HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 6• ill' '4 a 'lir a TttmlfteAT, Orrnellit 31?. UAab THE BIGNAL : GODEP IOR. ONTARIO /Invest ''5 ('.•nt� in a box of Davis' Tlcnt11.1 Salve (1...2he D. & L.") anti 1.; 1.:'ev.red fur a hundred ailments, which may not be dell":;,'! t'lls lilt are very annovint;:,Sol T.tl:i S•�1� • :t a •�1 n t rt t_tii 1)1'll1�C i 1 1 ,t'Ut`,1•llc ete. - It i a i }l•;hl remedy akar.; t:' • :.:1 . ...; trouble, and, ,1:1,11;l 1 1: t iu the family ulcdicie..: • WILL MAKE "HAIR GROW BEA RINE Prepares% tr.$i Use grease of the C:.eadiaii Bear. Delicately terfumed. The Swdard Polak Nr 40 Years. Au lea•.Arts 50e. per lar. & 1•aw Yr y. r ... , Vuntreal. It is a minority of men who trans- lateigood inclinations into principle., a still smaller minority who translate principles into acts. Rev. John Keo'. liappiues* depends on the miud, not on ahy .external circum*tance*, -J. Bartlett. . i:THE BARRIER By Rex Beach copyright. law, by Harper & lhsethas mall Jana, a inch had arrived au ,our after the udsaiou boat, was ready ruutIl ue -its mm when just as It ,ew a earplug blast down the street t the catup came a procession se ' range for this loud that wen stop - J. eyed It curiously and whispered u:uu4 them:telt'et. 1t was a blanket• .1 man upuu a stretcher. carried by a 1 „ tor unit a priest. The face was ,lutlled so that the Idles .ould esu ,ake it out, and when they inquired 'hey received no answer from the car. pursued their course Im- , as+hely down the runway to the war ,errs edge nod up the gangplank to the leek. When the boat had gone and the .,et faint rough of 1ts towering stack, rail, died away !•'ether Barnum turned inherited wealth is oftener a curse than a blessing.- -Carnegie. Charity ought to be tiM* religion of the whole world. --Bishop Ken. CANADIAN PACIFIC BIG GAME Hunting alung the hue of the Canadian Pacific Railway is 1111- e.geellevl elsewhere in America. Write for liatticuleira of awc- ial train service for hunters, maim. -itterature, err.; to R. t.. THOM t'suN. 1)i.! I*1.;1 Passenger Agent, Toronto, unto JOS. KIDI), Agent, Goderieh. Office hours San /Lei. to 11.:11 p.111. GRAND TRUI TRUNK _S EM Single Fare for Hunters To Tewagumi, Muskoka, Lake of Bay., Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. etc. Daily until November 6th }return limit Itecewl.er 4th, or until close of navigation. if earlier, to points reached by steamers. California, Mexico, Florida Consult neatest'Wand Trunk Agent regarding low tourist rates. F. F. LAWRENCE, Down Town Agent: on,. hours- 6.30 it. ui. to A p. tn. CANADIAN NORTH ERN ONTARIO USE ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM AI oar lib's attacked b) a Cosgb.ad the avert dangerous brachial sad p.l.oaary thanes 25c., A,tc. and el 00 Bottles. Sold eter) where. DAets & LAwiti?NCE l;u., Montreal. mese su LIGHT AP ALL OVER THE WORLD thousands of housewlseJ use Sunlight Soap In pref- e^nce to any other, because e' Jeanses the clothes more thoroughly, and at half the coat without Injury to hands or fabric. Follow directions. Quick Returns — Honest Assortment Correct flaticet Prices Paid for Al kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Vend .,mr colli; twos to REVILLON FRERES .,aa The Leader in the world's Fur Trade use et ase t1:Qln S • neetr.el. Our 1909.1910 PPICE UST FREE for the asking WI' PAP 1('CPRR.,S ?TI at;t;S THE BEST DEER HUNTING IN CANADA le•fnund on the Canadian Northern Ontario. Ask anyone who has bunted on the Zine. if you are not a hunter and y n It , want to join in "the sport of kings." it. can be made very easy fur yoa by writing C. Price ce Oreen Passenger e r Agent. Canadian Northern Building, Toronto, who will tell you how 10 go about it, where to go, and Rend you copy of "Moose Trails and Deer Tracks." Tickets on sols at single fare for tbe round trip to points in Sudbury and north from October 12, and waehago and North from October 21. All tickets) good to stop over and valid to I return until December 4, Weil. