HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-21, Page 7TRH RIGNAL : GaODI;R10H. ONTARIO
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The News of the
MONDAY, Oct. 18th.
picking is the urn• lar. of the
Ind hew now.
Shackleton arrived home
• %fest on Saturday.
,• sorry to say bust Meer John
i try rick agate,
l;gtgie toasty goer to Luck•
,.y to 'ensu the drreeewakiug.
ash sud 11. J. Johnstone, of
„,reell;wwe ft•ieude 1111 Man-
hole/we Blake, of Kfwdwnuton.
ug at the 1 of W. H.
I,• stranger arrived at the
d 'I'honiar Culbert. on Friday
host. It is a girl.
„1 Mrs. T. S. Reed ttnti non.
„f Mafeking, visited at the
.ames Culbert Liu Sunday.
MnNeev, Oct. 18th.
clguaal hal the misfortune
aluable honer last week.
McL onstd iN> at present
with Jamey McPhv1'sntl on
d conceesiun, `
u torts around herr are :ill
wog iu order that they way
, wee to work on the railway
rove:e . u the.._Methodist.
next Sabbath evening at
1 Rev. Mr. Pomeroy wilt
well. of Southampton, miwle
d -.l week to Wee some of his
whom he how been treating
r months, .
- LANEli
Mt•rUHUAY, Oct. 111th.
ow, Kite Awociatiou is wind -
.111 to Auburn "n TueNhty to
for the cut/. They we+ul
t his tittle, su look out for the
est week has been except' -
ugll and wet for the apple-
, :although the wet weather was
ed by the farmers, who are
t run) want of water.
h'ineltzerham returned from
sok, 11e intends remaining
,eeing, when he will return
!unify to the West, where.
1,I, making his future bottle.
,• ',wry to learn that Mr. and
an are not intproving as
niuiy friends and neighbors
ish to ser. Both of them ate
helpless. especially Mr. Mc-
ylrs. McLean. however, is ea-
sily bright and asserted'.
1Vi:iNKauAV, t) .111th.
.1 .hw
n.ton has turn howe
Is•nding a week With ft'iends
.•Id and West 1Vadwanush.
,. SALK.-1.sst Thurrdey
Hood held his aunt' sale of
k. It was Isrge{Iy ettrnded
t good priers were obtained.
e,ptI amounted to over $1,7isl.
sal has rented Ars. Fisher's
or the last three years. He
I;iveo it up and W. J. Jones
Ord it for the neat live yearn.
, u ANNIvKHSAH%, The Meth -
intend holding th ir Miniver -
51 Sunday, the 24 h ins). In
smear at 5:31 p. u1.. Rev. A. E.
,.t Auburn, w II preach.
the evening Ret-. A D. ttisch-
%rinh. will prefix . The ea-
rn meeting is to i given 01)
u and instead the eongrega-
i-.l '•tl to contribute ,.
Tuttsaiy, Oct. 15th.
Arch. Martin has returned after it
muuth'e trip through the Northwest.
Nilo-IIIIing was the order of the day
tart wes'k in this vicinity and this week
ilia threshing.
Mier Josephine McAllister returned
hoose tart Haturday after a rix week..
visit with friends iu Detroit, Narrow
and ileum/III.
Quite at number from this vicinity
took in Hlyth fair last Wediu*diiy-
and othere took in Dungannon on Fri
day. All report having a good time.
Mr, and Mrs. John 1Vilsun, of Au-
bnt•n, and Mrs. Murdoch, of the State
of Witehingtou, U. S., called on friends
here last Sunday.
Mr. McQuillan itnd Mr. Durnin both
had gangs of apple -Parkers in this
vicinity packing the early winter
tipples, and this week, Finnigane gang
is packing Novae for 1 ' .
w'AN•1'):I1, W,, will pay the highest
privy. All poultry must be properly fattened
.tarsal before dell%ery. Turkeys and
other poultry sweepte I later. W. T. 1tIt,
1)t:Ll., Auburn.
1V t:11N KS n.t Y, Bet. 13th.
This locality patronized Blyth show
last week.
The cooper'• shop in the village has
sou ...large huskierNe thio fads..
