HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-4, Page 6.775'7•44(77.
6 Till'It.:Ut\. Noyhal171,1i l inset
1'.,r deep-seated
e ti-. !M'k or a Myself Lela
A Sur. Y.lar lora era. r C.N.
A t1.01) O 14 1. I.r • gree ward Cssgk,
tet. a 1 ;t-. itt!th9 )f anneal
Hunters and
V. (.•T •H•
Best Market Price.
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment.
Quick Returns.
L7ltiupptag Uwar
Raw Furs and Skins
the old reliable Firm of the
1Fur Trade.
off sad rte rtrdlll St neat,...
Ask femur Free 1909.1910 Price Let.
WE t•Ay bXPrhba CKAat:aa.
of clean, sweet-smelling
linen Is obtained with half
the toll and half the time
1f Sunlight Soap Is used.
Sunlight shortens the
day 's work, but lengthens
the 111e o1 your clothes.
follow directions.
Oettiug into i.,,w Lauda this
winter will be wade easier, as the
(:anadian Nurthevu I)fitatio Railway
• will in a few days have steel laid 41
(low Olinda Junction, 'which is 31
miles north of Mellwood Junction, W
sedge north of Sudbury and Jilt miles
from Toronto.
The -Clow Ganda Transport Com-
pany are building a glad team road
from tiow Uapda Juucti..0 that will
he mueh•sborter and a great improve•
went over the road used last year.
Maps of the rute, also freight,
passenger and express tariffs are in
course of preparation, and an
announcement will be made shortly of
the service and all arrangements
regarding the handling of the traffic.
For informatioi write %VIII
Phillips, General Freight and Pttsren
rr A�tent, Canadian 'Southern Build
Hunting along the line of the
Canadian Pithier Railway is un-
excelled elsewhere in America.
Write for Particulars of spec -
1.1 train service for hunters,
maps, literature, etc., to R. 1..
THOKPNON, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto, or to
JOS. 11i IN),
Agent, (ioderirh.
Office hours e.:Iia.nm. ton.: )p.m,
Single fare
for Hunters
T.magR*tni• Muskoka, bake n(
Bays. Quebec, New Itrunswiek, No.a
..Scotia, etc.
Dally until November 6th
Return limit Deerrnher 1h, 'or until
.lose of navigation. if earlier, to points
reached by steamers.
Consult neertest Grand Tnlnk Agent
Regarding Ins tourist rate..
Down Town Agent+
(Mice hours -6,:01 a. m. to Y p. in.
Hew Wealthy English Nobleman Got
• His Money.
Royalty knee; hew to treat their
I,,vuritcs nett iu the u1U day,. rgril
11101101 they were iu the habit of be-
heading those whu tell into disgrace.
k • u.. cese et Ili• founder of the
4, u e of Portleu.l, fur instance. lie
aN but a page -buy W
r',raulie, los 11awc Grlug Ileum WJ'-
!iu1.. 'Funnel,. l'Ittmately ' hr b••
uuu Uutlfideutial adorer W the
tents r. bud eerD.d the latter s grate
.K1.-•-134- tturstttg +pilo thraugh
ark of smallpox
Ruyaity; -It -tea•_-bertr'latlt--here
n wrwurira fur services rendered.
I it it: ties case to »4814114 sea: bdi.rl.
' .;r after the prince's 11k:vess 014 to
British throne he proceeded to be -
lauds end Mira ..0 ht. fvrwrr
with such lavish geurrueity that
• ,st the Cewaiotie etepp.d ,n mud
•h .t *viae ul 10 gilts sltuul.l
II,,i 111 • spite of tins. bow-
turiee•r 1. .g. buy' wartaged to
•silt :. i .:,'4. onshore. which
1 the 'Nocton- ..1 the Iei.IIOU
410.•11 the pi, -, Lit Linke of
:Ion,' (owns. the Seen sl, portion
hist., h01i.45e ..cies, bri0gs um a
�! .1- elusr upon f.YW,(IMl.
aiguu I[I treated his lavurih
ve lt' :t baron, a tlaa•VUII. and
.1771 Whet, the lat4•r d),•4) In,
se a, worth $I4,WO.000. mud: w4s
1 lieu N tv t rF-.• grurrualty of
le fhLL r•' lees .0143401111
tenet 'this is but !W. )ears ago.
