HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 2i Ttrr'ttaDAT, (k'T(1RR art, 1Ptz1 TETE SIGNAL : GODFIk ECB. ONTARIO She 01'Ki(lt'11. 1IN'l' %telt). PGSLISHED EVICKY THUKSL AY ■r .1'1111. S11ONAL L'KINTINU ('U. Limited' .. Tele oboes Call Na Ll Teems of ttebmr,Niem `t.lu per annum 111 &avation. Ott ince ha. der . terae:wrltl1r . 3 .- ' To United States subscribers. $1.311 a rear (strictly iu :advance, S,ibw chest. who fan to twelve Ter Ai, -tendon, by mail will mailer a favor by ac• aab.ltayt swat Um fact at as tarty a date :as posrlible. Vi ben a change of address 1s desired. bath t hr Old and the new ndllttse. sboulQ*_,..xt`s_'t• .. • Advertiseng Wet: Legal and other n i,t.,r adverrn ,.lulls. 1'.• pet line fur 111.1 inert ion and 1e prl' Ilio for each .ubeyurnt in•rltion. Mrt.und by a nonpareil aside. t wets a hue. to on inch. Hu -oast. cant. of ..ix 11uw. and uder, $5 tier year. Adverti.ewrtd. 01 Lost. Mound, strayed, sit• • nations Va.-aut, situation- 11 tutee, Hon., tot rale or to held. Maruts for nate or to hent, Article. for sale. •I... net etc. -citing eight - UnP. •.e r:vrb ln.•rtion : $Deer tlr.t month. Se ter alien eul.iwtarl.l thank. leaner advertise. went. in prow' urn.. Aunoun.a: wrist- in ol.tirul y reading 1) pe teii rant+ pa. line. No not ivr ha- t been Y-••. .1 iu-lecial Ian Me. 1 he oho,' of which i. I be . pw•uuiaiy benefit of 1444 1114441u4 or *semi • mlleln, 10 be comidun'd to t Ivertb*Wrtlt add t0 be charged �w','onttin gfyy. Kate. for dtrplay' and contrail Mwillvrrl ivr" enu wbe RMvuu on application. Addr•wa all o*rutinicatlonr to • , 1'H►: iIUN h M'RIN1'INU evil,. Irudtpml tteesrieb. Tint Utt*KKi4'H. THLT Y. t* T. ill, 11.14 I; 41 1. The OW Borne. A .port way lum'k from t stony .t rest Whet% grow, and dust and la%el meet Towert, g tree. and shrubs • admT. Hy trailing vines and mares )flOwly tottering to it • tall. With crumbling chummy. leant A oat tope ors. Blest In our Mond rurworir. of happy day, Nuw good Wy mind as. rapt. 1 gore on childhood's, .renes .0.tranaeb fie The uu'ieut well 1roun' whlcb we drew: A. night e'my.teriou- shadow+ fell. Ib.euiing from u- vale and 401 The rope is worn. • The bucker Iron. where sparkling current.. flowed along in bygone year, with gu+hung+•troug. A .luggl+h .Areawlet winds its aay Among the hill. by night and day. Thick wet...T..wn aad faller bough . Oboe rnet it. slimy water. now. Foul odor,That all despise. The gate on which we often awdtlt " Ln (rein m. hinge- w 110111 a rung.: • • The „draggling fence that once had bound With pets• -t white t he garden 'round. Nuw fallen, lir+ in deep diNerur. Nor does another 1111 its plate. - - Herd. from the hill stroll round at will. onto. not later than May 1st. so. that they way to suhlnitted to the Iwt1dU- Oinks committee for consideration at the ctruveutIon. This arrangement idl ant intended to debar any dvlegite f • presenting any resolution hr' way demo iulviselir at the Couvmo-' tion. .Conservatives to Hotdronvention. A convention of the l'onsetvative party of Ontario for organisation sntr- ptears is to 1n held at I'oruntu on J uary 11111 nest. the ninety ii elft -an - r vrieary of the birth of Sir John %l,►i'dutluld. CREWE. MU?OAy, O't. Slh. I :�pplr-yiackint; itt she order 01 the day ennead Herr now. Aids u.s Kelly Robins, it is•'.bailing tet the home °i John Kilpatrick. Miss Magni,' Hasty in spending Th:,nknviving,it her honfe bete. • fitophell Sro16.