HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 8i•
r fiet0/11141414;ilin041143ft Balt 0±1.Q•AL t
CillignilniWif.*31gaitranninegtAlingtFlr3rfnr • pitor.$4,twiletto . 4tAtei.-r3-ia'Ve „
'rite settAlf. OcToagn TIIE SIGNAL: GODRH1011. ONTARIO
Pleasant Affair Arranged by Dir' :tors of
Dungannon Agricultural
Oh- Friday evening last 1 he hilspi-
talities tif M i1 Ih Ftti'lit Wert. ex•
tended t.. a party col:utmost i•Iiielay 1.4
promiuent ineiebers uI the Li:minor
not' Agricultural Society . and th.ii
4kiff,44 w ea. The occ.saiian wits rit I ige41
I.y th. lirectors .if the St.,•iety. who
lean active for si..ny 'em.* in lie
litatetY's affeirs. a little
to his leaviaig Ole (attn. The
Heel part of the reel -ling wee
gitenes. 111111. 10. it Weil.
dent of tilt. 1 g A461(.1'11,111'il
Stwiet y. toile charge f th. rins.e. -
Ines anti 1110111 HIwtt %ItlIt in
ititl 'smite lietheriiieton. Na. N1,11
wain reading tile It111.1wing Adth
• while NI:. 1111 vrerritto .1 •,
1401.1-Ite*detl .44110 :
NI011 kii.til. 11ort...21,..- I • '
Io Mo. fn. • 04 .1 Nloakia,
1•Va: hake 1401 los:r1her ttu•
114 repierrehtorg urn •1
-Wm trongasmor Aitts,-nttrwl Worwki-.-to
lIi .tbe sung/ 0.1 (lit 0110111W or
n / )001 ittl..•
e o...et 001. >. It .•,.' •
P.() 11.41 we - I 1.111.1,1 • !.. t •
• that 4ett hat r rrodrtr.1 lo the to.
0111071. 101' I liur a-
▪ i..111kA). .1 /blot 0111160.1.1•114.,
latter of the M1l h.- of the rhot.) .10.1
tee 1..0 tau. Vs.. ton e -Men Ifir *4,.
gattiloti' fair. 01 >oitr eotturirl ion of .1 001171.1 Of
a erlit41 3, *ilk it, 1114c0111.(ef 11.101) Wait • ..1
and .11411,11P 4. and alnio• )our Oar.,
fulooli141.111 heel. of to t 1,11.
In overcooling all dittle•th te• and Winging 'for
fait- to it. pr.ariit lll.l4lI11 4ohe of 11i4,
41.114 iltit 14r0prf011, tan 10 thr
• . a • tar. WIllt.,...kitirre regret .4011 We l 11t1 1113'
74 on et aeroutis 7011f 11.1).040,1 .0tiy au.o. at 10
d the 11.0n.lt 30*111 0111' 041C11•1 C01.16tyl 1011 1. 11 11
tn. Society .111 cwt.,. tut we ru-t 111,1 IIIII
• will &Lary- maint..at4 Inetutl) stirew-t in wet -
mut W a•aure >011 that or .h.411.... et
• coaroler the Itungar.nexi tair •oruplete ititle••
it brute:- your hem!) ii.1.11121.1., td c10./..)
greetiny. •
A--....tigen-wolien-el can •Wiwir
hope 1 toi isoirryl Mad 010411/1.10
For Fall Wear
have the greatest ‘alties in
!.1t. iben's line %Init... at -!
$3.50 and $4,00
Qoosl. solid; reliable foolwear--
the thing for weather.
%1'e earr) these in all leathers
ime d hart a full • line of shapes
and sizes to lit all feet. Nth -
ng in towu equal then:. „
Downing & MacVicar
North s:de 1-,qttarr
11) 040111 ltt 1'
*trout otecro connection with our society
we heir to pre.ieht to you lho o14 nwoled...00..
twin that you will knot be -.*tea to
wield it 40 the With ) our e•tinzable wife )00
iniar Owe wens bawl rears is -tore.