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for through Ticket«, H UNTINTRIPS 11 IA CANADIAN pnt'iric l ItETC RN TICKIs1'M AT SINGLE FARE - . S1 p.uver anywherg, Oct. lath to Nov, nth To all Mellon. Mapa.A t0 fort Arthur. &.o polnta In tinehec and New Brunswick. Oct. 21st to Nov. lith Te stations Yadbary to "Sea.- Muskoka Wants. eta. RETURN UNIT, DEC. 4th. • Ask toe espy of "Flatus sad eb:wthis 'Oras engem "Rsortamm . mop. - JOS. K i D D, Agent. Goderieb. Oftloe boats, 8M a. m. to n,:#1 p.m. How to get a pure white loaf THE object of all expert bakers and Looks is to make a pure white loaf ,(nd this object is attained by the use of PURITY FCOUR Purity is a hard -wheat flour of decidedly superior whiteness. It bakes into a pure white .loaf. So, y( sec, to get the really beaus fttl'white loaf you must use PURITY hard - wheat flour. "Non Mir and better nowt " weans, Candid. clew Mee G L,.d Mal.., w,no;pq IMMe. O•d.ML to his frleud.: "He has gone away, not for a day, but fur all dole. He is a strange matt. and mune things be said 1 could nut understand. At first I feared greatly. for tt hen 1 told him what had occur - led -uf Necla's return and of het marriage -he became so enraged 1 Ue •ugllt he would bunt opeu bin %%Minfa and die from his very fury But 1 talked a long, long Uwe with Idtu. and gradually I came to kuow esuluewtat of his Queer, disordered Soul Ila could not bring himself to farm defeat In the eyes of men or to see the kuowledge of It in their bear - tug Therefore be fled. Ile told me that he would be' a bunted animal all Ills life, that the news of bus whipping would trate) ahead of him and that hie enemies would search him out t.. take ndvantuge of him. Hs said the only decent thing be could ur would do was to leave the dangbter be bad te;er known to that happluew be bad ret er experienced and wished we to tell Kt r that she was very much like her mother. who was the best woman in the world." t'IIAI"rklt xlx. Tar. t'.tt 1 of Tilt Ol ZAD.. s. 3111'!11E herr mingled rejoicing it and lamentation 1n the house- hold of John bate this after . nut',. Molly and Johnny were :, the ihrot-4 of an uterwh.huing nor a••w the noise of which might Ir• heard fast the harra,•k+ to the Indian vR ! lee. They ulcer" sparing ut tears, us . ., Cal, ►.vt .. l.. „ -Hi, : Jlt gl.e way n., c..ee they • published It abroad, yelling 't ail utter :ib:veto;. their bla k eye• I n 1.cret1 tip, ?heir mouths distended W.. •gn:.res, fruit ;[ Illicit ''unit' such , ,e:e+un• .,1 ...tin.) a. to rack Um ears .cud butdeu the :dr heavily with ,ad• FARM PROFITS May be largely inerssaed by k .etas the , exact condition of tic farmer's tenet, and by learning et tete best teethed is farm practice. This is precisely the serf of information the Tanners' Weahty See gives is every leaseit has as mail ; se a Farmer's Sesisess Paps. Reed farmers rely es it. ler pales se et' daNieg 05.1. ee•S.4 l'ol'c.0 was goatg awls -t own ' 1articular I'oleou! Tfiey had tutt:d the Freueb Canadian at the rlv• er with their father loading his canoe. nail they had asked him whither be fared. Filen tbe weaning of his words struck home• they looked at each other to dismay: then, bred as they were to mask emotion, they joined h tads nod trudge.) silently back up the '..uek sill' tilling .eyes and chins a quit er until they gained the rear of the house., here they sat dowt'alt for - turn dud began to weep bitterly and in no ascending crescendo. hail the wetter with you tikes, anyhow?' Inquired the Lieutenant. He had always tilled thein with a speech less ewe. He was s nice man, they flea loth agreed Tong ago. and very 'pleudid to the