HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-21, Page 6$ THURSDAY. 1)em1**91, 100
• Most cases of baldness ase
due solely to tic,1et"t The hair
often becomes dry and dandruff ;
forms because the hair glands
do not supply enough nat-
ural oil. Nothing overcomes
this deficiency so effectively as
that delicately perfumed, re-
freshing -hair pomade, Iieari
Avoid baldness; apply Rearine
to your hair occasionally All
druggists, 50 cts_ a jar.
A thick adhesive ....uncut eombioea w,:h
jaeane a menthol and Vaseline' two "I tam
most woudetlul dealing drugs km.ru
It soothes. brats and tends to rraton aha• e
who sutler from Mew, 61ragas Rheu-
matism, Cahalan uuRheu-
matism, utb,r
e t , n troubles;
Tec g� gra' lie. tih y DaLlY •s.Meat oI
sales and roe will he relieved.
Alf Dealers.
DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co.. Monti cit'
between all Stations at
(Lang Frltlay, Saturday, t fends .
OCT. 22, 23, 24, 25.
Return limit Wednesday. Oct. '=
Agent. tfewlerich.
Office hours 6.311 a. lit, to S.Ytl p. m.
The Barrer
"•1 don't know," uta POleon careless
sae $y
hex Beach
COPVItiett 9C`9 ter r1ARPfF & IiFOTHLK:
: "You het It party {awl now, eb. Maitd s view of bath menet; of the
liver ver had rvold• make „woes to a4
"i'es-1-be struck me!" The resew- 'tract the first steamboat that chewed1.ra nw of what had occurred surgedtoo tut Motile Without doubt acraft
err her. odd she burled her lace In "t xI0Ii aura amulet ltatui Prow one dl -
••r hands. "Oh. I'oleon, t'oleou! Ile 1wr`iuutor the ,ether by toworrew at
oi :1 dreadful wain" late it; or, If riot. she and folio') could
"ile dun' trouble you uo more.' sed'! back rte.•lir to hew from the first
Ile tried -he- Ugh! i-i'w stud hab,'yliuu.they eueoautered. The two,
you•d1.1 It!" She broke down. tree),
men .li tpp,ptreel agate. dud her fears
(rad 1 "c,iu I , 1.1.4 ori her a secuod
'Most :.t her est•alre, wall her selfish •
time p: ori (rhe beheld the big t':ula-
,.,',os euo(y her, and she was up and elhin returnliig lie was hurrylnS a
t e•td,• 'hliu ori the Instant "Are yiO bit. apparently' to be rid of tbe sus
hurt? Oh, 1 deter thought of that' gnttlw's that swarmed about him. rind
\,•u must be wounded."' -„he utarked, that, 1u addition to whip -
lig hlm*elf tell[ a heedful 'of bluck-
.,kwl deed at his limbs for the drat
!wisp'. bushes. he wore Reunion's coat
'Ilse. "No; 1 guess nut:' be said. at to pitereeet.biesheulderi
, hlch Necla,noU--ed his meager attire. "Woof! ! Dune 'attester bug ti boa•
rid slmultuueuusly be became t'ou-
'ems of It Ile tell away a pace, cast- 4'ry.' he cried.,
,'tg his eyes over the river fur his "DIs nice fwlteau,1 Pekoe remarked
taus. which was uuw a apeek fu the critically; "1 wale 1t go foie," aur be-
!istance. eau to row swiftly, steklurt the breeze
i'♦ giwbi /'aa b 1 ug i t'1Wg t•,r of the urn river in which to shake
•srkiu' at," ate said "I'm paddle hard: •'R tiff horde of atlugltig Perla that
Tats w'y. Sucre, bow 1 swat!" Ile had rleeu with the stn. "1 ensue way
l*t, tied uetvously at the balm of his eueeck %trout t'iukhi' 'bout gun or
veralle while Veda ausw•ered- skeeter net err n,t'In'. Ituuufoo she's
"That's all right Folsom" Then.. eu' ale dis coat, go anebbe 1 dud' lok
, [bout sarulug, tier face froze with s" worse lab I do jus now, ekt
nlugied repulsion and wonder. "Look, "(low did you leave 1111117' •ia be
•oil er- ate Whispered, -pointing-pjg--- badly iuyursl ::' --�--- -
Itn , "No; 1 bus' it up on de face ao \de
I'uul lou was wul•Wg slowly crawl• rile, but Rhe's feelln' good now. Yes,
' 1'e) leave 'its lit a place tar sWp au'
ng futlu[ully into a sltUug posture. up-
iftiugx.terribly mutilated race.(Dried wait oW de et anibu►t--plalntee spruce
•4w1 hall ('onseleuy groping fur posses hong» for erect tar"
Mil of %le als. Ile sag• thew apd She Ic•guu to shudder again, and,
rfuoaced fright( 1llly. cowering acid sensitive to her every- tnudon, !leashed
rlaylug solicitously if she were slel , but she
shook her orad.
