 ,., L. eit to'2:11a, ,at 111 t owl J 1 1 _I to olito w'A t0' 11 n to t. 1's. t0 ,,. to 7:s. to j tit to Situations Vacant 1E u'tiElt N'ANTf:I►. FOR S. S. , war .a In N cull I . 'I Id dillies leo • 0 D A•h s -. Jarrxwry.lautialtaufticaliuu^:.lir. Ile Ht �11rfpr• ueurtub.•r St6. Itrr,. Apra'.-tath.ij :tory watt raperiener, to FItANI Its 1.1 tal,.Jr_. ire,'.. Isms P't. ► 1F:ACIlKIc %VAN1'E1).-- -LA 1)1' (►It I Xrui I..11eil. for 14, �. No. il, A bn.`I'l , dist.. !y vs. .neet}r It. Jan.tury. I:nn . all almlir,alttn. rof.• ill ..`1111 tuta'eruia'r'i-'. 44's Awithwie awn. .truing .al.try n�•�'�tt1111011 and ,11•n•-.Iwn-, .1111 1. o„•o.' 4 try-Yrrtf+:-++rN4.KA al 1) comm.. i,:.1 as p1 jr'o1 Sale • 4 U I le .ration, Iw'r cwt ...... . ll'ar sth.r p, ii.. sat - I. 11.uu. per It. Itarnn, Ia'r Sy - Ialnl, ler l4 Y low, perib--- Hldr', per ewe . -kill. it i; : 'Larkey 8 ill to.,I }, U IS to e 4-. Id - O 'J.e 15 to 1 u 'Lt n Is n w, u ai 1 All I 5' :12. r,. NI I It•K W 01) I) Architeture _ healer .. large .10or. (Leidy �K'I'MI K J. HAHt'1.A1': Mh:UAL Ileac ltu>wl toad me !frit l -h' Ar hltee•t-, LN IAi F-1' RN Al 'ie. Ft 4R SALE- A lir-idt nu "attL- Huns•, t, derirl'. {Otto, dr- d •ell. bwl•hn•- I or re Wen,. .s raid sir papas ernuplrtr. N ill -alt TT,,tt..e, - 1 a -I's1.. have is, me forth. Apply toJ.H.f ihtIgt� Y. liodrt.,:h - �111I1H MAI.k tilt T() RI N'1'.; iN THP: 1 matter of ! tie ►,.asi. of w'dbau. June--. de iww.i, I an, instructed by MI- ...secular- of UM ..talee to tttter•.•-rrlwale yea •.renntn lot ots iii,u M: • lg. moth 1-r r _ wood hemi Hoek rail furnaer ,ilei i'un !cul and tw,nae a pn•P.Irr'ut for' res lenses isntr cur m Kaa) c„tn1,.1.h,. craft t1 r hal , d Ss. I " a .. 14 J An N ,I Lost or Found • ►.M7: A YEI.IAOIV ANI) N'HI'rE rtmrrh r'dlir dog, with very p,lute.' near. w.'r= ,ti rbc n:uu•• of "tJaw•nir. Ytndrt I 1.1.-ar Inform 11 \I. IIKE. IM•utulllrt towif.LTp mfr ilfarnr, dintat . wild. There I. erected o1 Ito' pr. •nose ., a Mune Itmear a0d kit -hen in hold reliance ad.n a lance bank born will, dune (onpds' aro. del. log Iwo..' ,tabor and, bog /.n• pr fueSer ni'•tlar- apply to i,111 11 -N E \i'i'i R.r i;ear'7Rn:'tiat.•rtr4t:---'--+iN n i u►pt MA I.E. ` A 13.5.1{N :Pala; NV 111.1, ! • • j, yS• ✓ t► plaswl un purchaser'.. premie, 'Terms easy J,r1.I'n 11.1 E' Ill KIt(loll.- 111 m11' " LOK t.%1,K. SECli%I).11AN.it Apt 1' doW-, NImION- A,,.t I„'.., -' i- , Aef'') ter K. -ti„ Mortgage Sale j11jk11iA4il: ,Ala:.- . A Wanted To ilnnL ell's : TI r KENT. -TWO-STORY 1.•.I Lisa; hers t m1 V irl of)it=111v'T moon 'peed 1,1 ,lir 1,1' 11. si.aldnrl jr., eig41 ...eel all modern eOlttrni.•1100 , Apply to A t Ilhllol.\I. blot :11. tialeri'-h. :1 ' li1'ME hell) IIrNT• MOl)KKN Ct>/trrrlell'r-, n',,i Ml. cabs lblatelr rime. •ti` I0J. 1t. MAw KIN',, jot et 'Nortek • Intl Li( l'MK TO KENT. A - FR M E home m, Keay. .ins•', right rmruw. in r, awl' repair. Stable. fruit trees. berry lines,•. ',It. I."- .111,11' to J. rf S.1'. KELP, 'Phone Ctab•r and by a Ione of the !ower, •nnlapvrl la acme ..0 mortgage which will, It, •tml'•,.'• .1 u .t'.,le-ef -.d?. thou.. well ire otte.s.11.., r 5.N'1'FIe AT. toil'x,--A- 'fele R. - -lent imbue warts., by 'low•, latmtry. on 1 NI -11E10 I • II) Mot for II..' winter, owes' at the ,'unit hon-•• it, Ilw man of ,.1' „i ben, a,narld.•u,"-. Apld)' 1. II, F. 'Geli•n. h on a.'Inlay. the nth .1 er of Nnteha ILS MLINK. inY g vs. Exeter Can ' ggl'ompany wits heard. The plat utlit, Lt.-1'id. 5.Vial. Yemeni, of (Lulea ich. sued{ or a return of $1,7311 paid 1111 ace'e,ual of Ilk, shares of the stns k of the defelld:Ult. • piny. on the gutund ilial 11ds-sul.- keriptiotl for sha k was void by reason of mon-ronlpliafc. by the eou/paily with et dittory It•yuilelnrute govern- ing r paries. At the trial .in Oct,, Is•r Judge elute dismissed the met iron with an,ta. 1'h.• aplavtl .diel Wax ilia - 111444491 W' roods. 1 uh t . Separate School Report. hallowing is the doss standing for the th of t)etober'at the stpat:ate school. {'Liss I. includes I-hllis• who trek seventy-five p•1• cent. of marks, claw. II: those who look sixty per cent. : -Menlo,- Fourth : Class L - -da l) au.- Kj•l•l Nora Hurley. Charlie Kidd, Agml•s Boyle. Joseph-t;ritflu, Melville Jot - hr -y, Francis - Bassler. Junior hoist- Kray, \1 • 5. so u She 111 m, Robert holey. Third ('lass: - ('lass I. -Foot, Jiitritit1, Class II. Teresa Wilson, Joseph Kelly. Joseph llurle•y. • The Boston Lathes, -: The lira entertainment in the Col- lege of Music course is fixer( for Shin- dig evening, .Nove'rula•r _'pd, when the Boston Ladies will appear in Vic- toria Opera Honor. This is a first- class attract' , the eutetainiuentlle- ing one of great variety. yet stiflit'i. entry classic to please the Holstead as, --well .iva we popular- audience. The prugttu1 inclines ynart,ttea, folk songs. duets in cos te:ulings, vocal and violin winos, and . specially :immured songs with ^elicit), a very p imam' feature,. - Vu-'e'es iri•, Z1F, iie and 25s-. The plan will be open to the public on hridaty, November l;rth, at II. Edwards' restaurant. Teachers Get Increases.' At the regular meeting of the 1'01. 