Wu. Hill Pre•54Dirdae:it •
JAMB', dt 1.•%‘"iee-keeragley
H•stats...:tal ice plawidrii"
• -• J NI. Roaring. Tfielhlfer,
and Leber-.
Nr. NIurris, in his is.pG .tated that
it was thirty•eight yea:- sites -he was
Hist elected • .11rector of the Dungan.
non fair. R.. hail always tried 14. 1.
his work in a way 110 Illakr it a success
anti without any hope of reward. and
lie was taken entirely by surprise 111
receivnig the -.handsome eat which
had just been pf2sentetl. It wit. a
pleaontre to obererve 1 lie spletiJigl repti•
ation to which Ow fair bad attained,
and he believed that it WA./ only begin-
ning to be k al and would be a
greater succees than ever in t ht. bit •
tire. HP eppreviated the kindii.es
which had prompted the prewntation
and'he hoped to inert his friends maily
more times at Ihiagannon. ,
- Afterwards tench was ,•ervegl, ofa
Mr. Bailie as twist-m*0er presented
A lengthy list of toasts and . many of
' those prebeill wept giVrIl *11 ouport law
ity of adding their quota to the praises
of Mr. Morris a Wan and a neighli.r.
Mrs. Morris, too. W f °Milt(
the hostess of alorriadale having al -
Ways held a high place in the regard
of those who were privihiged with lie,
!acquaintanceIt wait an early lime'
in the! tttt •g when th.• gathering
\r•oke up.
TEVADAY, Oet. :Nth.
Oo.434eniI.14 recently Mrs. Goforth.
of Ho , China. gave an nt
address the Pi esbyterian church mi
the work :of herself ail.' hush/mil in
that far-off4ield.
MrrtiounciAseivutusaev. The 1111'
niversary- sereices of the Methodist
church were held huit Sunday. when
Res'. A. E. Joltes,‘aif Auburn. in the
afternoon, and R.%7,, Mr. Iiischler.
Zurich. in the even preeched ex•
cellent senuone.
Wireless (or Grea Lakes.
Port Arthur. (*whet. 20. :t
communication reeeived t g li t.
Hon. L. 1' Brodeur, Min ter of
Marine, announced that the Gov-
ernment had in view an ex sive
wireless telegraph"am•rvire for he
great lakes. and that Ithe same wo�Fl
'Don't let an 11 :i 1 •.!,
dealer force t.):! vitt
tion of the t.Iv& 1.
Plaster. Look 1,4. t...z .•
L." trade -mark on t1:-. tin.
guarantees the a'
the most cfl.;ti‘c -rett;vely
Rheumatic at 1:•11
Lutubago,.Sciatica, 1:Ad.:1,•1,
etc. 25c each. Y,rd
equaliursevcn of the regtd!r
size $1.00.
for all sickly people.
Makes new blood:
Gives strength
Restores vitality.
Taken after any Illn ,es 41
hastens • mum be Math.
11*o.. A Lawrence Co., V untwal.
Recently the United Wireleatt t 'tau
patty.. of Cleveland. eratert tl iiito a con-
tract with I he eity ot Port Arthur 10
establish a wireleie set Vier, hot I he
Minister, refnowil to permit the con -
look it f ter the a anadiali porta with at,
eminent. 51r. Brodeur intimated. will
1.111 of negtatations. 7.4.e: Ov:
tip•to•tlitri• ether emaie,•tion.
. Ti vsi,.. 0.1. Liiith •
1 -IV k 4,31W/i't Ai.11431iLl..T43%.
sa n ANTED. u e .ill ear rhe 14g1. -t
Wire All poultry .1 he properly tutrn•O
.1.,1 •Ltits tett liefacr deliven. Terkel,. staid
whet 14.1illiy accri.1.- 1 1.0.1, 11 . T. MD
111'1.1. Auburn.