eye, but be was notb- It� like l'oleuu, who was one of them, only somewhat bigger. "Curve, now! Tell me alt about It," the soldier luslsted. "Has something happened to the tbree legged puppy?" Molly dented the occurrence of any .ach catastrophe. "Then you've lost the little shiny ride that shoots --with air?" But Jobuoy dispelled this horrible suspicion by drawing the formidable weapon out of the grass bebldd blrn. "Well, there Isn't aoytblug else bad enough to cause all this outlay of ale gulsh. Can't I help you out!' "1'uleon'y•gubl' away!" said Johnny. "Now. that's ton hid, of course," tee ung wan useented. "But think wlw: nice Minn he'll bring y •u v. hen b.• rimes bark." "Ile 'ulu't cowl,' LackJ" walled tb ,tle girl ane+. b.•'rr n w qulau, yield( •' -ala to her :.;s:, ara.hatned. 1't:rreelt tried to' extra• t n mon' do 1 11 d,'N I but ;Ill. v. 1, as to thele knowledge ran. So he sougl:' tt tt ('strata to And fouuel him wit' 1:ale I:• ;Lt' et, re. a scanty s :le if fou,: rad azo: ::,tUou on the counter b !ween l:yl'W '. ... "I'oleont' said her, 'yuu're not golnr away?" "ie.,' said Doret. "I'm tnl:ln' t rip." "Ob, brit you cau't," cried Burrell. "1-1" Be paused awkwardly, while clown the breeze came the laweut of the two little Gales. "Well, i feel just as they do." Ile motioned In the dl• re. tion of the sound. "I wanted you lar a friend, Doret. .1 hate to lose "1 alt' never got wy satisfy yet, eo i'lu pass ou--all de taut' pus* on. Mebt,e din trip I fin' de place." "I'm sorry-ttecause-well, I'm a self 1st: sort of ''use -and"- Murrell pulled up bfusbingly,'with n mitrotg man's itis play of shame at Ids own emotion. "l owe all my happiness to yen, old man can't thank you -neither of us car. We shall peter live long enough for that. But you mustn't go without know- ing that t feel more than i'll ever have words to say." fie was making It very hard for the Frenchman, whose heart was aching already with a dull, unending puts. And then, as If he were not tried sufll- 1•leutly, the girl herself came flying tut. "µ-hat'. tills I bear?" she cried. "At- tune 4441* me"- Sbe saw the telltale pile oti'the (minter, :old her fa, e grew white. 'Then It's true? Ob, Polon!" Ile :milled nod epnke•etteerily. "Yee, I been t'lakln"taut die trip long 0110"' "It's the wanderlust." murmured Burrell to himself. "he'll never rest" "Wtent n child von nrel"-cried Nesta, half angrily. "Can't )1.0 conquer that roving spirit and nettle down like a man?" '01,• laid her baud on his arm 14gwiilIngly. "i1ttre17't 1 told you there ,.t'( any 'fur eonutry?"' lie laughed aloud, for all the world as if the•euit were bright and tbe fret for adventure were still keen In bltn, then, peeking up lis bundle, seed: "Dere's tun use . ergs" sett' c'anayes mora. Mebbe s.une day 1 conte pad- dle hack rout' de bet' down yonder nn' you hear Ale 'engin' dose chanson. But now de day she's too One, de rivet e1Re'e huh too loud, nu' de birds she's sing tot purty for Frencbeman to stop un shore. Ba Koch, I'm glad!" Ile began to ,bum. and JDez_heanLhim.-- stn;ing all the way down to the river bank a. 1f the 'spirit of youth and bops sod gladness were not dead within him: "Chaste, roelslgnol, closets! Tol qui a 11 cosur gal; Tu .a M coeur a ries Mai r r alta pleurer, LI y a Isngta.ps qui r calms Jamelse le ne t'. biferel." rang, IItUs bird; on. stns ewes, Tee with Me voters light and gay; Tours is a heart that laughter cheer& kilns Is a heart tiers full of tiara. Lane have B loved: I low her yet Lease Mr I ems, bet net forget.") A tatta.eat later toy beard blur es- psetnlattag with Mee r at die war tors edge, and then • chefs treble rose on high. • "No, Sul I'm gots', tow Pm gob', tuuoo-u"- "Hey! John Gale" called Poison. -Come 'ere! Be gush. you better bur ry tool l can't hot' SL teller longi N'be9 they appeared on