'egiat. Instil lite Islal-1I held last ther'eday) an increase of $.I in salar was made to Miss McArthur and M. Hodge{ on motion'ofJudge Ifolt 1. H. Consent... the increase to ' f • the rommencem.•tlt of the rpt school year. A propiewej a went to the High S,• lad Act, would 'place the whole cost tuition if county pupils on the instead of only Il; or sever er .e . present. came up. and a kiowu -u- t 11non cont. •tL •,•n•• 111,1•.• Ire ycI rnmpn-Sag Ironton. of lot. .111111 141 nwn(h,pof liul.•ri, hltssit+l IS Ihr town of 1. reel h. Pie 1101.11 4 1- .l a au of new...fol emwk. ▪ id it ,I weten arra- of nimOUtn lh wuwlnl P ore ly' along lb• dollen land ,e I wail I to+�•` r, ,ellen) park pna.•r v . t h•• low I b rely porter epos vitt, h +he bnlAi,lo- ate . ,m-tr.ti. se • wait *Irk fm farn,r,wcorm-Minns . awtwntd al provide an eteellen1 Ate Inc n ib 0lwn re.idr .,•- ovrt...1tieu• the ris'e'r tout I , f t n,awLnC o, •• tM eI cal et. .1„ • laud' !111 A 1 111 ru, w 1„•s.•. elite line -1 pries. ! • to be tonna i rr 1 l 1 d to Rue tm. aid d. Ilion. of sal I 1 Y J. IRAN. rtoiletis nett 1. KILIA ItA la elle r I% n ill 11'. 1IX NF li K u � V. ',dor , � s.1 r•'to for ! 1. f OM. W.11140 in the Irl l ur1 • Itre- low I I 'ober +t'h. Im n. Heal :;state for gale. IAI{M FI►It 'MALI•: it It I'.X• I II).\IIE for hon -r :ted lot en :alrrirh. 1' r ns.- w-- -•f 1-r =-JIM Jahr.rlitel,alww fermi hri -k...- - enar. m•rrr failing well. n g•N81 Sn•h first r'. +s fro - - UA FItrIA ht.. tate n ;1 meth y.>..1, Public llotte.. • X1 rill 'It • 1% •••I WAWA?. 4. :110111-4 F'irr U,-uririrr I giootr> will weep p{li l lots for the lard lien T wen•tary or tem neer and scretlaryand stet -met of it.. said I,ni .ani. .511 AVPlernnis Sill to ..r for N-.an1 their Ipplirat 4M,. In the towIer•yroni osier before ; 'ah day of the 1.nvnl month. Iry order of the IMsanta .1.. KOt1F:ItTS. Ilene moon November :tri. I•. ISMrrtllry. ,n , 1' ' N M 'R 1 h. 1► II F: It h. 1 TIl'E 1 1, that earl- and book of re Terence. of the I o Iwa r West �Mrn• K lir!' of the nt.'Mo 3 t 1.F ngb tin• tow n -hip o/ 1 nU«,nue• have deposited in Ilreteglst ry MeV.. fur the county of Ilona, .KOHFUtTa thief h...gluier. It l)'l'Eltsi 1.151'S I'11l'HT. TOWN- , 411111' I't I'111.KIIItNF: •5..r a . x.•rtLy..r.u•n :tell. roes-t1atN H. 'I til'- ,Hatado. oter�: atm t.•t by Ili« Honor the Judge of the County 01111 of the moot of Iharon, al the mown -hip e„ Iver. M:4 hr bong of I•�n: kirk .,.uL. to hear and detrollino the rim .,pnpl.uut s of error- and -Irnri.-Kw w -M 414' t o11.1o: -Jia of I he t f the town -hip of r °pinna for Prn. hs.-l,,,-.yrhf1W a'OW4- . mrd( to attend al the said time and 'dare. list Noaeumsr lib, rim �- .. F: IV,MelaINAll -Clerk of tin. Tut, n -hili u( 1 'ulhnrne, r N lN. • Oh 1`II, to Ibnt IIS• xepnllr ilall euune•il , Ihr orpdo ~m of 11,.. loon of I:alrrir6 ie, i•i, s.4. In set, -t `nal a 11111411 Ile -,'w••l oil - 1'.'e IV'.i:'i -1,911, ,n the Veli tow lt, taut aeon I •t. :mrd 11,1, Volt MAI F. •NIVE-ItIR)M 1101' _ Su Ib, -e dreet. • a Gina -Kites, -pix..lu H1d,LlAMl:! Knt.%1''21 OI A4 LIISIN-. kM'FKHN LANDS FOR -,I') weep,. with :K acres hl erpotI' : (nisei; home' witl, phone in., frier 31,, ao includit4 Crop. Linda rich 1,551,1. :tl., acre, at SP' p. -r _sere, broken and fenced. 'rm. is a snap..'s bawl a. wine. Np every a'•.ar .lit' eons o'nl, ,de's«Iilaealb- acre' broke,hoer ni;r price Slit 4i' II M these rani(' *Mehl In ea.y terns. J tl.. TRw'SI•KY, Yorktoh,'kirk. - • 11OI'MF: FOR SALE. • - A Nh:5.V • brick dwelling, withmale nt iia ,Iver• meet. i . the t . plerwhtl .1t lusted and 'marine Square. APO, to W. It- RIIHF:RTS.lN.. OUSE 'O TWO'• POI{ � SALE. - A 1 NTOKY hr r seven moots. Si. . kll t.iri with Home attend 1.11 Oculars wenn be h: -I by • na M NKiYAI.Intim. :a:• ( WNW it IP res- eml- hich of the -minty, t. sx at tumittea Auction Sal Al l ('ION SAl,E �•e 1 r-- It 1' 1 .1 +-Ill. f I. 1 ,1 DAMN 1 1' S. F Heady will ell the It•dKon,South- t. Fltihl'. NO •',In IIIt1'Ip' Ing it 1 r. 1 Tw,'nl) ••0% en 'h 'u eshires asst Ino log -trait.. Fur ailker.,the lala, 'mel April nevi. 'caws« -=Taw 1lti.lringA Mgt • rate - -1.. t.% II at for• a. F:. t/ 1 i T E iT SII+JI,LIN( BANK OE UA acTft ROAD oarptr*t, iceTo • E1.888JiID IN('oltl'IuRATIC) BY CPiCCIAI.ACT or DOMINiON PARLIAMENT To RECEIVE DEIN)SiTS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN) VARNA am BAYFIF.LD, We solicit the Patronage of the FAKlpu. SALK SCOTER tIFCOUtfTRn. Highest current rate of interest Limpaid in rill,' SAVIN(i5 RANK i)E1'Alti'- MENI', '.n deposits of g1.1M1 and upward.. (IODRRiCH BRANCH A. D. OAMM1.g,Managsr` OWN .Ill' ill I . 140 1 I, tl „n 'nwnrtkt• r. 'I prop• >' 10 b• .u1rn011rad.•h 1111041 111.1.•10 front Ig or. abutting O e t "4. l irk'.