1 tin other uubl, hems. Cali 'claim
holy.• aotltr►re.l such ►weak aid pus-
-MI" w *e shun a $puce Vf ti We'.
kidney's and 1 hec'awe en bad I could YOUTHFUL TERRITORIALS,
hardly move. A friend of mine told
we u( Dodds. Kidney Pill* and gave I Britain'• N.w Army of Recognla•d
we ledf a box Just to give them r trial 8e Cadets Flourishing.
and after 1 had taken them I felt very Y g.
such better. 1 then purchased an• , Now that the Territorial Army is
other box of lkrdd's Kidney I'M,* and practically in full development, the
after taking thew the pain' had en- War Office is to ' yl its attention to
tirely 1.11 ser and I ase now suite the orgaluiatlon of cadet corps bone
cured." rd of lads over Id y.•ars of age. The
uuthoritiee have just issued w u draft
faro, the regal -steers'• -Joe **4•174-aeethh
which are to he subwittd to the
Territorial Aswciatwur fur to 'mt.
' it... r'I*ulations. of approved, will not
h*ye' effect before, the beginning 11
the financial year IYI(111. The radrl
sort,44 uirhtiullr'4 iu the 44484' rcyulu•
lwus mt*sU tut b.• tuufuid with what
were known 4s the cadet t•urpr bettor
the days of the 'Territorial scheme.
There lettere raised by all Ili• greet
public reheolr, are uuw uticeri' trait' -
4144 carpi, alai have their definite
place u, r.•t•ruibng fur the coummmis-
- rwmrd ;nuke of the Territorial Force.
Thr cadet corps with wlliel • w
rules deal are Hese, J' organ-
ized bodies b4Ibliging o many ut the
seconders mid elementary w'11001s.
The rules stair that a voted). urgau•
nettio11 shall nut give ()diciest rceug111.
Nei to arty stylet corp., u11drr the
new syst(•w, "unfree it is' likely 4u
funti,:h. recruits- 1.0 11»- •-fia.uinier4
F'urcr." ('* .4 corps. also. naiad be
sad-supipuuu,rtilig, except fur ;mute in
kind. These grant, Mill include.
Thr rite rel o,uu..ture_iouruuu-
Ilio11 per nun, under certain condi-
tlunr--. --'-- -. -
Rifers or carbines and side-ar,is
arch as are availrblr.
F'ivr "eunvrrted" wrote.'• ride* or
miniature rifie'syor every 1(M1 qualified
iII1au f'iwce After o,v'isitl14* fa, toua
({id, whore wonderful microscopes
had proved that -there is always some
living lriug to be found preying on
',acres -dye sparnrges with great
'1•. sr,- three increfisaear the wealth
0 •. Beitteekr ruurnaeUell. tilt the
.-t uitere.ting u( thaw being that et
-.total duke to Led) Margaret
). *Imo, to addcnua W tleausatids
doe, of laud or Ihrbystere..pur-
k l vlsuver C8stJe stat the tweet.
,ck Abbey, while by another
•'i ,_e with- the heiri'rs Lit. (len.
• el FSl.•rhirr. they acquired Si..
,'nee in Caithness
ut )can beltuv the death.. which
urred m 13/9. Lit the etca'ntnc fifth
•the rna,p Wbu pieced WOW&
} in the builder's halide fur
upon twenty years. acid spent a
one •cumtructing. under round
• ' 'Ils and presage* hts ileus,• was
'ntla/.i4 at $1,500.00* a year. and
AA. iucreaslug eyeryday. Exactly
' et thin meows of the present Juke
tr h doubtful it be tlttitsett-ltnowe
.: at i. prubably ucerer 42.500.000
a.__u-41.600,000, i i .44epee the -last
t. •t the late duke left his London
ttrer> ur:rot Marsh 4'1
• .ch includes all *use valuable
.r,.1 rents which may be located
.'1•- came. of Welbeck street, Cav-
-li seuare, PurtLarid place. Great
:..rid ousel. and Great Titehfi-W
•'1 to 1414 4uers, the UoiJirger
!t 4Jaaiugt(N1 arid the UUwager
;> Huwrrd de Walden
latter was the greudwother al
present Lord Howard de Wa1e
n. the ncbeet bachek)r in England ;•
r to addition to 291 .err* in Lon-
uo-which bring his in an anginal
, 1 $14Ji1Mi.(alO, be Remoras
pruperty in Ayrshire, alai in.
sited (rue bis grandmother. auJ be
gr, uud landlord of practically the
w e.4 town of Kilmarnock, with its
••tri"ping carpet faclorie.-and iron
Drew In Shakespeare's Day.
i 1.•• Elizabethan w7ur4•U dad not car-
a barrel about their hips. but they
riled a o0rrr1µ,ridir1E bulk. what
,u1.1 Correspond to a skirt in . uur
ter was theta called a farUtrugalr.
