The Signal, 1909-11-4, Page 4Tlit'skhai, No -1- EMBER 1, Int atitatstst THE SIGNAL : GODEP LOB. ONTARIO THE G. C. 1. "UT." '1 chempionship and Thotuaei Elliott the junior Championship. The prizes were distributed at the meeting of the ti. C. I. Literary society on Friday evening hest . The remits of the con. STUDENTS DEBATE UPON BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Running broad jump iseniort-Roy Walter 15 ft, II in. F. McNaught Running broad letup ij . T. Hunitinghop. step, j pi toads r 15) rudham 15111,3 in, )1Atideriatn.& Running hop. step. jeutipeseniort --H. Item ii i TT g hop, Blip, jumpentitioris-R. Pattersoti ft. let, T. Elliott 32 Ili- %Vat hock anil EV& Sinatra Ville Sal; Bella Clerk and Josie Saundeis 711. 'Sle•Lae hien s ft.. el in.: J. Dean S tt. st ending broad jump junior) -- tletti ter osenieeri It. Welter • Throwing shot (girls, IP. Cox 13 ft. Running high jump omelet I5i --W. 1:au:Leith pole ,ile iii e -T. Elliott mei E. Hawkins : E. Elliott and II. Colborne. • lot yeti's t tinder 15r- E. Prielham: Peanut rat e (girls) .4. sunnier.: 9 1..1 yards torwiii--F. Me -Naught lo :LS) yards.' (Plinio -1 A. Tout T. Three legged rare i girls) A. s tun - out F Cox. „Standing high jump -F. MeNaught Elliott and E. Prielhani. Pottle. race i girls( Co Cliff : A. s omelet,. Retuning high intim topsail M !lean : Anderson, chishoim and Tom. 1.7111-1Vith pOle haunter) 'J. Dean 25 seconds ; R. 11'alier. Driving spikes titirlso--C. Cliff : F. Thiry -legged race - F. MeNiseight Half mile it:, and imelere -E.' Pi id - ham : C. Thompson. Washingte m. Mile rave-H.1y Walters ; Alen ill Ileirelle rare 0211 yards) -M. Ander- Consolation tsce-Leonarel Gray : !toward Welters. Or. Strang Announces Conditions in Series of Literary Contests- Distri- bution of Prizes Won on Field Day -A Pleasant Evening in the Assem- bly Hall. There were several special. (maltreat at the meeting of the. Cot legiate Lute Literary SI .4. y last Friday e vening, includit ig debate, the pres- entation Of the prizes vron on sport. Strang ief the comlit ions in a series of contertr °peat ti.st adepts of the school. The president of the Society. Henson Long, occupied the chair. The subject eel the debate w,as "Resolved. that a t 'publican form of government is sitteerior to a monarch'. cal." The aftli•metive war , chant. pioned by John Malian and .1. F. Me. Naught, and the negative• by .1. E. Jackson and John sturdy. The young men of the afflunistise argued it bet the republican form. giving the poor- est subject a chance tee rise to the. high- est position. tended to keep the peeple More in sympathy ,t% Ali their govern• The republican loran disa,waiested tyr• •nny and snobbery ; even ita Canada, it was held. there were. traces cif class feeling trona which the republic was tree. The United Steles WaS held limps an example of the pt•og- The bloody •troggles of rival elaitn- ants to kingly thrones which histot y records were poitited to as serion- eh-awhile:Ls to the monarchical systeln, what tvould happen if. through some - emirs/. of events. there should be no heii to the British thrune Litt a for- eign prime. Kitigs %%etc betel to be expensive. too. On the other side, it was held that a limited monarchy was the best of theshining example. The long nitra- tion of the kingly reign, in compel lion with thr short term of a republican president, matte it alwast atiS that the ess•iipant en the throne should take patns to be popular, order that his reign. might emitinue in comfort. when he came to the throne. and this gave the monarchy 1Ln :advantage i,vea he country will "IV tiller might lw a ranks of the inelearneel and uncul- -.appealed to. history. The Roman re- public did not last, the Crontwellien experiment jut England was failiii.e. was at the heed eit, modern civilization. The judges -Miss Dodge and Mr. Firth of the staff and W. Holwrtion-gave the llll in favor of the affirmative. During the year the stiitlente will have an opportunity el taking part it. contests in essay•writing, declama t ion, reading and .recit at bin. I 'tires teaching staff. The regulations which are to govern the connwtitions wine read by Dr.. Strang and are published lie the .distribut ion of the prizes tee the iv' re on field day Mime Mc- Arthur, of the Collegiate staff. was assisted by Dr. Strang and Colin Fingland. The list of winners is pub- lished elsewhere. in this issue. of Thi• Thee program included several other interesting Intuition -re. The glee club • mg two good amigo; Miss Edna Weide gave a piano selection and Miss Flor- ence Veiling recited. * Mr. Jordan con- tributed vocal arid instr !nod nuke. A bright number of the C. 1. Jour- nal was read by he assistant editor, Thos. i.rtel in tins connection Dr. Strang made the suggest. 