I'uleou fell the glrl'r baud spun his
1_1 -wens thinking what -supposing
,rid , and heard Iter-cryln .Ina bard, ' „
�+ you 110111, come! Oh, Potent'. you
harp %lake: • '
"Ile deed* lllliug! Put him awed'!" don't know what )ou saved me from."
Jiu-stac s1 d ,, a at ids auntie hada Site. kennel forward and laid a tiny,
saw the loathing In her face and grateful baht at1'the huge brown paw
he lot strau4hi
e ferocity as she -+'t ta.eld "u bltr eat weeder 1f 1
o tk- li
lie his eyes boldly. can ever forget!" •
"You don't Lime abet be -what be She noted that they were running
TBANKSfilfel - D -A Y rid
Return Tickets at Single
- Fare ort sale
October 22, 23; 24, 23,
Between all stations in Canada; also
to Detroit and Port. Huron. M1db.,
Buffalo. Niagara Falls,,lspensinu
Bridge and Black Rock
Return limit October 27.
Good going daily until
November 6
To Temagami District, eti
October 21 to . November 6
to Muskoka Lakes, bike of Bays, etc,
return limit December:,, or until close
of navigation, if earlier, to points
reached by steamers.
Secure tickets and further informa-
tion frau'
Down Town Agent.
Otllce hour.- 41,341a. tri.- to 11 p. ns.
rpt. ►he Ratd vhtnigh her shut tes[. anti the current and blanked:
'ile"- But the 'luau waited to bear 'Where are we goingl"'
to more. "Waal, 1 can't poll dig (stat 'gainat
l:unulou saw hie) coining and serene
dot current so I guess fie paras on till
did tenurially to all fours, then got I lit' my shirt, den biweby we pick It
n his feet auvi staggend'dewn the up suave steamboat an' go Lowe."
tar. AS fateful overtook blot he cried Five wiles below bit quick eye de
ant piteously, a shrill scream of terror, let ted bit halt submerged "bark"
nJ, falling t., his Lnees groveled and lodged beneath some overhanging tars
tebased himself like a Toil cripple at' whleh from the water's ectluu lead
cur of the lash lilt agony dispelled fallen forward into the stream, and by
rare good fortune 1t was still upright,
although awash. Ile towed It to the
nest sand bar, where he wrung out
gad donned his Blurt, then tipped the
water from the smaller craft tuii,
making It fret asteru of the Petri -Nee
ougb, set out ouee wore. Tomard
hood they came in sight of a little
stern wheeled craft that putted and
pattered manfully against the rweep-
lug current, hiding behind -the points
and bars and following the slackest
"it's the mission boat!" cried Necia
"it's the mission boat! Father Barnum
will be aboard."
She waved her arms madly and min -
clod her voice with I'oleots until a
black robbed figure appeared beside the
pilothouse. •-
'heather Barnum!" she screamed, and,
recognizing her, he signaled bark.
