HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-28, Page 1ZdPI v That it the kind that patrons of The Signal Job hepar IUeul Ret. fru order too big, no order tap small, 10 receive prompt and careful attention. The Signal Telephone 36. a 1 817tT,f1 (t►->pAlt-tea. iMu THE SIGNAL To JANUARY 1st. reit, to NEW SUBSCRIBERS for $1.00 Subscribe Now GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA 0 -UMBER 18 19(9 TUX show. PRINTINU tx, Ltd„ PoaLISIUMs, Financial I am offering for sale I)eb.11tln',•s bearing intermit at five per cent, per annum. payable half -yearly. There debentures offer an absolutely sale and prof- itable investment. 1 would advise anyone (laving money to invert to be rut•[• to call and see 110 . W. L. HORTON THE .STANDARD LOAN- COMPANY NOT ICE TO ADVERTISERS ;.y of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion issue of same week. ;tot Sale lsfu1R SALE -A BARN 30x40 ;I WILL. br plated aspp loiases • yrwm 111 -is '.'seen •a JOSiCPH BAE('IILF: - s K t)oderich. IrFlt L"OR SALE .-S NCO ND -HA 1 door, window's and Ringer. Apply to B. ;4A(NOS Mortgage Sale MORT(:Ali1': MALE. Coder end by , b1 tie m1 the ,uwer..contalned in a certain. mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be uttered for . ale by public a" Mien by Thos. 13 undry. aur ;Tamer. al the court house b, the town of (iodeelch, ou Saturday, [lie 2 th tear of Nuveen: her. at the hoer of 2 u clock p-11 • t it a property known ks " 1'llftou.' containing 1B acme more ur I... and,rom isle {N ,rel W la..,d ee. num r IMO t r- toe and I f 1 he 51x4 !a, + Maill&//1/ •onoe.wiorr f 0 1 elle tow erlch 1 .-, 0f (Merle* tical 1 m the town nrl. h b u u V GodeNrh. The Property_ inn-( Iwtcam taiTemodl .it uated: the .outhet11' portion too . el- of about seven acro. M beautifully wooded re lying dons the Huron road met would ..eke ; an excellent park crown y : the north Hy portion Mans whl, h 11... hulMing. 'are carted i- very' Imitable for farming operation., 4,4 would ale provide an •xoellerrt rite for -ubarban rve.ldrae•. overlooking t he river and' !he onetime highland, and ev,nluandins Glee d the !Meet prl.pe•e, to be found anywhere. F air terms and 0011.111 4011. of tel. apply to I, KIW.ORAN. barrister, (ndericn. or to tr. HRYIN/NF (Tinton SVIMItor for the Vendor. u reser :Nth. 14b ;o:a Seat state tor bale. LAM Fon SALE OR le X- '11 ' eKtt 'HA NUE for home 4/01 101 in Iicelerlel., I nrty the .ere., of 101 ti - ess,on 0. t'olborrw the John Nnchanan faro, : brick house, learn Pict s ro-i er falling well. a [Mott orent ed with tiro e1.,, fruit. R. 11. s,)M(:RSA1.1, Loyal. Ihn. syr. t L')R 5&1.1« NINK•KOUM HOUSE [['' /, Rowe stmt. ata low flgnn'. Apply at n -0o WILLIAH.H1'KKI►WS or AU(•TION F,'It Hk('KETT. ". .STERN LANI)N FOR BALK. macros welt 32 warn, in clop : nape tum 1 rah phone in, /•rka, 11.111111 urludrw( elvc. 1.1 a rich bran. :no acne. at 9171 Iver ace , tack n and fenced. Tailm f» a ,nap, as Wei M g IIpsewse year. Mu acnes with mod buildl al erre. brokers : prier 110 Per nen•.ltoudray and plume in house. Any 1,1 tbe.e,stn be tight 111 away terra., J. H. TF:WSLKV. V tum, Back. .. j OYMR h 1 Il. Wet dwelling. mads, pleantl . 18 Mud, In 44.. it. RUHg GOOERIC)4 MARKETS. LOCAL TOPICS A Big One. Win. Potts showed us the other day is Monster potato which hs had lust received front his son, Abraham, o/ I)illuu, Montana. as a simple of the [hinge they grow out there. It turas- 'wed C.lj inches in circumference one way and 121 inches the other way. air. Potts says he is going to plant it in his ggarden next xpriogand see what (radian soil and climate will do with New C. P. R. Siding. The C. P. K. is putting in a railway siding, 1.13*., feet in length, just the other side of the Maitland bridge. A gang of men has been at work for about a week" doing the necessary grading and on Tuesday a gang of shout thirty men arrived to do the track -laying. it is expected that the work will he completed this week. The siding will give much heeded ac- comm/dation for cars. TNUaw , lhlolicr ?sill EMI wheat, tiler bulb' ) Ir; to e1 tin Spring a h.,.t. per bwb.. (' IY to 1 til}1 Ht e. p.•r buiti a a' to n 44) 14u. kitt.e*t. Ire Wish 11 11 LO O :u hath, Ilea, per bush.. •'( 0.y'i 10 it: i Peas. pair ho -1 0 ea 14) 0 41 Bariey.i per LwA - 4 :. to a 513 ON. N per 1(x1 •/1u W 10 a it Ileus, tawny, per rift- Y T3 to' 1 15 ) our, patent, p•rest .........311110 3lu Wall, per tun , . 23 MI to 74 W Shone, per tun 25 MI to 25 110 Ibis, per toll 0 ! 12 e3 to 12 1 t'HHetnttter,perl is - -• 070) tto i4 'OD 4'be...., per 1b 0°-35to .1x j(gs, few -h, per dos a .0 to u Y l mato,,u x) to m 31 Cattle, ontln'y.to [o0d,•psr,wt, 4 440 10 1 o: Hesse, . Wer, per cosi ....... 7 541 to D 511 Lambe.. ,...+...> W Ip e Sheep, pup ret .... ,. , p1 to 3 Y) Hew. per lb ...... ... ..'' • m 10 to 0 5' Heron. pee lb 0 13 to 0 2: «r 1 15 to 1; fallow, per t4" 04 to 000 ftldew, per cwt ..... ,"" -7 were so $beep skirt... , to W 10 i'backen. , 1: to turkeys .,. ... 