HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 3i fP�; e .t, , _ °.h •e �..Y li'. ✓��. i' t 4.� i�.tWtKn Vas' �++.b a. k 1• eAi'� a BOOKBINDING ,t,l,r. MAGAZINES, . lltipFRIODICALS and i-�;l LIBRARIES ' ,,A1,,i.. bound or repaired. ' tiah'i COLI) LIK1TKRINU oh LEATHER UOODS '_ -ayjnro promptlytifiLU to leaving ,1 ,qp` A. E. TAYLOR. HTRATYORD P ,: °'tatjegillete FJ°a SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN N shits iosT LAND RCUULATIONS. r ~ Al.' penton whole the role head of r family, ` i au) wale over 11 yesn. old limy howe.tesd Manitoba.rtei Saskatchewanlten of ofOnionIr,.. The Ir ,, Ian wet appear las per.uu at lin Dentin1the lI lends Agency o u4 Abo w. for tin it agency, h:ut01 a proxy may n. made at any • agonry, oo ornate oosdll.oas, by friber, IV mother, .on, daughter, brother or mister of •^e:a luteu.diutf hon iodeader. 1fi Duties -rkt month"' residence upon red 11`-, cult 'vat ion of the land In each of lllree year.. ;j7 A homesteader may live within ulna wlkr of t : hi• Immo-dead os • farm of at hart to acre. t i'., wb•ly owned and occupied by hint or by his falter. mother, eon. daughter, brother w 4.t•r. In certain districts a howa.tevier las goat grinding nary pro-wupL a quarter section i rhymeddi him homestead. Prlo. 01 per acre. M S Culla•- u.t roadside month.. in each of .ix ryear. front date of bouaatoiid entry dwindled ,i the ewe required to earn hoarwtead pateut) i,)k rid cultivate flay acre. extra. r A kooramtorder who has exhausted his house - used mrbt ad cannot obtain r per nwpltun way taker purchased homestead las uertaiu 'r district,. Prim four per acro. Duties 1: r, reside six mouths Is each of three y cult dry sereo and erect a hove womb iv. ,.,,. W, W. (AMY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B, Coaut orlred publication of this ad • an ...wait will not be paid for. •=r Music rihatj- HR. y. B. KILPAI'K, A. O. S. M. omni HI i I.Nvlo1. ltnghuvb. orwaout of* Mom..., tr"5 church l:.mlerteh. W prepared la .Ive, iustru. A us', 10 pile organohne and ,wwi culture. .,i!11 •t .pa rimy attention abaci to 1he voke. I.ur War i ' ' twiner. apply to M 1f. le:ilpack or A. K. cook. ill0.1) 1 A. roans, of er u1.ro of Standard Lusa ,.._. la. Itrddrnae' Market .treat. near Haptl.t church. iiAI.F'It.n K. cool . TEACHER OF ►{Iaitp Theory. Harmony old SAH' t uualErt,olu soli prepared for mantestime. o7ii TTTerooto t bnrervotory of Malek. Apply y • .. .t Thereon a Mimic Store, Uodertch. Monday. lot :Infos., at r.44.uoe of Mr. Alex. Macken ' rir.Dolan* .tram. Uwterrch ..dao et V. M. � i .h. rows' near Stasdad Lama ('0 • Milo. North -term. watchmaking. etc, St •Il'L1ALSEY PARK Igtf WAril/ . J101,K- 11K omit IAV. 9lIN' South .Ids of Square. tloderieh. Im,1. Civil Engineering fit I TAUGHAN M. ROBKRTH, CIVIL. r ;l, i. i red Hydraulic !engineer, Outer!! loot .m m - Mclean Mock. Uoderich, Bonar Montreal eines', Telephone 137. I:.;1 , Medical • I)1t14. RMMKRSON k TURNBULL. 1A. T. grr1a.0N, M 1). • ' W & av Towpu. H. H. (dame 0aa11l1en Street. Phone PR, y In Emmerson • reddens, North .tt*et "" n Dr. TawbWer' l.eGeorge street. l` '1'''x $eethwent of Public Library- Phone Iia, pli F hR. W. F. UALLOW.M. B. es. ,Mire and re.ldeiico, Noa- h .t met. Dederick v north of 1'uunty Karimry oilier . Telephone 111 )R, tee, Legal L1 . KILLOKAN. BA "MISTER. a .1 . ,d4ttnr. notary. etc. Money to lend at i-; lowest mho. idlers -.North Street. Uuderlch nr:,hear Signal UOew oe.. 1n' Sforth Saturday. and Mondays. O. CAMKRl1N, K. C.. BARRIS- 'i^ 1r 1. TCM, solicitor, notary public . 