•r., of Mal'.Ling, railed un Crewe friends on Mlufday. l'ungraut is visiting her ,(rand titer, Mrs. Robert Douglas, at 1 bifida,. Alt, and Mss. John 11101.e, of NI are - Lbw, spent S Ley at the hustle ul Kolwlt Healy. Albert Shackletonw.bu is attending. N.irwal at Strij oris -la at-11pUW ftn•- Thanksgiving. Miss.:Maud Pierce it :needing is few days with her mister, Mrs. J. 11. Ma1'- K*y'rin (ioderieb. Mins Beller& 4 ullwt•t is Mending Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. T. S. (teed, at Matekifig. Ws. Iain. Bogie returned. Inoue on 1 Kram consisted of slim -rhea by , Rev. tVtvduesdav atter spending a few days M,'ssts. l'.wldell and Steadnfitu, selec- at the huwr of 'l'1 as t'ollwrt. vt'un have / i ' �\ ' a.r their future'? An En - e s' at 1 rat(- issued )1 wt now, anti sulks- W H. RUHINSON, District Agent, Seforth..On per will provided by theiledicu in the hese went dela c}uu•rhTitlfttwwi 1, an entertabuuteet in the towel hall. The ,hair mss ably taken by', the pastor. Rev. Mr. Further. and the pro - Duce mon the ruined rile I view • That was oar lame when staunch and new • And ant I gave the hot tear. rime. - And gal taw in any burning eye.. To we the change t hat Time has wrought. The groat decay the year. have brought. -1144.1 it too die r My wail doth cr). Almm,.' why Nigh to -we it fall' 'Two.. made with hand.. thl. worn out w mil. Hut there . a home et ermvl To enured through death- opening gate.. Within eta wane dear friend. we 11 nowt. For loved one. watt our +out. 10 gn-rt. Behold' ;hey -land with o,t.trelchl.l hand. - F. Walker. IMI.. %Volker. the writer of thew beautiful linen. is a eouau of the %tI•.-r. Edward. of Ulbbort. +greet, tow u. Her home 1. at Pert Perry.) THE OTTAWA CABINET. Rumors of Changes Without Founda- tion --Sir Wilfrid in Splendid Health. Ottawa, Uctobber 22. Some few days ago it was reported that Hon. L. P: Brodeur would retire and become Chita Juatire of tjuebrr Province, in euccessio° to Sir Hemi Taechereau. recently deceased. There were a good many reoponsihIe people who were inclined to 'think there might to something in the reports, because in some gtuarters the Minister of Marine and I'ieheriei is credited with an ambition to.wcupy some day a place on the bench, and such an alluring vacancy dors not often /N•enr. Mr. Brodeur lost no time, however, in giving a quietus fin the report. 111 view of the fact that he took the trading part on behalf of Canada in the naval defence conference and is at present engaged in working out the details of the scheme, it would uut be at all expedient for him to r. tire. The same retuarks apply with sl- imed .equal force to Sir Frederick Nanlan,_who was Mr.- Hrtdeir'a_ League tit the- naval (Wetter ere' ference. `Lir Frederick ieturned 1 e the capital yesterday, anse he has been herr but a few days Finns he, went to London in the early summer he bas been busily engaged in clean- ing Off a Urge tlttear'. Tit p&I t - mental business. In View of his recent sweeping vindication In the courts 01 his native Province Rif Frederick is not likely til play into the hands of his enemies by dropping mit. Thr story that Sir Frederick will retire and Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux will succeed him, and that. Premier array, of Nova Scotia, will succeed , is based on the fact that, A. K. an, Liberal member for Lunen- ' bir N. S., who is here today, 'may noes y retire frim Dotninion politics and en the Nov* Seotia Provincial Cabinet, •n which a vacancy recently occurred , Ing to the death of Hon. Mr. Pipes. _ 'a defalte. decision. ami.., this change . yet been reached, but it will he sett) in.the course of a few days, kluitr a cumber f here intend laking in the hot supper in the Agri- cultural. Hall at Duugaunun i.o light. Alice Maria Introit' and Miss Minnie Sherkleton, students of the O. 4'. 1., are siayudiug the 'Thanksgiving ho1i- dayN herr., MIs. Swingate and her t eau children, of ('hicaeo, air visiting at the t1o111e of Mrs. Swing te's .(iter/14ti-T[ionias Shueklrton. Mrs. Joon Menery left on Friday for Hamilton where she will Intend a couple of � weeks with .lira. daughter. Al re. Will Begley.., Mrs. Wm. Piertrturned� haver oil 1 mislay from (In dent b, where she ha been waiting uu Iter daughter, Pi J. 0. MacKay. M 1t010t+T ..At•Nl1'M:NNAHY .-- pet', Al r. 1.•ntpsun, of 1Vhitw•hilrrh, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist centre' . e yewtentsy.