Soon they were alongside, and a pair
of Sfwash deck hands lifted Necfa
'tavern?, --Dieet - following after. the
pale:er of the Peterborough in his
teeth• tie dragged both eanoea out of
the hotline, tide and laid them bottom
tit on the forward deck. then climbed
the ,'anon• little "tales to end Pieria
In the -rile .:f a 1e111^nant, white-
I. -1r-1 priest, the beet 1 eloved man on
'A.m. who lrnl:e away from the
' to greet the PYencbms.., bis kind
face alight with astonishment.
"Whet Is all this I bear? Slowly,
he savage taint of Mauna's 'aboriginal
rainiug lu ,3erla,-and the pure white
.land„of her finer'tors.crled out:
"redeem, I'olvo:I-not that!” She hur-
led atter him to N here he paused above
be wretch . wailiug for her. "You
,ausln't!" she 5.1 h1. "'That would be
:Launder, and -alai -it's all over now."
The Frenchman hooked at her won-
lerlig.!y, not comprehending this snd-
len leniency.
"Let hint alone. Yoo've•nearly kill -
rd him. 'Tlclt's enough." Whereat
Runaloti, broken In body and spirit,
i.c'gan to beg for Ills lits.
"W'id'e dist you say Jos' nowr Do -
ret asked the girl: "Was dat.de truth
:re* sure ;teat you. %peak?" t
-"Ten, bell eynn're done your work.
1,oe't tuu:h blur :Lain."
Ike Ir'allnte(l, and Itunuton, quick to
,irerte it: tot&.1 his entreaty to hers.
"1:1,4 In ::ten. 1 hit et. You broke ate
4it.114alok.....LiteeiLl.W111-t-teat hurt"
"War :r 'spec' I do wit' 'lot''" the
,n asked, and she answered:
"1 eui.ikme we'll have to • take him
ht•rr hp ('an get nssivtance." •
"ttit.r:.ft nth' carry nil tree of us."
"11I stall hu -re." WNW 116'd the fright -
led man. "1'1! 'wait fur a steamer to
i• !. me ap. but for'(3,Rl'e sake don't
•cti Ise 1•:1111!"
I •..n 1 oked'bitn over carnally sad
de up hits nth4d that the titan wan
• swirl' iLaa_Jr. boor orf ilowly! Ily little Orr is talk -
eerie re lien (altered muse%en he
ter fere ;edea(, .:,e -tlttmrh
455o -slower In tistgee4bs-t-
•Ld-'.e_un,..r d1T an Ti , 1
de, r^If t4111�T1, i•t. e,1 fli--r.
en•'h men as nu
,h ,s' •.
-aim_ Amo
Sound Lumber even grained •
and sound to th,; core.
5('44310* emirs T•' 59013(1 1'Ir011LIL
O(` inim p LEP: came o In slag
lnld[Ig Istat ori the fullowlug
inorulug dud found Gale at -
temente; store as 1f nothing
unusual had occurred.
"Ray! What's this about you and
Stark? 1 bear you had a horrible run
111 and that you spilt hire up the back
like a quail"
"We had it row," admitted. tbe trad-
er "it's beeu a long time working
out, and last night 1t vaunt to a bead!'
"Lord --eel And to think of Ben
etnrk befit'- licked! Why, the whole
. Awpi a talklu' about it! They tray he
emptied two cis shooters at you, but
-you- kept D..'nroto' _aud,._wbeu you did
get to' him you Just curved your Ini-
tials on him like he was a basswood
tree. Say, John, he's a goner, sure."
. "I)o you Weau hes-passing out?"
"Ob, no. .l r ckuu he'll get well,
from What I hear. though lie won't let
nobody come bear nlm`ttleept old Doc.
