HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 4r
Dungannon No. 1 Wins tha Cup for
Team Shooting Two S p•c ial
Prizes Contributed by bt.safil. Wil.
.on -William Waison Is President
for Next Year -The Scores.
The fall tom unwept of `the Iltiron
County Hale League was livid at Au-
burn on 'rurality. 19th inst., and was
• very soccer/idol event. seven teams
com_peted for the ciip, which was won
by Dungannon's iwnior team. Lt. -Col.
Wilson, of ltesJorth, wits preirent arid
besides belpiug personally to make tbe
tournament a success he contributed
two pipes as 'Trend prizes, one each
for the highest score tit the t wo ranges
in six shots,' "lighters included. For
the:so-yards range Chas. McNeil. of
Colborne. took' Wilson's
prize, and Flunk Naegle. of Auburn,
won at the :3110-yartis range. The
tnedal for best individual shooting
went Jo Roy Rundle, (locierien town-
inottey -prizes welt. won its
follows :
At 51.11) porde C. McNeil, 11G: L.
Scritogetier. $1.51.1: Naegle. 41: Dr
. Bice, al ; Elliott. 111; 11. Bellamy.
50c; T. McLean, 50c : J. Cranford,
At 310 yards -R. Carrick. $2: W.
BiTcroft. $1.53): I.. Scrimgetuir. $1;
Witt NVaison. 41: T. Allen, 41; F.
aoc: W. (Tories. firs fc
Biekbk 60e.
; A. Naeirle. money. It is said the supply is limited
girjalifskiiii,IWY; W2. Spron1.111 : P ,a big rush of subscrip.
- Bisset,' $7; J. C'ousins. 56c ; J. H. *ions. No oneehould Miss it.
Yourigi 50e Fariptharam, talc.
Conaolation-- P Sandereolli Si ; , YOU CAN'T STOP IT.4'44
on, .
Port Felix, tittysisitsi Co ., N. 14.,
1. Oct. 25th. --(Mpecia11.-'1'he following
s. TotaL letter is' another Manner of the ,'x.
T. McLean ' 311 rellent wink Diald's Kidney -Pills are
B. J. Crawford. 43 continually doing, and how friende.
3. Jotrostott- -IVO* -.6214 -neighbors recommend
J. Elliott .... . 35 them to each other.
J. McGee 19 31 Joseph Das id writes . "About foot
W. Crozier ▪ 17 314 Irdney trouble by Kiduey
0. Elliott :us ago I WO6 eompletelv cured of
W. Reid 21 ,111 451 Pills. 1 sent for a eupply 1/odds
H.. gamy._ 24 22' 42 Kidney 1' for frieud untie who
Dr. Bice 19 rt wits alarm from kidney trouble and
1 rtiri pfeaser to say they prove. d just
199 - 196 394 as succa•saftil es in iny own case. My
- de had been troubled with her kids
pin yard's. astrusts,
we t into n hospital where b.' was and, running, struc themselves more
17 21 13 tie& hy the doctors. for amne time. and more against the wagon, until
.1. an 17 31 :T7 hot t y failed to do her any good. they were tearing madly down the
0. Ho /NM 4 19, 11 36 Since returned home ishe' has C0411- incline at top speed. Herr Mr. Megaw
W. W • 22 21 13 meneed eking 1/odd. Kidney Pills showed his wonderful eouragt• and
P. N 22 44,i and is Jtlriving grent benefit from presence of 'Mod. He managed to
l'••• 22 22 them right long. get the brake on hard. but that was of
1. W. Dobie. 18 13 'il
A. Jackson 3) 13 ti It Soimded Hopeful. +CYO no avail. In a Mash be found himself
G. Yungblu 19 17 7Prusloli:ig. 1.rhliCiricistoetilit
, G. Beadle.... .. 16 111 .i5 A }ming man\ who wee not par-
- _ ticularly entrrtaitanK was in, mop. a tlyiug dash over the bank, or a crash
.192 rgg \ tretty into the hart -wire fence at the side of
s77 olizing the attenion of a p
debotsta.• with *101 Of imintemsting ting wholt
the road % The fence he chose. Put-
eoureigistron. • weight upon the left-
\ hand t ein, he veered the horses. With
"Now, my brother." bgrequaiked in
the course of ,a disserta ion cm his a (-rash that Was heard throughout all
t he Caldstream. they went through the
"is just tbe opposit of me in
barb, taking the wire with them. and
every respect. Do you kI1W my
'hem her ?" • treeing the carriage on its side on top
(if a flume, and between heavy fence -
"No;" the debutante repli de-
murely. "hitt I should like to." post in front and a.pile of logs below.