• Rev. L. Hart - lett mond etrtl enniversary services at thrr-Whit church appointment. The Meth,liuts .ere intend holding their anniversary next Sunday. the 91st Last. lieu, 1• gid-Hogers will rn.0 ort the t refines. (ions by , the .Itlarkuloit' otchrttrut, 'evoke Ay ktr M.. H.;1cht and Mist; Jetted iii itlr Fortner, and several excellent recitetionu by Mrs. �\ alter NVallis, uuiking altogether a very enjoyable evening. When we tliink of Ireland's ellen, our hearts go pity Pat !-l.ipq)incett's. It's easy for a Wan 10 lea honest - ifit_"paya latter that bring otherwise. IVa Irate window from failure much more than fetus success. • Samuel Smiles.. ACTION AGAINST SENATOR RATZ. ikoDAVls & LAWIIF.NCH CO.. dluutteal. Beyond a denial of a e areal Mr. l Rats declined to talk 01 the natter. -There is no ie.0 rushing to print ► until 1 We whether hr will g ou,with the matter," he•Nai.l. Don't try to patch up a linger ies cough by experimenting. Allen's Lung Balsam and relief is certain to follow. Cures the must obstinate coughs, °olds, suer throats, or brunt:Wel inflammation. All dealers Well-known Politician Made Defendant in Peculiar Cafe. Iiel lin, Oct. 21. --'Che threatened ac- tion of Absalom Merner against Sen- ator Valentine Rats., of Parkhill, ,(�oi• $1.1101, Which he alleges is due for his effartiitlseelleing the Sona bin. lir ap. ptintwent, hes leen cowulence d, and etittement of claim tiled. Thr trial is set to take place in Berlin in Decem- ber before one of the High Notnt judges on circuit. In his statement of claim the plain- - T. [:LENS. • tiff, who is a sun of the lati, Senator IVE l'H[OK E.'S IND POULTRY Merrier. divides lir services.• Part of / WANTED. The ,designedwill Wy ties -thew are alleged to have-1*#n-the higher( market cash ppoi .•for any qquantity of securing of his father's resignation. 'chicken. and fowl defier semi• "i'nw_day et 191. Hebb.. All pool, 4t' 111 't be properly (:U A.ner' fratetre' of it is that the tened find starved before fellv:ery. rnrke -. impetus integre that an agreement and of t,nr noultry will lu pted later. IC 'Fwas entered tt,to whereby the Sen - it. I. ..(LIAR, ator's widow was to receive *1,1(10 an- Trtuuws Oet. Leith. nnally so long as she or Senator Katz John (lark was hum,' fr.m Toronto lived. A Senators indemnity is over the holiday. . $2.5011 a year. Mts. Shaw, of Brussels, vrited her The rase recalls the !.mart vs. Dana uncle H. McDonald. over Su, y. ease, hefted ir) Brockville some years Robert Mit(iiiire was called t( (lode - been involving a sum said to have rich on Muoday on account of t e ill• b,,•en promise d a retiring sheriff by his urns of his sister, A�M. Murray. The Mrs. Salkeld has retturned to(i • e- ' Thr defendant's Ntatemeot has not rich after Blending four months w h 7.0 been flied. her daughter, Mrs. W. E. (Gordon. Valentine Raz, formerly cur r for North Middlesex, is May years Mrs. Wilbourn, of London, and Mrs. old, and it Itirnterman. He was Hannah. of St. Thomas, visited their lectril to the Commons in ISial. de - parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson. pitted in 11(MI, and re -eluted in 11101. We are pleased to hear that Donald H was not electsd in Marne, the Bona. 'Murray is able to he mtround again. my on going to Alex. W. smith. He has suffered considerably with a l.i incl stern", he herr Senator, ears knee. was,. SA 1,n parentage. Ile waN fi.r tIrs. Chas. Duruin, accompanied by rights r irate _w•ve of New Hau- Hulwrt aril Mary, spent a few days bm rg. a r'piesentrd South Water- with her daughter, Mrs. McAllister, in Ih Commons from 1477 to 1S.S_', uf'I'rrawxlrr, and enteu. 