the bank above him, be eoutluned, "Look lore w'at 1 nut' on wy battaau." and held up the wriggling furor of Johnny Ogle. "Ile'* stow Wesel away order dem hlauket. Barret He's bad feller, die man -don' pay tor bees uckat at ale he'. reg'lar toff wog." 1t took the efforts of Nuts and the trader combined to tear the lad from the Frenchman, and seen theu the foul deed was accumpllsbed onlysat the cost of such wild acclaim and evi. deuce of. undying sorrow that Utile Melly came hurrying Crum tbe house, tier round face stained and tearful, bee mouth an Inserted crescent: She bad g orse M tap lame puppy tor comfort sad n„tt• ..ysd hint m ly In tier sesiraals, clew bingabhisentes toindhered- breast so tightly that his tougue lolled out and his three legs lerotruded etttfly, pawing an at partomlme. When Johnny found that n0 bope retrained he q iellet • his de tuousINERSOS of er duo and, .. befitted a scoot farted gentleman of the' woods. bon a gnat cement to his friend. He took hie lit- tle air gun and gave It tato Puleos'e bands against that black eight whey the bears would come, and lea man ever made a greater sacrifice.' Duet picked ego—he -the *theme sad Maned Wm again and again, then pet Witt down gently, at which Kolb scrambled forward and without wad ur preeentatioa speech gave him his heart's first treasure. She held it the three legged peppy, fur a gsa and • dog should ever go together: thee, being of the womankind aforesaid„ she began to -cry as she klsed her pet guodby oq its mid, wet nose. wars disc .ald Poison, and his voice Quavered, for these childish 0.• g en tore at his heartstrings terribly. "He's a very brave doggie." said the little girt "He' will scare de bean away!" Arad then she became die - *Weed In gars at the anguish her otos► tng cost her. Tbs time bad come for the last good - by --that awkward moment wben h.- mau Warta are full and spoken words are empty. Burrell gripped the Preach - man's hand. Be was graetetlol, hat he did not know. "flood lock and better hunting," be said. "a heavy pune and a 11ght hart for'yon always. Palle. I haw teamed to Iola you." • "I want yos to be good Msalbas'. m'adee'. Datrn.b bar t'hag I m wish for you." Gale spoke to hum In petal% and ail be .aid was: "May yon sot forget, mr cos." They did not look into each otaur. eyes. There was ao need The old man stooped mad, taking both his chil- dren by the hand walked Mewl; to- ward the boas.. "Des tam' I'll 0u' tt far sere," moiled Poleon to Neck. Her eyes were shining through the tears. and she wWaperred fervently: "i Dope so, brother. God low yea - always." It was grief at losing a playmate, a dear and well beloved companion. He knew It well, and he was glad now that he had never said a wad of love to ber. It added to his pain, but It lightened hers, and that had ever bees Itis wish. He gased oa her fora long momeht, taking ie that biassed imago which would ear Itve with bum. "0oodby. 111 gal," be said, thee dropped her hued and entered his ca- noe With one guest stroke be drove tt out and into the flood, think headed away toward the mists and colors of the distant hU1p, where the meads were calling to him. He turned for one last look and dung kis paddle high; then, fearing ?set they might sed the tears that cams at hest tmbmtie ik he began to stag: "[•-'haat,. roaslg.trL eheetai Tol qui • le mew gal; Tu as Is coeur • curs Mai 1' 1' .Ha ptwrr." He sang long and lustily, keeping time to the dip of kis gashing paddle and defying his bursting heart After all, was be not a voyageur and life bat a song and a tear and then a dream or two? 1 wish 1 might have kaowa Ma better," sighed Needs HertolL as M AmwszlellEEM On this solid foundation we build the Mason and Risch piano. NO house is stronger than its foundation, nor is a piano. The foundation of a piano is the back