fhe force of the impact jammed the
vember Lippincott's.
*runt meat lon which were sitting
Lord Strathcona and. Mr. Megan') in-
Ferrovim, the invigorating tonic. 0 the fence -post. No one ran ever
contains beef, the most strengthening t4I how it was that Ilis Lordship and
food in the least bulk, iron. which.311t.Megaw were not I' 'tight bet ween
utakeis rich red blood and gives the Seat and post.
atrengtb and vitality to the whole In A, few meonds the ileighboring
body. and just. enough pure Spanish rar,chertt were on the ...ene. When
sherry wine to stimulate the digestion the fitst es- Mr. M. 1,515111 and Mr.
and thin( aid the assimilation of the Jam Emit 11- arrived, not a "mid hail
iron and beef. 1111.110 per bottle at "A1'11411)111 11 111.• rig, anti it 'was with
druggists. siekoning heirt. that the rescuers
A Beautitul Picture•peer ed in. Thee writ. teas:mm.1, how-
ever, to see ee c
the t rawl out. from
Pure and elevating indeed is the du. hack 1/111 441, „lion
be utifut picture entitled "The Moors
out Lord ti.ithe•nri. atitl his plucky
A w kening." offered this season to
driver that they too err compare -
read rs cif The Family tierald and tively untouched. 11r. Megaw's leg
NVeek Starnf Montreal. No parent was wound mound the ke !motile.
FAIL ILA upon -The Soul's Awaken- and Lord Strat beim* bad be aised
ing'' wit mut feeling it most have
iplatT 10 t 01111P. from off it. With lc forti.
1, toile and unselfishness Ws LOsLship
"Tip. So I's Awakening" will toucia refused to accept any attention ftar his
the heart o mankind. It will soften injured artn until atter Mr. Megaw
tio• sentlinet of the wayward, the had been rived for, and throughout
cruel. the in ifferent, the wanton. all sustitineil everyone by his cheerful
Religious men nil women will feel in words. The "lirand (1141 Man of ('an -
ecstasy. the pith erent will be brought oda" at eightyosine years continues to
to atop and kpriii , ihe hardened will rise above every emergency.
admire its beauty, too) if they feel no Mr. Megaw was brought in to his
companiouship wit it. and all will home in a carriage. and medieal aid
agree that it is a lea tiful picture for was at once secured. The broken hone
the home, the homi• 0 poor and rich was met, and WP are glad to 1* able to
one. newewne how ow • mishewn of state that he is now doing well, and
progressing towards recovery, as fay -
The Family Herald and petty Stat. orably an could be expected. Mr. Me -
of Montreal rain afford to ve such a gaw hits long been known as one of
beautiful. picture to all bombers
the most _experienced _horseman acid
Va at ""„r -clever whips in the country. and these
14,111 4ye.ir. tinl tin picture u,181t9 (iiiali11041 stood him in good etead 00
worth double the ailment. Thit •
Pt -2- Saturday evening; for had the team
iif the yi tt'. i pt ion to The Vain'been in eharge of it less experienced
ale fferald end eekly Star is one Roil resourceful dtiver 11 1. altogether
ilidlist• and every tettmeril-ier get probable that the runaway would
topya.).L'ghe Sours 4wLs.n._
10 inehem, just 41M soon h tuttfe tertninatted- 18-a-Tatality that
WOIlld have shocked Canada and
subscription is reeeiverl. No CanaAlig
thrown a gloom over the entire KM -
home c;awalford • o tw withoot it.
