HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTA RIO 'rMU HADAY, 04YDAI•b 2h MO agsek! Otter the puled Howe son - be 1 saw' anular the three rtaned at the distant tor- so binge tort wearied the beud of 'the Ow out* tbetr vela ached. •las no Uteri, aq buy,"Vide Be oboe& m14 Gale. sari Anally over the tree empower s Mot nawmer of black. en est u lar erlsd tbe meddler. Ora OA* for nnq mune bag." And be- d the sbeand sat had hove Into glet be was bark with his scanty Aske d togesIe. behaving like uoe ▪ ft open( sad lasebt lg and lem- ons ber and there. Lee watcbed Oho closely, thou want behind the bar Igoe passed out a idle gids of whisky, rbe mode Bueelil drink. To Gale wibespesonl • moment later: ••Sasp year eye OD Ws, Jubn. He'll ir need at Mk rats" - They wafted, It seemed interminably, pew et les it white bull abwly round- ly/ t s puha, , then shaped - gra♦ the owned turard the other Wok, meow fisc weber was less swift. /ter ft ensue testy lobo sit Gale swore terse in ddVoW: • sr. fisc rwlsdoe bas? 'Weil, west et then" said Burrell Well kite 1t -bay 111 -take 11!!" "We no fere. She ain't got but three dog Power be her engines," lee ex =i'libels a down river boat - nn with the current to move.' •tire cart me hen" Dais gave In re Monsey. "fid ead+y lore time fur ▪ Neve gat as melt for one of the bons' W eer Bred Bum. "We've done gages a but ws1At, unit, wait! Let's do deer 'Wm a turd esedsr and set down." gap-ded Las. 'Well have a boat idea tong.' !� se>isd d the tiny mission gdsr was rams of senetent Im- rshoste•OQw o crowd W the river e Barrier Came By 9..z. Rex Beach COPYI11GM.1RCIELISY rIARP[R.h OROTf1CRS "Yes, yes, yew!" laughed Felber Bao- uuw. "I'11 tell you all 1 know, of course, but first 1 must meet Lleuteo- tut Burrell -and take hlw by the band." '1'be story did out lore In his telling, particularly when he came to describe the tight 1,u tbe gravel bar which uo man bad seen plat of which Poleon Mid told him little, bot the good priest was of a militant turn, and bb blue eyes glittered and dashed like an old crusader's. "It was a woafruue combat," he de - dared, with all the spirit of a specta- tor, "fur 1'ulevu advanced barehanded and beat Wm down even as the man fired Into his face." The Frenchman moved uneasily. "Waal, d don' know, lis ala' fight so "You euuldn't find no trace of Weir said Lee. "Nb trace whatever," Father Bar- num replied, "but be will surely reach .ililtcit sr.refuge_ ._where .wa.can pick Wm up, for the days are still mild and the woods tall of berries." -ru be on the lookout for hem," geld tbe lieutenant grimly. When the voluble old pleat bad at last exhausted his narrative be re- quested of Burrell the privilege of a few words and drew Wm apart from the others. His face wits warm wltb • twoderstandIng. "I had a lung conversation with my little girl, fur she le like a daughter to me, and I discovered the depth of her love fur you. Do you love her as much as you sbuuldr "As much as 1 can. They don't make words or numbers big enough to tell you bow dear she is to me." 'Them why delay/ Tomorrow I leave again, and one never knows what a day may bring forth." "Bat Stork?' the young Llan cried. 'He's her father, you know. He's like' a madman, and abe's rtW under age." "I kuuw very little uf law outside d the church," the father observed; '.Wet, as I understand 1t, if she marries be- fore be futbads ber the law will hold him powerless. Nuw, be bas never made Wlself known to ber, be los lever forbidden bar anytbing, and,`al- tLougb my conclusion may not be cor- rect, I believe It la, and you have a chance 1t you make baste. At your age, ley boy. 1 never needed a spur." "A spur? Good Lord! I'm from Kromer ky r "Once she 1s yours before God your bull will be stronger In the eyes Of wen. 11 1 ant wrung and be takes ber front you well, way some other priest rewed yuu two. 1 shan't" "1 tont worry," laughed Burrell, ablaze at