HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-11-4, Page 2i'I'flfrlafAT, NAPRNRRR '4. i))IO • TETE BTCNAL : GODRI' ECB. ONTA RIO wakes. Herr it Rockefeller giving a (tion. Ile and his wife shared the while 1 wt ii dollar*. to' oxtorwinate the hardship. of the rawly )$°awes and his •0. hooka/momhooka/momCarnegie has been panning ll wuyrr au11Ihol' of the oleo giving Ilia millions for. the cultivation of the bookworm. The writer of •'Military Utwaripi' in The London Adyertieei ,utys : ••\1,'r nee no great eittit.ie for excite - anent in 111x' announcement that the pulllwarnrs Neer'. Mess*.: !l, Brown, Awrliranliuveruu:ant int rndstol)►a1' %\'m. Kkiloton, A-. Ml'!iugahle J. modern (11111 inch SIM. 1111 its tra10111 Itubh. %Viii. Ivy lie and Tliuo,,John- arhit.rt.l.thi6....t 144.. tfavirrgw o i st• n, Ktnc•trdiie Reporter. all the shit* in gnertion, we eau safely say that they -ere the most antiquated collection of a rsre•I. aft .al. They wails the Spanisli collection which Isewe•y dt.h•uyr,l 111 tele gill$our • battle of Muuita ituy loot like as modern fleet. 'Ch.• \liehigau ja lese oldest itonrl&J •UUUPHI('H.• nevi [NIU. PUBLISHED KYKHY 1'HURS& 41 Of TRIP SIUNAI. PRI N1'INU (41. Lamina Telepbooe ('all Na t Terme of Illobeerioltow • Lpa per 11111111111 ill *ovens., ela month., Alt : three maltbe, YL. Cartelly In advancer auba.•rlbers who foil to raw• 1111 ntus: regularly by mall wall confer% L1.ur ter w• ,iiilbindu.of lb* fact at a. tarty a litre a. When a ebwyfe of :old neo• t. Beide d, both t he end and Menem Ware...should he given. • Advertising Raul*: Legal and other militia 4.14411i ...men& Ino • pe'i line for tint insertion and 1.- tier l o for each tahr.quent inne•rtion. Nea:mred by a nonpareil rale. twelve title. to all inch. Hu -[nee, canis of ..ix lieu6 and uuder,io per year. AdverUseluents of 1.0.11. Found. Strayed, Nit• notion. Vacant . Sit not fun. W'rutrd, Nuuw. fur !tale or to Wad. .)'arms fur Sale or to Iteut, Article.. for reale.' Ile.. out •xcr.mhpg eight tine....$• each In,ettion : til for Bret mouth. Ya for seeksubnelluese4 mouth. Larger adaertiee• meut. to pruportlo. announcement.annouement, ill oavlin,ary muting tile ten owes per line, NO uai.e*lar„ Omit $toe. Any eln.vial notice, I he olgwT of w 1,i1 11 i. I he pecuniary Leve, of any Judideal ower or ansa, to c 'no un•ldered nu Iwlverti.enaesu st.4 to be charged accordingly. . Hate. fur di.play and eofeee•t advertise•' menu will be given on e.ppii:alien. • - Address all comnaunlcatto • to THl' elUNA!. MONfINO talo. tfut(ted t10,:orlcq. ant who lilt a' years ago with elating banns and stoat hearts entered the forget to wale homer tor thonieelyew. The family have Ihr sy ialr►t by of a Ir tge' circle of friends. The funeral took place to Kin- cardine cemetery on Mundly, the set- Vieer 1s•ing contlurted by Rev. Mor- ley I►. al Addeo, Pine River. The ST. HELENS. • IVK CHICKENS AND POULTRY / 11 A N l It'. The undersigned will µay I lu•, Irwhr-1 mai Let cash .rice for stn) 101414114 of . nirben• and fowl dvinerect et ert 'I'ue.doy at moi. B.