-Ir'•I..dun 'aka. Iw•I warn print.. tilt, Io let i see bled .,s1 a'-., tog In alt• ft ...tug. IGt.r,'1, bi 11't y amnna. "I'' nal :y:-``r-•=1mRft-,7-tnd"HnrFw 4 winoI he Ionil- 11.1141' I.1..11.1propxcd Oil. ..w•o L.11y. y -,s'.1 lot Ihr'nkl murk. ,tell its • 11000, ,d lyh_ essiper• I ln'auf, sr far a.the. s I' 1,111 is. ( :a -.v Itrwd 'Melo the ia't Teri- - nose• -meet roll sent ..threw i.e. I- One 'Ilia it he office of L . lett of the mimic; pliti'. .t i- ,.;wen rot 1nslw.4ito, doting o111re horn's, la• t' Ilmnl,l vet of the hock i- Cl'.',. ut 1i,1. Sal Is 10 It• 4rovPlel out cif Tlt.' -Krs - I mod: of the umtl.'ttsllity . ti` .A 1'01114 .f lir, Won 1t i L• Neht nit' the nd .lay of lieisolliw•r, II I, at the I of • .'k in Ili.• after,. L ,l the „rnnr•el 14.111. I Iso of hearing ....opts 1. :against the tiro I. seri asses otent or lie aeetornay of frontage met"ur''lIpmt-, or an( I her eonrpland wldt.b tom' p•rsm- Inter•-te( ,as dc' -I,' Im make•, ,,lid whk`h i- b) Ina Pogo ,able by I he t..1111. • I otel th,. 11th ion d Nov canner. IOW I. I.. KNoX,Clerk. It ODKRICII. • -lie emesis` .a,.t..t:tt ed of the Inns. td geolrrirh ie 111,1 a 1101 ,1. the .ew'e'r on in' the slid loon. bet wren • led t r4h.rnr .tnr4,-est tensed. tilde t111„-Rlwl. L..yt-thereof upon Jh real ,frow'riy to w. i-mun,11uittTy I l,`n.Alt. thereto, fronting or abnit Inir Upon I 'blur. -tort, /Iron -Al.'. heti...II Ihr old whits nd M Irl y 'nrh Seppol cir.t .141Oslly► to tTu` f Ifagt'lher„IL by fo'enly animal semis' 1.s- rots ; and Thal a statement showing the Iso . liable In and pop.s,l to usespecialty a« -mist for the -old work. and the names pf the owner ,hermit at far ,s the amt. ran Ire ascertained from the list revisd assessment roll and otherw-Ise. Is now filed In the "Rare of the clerk of the nlnniei!wllly. and Is open In inspection during office Mmes The e•dimatad en -I of the work is Pita, of which 87s kn to he provided out .M the gmnernl fond. of the municipality. Prison. entitled and desiring to petition the rennet! against undertaking the 1fapeled k t da n lwfore the Ifit ,ffav of work A ter le frit the on or 1114:H Ii10.t11F: w' , y { ubh am.•tion ,tt rt, l nal 11•'1,. nn : F tMKH hit r daily iv)... HnrLnm-. lei roe, /a I, ptendil nlelk f thi. number err w coker r.dner to ..oar II, ill' \faetr,11 1..=eria1N ' -mr a 'oh Item) 0,111•-. wY 1111.1 per moo per annual. idlow"1 TH/ est. 111'N I Nt'h': w•as appointed, consisting +if the chairman, the secretary and Judge Hull.. Lu look into the printout' and to take any action it way deem advis- able. An allowance Of $10 for extra work war Made to the cauetakir. A Literary Evening. There should he a large it t i•udanee at the Collegiate Institute tomorrow IFridayl evening, when -Canadian i dian Literature" will hr the subject of an tuldteiei by Miss A. II. %VarnerL, of Turuutlr. Miss Warnock, who wl-i Ies ender the pen nater of "Kisthe,ine Hale," has made it mute for bet -self as a Poetess.. essayist and literary critY•. and her address promises a rare Herat to lovers of literalure. J,,wuil talent will assist in the ,pl•ogr'aur, which will .omntilice at el o'cha•k. Admission,. 2.w•. The address is given under the auspices of the Collegiate Instil site Literary Society, -which should have the erlcotlrageuwnt of to generous ie- spolnsr tat its enterprise in providing. our townspeople with this literary e%•el lillg. At the Harbor. The steamer Mem Ines. of Ali land afro'. on alai tat' aux and a eat an Monday after disc fiat-gingli1;11' , of 1,1y 1MM1'bllsl/els of wheat 1114(1 lin-lots of oats al the elevator. Tile` st cattier Sl idlaml tpieen arrived un llwwlay with tk1,1111.1 bushels of wheat. fol' the mill and elevator mud lt:,liii bushels ad oats fur the. elevator. The •1• Kateinieti.tuia arrived of Tuesday tritll I I.i,IMMI hnsheis of wlica for the viva atul' but owing to the , r shortage had to be held until I.al y. It is ex .'u' t,'e led that the will will I u exp ....tell grain vessels :and the ere ata four to winter here. and, wi 1 Ihr prubaability.that other vessel. 'ill lir detained herr on Ihe•ir last ip, it is ynit.' likefy there may be tyt'ten I,ig ve•s.el' wintering :at this- Sawmill'Plirchased. The (ialerich L_tuuls•. ride ro Kin..uditte line, tl, N. W. Telegraph Company now tneke. its goutlec114111 Wit 11 Kimcutrline by way If Clinton and'Viuxhatri, mid the oR1k'e at Awh,•rlo), which mus lite 'only • on the line liettreeu li,tilerich and Kiml:u'diue,•has ts'-'u closed for the present,. • Killed on Guelph h & Goderich Railway' I I u Saturday. The liurlp'b y, last, said : "T4i.' polies, liar.