'that the Journel might' be Inside edit; more interesting by the securing of eontri• hutions from former 6. C. I. students scattered abroad. Reference was made to the address oil "Citim.hmli Literitilre to be given by 1Cathafine Hale in the essweitibly hall on Friday. November 12th, when it is hoped a large- innulwr t he townspeople will he present to hear this talented lady. Regadateons re Literary Society Prizes. Following are the regtdations set forth in connection with the offer nf prises announced by Dr. Strang : For the best essayan at least three. pages of fools sip, read before the So ciety during the school year. A eatedi- date may e Meow. any rithtect and con. . stilt books and vermin,. for information . and truly make elight changes Mahe essay aft erlreading it before t heSeviet y. but whon he hands it in finally for emir. petition must append to it a statement -that, apart from the information, it. is his own composition. For tlw best address Or ileela mat ion given at the final meeting of' the So- ciety. A candidate may choose any sell. ject and consult books or perso me 14.1 information, lint the composition must be his own work. Ile must not read it, but mayline notes to refer to. Ile must have given an address or a dee. Lunation or spoken in ft debate at snow previcete meeting of the Stswiety, but if he hare spoken at two meetings during the year he may repeat one of his addresses for the competiti,,n. For the best reading and the Iwst recitation given at the final tneet ing the Society, , A candidate may choose nny selec- tion and coneult books or persona in . preparing it. Ile must have given a reading or recitation at, wane previems meeting during.the year. tent if hP has given two he may repeat one of them for the competition: The decision to be left to three judges previously appointed by the executive and approved by the prin- cipal. The judges for the essay prize may be different. from those for the either three prises. The jedgen inay take into ace( pant iti deciding the form to which the candidate belongs. Winnere of prizes at last contest will not he eligible to cotnpete again fed• a similar prize. Roy Walter and Thomas BIliott the The annivil sports in connection with the ttoderieh Collegiate Institute were held on Weseineaday of last week. the 151415Vinti• Friday. hut on account of the unfavorable weather the event had to he postponed. Wednesday was far from an ideal 'lay, tint, in spite of cold weather, there was a fair crowd. and All the contests het three /Fere carried out. The remaining con - wale were held the bdlowing after - moon. Roy Walter won the senior Semi -ready in England. Charles 'II. Nelseen. president of semi -reedy lainiteSI. and Alfred corporation, Nailed for England on Octobet• lith tee visit t lie !tram Entflish Mikes hum .• maler lite direct per- 44.111el i4i4.11 4.f E. Leeds Nelson. a I tireetitr of the Company, and it is ended to flirt fier enlarge and Widen the scope of the Semi -read y Company's mite a ling dried. POSTAL STATiSTICS. Figures for the Huron Offices from Post- master -General's Report. l'he. folios% mg figures relating to the lite report. of het Postinamter.liencral 31-4, 1101P. For the accounting (Mires the gross posit al revenue.inot including money miler and postal note businettat and the salary I not including con .... ait me money orders, etc.. or allies - given. For the 134 oll-Ree011at ing offices the I eVenlle and salary (the lat ter itasedsm the r4.44,44440- -Of tles- year I are given. Postal hayfield . 11141.16 325 lietteliwo it al '442.53 112 Illetevalee :N7.74 212 Brocelield . 541.71 252 Brussels . 2,752.1ff 1,11419 Centralia ... 341 tei 1151 Elimville N1.116 Et hel 198.17 252 Exeter 3.24S.53 '1,1311 tioderteti 9,f111,110 3,121 horrie ... 