' At the aucticm set.. .,n Matti/dal' leer
the 1/11....tere farm of Ilrs. Julia king
in'East Wswatiosli was iturchaeed by
Wm. 1 torn. for $4.:100. Thos. litinkitY.
of Oidet 1.•11,wavi the noel' eer.
-A. 11. Fostei and daughter, of lard,
spent Thanksgiving hen. w'
colisin. W. T. , Riddell. Mr. Fostet•
forgive ly ran the woollen will at Clin-
ton anti in now in t lie sante line of
isisiness at Tara
In order to make room for new
Plii Witten, Good. the followind
lines will be cleared regardless of
cost. •
High -glade imported C lii at a ,
-Royal Boirit on, Royal t'rown-
I Wrhy. Vitiator., Hartland, Limoges.
&v.. one-third off.
tif5ice of all .or 1 olonial
ether imported lut 4 dams one-third
off during this sale. This means
you can seems. A Berry Moil
fur $3:o, 1,r a $4.110 Cut Mame
Cream and Sugar for $2.11i. A
splendid dunce to secure chojir
Christinas gifts for very litt e
Watch rhow-windowit for bar.
gains in Books, Note Paper, En.
velopeo, Wall Paywr. Sc., &c., dur-
ing our annual fall sale.
Colonial Bookstore
• Coin.t House Square,
Phone zoo.
We situ to give eked:omen
the beet of everything in
Groceries that . money rail
buy. at reasonable prices.
Our %period blend of Coffee is11
hooting Needs
f.,,nstinitly gaining in popularity. 11
The same price as ()winos,'
I 'offer ille per pound.
Mince Meat
hi tire Slitter Meat ISiterritrn
make), in bulk, per p 1, Inc.
meter/et'. Imperial l'heese.
per t ..... . . 2.1.•
IngeridiViretin- Cheese, per
I5c and 2.5.•
Canadian June Cheeee. per
peind 15.'
atiadien September Cbeere,
per pound ... ........ 1.5.•
4 Notip. Tomato,
4 hicken, Mulligetawny, Jilliene.
\V eget Able'. SI111-k 'flirt le an.'
elk Tail.
R 1)AV .
111 doLon 1 t 1Voislei. Clothes
I.. Isat le rel. y 1..-
1-1 isle.
1 packages l.. igg'n T,,IntO1l
Winchester Rifles.
single and repeating.
Martin /fillet..
Steven's Hides and
Shot Gun.
• Panetav 0(1 i'...11,
Nlibers, Hallistite and
King Smokeless P.iw
' __Dtnp_o nd. Chilled
• Shot in every size.
(ion rape. Primers,
• Wad.. lAutding Toole,
;411, Now. 111, 12 and Id
1.1 4 hinge Shi Ils.
:',4 t' Every make f
tV. Cartridge.. Guns and
Rides to rentet
de oZoli .
Fresh Ital.ing 2111wi. for..5r
111.• thirkillie best 3,110 Stai,•11.
2 for . . ...... • ....
-se Tod, t •
Rim host It like for
:41 1ie•.1 4'; y•tal sugar for $1
'ho,..' one iround prints Illitt...
lateictly new-lahl Egg.. 234e.
essor to 1 A. NAIRN.
•1111111101111111111111111111111110111•11111•11 1111111111111111111110 WM I
3'4' l4'11 11l'••• •t,rilik4ijagit;
et connections Nvith the Irt,11
• P•tlf,41
q•coiii'i great Month-end Specials kuii,,,,1
advertised for next Sattir-
-*',, Ilay and Monday. Ikcad
our big advt. on page -
• I
Maple Leaf Grocery
and China Hall
Coffees "'
and owl
Fresh Eggs:
Specials for Saturday
t IIIN 1)E1' \II I'MLN I
I•lateti at lc. 2 • and each.
Saucers at Ilk. per dozen.
Salad Bowls, worth l& each,
for ie.