•:rwwlq'rl a'eul- nllinieati.nl (rimy 11A11. roll ••'ruing a fatal ucridrttl wIlli li N • letter stales oeeurretl oil idie L ar h & tiish•rirh }{n,ul Is•twrrn I IIs c y and the palet t.,wv1 ❑da,tt I WO- ant :t half years ago. The letter states t at th. Writer hll-u le/tilled that a you g Englishman teas killed at that tin ' `anti was buried at Guelph. The in airy was wady it this was '(iturg. Ti lie, us disappeared fi•olu .Balt al it III it limo• mewl has mit' lawn he: 1 of since, lie was n young waw f Aland twenty yi•ars of ., dark w 11 clear c ',lesion and Helot slut en. The letter tlestrilos hila as. ng bel wee,, `3 feet. d inches mud Ii f in height, %Odell', however, is -a ver poor means of ideutitl.atium, disposed of its plant a .1. h' . 1farehl i. who ha a will at Kited:whit.. brutltelt. who also Moll. atlld. We held.' .In 111• Iles /rF erati Messrs4 Buechler logs which are at hoe and after th of pile hogs fro, The Weill wui tin' town whi r' -opening w' did illi to t The stock. riot Lund has hied uhlpuiug II, Kr- Herta r Herta ice harbor' to liven 1•uuuiu(; 4r. Haechlrr It F' (w.. 1'e practical will . toed, intend', to 11* t11,11'tly'. The hent Iii runup t he present in the Mar- to bring in a supply New Ontario by rail. valuable industry to in ',ferret' and its wean a welcome ad- v business of the town. lumber which the (Meie- r Company had on hamu1 uIJ to Jalues I ball who is liuu}a•r yw'J to the south .4 illgtorr furnituii (acuity. tura' Society,• 'I'h tulnnal Meting of lhr,(iteletieh II.. ierrituruut Swirly war culled- for lis 'hurslay night. 1,111 on account of IL jack of a quer was poxtiamel U til Saturday night. Ion Saturday fight the attendanee *gain was small. he report of John 'l'aneett on the hest -kept premises in the different maul' was presented, and when the 'directors have looked into ilia (nigger,- ti,nl and de•idt'tl on the awards their report will le• published. A meetieg is to be held in a few days and the directors rem irt will to puldished next Week. The -odd ufll'ers of - the Society were .re elected with the ex- ceptiutt of Ur. Sale and M. McKay, who were superseded art directors by J. Ii. 1 igert and J. W. Firth. The Society .has a sue -plus_ al ;Lie mrd 'tri purchasin another iiupfdy of laoka on honk -tenured subjects, Appointed Rural Dean. in- an wassitat-of a -emit -el ewaesryr meeting of 11'»Ilington. Meld, at (duel`ih last week, The Guelph Herald of Thursday- hast has the fallowing appreeiative reference tie Ihr• newly• appointed rural dean. Ili v. I,..1, It, Naft.I,'of Elora,, who sesee.S'IIs Hee. lie F. Davidson. teeter of St. lie'm'gp x church, (Fuel phthe in in intik rttn t II •'' rhe new rurale }scat : T dean is a young Ivan of ability and e•nthnaiaxnt. His work 111. Klmt•a, whee he is ICI' WI' e• English church. • w t t of th ken li hha. won for r him the esteem of ills fellow-clergyin this distrit't its well as the love of his large and increasing congregation. The aplsti it men Want 1115411' this Ilttllg dust - beton. the chapter meeting adjourned fnr lunch. It. 'teemed from the apphuuse which appointment. was a very i opuler one. Guy Bros.' Minstrels. - - Vir•tritin +►pert -Hotter want parked to the door', on Monday evening, Ihr all ran ion being the animal visit of limy Bros. Minstrels. 'Ther'-gnirteis of all hoar before' the curtain went tip, 'very strut hot reserved Watt takes, and fifteen minutes hater, at se i�chx'k, standing realm was hard to get. The nliss(tel portion of lite whew was not tis good as nidal. some Of the Pre-.: ilTtt'l rliilip m v'i'le }1 an'irnt origin. The singing was of the interest and the dancing not up he average. Speaking only of,fhis 'on of the program, it is safe to MOT tilaujir could tell Morein- pike,. furnish just an geenl datttere and give better I• money. In the op•eial- smelting exhibition was notch *pyres.' ted by the audience, white the poen ite martial ratite -elm was 'xrelient, ' r gymnastic p'r- fnrnlasce was fair a 1 the jrikes and coon songs passable. or 'TY FIVE ACRE FARM. NII IMI.1'EMF:NTS. D SKYK. IM 14T1k'K et Varney Win , remises. lot 11. Iwk by f Lime nue-flan al row( east, 4'o111or11e, TI'Ksit,\', TV( ECF. nunenoing al 1rivlock share • The farm. which coudsts of se% f g.ael leVol land toot a foot of the I,Ia,rl. situated 'Is miles nor rioh, will. the new electric nailwa. pn-1 the door. On the premises th • frames house and al.o good fr • bar artesian well- and windmill. It i, wtt Aside- aw reedwuraw. farts we three, tato - township,. Also . Two right good helfe Ming three year- old, In calf: 1 cow•, four war, Old, 4110 to calve in February : I row, the yews old. clue to calve in March ; Y strew. rt.ing two years.44 : 3 spring calves : I gnuta troll ri ing three yearn, old : I aged nlaro 1 uwelnl work horse: 1 extra g draft 'Illy. rising two year. old ; 1 Notion seed drill : 1 gang plow : I singe plow : I .rt of Iron h:ar row.: 1 eft of diet harrow., nearly new ; I set of Chatham seMies. new ; I set of sleighs ; 2 heavy wagons. nearly now : I rolling box : I pea harvester: I good set of hero y team hirer.