1r211.83 roc! liensall . 1,044.71 7:5“ .1;1111estOWIl 113.13 52 4704 v2 11,ontleslioto 2:17 1.1911 2.0142 2514 105 2,270 rah liarpley 111.110 Hills Green 114.35 liolluesville 177.35 limit ingtield 3300 II terminate 27.25 Lanes 05.etu Lam WI 50.31 Leadietry Lothian LOyal :57.50 lainaley kilo • 711 :51 tot 35 1111 75 35 35 51 35 17 15 71 1.17 35 3.5 111 401 :11 Nfotictieff 1.13.25 New bridge , 1211.off Itedgrave 1114:21,2.74.:70154415): 21.111) l'orter's Hill St. Helens 2/1.110 West Hein ' Varna Walton Zurich 503,74 novenas Maisel Blake Phi 31 Brews! er 34.95 Carlow 113.76 Chiselhurst44.45 :ib t'onstanee 1 47.111 SI Crediton East 1211.70 5t1 Ihinlop Egmondville 135.55 Olen Farrow .. 411.111 (treenway 315.111 47 35 35 35 411 tut Payments for Mail Transportation. some of the payments for the cat vying of mails %vete as follows : Auburn and railway station, R. J. Asquith, Stlere.sii. Auburn and St. Augustine. It. J. Asquith. 3237.:35. Hayfield and Seaforth, 11. Little. :121.4:ol.rdyce and Lucknow , A. Matson, t Indent and Sumenet hill. A. C. Big - gin, 3117. B. Augustine, *112.fig. ni unary, $321.15. tioderich and Kincardine, A. le J. vier . °oder-WI' aunt street letter boxes, 6. Holinesville and Porter's Hill, W. Piekartf, $1111. Holieesville and railway station. A. 15.tiderboro' and railway station, s, We eoduree, 3225.35, Lanes and Mafeking. %%loner and railWay station;.: 111 KEPT LONG VIGIL.40f! Ludenow Girl Waited at Detroit Post - office,, Hoping to Find Sister. mitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills are legion. The box is imitated, tbit outside coating and shape of ths pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's Kidney Pills is Imitated. Insitations are dangerous. The original is safe. bodd's IGctney Pills have a reputation. Imita- tors have sons or they wouldn't imitate. Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only *as DODD'S. Dodd's is the original. Dodd's is the name to be care- ful about - KIDNEY PILLS M- g. We take the stranger in and do well by hint If we -call contrive to hold hits) hhif a month longer, we eau do that much better. Therefore save the simuner.-Colliers, Sept. Itith, _ - Proper attention to the hal. And ,,ealp is the best prevefitiv( • kcc-,,4 the scalp in health 4,1 the hcad. 11111111111111111111 H. COLBORNE r The great thought of the day is -where can I get the biggest dollar's worth for my $1.00? Well, just read -our offitrings this week. Vets will find some great values in them. Black Sateen Skirts w.• will offer on Saturday facturer's over -make. Regular prices. 'Mc to Wk.. Our price on Saturday, your choice ....AOC) Stockings. all -wool Thi. is • lot of factory seconds, but. the slight defecta will not affect the wtspz in the least. Fast Meek and iwantless. kie LUCKNOW. Mu:quay, Nov. 1st. Lucknow ham a new barrister, in the person of Chas. U. Locke, who has t. iS EtTAZ 1 -4 -"astir Tanana. ' lb Sprains. Detroit, Oetoleer' 2.s.- Five weeks ago Sarah AlcKay; aged twenty. a rosy-clieeked lassie, who -lived with her parents on a farm near Lucknow, Ont., disappeared soddenly. Letters subsequently received indicated that the girl had made careful.plans to run away and was then living in Detroit. she gave no address. lett requested that lettere be Pent her to the "Iteh• eral delivery- at the postatice. No reply came to these letters. and with the long ailence the health of Mrs. McKay. the. irl's mother, twgien to fail rapidly. Determined to do hing towarde finding her sister. Miss Catherine- MeKay, the missing girl's Nell iOr by .t came to Detroit yestelday. morning and took up her stetion in the corridor of the postoftlee. where elle mind watch the general delivery window. All day and until late at night Hite remained at her 111141 this morning ati as again on duty. fully determined to tint! her sister when *he elated for mail. Sarah, he Meyer, has failed to make her appearance, and now Miss McKay Learn she is twing detained sollieW here and has slopealed to the authorities to aid her in her meareh. The Lost Sister Found. days' vigil in the post (Ace. where she waited in the lielw of seeing her mister Sarah call at the general ele- livery window. Mire Catherine Mc- Kay was ieweided at 1 o'cloek yester- day. when the runaway girl put in