11114:es- Ilton Street, Uoderich, third door froth I Square. gi LL harridans, solicitors. notarise public ph - I)ROUDF'OOT. HAYS & BLAIIt care Sh 1n u Maritime l'ea'st, eta timve, rot side Square. tett door C. A. Nairn'. grocery. Pet vats funds to lead et lowest nom of ,Intermit. W. PROUDYu OT, h. 1'. H. C. HAYS. U. i dLAllt. (IHARLEM DARROW, L.L.B.. RAR- HISTER attorney., solicitor. e., Ueda ::." , :alt. Money to end at V• lowed rate.. i i Ai.0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, nolloiter, oommpMoner, notary piddle. y1I1 ottani Hamilton menet, UMderich tint. .k insurance. Loans. Etc. x EsRs4 OY.. J4IU PRIVATK 1174 D,S M IMrriOer. Hamilton !trentM,lodr-O W R. ROBERTSON, INSURANCE AOENT. FIRR ANm LlaiTtuNo: Htitbh,(Uneaten end /emendator A1.;Ir,1NT d1UNRta AND IttlPutolota I.IAMII. "` " ITT : I'l The Ocean Accident and tinaranl.•r orporatleo Ideated, of Lormolf, lerer F111,'11Tr AND Iit�A8 . litre e,' Thr t'. S. 1r34:ys..a ildelity and UneeaMeet us' must • itfrp al ee.idener, nortbeart corner of Vie and 8t. Davids armee. 'Phone 1714. �Ij iOHN W. ORAIGIR. LIFE, FIRE t.1 asd aopldent In.aranee. Agent for loading mut nal and .0041 rumppaarnlltoa, lnm trance in ell lines effected on br..t pianissimi! at lowed tall at onto., earner We.t Street and Square w addremt J. W. CRAIG'S, tioderielt, Ont. ifpi• . fele ,bone 11 wear McbILLOP MUTUAI. FIRK IN• here's W:::, 1114 ANc O. -Yana and I.olated Wil (.050ere ., McLean, Prem.. Hinson P. U ,o,-- T. Fraser VW.Pre.... Hrue.deld 1'. U. MAA. Thomas le iIsyyrs, ., Seaforth I'. U i• i ()h.etere -ism. (• 8eaforth ; John }I U. Grieve, Winthropp • Geo lisle, $eaforth; r` *.f{ John Heim a (tabun; Jo pane, Heath. 's lel wood • nn Watt, Harlot& ; Fraser, „ 'sai 8roosilold (JJo Dnp B. McLean. KI • Jae. J. W. Teo, Hdmeevlle, agent for Wr,b Heron. Policy-holdere can pa) a.eseeneine dad set, their Garde noel at Tose t 41h [ylrstronf1i. Clinton, or at H. H l'eft's grog ry, 1'F street, (3aderle4. • P Marriage Licenses CPI WALTER R. KELLY, t a{&S+; i OODERfcli, ONT. Wmto4maker, Jeweller and Optician. Ismer of Marriage teen.e.. froli 03 itea LANE, iMSUKK OF MARRi- l�+ AOE lipenses, Dederick', Ont. la'ir•,3 r � (tfri� SHATNO PALLOR N��ssssDPORD MAXI( BARBERSHOP; -Tab well-known and ,spa1arsand impatiens the Deft, service In "hat log 1330301 tMlteltting. etc.. eta ladle.' .hmmpoeing a ,.' 0,Iy .kl11.4 handle employed. IiN �pRw18 be sppnnlmted. ',Vivi.. aOEtl eWr. f 1•' - ' - --- - Aaetlola erring p8 l-,;,. ,1 THOMAS GUNDRY, LIVE STOCK n° , and eel asotioneer. 081cna on South j Street, where he will be found at a8 Ume" 1 Wbsa not erring sloe. Terms manorsaM. and ( r . ltwy IWl meg to flee you otlsfactlow. 1 g crags appliances Is evidenc0d hely dsy in AUCTIONEERINO. vantage of poeeessin cold et 114 ) wise,emu* set�r d 1 s.MWV unmanswrite ter i tit( easefully weededto are e.er wlu THE SIGNAL : GODBRIOH; ONTARIO Xews of the Sistriet. Robb. 1Varreber has sold his livery bunnies' at Hensel) to his brother Nathaniel. The Blyth Hide Association will hold its fall shoot on November -11th and 12th. On Sunday, the 17th inst., John HawUtun dud at Bruis el$ in his reventy-eighth year. Thor. B.•ouetl r brckyari, on the 12(11 cuucemaun of Howie'', war re- cently destroyed by tire. 'Thus. Liud haw returned M his house at Winghaui sftA•r rpeudiug three years in Saskatchewan. Thor. S. Brandon, of the 3rd line of Alcune, low sold. hie 16i)•acre farm to Joint Nethcry. The price was ever Com. 'Phe village council of Hayfield bar derided to submit a local option bylaw to the vote of the people at the Janu• ary elections. Mier U. Cockburn, B.A., of Toronto, has beryl engaged to take the late Misr Dodson'. place oil the staff of W ilgbani high whuul. Rev. R. McKachrrn, late 01 Laank- dale, has been inducted into the charge of the Presbyterian congregstiuur of .1'hitechurch and 'stogie/le. Mr. and Mrs. 'L'huwas Dick, old and te4I)eCtail rrsidetate of the township of Hay, have retired front the faros and have:reumveJ to Kgwuudville. Juhn itluur, who war formerly su bu,iiuees et Hlyth, has purchased a bakery at Muuot Forest and is re- 'iug his family lethal town. John Eidl, who for several years cuIWucteol a nuur end teen- steins st. Exeter, has Hold big ntoek to i N'w, Rivet., end hen removed las Ailsa ('said. On '1'hur.day, 11141 suet., (littler 11. CO114ndl11. ladder of Mrs. I. U. Richands, died at Brussel., aged seventy- seven years. Mr. and Aire. Uu(Iinotu removed to Brussels recently frau Midland City, Mich. The death of Mrs. 