1210 L.rd. 1 112 13 To ,hent ounty u e ge's Criminal Court. On Friday 'morning last Walter Robinson; the young man charged with an indecent assault on a flftlr girl, eight yea's old, near Amberley, was seoteuced by His Honor Judge Holt to\1 wo months' imprisonment in the jail. Robinson had already been in jail for`,F month. In addition to the %cuteness of One month's iwptisonment on Jacob Brink- ley. of Howick, for the theft of some engine fixings, as mentioned in our last issue, the prieuner was . made to pay the costs, .which amounted to some *1117. Grain Arrivals. The week's arrival.. of grain cargoes Were as follows : On Thursday last. the steamer 1Vexfdrd, with fki,IMMI bushels of wheat for the elevator ; ore Saturday, the steamers Ionic and Mid- land Queen, the former with tii,000 Weisel, of, wheat and oats for the ele- iator, and thehatter--with--464M111 bushels of oats for the elevator and OtallO) hll.h.ta of whelp ter the mill : the leafleld, on Sunday, with fM).4O4 bushels of wheat for the elevator; the Walter V. yesterday, all with MI i 7. th gUi bushels of corn from Chicago. The Empress of Midland, the Turret Crown and the 1Ve1(ford are expected hefotr the end ..f the week. Former Goderich Girl Wedded. The home of Col.. and Mrs. R. M. McKnight, Stratford, formerly of Ooderich, was the scene on Saturday, frith iobt., of a very putty though quirt wedding, when their daughter. .1/irk Gertrude, late lady ruperin- tendeut of Walkerton boapital. became the bride of Colin Macltae, B. S. A., of the Department of , Agri culture at Ottawa. The ceremony took place in the presence of the im- mediate friends 41 the families and was performed by Rev. J. H. Mcitain, If. A., of Welland. brother-in-law of the bride.. After congratulations. the guests were served with it dainty luncheon, after which Mr, and Mrs. 1) .lacltae left onthe .1train o • their 1 for future home in Ottawa, amid showers of confetti and the goat wishes of all present. G. C. I. vs. C. C. I. at Basket Ball. A very interesting game of lasket Ball was player) in the Collegiate Insti- tute gymnss Iwtween teems from the kcal C. L and the Clinton C. I. ori Werlmestiay night. Although they were imam -wed, the Clintouiana were fir from otttpla7•'d. their players be- ing in the gams ail the time. The shore . at half-time aloud :, -I and at full time 11 --2 in favor of Goderich. Dean and Waken] did 4lie acerin;( for Goderich. With practice the locals sl Id develop into a very strong teem. Donald Finlayson made a very acceptable referee. Kenneth Boyd of the local Y. NI. U.:1. team was time- keeper. er. The playbers were : unn)RleH. 4 t.INTON, McNaught I ) ('ourtice 4ndersnn) mks IMitchell /heat' centre Rsnie Walters left wing Stewart Long right wing iViaeman The Late George Doherty, of Clinton. ()(7$E FOR KENT. - MODERN eJe renlelar.,-.!n M reasonable re nt. Apply lt0J. HHANKt N M et. Pst ct- w. ,4F(e H/Ib-Nk TO KKKT.-A F13:AMF: house on Krays ,treat, eight rooms, In good r.• Ir. Stable. fruit trreree% berry budge. 00 the lot. Apply to J. W. SAI.KKI.1), 'phone IW. l .Iotiae.• NO1'10E IH IIERKBY (iLIT that pl.m-a0J busk of reference of the lane of the 'piano w'e'e Shore Railway t bru4ytsch l he 1,, .hie of 1 'on,orme have been depn.ltad In the'rexl.try o4A c 'or the twenty of II emir 1'. M. It HERTS: Chief Engineer. ,1141 i-- -----_ :Wanted V'OI'N(1 MEN %VANTRD Fon 1'HR I :11,1 It intent 11 mil. AopI is it ion 1,18+1 11e an by '.'.meta% , 'doter :74,1,. Avail) to J.; '4•IIAI/E, lldnl114ader. Pi, New'te it dreed . II ‘1rANTEi) AT ONCE. -A FUR- NIaHKD Unna• 50 rent for the w(olei. with modes it eonenleuoc.. .Apply 10 1). 'F. HAMLINK. L`•NtI,L IIOI7HE OK l'OTFA(1R ►J 4V %%ITEM--Advertl,erde+Irn, to rent a sin ,ll house or etentee. 4)f1e with modern ill, wornness tear the .2.414t(a:• 'mutases, Hos 11. Signal. 11041. M1Y)VE . W.%NTEla-AD- / VIitHTISF:H desire to punches• or • rent NALK. - A N61V for the winter a Opal Move. t .ply /lox M! Iib the modem Improve and near the Salters. TOON. IJOUSE 1.11E MA .1':. - A TWO - I 4ToRY brick hound., Rh ..even to.nn.. on 14r1ee ares(. Pesticide ran he bad by- 14)A'I' :.MAKER V4ANTED. -TO ,Ih)M35 1u( at SIIINAl.4ce. 11 I 1 / work 011 ladles' deaf,. Apps) at once 40 IAi-• 4 `ootte. 14,(14445:44-, 151414. . Situations Vacant Card of Meeks. '' ►If1) OF THANKS. -NIB. . MTt►I)- DART and family wish to thank Ihetr 1,, wer 11110.0 kindly ayrapatbizpl with them ' twit. recent time of 1, fresviarnent. Mets. L. .1/ n ira daT j 'ARP OF: THANKS. Mit. AND \lis.. Inollh, donate t0 express Ibt•ir d.rp rl21.rvi4 ion of the many lokep. d friendship i Irbil and l 14(their.40 n ion. bereave ne'll 1. WAN'l'KI) AT ONI/E.