1 ill,.Senate in les7. returned on Fri Rev. S. If. slayer - 1Vhrnth appolintmeet of Mr. Katz dry to reymme his duties., here after an his sneers or with suets w. sur-° prise c:at exp +awl 1e1•11.us,' Mr. Rutz spending three weeks vacation at came ftorm anis her ridinv. lurunto and ether t,oijttu, - W. )3. Alit stir, -*lea. has hews vi ossa • • r Denies. . _- iting friend,. in the ‘Western : Prov- Parkhill, 1(et. 21. "He will have no mese, arrived home on Saturday. Ile chance at all," w s Senator Rata' thinks the West in the place all right. opinion of the actin, !darted against him by Absalom Men r at Kerlin. ex- prete.ed ti nifty in reply 1 a tweet inn. Dr. (fray. of Toronto. the repte- aetlrAl,1'r of Knox College, "avoided the pulpit of Calvin church on Sab- bath Lase, 1 vave very interesting nddretw•m both ening end evening. H ouki. Ills Lets-Jew Ward, while peeking apples at Mr. Campbell's, had the misfortune to fall and break his leg. ''e hope he will Noon Iw able to - be around:- Its he it it genera+ favorite among t he boy'. HnMR PUB Tele Hn1.nrAYs. - ung pedagogue's, sties Lilian ('lark, of AN, • _ .' teat ' 110* - : n . Somthauquorl, and MiNu Eliraliet1. Millet, of Hntyinnd intent' Thanks- giving at their reap etiye bonnet,. 1 iti. C. I. students' wino were h for the vacettnn: LONDON. ONTARR - $962 Thoroughness the Cornier Stone One year ago, Mr. George Wekeipaii war earning &hoist t1fa/ Iter year as fare laborer. Now he is canting at the rate of 7IIIfl2 per year. Six m0111114' tt'riulhit-alz .OUr_ Business College wade the difference. Was it it inveetuwut1 He think*w! His address is New Oagooh.. Sask. Four l'osn'seu : PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter ane time. Individual Instructs , Write for particulars. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE UEO: MPOVFUN, PRI N, TORONTO. ONT. I ver. unice and Alexander fit... A high -elms school. Kilter any time. liradl/aar.s readily gel (',Nikon.. fit lila today tut handsomlp ('atalugue. CENTRAL STRATF� NT. 1111 Hae the. reputation of being the Zest practical training school in Canada. 'l'hun,ugh .anuses have producer! results. - Business wen way our graduates are the Ie'..t, and they apply to us for ofd's help. Our graduate* owners! se no ass - other. Three departments:' Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Course Catalase.. Free hint opal '4 ,.. ! .,n ,t.. They Help Your Stomach Out And Save Yon a Workd of Wretchedness A stomach that cannot digest a good meal i, certainly a sore trial. It has been responsible for atmnat everything in the "way of hum= =Leery, up to suicide. The trouble in most cases is that the stomach and other digestive Organs lack vigor. Not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are' nor does the stomach mark up thefood properly. The worst of it is that there is not stiflcient nourishment taken oat of the food to restore the system's vigor, and the trouble goes from bad to worse. The stomach needs help. "Little Digesbera" meet the need exactly. One "little Digester" after each meal will ensure perket provided, of tonnes, that Rhe food is good and wbolesoist. --"Little Digesters?' a= guaranteed to cure indigestion, and Dyspepsia, ue your money will be refunded ase at yotira, or by mail front the Coleman Mw�ek°s Co.,Toronto. a'7 W ACHESON di SON j Men's and V< omen's NEW FUR -LINED COATS Now is the best time to oltuu+e, when the tWek i. fresh and culnpletu. 'fear. Is always a pick w,d choice iu Furu -stunt area h•+avler, fuller aad -riuwehhrive evttyd er saeeVn*alsno* oaue gtoheugbe ehstivey; baltuvr, Iwrge !Adios' stylish Co'r . f wl ' 111e, (4111 w.v,•11. views Iengtlq Mark, broom or blue tires,l" cloth. full fur -lined, hi 411 storm -collar $45 of Sable. Two ,peel elan Ski and..... . ASTRAC HAN LAMB COATS FOR LADIES Null turned, select skint Anil beautifully mule. and titled with quilted satin. Thirty new Omits to silent from et extrautxlivardv dose prit'er -*1'1, *20. all and. $30 MEN'S FUR COATS Coon, Wombat, Bear, Dog, Black Galloway Sis only brown wombat, heavily -furred Costa. well lined Sind made lip hy one of the. beet furring In Canada. Regularly worth WO each. for $20 Twelve only Alaska Beaver wen's Omits. rich and stylish, and era positively _guaranteed by ua splendidly made and well finished. $25 Special value and prier MEN'S AND WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR We are showing an sizes and wake. in Pea Angle, Stanfield's, Health Brand. Turnbull'n famous Underwear for mien, women n and children, and at w.aderate priers. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON di SON COMMERCIAL. , SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Enter at once. Write now for our fife catalogue. D. A. McLAt'ttLAN, Principal. BUGGIES BUGGIES See the Igoe Models in GRAY and MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best lines Made in Can- ada. Rubber Tires, Automobde Stets and all the latest ideas in first- class Carnet es. Second-hand Maple Leaf Chopper it 3 -inch nearly new, for sale. Several good drivers for sale. Robert Wilson '1gent fur Massey- Harris Implements, Mel- Iotte Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bisse I I Disc Harrows, Land Rollers, etc., etc. Wateroums-Hamilton Mtreet' (1,N1rri,'h. sa+ BAYFIELD. Premier in ood Health. Of all ;uolitieal r mors. the meet atwurd is 1 hat Sir WI rid Laurier will retire, owing to ill-hea h. The com- plete answer is to ie rand in, the definite and truthful sts..meta that the Premier hen net Pnjo ed better health in a decade and oil • o into the work of the approaching , scion *ith an energy and zest which null do credit to a man twenty year his junior. A LiBERAL CONVENTION. Ansegementa for Provincial at Toronto in June Next. It has be,•n derided to hold a 000- vention rel` Ontario Liberal. .it Tor- onto In .lune next, the exact dete to be fixed later. The rnnventinn will be for the r-nnstideration of Provincial matters only. Each riding in the Province is entitled to a repre,enta- tion of thirty delegates, to he ap- pointed at s meeting of the riding association after due notice. 1t is desired that riding ,.sisieiat.inn., for the sake Af convenience, forward resolutions .or recnmendatinns they may desire to have discussed fir presented at the oonventlon..tmo the general sect3tery, R. (l. Inwood, Tor- Tlerttnty, (Met. bit Rev. I'. Mel,. Smith, of Henan'', conducted preparatory services in St. Andrew's church on Friday morning last, pr•ai'hing a very ',realest and inepit'ing mermen. On Sabbath morn- ing the sacrament of the Lord's Sup- perwtarn,h ee vee by a large congrega- tion. At (lire- 1'i'ice five new mew- l -Jere were admitted amt received the ,arramrmr IAN' AL OITI.IN.--The petition lot•a trial of (oral uptkml which has been eireidetrd 111 the village was pre- tty ther-nnnt'i} '.tit,. «-etttrfr-err today evening, with Nunneient .ig- na tree to 111.4111 t. its bring lmonght let( a the people et the New 't,'tr. Misr praise is due those who have taken o tnmrh trouble with the peti- tion, at 1 nearly all those who have. the go..f the village at heart will do their part oy voting for the abolition of the bar, hen they have the chance w few weeks tater. T4ennv, October :Nth. Missive'. M. Str bury, of Tot onto, he ,pending 'Thanks lying at her ho here. Mien Nellie Higgat who had been in Tnr(Altn for the . movie of rolths, hes returned h nu r. and Mrs. John Tut. 11 are irnd- t vermilion JifylI6 on. METB01104r AYNIVICRS%If -- The anniversary service•. in the Meehodiat rhnreh on Mnnday were largely at. tended. At the evening nervire, there tieing no ether religious service in the village, the church was parktd and .eune had to go away. Rev. T. A. Ste/elm/ea, of (Grand Bend, a former pastor; preached very interetring and matt active sermons. The rhnir was ably twisted by Mims !Aura Itirhatd eon and Mr. Bright. of Seafnrth. The fowl supper on Thanksgiving evening was quite it tortes, In spite of a very wetevening, the proveedu amounting to more then Sit An excellent sup, Why StanIield's Use Nova Scotia Wool THE chief reason is because the Stanfelds have never found any other hoot that Makes Underwear so peculiarly suited to Canadians. The tarty, ocean breezes and healthful ', climate,_totlplech.xith_the.:tieh_grazin$,._give " Nova Scotia wool a quality which is not found anywhere else. Nova Scotia wool is perfectly b•lended. is soft and smooth, yet staunch and -ft 1. an be spun hke'silt att(t"-wears -Yost i e stee , arments, knitted of this tine wool, •'ve the desired warmth and are not heavy o bulky. It is no exaggeration to say