The evaporator 15 Inisy at preW'ot,
and bas secured a Lux. quantity of
Alirl. VViet. Murdoch, of Washington,
ie visiting Irientie in thin vicinity at
Quite a La•ge quantity of grain has
been delivrtaxd at btu• elevator during
the past week.
Airs. Anderson is on the sick list at
present and but Blight hopes are enter-
tained of her recovery.
William Strtnty, of- Parry Henna,
arrived here on a visit Let week.
It is reported that 11r. Sturdy
intends snaking his 1 in Wing -
\. F. Johns. teacher of our village
school, left last week for (iuelph,
where he has securedpother school
Miss McPherson, of %%tgham, suc-
ceeds hien. .
IW At home every day scout Thur-
• r rmed7 for extracting t•h Idoenno
'rr than gad and Mere work,
,unm PIMA' WW1 breaksq10.1
1" eau always hese your 1work much
our lis the dental ponce -pt
d fore bene,
,,,i,r. fur thew the work. ruure tom
tut the patient. '•
tun,1ttauanfor The i the Yoe
mit and Stationery ery tl 4towhore
dl 1e received for eub.ortt ions, ref
and job work• and rawly will be
r ,.wuuutn paid for the same.
(et forget to call at the port o or. and
haemin. in. wall paper. Reg lar ::s.
wall paper" welling for Ise; retro ler I:.•.
Mut Iv. .illifor 12c. 12c. r:k• al Ile.
or tc ; also a latyte n.vnment f raw
+tltng at :M: and 'e a roll. M. A AN,
nun •
TACHE, EY ESt(t 11 r S 'El' -
1.1•4. of Toronto. will be at M..I
h.q.... liongannon. VA'ed,....day ift••r
'o. erntrer and. and If there 1, an hing
t, yetrreles, or -f breesit are
- ring du not .+ult you. do not f 1 -On
1VtC»NY.SDAY, Oct. 20t
Idiug 'ells are ringing in our
. Hiecnt,"iof TeeewAipr, slsitrki
home of W. Spruill a roitple
Let week.
L. Bartlett is thin week attend -
I• London Conference Epworth
1e convention in St. Marys.
Rivers, of the Sterling Bank
who was indiapo)ted for a few
est week, is again in his aecua-
it Elva Johnston returned to the
tilde Institute in Clinton on
lay after a few days' visit et her
Alr. Thompson, of 1Vllile•
h, will occupy the pulpit in the
Idiot church on Sunday neat.
L. Bartlett will conductanni-
R services at the Whitechurch
to Campbell, who in home flout
On furlough, gave an interesting
ste in the Presbyterian church on
y evening to an appreciative
nee. She gave a detailed ac -
of her work as a missionary in
r fixeren.-lfemenrber the hot
r and concert to he given in the
utters! Hall on Thanksgiving'
under the auspices of St. Paul's
h. The program will he pro-
ythe Manchester male guar -
?P.M Dalt, which Dome. f♦ighly
'mended. The usual almie I'. i
i11 he charged.
laitmenw "4Wtme; -e--- TWIT -tenure
the Dungannon Rine Club
lett to Auburn yest•aday,
the aemi-annnal county .,hoot
tell. The day teener! out fine
opting and some goad average.
made. Several teams were In
lance and oonts.ted hotly for
Ip Which 1s given by the Huron
•y Rifle League and which for
time has been held by the Cole
testa. but which was yesterday
by the senior team from Gun -
:11;m TM robe team also did
og. We eoogrstnn
rt. a on securing the coveted
1VelliNKsu.11, Oct. IatII.
L' !i
1:41-4 rmd Port Albert the .wee col-
lais your older+ nod deliver+ your grinds at
our eapeuw. Meet the +tags•. 141W week,
.pecial, - Coffee. roc fattic • Ib.: Art baking
powder. 1:..•. Y for ti,e : bath brick. Se.:1 fur Wt. .
Two In One shoe polhh, 1•,'. 2 for lie. Our
motto : "Whale profits. quick return...
.i1:I.us, Klatai.
Tt•rcsliAY, 0ct.leth.