,is name, however, watt prtp••rlc up -
.I to the fram•wurk of v.h.deb,te•
. 1 wire which a woman buckled en
.,• air begsµ to dress It clamp-
' !.••r tightly about the waist and
- ..b.ulu4•ly rigid. One style gave
rnn'.• from the waistline down-
. the other t•xtentird level tern
amt. and wet the vertical lire
r d it right angles- 111 either
,t r &►suer garmrete were sup -
t.,4 y. this (rausewurk, touch as
sup 'rt the week's wash on. a
11'r lie of ruffs. that contained
.shown u nineteen yards of linen
i..• 1a4hion' file depth sus uric -fourth
• a yard tnrtitnr'i they were alt
;ch ms one Mrd or It yard deep.
• 'skins dhe 1 ad u( a 1111111 01 sew
like the ub of a cart -wheel.
..114) gripped w the midst ul a Wass
stitrciw. WWI ext.•ndrng a lout
all -Mb; ' 14.. cumb•ryone. were
,. nr a►t(t•le. >rf 'Ir * that it 5.•8.11148•
'••ensary to underp ,p them with a
in •w,.rk of air, 1•, ,s•p than iron
h114r user of thri own w.-ieht.
•I,tu prevent threw m dragging
Ir w'•'arrrs Ilead, Juw m w1411 thew.
the last of the n.iouteet creature' last
Ite11. an English writer tut•ned to Min
and si►id : '
- "1 assns here.nett.' 'ti►tTiu if to Ip'
an individual. 1 leave knowing my-
self to be a is.wmunitv."
7 hen One Bottle of D. D. D. Cured Him.
It mind have ieen rift her a surprise
to Mr. Joseph Birtrind, of Vatesville,
Que., when the trouble that had stuck
to 1 'fur over a score of years was
cured by cue bottle of l►, I1. I). Pre-
scription. He wrote July Inch last to
tell the good new.:
'•1 are a lahaekrneith awl *uttered ler
twr11ty-two years with bleeding piles.
I load the piles s, badly that I had to
leave the anvil and g•• and lir down,
14le *n, 4)441 eerl hoisw that had to deola
out and stop work for a week or more.
I had tried prescrtpttous,- salver and
blood remedies to no purpo4e. One
bottle of G. 11. 1). curet) me, and 1
have no hesitancy in *commending
11, I).'1). to the world."
To hundreds of •ui rr..ri► [sly.. moo.
%sews and other skin troubles 1). 1). 1).
Prescription has brought just as wel-
come relief as it brought to Mr. Hirt -
rind in ho U•ou14148. The soothing,
comforting D. 1). 1►. is wont grateful
to those who have suffered the tor -
Mier of skin diseases. it reliever In-
For free sample bottle of 1). G. 1).
J'reseription write to 16 D. 1) .Labone
tory. Department 1.. N„ 1S( Jordan St„
iur rale by all druggists. ' •
Starting a Family Row.
"4 Kentucky couple," said Mrs:.
simple's, "got tuarried a few daps
ago, after a r tship which Listed
tiny years."
01 suppose." replied Mr. Simpkins, eurp.. Attu» carried by rrc,tnix.d
jlte llaauL-Lilt 4448*► haat 17011u1 411111
feeble to hold out any lunger." • . horn+'.• duty. To assist coul)t • assn
. claBolie 111 Wetting-rrreessary char et.
they will receive mutually is grant
A BOOK FOR FARMERS I af*l,,l at the rate -ot 1111. iori'very'
. Ila, raleirut cedets. • .