S4111.11 111141111. 'worth 25e each,
for Me.
Two hundred Midi. !timber,, ..,jt.
*ht.- for llotele Ilonetling
I worth :Or w dozen,
for t41_c per (brim.
Ill'. 1se and We. Tebbec
34 bars Ivory Spin for Sic.
New Raisins,•
• New Fl 44
New Currants. '4'° -
Now Cranberries.
Ilerrish it matter
'P410141 52 HAM! To* Pri
teloafv,,,,,,,AltlitetY, Regular Month-end Sale Days
Hallowe'en Specials
Saturday, October 30th, and Monday, November 1st
We wind tip a big October and swing into November with a splendid list of specials for our regular
month-end sale tla Vs. These end -of -the -month specials are getting more popular every month. The
list we have for von today will keep up the' interest. Read it carefully. It is brimfull of money -saving
news. Every item a genuine bargain, good enough to make it worth your while coming Saturday or
Monday next. Ready first thing Saturday morning, and on sale until closing time Monday.
Astrachan Jackets, 527.50
1.:,..b... ge ' bla. k Astrachan Jaelets. Rich, glossy
for, Extra, iinalit y. Lined throughout with good lining.
Well-tuade garments that will give itatisfactory wear.
Reglibu $3:0111 and Srj..ill, but for Saturday and Monday
We have this special lot at your choice. each $27 50
k Dh
o.,.. kt this cand
ce go. ter we cannot u;i
plieate itonce
this lot hi *Old.
_ -.. •
s •
-.................... -.^-.....„0,- -A- ...................-A, --01/4--"` --••• •-•••••••--- 4
Trimming Braids 100 Pairs
Two hundred and Mt)" Cashmere Huse at I9c
yard% silk GilpinB
:iv, raid*. line I died 'es tidies'
wasorted w ,,_i :......
regur a ... . fe an, a.. Sat-
urday nit 31oitil.. y -pee 3,
ial pi•r yard
Yard -Wide ta.'9I I Monday at 1147 pair 19
ren a vas mare
I lose, nearly all sizes repre
sented : A clearing up of !knee
that sold at 2.1".. :1111. and some
3.5c. Any pair Seturday and
Flannelette 10c
Four bundled an I llay
it yards of extra heavy Plan- $1. 10 Table Linen 79c
" nelette. 1 iogel assort .ient
Pure linen bleached tattle
of fancy .4 ripes, riot colors.
Damask. 711 inches wide,
winter weight. yard N% ide.
heavy weight. neat Hord
It Regular : Saturday and
pattern. A Damask t
t. Miuntay cud. per 10C ' -
, will wear well. Regular
4- yard... ..
1 $1.111. Saturday and Monday
very special at per 79c
25 Sample Waists yard
• Twenty live ladies Waists,
assorted Linda -silk, net., de. Half -Bleached
tante and tunnel: 'an , Damask 22c
this season's styles. The
samples of one of the leading , One end only half -bleached
waist manufaetinersmell Ibunask, firm weave
satiirday *ltnil MI lay at and good cloth, On to 144
,,m.,.44,44...1_1....6-411err• reign -tar wItIC-Special.
7 44 price. ; per yard
Important Rug News
A 'big felture of our Sitiii•day and Monday specials this
utonth will be a wale of Rugs. These Huge have either been
bought direct front the maker or imported by ourselves
from England. %%* e are sixime. to make • clean ewer': tit the
lot if poserble. and have suede the price very low in order to do
it. If you have any thought 01 1034 buying this Fall, you had
better see t liege, for there is a straight saving of from 142.111) to
$5.11104 04114 nig we offer. Bring the size of your room, in
' order that y.... inay nut 'insist...tiring 11., rug you want.