the thought. "You're the only preacher who'll kiss my bride, for I'm u Jealous nun, and all the Starks and all the tathe1Y !n the world won't get her away from me. Do you think she'll do itr "A woman In love will do anything." Burrell seized the utUe Loan by the baud. "M l had known oore law you needn't have given we this blurt." Together they went into the trader's house. Back lu the stove there was silence after the priest and Use soldier went out, which Gale broke at last: "Thee furgiveness talk is all rlgbt, I sappuee, but I want Reunion." "We'll ;It hint, too," growled Lee, at width Puieuw uttered a cart exclaaaa- tiun: "No"' "Why taut?" said the miner. "Waal," the Canadisw drawled slow- ly, then paused to Tight the cigarette be had rolled in a bit of wrapping pa- per. Inhaled the smoke deeply to the bottom of his lungs, held It there a Iwuwent and blew It out through month and nostrUa before adding. "you'll Jus' be wash' tam'r Gale looked up from beneath Lis thatch of brow and asked quietly: "Whyr "You 'member story I td' you wan day two, t'ree moot' ago," Poleou re- marked, with apparent evasion, "'bout Johnny Platt w'at I ketch on de Por- cupine all et up by skeeter huger . "1 do." answered Gabe. "Waal" -be met their eyes square- ly. thea drew another long breath ?rem his cigarette -"I'm Jus' llapin' n..lwxdy don' pkk It ftp dle Bannlon feller de same war. Msbbe dei fin' hetes bads the' bebtn' 'dm wit piece of bees siert" •'Good God!" cried the glider, nut - lug to his feet. "Yee-yoS"- "Ot coarse Pm Jas' repents% He was feel party good w'en I ker. He was feel so. good I tak' bees moat for kmep- Iti off dem bugs from me, Metairie I ler it my own shirt on de canoe. He's W ee feller dat way. Ile give up easy. fta gosh, I never see worse place for skeeterel" Gale fell silent, and "No Geek" 1.ee began to swear In little, tapeless, Inef- fective oaths, which were but two ways or showing similar emotions. Then the former stepped up and laid e big hand upon Poleon's 'boulder. 'That saves us quite a trip," he said. Father Barnum found the three del talking 1n the store when be had fin- lahed an hour's counsel with Necia, so cats straight to the point It ws work that delighted hit soul, for he I loved the girl and had formed a strove 1 admiration for Burrell. The pried returned to . Pieria after giving directions about the wedding, leaving the trader and Polson alone. 1 "I s'pose era best,•' said the former. "Ys"" "Bete the deuce, tboagb. hew things wort out, don't' It?' . "I'm glad for nee dim day," 1114 tis Freeckman. "He's good man, an' be ale never gala' to hurt her sone." Ile paused. "Dare's JtoV wan nig I want for ask It of you, John. Toa 'member Sat day we stop on 4. birch grove an' you rink 'bout her as' tor me dose glory 'boot ler modar. Waal, I was drunk' 411 tans', ss ra gra' ask ft you new due' error tell bur w'at 1 said." _ T berg her bed M per, r'esea'l" i1re, au the bnpatleat teen at the post ttaboted lneeteet in her as abe came ensspdg um abreast d tbe tuwu. 1t aha Mille botany Gale wbo first sew Mete sad Pekoe on board, for be bad ■egenned Father Barnum's craft at n dlithenee and stationed himself at the bsnh band is bend with Molly to bed e1V tpiod, kid ad snow welrvwe. ?be men Weide etre hence dht net Sew the boy crying Necker Henle, for abs eebx was small, and they had gone fe•ebe seer of the store. "Undeestendf You leave Itunulon thaR" Barrel was saying "No man doff lay bads on him except due." tames teafi•11 away. Ile rose slow air feet,, n strange light cn hl Hee others tempi! to sec to 1':11 had drawn his eyes. 1.1 Gs Ita•+ue erg Oka dk1 with the cnlde• leaf stoedileeis and Poleou Duret, tubo had her by the baud, and she wee smiling. Gale uttered a great cry and went in meet them, but the soldier could move nothibg save hie lips and stood dazed and disbelieving. Ile saw them 410117 coming toward hint and heard Poln)n'a vole as If at a great dletnute; tale that the Frenchman's -eyes were span him and that has words were d!