E.l,to. `iir,wl. Uzdericl.. ebll
Dl;.AK SIN, I am directed by the
1lunorablr ttie Ministrrof Agriculture
to wad you a copy of re%ieed edition
of Farm Wrests. Thr first edition of
this book' wait distributed Tree to pub-
lic •ifstituiions, including rugal
The revised edition contains
ervrDty-rix plates of weeds and weed
seeds, illustrated in their natural col-
on, and 1s" page., of telt. 1l is pub.
limbed to meet the demand from
(asaisteaod sit -here whs. -desire a eupy
for their tie:vette t use. Th . unusual
riot of the book precludes it from
those publications of the Ih•partruent
that are printed for g.'nerel fteedislri-
The iexok is now available to Cana-
dian farmers INingle copies only) At
the office of the Superintendent of
Stationery, Government Printing
Bureau, Ottawa,.at the nominal prier
of $1. 1 hope your, interest in a(fri-
rulture will lead you to encourage
your readers to procure a copy of this
tarok. 1'ery truly yours, '
Oen. H. CLARK.
.Beed Commissioner.
Department of d
Ottawa, Oct. elf, Mel.
-Frew use of tion, ru.uwut land fur
camp.. -wild -(ioremiuent rifle ranges.
Every c48Jrt corp- will be affiliated,
as .sero as it is properly vrganix.J
:aid recognised, 4' the Territorial
unit. Cadets who .rub*t direct into
a Territorial unit! may. at the com-
manding ogee's diilcrrtiuu. be ex-
cused sum.. Lir all u( the cUstonlury
recruit &alli•. Moreover. their cadet
service after -the age ul 15 will be al-
lowed 4i count for 4lte Territorial
Fore, Decoration. In the ordinary
way cadet.' will eddy .b• allowed W
stay in their corn, until they are
eligible to join the; Territorials. ex -
vent ire school corps, when they will
1,.• allowed 4, stay as.long as they
are Lit the school.. NI. buy under tate
Inge of l4 *ill be admitted. to any
School Governess : "Why, Fera,
our.essay is ient-1
- weed-.. woed-
from Maraud.y.'
, Vera • , "Well, 1 thought 1 couldn't
d.. a better one myself." -Punch.
_ -trove Tank:
"1 say" asked Jenks, as he walked
nto Bioks' shop, saulplr-case in hand,
'can a cowhide in a hoot 3117717'e-
h,.pi""No," raid Rinks, "but calfskin."
What He Said.
1't try F understand you :said no
giriwould ever marry !leggy Swift or
Die because we were (,. fastidious.
Harry You• didn't catch it quite
right. 1 mid you were "two fast
Whitt Uncle Eben Says.
"Talk," said, Uncle Kben,. "is num
ry. But doggone
- Mr. Asquith,
1'h' ,rr.e•111 I'n's
ril aunt career, and a
nn .1 h . 1,7•7•Ii accumplist
l.• was,1,ori4.i11 1 ,J. Asst
n.,n .1 •cLoI4f.1111, at tri, ('t
ic•Irs.l ntr1 4* has.kept
•. 1 f nn-.'lt-•'erre Nine - -
1 aro ta4ldy-(uur he e
a t., lh • Iter ,trier, non r •t a god.
.cisco•; and L"Srdrul 111 arun.-
thy. .interest or Mr. '(iladst me be
riUlurrt <p.. ch -i'1484 4 411 a p .1itictl
eri-r H.• first entered-Kneli:intent
n, Wotrettry. n.-1996 h• \L..eese
•,i,.-tI:, of • th • Exchequer. and
e'n !:r 11.•ury l'*mpbJ1.11anm-rmlli)a
i 1.is1 year Iv 1e..ean1.'
tylT 1n-1i:I T 1i ff.:i, w ilh..ut aro
way• the l'r.•tnl,•r i'. by no 11e•4o4-
v.•titlly-pope11111; indeed by rn:oI\
1' ,yrbn •d a.14uponur_
One -Legged Wicketkeeper.
Jet Knotty 1-h t'rico't- flub e.
.1.4 pl.r, +• R a wurid.'rtul sear•
•i;..l wjek•'tk.•rp.•r in Mr J (sunt
1 suit,. y.,u)-W hr haul the dm.
: ht. but 41. intermit DI the
n ,•I cr,.'k•'t sots e: keen that even
dpi lent d••t• r hint l►uul Jolt-inng
game he leu, -717.,•77.well, B' nqg
e4aA.1. w vireo -
h., -ennd- with lian.l• to-
1!wI' in the moot •npprnved fashion.
ern t:,k • the f,:il! 1n a futile and
duet.mwrtner semi •Nh roper; rase
.1'1e1 al • -off or "het- midi.. Hos
iity t. nothin1 4111,11 e'4 wowing
...", 4 Lr 5 bawl -rt
An Eton Character.