'Thum: :Scott, of Luudeoln,r.,, occurrent on Monday, lath sort., atter SO illness of several moot he. The, deeraaed, *WWII& (sly thirty- • year of age, leaves her husband and one Hon. T. N. Por.ytbr, who'is ruusdieg up his nineteenth year as teacher ut the er-boil in .ret Nu. 2Tuckerelnitb, 1,4o been re-engaged fur another year. Chir long connection with one *action n crd.t&ble to iJl concerned. 4 Rues.'" Vail. the_operator at Wing - ham t'.P.i R. elation, died at his home. at 0hatewortb.-on the lith n+et.. of typhoid fever. He was hardly twenty-one year% of age and ova. • Might and prumsaiug yuumg man. On Thursday lard «'alter M. IA.wtis, of Clinton, war inerried at Listowel to 11 ian .tddie l.. Stevenson, of that piece. the ceremony being performed by Rev It. 1:. Stevenson, of Lucian, brother n( the bride. Mr. and Mr. Downs will reside at Clinton. J. Legett, principal of Fordwich public school, bar handed in hie resig- nation. having been engaged as prin• cited of Allenford public school at an in t ease of salary. A. 11. Musgrove, M. 1'. P., will tske charge of the -whited for the remainder of the year. A pretty wedding look place 011 Wednesday, l /etcher :!)th. at the reoi- dence of the bride's parents. when Mie. Louise, only daughter of Mr. and Mr.. %%'m. Armstrong, of near Hen- sel', was married to John Coleman. Rev. W. J. Doherty, of 'fennel'. per- formed er- for me d the ceonwonv. The Mortal temente of the late Thomas Fulton were interred on Sun- day "t last week at Brand Bend, death having occurred while Mr. Fulton was undergoing an operation at Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Decease.) 1st one time owned a sswmnill at Gland fiend. He had reached the age of seventy-seven .rat. The death of John Brisson, of Drys- dale. occurred on Monday evening. lath inst., after an illness of only • few day*.. Decrlaed wan over seventy• two years of age, and came to this colioty (rum Luwer Canada about fifty yearn ago, Hi. aged -wife and thirteen children, of a family of fifteen, survive. 4)n Thursday. 1114h inst., another of the elder reside -Ina of the Hensel) sec- tion pissed away in the death of Henry Pfaff. INecealeli war a native of Oct -many, but spent nearly all his life in this country, having resided at Hen.all the hist s•ventern yearn. He io survived by three suns and two daughters. At a meeting of the shareholders of the!Seaforth Milling 0 pang. Limi- ted, held Inst week. the following ottieerre were elected : Pi esident, U. it. thinner, ht./street t vier -president, F'. W. 'Thompson, Montreal ; secretary and tree/ewer, I. J. Ms•l'allum, Ex- eter. 'Che Company ss making some improvements sn its property. A pretty home wedding took plane u ¶V.'dneaday, (frtnher IAli, at "Meple Villa. ' the h of Luke Speriam, 11th c ,nce'uion el Grey, his y era (laughter. Miss Cor.1 1.., be- ing u�itell to N1Ihy Robins/in, of Ed- neintun, Alta., formerly of (levy. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Hrndernm, of Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will make their h e at Edmonton. On Tuesday, October high, et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh (falser, Shipkil, their only daughter, Miss Martie M., war united in wedlock to Jacob A. Katz, a prosperous young tum merchant a Khiva. The cere- mony performed by Rev. Jlr. Bran, of C 'inn, assisted by Rev. '1'. A. Steadman, n orbett.. After their return f' the ho moon trip Mr. &nil'4I,N. RAIZ will IPS 1 t Khivs. Winchelsea has had a 1 dog scare. A young collie dog, helm ng to Wrnley HeyWIHrl, developed eignx of ►Wing mad end snowed considerable excitement In the meighhorhood. His attacks were principally on eat'', Key - eel of which he killed. He