\ Not Yet.
A Missouri cicrgyman had in his
pastoral flock a member who wee re-
luctant ithmit meeting the erintrant•
marked. 'That buy to f
regu ar fool.
_titnet knaw,..riathtng 1 bo. haaket. The pastor. bad thrown
out meillY broad bias. but all to no
One (ay the Member fell ill and was
taken to the Ensvrorth hospital.
When the clet•gyman arrived the man
was delirious. While the pastor was
sitting beside hid bed a wild..yell of
Pfra t Fire r triune- front gr•enss ill -
aick mnn drew himself op on
his elbows.
"Where whilte am I r h Asked
"Calm yourself, !mother," ',nailed
the !Helot.* with imt the 1.41nt...1
twinkle in his eye. "Voii Aro still .1
the Ensworth hoepitel!'' -.Novetrilirr
Mao a eake of soap. That is all I used
and Lan perfectly well, aud 1 don't
think it will return. I have attired
several others to use it slid the results
have been the itious."
, (Signed) I. W. Coussi.°
Tise moults are the *awe in every
core -D. 1). 1). Prescriptiou instautly
soothes and relieves the awful itch
and permanently cures eczetus and
all kintlyif akin diseases.
If you are a sufferer why not try
11. 7). M once T -------------
For free sample bottle of D. D. D.
Preactiption write to the D. L). I).
Laboratory, Department G. S. 23
JordanHt. Toronto.
For-sisleisy-oll-desiggista- -
. 1404!
"The Soul's Awakening. -
Tilt' DPW premium picture given to
all siameriliers_to 'The F.ouily Herald
and W'pekly Star. of Montreal, is cer-
tainly a beauty.
• Never in the history of movitpapers
has there leen such entiossiatau over a
premium as -The Soul's Awakening."
has it-eated aiming the pug Iwo weekis
Almost i•very stiewspaper in Canada
has published tuo.t flatteling tt Runes
tu Tii.• Family Herald's enterprise.
Cleugyiiien of all denominations iptVe
ilten thanking the publishers for
giving the people id Canada an oppor-
tunity to posses% emit ....A picture.
Every mail brings ocoti-.... letters
fruid parents. fathers antraurit hes., ex.
pre,,sing thPii. sineere gratitude for
fru (11.111 ii the home with i.lich.an
intluettee_ _Sehisil inspactia,
hat, written suggesting that every
school room in Canada should have a
copy to. "'Die sours..Awakening," Ise-
liPV OW that it would have a powerful.
though silent, intimater on t he minds
Ot. 1 Iltr children. Family Herald
and %Veekly Star aloue is big valor at
one dollar; bot wltt ibis picture as
premium -it- tookti- like -giving- away
Elliott. 75c :T.
Following are
A Former Htusedte Displays Coolness
and Courage.