Tote. FALL- Snow. -In-spite of the
Ihul weather provided for our fall fail•,
the exhibitors were on hand in
slung (tree, and except iu point of
rttteedanre the fair was eller success-
Itif\ lht AVednewray evening a (..1-
e,•tl \wits given int the town hall and in
spite of the continued inclemency of
the wertther the hall was tilled. The
enterlainlen•nt ,w:as a most enjoyable
one, The ..hair was ....copied by Dr.
ltVossls. and excellent music was fur
nished by the Blackstone orrbestra,•uf
(1.)h•rich. Will McLeod, the well-
kno'en ..utwdicul, kept the audience in
goosl hu+uor with his comic songs, and
Harrold Blackstone sang a her ul
songs which were. tt. enjoyed. A
list of Inc prize -winners i the differ-
ent departments of the she is pub-
lished in another page of T Signal
this week.
Trr:su.sv, Oct. Urns
A Pi,otg :tt li4Ni+:. - An early sett•
ler of thin township, passed away on
l'uewlay, :db inst., In the person of
Patrick Cr whose death took
place in they eightieth year Orliir age.
Uecease•tltwas born in the State of Ver-
mont. of I*•kb parentage, and came to
this township with his parents ill 1t{35.
%Vith the exception of a few years
spent in Ifullett and Clinton. he Intel
,tore been rt resident of thin township.
He was twice m•irried and is survived
by his s'eund wife and six sons and
daughters: John and William. in the
West ; .Arthur. in )lorris township:
Mrs, Peter Gunn,..f 11olmeeville; Mrs.
Alfred Itay, of Detroit, and 'Phomas.
on the hornPetemrl. The (freeaaed was
a devout Catholic and funeral services
were held in St..Joseph's church, Clin-
ton, the interatt'ut.being made in the
Calhale UC Cemetery- irr Hnttett. -_
MINnAY, Oct. 18th.
Rev. A. Miller and Mrs. Miller
arrived home last F'r'iday after a -six
weeks' abreact., visiting friends to
Toronto and at pointe in Cape Breton.
mitre. Ur. McDonald, of Kincardine,
accompanied by D. A. Metheiald, of
this sect' drove to St. Helens last
Sunday, where the Dueler pis -ached in
the Presbyterian church.
f ij'osta) Jiutwie is somewhat below
p•m• at present. owing to a slight lesion
of the left pedal extremity with in-
flammation ofthe right maxillary
muerte) and also cardia' affections of
a teuipurtl net 411W.
\VKuutW. Miss Mary H. McKen-
zie, of Detroit, daughter of 1). R. Mc•
Kenzie, Lgsrhalsh, war marded on
1Vrdniesday, tith neat., to John Keni-
tra-, of Rochester. Misr McKenzie
had been visiting the past few
months at her house here, sud was
wat•ried, we understand, the day
atter her arrival in Detroit. lhnn-
gratulations !
many species of bird. which do not re-
side here during the summer. but
visit us for a few weeks in the fall, on
their way firxu the north to the wartu
regions of the south, is the American
pipit. Large Hocks of three birds
were observed last week securing
their food on the land freshly turned
up by the plough. They are v.•ry
hxtrly Jilije bis (about the size of
the cowman sparrow). ani al hoi iTi
the winds were high, bleak and cold
during the last week and most of the
other varieties of small birds had
sought shelter. yet the pipits appealed
not to Mind the cold at all, but. en -
lit (toed with their cheerful presence
the plowman in his timely furrow.' In
the spring they go up to the subarctic
regions of the north, tuany of thrid
breeding along the coasts of Labra-
dor, where they feed on the dere of
dile seaside at ebb -tide. They are
continue iu Greenland inuring the
uulaler, and it is said by one explorer
that t his bird is '•characteristic of the
most barren and wind-swept hill-
tops," so that it is not surprising they
should not heed the raw winds which
blow off Lake Huron in this section of
the e•uunlry. These birds are interest•
ing. as one may fancy, when a Hock
is observed, that it hits probably conte
from a bleak and barreu land of the
uurth where the foot of man hath
!never trod, or from it region visited
only by the Ewtuitusux, a Peary, or a
Cook. After a short visit with us
here, they will soon depart and spend
the winter iu the Gulf States. Mex-
ico or Central America. Jm the
spline they will be seen again. but
only for a day or so. is they appear
tt be in haste to fulfil their ulatri
ill duties in the far north in the
short time at their disposal. They
are of a dark brown color above. with
dark streaks on the itreast and, sides
of neck and body. If a Hock of small,
sprightly birds is wren in the open
Held, especially on plowed ground, at
the present time, which when Hying
shute couspicnous white edges of the
outer tail feathers and which walk
when on the ground tuned small birds
hop), they will almost inevitably be
Arueriean pipits.