ran around in a furious suite, snapping and kiting at everytbing in his path. until John Piper east a lame. and corraled the brute and A shot frons'1 gun moon put an end to hildngllhip. Nets Cleft of Otty Township. At • meeting of the township noun• cil of (irey held lent week A. H. Ma 1lrlltolds psiesallal of Ethel public school. was appointed tflwnshi , clerk and treasurer an surer/woe to the late John McIntosh, at the rase eatery. OHIO for I,nth offices. Benefits of Cold Storage. The Brussels Post says : "The ad- aswmraraeet russsls by the Immense number of live fowl brought to R. T6nmson's emporium to be slaughtered and cared for properly until the cit market. .re embed. OoM etoet e- is Bruetlels and the surrounding coun- try." Died in Manitoba. 'Die death took place at Gilbert Plains. Man., on Friday, October 15tb, of John 11, McTavish, a former resident of the Wronger neighbor- hood. Deceased, who war in his eighty-eighth year, was•very success- ful fanner and was one of the early settlers of the Wroxeter' district, suing to the 11'eet a few yearr ago with hie wife to make their home among their children there. Peter and Dan McTavish, of Howick, are eons of the decear d, The remains were brought to %Vroxeter for inter- ment. Death of Alexander McLauchliu, Brus- sels. Alexander McLachlin, an old and well-kuown resident of Brussels, rel• tempted suicide one day last week by %wallowing a quantity of paris green. Elnetiee were promptly administered, and it war thoughl.lhe old gentleman would pull through, but he died on Wednesday night. lir had beast in pooh health and a melancholy stale fur dome time, and thin, coupled with the fact that he and his wife were about to remove to Toronto' to live with two daughters who reside there, evidently resulted in a eLraiu whirl' was Wu ouch fur line. He had al- most e yncludtd his set/Maly-second venty-second year. 1 . war a flue ogentleman and hisjralh is deeply regretted.. Nupitial Event at Brussels. Wedding bells rang merrily at the residenee ut Mr. and AI1.. N. M. tic o ry, .Jf firtiveels;- en.. 11' si ueslay of tart week, when, in the presenrr of twenty five guests', Rev. E. (l. Powell ye•rformd the cer•u/ony uniting Misr (Irma Margaret, eldest daughter of the host and hostess, to W. H. Me•rkling*.i. of Hanover. Miss Estella teeny, sister of the bride, played for wedding march. 'l'be wide sand gt•oou, were unattended. The bride was tastefully attired iu white silk trimmed with allover leer std tucked net. with the bridal veil end orange blolisouir which her unither.wure at her wedding twenty- two years ago. Thr wedding favus were very handsome and the y g couple commence their married lite With the hearty good wishes of a bust of rrletive's anti friends. They will Bigler their hover at Hanover. Typhoid Epidemic at Wingham. -Miss Helena i)adson, H. A., teacher of modern languages 11. Winghaw high school. died at her home in that town on TuesdayWf last week of typhoid fever, after an illness of ten love. This waken the eighth victim of the terrible epidemic of typhoid which has been scourging Wingbam for many weeks. It is estimated that there are twenty cases, and the citizens have becomes thoroughly alarmed over the spread of the fever that a bylaw for .the installation of a water system will he introduced and voted upon as quickly as possible. Analysis has beets made of the water in different pieta of the town, and many wells have 1100(1 (01111d to be contaminated and the water absolutely unfit fur consumption. The contamination comes largely from sewage which sweeps through into the wells, owing to the gravelly nature of the soil. Misr Daelwn, who was thirty-three years of age, was a graduate of Queen's University and was a special- ist -in French, German and history. She was very highly esteemed by her fellow -teachers and by the students of the 'Vingbain high school, and her death is felt as a great loss. Her mother, a brother and *sister survive, the sister -being Mrs. (Rev., Langford. of Mookton. CURE THAT OBSTINATE SORE. Where Ordinary Salves Fail Zam-Buk Succeeds. ('bronic sores which cause trouble by •'bre aking open' may be cured by %►m -Rule, as well as recent injuries and diereses. If you suffer from some old sore -bidden, porhaps, but none the less painful for that don't dally. $,)ply Nature's healing essences se pro- vided in %ss'-Buk. Mrs. 1. 