.1he Vernon (EL C.) NOW6 records an
incident (if Lord Strathcona's recent
trip to the NVest which has especial
interest fot• readers of The signal frutu
the feta thaq Mr. W. H. Megaw, wbo
Ilifiii-wipiontinaritlY in the itarrative,.`
is a native of this county and a brother
of H. J. AlrlitaW. of the Wertern ('an -
Flour Mills Cu. The Newt' says
tin partl:
Lord Stratheona. whom' vial- to the
Vest has "mu'at such unbounded
entlinsiaani, hal an experience bet*
buo Saturday evening which was en-
tirely out of the usual. and might
easily have reoilted in aerious injury
or even sudden death to "Canada s
Grand Old Man
It we, however, only, when the
special train came in about a quarter
10111hat it lart'altIr known that Lord
Strat (trona was paying a fleeting visit
to Oloiregan awl his first intention
WON to .lity hem only 0.11oUt U111011
hour. lie was prevailed upon, how-
ever, by Mr. Cuminiskey and others to
make a -trip tai t he t 'oldst ream Ranch,
the fatuous DAR item of his friend
Lord Aberdeen. Hasty arrangetnents
WOIT made to -tate out the dieths-
guished visitot•s, and upon eonsulting
with Mr. \V. 13. Megaw it was found
that there was not an autoinobile to
he procured in town at that hour
Mr. Megaw kindly consented, how-
ever. to get a livery team and drive
the party out. It was arranged that
lb... Duncan should take Miss Howard
in his bunt,. the others going 01 11
large three•seated democrat which
was olanier.1 al OH- Htthe livery
It. was about half an I later that
Earle Megaw drew up to the station
platform in his auto. *MI /IV the party
came under the are light it was appar-
ent that tannething hal gone wrong,
for Lord Stratheotta bail his artn in it
tiling, and Mr. W. H. Megaw was ah.
sent from theparty. It rO011 became
known that aniyeident hail occurred,
tit which His Lo ship had received a
slight injury to Ihs right arni. while
Mr. Megaw had i4 stained a tincture
of hie right leg betwben the anke and
the knee. The other members of the
party PIII aped with slight si rateher or
without injury.
Mr. Megaw 's trouble Iwican as he
started the descent of the rattier steep
grade that elopes down t() the lake on
the road to Mr. Kidstoo's. The pole
of the wagon wise too short. The
horses thus were struck by the heavy
wagon as they turned down hilt and
a for a long time aud last fall becianing frightened beaten to mo.
amysed.. 300yard., Total.
A.../. Goldthorpe 18 AI
(i. McNeiI 1 22 41 ,
J. McManus 16 16 32
Gordon Bisset 19 18 :47
Adam Gorl 17 . 22 314
Chas. Robertson 19 12 31
John Chisholm. . 16 3/1
. W. Symonds19 6 36
W. Chisholm1 34
Peter Biseet 19 19 98
- -
ISM 171
200 yards. 5011 yards.
J. McLean 17 21
D. !fickle ..2 IV 4
J. B. Young 14 16 3)
P. Finnigan 19 17 36
T. McCann .... 19 21 49
J. Cousins lel 10 34
D. Glenn.. . 10 1.4 2t)
W. J. HatniltOn, 16 0 16
W. Sproul. .. 19 21 40
T. Alien ' 22 13 3,5
- --
132 157 *11
)ard. IItysed,. Total.
R. Mason 12 17 39
It. Stalker tii 1(4 XI
B. Herrington 15 I 25
N. Taylor 11-) 16 :45
B.. Sommersin 17 36
D. Farquharson. Is 12 31
G. Nicholson17 19 *I
F. Wrath 12 12 24
J. McGill 21 17 36
J. Blaney . 15 2 17
lei 138 -Rd
NM yards: 3.0 yards. Total.
W. Beecroft.... 22 20 , 42
-21;11/arrielt - 21 44
D. Beecroft 21 18 39
• Geo. Robertson13 21 34
8. Elliott ..... 21 22 43
N. 8hiell 21 16 37
A. King -. 18 12 35
fl- Kt.% 13
(Eight men) - 150 129 259
YOS yards. 551 yards. Twig
\ - Chas. McDonagh 12 16 21s
\•\ Robt. Andrew... 13 11 24
r. Sanderson. l DO 11
NV, Bowles 17 10 27
J. Rose . 17 12 210
J. Smettasse..... 111 17
Ft. Finlay . 21/ 11 .31
John Parrish.... 15 15 .30
Lace . 18 12 30
- -
(Nine unteti 150 1S3 273
Lts-7001-. fiffitr14.-'PrZa.