-, nearly new ; I set of single linens ; t Mtggi' : 1 wheelbarrow ; I wrfoet. rot., hla•ks. volleys. etc.: r2 tons of hay : ! sets of 1101441•11.01m, fork.. shovels. tholes, elevi'es and other article.. Everything In he sold. ae proprietor i. bound Io dl. as. of farm /mil all. •te......a �IL..sIw oL-li0 aaF aaa.•ea •.a-Irf over that alnosnt. reels., month.' misfit will ire•give,, of furnishing approved ,joint notes, A dl+rnnnt of six per cent. allowed for cash on eredlt 'mounts, DANIEL 11Ao or. TIIIM.IAact ifon.-nr. 1E11 MITI. Ily fire sere', ale lend ms. of (lode 111131111W is a gold nt ��7\ kt K• '* l t N' 1'411x•1: 1111'1.11 •11 5.V1••4 Moto rm. 1 e, but vii, fat' ie- ,.OI is' learned was no • 1be.kdied to Ht the cription given." Musical Evening. The - 'mailgram frit • I he unlsiral evening in Knox chanes on Monday next, 13th ilist., is tae fellows': Urea»n Audailiili ... Lesnaire Ma. \I. H. K:,.psi K - t' (list Lb Thee. Von.' 'Nearer. N > tsar i . Hest Mlax( K Di ulo Maunrk:a in H Miner, ('bout,. Mn, A. lb s A111 tr♦ au. lofreduction zoo& Mittel aided Act Ighelagritu MK. J• F:• Jualr.i.c 'Wagner' I "Hews- Reginald lie rote,. tb1":I Known Lovi'1y-. .•. liair�a' ... .. Guy d II u'lalot •'Ilei Weariu Awr, loan" Foote el, 'kayo ' SoJyt". . . Teresa ls•I 1ssH ualc.:F:.Mtat ..Holden 11 1'1 V ..... l'ltamotmade ut M. • k l r.tACK • titian Paula -ie ire Comical. K+. A. Ito, h%M" . WI, 111,:111 N', Piano ." txmc';.i etSOg' ..... Mn. . F:. JuKias (':uditl a.`' Mauer Fa •. "Witter hair ices iia ix•uii(ifltl't re• palCclwtaht which the Ladies' Kv in{( ('horns has beeen preparing f sometime, iri•the dit.r'ti,in of Mr. Jordan. The program( is ,innonn,ed to arman•nre al -SAO slumpi. Admin. :11 V oc,it:,Wtebltel .... Y,tear Rural Telephone Company. At a meeting held ,it the toWa hull on Thursday afternoon ttrxt\ Ihr• Ciolsrich Rural 'Telephone (: 'pally was lrnvisimtu►lly organized. It was decided. to ,hake appliratinu to the township councils of Colborne, Ash- field. N'rst 5.Vawanosh, - East %Viewa- gosh, Hullett and (ioderich township for is'rnlission hl censtrort and oper- ate telephone lines within their limits. and when this is spruced appliratinn will lie tirade to the Iiuverntn•nt -for a charter. It is proposed that the• cap- ital stock he filekellsr, divided into MO shares of $12.511 eaarh. William Hill, of lienniiller, and Andrew Porter, of (itelri•irh, were provieitmally ap- }oirtcd president and secretary, re- spectively, and- the dulluw'ing wire named its provisional directors : A. II. Macklin. W. h. t;ailhiw, ,{T. F. Blair, A. li, Gamble, II. J. A. McHwatn, Andrew Porter. (loelrrieh : lie t •ge Caithrvait,', (i.xirrir•I, township ; Dr. Smith,- hlayyfrdd ; Wm, Hilt. 'Bien- nrilter : John Srhornhrds. Curt Al - inert : Morgan Dalton, KinKshridgt• ; .t T. G. Allen, Dungannon : 5.1'. J. Itid• dell. Auburn. Y. M. C. A. Nptes. A physical' training institute for the benefit of the young teen at the head ifth, phgn tl drparuurnls of the' ;5.%sori etm.ins of Huron and Bette.. will he held in St ratford, November 1'_'. There will be Ihire.e w ss' n r n n forenoon, afternoon and e•1•.•tting• and the princi- pail speakers will lie .\Ir. ('roi•krr•. sec- retary of Braid 1or••1 N. M. C. A. ; S. (trent, formerly physical director, of Lorytun, and \fL din•r•t»r of Stratfnrl. This illstittale should be well patronized by the p,hys- ing an,l •p1{gevlimin'tereiy.d shnuld.lx• ferry helpfej to these young men in their oink in the local Aseociatinn,. 'luring the rooting winter. - The 1'. M. C. A. evangelistic iny't- dugs, conducted by Mr. Mien h and Mr. hh' g for Ilse p:wt fors• weeks in Ihr moony of Huron, have metwith yr>ry• gratifying success• Thirty -live omen and boys have il1t'id.•tl In'login the -Christian life cls a reit nil or this wterk, a great matey' have heel, .ptlirkenel acid arntl•Pd to Veittt•eaeal and effort in the Christian work, and forty young men have tomnitted 'hetn• selves to personal aeavangelism for the r./naing windier. Mr. M-uton by his etiruestlt•ss in the Master's work, his sympathy with sten, his strong grip lipin Inl, and his forceful sprviking, Isis retiree.' the 4 hriwtinn life of the county : he heqs trade ,a great, ninny personal ft'iendw during his brief stay in the county: and he rend the good work done by the Master through him'will lung be remember's' in Heroic Public School Board, - - - It por say a t,reati singers a value for t ties, the bag - QATURDAYt, NOVEMBER UPru, AT A 2 0CL(a'K.- Happy Thmlght range, Ila e Mere parlor tulle, ,entre table, sideboard. one ragan, one velvet rug. Ala, slightly damaged ; About filly cattle chains, one wagon one boggy. Mr. ,The Anetim. Hose. OF:O, HECK TT Auctioneer. , lr QATURDAY. NOV. 111TH.-ATONF, • o'clock -harp, on the premises. 771 Trawl. gar street, est north of the rvap,raIOr. Two new hack hoose.. a room., bathroom. furnotee, or ,ant walks, all mnvwnlenn+ti miller. Ste. ore sn n or ,pny: next. 1 Un as - In per tx+n t- on day of NM . Salem* sated t 1.> 11th clay of Nnternl,rr, INP. Spay he tavorabl arranged for with purchaser. 