Cttmow, Oct. i2th.
M. ooi o.'. Y. Oct. Nth.
New I3ANK MANAUi..-A change
in the management of the Ince!
branch of the battik of Hamilton took
place laid. week, 1Vtn. Aldir. who
o .. f cin Hamilton. lasing the new
manager succeeding R. R. hfaelwasl,
who will he moved to some other
branch. Mr. MacLeod will 1e mulch
teased in Lucknow.
G,1.ui, WeonlN4. - Mr. and Mt's.
.Iltmes Armitage, of this village,-eele-
hiatPtt their g*itci wedding on Mon-
de , 111h inst. Besides eingralula-
tin s end good wishes fr their host.
of •iends they received peace of gild
Ira their fire sons Jellies of Med-
ford, ',Vie., Peed. of Decatur. Mich.,
Fran "f PortItd, Oregon, Rev. W.
[wadi. of 1',eton, and Ilarry of Lurk -
now. l)i the eve'ntlie r.iitt1Ve's in the
village''oined the Gamily eircle. and :a
pinyon' social time was spent. James
Arnlita• • and Elizabeth Shelton were
married- ( Kinlnes October IIth,
by Itev.. r. i.atiniore, of Berrie. For
about tw years theylived in Green-
ock and-', n 1110VO4.1,ovtto the farm in
Kinlreaon hirh they lived tor teeny
years, In I they came to Luck-
now -
TugauAY, Oct. 11101.
11. Hutherfunl of Helfast, was a
transient viako.• in tuts neighlot•hood.
Miss Ethel Hrown returned from a
yieit with relatives Lt Detroit last
Mr. and Mis. Robert (i►urniu,
Dungannon, spent Sunday in our
Dr. Gray, of Toronto, occupied the
pulpit in et. Andrew's church here last
Nita Evelyn Hayden left last Friday
for Toronto, where she intends to re-
sume her art medley.
pple peeling 15 the order of the
day. A her Lf apples in this
lis•up(y have been destroyed by 111r
recent windatoruw.
High Salaries.
Owing to the thorough preparation
etudents rreeiye at the Goderich
Badness College, graduates of this
sctuol receive the hest positions in
leading Canadian and American
cities. The new advertisement will ie.
found on page 2 and will '•hange
free uently.
1V.kliNESUAY, Oct. 2Ut11.
A lot .,I' yuung folks took iu the en-
tertainment at little Zion Mouday
Our representatives .at the Ouderich
Collegiate Institute spent Sunday at
house here.
The weather man has been ladling
notea lot of water to us lately, Nome
of it frozen into snow and !tail. He
must he away getting another bucket-
ful just now, though, as at present the
sun Is not obscured hey clouds.
.V retest+. -A happy event takes
place today at "Pleasant View."
the house of Mrs. C. \lohring,
when her daughter, Lucy, was united
M marriage to Robinson Harper
Dick, of Kiptien. The bride was
given away by her uncle, James
Troyer, of Toronto, Mod the marriage
ceremony wan performed by Rev. W.
Baugh al high noon. Some thirty or
forty guests, comprising the wedding
Party, Nat down to • sumptuous repasts
The young (senile leave tomorrow on
their wedding trip, after which they
will nettle down nenr Kipprn.
The Sons of Temperance bold their
annual entertainment in Walter's hall
.in Friday, t)ctohet• Stith. Good out-
side talent has been procured in ad-
dition to ,ls•al talent and efforts are
being made to make the entertain•
utent 'laver and better than ever.