1?. Ashton, of 111 Vickers street.. Fort William, tells how valuable.-% stn-Buk is as a family balm. She says: "We tint algid 7..uu•Buk for cuts and bruises, etc., and found it no satisfactory that niy husband started using it for s chronic sore. For a long time he had been bothered with an old sore on his leg, and had used various prepara- tions, yet nothing had permanently cured it. He began applying Zero - Bak brim, and was very noon agree- ably surprised '(♦u notice s great im- pruveweut. -It was only $ matter of •short time before %sncBuk had thoroughly cleansed the sore of all foul matter end healing commenced. It is now some months since the sore was (romt- plrtely closed, and there in no likeli- hood of its breaking out again. -Mince then my baby, eighteen months old, has been ( urea of eczema on the scalp by %am -Bilk. This ec- zew• came in red pimples, and if robbed or scratched formed ioto sure. The child was very fretful from the irritation of the scalp, but whenever %tun-Buk war applied it seemed to luring the greatent relief. Press/wilt ♦ppIioatiuna were effective in clearing all traces of t, .r disease from the baby's' si•tip in • short space of time. I feel it my duly to give the credit where due, and 1 cheerfully lec•uunnend % un •Bak ID all sufferer% from chronic sures, bad Ieg,or eczema." %am-Buk is Nature's own heeling halm. being comp oeed of pure herbal essence*. It is a sere PIM: for eczema, ringworm. ulcers, cuts, bmrne, bruises, poisoned pores, chronic wound'', had leg, piles, festering sores, ehspped hands, cold -sorra, frul(J,ite. and all akin injuries and disee''e,, Druggists * p stores everywhere sell at 10,:. s box, iPr.post•fr'e for price from %sm- But Co..` -Toronto ; :1 loxes 51.2.1. You ere warffestegainst harmful imi- tations represented, to be "jdst me gam' One of the Summer d. He -And when do we get ma She -Oh. John, how can you take engagement so nerloualy el A precious thing Is all the more p es1oua to us if It has been_ son_ by work or ernnomy.-Rnskln. "You told me yon were rich. 1 don't know why 1 married your" "011 ! don't blame me. It was ,tones who told me your father was a wealthy man!" Gentleman lin an Inebriated state. supporting himself against &telegraph pole, soliloquising) -"f shay-hic- whatever shall I de when winless telegraphy captain r Little words. 0 not eloquent speeches 11 J not miracles, not nor ooe ores% o act oe mighty martyrdom, make up the Obrletlan Ira -Dr. A. Boom.. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures C1eas MO - et, Chkage Lower -Lire Siegle -Latest Quotations. Mooney Realism lit Re uverpuul wheat luturer dried unchanged to ltd higher, oulnOsred = .t+,tu'da) con '44 Ivor. Chm*xe Deer.,ber whey futures clone today lc lower than Saturday. December cure is lower, .111d Ia.er,nher oats we. ,hanged. Winnipeg Options. Wheat .oaths Uf.10c. imine l.re tit" May ebbe,. Outs- October 23%%.. iksmrau8tr NW; Abs) 9t4,c Toronto Grain Market, W4eal, fall. burl, 11 la to Wheal, red, burl, l lot w'lnat, guWe, bush 0 M hue elitism*, burley 014 1t1r, burns. 0 A Barley. flush - 0* Pratt. bollen 14 10 (Nate, bushel ... 