1tuckburr, ilio Witten, port, used
W be qutlr a character at Etuu . He
had been in the tie%y ht•lur.-he sat-
Iled at the .drool and succeeded
rowel/sow sur utter in getting himself
regarded as the licensed versifier of
eurreut events wbeoever Moment was
celebrated Thr quality of his verse
was uut high, if rye may judge from
uur•ipecitnen. it ran mit 10110414:
"In Royal (iourgr -lops many lad*
were drowned.
A summul near apitheaJ, not PI.
mouth Sound,
Anil with them went to swell t)o•
.ireadful trews,
A lot of women..ly49h, and -levers,
Hr ha14 rut the spin tacit of the
catastrophe all right, but the method
of repressing then. *reuse W leave
something to.tie desired.
Nt.aekb,re was. blas, -.l w.1), twelve
i•hildrrn, whom be mimed Phorb,
IA,r:•ie Man, Hemet tali Samson, Venus
Hritannia„ wllb:nu Sh:ikrap-imr. Plu-
shy, Isaac Situou Brunswick (iranh)•.
Saver Dove Ami. Georgia- :lutrobus,
Mary Maud. Pitot. Punier-. Herber-
tus William. a11.I Saul Henry. It 414
a wonder that when they, came 4,
years of ability they did not ' bine
4. inurdi.r items L•1nstatunq- prolrm-
lut-_ Iniac kea-+rrtrr ire possess-
ed a -teN *Lal .1 humor, however,
and some refit sterni its 1141 impro-
visator. (ieeree. 111. al ways gave
Liam a pies,' id Y•.111 on 15.- Fourth of'
Juur.--ererr--" thew--Menrrirle "--by
an told Et_,uiau_- ( .
Giants In thhe House.
!lir. .1. Cathcart N'ev,u. M.P., whu
recently gave a lunches,* to Sir
Joseph ward, Kr* %.•alusel's Premier.
Is one of tin 1.r77thers in the Huu4e,
the cheer IN -i114 the Right Hou.
Eugrte Wasur, T11ry are th.' tallest
and heaviest M P Torr former re-
pre•wuts the rnn.4 Northerly cunetitu-
ency In the British Isles-nan,,4�
thkrwy anti -Shetland and he 'hid
Completely 49011 the heart,. of his e.uc-
etituent,.. When hoe lands from the
steamer, as all mus du. in a twat, he
-net-went-fi., .h.; hill". craft tol,t•.
pull.•:1 up high enol dry on the beside
bpfd ars h1e" rev tlr" un
walute andpwad••-._ sb'lrdl•l'.lhruurIigthe
surf. On. .hone he strides from one
group rl-f*laeetnrn-to nnnthrr far hew
High Laub•, eel '1uu hear a e(rnAtamt
wuecrs.iun of "Ids.'s a' wi'. ye,
Sandy "4•%e.•1. Andra; hew arm ye
the tfay: ' TihaF 11 -le he has. iiii4TGnsl
the des -idiots of the n14n.
'ampler/1ton, N. H., Nov. IK.--
,Kpeci.l.l-Mr. W. 11. Wallace, of this
glare, in a builder and contractor and
,s very well known :and respected,
The fecu of hie case. which we print
le -low, show how speedily i)odd's
K idney Pills cure kidney trouble.
"Sonne time ago," Mr. Wallace
writes, ••1 was engaged In moving a
very large family residence at Dal-
housie. a dietanre of three mile*,
nearly two Milers of %which it had to
lie conveyed by wefer. I had to be
there (ley and night and the conae•-
queore OMR that I .wugbt a very severe
cold. This settled in my back -'on my
Paisley poet"lolehdedl-No. air, 1
stet not Bleated tn. OMB*. en-TarkN,
an' Ncotii a thistle. 1 can write verse
on anything in Nature." Greengrocer
-"Hest, ra Lir it screed &toot the
Ing',. (onion). it's yin o' Nature's
triumphs, an' (lima get Reeali'nt
ronsetd(•ratiun free ports."
If you have a cough, do not est
t ; buy at once a bottle of Allen's mfg
iimilits .0 the dra& lesson we learn
1 reflection, and aelfdistivat
rot proof we give of having ub-
a knowledge at our elves. -
bites, bruises and IarilN,
Davis' 5 nthol Helve will soothe and
heal them II. 25c a tin at druggists.