T(111'S14HfP ('"rNo't.. --Council unci) wet
111 the townla111p. hall ; all the tuenllet"
present. M' res of last meeting read
and eigued. Alex. P. Sheppard sub-
mitted alpetition signed by the neces-
sary number of ratepsyera seting the
council to.eubtnit a local option bylaw
at the January election to prohibit
the sale of liquor in this township.
Councillor Young moved, seconded by
Councillor Dustow, that the bylaw be
prepared and published in the Gale.
reit papers. Carried. Account. paid :
'Clare Walter, drawing wire for
fe'ttcing at lietimiller. $2.31; Warner
N-vttteers, four -and -a -half days' work
un Walter's hill. $11.7:.: Albert Mask•
ell, Week on (ioldtborpe s hill,
$In.:AI; John Treble, gravelling divi-
sion line. $•11.1«4; Robert Bean, invert-
ing, $:t,1$: VVillisw ,Jewell, gravelling,
11511.174; William McWhinneyy rep.tit•-
iog culvert. 50t•. ; William NIeWhioney,
one day's work oil Goldthorpe'.. hill
$1.514: Abner Morris, gravelling, $21).it.,
James Manning, inspecting, )11.14;
it.lwr•t Elliott, balance on lumber,
$1.:114; Alex. Mrl.eol, diggiag drain in
S:tltfo,d, el. 50; John Taylor, inspect-
ing, $14.011; Joseph Thompson, gravel-
ling, $'77t.444; Thomas McIntyre, gravel,
$2 111 ; iatues Watson, inepre ting
$225; Miss Milligan, gravel, Seth,
Albert Maskell, burning stumps;
Seen; Joseph Mct'ann, opening creek
at. Kelly`s and stoning side of road.
$19.75; Albert Mugford, drawing
plank for culvert 11th concession, $1.75.
A bylaw was passed W borrow 71'2114
for general expenses. The council
will tneet egsin Novewbs'r• 14 at 2
a stock. F. W. Me•DoNeon, (.clerk.
J WANTED. a undeligaed will pay the
Mahan market elm rice for any quantity of
chicken. and fowl A. Dried every Tuesday at
8t. Helena. All pow y mn-1 be property fat
owned ars) marred fore delivery. Turkey.
and other poultry will neerptodhater. I'MT.
It. K. MII.I.RH.
_-TRSOTtewa a; Mob
The reader+ of this pap+ will he plenwal to
learn that there hat least e d M Manse
that *Menne hart been obit to en In alt Ira
stew., end that 1. ('atarr Ha a eat/teal
Vete 4. the only poelt lye en now nown to
the medical fraternity. Carne , twin a roost t;
10410nal Ahem'e. requite• it non Itotl ) treat
Ment. Halla r'atwtth curets is en In ally.
sotln, directly npdn the bl„ and Mens
aarfaoeee of the •yaoem. thereby , In the
fonndattnn of the disease. and tlttnc the
tient strength by bottling unpp tbebwtetltnt
raporooD d Mohnatnre 111 ave ao much tatttlla 1es G tares,
for that
that It Mille tabus este. Send forllars
are. CHIiNZYbaa CU. TNM* o.
Yatekeall'a i7 fMoeeatttrMMe.
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and
needs helping out.
Things get started in
the wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start
the system in the righ
direction toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil with hypo -
phosphites can do just
It strengthens the
nerves, feeds famished tis-
sues, and makes rich
1Vgoo'i:Sniv, Oct. Muth.
death of Hiram Campbell, which oc-
chrred at the residence of hie non,
1Villiem Campbell, Westlleld, on Sun-
day-, October 171)), removes the most
aged and one of the moat respected
residents of East Wawanosh. The de-
ceased, who wait the son of John and
Ilannsh Campbell, was horn in the
township of Storrington. near King-
ston, in the year 1521, and resided
there with his parents until Met r.•
moving with thew in that year to
Whitby township. Atter hewing nut
for himself s home from the nnlroken
forest, he, in iet4, chose for hints•(
s iifeipartner in the person of Em-
meline Nicholls, who predeceased him
in 1!111). Thin union was bleseeel with
eight children, all of whom are living
at, the present time. Mr. Campbell
and family 'continued to r•eted. in
Whitby township until 1870. when
they removed t, Huron county,
living for sore yearn in Mul-
lett and afterwards moving to
East 1Vawanoah. where Mr. Uamp
hell continued to reside until his
death. Deceased was a man -fat re.