0 e1 Toronto Dairy Market. new 14 0 13 U 1i& 1•:gg♦ naw Iota, dozers U 14 Hotter, eepar4tu•r, dairy, Ib0 II 0 Butler. store lute 41 M 0! butter. creamery, solids---01a Butter, creamery. le nye0 SL 0 S henry, extracted 010 .... New York Daley Market. NEW YORK, lit i. -Butter-14rm; reteiptr, $037, enaruary, rtscW., sec se extras, 31c to &Ilia. third to ar shy. to ek; pr otee, e ies, We o ac, erre fr. tor), 26, las t6c, inetatlun 0rnary. t* 27c. ('hewer -Firm, rdms. lei, emu,. fat' r,.w, 'prate, liPac to 17%Ac. do-. &API., Nut.), leltc, du , Oct, MSc.du., cum- 11101J,M to KMI. 1211• to IM ay: sigma, roll t0 p,. -1W 4 to fie. Eges-Strung. rectipta, 710, elate. PolM- *ylvuola grin u.ar by. 4asmery, white. 0.,... /2v to Mi. du , gathered. whit., its toelk', do.. IM•anory, brown. Plc to AC; gotta red, brews, i' to ik. w0atrrq T4*11zt- tra, first, 4c to 1•,c, ural, W , seconds, Mc to gh... refrigerator, extra, fancy Msec. 5.... of CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady -U. 8. Markets Active and Generally Firm. 14.01x18, UV( 4.. -Lundie cables Por rattle are stead) 41 I2.. to 13Inc per 1► fur .'atadWu steer., deemed weigh, re- frl4rrapx beef Is quoted at 10ec to /0$e per It. Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, Oct. 'S. - Receipts d live stuck at Cuwu Sleek Yards were k"e os1luiele, 4.0111511witg 414* anM%, 1;74 *beep and lambs and 17 calves Butchers. Choles butcher. .oto uy to Mi, one Wad bringing that prier 1l,.ld•Ili, to 14Jl/, no.Ilunn, 54.50 to1t, cwrul.uu. 1475 to Kurth 11 4426: 1.10 to 5415:' censer, pis 1. 02.14. feeders. - Loads of goad fr.aisn sold .t M to 5414 fur Reefs, and buts at 1175 to :s. it. Milken aM Springers. A limited nwu,Ler of milkers sold at Own 11t6 to 116 n eel. Veal Calves - A anal' delivery of veal calvan, 17 Is number, sold at 53 to 54.5u par cert. Sheep and Lambs. Praxes for sheep and lambs wee steely but nrm at f0Wwtog prime : Rms. I= to MAO per cwt.. rates. IMO to R ger cwt., lambs, i to i 7$ per cwt. Hogs. There were mens on sake; awns most Prices unchanged. at 0.14 for adata. fed and watered, and 57 140 tots. maw at corm try point. • r, Montreal Levo Stock. MONTILSAI, Ott. 76 -At the Mooted 'tuck Yards West 411.4 Market. the res .elpu of live stuck fur the week err0oa Ori !1. were 1J1, .a(ne. Nat ,heap .ed lasts, lira bag. and SA .shag The uf[eriaga ou the mart.( the mord Ing a-onal,ted of Tal cattle, 2336 Stop mod lambs. lata hogs and tt maven. A fear turn of the trod* eras the stronger fell- ing :o the market fur Mattis, and prions ironed an a6valvr u[ 1tc per ta1b . mutwlth- srsllna the fa,t that tis, supply wee somewhat larger than • work eau The aver*('• quality of the stock was rather better te.Nu u,.hl, wheel were mmufty from • /mann point'. then, being only five earned* . f eorthw0M rsaolere ea the merhel. The ateadance of buys wag large, .md, as the Breather ` was cloudy and awl, t4a demood wee Birth, and • brisk trade Was dune at the harbor rangr of prices. There wee considerable demand Ir.Nn wirers for amours, a which the ottert111 were [.1rly larOlk Wt prices roe there were 1154 firmer. Choice stases meld et ie to aoac, good d to Hie: tali at 4c to e1tc, medtum d vac to Ilxc, good bows at 3%c to 4%0 per lb , and steers sd Skil/ 1u 0. with ,vers at $1 6 to 11.14 per cwt. .aMw barn LU.w• eout mated that the weather tris wet, and trails In Matte ▪ 4•. There was Iv/ champ, to the 14 . dation of the marks' same* that pe for crows.. heifers rad ranchers elms the per Ib higher that a week apo. the tat- ter selling at 10%e to 12 per It. In tette of the continued henry ready* of Lambe, a wronger fedda& Meteh ped la the market. and pricMa stowed an ail - of toe per Ib. The demand tram bs,i amid uutMdr bnyere te very active, as: there r nu Menne= doing for export 4..ount, as Primo In 111 the torelga 0aT- krtr have tarn ruling vary low all ser o,,. fur both steep and lambs. An ac- tlir trade was done ` emits at Alk to 6. per lb Ramp mel with m fat ane, red I.rle.s were encbanged drum a week ie... at Mac to the per 1b Thera cum. t.uued to be a good demand for calves. ted. as supplies are small end limited, (o',cell Nle firm, at 13 to 1413 each. as to e lse and quldlty A fboter fee14M pee- vatled to the market for bags, sad as advents 1 It PCI est wee paid hi rani .Ilyev The morph wee faMy largo. tar which the doomed from packers urea mod. sad ea active trod* wee dams 1• e viv,•ted lou al SLAM to WS per cwt , w eighed orf cars Oahe advice from all tl.