Tapestry Rugs 56.45
Genuine tapestry Rugs, as-
warted Horal and convention-
al designs. size 31'3 yaide and
:till yank. Good wearing
;walk lee. Special for Sat -
iirday and Mon $6 45
• TapeStry Rugs 57.75
The.... Kowa are :ttc:li yards;
or 1 yard,. All *NO $(1MMI
pet ternssni te He for almost
i,' any . The qiialitien ere
Pace itioivelly good and ev-
4 ery Kiug will give excellent
wear. Reboil'''. $111.141 and
$1 I in qualities. Saturday
t and Monday hi"' $7 75
ial. ea. 11
Tapestry Rugs 510.50
:hot eight or ten Rugs
• this lot. 741771,1 3 x :1, 3 x I
and :14x 4 yards. Half.a-doz
vil good Patterns. Quanta..
- that will stand a lot id hard
Iwear. special for s 'Linsley
4_ an a %musty. $10.50
$15 Velvet Rugs 51 1-35,
English velvet
Hugs in green, red and fawn
eliedes. e i .1 I a, $ 1501.
Chew. thick pile. Splendid
wearing totalitien, saturday
int) eaeh
mid abenlaY mitee: $1 35
..1 .................... --.-., - ..1.^..-.4".",•,-•,./•••/".'.0".............."-y- No, ---1/ - Ne...111/
520 Velvet Rugs 515.75
There are 41111114. exception-
ally handwome Rugs in this
lot. Sizes are 3:31 and :Ia.{
yards. tireenred and fawn
shades. Moral and conven-
tional patterns. Splendid
wearing qualities. Saturday
n d •Monday. $1
Solid Wool Rugs 56.45
Extra ea vir quality
solid wool Squares. revers -
Rile pattern., iri colors of
green, red and brown. Mize
:1x3 yards only. Satunley
and :Monday,
each $6 45
Large Wool Rugs $9.35
Hest quality wool Rugs.
guaranteed every thread all-
eolutely .pure wool : colors
will not run : combinetions
of green, red and brown;re-
versible patterns. Regular
*12,44) and $1:11i. Matairday
and Monday epee$9 35
ial et each
Axminster Rugs$22.50
Two only genuine Amin -
otter Rugs. :1x4 yards, medal-
1pattern. real and fawn
shades. Very speeial for
this regular sale,
each ..... $22.50 '
I .......4•444Y.-• r.e...../ N.44.14.r.rir-,40/44.0.1
25 Sample Coats at Bargain Prices
Wei put on sale Saturday morning 'Si !tulles' Fall and
'Altar'. Jacket.. Most of them are made from good .
totality Mark beaver, although there are some colored
.gargitents in the lot. They are 1111 -exceptionally good lot,
'wing part of thessanples of a large German manufacturer.
• We bought them at 'a lilwral discount, and Saturday
morning 74.41 can buy thein Atli gond deal less than their
twat value. '
Dress Goods
We have route ex r* good news for Dress Goods buyers.
• enong sinew, to cleat them out before onday night.
last: t•triq
- Dress Goods at 33C-- - •- •
Three or four bundled yards in this lot, black and colored
Ines. Goods. Some plain, e fancy. All the good color.
worn this oration nepresentrtl itt this lot. Medium and heavy
weight, suitable for either d or full suits. Worth regular
50c• and OW., and *nue as high a 5c. Saturday and 22,
Monday, choice, per pod
.4:14,0-4,4,741 Attaf,
51.00 Dress Goods 55c
We are waist.; *0 08443.4 tableful of iheigirtitioria at Mc. a„.
every pier of which is worth in the regular way 75c. to $1.111. '
There will 1* tweeds, plain cloths and fancy suitings in the lot.
Three hundred yards at least for you to select from.
Special for Matiinlay and bffinday. per yard ...... .......
All -wool Serge 65c •
This 1.4 41) all•wool French Cheviot Serge, one of the best
0 wearing (armies youtren buy. We imported it direct from the
walker. or we would have had to sell it for a good deal mot e
money. (01,14'ogreens. brown., red and black. and Aza,
etre epeeist prow- ie. per yard- Wag-.