workable vigor and retained his facul-
ties to the hour of his dl'sth. He wall
around as usual on Saturday, attend-
ing to various duties. On Sunday
m..i-nhi+g b. e.e seplsi*ed of a- polo- is
his left arm. Nothing serious, how-
ever, was expected, but while he
Wits eating his dinner the brittle road
of life suddenly snapped and the sub-
je(:t of this memoir pawed from this
lite to the life beyond. Ilia daughters
are :. Mrs. Hutchison, St. Thomas
Mrs. Hiles, Kincardine ; Mrs. Roger-
son, Jamestown, N. Y. ; Mrs. Hoover,
Wheeler. Mich., and Mrs. Carr,
Hlyth ; and his sons : Dr. James, Mt.
Louis, Micb.: William and John N.,
at Westfield. Mr. Campbell was •
Ubee•1 in politics all for Dearly
seveety yews woe • ooedateot metw
ber of the Methodist °berets.
Nod . same of wi+'r *ad fhb .e. for oar
►a•at,trl &.,.y1 e.ua-...J • 141.64•1-I/a,L
Saab bed aaaMio • nasal Lava Eras).
CES W.SSaetoa Strut. Woo Toronto. Oat.
Hair Vigor
Ayer's Hair Vigor vas good,
the best that was made. But
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved tormuls, is better. It
is the one great specific for tell-
ing hair. A new preparation in
every way. New bottle. New
contents. Ask your druggist to
show it to you, "the sew kind."
Desi not change Us order of she hair .
Aertala arta saua roan
Sae. at la lav
Ask aim wstlt.
Wpm da Y ha WO
As we now make our new Hair Vigor It
does not have the slightest effect open
the cdlor of the hair. You rosy use it
freely and for any length of time with-
out fear of changing the color. Sags
falling hair. Cures dandruff.
-mew 11 se 1. O. Aver oe., Lovell.
Among Ouse who will aseiet in the
program are Rev. 1V. 4'on way. of
Nile, and G. M. Elli•Itt, of Oo derieh,
who will give aallhes.Ps ; Miss M.
Wolter, of Carlow, els•utiouist : A.
Cook, of lindct•ich, soloist, and lbs
Heinicke orchestra, of liuderich.
All are, eordially invited to attend,
Admission hie. and 1:ic.
'NO NEED t u QuiT.
Brotuptonvilie, title .October 18th.-
ISpeoinll. There is no meed to quit
Quets'u In hunt up evidence of what
Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing for
those who are attiictetl with kidney
troubles, because thew is always lots
of that evidence here on hand.
"About three years ago 1 wait sud-
denly seized with an ettw'k of lum-
bago front which 1 suffered terrible
agony," writer J. A. Lapierrs, of
Hrowptonville, Que. "For nearly
three nionfhe I 'was inid up and my
doctor could do little or nothing, for
me. At last 1 wits advised to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills, so 1 purchased a
box and began taking them. - Hy the
time 1 had finished the fox 1 felt buy
strength returning and the pains dis-
appearing. I then decided to con-
tinue with Dodd's Kidney Pills and
took five more boxes, which oom-
dletely cured me of lunthag o."
it It not by reducing the hours of
labor, or by inereaeiug a man's wages,
or by putting him inn) a better
hoose, or by education wbicb way or
may not )Inst Mm for his rank in lite.
but it is the absolute - 'tlrre'nder of
the spirit of the man to his duty to
his fellows which alone can make
society sweet.
The Shoe We Hold Up
for your exandnation la made by one of the
fotemar +hoe designers of the oouua7• It 41 s
Age that 1. r honestly built •a It Is akUfully
are watered It,. wearer and Ions envies as well.
tome and have your foot tided with it pair.
There are all viae•, and width, so We oar Rtur
antes• a at as good M It you had year ..Moes
made teWM.
Taslay's ways of doing things.
Our graduates go lis geed
positions --because our training
makes thew capable ut doing .
the kind of work mien are
willing to pay for. We have
the equipment. We have the
teachers- 214 of them. If you
want Korth results and muds -
tome to tt posit' at a good
salary) come tit. our school.