- Iected to him. i bring ber beck to you, m'aleu"" Garet laid Nevis's hand In tbat of ber lover, and Burrell saw her smll- lag shyly up at him. Something grip- ' pal him chokingly, and he could utter ern 5oand. There wit nothing to say. She wee here, sate, smiling; that was V!• Aod the rIH, beholding the glo? In his eyes, understood. I tale refight her away from him then j sad burled her In Ns arts. A -woman came running tufo the Peep And, teeing the group, panned nt the deny -a SMpelees, silent, ehawled figure 1n silhouette against the "Y" The trader brought tbe girl to her foe- , ter ►-other, who began to tail In her own tongue with a rapidity none, of thele lied ever heard before, her voile' ax tender an some wild bird's song. Then the two women went away to- ' either around the Store into the hones. ('^icon had told Neeta all the amazing etnry that had coma to him that dire - fel night, all that be had overheard, ell that he knew and much that he The priest came tato the store short- ! Ir, nM the men tell upon him for in- tnrmallen, for nothing was to be Reined from polo. who seemid stninge!y align and weary and wise "ed bald bat little' "Doesn't site kuuw'• wy boy 't" "No. 1 alit' nater spoke 'bout love. She t'luka I'w bruder w1t' ber, an'- - dat's w'at 1 cow, bo gar!" Ile could out bold bis volce eteu--lt broke with him but he avuldld the old man's gaze gale took him by the shoulders. "There ain't uutblug so cruel In the world us u geutlewuwau," said be. "hut she wouldn't hurt yuu for all the world. Puleoti; tally tbe blaze of this other thing has blluded her. She can't wee uotbing for the Ilgbt of this new love of hers." "1 know!.. Dan's w'y-nobody ooder- Mao's but you an' me." Gale looked out through the open door, put the sunlit river wbich came from a land of mystery and vanished Into a valley of rorgetfuluess, put the forest and .tbe Lula, in his deep set eyes the light of a wondrous love that had lived wltb elm these many weary years, and Bald: an..wilhmtaad_..hat. we. 1 know -bow It 1a 1 bad even n harder thing to bear, for you'll know she's happy at least, while I"- His ruice trembled, but after a pause he continued: "They neltber of them un- derstand what you've done for them, for It was you that brought her back. But some time tbey'll learn bow great their debt is and thank you. It'll take thew years and years, however, and when they do they'll tell their babes of you, Poleon, so that your name will never dle. 1 loved ber mother, but I duu't think 1 could have done what you did." "She's puny bard ting, for Bare, but i aln' t'luk 'bout Poleon .•Doret none w'en I'm dols' It. No; I'm t'ink 'bout ber all de taw'. She's 11'1' gal, an' I'm beeg, strong feller w'at don' matter much an' w'at *In' know much, 'cep ,login' an' lovlu' ber. I'm see for sire uuw dat 1 ala' 0t for ber. I'm beeg, rough, figbtIn' feller w'at can't read, en' sbe's de beam otsunllgbt w'at bun' m7 eyes." • "lt 1 was a fool I'd nay you'd forget M time, but I've lived my life 1n the open, and 1 know you won't 1 didn't." "I don' want to forgetr' the brown man cried hurriedly. "Le bon Dien wuuld not let inc forget. les all I've got to keep wit' we w'en I'm lookin' fur wy 'new cuuntree.'" "You're not gain' to look for that 'new country' any more," Gale replied. "Today," saki the other quietly, 'die afternoon. De blood In me is nettle for travel, John. I'm'llvin' here on du. place five year die fall, se' dat's lung tum' fur voyageur. I'm Irowgry fur hear de ax lit de woods an' de mutate blow at sundown. I want for see tbe campfire t'rougb de brush w'en I come from trap de fux an' dem little wild tellers. I want to smell smoke In le dusk. My work sbe's entail here, I'm paddle away today, en' I'll fin', Gat place Ws taw', ler sure. She's otter dere." Hs ralsad kis long arm and pointed to the dim mountains that hid the valley of the Koyukuk, tbe val- ley that called good men and strong year after year and took them to It- self. "Have you beard the news from the creeks? Your claims are blanks. Your men have quit" The Frenchman shook his bead un - h. then amlled-a wistful Utile smile. "Waal, ft's better 1 Ione San you or Necla. 