--1450(4,1 WI) ,enrral 'errant Apply (0 0'. J. Ht'ThANI). ►IIEA('l1Ek tVAN7'KD. LADY OK e genic flb7U, for S. le. No 11. A.haeid ;dative 1u rmnnle•neew Jnnn:u)- etm:1(11 armiestenn tobe i, Mf.ww. IMee,d.er 1.1, Pen. AOphra thins, -t rat l ng -•tarp a ,I tlr.d1 and q I ,Ii fle•0 lin.. will lP• removed by THOS, I ll:4171(A M, 447 Al THE STERLING BANK - OF CANADA HeAl •)ep10a TO.ONTO .trni.ne tit 0 O&P TAM NARY* IN('(1IUlO TBY BPKL CIAACT (► gfPARWAMKNT K i1KPOe1Ts To accommodate the Farmers ten have opened - villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, • VARNA and BAYFIELD. \Vr solicit the Patronage of the FARMER. RALE NOTIta DISCOUNTED. Highest current rate of interest. paid in our SAVINGS HANK DEPABT- MKN1' n depnaita of $1,141 and upwards. GODERICH BRANCH ♦. U, OAMBLR,M onager. `10(H) MP:\VI.:Ry 1VANTED.--WE I have root. for Iwo or there good sewers it. our died, lu ).king department. lulproveta 10 work on waists owl oohs. Apply at once to M4- n,N n(o,,.. lIUlMjKNN 11RY. - f I IBi, WANTED- FL)B yf tNttttAL lJl hou.rwotk. For tut their part mdwrs apply tit a 11. f, IIo)IN:I(.S, Light hawse street. 1LTANTEU.-A COMPKTENTOIRL, 11 of some rgwHenne, for general home- work. Apply to 51Ft1. 11'It2IlUI,l,. at. George-, Rectory. __Note Creditors • NOTICE TI) CRRUI'rORM. IN ?HA IDITATE rig moults trivi11.. LATE nF THF 9 A4HFIEGO IN THEI'Ot'NT\' IIF' HURON. FARMER. DECEASED. NdUSe i'+ fiewt,y Inven )m*+Imrie 4w' H. at - 4h 5440 chapter 129, action :V, that all ye rw)ns having realms agalma the estate of Thongs. O'Neil, wl.oden, on the 224, day of June. 11elft are required on or before the 3rd day of No vemler, Pelt to send or deli, ei to the under slimed. solicitor tor William atersrthy of the township of Ashfeld. executer of the last wilt of the said deceased, a full statement of part)o Mani of their claims duly rertllled. And notice 14 former Oren that after the Mid 3r1 day of November. 1!411, the .old ezecn for will proceed to dtstrlbnte the mlate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim. M which he shell then hive notice. J. L. KII.WRAN, Ooderirh, Ontario, Holloitot fof ward Executor, Dated the 121h day of October. INe.. e4t 3t TOWN OF DODRItdOH, TRIASt1RKR'N eALF Or LANDS Foe TAXES, lien, PRortlee1t OF ,NTARTil-, TOWNtrtnnffittvetIr r W air trine of a warrant ,nater the hand of the Mnyor:lnnd .ea1 of the enn.,ralion'nf the town tlorinrMh, dined the thirteenth day of July, Isla, commanding055 me to les v ' the lends 1,•'r'etnatteu desrrfor the arrest, of tate, due thereon. Mornher with cod.. notice i, hereby .'(nen that nob...tA((reek lave- and dost, nn• sooner tail 1 ,hall pir Cant loth,. A. ..11101n Art. FL S, n. 144, chnpl.tr 224, proceed to ell by puhlle *legion the said land. or so nosh thereof es nMr he aeeemery fn1the payment of the said errors and Kent., at my Mare. nn RATI'ItDAV, TH5; e1XT11 DAY (JF' envrun/M. A4 eleven oclock in the forenoon. The following 104. are T)ateefed gutfj.iTtry Client Ann knnni)s,eNambars No, Inv Or LAND Tit 4111.1 Lon. TOTAL. ..,,, peps,.. , 1147 1.5 8'117 11048 VA 27 I ler • 12e,' td t.gJ 4111 Hutchinson s Survey .....•••• Y 14 it le LT 0.;s ••• •' •?•• "'•'e"" 1.4 ISM xaa 1401) I 19e ten 1•A art 2.11 a4s1 ;d axe VP A. tel Parka Mwrwrwd'a Herres, Inv N. A 54. x41 x Atte •. le 14 343 2.111 nal Pt. 11 West 1 .t 11.34 Lin IA lel W. I. HORTON. Town Treasurer. The Clinton New Era makes the fol- lowing rnferrocr to the death of Geor,e ieth•rty, of that town, father of L. E. Dnhertq of Onderich, general agent of the Federal Life Insuran(e Company : After an illness extending over a year, anti --loving oiiaflnsl to hie bed only for the past four weeks, George Doherty. an old citizen of Clinton, passed away on Sunday to the Great Beyond. Deceased had ieeen troubled with a cancer on his but medical aid was unable to stop the disease. The deceased wan torn in Mt. Vincent township, Grey county, it1 11444, and with the family nerved ter -{)laude town.hip, Peel County, to live. There he married his partner for life, Miss Martha Shan- non. about thirty-five years ago, With this union two children were torn, Miss Doherty, of Stratford-Col- egiate staff, and Lew. of Oodericb. Besides his family be leaves two brothers, W. Doherty, of town, and T. C. Doherty, of London, and two sisters in the States. Twenty-six years ago the deceased moved to Clin- ton, where he bad continued to reside ever since. He was s Conservative in Auction Sales 4 nnrwsltne C. Blanks 'Oedet1ak. Jely 114.15. 144 SP' tt A `e !ws,d, • UOTION SALE lance1111F1.1) F't'It s. ITU ItF, .-- raw S.1T1:14114V.NOV L51H1atlna4 41-IoeIIP %, 1ea11 ns *MI .1 n '*t.• ail hoe -,-held 71141111 11n- af the re.k,cnne 1,t Thum.. ILtrrl-. \rl-an street, i'ideast M Dr. HnMrr'-. ron.i-ting of parlor. diningront end leedrnn., fnrnitnre. di.hes, carpet M. blind., matting. cher lnorr•na, garden tool. rte. TgRMa, tool., end under, -..h : o, er twit amount, (hive month.' cretin on Cornish ingnP 'mired joint note.. Everything must Iw sold. as Mr. Haul. line 110hie hones. )MAS HARRIS, (7 El Ito) it F17, Previewer. AneUoneer. SATURDAY, MOVEMHRR IRrn, AT SATURDAY, Orl/X'K. -Heppe Thought range. doe pare parlor "44.. centre table. .ii,hnwM, nn. t Mau.. one velvet net1s,,. 