Free eat fling tie.
Cealral easiness College, Tersate,
1Vife-''i mu sorry 1 ever worried
put." Ilusbaud "1 nu ought t
ts•. Von did wpnle nice girt urs of s
guest husband."
iialif.Ii►lwer- _-
`you want
is an
Phon -
8 p
DO not be misled. The'
only kind of sound -
reproducing machine that is
perfect is the one that Edison
invented and the one that
Edison makes.
It is the one with the
smooth and perfect sapphire
point, that doesn't require
changing with each record
and that doesn't scratch -
two points alone that should
influence your decision.
Only in the Edison do you
find the music -reproducing
idea at its best.
Don't take our word for
it. Compare the Edison
Phonograph with all other
instruments side by side, on
the same music, if possible,
and then you will know
better than we can tell you.
Edison Pbseeera$a are add ev.eywhwe is
Cosies at the ease prin. $ta.p to Stoops
stenches Ese i4s, elle. Ambers' Reetr&
(twice u lose). are. Greed Open ltetwda, Ste.
There us [dues elwlm everywhere. fie N
Au wont dad Mer No Zaino PhesSW.$ res
!lath adiaaa aros/erd red Auburn! awurM.
NiGtomplut estelga bra sear goatee or Ina as
Idbres Ace.. 47asws. K A. Y, a, A.
Tttvespat. Oatv>atlt $1, Noe f
Art Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers
Cascara Bromide Quinine
White Pine and Tar
skossa nameolas AND sums.
DUNLOP, The Druggist.
Bedford Block, Goderich
Advertisements in THE SIGNAL are read by the best
people in West Huron.
The Slater Shoe
%Vt. are ready to sell you your Pall Shoes, and we
certainly have a lot of styles that are mire to please
you. We invite you to inspect our complete stork of
ineti's and women's Shoes for Pall wear. They have
no equal.
See 0111. special usen'a Fall Bout -leather lining and
heavy sole, only $2.5b
G. M. Elliott! gm GOD H
===:1 ====II =====i1
that looks like china hut for durability lit far
superior to china. The price at present is 33; per
cent. off regular prices.
AT vow r•1
The Happy ThGught Range still leads the
market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens,
easy to regulate. It is the heaviest and most
durable range on. the market today. It is in a
class by itself. We have several other stoves and
. ranges that are equal to other makes, ranging in
Uprice from $25.00 up. Call and see our full line
and judge for yourself.
We have a full line of colors of Sherwin-Williams
Paint, also white lead and oils.
Now is the time to do your Fall- Painting.
We are agents for the famous Regal Roofing,
manufactured by H. W. Johns - Manville Co.
This roof is fully guaranteed.
For Favestrougbleg. Tiosinitblog, Plumbing sad Meatiest we sae
give you prompt attostioe. and so work fully guaresteed.
Stsna 'Plow am CHAS. C LEE n
The Slater Shoe
%Vt. are ready to sell you your Pall Shoes, and we
certainly have a lot of styles that are mire to please
you. We invite you to inspect our complete stork of
ineti's and women's Shoes for Pall wear. They have
no equal.
See 0111. special usen'a Fall Bout -leather lining and
heavy sole, only $2.5b
G. M. Elliott! gm GOD H
===:1 ====II =====i1
that looks like china hut for durability lit far
superior to china. The price at present is 33; per
cent. off regular prices.
AT vow r•1
The Happy ThGught Range still leads the
market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens,
easy to regulate. It is the heaviest and most
durable range on. the market today. It is in a
class by itself. We have several other stoves and
. ranges that are equal to other makes, ranging in
Uprice from $25.00 up. Call and see our full line
and judge for yourself.
We have a full line of colors of Sherwin-Williams
Paint, also white lead and oils.
Now is the time to do your Fall- Painting.
We are agents for the famous Regal Roofing,
manufactured by H. W. Johns - Manville Co.
This roof is fully guaranteed.
For Favestrougbleg. Tiosinitblog, Plumbing sad Meatiest we sae
give you prompt attostioe. and so work fully guaresteed.
Stsna 'Plow am CHAS. C LEE n