•leu•. All ls,ulrry must he properly Lo .aH.111• antedating the American civil tInwl 41)11 .tarlarl (efutr de111rrl'. rurlv)• lid ut her poultry will he occeet d Luer. Mel'. war by set oral years, . in diesel, thew It 1{ miet tt. make the proverbial Iortoise look like 11owl.vv, Nov. ist. a I,1tedu 1N)4t, and the rnmhiued MI, stogies, of Toronto. it vi.iljng Ilewt' euslflu't rurnrr a luau in a soya'- 11 r.. N'tlliusl Bray at preload. heat. 1( slake. little ilinereuee abut sort of gnu, they coaly John Webster left of Saturday lel• 'lusLota ala u huutiug ezpwlitionr Mr. Boden stated in MumttraL l.he Wt. -_congratulate llit,...and Mrs. other slay that, 11411 tsr it hIstlelkhl hg the •illie. 11 yd' 11s the arrival of a soli. t1BIliIlgs of -the t':asse•l, rotulnipsioli, 1\ all M e'('iortie, IN.. returned Led nothing had Iweis Jour to putai111 iii• %%.reek 1111nt a trip through the .41'0.1. guilty Parti.... %%'heat are 'the Will Webster eeturntd• from the karty amm mentioned Lt' y Judge , \ lust week bating Ironic and heart) -el, as having been 111114it11f111 to his. A windier front tttr vMagi. albeidrd Trust and th'refotr uo.lonljer emit- the,ausllve•rsauy (41.1.4 III''. at Ikithel pw•rent to art in an official rapacity; Sunday' afternoon and evening. S1 Hlnal. KEl•aMT. 1.'41110W lint in the SI. H i.lis w'liuo report for 0.4111 V. -Edna %%cud,•. Ethel McPhetsln, Nina %%'.no!s, John %Veld. IV. - Maud Mlttnilliel, III u•garet 3tilarr, Belt .Miller, J: Smith. ('limns[• %I'Uuu3ld. Senior III. ('luta \Vote's. v alive Gotev iyit, HMI they. been Tho commit .1. the l,y.gi.luhu. Fanny Ankh -Isom \Viotti.• Woods, ap{ointad to i•evtw•th'aassrs.ment law' n„t---.J WI,..1 elh i.:I r. w1 tl.wstu ltszel Ander Nom tt' - Mt tto$$[:". of the Pr,rinee is to be convened on [tient cater into power ley would Ernest Gaon!, Junior III. Wilfrid HeQuillii, Earl Cranston, ll••Keuzie %Vebb, Gordon '11e1'htrson, -Ewart lIel'Ilersui, James Aitchison, Itoy Smith, Cecil Hyde, Stew•aiI McGuire, Beattie Smith, Earl Taylor. Andrew (Jaunt. Senior II. Della -t'ratlsion. lastly, Hyde. Ethel Andiirson, Edith Nixon. .1 II. - Gladys Webb, )[rata MI-Qvillin, John Gaunt, Herbert .41,•Quihiu. Willie rooster. Carlyle Me - 1 l t.a..alti. alajeska flaunt. !'art 11. Eddie. MrQtillin. \%•ihnn \%'ultIs, Vetsn -Wv ifs,-'fenne. Woods, Atex.- Parvis, Siltours Nixon. Senior Paart theAt• fit neer•• :e_e_ scattered- through- Mettnillin. •tenial• Part I. out the NlgtItwest and the United- 'Evan %Irljuillin, Joseph Forster, StaIie-. AV), c Atte so many Of the sons 1'i/0e Psryis, .latlrliio (taunt• '•1! • Tiu:a trtce Anderson. Euuua 'Dletpljl- and ittoghlea of Dobai. leaving the lin, Stanley ;*odd. Jean MO./Milne. old Winerste:el- when there is melt u V.V. 1•temttice y.4lrltuillis,-Leslie Par - demand for Gu to hr11) This is is prop avis, Jea I.•1iu11. toadies on roll 50 : lent whieh (miners must assist in LVe'i'tgel Genii/InceI. atnce •:i. s"i'iTI.1 E ' 11l'jtNIN,' sativin¢. 1'0►haWa if there was a. muse ashes. - - ---- - -.. ,.^-.-_ -1':atalases-di-charlpnt_by_thehover[$, doneltle'll. THURSDAY, Xa 1, e' i,. went. Therefore, (hr statement mf Mr. Borden is wi-trading. It 81 1d BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP. 1"' It'nreud»'ria alta) that these own ,) url-r by u tot-uuel• ('tuner. November 2lyd. when it- will arrange tzullrave brnlqut d1.4ietlr1-1.1p1ur rt. 