75c Venetian Cloth 57c
This Venetian Cloth 1;44 inches wide, ban rieh, satiny tinedi
and is guardotteed all pure wool It is heavy onlitig 0 3,. '11q
into Nuke, and makes an exceptionally handsome garment L,
Seventy -live "unto in what it ought to *41 for We show it in
half - dozen g..od oblides,. including. J)Iwek. 111111 1,,Ir
?Saturday and Monday price per yard %JP I
Tailored Suits 59.75
the cloth is a need. two-
tone strilw. in colors of
navy. erect. and red. Both
mat and skirt are cut in
one of the hunt t.tyles
shown this 1114114.11011. Every
garment ie - made.
Very special for Saturday
A n d M..oday, $9 75
White Ribbed Vests irc
lAdies' ribbed Vest P.1
winter w•ight, soft
finish. ex r• well made
and very special at
each 25c
41.50 Corsets 99c
Twenty pairs Pc: Corsets
made from extra string
white ;Coutille. Regular
VIM iVe are
- discontinuing thug line, so
clear out tire balance pp,
at per pair
Pearl Buttons
6 Dozen for 25c
Two bundled dozen white
pearl But tons, assorted sizes,
two and four - hote. OOP
dozen on a, card. Very
epeeist, t1 dozen for.. • C
Long Hat Pins
5c a Dozen "'NM
Extra long Hat Pins, tem -
tiers! *eel. black or white I
- heads. --trnerdoxerr Off a 5c
A Millinery Spec4al. Fifteen trimmed-
Hats at 53.35 •
Fitt een trimmed Hat s, trinnited up specially for
---4-- __4444"ommittiirdtmlay layntimedl Mo.ntsbLv. F.:hive:el,- , shill:I:1.e netwoiutml.1 mei I 21 ri2m4e
Regular., inn and *IOW Set 'inlay snit Mnnday .p.j.j."
_.,..._,.-A......,.....a.......... --44.---n. -Ar- , --.14-ar.-garr-n. -.P.....-.. . ............"--.., -,--y-
Bleached Damask 35c
Otte end only heavy weight
61 bleached iner9rrized table
y frames*. This is A splendid
cloth for ordinary tine ami
r one that would be
• value at-ennsideratily more- --
..... ney. Saturday and Mo,,.
day very npeeial at *•1M,.,
•4/PV y3111 0%.111L.
Pure linen Half -
Bleached Damask 42C
lot h will Memel; will
in a % y abut 1 while and
• • ilI mea h heap1 than
k ordinal y datimaks. l'lie reg.
• idar priee One.: for Maim
'bay and MonilaY. 11"1
Bath Towelling 10c
One end only Turkish hath ''
fr. Towellitiv, brown and whit,
st ripe. Regular 1.5c. Sat tir
% day and Monday, per
'` yard 10C
Half -bleached
Damask, 22c
43,,,' end 11111 yhalf bliaelwel
i• Tilde ..
t,..,....k., ftrin ft*
utile. Special 2 2 ,..,
ore pied . . &Lt.
end ite•el cloth, lin to its '
--4-10)1e'N WI .4 • '
t , •,
Huck Towels 2 for 25c
A big shipment 6.1 linen
!nick Towels tied in for Sat-
urday selling Three hund-
red in the lot. Compare.
them with any that yon buy
• at 114c Or 2tV, apiece and you
will buy these in preference.
Saturday and Monday 2 g
:ill to sell at :! for ... 46./C
Oatmeal Crash 81c
One end only crash
- Bog, 47 tn 134 ;licher wide,
oatmeal weave, makes splen-
did dish or roller towel,,.
Skein Mending and Monday...481:0,w
3 for 10a
Five hundred skeins of
wool Mending, real fine Otish•
mere Yarn, sold everywhere
*ken'. Matunley and
Monday these WI 1 ftas.