manner right in• front eel a general de- livery window. .and later left. the building together. Miss Sarah Mc - weal y of the quiet life on her parents; teens- swat -lareknow, Oat,- anal- 144 there about live week!. ago, tO• Detroit. where her itildress_sstultillt.1 he:learned, Finally the elder sister, 'at herine, came lo /etroit to do a little detective,. work. She learned that three letters awaiteel tier sister at the general delivery window at tlw post office, and, eisining the consent of the ',manna. officials, she stood in late. at night, beginning Wednesday. • Save the Summer. tip to Canaria to lengthen her Po ar to keen the tourists twee, keep Ow peon's. out. its the open, on the lakes, and by the lees, keep the children out of ,rechool for another fortnight. To saVe the sninmer two weeks longer there would have tee Ire mime readjest relent'. Tlw Toronto Feir would have to le. shifted to the last half of September. This is no Intrelship. Many farmers snit -tired harvetstera are crying out for just that ehange. How about the schools? there are many colleges and schools t hat do not °Pen till the. middle of September anyway. The longer a boy hers out in t he open, the etroliger and better will lie.he.for_work through the winter. Then there is the tourist butanes. of Commie. It is worth look- ing aftet. The deli people of t he United St ates, having discovered our beautiful ...... part from with regret. With !quail coaxing they could Ire induced to stretch it mitt wo weeks re. The little POMP of Nlaine is reported abet -Meeting t welve million dollars annually fr tourists and sportsmen. If Maine can that, our vast wilderness /hound do ten WM% 11. Thirteen yenrs ago, !lint y hien- to the Highlands eves Tes day these plighting of ',termite number 1100 y hotniand, and this is only one many virsitense are Induced to (Tose over in winter, lured by the sperkles ol Qlieltee and the leraeing outdoor sport., can only estimate. It ie surely large. :Suppose there are fifty thouriand tourists travelling on our railways living in our hotel., shopping In our let:ops on September 1. At the vet -y lowest they would spend two dol- lars • day. A million and a half In two weeke. This a golden stream. • Dana. shower, that is worth cherieh- OR OUT POOR WORK IN THE WZTTE.ST V/EATHER NOTHING 5'1 iOWERS' I, of LED 'THEY LOOK WELL WEAR WELL AND Will NOT LEAK , FINE TAILORED CLOTHING FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP The Tailor, West St. Mrs. R. O. Cameron and Master Alwin returned last week from a three months' trip in the Western Provin- John Cameron, the village con- stable. 4.II Tuesday of last week. took to himself a wife in the person of Misr Easier, daughter of Mr.• and Mrs. Pin- ker. Clinton. The wedding took place quietly at the home of the twide's Rev. C. W. Saunders, the popular rector of the Anglican church here and at St. Helens. har been notified by the Bishop that he is to be removed to St. John a church, Hrant ford. The change will take place in a few weeks. Who Mr. Saunelerie succensor will lie is not yet known here. bray arrived in town on Tuesday even- ing andleft on NVednesday morning to % isit his_father who is ill in Walton. Flom fhere he will go to lateknOw. where. NItse. Slowbray has been re- siding thirin4 the tirue that he has been looking inn) business conditions in Western Canada and visiting the seatt le Exhibition. He was delighted with what he raw in the Prairie Prov- ince*. hilt Wain somewhat disappointed with business prospecta in Witish Columbia, where everything haa been boomed to the highest notch. He iMade 5.4.IIIP investments near Calgary, and on his return purchased • site ter a home oil Howard Park avenue, Tor - Onto, on which he Intend* to build a residence and then remove his family to the ,ity. York Loan Dividend. T4 Iron to. Nov. I. York 11.enue share - tendert; Will today receive a twenty- five per cent. dividend on their in- vesetment. The liquidator., the Ns- tion.il Trust Connally, has issued about lla,1051 cheques dated NoVeni- ber 1st, and Aggregating ab011t $01511. - rain, which will tw mailed -at the Twr- out, general filmtnflke today to claim- ants raahling- iu par-ta 44 the Do,. minion and the nited St ales, British Sweden China and le tan Is Four trundled