1.. f.. K\alt. Town Clerk. p, A. T 'FP'Of{*t (Igo. REA'I(KTT, 2i else. Auctioneer J. W. Mayes Buys Teleg .h Line. - A lew days ngoo the nn es -tion et the (iboildl isn't. of Ihr I. N. N". 'Telegraph Co. with the line 'toning north along the lake shore t( Kin- d ••s, cardio. wet eel r the ream .v I t is 1 'ng that tim! rmt1111t111r lied Si /111 the line o J. W. Moge., who pntrhtter,l it for us in ciemetti(in is it 1. the I Intnrie Nest Shore Railway. The Railway Com- pany intends to convert it into re tele:. phone line attul tri ill Ju its dispatching by telephone, ,'f'lepla ne 115x11' Ttp tory been pntrhaSell ted will Is' placed at Dunlop, Shepp/aniton, Port Albert. Kingeht•idge, Hinted, Leerier, Anlherley, Pine River and Kincardine, and Mn. Moyers states that it is -in- tended to allow the puhlic the use of the telephone line, free of charge. Mr. Moyer also stet's' that the agreement between the C. P. It. and the Ontario %Vest Shore Railway Company for a switch at Dunlop's hill to give the elertrio' Tine access to the C. P. RA tacks entering the town of O.aderich, which were signed by the companies on (ketole,- '2nd, had been ratified on October :Mild by the railway commis - e on. Owing to the sale of the (lode - shoots ty-1.... t ima of i lir e,hi,ol t ruste•rs was held on .1londa}', Lt ins,, with the following members of the board ill atteiilllatlrp : 'ieaxl'M. Moir, Cmtt, Mel.ean ,old Sawed. rte and Itr. Turnbull. The se.•r'tar•y'v stat'. mint of diahmree•ulents for (let ober .howld *Pelle exp•ndel, the largest items being $2I1l to 1. It:trcl+ay, the rchitecl. whusr plates fur the row s nil building were accepted, and lel Ora ober salaries. The {i+rt'.4 454- -hey» west AI, with an -aver at.tend- loya and '213 girls, S(1 per merit average attenik►net% vid're ward, 714 and 7:i per rent. in divlsl s 1 and",{, r•apeetiv'ly, _l . St. Andrew's want the average, attendant-' was SMI end Si per rent, in divisions I and 2. respectively: at the Tempt' nce Hall the percentage of attendance was 9s., and at the Central ecool fol, SM), R+4, WI, RI, 113 and S7, in divisions I, 2, 3, 4, i5, nand 7, respective- ly. The principal reported, also, six children as not having attended whore' at all dining the th and eleven as very itregul^r In attendance. The Orient officer, he said. had doneevtary• thing but take legal action. The re' 111,1 iu9 fnr l print 11 girls e ' Illy mire of cent. Th was in Mt. I port was adopted. .\ 1. Ctt reported ted (bit. St. I iavill's Wart s'Ilmd had been r•t•paind. After discussion the matter ,of the extra grant to teachers was laid over until next meeting. Pay for five d..ye'-teaching at the Central school was passed to Mrs. Bogie. :5 prog- resrl certificate in faro,' ill 1'. 1'. Lee wits passed, and the chairman and lh.• sue -le.tat•y wen• eptowerel to vigil 'all pi-t'guess ce•titicateK with the excel,. tion of the final ones. A ion the,- .,f am -Mints were ordered paid, the larg- est being $l">uI. I Ih the Ma> -I wan Estate for coal and vials..' LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. A•1lulad4rn navy -are you for or ng .inet f If this a.aen't iutl•resl you, rill on F. J. Plidhwt,l aria leave your order for as new suit m' over coat. --Hu-t goods. ntwwnable pylae.. only six week.+ to Theisturn.. If you are Wring to wend your photo ,w. yonr-frlend'. it a holiday re der, call at once un it. It. Sallow. the photographer. Do It now. Always something new and nice at Wilmer Srllth - Ar Store. En-1-Inv'1, tall and see the extensive aws,lt nein of fancy article,. pictures. chew. etc.. etc. - Tuesday ware the. Kings birthday flags about town were hoisted. - The question of the mileage of gu n,,- olithic sidewalk -iii Godes-Wit having been rained, a rough t-stiuiate was figured out at the tiiwn' clerk's office the other day. The rn c.1Ia made it about twenty miles. IL id mit pre- tended that thls.figure is air -urate, 1=1)r. T. G. Holmes, of Detroit. hit other er u f 1)r. r. IV..I. It. Ilihncs,lirs. R. 5.V. McKenzie and Mrs. Leech, of to WO), was injured red 1 utrl ,week by a street car near his hone; at i.)rl n ' Reports this week are that he is arc tiringni.iely from the effects of aeeidetit. PERSONAL MENTION. A. Mautder. is on a trip to Montreal. Dr. Manklin made a trip to Stratford Mrs. It. N Smith lett al a a I -it to T 7'.1 Wright. of L01elml, was In lows. l,..ntw> NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Nov, 11th Pans Architect r MhurJ.lt.,rclnY ( NetTiSu` R�� Alawrbo:li Mutlul Flea Ilotolr nuc,• 1'O. I Reader Vitality Herald and Weekly Star, II Lulfe-,old. bildneo'-I'out.--D. Millar I'O 1 Special 1':whIhv0tui1.s: r. A l McLean tiros F' i Suit, old h yrc , •� coal A1'.