Roy Rundle 29 21 • 44
0. Asquith 17 13 *2
t A. Naegel 29 21 11
Officers Elected.
After the daVs shoothig ass river
- the annual business meeting wee hold
and the following officers were elected
for the nett year: Hon. president,
Geo. Laithwaite: pre -:dent. Wm. lVat-
won ; vice-president. ('. McNeil; secre-
tary. Hoy Hisridle : treasurer, Chile,
Rohertmon match committee, officers
and 1,. H. Lamprey and 11. R.
The nertsmatch will he held At Point
Farm in June, the d•te to be fixed hy
t he match committer.
If you have Backache you have
Kidney Disease. If jou neglect
Backache it will develop Imo
somethiag worse -Bright. Dis-
ease or Diabetes. There is on
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys. Thera
is only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backac.he every Mao-
r.., 41111111••• •
Saturday and Monday,Ad
Oct. 30th and Nov. Ist
THESE will be two real old-time bargain days, whemi
nearly everything in the store will be at bargain
These will be Two Great Selling Days
at This Store 4
A great big store full of goods to choose 'your
want,: from, and we will have just what you want, too.
Don't Forget the Days
October 30th and November Ist
v., -..:r wil 1
and tti-el keep you .,
do, whik. you are
wearing th:n
It would be to your advantage to get here in
- the forenoon anciso avoid the afternoon rush. _ --I"
Lit Cow C trj COMING C0.111 Lt01170
No goods charged at bargain prices, -ttmmtmfitti.
Some eirs.y -Attila': people still allow their
dealers to sell them a substittite for
Are you one of the easy-going kind
or nre you wise enough to insist ma
"the silk that 4104'14111 Utak "
11 yes dosed kn.... • • I. I/ I N '14 " you don't hallow what
real silk quality means.
11111111111. 121/1111111/1
11 you need one, we have in stock always ten se • dozen of the hest
makes. inchading
1). ' l Strengthening I'lasterv : 2 or makes of Dells.
donna Plaster. : 2 or 3 snakes of l'apnieum Plasters
l'a [sitcom and liellailonna I'lasters lien -Menthol Plasters ;
L. Nlenthol Plasters : %idler's Backache Plasters ;
Alleock s Porous Plasters Johnston's Red Cross Cough
Floaters : Chase's Ilasters ; Plasters, rte.. etc.
Mustard Plasters in Leaves and by the Yard Roll.
Central Drug Store,
Ask ;von r dealer for list of premiums
offered for empty spools, or write to
The Pandora
Cooking Demonstration
I 11211 -ND zat,„Oftwida.-7,
71 Hay Street
In a emintry store II young tiny Waa
tindar (14arwell/1i Iiy the cracker.har-
tel romnottee. Jimisi had jiltit re -
know en( righ to eon* tn wben 44
mina." Then he,discoveted the boy'.
tither, who had overheard the re
'work, and, wishing to appease him,
M. maid, ",Wall, Sam. 't ain't your
faith. Thu learned him all you
We lenity too much about tbs
p•(•ted that rif•ver happen!".
For deep-seated colds .asaid coughs,
Allen's Lung Balsam cored when all
ot her remedies fail.
We learn wisdom from_ialittr_e much
tiler.," than from stiecess. Samuel
If taken in time the"D. & L." Emu!:
sion will surely cure the Moat PotiOUP
0/10a101111 of the, lungs. That "run
Moen" condition, the after effects of n
heavy relit, is quickly /momentum!
No evil dire so soon as that which
ai,• hero patlently zuntaiimil. W.
When you ) bit' try take
- -
Per D. D. D.. Got a Trial Bottle, and
loCured of Eczema
A Joker.