*keine at ekeinis for
$ 1 . I 0 Table Linen, 79C
Pure linen 1,1Pneheri Table
I 7it inches \vide,
her; vy weight. neat Moral
pat 1 t'Ill. A .1.totank that will
wear well Reglibir $1 IR
sit:inlay rind N1,,tiolay 7421
very special et, per yd. .7
Bone Hair Pins,
4 for 5c pamieR.
Hone Hair Pins. good
quality, medium 817" dark
..r lightfour on a cud.
Per card ...
Inc Package irroa...
Hair Pins Sc 'w'r44°*****•c'
um. packagen I
Hair Pins, tyworted sizes
and kinds.
swell, wink' agforreSiaoAtrinirde4t71 teiig
White Quilts 97c
Twelve only white Marseil.
les Quilts. English make,
heavy weight, 117xMil inches.
Very special, Saturday drier
and Monday, each,
' Men's
Sample Undershirts
One-third Off
seventy - five only men's
sample :ndershirta. These
rain., with a big lot of ladies'
sample underwear that we
bought. They .are 'the fain -
MD. " Penman snake : fine,
luedioni and heavy qualities.
leazing Ibem all at one-thinl
less than regular price.
Wool Mending
2 Cards for 5c
This is a regular mend-
ing. extra large cards, tan or
Mark. special for Saturday •
and Monday, 2 midis for
Claris& Band Bags at 4c
Fifteen anly leatlwr
Rand Bags, black and colors,
Regular Mc., 75e. and alle. V
Clearing them out to niake
room for Chrietmasice 49c
at your cho
More White Lawn
at 121c ,
We have another let. of •
that very wide India Lawn
al 12ic the yard. Take par-
ticular notice of the width.
11 is 45 to 441 inches wide. •
Just as floe a quality ae you
will pay Ste a yard for. Two
hundred and fifty yards Jef it
ready forSaturday
morel ng per
yard • 122C
Nets and Allover 39c
Eight or ten pieces Allover
Laces and Nets, f.reani ut
white, Saturday morn-
ing tat per y 4.,1 39c
Black Sateen Skirts
One dozen 1.111 11. no more, •
ladies' hinli•grade. black .at -
..en Underskirts' cut In the
proper Aeries, nii.ely trim. ,
med with frills and
(ferments worth al least
• $1.50,_ Satainlay 4041•g
Monday. e'neli
Sateen Underskirts 83c
Ladies' black sateen Under-
ekirte, a real good Skirt for i•
ordinary wear, made from
good quality sateen ond
merely trimmed. Very spec-
ial for Satiirlay and 83c
Monday, path
-o---y-...,--...-.,-.y....---..,,,,..-...---......,,---,..- TN- a._-...1' .._ -.,........„- -Is-, „,_.,v,._ _,,,
Cloth Coats, Fur Collars, 525.00
Thew.. Coat, at •• wr/71 11 $.111.144, and 111 1/ 111/114/. 1,,,,,, all
P1Ittra go. wl Nark, Hat i n finished Heave!. They alit r nt. in 1
one of the hest oil ylem shown this tieneon. T711/117111d with
strippings odl
f nth, 141711 th70114h0111 with 111.1%17y-iiiiiiffril
lining, collar and ravers of Columbia Sable.
A._ n. _...A--nls.-A--nr -44-..,..... -....._.... --)_..--........j
25 Sample Waists
k silk, net. delaine and
...Atoll flannel. All this .1.4.
0011.11 yles. '1 he maniples of
foie ..1 the leading wane
nrers, to sell Matur
day and NI oielay at onethird
less than regular pric.•.
100 pair Cashmere
Hose at I9c.
1101 pair 4,644..'-rhiltl-
ren'e Cashmere Mae. Nearly
all siZpa repre....111.41. .A
Tearing op of 1114, i hot sold
Sie, :Or *AA
Any pair :NM tirtiwy
Monday at, per pa i . 1 UC
• At(b110,. *
-44* *7 .414 ",4:M;:rtittrP44"44**P, Watiglritttlr'
'11.t. **WIL147rarria