('.1'rldLalu. For Side Multi • m,ksatulda) (a0euri %loon'. - I Half price Wal.' -tom-Pieter r x This W'eek's i let -lag- A' U.l'olhom!..... '1 51'taxl Heater for Sale• -I luetaker h$aitand ('emetcry if t , w'wneu', Fail .and Winter Costa- W. Ache- '. Soni ..,,2 tlnallty Store l'herie.'S. Ewing. ,....., bog hest - W In, Oke. i e muiller \louday Specials Morrish tt \'winter 8 A act loo Sale - I lauiol ('army, HheppgrdtOa'. , 1 Edison Phonographs and Rscorels-,Lax. P, - Thulm-un. - . - - 7 A Solid week or t/reaa Y)oodu-He11H5111s jell- _..-. gen. Hru+....... -• a, -,. Coal Furnace fer aab.- J. li. Colborne.... t Low Tourist hates F: F. L.awr.,,eg s SIM, Vele Fowl to Us Ctaiudiuu Poultry a' Produce Co„ Stratford 8 Recycle/ (1. T. R .. 8 Agnew urrunuuti.--Ueu, Lleckelt .Annotee acini.- Morri-h .', V al.atter..;'... , Not.w re Church Street:Sewer-Town of tioderieb ..... ........... 1 Notice re St. Patrick Street Sewer -Town of Uoderk•h . ....................'... 1 I 'nut( of'Ites-isbon Towushlp of Colborne.... I tawny the 'oder Toronto - on • Iter. J. I', Reid, of Atwoah was in town on • Fraley List. Iiuolfrey Holl was is. Toronto for several 4.y. la.t week. Sir. and Mn. 1. Whitty and child visited at NI it this week. �Ir.. Rowland, of Walton, is the guest of Miw. 1.,,,.ie Jol,rutuu, Cameron aroe.t. - Airs. W. 1.yon, of l.ond.sboro. a!alte.l het sup,. Mr...1. Ilauulen. on Sat unsay. !I. 1'ot/unlin, of trnlnllla. t:ovrrumenl rales Inspector for thi. district, i. in town. 1. C. Fleming. of t'lblon, count y secretary of the, V. M. 1.. A•, was In town yesterday, Mrs. John Acheson and the M1..e. A,hr.od ft on Toe -slay t0 -mold the onto, iu, in Tor w 0. 5 . A. I.aw-on ha- ret UI ne,I I - ' after tient "w s'(sit with relatives in (Detroit and Sarnia, \Ir, ono .MIT. I.haml. who.ta•nI the summer o... -un In •• of the Lewis '`,ttage!-, left yes lenlo'for rondo, • Mi-- Irtt.,I aal.surha- 'ret mn,mlhome an e3 nlaki,g an r 1.'ndell Visit with relatives throughout the test. Allan Murray, Rawl_ t, Ont... aane•nni minted by his mein. 11. McDonald, of Dixie, 11W.. 1. net )iS U on a - s ylnit, Ir, and Mrs.l4ter Ss eel. of Merlin, ...pent a few days in town during hr week, visiting their daughter. Mrs. H. B. ,ehmer, 41, T. H. Conductor Willi 1 Mrlrnnalit i. rehevhng Conductor J. Hullsit the. week. Report way, that 11r. Sullivan I. taking to himself a wife, W. Laine rrtiverd yrwtenlayp fro.. Toronto. where he was 'Mending the Preen. ',I horti cull oral exhibition, toeing in charge\of the county of Huron exhibit,' J. L. Aitken has nOurnet from a wo months' tellutp Seattle and Pointe in the I' ` adios. West. Al Maple I reek she vi.lted h side•r, Mr-. Nec•-ley,v.hmn she had not seen for t wenty.Wat 3•eats. Mr.. Mary Johnston. of Detroit, haw the `ail week Men the gne.t of Mrs. William 15.•y nolle. of Lads, North Dakotas, who is here woolly eps. her mother, Mn.. Mei. Kirk bride, who M very ilk . .. lir. 11'. N, Millyanl, son of Rev. K. W. Mill r ord. of town, I. engaged in hi' professional o»lut'`it>' with the Telldwkamblg w Northern 411.tario hallway at Abitibi 4•rewdrue Ill North- ern nntario. [mitten tally he is get lug N vale able And interestlog ex►rori,nee In the north room rv. Mrs. I' JI MMMai h and children, of Walker vine. w ai Mmpanied ,Lel remains of the lad -I e the h hat' t e H.JL4 Johnston, eofn E,.ea In town. has returned I'rl tlomr after . ft ale f ! Ildlll -a Iholt while with her amt., Mr. t1'nl. An drew-. Bayfield road. rind Mrs, John J, Graham. Huror, road. The Seaton!. Expositor said Iw+t week : Kr N. Hays has been limping around with a wore fled for some days• -Ronday morning he was walking a•raw the drier in his 'bare feet. when he stepped on N ie'odlc. The needle broke off. about hall of it remaining In hi. foot. and a rl(nligh tl.e rita•tnr probed about an inch into w.•- ••wtlleioterate-tt,., Knox rhumb we well represented at 'the annual meeting of the Huron Presb 1,-rlal Sort. Oft r. N F '4 10 ear y cnn.i.tra of n. 1 'oal.: Mr.. and Mi..sorang. Ales- Ilnt.l,eson. :Hiss Monis, Mrs. Warnt,rk, MI-. Ralph. Miss Stirling and Mb,. Dwain.. login her wll h Mn-., Hamilton and MI. 1'lark, of L chm•ta, sub Meta _ rni I's Armstmug, from Union Church. A -v�1 y pleasant rindprofit/dile day was spent by all who attended. CHURCH NOTES, "Satan" is lb.. Uougall'i subject for next. Sunday. evening. "The Present Opportunity" is the subject for the tenoning. AT Ifii• Vittoria street Methodist church, se•vicea on Sunday the ser- mon tapirs will be as follows: 11 K. m., "Thr Three iteruss;' 7 p• s.1., "The Salt that Purifies! the Water's." The set- topics at the IHapt'i't lunch servieek next Mnndeiy are : Morning "'The Can of the Cen- tory." Evening -"The Model of Manhood." 