'to hear representatives of the different interests advocating- changes in' 11w law. !'his coital/lit ter, says The Ham- ilton Titers, should be'avarned, by the experie,iee of the Legialai ure in former efforts to•arrive at a .just. workable aaeeaallleiit art. l'he commission tinder Mr. Ji•tice Maclennan drafted a bill, the Pr ineiplr of which mato sound, and Which. if atlup•ted, would have led 1(1 ptn.id resifts. Then the 1.egislature liegatt. tot war-represenla- • lives 44 the dilfer.etat Intel -eats." each wanting changes in '1 he net to put -the taxes Int the other fellow, and wn+/li- eipal officials With no desire to ()Mein i, justand tcieutilic :u•t, bot merely *king to •'gt4Ta thrut was easiest : and the $molt was the u(uleakable halgt•-podgy which it i, hot►` -hoped To amend. The Tunes believes the shortest Way to remedy the trouble is to repeal the act hod begin anew, excluding the vurioiffn interests and the tuuiicipal meddler. from the wort-\uf its preparation. Would it not ie Well for /he com- mittee first to give its attention to 1 hr principles upon yh .h taxat' should lye based, and in thi,lway work out ab aasesswept act which W,IUld stand the test of years' THE NEW READERS. In the tither Canadian afagaziw the new Ontario Readers leerier the anent' of .11r. Arnold Ilaulhtain, private secretary to Professor (iayel- win Smith and a litteraletir of slutiv - note. Mi. Itault.aiu is of the opinion that the new readers reflect snore • credit upon the publisher. than 'upon the compiler,.,- While the took; air certainly cheap, it is to Iw moron lertd that in 1)o case has anyone been ;i;oil fur _, ttupyright : authura . azul publishers alike seem to have le -en most generous in giving permission it• quote. Jtt,_tiaultaiu goes on to say t- "Ftum the point of view of what may be called the ethical value of lit- erature, the compilers seem to have chosen judiciously. Cunr>,ige and honor, obedienee, kindness,' loves .of country, • implicit veracity, high re. leave- all these the selection. incul- cate. But, from the inl•xhaustibie treasure's of 'English -literature, it 011111)1! nut be (1n very • difficult- tee obtain pasilrtges ineuleatisg dieser vir- tues. All'high art, incl uhu)( the art literary, ht molal, u. the great Goethe Said, and Big Ruskin *al ..fond of eW- forcing. It is from•the point of view of what iiiiy be called the purely liter value• of literutur)..that we think we heti..( ill these 'Readers' some slim te_olnings. "It was a Maxim of 04i:sante. gireit Goethe that, in matter* literary. a thing ought to excel or it ought not to exist-whicfi if it 1* a platitude, is a platitude tan often fnrgntterr. Thttt admirable and erudite eriti' Dir. Francis Al. Palgtave did not forget it when compiling his second anthology Of Englirih lyrics. Mo extretuety care - fol, indeed, wart he to blown iii his collection only that which tithe hail 1 e' • n declared h e excellent, e Ib rat, t M. per- manent, that he excludes from it the Work of all living writers, even though -IF wila l'itnnaing for remit -wit 11 mature judgment. Inn' pile's \have placed themselves tinder no much rest rietlone - even tl gar t h e i r avowed object is (Sar we inn y Brent it,trttf* citrate the tattle of youth, so that eolith 'way discriminate the excellent trout the wow. pithy: may imitate and tram from' the oar, and may avoid the mistuket?