134. •71ght14- deme.ed,l . ahem? flhy eat tie cwaja.. one *escort, nue bulgy- w rte. The AW9lett Hpulse. ((10. 14E1 ItIt T w, Auctioneer politica. The funeral was held Tues- day afternoon from the family swan• deuce, and the service at the house was conducted by Rev. Dr. Stewart, assisted by Bev. Mr. Jolliffe. The pall -bearers were H. B. Chant, W. (;1. Smyth, John Gibbing*, H. Kemp, Thos. Beacom and A. 0. Beaton. To the widow and family the s lutwthy of the cuulmuuity is extended., Fire at the Sumnser Hotel. On Tuesds, evening, about 6:111 o'clock, the fire brigade had a call to Hotel Sunset to put out a blaze which night weedy have been Vlore writing in 1[13 consequences" than it was. lia,, .tbell was at work in one of the lavatories upstairs drawing off the water from the traps iu the plumbing and substituting real oil for the winter, so that there would be no danger from frost. Ne left his gas- oline Hrepot alight while he went downstairs and while he was away the Hreput blew up, On his hasty return, he and the caretaker, hire. Elliott, found the room a mass of dame. Mr. Abell quickly snatched Wale *matrr••w-ses tco.khala iu nearby rooms and threw, them in to smother the flame,. The fire alarm was rung and when the brigade arrived a chem- ical lite extinguisher waa used and a stream of water turned on. The walls and floor of the lavatory were badly scorched. The carpet in the 'hallway wits damaged with water and the• water leaking through to the rooms' below mussed things up a 'pod deal. Fiye or six inattrsaes were destroyed. D. F. Hamlink's Fruit Business.-- - I). F. Hamlink'.s fruit evaporator is a busy spot these days, and next ruoutb and the following month bigger things yet are looked for. About thirty-five hands are em toyed ahn,it the evaporator. In addition to the product of the evaporator herr. Mr. Hawlink purchases large 4l .entities from other evaporators and all the dried fruit he eau got from lateness and other private individuals, and his *wine- s run ab011ts-carloada day. Rotterdam and point. in Relgiunt take a lafge quantity of the output, as well eatthe Eu:tern Provioree, Win- nipeg and the Weat. Thousands of b n asserts [ mune alsoare shipped. 1 In addition w ns liminess in dried fruit. Mr. Ilsmlink ha% been dealing the bit few seasons iu green fruit. He has titre use of the saltworks neer the 41. 1'. K. station for paalug and has several thousand barrels of fruit their, as well as the fruit which is beiug peeked in the orcbarda of the growers. ilia packers number about a score. Altogether Mr. Haudink expects to hate'''. between 141,10) and 12,1844 bar- rels of apples this' aeasem from the farms of 1'olb,rthe and llolerich town• ship growers. tiss larges business necessitates a Targe supply of barrels and. the local barrel -makers being unehle to newt the demand, Mr. Hatmlink has placed orde.ra with makers east of Toronto. stage then Meat bark in )ttdenieri he fruit humusor exporter, however, is lhet of thegrow- er, and into this departruent also Mr. Ilanligk has gone to a considerable extent, though the variety of fruit he prefer% to grow rre'ms to he peaches rattier than apples. This Oar be gathered 7141 or w8) haakets from the 34) trees of hie peach or. hard at Men- esetung and he has planted out 2;01 young trees. He evidently intend,' to run rivalry with the Niagara district. New Books at the Library. The following new beaks have re- cently been added t.. the public. library : The Comtng Harvest, The Handmade Gentleman. The Komance of a Plain Man, Dragon's Blood, Child of Destiny, (' Ades. Elusive Isabel, The Woman in Question, Pomo. a of the I' oat Office. .Michael '1'bwaite's 1Vife, The Climber, The Butler's Mtory, Mr. Opp, In a NI yste1•io us Way. The Man in lower Ten, Het in Silver, , The inner Shrine, Marriage a la Mode, The lady in the White Vedl,' ° Ant4 ' This, My Sou, A Royal Wad, The Whirl, Tempered Steel, Dyke's Corners, Her ladyship, The Full (dory of Diaotba, The Third ('ircle, Roads of Destiny, Lynch's !laughter, Tbr White Mister, The Red` Mouse, The Whining Chance, The Actrm. The Life of James Steeratt of hove - dale, Sixty Years with Plymouth Church. The Apostle of Alaska, Old Friends, sbe Enchanted Castle, Oh Christina, How to Tell labeler tar Children. Ezekiel, Highroads of History, Books I to it, Mother Stories, The Story of Old Kingston, The Story of Oil. Remaking the Mississippi. Lettere of a Husinees flirt, Mike Flannery, Oa Duty and Off, Impressions of America,.. Letters to a Mother, Education and Empire, Carotin*, Some incentives to Right thing, The Lay of 1)e Land, Love and I.rttt. in (;hind Training, England and the English. Wild Life In the Kockiee, quaint Suhjeeta of the King. \ Summer in Touraine, Are the Dead ' hy&.Y .._._. _--_.