1 syn' de lucky kin', dare all, w', after all; w'at good to me is riche gal' mine/ I ale' got no use for mosey any more." They stood 11, tbe doorway together, two rugged, stalwart figures, different in blood and birth and every other thlug. yet brother. withal whom the ebb and flow of the far places had thrown together and now drew apart again. And they were sad, these two, for their love was deeper than comes to other people, and they knew the was farewell, so they revalued thu4 aide by side, two duinb, sorrowful men, until they were addressed by n person who hurried from the town. Ile came as an apparition bearing the yoke of "No ('reek" Lee, the mtn- lug king, but lu no other way showing sign or symbol of their old ft lend. its style of face and curious outfit were ntterly foreign to the miner, for he had been bearded with tbe robust, nu• lenlpt growth of many years. tanned to a leathery bus and garbed peren- nially In the habit of a scarecrow while this creature wit shaved and cttpped and curried, and the clothes tt stood up In were of many startling hues. Its face was scraped so clean of whiskers as to be a pallid white, but .lack of adornment ended at this point, and the rest was overladen wondrous- ly, while from the center of tbe half brown, half white face the long, red nose of Lee ran out. Reside It rolled We lonesome eye, alive wltb excite- ment Ile came up with a strut, illumining the landscape, and inquired: "Well; bow do 1 look?" "I'm darned if 1 know." said Gale "But It's plumb unusual." "These here shoes leak," said the spectacle, pelting up hie baggy trou- sers to display his tan footgear, "be- rries. they was made for dry goln'. That's why they left the tops oft, but they've got • nice, healthy color, ain't they/ As a whole. it seems to me I'm son of nifty. Rot I'm a plain man wittsout rmtrelt. Now let's proeeed WW1 tlfe obsequies." It was n very simple, uopretentlons ceremony That took place Inside the long, low bonne of loos, and yet It wee a wonderful thing to tee dark, sby mild who hearkened e0 breathlessly beside the man she bad singled out When they bad done be tuned and took ber reverently In his alma end kissed her before them all. Then abe went and stood bealde Oil* and the red alto who was no wife and said simply: "1 am very happy." The old sten stooped and for the first time In ber memory pressed W ons to hem then went out iota the Makes Solid Flesh Because it creates an appetite. It builds up the jaded, run-down system in a natural way Stk. and f1 00 bottles at all drug- gists. , Be sure you get the genuine. 1)..., . i.,...rn, r 1 „ . \l uul real. aunllght, where he Wight be alone with blmaelf and the memory of that other lderrldy. The prat word of the wedding was borne by Father Barnum, who went alone to the cabin where the girl's te- ther lay, entering with trepidation lie was there a long time uloue wltb Stark, and wbeu he returned to Gale's auu5e he would answer no questions. "He le a strange man, a wonderful - y strange man -unrepentant and wicked. But 1 can't tell you what be laid Have a little patlefice and you will 50011 kuow " 11 •ontinued 1,u peer IN ' DR. CHISHOLM TO RETIRE. East Huron Conservatives Looking for Another Candidate. Iil'IIe1N•Ia, (11. 