�uf the other. All four 'Readmit' aloh(ld iro selections fr writers now living or but So very recently pawed arsay (hat Time ha* had no opportunity Of satiny the ex- cellent from the medl(cre. And the Selectionseeemto-trv,t'- een- tlrmwrr together in the mast haphazard of fashions. circler o r clahtificatiot) there seems to tie none. ' • Air. Haultain gives .1111)0 exaiflplea of what he style* the "bodge•pealgs" way in which the Fourth Book is arranged, and finally criticizes the "meagre tribute tot ••lintµ of enrol labor." • EDIT ORIAL,ItQTL&. By the way. what a lovely time the husbands of those fighting suffragettes over in (treat Britain must have! A large consignment of Ontatiu fruit was seised a few days ago at Calgary, on account of false marking. it is a pity that the fruit -growers of Ontario should be discredited ivy a few fools and knave*. What a difference one little lette %%cwxistl,rk Sentinel. view : The Lund of Ontario i. Not 1 inning . to summit the t0 ntlatiuu it it apatite of I I i supporting. There :are farriers all Iii-ough the e • try With large and (ethic farms. complaining that they (•1 t their platess to the hest of alv1tvl.g•• fur want ut.help.and in the 111411111 jaw IIIc sone and tlaughtets o1\ gametal Jinpwlsition till the part of EASE WAWANOSH. $$sneers to take their boys and girls I :LUKAS'S., Ott. '11 th. into learhleb.bip then would le Its •paws-inw et, Nett. --4. The. etetail of a di.pasit ion on the part .11f the into Inlay porsu:u to adjm111111Uent. Iwl is anJ irls to lr ve the old h urs. Members all Iresel,l' Minutes of laat g N V meeting, read and a Mewed.Chas.J. Hintawf, coucerritm 'I. preseuttd i► (peep [rhes from Washington indi• elaisl for 'd:utiages to breshing' en - "ate that their will be do tariff war gift.,' loss of time. rte.• t, ing Io en: With t'anada. The Aldrich hill re- gine' going Ihisatgh bridge• ni ,t,idrline •••nth' I. testa! by the t'niteil Staten 'Is and {u, couce•w.imn S. revrntly. After some dise'laasion on phi. Matter( ..liars*. rontainwl 0. rosisicen -nidrr ► iv,tuprotoinr• wits affected w et•ehj• which the Prr-ident rnukl order the Mr. Hinton! agreed to acrep t t %um iuliosition of duties twentl•-five per 'It Si" Bas settl.•ulen1 ill full, 11e rent, higher than the ordinary duties Reeve Wits In.trurt•• L to latero$ whir congN ,tint engineer and - Lav upon g.voels imported fr any country hint ' report on the condition if the• which Was hell to $libel to l nt►le Iwo bridges on [lir river, elnersuiil as igaailst the United staters. There was It and III, and salsa, It ave him give' all some doubt se t11 whether the_ prefer- estimate of the pt'obable cost of new' bridges at these particular placers and Hare accorded:by C:auada to British to report' on sante by next meeting of goods *111111I be eon.i•leued a diger' ' - the couicil. 'Flw fulldwing ....int.limn against. the I'nitwl States, but it sc.,. pre•w•ntrd and ordered lei I. appears That the 1111rs11 hats been paid : Alex. Uingw'rll, insliectiig ••rant eel. south braaneh Hillnhan settled by the eminently proper ran- ,Ilii„, $1.:ria Vent & 'lelvi•. Nam, e .-Maio' that the duties Iryied within building calved on ilatll:altaul 1lraili, te Lomire are a piltely family affair 1t:11 ; Vrltt S Lgve•, ,-boitding Ea - ward's bridge. a•olICP$s{oi Ii, 1(2:12: Alex. Nixon, repairing J11bnsun s to .burn thenlselvru, The implicit, 11r:tln, iett.at : U11115..1. I{intonl, repairs lion f the higher tariff to I'anadial to engine, Iola of time, rte., re de entitle feelive bridge. r•onresnilat S, *Dr: Oro. 1'itepatrir,k, underht'nthing on con- tirtishliiitgg lin Cotier.ai•m'II. $•i: J+)hb ,\IeKisnon; lav brushing 1111 eos- ven'ion 1t, $t : William -Itolritemn, sr- lectiig jurors, $.1 : %' ip.