-_ The l'erfe,t \\':.y, '('h. Sphinx and the Monthly, The A. Y. P. A Social. The A. Y. 1'. A. of `It, (l.orge'e Howell made a very anepirioos open- ing of the fell and winter als.OIh 1..1 night in their social •venin;(. The first part of the evening was taken up with a cnmpetitl.m which Laxed the cleverness of the audience in finding the articles among the number which were di.plavrd which eorreepondel with the Hers on he ) rams which were provide a. 1. b►'nR D For Instance, "a drive through the 1 oral" we* disrov,ted to he repro- I ntnd by a piece .t hoard with a nail • tat- driven adriven rcroh it : 'case yr a for prrat" was represented by a number of efnkers learn 4 turnanr ; "Hywup Ancient ,Ad Modern" by a pie tut. of so old man and a )young boy ; "falling dew" by a cheque due ells folluwiug day. and so forth. The in.orre.t answers given by et 1R1. of the cwubelitore were as inIereelimat• as the eeriestones. a1411 the competi- tion was a trey aruu•ing feature-ot the evening. Ming tlirry bed the greatest numler of correct answer.' said she and her associate* in the rum - petition were *wattled the prized. A splendid n4leied prelltr•uu wad given during the evening anti during the intermission refreshments were derYed, A vocal solo was given by Mire Henetridge in charming 4704011 and songs more in the humorous strain were given by Harry Sturdy, Lionel Parsons and Harold Black- stone, who can always t 4 relied upon to contribute something taking. .\hiss urate Meager played two violin %elec- tions which showed much musirai taste and cleverness on her inetriI- u,ent. A. S. Mitchell delighted all in tris.. voeal-eeleesiue►,---- Mar'it1 ht Ilfl- pack, the new organist ot St. ueorRe's church, was a busy 'nen all evening acting as accompenise tor nearly all the selections. His own itfetrumeutal Nolo war given iu an accomplished style and an instrumental duet by M r..Kilpack and \\liter Naftel Made an appropriate opening for the second part of the program. At the con- clusion of the program President Mitchell announced that at the next meeting of the 4aiu ciation the rector, Rev. M. Tur ,hull, would give the that of a series .of talks, on his visit to Mexico, and predicted a splendid series of meetings for the Association through the coming season. LOCAL. TOPICS IN BRIEF. Ma, want- but little here below. 1.01 he watt, it right. F. J. IMdhaw the Tailor ,N doing his hoot to give mankind satl.f.ctiou In the matter of clothe.. Try Lien with an order fora winter suit or overcoat. 1vltmer Sm14(40. 545.5 street. ie the place to get pretty china. picture.. 7ancy article. for the home. etc. See the bargain. In upholstery good.. Healplarter. for fancywork "p1 7140. Portrait and view work in up to date style and modern effect. Ifm. I • It. K. sallow.' photo V graph -tai fo.ro rrr Montreal d s trMl and the tin oars. Dive I c hnu 1 4 Cal The ground was covered with snow this [morning the first time thio seaao l t. The righty -herr tarot of the Late Ni,.,,tSturdy in O(derich town+hip was purchased at auction by his brother, George Sturdy, for Sirs'''. The work un the will near the x, -Ji• mentation basin, which with sunk' in a,nnectiou with the repair of the basin Hoot. is et a standstill at pres- ent The Olywpin ('af, to 11.11 'e;k11•,1 to exist, the drawn blinds yesterlay in- dicating the feet to p.aasrreby. Many of our 1ownspeuple regret t1W unex- !meted shoeing rap 111 the hn-sihr»+. James Wilson'e bicycle was '• bor- rowed •' front iu front of hie store last 'I'hurwlay evening and has not yet been returned. Ati Mr. Wilson wish•,, to use the wheel, he hopes the young fellow who took it away will bring it hack without any further delay. The work of refitting the factory on Rant street for the American Road Machine Company has romu,en,wi. Cement floor% are !wing played throughout, the Zloty Company has the contract for putting in a number of travelling cranes. and carpenter also are at Work. The reviler monthly meetini of the (loderich branch of the Women's Institute will lw held in the Uddfel- lows Hail on' 'lhur.da)•. November. lth, at 3 o'clock. One of the feat -siren of the program will lie drun°nstrations in hiaruit-tusking by t esu of tbe mem- bers. EV •ryone we some. R. R. Sallow% left 'Tuesday morning lir Rhndeau to spend' a few days with the deck -hunter,, and get some views for the A,n*risen Lithographic Co. of New York City. %Vhen he returns from this trip he will (seep for the north country on • two week» camera .xledition for the alvertising depart - latent of the /', P. R. - Yesterday morning two gentlemen representing a New fork suto►nohile road heap: company were Le _town lis therr ear. They had 00111 • 1111 ft,ttn Lindon in the morning and left again for Hamilton. They