2:'n.l, At a •.ilrrll- 1ion of the Cause'vativee of East Huron held herr belay, Ur. Chirhuilu, I. 1'. for -the riding, definitely an- nounced thltt,'uwi,g to his advau;IJ year., he would not again be a candi- date fur re-L•h•Iaiuu to the ('Monona. For the entwine, year the Jelegatee present uauued Peter W. Scott err president ; U. F, Vanstmiue, \1'ingham, secretary ; \Villiaw eolith, %Velem, I ren -w 1•r. AJdi rs.rs wrr•e given by 111•. Chisholm. A. H. Musgrove, .11. P. N., 1\'inl hour, noes ex 11'arden .lame" Bowman. of Morris. Itesolutiuus of cuullieucr were then parsed oii the pre.rul Provincial (lover lllll reit and the Ol.pu>itruu at 1111 iutt. .44 c 'Hitler was 411,1111191 lit I.e.k etre• the field, lutes to hake a t•epu11 of the r•oriliI j.o,S U t 111..•Ii11K to I. held next June. 1:• o1ge Sludtun, of % iug- ha111, end ex Ward. it How loan elm the two earn the e,.11trnliuu Iles ills eyes 011 for 1'arliau/etalIt. y honors. If 1In ava•rage rt lege student would have fewer "fast" friends, slid MOM "close" ours, the average parent would be better satisfied. - Ltppin- cot.t's. V' WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured at severe ccanpuural Mold and =ugh by Ymoi •l4M Dec. M. 'Y$. to Meeh I. Mk I bed theme W cote. esti en tepid the 11144 eget ther. -1_ jaa'Nothing esoneed�- w weak 1 undid a until , have to take Ml aa T� -bang was magic. Threw heteseeame plstsly Beed tilt compound aid mod stopped the terrain coosi- d weed surprises a meat. at the same doe It cured me of sweets stomach tremble that has bothered mm Ise IN yeme. Vigil Is outaldy a woadsrfnl endiciee." Mr. Toppan is one of Lynn's ruuat prominent and highly requand merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. The reason Vinod is so successful in such cases is bsea= t contains the two most world -famed tonics ---the medicinal, sttead amity, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonne bra. Yom Money Back El Tut Are Prat Id.tlllmAsmL H. C. DUNLOP, Druggist, - Goderich, Ont. ello ! Is -This °All Goderich ? This is CAMERON & MOORE speaking. All take notice and listen, please, and get some of the great Month - end Clearing Specials on Saturday, October 3oth, and Monday, November 1st. A Saturday Sale of Fall and Winter Coats A special , sale of ladiee fall and winter l'cate-smart, .tylisb, elegantly trimmed, long and swagger- the richest of cloth. Prices on Saturday run tight down from $ $12,511 to Ladies' Suits fN 4.95 HELLO) Have we any bargains in ladies' Suite? Well, just read this: Twenty - five women's $15.I1) and $b).(M) Suite, only one or two of a kind, splendidly made. coat!! 41; inches long and lined with satin. Oh Saturday we will put them d's 50 On sale at 'II'' Taffeta Silk MAi)AM 1 The Uk Taffeta Silk, all colo, which we are offering at 39c, is worthy of your inspection. Twenty -seven-inch Japanese Taffeta Silk in all colors en I of a fine lustrous quality -a silk that sells regularly at eek. On 39cSaturday at Dress Goods '"! I1E1.1.0 ! Yes, these IIGc and 75e Drees Gootls are 4& a yerd. • Of course this means fon, Saturday only. TI.ey- are hrillientines, word taffetas, satin clulhlt, serge, and worsted,, tel inches wide, in all the hew shades. On sale Saturday at per yard 40c Flannelette Blankets - Blankets made of a fine Saxony Hamlet in pink and white end,grey and whitep Saturday and Monday 9c Bradley Mufflers '1'11I' BRADLEY' FULL-FASHIONED MUFFLERS, :41 . Ladies' and men's silk and wool Mufflers in white, grey, blue, lavender and Copenhagen, regular 511c .orality. Saturday and Jdondey ,tt 39C Ladies' Parasols Men's Department. HELLO! Metter get the men on the line. Overcoats Men, are you listening ? Here are $12.60 and $15.0() Overcoats, made of handsome dark greys, black and fancy mixtures, with silk Tel - vet collars or military style, 011 x'95 sale Saturday at. 9 :,, ' M en's Suits Twenty-five Suite in dark, grey and fancy shades. They are broken Tines tbst were WO and $12.51) value. Your choice on $6.25 Saturday for Men's Trousers Fifty pairs of tweed and worsted Trousers, heavy weight, dark patterns, regular 98c $1.U); for yv Men's Sox Twenty -live dozen men's wool Sox of a dark grey mixture, regular 20c value, I 5C for Men's Underwear Another case of that all -wool, elastic -rib- bed, unsbrinkeele Underwear for turn iv will be put on sale Saturday only at.. / Knicker Pants 5C Yes, the Luc Knicker Pants are 5$c a pair. All sizes for teuys, matte of tine tweeds and worsteds, double seats and knees. The price is always 75e, but on Saturday we will 5v�C sell thele at Boys' Overcoats For the Housekeeper Are you a housekeeper? All right then, you will want to hear about the Specials. Table Linens Silver -bleached Table Linens, soft finish, no starch or dressing, laundries nicely. 