-,i, Patriot; sr- teettt)g .ljtrotO. t^_ A. POP erfIrtet, te-- ledtrug tutors, $• : A. Porterfield, The Lon ly Road. ggravel 15s.75 : Jas. 'l'unsey, gravel, 111 n+e-t to'fear the I sly !mit11;;.:00 :'Joseph .1.,Kerr.gravel, [1111.:11 ; Tip, [wl.itd round th lull:. Joseph; t. Metre in-pectiug gravelling. It dieteddolvntr;Ihefit'i-Wal-. r11nee.a.i,11 I:I. %:t:.41'111. Deacon. in a+. arcs(II.•Inintr,l ill. sp''l:lin¢ gravellingconcession lit and 11, S11 ; Jll•Kint Bros,, gravelling .\rid :lien meal 4111..116111 it •ed on Cnnu$sinnu lo, I i and I:1, 11:7.`['2 • The +•hmr.•h):Oil green gent, ill. .1'11111 Curtin. cleani)Ig out north No pipersrirl Irak 11uti Nail." \ branch HalbWban detain. $11(11: Peter No 1i1)..ir•,. 111Lwn 111*[ gala : W. Scott, inspecting *leaning out .of Nu •heph4rd• wilt; I heir gent,l,• Ills north brana'h Ballets/in drain, tr.-,: .)u hmd, of scented bay. lieu. Siurmous, r-uvrt•iug Midge, bycutf- No(wok.,,w:lgom,misted,•ss' d putting in onvert 11n any Satutda). \\, nPpwoolitr 11. Int ai+,l t, senses. It, c404 .4), The doe -wood them. thing wide -i,- \rnr''laitneiI thele 'adjourned to nim \•;gttin erre ' ALwJ ay. Ye •'efisl w• :WO ,)a AsHi.'liters _ react __ __ _.. _ttkxt _.. A'tis: .._1'a-RTRtivf-1•IAT.. t'lr i -k-: - Tile gnirrcl• ern..ed that rat hall 'd,y .- tor tiny flying-feer- - - The wild Lure n rabbit. It knew e ha•w eu.^u, Family Communities. . )„al'h -hallow')' oaf iltesm,I 'Elle• u•u It o W I! ) ._ L r kit_ gnu of u u- Andthel thegdld ,Ila•ILsliNe s,ygti "rift Ta mentioned the fart t11a1 phIeTW gang his w-t,irp�hIhut-c rlrg is,"�tow11 nachi on ler The cricket. chirped there to the mom four wind 1 Instillers, each r Ir Sep• with ttathnoteicest.;room; arae• (Befog,\l end all within threw lille01,tand-ilenererappedtheniromil nibs elf sou )t het. The gtr••[Intl trt.en,mnunn niggt- /fmw long was asked at tit same titin, if atbother ••11.e of like Lied Neil&lei fiinid in the 11,11, oh' they trreliel.l the lonely Ili -1.i-1'1 oyiner. This Craig brought Sol Anon tit .shy wa 11F Montt t t m numrri'1+ replies, a1 1 *cored of theme N oh -tomes ;l -.e .non, dark and A.M. .U•' front the count)' t' Ilitrou. -which On gunny days and xr*y : ei never far Iehi11,1 M 1y good fitter. IS,. o.edoo- arc l.,t..,..__...a..te.e-.n 1, Ill I. ruin inr rvn•reepontlent has -•olne a report off • Scott brothels. .urIheltth eon, n'on of Eat Wawa m,•I1, nil within the. Iltr('t"I 'le limit merely, but on adjoining far while 4 fifth lives within Iwo utile. of liese. In the 141110 township• the name sem- teem indent luesleepindent .yepttette-i1aniu d444.41i'.' case of four brothel., *leo named 411111, within a dintalle'.• of two 411111j one-half milers. On the Lake road, in Om ion nshipof Stanley• also in the *minty 0$ Hoorn, it second r'orrespiih- detrt reports, ale four brother. named tt)vwar within two n�yills ill each ,t-lit-r,w'htle a hide (nTltir 1nw II ill, would have inflicted greater -&terew _Liman. upon Can 1 a,-lastthe outcome might have been a aril( war in which both countries vena d have suffered serious Nor cam again so play. rad we foreel retch merry- ted,,.' he b id On hied. and [tee 4 • I • -4iT n, is amarrrnrnrr rust[$ Ana mih m• wish heel In nine the .oft- .lues p.a.wtng 0111 of night ...44 IMnr•.4n1M-m:a•-+.