were engaged in making a road map for the Automie b?le 11111e Hook ('ompaaly, ahuw•igg dietanles between pointe, the nature oT the roads. etc. Many store windows show touches suggestive of the Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en sea.ons, Among the more noticeable are Hodgens decorated with grain, rnrn, pumpkins, etc., and C. U. Lee's, which shows many pufnpkirs with -striking faces painted on them testing on a floor of straw before a backing of In the centre is w huge im atidn of a pumpkin. The display is clever in (once f,tion and execution. /' OBI rUARY. Mc Donald. The funeral of Murray McDonald, to whose death a reference was mater in these columns lest week, took platy on Saturday afternoon last,. The ser- t'ices at the home and at the grave were c,ndnrted by Her. .lam. A. An- derson and the !all hearers were Dan. Me1)nnaid, 4.4.454*,,, Melee'', Arch i,' Mcuillivrayy, Boddie Melton's Id, Norman McKay and Bert Mclean. ',apt- McDonald was home for his PMI's funeral end has wino, returned to his work. McAvoy. Once more the dread disease con- sntnptton tenleted the family At Mr. and Mrs. John McAvoy, and claimed ax Da victim on Saturday last their dwslghteer--Maey . Awn. TYIn.- swag. laol' • teen twenty seven years rat age and hail been in le 1i,'a101 for some time, With the parents and the one surviving son, Bert, are the sin- eerret sympathies of all in the time of their sorrow. The funeral wee held on Sunday afternoon. Bev, Father McRae conduct ing the services at Pt. Peter's church, The pallfearers were Derry Wells, John Chisholm, Leo Chisholm. John Page, Harry Hill!., and .1ooweph IMyle. Inglis. The funeral of the late Mrs. ,1.10x. Inglie, whose death took piar.- last Thnnrbay, was held nn Hainrday after- noon last, Rev. James A. Anderson pastor of Knox church, conducted 11 services and the pall -hearers were fou fellow-rurwlwrs with Mr. Inglis of th session of Knox church, J. E. Tow, R K. Mallows, D. Stoddart and James Mitchell. Mrs. Inglis had been In poor health fur some months prior to her ath. Two children survive, John, of Njagora halls, N. Y. and Mier engine', ot town. Those who Were bete for the funeral werw•Nsee sou and Mr. Inglis sister. Mrs. Walter Ntduft, of Toronto Mrs. W. K. Bradshaw, of 8tratfo, d, and Mrs. A. Twitcbeli. of Clinton. Atuoug the floral tokens of by were a crewcut front Manager F. 6V. Doty of the Doty Engine Works Uo., a wreath from Mr. (ugliti telluwyew• pluyees at the engine works, a cross from the staff of the Cental sehool, of which Miss JD lis is a member. a wreath from Miss Inglis' pupils and dowers from friends in London, Detroit, Sima,e and elsewhere. Mrs. Inglis was an only child, her maiden name being Marion Robina Henderson. She wax born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and came to the township of Hibbert with her parents when a child, the family later moving to Goderich. where wttt the exeeption of a fepept in Wingham she 'had since resided. Mrs. Inglis was married in Goderich on October Y.'itd. I874 by keV. Dr. Ure. To het now bereft life -partner and sorrowing children is extended the sympathy of uaanv friends. Whitley. The town has been saddened by the unexpected death of Mrs. (Dr.) \Vhitle7, formerly Mies Minnie McVittie, which occurred at her home at (breis on Friday night last after a few days' illness, Mrs. Whitley was apparently in her usual health until the previous Sunday when she was attacked with ap oendicitie, A special- ist was brought from Toronto and her parents were summoned from Ood.- rieh, but medical skill and loving at- tendance proved of no avail in staying the hand of death. Mrs. Whitley was the only child of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam McVittie, of town, and wax mar- ried less than four months ago rand went to make her home with 1)r. Leonard N. Whitley at (lorrie. For years before her marriage she was one of Onderich's sweetest singers and a general favorite. ,ani her removal sl diem town wasK read7 regretted. retted. tier un- timely death is an inestimable loss, and the young husband and the parents so unexpectedly plunged in grief have the profound sympathy of all. In her own circle of friends the depot ted one will long be sadly Inibmed, but sbe leaves behind her the undying in- fluence of a life that wee all gentleness and goodness. The remains were brought to (lode - rich on Saturday and the funeral luok lace mu l Snday afternoon to Mait- land ,cemetery. Rev. James .4. .