and eighty pai-rs in this buneit Sizes, Si. V, Hi and 111. Whst wet are selling at 35c are value for 45c.to 71/e, The 25c ones atv good for 35c. Try Ladies' Coats Two elozeti Coats. new. A special lot worth $12.51k S13.5o and $11,1m. Our price for this lot is just $11.11/. Black, brown, green. navy and gray, In beaver and kersey. Sik Waists Direct from the makers. Tvrenty.three in this lot--bladt, cream, brown, navy, taupe. soft taffeta, warranted not to eitt. We bought them at a price so that we can sell them at just Onis dollar less than their regular Cashmere Hose Ask to sor out 99 b. and. one of the best 'toe k'-ese made. SOW mery ro and Towel drier-Au/2d Only on Pandora For sale ot When a knife is dull a Pandora owner never wastes time hunting tor walks over to the emery rod attachment to Pandora, gives knife six Or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. Thus combined emery rod and towel drier is a patent- ed attachment 3.ou cannot SeCiire on •ny other range Just one tit th• many im- pros ements that go to make Pandora the handiest rand* ruu cite buy. 14 it by The Howell Hardware Co., Limited SMART SHOES For Fall Wear We have the greatest values ib men's fine shoes at - Beauty andSimplicity ale I win qualities to lie sittight for. Stretch the town over atid you'll find nOWIlere are these qualities exemplified to a higher degree than here. WE STUDY BEAUTY IN FURNITURE and give it to jou -earl' piece seen In our stock. flood quality and reasonableness of price are also assured you. GEO. JOHNSTON $3.50 and $4.00 Good, solid, reliable footwear just the thing for Fall weathet. We carry these in all leathers and have a fulr line of shapes and sizes to fit alf feet. Noth- ing in town to equal them. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North side ot Square An Edison Phonograph can be bought' for your price whether it is $16.as or a higher price up to $162.5o, all playing both Amberol and Standard Records. But you cannot measure the Phono- graph by money. Whether the price is $16.so or $162.50, it is not much to pay for an instrument that will last a lifetime, which will furnish you good music every day, which will furnish you better entertainMent than you can -buy in any other way, which wilt tent - your children to love the best music, which will bring into your own home what other people pay large sums and go a long distance to hear. cleArrs.tefriri Ilse:anis Get earn% estate.. fee= nor Prince Rupert, B.C. :OPPORTUNITY EXTRAORDINARY We offer you a proflt-mharing partnership in a business that is going to lie enormously profitable. No matter where you live, no matter how far fixrm Priors Rupert yon may he, nn matter.how much or how little you have'. to invest, invest in Prince Hewett through our Real Estate shares, gelling at par, 5111.141 per shale. In presenting to the public the opportunity to purehase shares in this Company, particular stress is laid upon the fact that the money receiveel hy the Company through the sale of Re shares is invreeted in carefully selected Prince Rupert Real Estate, under the direct supervision nf the hoard of directors. The oppot•tunity is extraordinary. because of the profit-sharing plan by which you may share in all the profits of the Company and its rapidly increasing busineme. PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS PROPERTY will make fortunes for those who invest in it now, as did Seattle and Vancouver Real Estate for those who invested in these cities ten years ago. Did you fall to recognise the opportimities. or did you lack confidence in your judgment P We present here snot her opportunity, TODAY PRINCE RUPERT IS THE CYNOSURE OF ALL EYES commerce and Vriose nopert's.preseot and future growt 11 insnres investors in our shares a combination of safety. 'high rein' and increasing vain.. which is not offered in an equal degree loy other form of investment open to the public today. if you have WO, gni° or $1,0011, which you would invest, where VII provide s large income with the opportunity for great profit. then subscribe for some of thew shares. We refer, by permiselon, to the Bank of Nova Scotia, Vaneouve, Write or Wit', your order for shares today. Don't delay. The Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B. C.