frame. This forms a base of opera- tion for all the working parts, and must therefore be very solid. The back frame of the Mason and Risch piano consists of several hardwood uprights securely braced tcgt ther. The design is(=which hec1ue3 the great- est degree of strength. ason I:1 tae top firri!y held by of cons ,Lad Risc i pi ,i )r tothe. old m We would ?tory of the bu sail us this c will tend you r.,u ,should hav RR.' c 1 piano i n preference and Risch The piano with a soul. of this frame the pin -block is set and series of wood t' interlocks." This ruction is exclusive to the Mason _sod has p;oven greatly super- thod of using iron bolts. ike to tell you the whole ding of our instrument upon to -day and we 1 the reasons Why a Mason and your home O any other .i1aKC. T!:e I.lason and '• •no Co, Limited, i' it'-'tt King St., .J:.At!. Proems* .......••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MASON sed Meat PLUM Co.. UMW. TORONTO seed ea seat I. %Mal betelhM sep als- 1ng W mums mks okwM tree • Mases sad wish pis.a Tao Lar mu s1MgMss as se prehsa cb Make sure your new range has a steel oven, and " Pandora" name- plate on the door. Go, at once, to nearest McClary Agency and pick out size desired. Oven e•.ts Qzicke,. Sa -duel ,. Pandora has a sheet steel oven, be use steel is more sensitive to at — absorbs it faster —than ast iron does. Pandora ov - thus heats quicker —less ' e required w get oven ready f' r the baking —which also me less fuel - expense. TIE ODIhINAL AND ONLY IODINE BEWARE 01•' (MITA• TION,Y, Another Bargain avelseires•esers to itoffspecial esment we are stile The Tomato Weekly -_ Nail ant, Empire with THE SIGNAL the tutu togetlxr from now te Jan.. uary I. 1910. tic. ; from nod to Jas. nary 1. 1011, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. The usual cluhhiagR rate to present .uhscribere of The Miguel Mend all orders to THE SIGNAL If • man knew as notch about rook, log as be doe..about hiding fault with it, he wouldn't ailed ao much lulus to 1* superior to woman. MO J. BROPIIEY & SON aria ,." —ME LRADINO— ' , - i Fuesral Directors and EmbalplCN ONere seedy atembe4 t* et se Lin deem night er da, For sale by The Howell Hardware Co., Li FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER snag TO YOU AMD SUS eV SISTEMI eye, INC FROM WOMEN./ AIt.MINT/. I am • woman. 1 know woman's eaffkrh,ga 1 kave t the care. twin m free of say charge, my hetes treat. meat with 11 Inetruatioas to say sufferer trawl women's ailment.. 1 want to tell all women about' this cure- yew. my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, er yr slater. 1 want to ten you how to cure jeaemruet! at home without Um help of •doctor- Mem cosset undo/Mond wom- en s sufferings. What we women know Irem ex. pulsates,we know better awn say doctor, 4 knew hitt my ome treatment Is • safe sod sure cure for Leuoerrh.aor Whitish Msaherge, tseraNr, De. plecenmet or Pelll of fisweatb. Preens*. Scanty or Petaled Periods, Uterine or Overtime Tumor* or Growths. also pales be the head, back end bewai, burls( esw.INW ge, aervsasas... err pre lee} Ing op the splits. eseleaehely. desire to cry, bet /Nsh.., ,wearl.eu, Milady and bladder treebM, whore deed by wearies' peculiar to our sex - I want to send you • templet* le daye'treet.ea 's • Melrely tree to prove to you that, yon can cure yourself at home, seri fy,quickly and surely. Remember. that 1t will asst you 'bribing to give the treatment arumple totrial: and Ifyou should wl.ht000nUnuo,It.willoostyouoolyaboutl1 cents • week, or leer than two omits a day. It. will not Interfere with goer work or occupation. Jest wad.eyour ■amandaddress,tellmehow you entrer if you wl,and 1wills/ad you the treatment for your wee entirely free. in plain wrapper, by rel�robin lwill also sedyou free eltestmybook -"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISEE with sz lsnatorylnustretluna how log wk wanton suffer, and hew they con easily owe themes's.