that the Stan -fields ,"I'he founde the sheep-ra Maritime Pru best wool for hi high grade wool to Then, too, this wool reaches the mills in the hest I .. are no long railroad- hauls ---no lengthy journeys in the h WE HAVE OME SWELL House Coats and Lounging Robes THEM OVER MARTIN BR S. 180 TAILORS and N 'Phone ISHERS Prince Rupert, B.C. OPPORTUNITY EXTRAORDINA We offer you a pruflt-Nha-ing partnership in a eeriness that is gni to he enormous) lir ifttahle. No matter where vuu live. no matter bu far from Prince Rupert you may he, no matter' how touch or bow little you have to invest, invest in Prins.- Rupert through our Real I•:state shares, melting at par. gnu tel per share. In presenting to the public the opportunity to pur.•nase shares in this Company, particular deems. is laid upon the fact that the money received by the 1' pony through the sale of its shares ix invested in carefully selected Prince Rupert Real Estate. under the dirwa supervision of the board of dire,tors. 'l'he upportlpity is extraordinary. because of the profit -*haring plan by which you may share in all the profile of ttie Company and its rapidly i nereasing huaitlesu. PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS PROPERTY will make fort •v for those who invest in it now. aa did Seattle ,und Vancouver Real Estate for those who invested in these cities ten year, ago. Did you fail to recognize the opportunities, or dill you lark confkdence in your judgment? We present herr anotherupportuntty. TODAY PRINCE RUPERT 13 THE CYNOSURE OF ALL EYES No other city is makingweir rapid advancement in population, 'conimeros and building. rince Rupert's present and future growth (names h11111111.001111 -Our shays* a romMoatia)n of safety. Thigh 'returns and increasing value whirb is not offend in an equal degree by any other form of investment open to the public %day. if you have $Fit►, ;1111! or SIAM, which you would invest where -it will, provide a large income with the opportunity fur great profits, then aubecrihe fur /011ie of three shirrs We refer, by permission. 0. the (tank of Nova Scotia,- Write cotia, Write or wire your order tot ,hares today. Don't delay, The Priice Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B. C. • th 'Ing V .ICs. i' U' se mills did much tf develop 'ndustry' throughout the The fanners saved their continue to send their nfield mills. condition. There Ids r f tramp steamers„ The wool wool is shipped direct to Truro as s„ pn as sheared. \Ex s�crts sort, clean Stanfield's e shrine and make it ready at once for its trip \f transformatii in Unshrinkable Underwear. Stanfteki's Underwear is made by the only process which take' out of the wool before the garments are knitted. The [1!11IR_dltG,t1YCry-Alllt lc bXe fiwnaler . th.Qf Stanfield Milla- is shown hem• the growth of this business, which is now capitalized at $75o,o00.00 and employs over 300 operatives. ' Stanfield's lJnstirinkable Underwear b made in ; standard weigbb.i Light ( Red Label ), Medium (Blue Label) sod Heavy (Bla. k Libel) tad 17 other weight, and qualities to suit the needs and requirements of every/ man and woman. The hest dealers everywhere handle Stanfield's Underwear. Catalogue showing styles, and sample of (alis., sent tree tar your address. dij Stadletd's UIM1td Taintik nun. p ..FOR ALL... OCCASIONS -A stylish Winter Dress Coat, made fifty inches long, in either black or grey Cheviot or black or brown Meltons, can be worn on all occasions = a most serviceable g a r m e n t. For -a real good -apish Overcoat, buy a zoth Century Brand. Twenty styles to select from. NYS' SUITS all OVERCOATS Just (now we have A very select line of cloth- ing for the boys. The double - breasted sack suit is the popular one, and the .Prus*ian 'collar in the overcoat. Bring your boy to this' ittore for the best values, Given FREE -a splendid JACK-KNIFE with each S t1 i t' o r Overcoat from $5 up. Buy Stant,Nd'a Unahrinkable, Underwear. We sell it. tl 1 L WALTER C. PRJDNA M iris Neuss OF NISI. YALUfat. islra�w:.,