Half the orld icon the wrong scent
in pursuit u uppiueets. They think It
consists in ha 'ng and getting and in
l.yingl*erved b others. It consists in
giving and N'k'ng other,.. --Henry
I )rummond,
-Mrorirre, the lint hair pomade,
is made from the gr of the Cana-
dian }fear, Which has he hea1ieetcorat
of hair of all animal. k a .jar.
11ork is the true frien and consoler
nf-tn*n, nttwei hire abdve II his weak-
oeeeee, purifies anbennoh hirll,sayes
blot from vulgar tempts 'onp, and
helps him to (Near his ',utile through
days of sadness, and helot- which
even the deepest griefs give w fon a
time. --M, Caro.
"I'm in a pretty Ile, 1 earl telt
AP- l+nalr fto- -Me
wands the tem of the last term. t•I
*rale to my (ether the other day,
giving him alis of hooks I urgently
needed, and linking him to send me'
money to hay them." "And didn't
he ?" asked the pad. "No ; Ile sent the
An old bachelor farmer and his
housekeeper in the parish of M -
were sitting one evening at family
morphia) when the housekeeper, who
WAR rather dew -sighted. began thus
"And Jacob begat the twelve part-
ridges." The farmer, noticing her
mistake, said --"Dear me, Janet, ye're
makii' game o' the Patriarch.. *the.
eit het-
gither non."
An Artistic Prince.
The young Ihik.• of Saxe-Cub,urg.
whu lately pasro'.I his eye-and-twee-
birttnfn3,'i+ -laird to be the only_ _
d?ngttch -p bl le' --veil-Mit-boy who TAA
Ca•tuine a r•iltrnng ,prince. His le-
•n(wt' father, Prmee Leopold, le.s-
sed n great pnslilertion for nnur48'
Oris the aria- 18-148141+• Haat hen 4.•1.1
tram nitt.'.1 to the son, who alit. in-
herit?. r0m hi+ mother 11 chwr(ul rigid
auliabl- dLAlai*ituai, -494,44!48 .writ --lana
triot tr • g an a German ..HI.Y•r
has not le. 11 able to quell. His only
later. Pnil. •s :U,'•xwide, 01 Teck. hn•
murk in eolninon will.' him, and his
.incl.•, the lat. !Puke 0( K•(inbnrrh,
As, preceded in m tt.1' 4),k,' 14111
i »dexo•-(•eburg, w ,. 141,1,, a ver;' cl •y.l
and 'very Fnthu.+l:,s c must' onus
Marfehester', rherbs. -
London r• not the it a c..uy *ted
:u etlun .rl Eng1.11141. The Vole eland
Mnrlrhr.te► fins this 41sfin
hints► has it mil14011 In .tart 'ith, all
Liverpool, only twenty mile mei.,
has nearly wavetm. Tlr.•,, ill.' • e.•.
Il -)Tion maid a SIIMI*d (-neon, • I
If hill :n 21i -mil.• r:. '111. of M•trehe •r
whish (••11114111 7.:0e1,t1011, lir :NO
than &meter te,mlKn.
For Pale
Delicate People
Buikls up : •tr: tli;tli ; brings Irick the
noddy glow "f health by creating a
Selina) appetite fn; nouri.11i ng lessl.
Get only the D. & L., the original
doe. anel $t.nn, et all druggist&
parser. t .: .. cn., )40nlr4I.
"DO you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Com-
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
t0 her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. "There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous old remedy, made
conclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the 'past 3o years we have published thousands -
utletters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi-
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write -
and ask her.
Canlfton. Ont.- "I had been a great Buffeter for ave years.
One doctor told rime 11 was ulcers of the uterus, and another
told we it was a fibroid tumor. No one knows what I suffered.
I would always be worse at certain periods, and never was reg-
ular. and the bearing -down paha were terrible. 1 was very 111
in bed. and the doctor told rue 1 would have to have an opera -
thin. and that I might die during the operation. 1 wrote to my
sister about It and she advised me to take Lydia E. Plnkltani's
Vegetable Compound. Through personal experience 1 have
found it the best medlelne In the world fur female troubles, for
It Lass Cured nee. and 1 did not have to have the operation atter
a11. The Compound also helped me while pas*ing through
Change of Llfe."-Mrs, Letitis.Blalr, Canlfton, Ontario.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Blair. -
The Mason
what you must
have in a pin -
block. It has
t o stand t h e
greatest part of
the combined
strain of the
strings on the
pins. This
means a con -
and Risch pin -block is
to stand the greatest
a 9-'
tinual pull of from thirty-six to fiythousand pounds.