►y, 11e (1,141 I 41/4011 t he lonely rtntl That wind. Aroi1.1t lie hill , Far from the irirsy wall Id - highway i.� .indult, gad.' stow IYtlnding mill : It only *con. n poare9nt path. Pleasant, and green, 5151 .1111. V trim "hrlid. in The ('arntdinn .1:gra, tie. ASHFIELD. MoNleAv, Nov. 1st. Its',IT11 i►' .1N 01.11 Hksins:Sr.- On ridgy, Octolwr 'land, the death of IMniel I -Nein, aged eighty-six years. occurred at the family residence, lot 1.1. conee,sieen 1:1. Ashfield. Dece teed was born in 1relend and ra1110 to (Intifada in Itrl:+ -He -pitted in heart--- soll."where .hehim(' for, a.nuwber of years and was united in marriage to Mary Iirown. They nuved to the towilshi • of A.hHeld fifty-one years ago anti with the exception of five years, which they .pent in Huron, they had resided there ever since. The union was blessed with a family of two tion and two daughters, they swing Samuel and lames, who reside at home : Mrs. Hugh Pritchard, of l.uelinow, and Alta. James Brailey, of Ashfield. Thew with the eorrowing wife *twelve. The late Mr. McNair) swat a man highly esteemed for' his 'ruby good qualities aut waw exceed. ingly generous and kindly- in dlspnei•' Feeding Farm Hands. Every farmer's wife knows what tre- mendous appetites farm hands usually have; but while they eat well they work well, too. Herc's a good suggestion about fced- togfarm hands, Give then) plenty of Quaker Oats. . A . big dish of Quaker Oats porridge with sugar and cream or milk Is the greatest break fast In the world for a man who needs vigor n'lel strength for a long day's work. The man that eats Quaker Oats plentifully and often I. the man Who does good work without excessive fa- tigue. There is a sustaining quality in Quaker Oats not found In other foods, and for economy It is at the head of the list A whole family can breakfast for a week on lOc worth of Q*aker Osta 1 •road al'? [truer brothers named Kure and a married ulster. on. the loth eotice•taimu of Cuban., a third cur• rerpoudrut ,.syr, there are Three hew lea s mored Grant within a wile, while a married daughter lives a wile and a emitter distant. A fourth cor- respondent ray* that on the fit and 7th concessions of Logan there are four brothel -it named Womlr living side by side. The Nun is further in- formed that such rases are quite snutekn s in Hut'an, Bruer-dud Perth. The fact that there ars a (urge nunm- twr of in .taro es orf-lino-wat:4ate--40-«a $stents• is; iii view of the reuwval of Oct many of the members of Ontario families to the %%'eet or to the great eitic 4I, rause for no tit tiesatritriar-and fur goat it tele as well. Masonic Gathering. Eight -lm)' Tru' oflir elsewhere[ of Huron I 'hapten; Alts: were at Strat• ford on `'rhanksgiv pt 'Ilse, the urs easiI)n bring it chapter of isu sti•rtion of Jiur,mt di.trict. \.1; n. Luncheon watt .rived Io the visiting dele'gnuee at. noun, •111 enjoyable I • bring .pent OW around he i,ew•ial 1(11,11[ . In its Ile- w'ntat. ,If the gal heriot; 'Thr sit ..t ford Herald says : "About $severity -live represei tati01's *ewe Newest!, dele- gates hone chapters in iiinea 0 ue, i•itt•k'now, %%'iugIntul, Listowel, %''sok-1 'elms, $cithadrldon,-Ii11derirh. •Sea- fot•tb. 11itehell. St. alai ve and Stott - ft t•.1: One of .tile features of the •.r e gathering was the p le n r of EX. l' p..1. I1. Nixon, of 'Toronto, grand leeturer of the (ii tall Chapter of Camila, whit -wtpervi•.e.t-the work 'of instruction and evoke •••t •Ia•rmitt. to Re Learned 'front the M. M. M. De. gree.' This dt•$ree whit exi•utplitkd 1y- Chat ill y Chapter. No. 1:11.'Soot Is - atop l'III. rhe AI. K. '.