A needy -looking man entered A
ranee in Trenton the other day Red
waited for merietanee, hacking up his
request with it long tide nt .mickne.,
awl leek of em iloyment
AIME. -14 WALL1 _11,._ it,al, his clerk. the
•-nfirrentilint- TO- ieregaeor-sluelthar* itr`int.s1 161.-a-faisies1--Jailio
• hapecned to be in tlie, pine. \ and
sprains. talITIP, (-ads and Moises. iiii !gip,' ,
',Ask Shia geolteman. Ile is tl e
Make the lw.t of the present 11 ,181 omptiernr I am only • clerk "
at* linable tO sell or ezehange it. The friend receiyed the hfurgar's re -
21 Givens St.. Toronto, .1 tine 31, IMO% Ilearine (froat tlensdisti Beat groiroir( quest. in • sympathetic manner. and,
D. I). D. Company. I applied to -the rbots of the parr kaps t liming( o the merchant, remarked
.,. Dear Sim, I was A. sufferer for, it glossy and prevents its falling out. "Thia seems to he a worthy cafe. Mr.
photo two yesir. with PrZPIftg on the raw it isy, . \ Jones. (live him • dollar from the
A womanit *1414 to pi. y (abets
leo and ankles. I tiled three or four cash register," and walked out of the
different dortors and none of I hem did
gives her a lot (tf ;desire. store. .
gas any good. 1 tLen went (Ai AL iita. It was in vain that the merchant
. specialist and he was no het ter. No aubstitute for "The I). & L" protested that it hold hien:. aheLomkee.
1 was VW1.11illa The 14..ailay World 111,01.1101 Plaster, recommended 1117 8o insistent did Lb. seedy
wed I happ•ned to eve your ad. 1 am Ptorrewtif. (or IIIETTItlw. 91'11,107. etc. that 'to hose." direction. ekookl be
autry thankful that I did. I 'lent for Mad. by Itavi 4 ii lAetenes Co. carried nut, thst it was finally tomes-
,. eastple brittle and it. did too so notch lion't think a man is foolish lirause sary to do no in order to be rid of
good iliac 1 suit for a $1.n0 bottle, ise thinks you ate. him.--Noyember Lippincott's.
We thank those who toOk advantage of
our invitation, and we believe all were pleased
with what they saw, especially the PAPER
PIPE and the BISCUITS. For those who
were not in to see, or did not, on account of
the crowd, learn all they wished -to, we will
be pleased to continue to EXPLAIN and
to SHOW wherein the PANDORA and
BETTER than others. McClarys make a
HEATER that is a .MARVEL of HEAT
The Howell Hardware Co.
4411411T-Eff. 94,[1...1001.11[1.0.9-,11
For Every Meal
At breakfast with pcirridge
Brand syrup" is delicious.
Used with plain puddings or made
,up with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
At supper it is just the thing to eat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits.
is syrup at its best and in its most
delicious and wholesome
It is_prepared in a perfect
manner from absolutely
pure ingredients. It is fax
ahead of all other kinds in
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholesomeness -
dont you think its worth
while insisting on "Crown
Brand Syrup? "
'Your dealer has it for 'ion in
2, 5. 10 and so air -tight tins
with liftoff lids Order some
to -day.
The Edwardsbarg Muth Co.
11111TABLISTIND 1868.
C.AltIllNkt„ Oat. 011s4s MONTI/LAI, vorsopero sod natarreoma
Accurate Sporting News
If you like a Sporting Page that is always rehable
-newsy-full of personal interest -----well illustrated --
you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star".
Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic
circles and arnatelir athletic organizations. Conse-
quently our news first-hand and authoritative.
We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting
athletic events, wherever they may tike place, more
fully than any other Canadian paper.
Always, and above all,we aim to befair to everybody.
Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of
$1.50 A Year
This potpie aml "Teeeete Daily Sher' • Ilortfltor for ono row $2 20.
Oodeileaeolfrosofele PIM gees fel 60e. oefoloel fe oboe" eve•ertorteoo peeves.
Toronto Daily Star