The Mason and Risch pin -block is built of layers
of rock maple firmly glued together. Each layer
presents a different grain surface to the adjacent layers
Mason a°d Risch
The piano with a soul
This method of construction produces a pin -block
that is not affected by atmospheric changes and will
not split or crack.
This Mason atld Risch pin -block system Is
cite reason by our instrument remains so
much longer in tune than the pianos con-
structed in the usual manner.
There are many exclusive features
'::nbodied in the Mason and Risch
,piano which we would like to de-
r.onstrate to you. Mail us this
:.upon to -day and we'll send you
';terature illustrating a n d
::plaining these features.
1-11...t Mason and Risch
.'i.a"o Co., Limited,
„s West ming St.,
goad ria orris lash
testae booklet saplaY►
1.g the muesli write I
shoat! owe • Mabee IlaA
Ranch plaza Thi la as w•r
singes« me to parches&
Itf�e • .Ula
1•11•11r.-= n}s
Hamilton Street, - - Goderich.
The attention of farmers is directed to the fact that 1 am in a poli•
Lion to supply their wants In the line of IMPLEMENTS and MACHIN-
ERY with the hest goods at right prices. 1 em agent for
Deering Farm Implements
Brockville Buggies
Paris and Wilkinson Plows
Page and Frost Wire Fence
Dairy Maid and
National Cream Separators, etc.
We shall h' glad to have An opportunity of showing YOU our
griodaAnd (pieta prices . Om aim i.to,nppplythe BRAT IMPI,RMRNTS
on the merke to the farmers of this 4int.rfrt.
Taccmaiate I
m lir t S.'
1111.1, I1\a
T 115
Another Bargain
Ily special atrungemeot iv.• err • $ I,
to otter
The Toronto Weekly
Tr mp�re
With Til ' SIGNAI\-.
the two together f now toyai,:
uary 1, 1910, Yak. ; (. , now Cr. Jlgi
Liar, 1. 1911. $I.01-
The usual dubbin rate to invent
subscribers of The MIgna►,invent
Nend all orders to
1f 8 man kt,rw am h about
ing as he does about finding fault with
it, he wouldn't need so touch brain• to
be superuid Lu woman.
--Toe LeAOWO-
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
orders astetrlly Altana./ la of sit
Lilo bears, pleat .r ea)
Furniture and Undertaking war-ro,.,
we•t aide Square.
'PHONIC: Store 48. (erdertch
Residence 171
Meat caller At rertdenee. 1; Witham
�a epee.
(Published Aeon/dip
Enables t railer, throughout the World
10 communicate direct with English
in each clan of gaols. Resides 1N•ing
a complete commercial guide to Lon•
don and Its suburbs, the Directruy
contains lute of
with the goods they ship, and the Col
oriel and Foreign Marketstheysupply
nged under toe ports to ivhi:11
they sail, and indicating the approxl-
wate. sailings t
of leading Manefa'tnrers. Mer'chantm
etc., in the principal provincial towns
and industrial centres of the 1'nihrl
A copy of the current edition will lie
forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of
postal order for 20s. ,
Dealers seeking agencies can *doer
„lee their trade eardn for i:1, or large
advertiee'uiente from 1:3.
The London Directory Co., Ltd.
2(4 Al)church Lane, London. E. 1'.
Special Offer
We have made arrangements with
l 1ATI1t.I.I1- IIK111..TKR .AND ('AN -
Anus/ EXTENN1(.N, of Toronto, one of
the Wading, ablest edited, and most
influential Catholic papers of Canada,
by which we ran offer
The Signal and Catholic
Register and Canadian
for one seer for the bargain sero _
The ('ATnol.n ItKnINTKR ANn('ANA-
DIAN EXTKNNIIN, of Toronto, is now
the property of the Catholic Chur. h
Extension Anxiety of Canada. It is
brilli.nt.ly-erlite(1, w ell -pr i n ted,
seventy ()limn paper of ten pastel or
more each week, and under its new
management has hecome a leading
exponent of Cathode thought in
Address all orders to
aoderich, Ont.