\I. degree was pan on by Milton Via iter) \n. '11, li.r' a b u l t !1. mad Ire H �. degree u l _by TeettinselrCitatoer, *Nat. 21, Sitio foe All three de'glee•l were exemplified in tine siva..--jty • the re-1•w.tire teams and Drought forth well [merited praise fr the gt•and lecturer. The lural lodges , a ere Un.t duet' in their efforts to 'nter)ain II -I- visiting Slit. rutin. brethren :and they succeeded well. :The grand ufflr,•r. are : 11. K. Comp. items a Sb1..1.•, II: 'Ilan:. Grand Z.: It. A' Ex. Comp, U. J. lime iett,,'i'cr(ito. I Ira till S. I ire : • Itt. nix romp. .1. Ii.. Nikon, Toronto, (i rand .l.uturcr- • lit. Ex.' L,.on a. Aral. Jobs Stevenson. of Stratford. it. .grand superintendent for ninon 'Nitric', No. ti.' . . Important to Ladies. It in not often an opportunity 11er•ul•it let your Il for til ser t tt• hest Parisian tenet New VIA sl )lees in hair gnuid., yet such i. til Ias1e a. Prof. Doren: wend ,if Ti ,radii 11 le vi.t,alg thin town, and invites your Map...lion of there Kntwlil air his private :Ip:trtwentr re- served :it the hotel. I'he•-e h.tir);1I.1,1', .tyle ., when prop- erly udjll't.•el, protect mei ornament the 110441, soften and beautify the ex- prrwion Of the titre, and cmnnreuently tone up an agi•d appear. e. Ike aide and ser then* at Hotel Bedford on Tdesday, Nuvrullje7 RIM • Wif Child al - I'II our Ifs Hat W -OK'lllt I 1 `aille Irate' t 0-C 'ft- I y' I)ct t de a ctlr ca ful vat Ii policy, \s it API _s dltter(•llc.' 1r you reach ..31i1 age t: cashed t(' 1 de.._: -['tall e. I'M let , wrested 446 1 r ondon W. H. ROBINSON, District Agent. Seafort, Ont. $962 LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECT S Resident and Mail Courses Catabsarr Fred 1. W. W.riant,. 1 4' W..errv.it: Ir . Principal 1'n..1 •raw -1,4'. e11111.1.10.. -`s STRIATFOaD. ONT. ltai' tt)lS-I91,SHr4t4 $t of being the hest pnactiral training school in (?Baan t. Thottitc,.lgh •'mllrtieN ilat'.' pro laced resat,. Rosiness urn nay our gradualist; arts"tip 1 - a!nd; they app H to us far erri.•.• help. Our gratin . mincers! its n o n e other. Thr., departments COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Entdr lit OM �. Write now for our trio catalogue. - - , H. A. Ml•1..lrllt.AN, Principal. One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about •$lest per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning ,at the. rale of )1:(112 her year. Six months' training at our ' ii-inaw. College made the Jiff«seise. Wee it a good invertruent % He thinks at. Ills address is New Oegroode, Sask. Fuer (:oust.: PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter any time. Individual Inst rut't • %Voir for particulars. GODERICH , BUSINESS COLLEGE GED. SIN 1TON, PRIN. W. ACHESON & SON Dress Goods and Suitings We L•rllrve that our in esent showing of linea Materials and Nuitiigs + larger, richer and more loiopIhrnsiye t11411 any showing ever imported 1111(1 