48C Worth hoc. Special O 111.4 Towelling One hundred and, fifty yards Huck -a -back Towelling, pure white and firmly woven, all linen. Regular 19c. value for . . 8c Bed Spreads Soft finish, pretty patterns, double bed sire, entre quality. Worth $1.50, for +1•19 Notions SPECIALS ON THE NOTION COUNTER tlhoe Lams, per dozen 5c Adamantine Pins, 5 papers Sc Safety Pins, 2 cant for Se Lead Pencils, at per dozen Gc Hooke and Eyes, per dozen 111c Buster Brown Belts, each ...12c Heir Rats, 2 for ...25c Children'teilose Supporters.. 124c Darning Cotton, assorted shades, 4 for. be Pearl Buttons, regular 111c.; 2 dozen for Gc Linen Thread, 4 Skeins for.- ... ..,5c Collar Supporters ... , t're Ltdie,' Back Combs, regular '1.5c., Satin, day - llk Cushion Cord, floe quality. lee --- - Table Linen Twenty -live school Overcoats for boys, 11 to 12 years. The greatest value we have ever shower in broken lines. Regular $:1.611 and $4.111 values for. ... A big special in ladles' Parasols at 98c and $1.4e. All odd lines in ladles' Parasols and Umbrellas will be put in two big groups to clear Heavy worsted Hoer, knit from nn Saturday and Monday at each $1.45 90C black worsted yarn. Ten dozen in the and O odd sizes, some worth up to title. Nat- urday morning, per pair .............. 2.75 Boys' Wool Hose =r= Corsets One lot of ladies' Corsets made up of a fine p Bath Towels French coutill e in white and drab, with butte Ten dozen only bath Towels, medium and supporter., all different models', your 8c large sizes, regular 25c value, on Satur- I 5Cpick on Sattuday .................. .. 4 day for a fast lot, all 30C By special purchase we will put on the counter Satiirday morning a lot of mill ends in Table Linen, in 2, 2}. 2} and 3 -yard ends. Special, each from $1.50 down to 5oc Ladies' Belts 1 A sample lot of ladies' silk sort leather Belts, five dozen in the lot, worth up 15�. to Gee ; your choice on Saturday for .. �'- Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ten dozen only ladies' embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, good value at 25c and IOC Sul:. Yoar pick on Saturday for More New Hats to Sh r, w You Tomorrow .e "pt, No small measure of notable success in our Millinery Department is directly attributed to our policy of frequent incomings of new goods and up-to-date styles, which the ladies of Goderich fully ap- preciate: Our continuous efforts to offer the new ideas as fast as they appear is rewarded by a most gratifying increase in,6n1- business. Come in tomorrow and next week and see the display—always some- thing new to show you. You are always welcome—if only for a look. Grocery Department (Basement) ;"u.:ti6,.al You cannot get better than the best--or,more than the most. Here you Set both. 2 packages choice seeded Raisins for 3 1e -ounce bottles select Oliveto for 15c Ric 2 cane Pineapple (grated) for. 2Ge -.crew, Choice Ceylon Black Tea, regular 31k, for ,2$e Choice Hyson Green Tea, regular elk, for..... 1p tY�tese feu • rtl This week we will pay 28c per dozen for Eggs. This department wants GO cases of new -laid gp;s, for which we will pay 214c per dozen. Cloudy Eggs or Eggs that ars not clear when held- be- fore • candle, are of no use as our trade demeans the best. BUTTER in about 2 -Ib or 3•Ib. rolls wills best now. • Ate14i;rMM1.° .2$e 5a Cameron DEPARTMENT STORES. oore, GODERICH BRANCH. WVIELIONSIESSeigf