•• leading foreign merited.'" ase t• amebas t:'osert were stronger, and noted as 46• v.. n..•. r 1.• to at Per reit, on ecuaort at the continued scarcity East Buffale•Cettls Madtatr FAST B('PFALra, Cut 146.- -Hee empty MM. fairly seine and toe to 1M luwe, prime mean. 1414 to 0. Ping. X. 76 to N.M. butcher* KM to laser., 0 a w OM, now, Of 00 )>4 bull, X:71 to 14. meeker. mg teedar*, 13.60 to $1 ID: Moak h arses, SITS to fresh cows sad swimmers Mahn steady. Ste to Itt Veal«-11arelpaa, 1110 Wed; settee and A. higher, Is las :• nog. Rectapu. 44,0 bond: acre, pigs steady to 1.14 higher. others Mneme; heavy. 1 re to St. mixed. $7.16 to $. Totter% t; 76 (n n s). peg•. F to 5Rt ropsla, A to 17 ', stags, M to 544b; dose, 41.14 to1;a, hee•p'av1 Irmbe Itemdpm more hoe& setter, sheep Heady. Wrote Ac higher• Iambs. 16.60 to 14.54• yeaJr1M, 14 10 14. wetter. Sem to S. ewes, 146.1 to 54alt sharp.:,Is.11 12 to 54.0 Canada 'Imam 41 eo to X. 15 Chicago Liv. Stock. C' It 11 •AIX). oat Ig.-. 6.--imolg16 2.,W, ur., rket, beet nese; others steers. atm to 1s; romar O heifer m, T32 (0 50; buns. O to f; etsnlvae 53 t., 4t 75 .torten and teener*, 5376 to GO 6tt,,g,s (1. .ipu, 11,450, ganef, is to fres higher cheers Seery. 1144 40;bate! an'. 5716 to In; light mixed. A.41 chute.. lIckt. 0.70 t 031; pmrstm6 0.f0, fi to 37 S. 41.14 of rake. to *ID HMrp - tucrlpls, 14456. narleal. h•d atearty. others. weak to Ale awe; f114 M. W Brake. it 6o �l� pes to R 'Twig Ever Thu!, The nights were growing colder. "Well, au revolt, old chap," raid the Front (late ; "i'm off for my mica Hon." "Mine it just aver," rejoined the Parlor Sofa, With $ sigh, "and now 1'11 have to get busy again." No man has discovered the mesas of su ul give" frIeodly ad wane", even ttls own. Jealousy hu In it eonething low ie d treacherous. It M a avowal which we Make to our.eliee of our owe interiorly.-Mawtllon. AFTER DOCTORS FAILED Lydia E. Pink ham' sVegeta- ble Compound Cured er, Turou W, Canada. -''I shall elide* Tor to describe to yuu how 1 telt before 1 began takiug Lydia E. Piukham's Veg- etable Compound. I scarcely knew what it was to be well. 1 had awful beariugdowupaius and usually before my monthly periods I suffered terribly and had to go to bed. 1 was uut able to walk across the dour the pain was su bad. 1 doctored fora lung time, but the ductur's treat- ment did not do we any good. 1 gave up all hopes of ever being well agaiu until one day soy husband saw the l OM - pound advertised in the paper. He OM- pound r tugrtmea bottle, tl idd thankfulit did. 1 had nut taken uta bottle before I begau W feel better, and 1 kept uu taklug it until now 1 as' a different womau. 1t also helped me during maternity and childbirth. 1 can thoroughly recommend your Veg- etable t-ompound iv posy ♦.)slut sg11u is afflicted with female troubles." - Mrs. J. M. •Tsv).&DAta, 134 Nassau St., Turuntu, Canada. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs. is unparalleled. it may be Used with perfect cuutideuce by W cameo who suffer from displacements, Iudaw- station, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pales, backache. beaftogduwu feeling, flatulrucy, ludl- gesltiuu, dizziness, ur uervuus prustra- tiuu. - 1111111111 FINE TAILORED CLOTIIING FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP 14g The Tailor, West St. meamilemme 'Phone 56 1 1 1 1 1 MrCsll'r Patterns and Publications. P36ne MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone TIIUI$ AT, OCruaia Vie 1000 D. MALAR CO. P^^�56 Ready=toWear Garments ti,,„,, -).2-34,64„.s,,, THAT PLEASE -4 4 Fizz The goods shown in our ready-to-wear department are in a rise I,y themselves, as we are particular in only carryinv garments of