tiode•rir'h. French and I•aiglilh Suiting.. mf wselinlu weight, in all the atilt, beautiful tunes and shades and in very pleasing effects. Hanging ruruptrt 0 in price, p tr yard. 51k.. 75e, $1.111, $1.2.. and $1 ' 50 Saturday and Monday Bargains Floor Linuleums at 3(k Algol 551 yen& of reiii tit. (1Y Linulruul in all sizes, f' 1, 'L, :1 or• yanlr 1tpuare, ill test patterns and enters. Qualuy ranged •nue, ;lite and 111x, (Tearing sale, let per yard, your choice OC Flannelettes Six hmndrr.l yards Coley stria, • Plannelette, ;C to ill inches wide Itrguhu Ilka yard, for ,...,.............. 8C Dress Suitings v Threw hundred and fitly yurtis of Ge-itleh all sure wool Dress Guudti and suiting., in browns, grays, greens, reds, CO. regular psi a $1.111 h, $1.:01 per yard. Special for Saturday and Monday, selling at one price, 69c ji Ladles' Fur Coats Six ooly lashes' Wail astrachan Lamb Coate. well made of heavy skins, farmers' tin -lined, full collar and good style, glossy AWN. Itegularly worth %,.1(1, Special bargain selling, your choice Ladles' Tweed and Broadcloth Costs A flue collection in long Coats, semi -fitting, newest deg . iu 14144• k navy and myrtle. Special, $S, $10 and $12 W. ACHESON di The Tailoring Business THOROUGHLY FROM A TO Z. That's -why our Garments have won distinction. MARTIN BROS. 'Phone 180 TAILORS and FURNISHERS MAPLE LEAF GROCERY Specials for Saturday LIFE CHIPS, regulate Inc per package, 2 for 13c. MAGIC BAKING POWDER, regiler Ilk• per package, 2 for ISI• NA PTHA POWDER, ...lett II' any (1n the market, It pkgs. for 1.-.a•. WHICH WASHING POWDER, regular :.r per package, 7 for 23i• BEST STOCK FOOD. regular *1.141 package for Idle. BEST STOCK FOOD. regular 311.• package fur Sir. New Fruits Almeria Grapes, (tater, Figs, l'ranberrie•s, Itaisins, Currants, etc. Swot Potatoes, Finnan Hatldie•s, New Honey, Sweet Cider. FRESH SHIPMENT. Berlin Meats and Sausages. Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs Kvery iMug in (iro,•rt•ie•, Ft *nil, Pine and Goon!. \TORONTO, ONT. I o 1, 0",end .1 lex antler - A higlrcl ,. r I FI. •I•r r I Iime. 11radade-u n.adlly Nair 1011 is for bb.il.ouln ti They'll try- to tell y un other kinds etre •• are good as " BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS Iitit don't you' believe it. . lorded on the hind that dis sn't kink. The kind that give-. the drelstcmnker minimum trouble and the e•u•alotner tltatwirrisint wttiafactlon- "11E1.111,i(i'Sa" The Belding Silk - Sewed Seam Will Stand a Hull Dog Strain. -0- Write for list of prilmilienso I;e1(1iIL , fill$! & Co. Limited 7-1 iiny- Street, TORONTO MORRISH & VANATTER ..FOR ALL... OCCASIONS A stylish • W inter Dress re s (;oat, made fifty inches long, • in either black or grey Cheviots, or black or brown Meltons, can be worn on all Occasions - a most a serviceable g a r m e Il t. For ft real good stylish Overcoat, buy a 20( h Century Brand. Twenty styles to select from. DRS' SUITS cud 8111CSA13 Just now we have a very select line of cloth- ing for the boys. The double - breAted sack suit is the popular one, and the Prussian collars in the overcoat. Bring -your boy--to--tarns store - for the- • best- witness Given FR splendid JACK-KNIFE with each Snit or Overcoat from $5 up. Buy Illlwlls$A's Unshelnkablar Underwear. WI sell it. . WALTER Ce PRIDEIA4f ?HI MOUS, OF /MAL VALUES