\n- dero,n, paator of Kuux chinch. was assisted in the nervier,' by Ker. II. W. McTavish, of Ourrie. The pall-bearer.; were J. W. Fra -ser , H.. H. Mutt, Doty; ,larges F. Thefnsa,, John law win and 1V. H. itols•rtw,n, Among the flowers un the shaker was an utter ing from the choir of Knox church, of which the deceased was for several yeais a member. James \Iclainaghan, of Toronto, an uncle of the deceased. and John Moon, of Toronto, a eonsin, were a g those who attender) the le Ir PERSONAL MENTION, r e I Alts+ Evelyn Rumball was home frwu 1,on don for Thaok+gl, mg. CHURCH NOTES. The Epwoft 11 league convention for the London Conference was held at St. Marys last week. Itev. A. E. June.. of Auburn, gave an .uldcemn on the progtyr,,s of the Epworth League movement. Canadian Churchman : How many of our readers are aware that King Edward is a clergyman of the church of England in Rood .tanding, being prebendary of 8t. David's in. Wales, under a salary of 45 a year, and en- titled to preach one her a year in the cathedral ? On Tuesday eveaiuv next the mem- bers of Victoria %[feel Epworth League are to enjoy w unique °•rasion -a 4 mention drawer. All those baviug perplexing questions in any way cmc rerniug the Bible are requested to hand sane to the paator in written form and be will endeavor to give a sat Olfactory &,ewer. All mentees are earnestly requested to be present rout utilize (his opportunity. The annual convention of the. Ep- worth Leagues and Methodist man - bath schools of Guderlch district will he held in the L.ondeehoro' Methodist chun:h November lith and 6th. The program include. afternoon and evening sessions on Thursday, the 4th, and morning, afternoon and evening sessions on Friday, the 6th. Rev. Dr. 0. L. Kilhorn, of Uhentu ('hind, in to give .Peered riddree.es, and the program presents other at- tractive features. CURRENT _LITERATURE.__. NoVRMBKR LIton totyrr'a.-Appro- priately enough, both love and polities tlgure in the plus of Mary inlay Tay. lot's new novel, The Magnate of Paradise' -politics being appropriate to the season, and love to all seasons. The story is published complete In the November Lippincott's, which, hy the way, is an extraordinary floe number. The scenes of "The Maltgoate" are laid in the United States capital and in a live town in .Missouri. The town Is ruled by a political "gang," who are opposed hy a young lawyer, who. as dletrictattornry, undertakes to cleanse the town's Augeen stables and replace the rule of might by the rule of right. Unfortunately, Holland--t.br district attorney -is 511 love with the wand of the Mwgnette of Paradise, who in the head and the moving xplrit of the "machine," All same of underhand scheme, at -e resorted ts) in order to down the reformer, and [hinge look dut►inus for a white. Eventually, how- ever, the citizens awaken to the fact Th1v11tNttnd is fighting their bombs for them, and give him enthnsiasti2, If tardy, support. The Magnate and his henchmen are overthrown, and the very likable hero wine the very lov- able heroine. There are some is tensely dramatic scenes, end the inter- mit is not !ermit.ted to lag for a mo- ment in addltion to this story there ane some Ane short stories anti nth/ r very readable things in this nnmter. Voir eyes will appreciate the ewe, A comfort onto 1 t v r lest sclh v, m properly D w fit- ting 1 7 n glstw+s, so ityou R have eye Uouhle don't fail 10 consult Tattles & Mon at Dunlops Drug More, on Monday and Tuesday, November 1st and 2nd. Missies Kills and Olive Uoldtborp. spent Tha,,ltsgl, ing In London. Jowpb Heide, of 'I' 4ouW, was among the Amor comer* for Thanksgiving. M. and Mrs. h Janllae hove returned from an extended visit at Mullet, Head Seek_ Maw. Ueor p ip ars spent '1'hatk.sivlrtg with her brother.T, 1. Morris, to HuKat)- Ald. J. M. Reil and ehildreu area Agile swum 114111nr Mr. Field'+ mother. whet. ID. Mimes Ila Allen and Mabel Doty were home from Toronto over the Thamkaglvlug holiday, M rs. 11. w, Thom., ,(sited her dengltter. Mrs. Wright. at lrraniturl. over the Tbaukel stetter holiday, Med. Frank :(Ir•iton, of Hrusleds, wad the guest of her elder, Mrs, John Lawton. for a few days this week. Mrs. Howrlr and little Hier Helene spent Thanksgiving at Niobrara Falls. the sne.te of Mr...nd Mrs, Harry Baker, A. 1'. and Hob( Bennett. of ('h4•ugo, were 10 town Saturday on their way to the old home :at I'ort Albert fora holiday vi.lt Mrs. Goldthorpe, Renee street ret limed on Tuesday of but week frusta a four months' visit et Vancouver R. r.. and Stave)). Alta. 5111.+ Mend 11'h ant of Ouelph. and Mien Mario. Ik..•htel of IS',(lrn, .bated the fflsrrtoer's slater. Mn. 11. 'Done, over Thaakyfirlas, Joao ('ndery rd. Nam U ow. tees lu 701111m , , b 5, P.. per a tea gay. durios the week Mr. t'oderwood 4.4 a Wetly' of w. R. Robertson. J. A. Rumhall, tn..uarrr of the Keneironee Furniture Company- left on Friday last on • Western trip. going via t'hlear°. Mr. Ituu,ball expert. to be •wee ale.