*athome Every woman should have land learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor e•y*-"Youmust bare anoyera- Moo," you can decldefor ourself. ThourmRe ods of wo re cured the.eelvee with my Dome remedy. It cures all. eller young. To Metiers of DewMrs, 1 will explain a simple home -'-tmenh which speedily and effectually wen Leuoorrhem. (learn Rh -knelt and Painful lie lttiler Menstruation lo Young ladles. Plumpness sod hilt? &wage remit from Its nee. Wherever yon live, 1 can refer ynn to ladies of your own locality who know a.d willgledly tell any sufferer that this Bente ee. .Trteatreallysuresall women 'sMamas' .ndmakes wane* well. strong, pinna and robust. Jest send .e year address. ..d tkeftee tea days'treatmeat le yours. also the beak. ;Write today, as yon may not see this row again. Address : MRS. M. SUNIERS, NR H 845 WINDSOR, ONT. "r hope some Mew he w101 he keep • watched the teisedieeg toes of the boatman. - "Ton would have awed Mm se we do," said N.ete, "and Tot would saw missed him as we wlrL" "i hope some time be will be bane." "As happy ea yos, MO soldier?' "Yea, but that he can neve be," said 'her hUsbamd, "tee se alga meld Isla as I Muyod." "Taunt ie a Mart MSR husghttrr abeam Mine le a Mart tutee's 1.11 et tease, Long haw I breed; I lova heir yet. Leave bee I sea, hest set ferret," ealse the vets et the Nagar flat down the stresm. Aad thee Poises at the poi Min went ewer. — M► HUSH ROSE IMPLEMENT AGENCY Hamilton Street, - - Gatlsr'ich. The attention of farmers la direc.d the f t t I a it i t po.i• tion to uplift,their wants in the fine of 1 PLRld sed i�AUHiN• EIIY with the h.•st goods at right prices. Pius agent for Deering Farm Implements Brockville Buggies Paris and Wilkinson Plows Page and Frost Wire Fence Dairy Maid and National Cream Separators, etc. We .hall he glad t t have an oppettuoiiy .4 w YOU ler goods and quote prices. Out aim hi he euplily the/NW ilMi,iMEMO on the marke to the farmers of this distrd(oo t. HUGH ROSE. G. JOHNSTON EMSAI.MER AND FUNERAL DIREOTOR Fsralture sad Utidertakt•g wamrooma, West .We Square. 'PRONE: More** 1n eaderkb ddeNight We: Atresidence, M William TM F LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Aeam icy l Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct witb English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each clams of good., Besides being a complete oommerci•I guide to Lon- don and its suburbs, the Dinetroy contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Col nial and Poreign Markets theysttt,ply STEAMS'S!P LINSS art• nerd tinder toe ports to which the mil, and indicating the approxi- mate flings; PHO NCiAL TRAPP NOTICES of leadin Manufacturers, Merchants ere., in thprincipal provincial towns all w 1 United a ind e u t u centres of the Kingdom. A copy of t . e current edition will he forwarded, fre ht paid, on receipt of postal order for Oa. Ocelots seek , : We asp adver- ..'.r their trade cad s for SI, or large advertisements fro , • S3. 1 r The London Di Ca, Ltd. 25 Abchurch Lana ' don. E, C. Special 0 We have made arrangements CATHOLIC Rsoiwritn AND 4 A DIAN EXTENSION, of Toronto, one the leading, ablest edited, and to influential Catholic papers of Cattailo by which we can offer The Signal and Catholic Register and Canadian Extension for one' yeas rear the bargain ?nes a -- *1160 The CATHOLIC RaniwrRR AND('A'A DIAN KITRtreION, of Toronto, Is flow the ptopett of the Catholic' Chnrch Rzteneion iety of Canada. 11 is a hMllianUy'.dlted, well -printed. seventy -column paper of tem page or more each week, and under IM new maeagement bas Amass a leading exponent d Catholic thought in Casada.' Address ell oldies to THE mg NAL, Oo srkhr int.