'Phe pastor will ptearh, Everybody welcome. Ninth retiree. Methoeliet Sabhttth *chitty' wjIi Mean 'e its luutivr•t',ary on Snndny, f leetemla'r 5th, with an eider- evrbirig at which the cantata ay the {'alms" will in• rendered, Her. Richard , llohhs, now of Exe- ter, will tsceepy the pulpit of North street Met odist "hutch on Sunday. November 21st. lie will present the wink and Hewn' of the educational de- partment of the \lethaliet church. -The Men's Mnir.lay, ('lnh'of North 'rtei't Methtnll't church, meeting e e .!'itltlilay al_11 _ o'el.w.k ja -the e Ill ppnnr•lor. apn(1W:CCM as itA aim : "Fpieruisliip, encolira ettent 'velop- ntelt, a vides) cf a Hilder life,da hand to help in tint.; of need, but more ere- pe•inllyr to know the Man among men. and tette lranefuormel intrHis image," Its invitation Is: "If you are A /rune ger in our town, or in search of a church home, a warn) welcopme, the fellowship of sincere friends and the privilege ef helping other men awed you here," Ouncan O. Ross in West Middlesex, In the West Middlesex lye -election yeul'llay Duncan t;. Hoes. Liberal, was elected with a majority of 155 TOWS. R S{) THANKS AND A REMINDER. 1 • !hiring the last tau days we have sent out a large uuutiuer of \ai•c is for subscription hi The Signal--In a gtasl Many cases Ihlt, persons owing have re- spondel, fnr which they have u L1taors. Wi' would • ask others who have received a,'eot111ts tai remit as slain. as 1 possible. It takes looney to run a newspalwr. Preserve the Geovte.' The Ransfonl grove on the Huron road is to he soul under mortgage on the • 7th inst., and many of the towns- people, would like to wee sonar action taken to prevent the cutting down of the timber, which is altogether likely to happen if the property uses into private hands. Tpauses grove a hrauf;t- lul piece of woods, and its situation within the town I' 'ts would make it especially valuable as a picnic resort and general pleaoire mound if it were under public control- It would be a great. lose to the titwn if it, were allowed to he cut down. and if the tome council • can find some way of preserving it in its natural beauty and opening it to ,the people as a park the action would, we believe, be endorsed by the best opinion of the town. We hope the matter will he taken into the serious consideration of the municipal lanthoriLies. ANNOUNCEMENTS. tall at the new - furniture store for furniture. Mr. Telford ix ' selling his brick honoree this. Saturday at I o'clock tarp. din sausages, fresh and good, atInst & VANa' ATTBs, Hamilton ('hole butter and fresh eggs at MIlltKlall & VAN,ATTBK'a, Hamilton street. ' etc., at UKN I � VAA ATT BK'S ' Ham - New fruits am-Newfruits tle\s flavoring extract's. 11100 street, Everything in g eries, pure, fresh andqqp a 1 at Mount KKI & V. v ATTNK'R r Har illlton street. r t The 5.V. C. 1'. U. mee in the Temp- erance Hall the second nd fourth Mondays of each month at. o'clock. Lose of appetite and genera debility are quickly overcome by the it. - of a few bottles mt "The 0. er L." , uI. A meeting of the Daughters of e Empire will be held in the court hot) Mu ret o'clock. "Lifetbltoy Snap" 'is delightfully re- freehing for lather or toilet;' Per washing underclothing it is unequal- led. Clean/tee and purifies. The advertising department of the Brand Trunk Railway System is now in receipt of complete figures its to the general attendance at the Alaska - 1 uatn-Pacific Exposition at Seattle the past mummer. The total number of proppde who vomited the. Grand Trunk buiLling was '335,: t2'7. The ex- hibit is now on its way to Canada and the Company is preparing its plans and exhibit for the 'international Ex- hibition at Brussels which will he held next yejtr. The Grand Trunk will erect a handsome building at this ex- hibition which will he veinal to any it has constructed for the exhibi- tions in the pante. T a AUCTION SALES. Flies.. November 121h. -Auction wale of high grade dairy cows at the red barn, ,loot& street. Hteterh!lt, eotnliiencIny al I o'clock. !. K. IHK.u,y, proprietor. Tor.. Ocluav, auc- I ionter, St rrlulvv. November 131h..JaTielal sale of faro plotrrfy on the premises. lo[,, ieke road cast c't>lpx:•sbh, township of Stanley. D. Mt Ih,ou i ,s Ideal mgiwtrar. Pant,, Uramav, Mlle Uoas,t. - Wamvrsut,' Novemb.erJlth,-Alctlo, wale of farm stork. Im ilernents:u,d household fur- niture on lot'L I Ink.• road we... . -lug -*4- 111 miles 1 the of pi/unbolt. uuu....ae...t,ay{ u_ I to Clark. II utuhel .,ser. .rga. Oreprietor. Tme1a, Ursula, auctioneer. TI smolt 5. November 1.4h. Auction sale of S waCot;A.rwere (arirr.farm-stork miff Thr plt.nu rte, on the premises. lot II Lake road e.wt, t'onwxne, romlhenefng at 1 oeloek. toe R. let. 1' , proprietor. Thom As (lt•Nlar. /mellower. BORN. SPlYTTur.-.In 11'Ingham. rh•toler 791, t0 Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Hpotten. a daughter. • DIED. WYNN.-In Undrnch. on Saturday. Nov erre her nth. John Wynn. MILLER.At Cert.,. or, Monday. Not -ember 4th. Joliet/Ian Miller. in hl. Rind year, LAN'uwflE In Onderlvh. on Sunday. Novem her flim, ThOnla« iewaon, RICAN. -In Usb+rne, on ,sootier tit h. Thea Horn, (Whin of Wolter Hers. (lodanehl. aged 111 rear., s month, and 111 dark MANNING. At Salt fold. nn Fr May. Noce,• bar .1111, Allre Manning. relict of the hate Lawmen, Manning. In her 7eth year.