( a tot [iambi Rev. and Mail. Jomph Elliott reached town on Friday last un heels return hot. their European *mourn. Their sou Jack le remain- ing to Switzerland to pursue ails .tudlet. Mrs. f'. H. llun.l.er end children twee re- turned from o .1.11 4., Port Rowan and Set kirk. uerompanied by Sire _ Bomber ■ dater. Mrs. Holism, of Selkirk, who 1s making a rl.lt here. John Thurluw '.snood • Oder and dent pi elan Mr the Ilrantford ((shwa co. In It. melt power hones city, e0t mks Thank'gIs I.ag holIda) n .e parental roof hero. Brussels Post We4nes.lny the, pupils of the public .chool department ?alight by Mien (Mrs. !smith presented Joe Halklrk with a Kodak and eupptlen on the eve of hi. leaving Brussel. to go to '.oderleh. where his parent. reside. Joe he, open making hl-, home with his [rand. mother here who is Intending to remove to the West. 11"e hops Joe will do well. Ur. and Mrs. That. Holmes were rap from Detroit vldting their Ielatly . hero and at Bulmer, IIIc 0. et That,kyffytng )r Holm, who is n brother of 1)r. M. J. R. Hol .. mes and Mrs. It. w'. Mc Kenrle, of town, has lust re- t trued from the I'hlllppinen, where he was on duly for the 1'nited Slat.. Government. Hl. denghler, 5lls. Stella, who 1s well known In town. aronn.nip! hint , Pa nor the trip. A welcome %t. Icor In town this week w liaut e Let hbrl eek °" dere, o erIrt, fa.44,. noerwsaels( of 6nox rhureD, UoderMh. Mr. !'seckDrldge .o.vmpanled the Manehesler reals quartette of enal,. who gen. a sorest at Dungannon on Ihauk+agslr,na night, and w{,srat a few hours In town Mouday and Tue.day looking np old friends. He 1. plan n ins 70 go 50 Europe In • few mouths to spend • year In musical study with the Cont I'tent al masters. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Next war at the Auction, November 1301. A few stoves at • neap at the Au •- tialli House, Choice teas and coffees at. MURKI,H A VANATTgx'M, Hamilton street. New goods arriving every week at the thew furniture store on Hamilton street. Choicebutter and frenb eggs at !Romano' 4 VANarriot n, Hamilton street. ftetlel Mo5t1IM14 8 VANATTER'a advt, on page N this week. Something doing all the time. Berlin and Brantford sausages, fresh, at. Nlo4Ng,H & VANATrza's. Hawllton street. See the bargain table in china de- partment at SIUKHIsit k VANATrgg'M, Hamilton street. Hargaios in dishes at Ic, 2c sod :lc each some even leas at Monsiesk VANa rens, Hamilton street. The W. C. T. U, meets in the Temp- erane Hall the second and fourth Mondays of each month at :t o'clock. •'I.ifehnoy Soap" is delightfully re- fs -etching for lathes or toilet Fur washing underl•lothing it is unequlal- led. Ulean,we and purifies. itentriulet' the date of Taube A Sons' viral to (Iuderich .and if your eyes trouble you 41 any way consult them at Dunlop s Drug Store on Monday and Tuesday, November 1st and Ind, Save Monday, November Nth, for "Sowing See4. in Danny." dies• *periled with Irish songs, This unique evening is to he given by the Ladies' Aid of North street NIetholiet church. An impossible thing to find, a plaster equalled to "The D. & 1.," Menthol, and II is being imitated, Get the genuine. For side aches, laekaehe., stitch.,, nothing equals' i1. J1ade by Davis h Lawrence Co. Are you deaf ? so, you earn with the Aj we oustiro,t. ' aube t & Sons will gladly demonstrate this wonderful ins[ rumen( at Dun 1 o p's Drug Ettore un Monday and Tuseday. November 1st and ''nd. Kighty-five per rent. of headaches are the result of rye strain. if you are troubled that way, make it a paint to commit Tante & None at Dunlop's Dots Store, en Monday and Tuesday. November 1st and 2nd. SOCIAI, Kvr.NINIr. - The members of the Oo derlch Rebekah Lodge are holding a social evening in 0441.1 - lows' Hall, on Friday. October2ith, to which the public are cordials In- vited. Admission 25 yenta open at 8 o'clock. 2(, AUCTION SALES. Wxmra.,Ar. Noveo,bar lu, ('Icor(,,, hue tion tale of farm stock and Implement., prop esty of Wallace J040.?,,,,)auhle Zine, month M HayfieM. Everything to he disposed of, is Mr. JOhmton Is Koine West. T/11 PK. 0CRnR►- auctioneer . BORN. $AtAtat.U. In Goderich township en (coo her talttth, to Mn. and Mr., Harr) f. Ralk.14. a 0041(Jotin Otto Iwithwaltet ItnH6:1(TSo4. At Stratford. nn I Slither 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. It. Is. Robertson, • son. J*)ttiIAN, Ia Uoderich, nn tt''dne.dar. (Wt. her /eh, to Mr, end Mr.. J. F. Jordan. * 17Ifirbfrr. '.1 1k'1IV. N \\'al runs rat -k., m, Saima), 14' toleer 244h to Mr. end Myr. )feet 1. Mnettn. w 1'$ 4471'44. FI,F \ F:It. At Yl:, grout w4 en ue Ilroa frd, un h'Mdn.4, t*tottr '2'-T.1. to Mr. And Mr. Fred - I •rfirTri itrnm 5:genet. a run. DIE0. M'A V1/Y. -111 I3odpMrh. nn e(atIMay. thin her 11n1, Mary Ann MOAroy, daughter of Mr, and Moe John McAvoy. aged '7 years and 3 months. WH[ILK I'. -A1 Gants. on Friday October t2nd. Minnie K 43.4741,1., beloved wife of I. N. Whitley. M. D. DOHERTY.-Attr(i:Ilnteo, en 001 4&y. 17rAW& . 'mpewsae herd mare and 4 moa1M Aft rOy.tqA Lt In Detroit. arenwi/s. 1 a the home M kis J. MeDn. In be si[iwnlh 7e08.' littera) Sutherland. mit lel andQe r1erh.Ma,elh,nvewMsonw/erahnMewa.nrr,er.►flas