the worst reliably wakes, and any goods not up to our high standard air at once returned, never tieing put into stock. Ladies' Mantles in all the moven styles, in black and eolore, from 146.00 eaeh: - • N e have donee were business in children's Coat* so far this season than any whole season before --because we have the right goods at the right prices/. Cbildrenli Coats, latest 'styles, iron► 112.00 each. Children's bearskin Coate, front 111.60 each. Hee our handsome' infante' I'erriage Rugs, new stylise. `` Children's Hats, Caps, 'Tams and Bonnets. DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS Never la•fute were we so well prepared with as large a stock of new and tashionshle Dimas Material« as we are this season. All the new shades are in stc.•k, and we have some apleudld values to offer from 26e. per yard. New Veilings t ' New Ribbons 4, 4,, New Belts hi„ ,New Buttons New Jet Trimming's avhf f¢ 'z Visit the (`al•I,et Male, .A"tf=l1 _N 1111 PRESERVING EGGS 'the I .t way to preserve egga for winter, also the way. is by using Waterglass r;)ir viii.' You just mix waterglaes with water and put the eggs in, and they will keep for two years. Try a can, only 15•. For sale by J. BUTLAND ist. G oderich. "THE STORE THAT PLEASES." Subscribe for The Signal now. 'emt-reab p Clotijcz t'ffi'ti! POUR VIRTUES: Style, Fit, Quality, Pattern One More: Price $ L KNIGHT STO Don't me as much "Black Knight" as you have been using of other stove polishes. ti'ou do•'t need as much, to bring a brilliant, )giittering, lasting polish to the ironwork. A little of "Black Knight" goes a long way. And you get a bigger box of "Black Knight" than of soy other stove polish that sells for nuc. 11, for say reason. you emit get "$lack x11 ht" Stoop Polish •t your dealer's, wad lac. for m large ma postpaid. Tel I' F. SAiM OS. WIMP. - 11A1t1t.TSl1. est Makers of the femme •1 In t" rhes Polish. 20 It Silts Them All Old and young delight in the rich- ness and delicious- ness of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA. It suits every taste. Tale Cowan Co. Mulled. TORONTO. 134 Beauty and Simplicity ere twin qualities to be sought for. Search the town over and you'll find nowhere are these qualities exemplified to a higher degree than here. WE STUDY BEAUTY iN FURNITURE and give it to you --each piece men in our stock. Good quality and reasonableness of price are also &enured you. GEO. JOHNSTON FURNITURE end UNI)FRTAKIN(i 'PHONES HTORE-ti) REN1DENl'E-178 New Ranges JAT REDUCED PRICES. On account of having to store part of nay stock of stoves I find a few of them have loot some of their brightness, though in no way injured. We are making *special ecial cut of from las to 21) per cent. on these for quick selling, art we du not wish to carry anything but clean stock. We are sole agents for the Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges. Another line we are pushing at present is the celebrated Brantford Roofing. -' 1 5 t7 rl ease Suitable for hours, tarn or factory. All grades in stock from $1.50 sip. A good stock of these lines alwaye ` on hand. All kinds of Contracting, Jobbing, Heating, 1'1 bing, Electric Wiring and Metal Work. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 1:,5 "BATTY I. Y.tt.zIt Z' U1JZIL€D TJSLEEP IN A BABY CARRIAGE" " Whet we visit other l.diet 1 slweys know if they tie particular mothers because partite's' others inew•aditbeatthe . .ttI gtomY of a Tl.c arrows pant to the points I want to melte hers. "The imams are triple -crawl, finely tempered Meet guaranteed to *booth ever .r "The hubs on `ENjjv wheels are covered wish robber caps. " There's in danger of write/Wig the furniture win you drive the bnby moved the house is a GLN r,g . It's easy to uadentanmothers el why good men inset en • Np N nage for baby " Hold by all nest -ries. dealer& Write to us If your dealer doesn't emery thews. 14 Caine** MaadactarIaI Cs. Ideated low Toronto 3 set