But he's lost u battle, and that ends
Item. Don't you savvy? Whenever a
killer quits second best It breaks Ws
hoodoo. Why, there's been weu layla'
for him thew twenty years Prow here
to the R10 Graude, and every feller be
ever bested will hear of this and
to grease his holster; then the first
shave tall desperado that meets him
will spit in itis eye just to make a
name fur himself. No. sir! Bele a
-spent ,heft. fife's -gel -to fight all
battles over .agate, and this time the
other teller will open the tall. Oh.
I've seen It happen before. Toa killed
him last night, Just as sure as it you'd
hung up his bide to dry, and be know,
"I'm a peaceable man," said Gale on
the defensive. "1 had to do it."
"i kr-USW T knots:! There was wtt-
efeMes- ,est. e1,i...s.n"I ,.r at the but
welt 11,. so I bear."
The other acquiesced silently.
"Welk well: lien Stark 1 lied! I
can't get over that: It mutt 'a' been
sornetbin' powerful strong to make you
do 1t, John. When the old man
vouchsafed Ito wore than a nod to a
queatlon the prospector inquired:
"'Where's Poleoo? I've got news foe
hint from the creek."
"1 don't kuvw. Why?'
"ills layweu have give up. They've
crosscut hLs ground, and the pay ain't
there, so they're Ault work for good."
^ile drew a blank-, eh?'
"Worae'u that -three of them. The
creek he spottetl.•r than a leopard.
Ituuuion's wen, for Instance, are into
it bigger than :i house, while I'oleon'$
Irenplu can't raise a color. I call it
tough Iuek-yes, worsen tough. It.
haat idled and pickled. To them as
has shall it be given sed to them as
hasn't shall be t..,.l: even what they
ain't gut, as the Iss•t says. Look at
Neta! She'll be richer than a creata
pun'- Guess 1'l1 step around and see
".ale's gone," said the trader wearily,
turning his haggard face from the
Is found on the (' adian Northern
Ontario. Ask atlyine who has
ted on the line. if you
eta hunter and yon
• in "the sport of kulga._' •
very easy far yod by
Green, Passenger
thern Building,
how to go
end ono
want to
can be u
writing C. Pri
Agent, Canadian
Toronto, who will tell
about it, where to go, an
copy of "Morose. Trails an
Tickets on *ale at single fate fur the
round trip to points) in Sudbury and
north from Oct,lwr T'.T" and Ws iia
and North from October
and valid to
tickets goal to stop e
return until December 4, testi►,
Ask nearest Ticket Agent for
through Tickets.
S 1
Stop -over anywhere
(ken nth Itritar"sac
••,1 hi
irn1 dbr•, c elf, r,. 1:..•r• ". •"; I: ?oil with indignation. When they
-ml ,L 1 i da_. a tan re:.:.,., �..•1 tJ1 Gnisfied he laid bye hand urine
-sveodwf- etlgeese &
'ben hack at tbecow•urd he had beaten
and st is i�e Itte waft forfeit udder that
ode. There tens ir'qulter light 'In bis
"Lente him here, Puteen. We'll go
away, you and 1, In the cantle, and the
at boat will pi, k hien up:, Come."
tugged at Ills wrist for fear she
tt, but he wits -bent -ow
Ing torr furiously for these poor old
wire t.. follow. 1 can't understand. I
. ,. aeie,e 1- tt•h■t ta-ihin tale?'
Together they Tell him, wblle . Mit-
glue eyes now opened wide with won-
der. now grew soft with pity, then'
til'tght •
br ehing a
nlOtgt.ttew's w
- icrowi?ig day, had
river Ills face became
. 'Bien!" be grunted. "We le
a handitti of but+gry
warmed by e
red out on tlin
nklcd and
ere hlerante dere ern t enough room
hl de Wilma. eh? All right. Dar's
•-asst ting Rut he's "reek man, go
mettle, I fee% It. him nice pence for stop
ill deal: Iron is come."
"1'ev yen. Leave me here. I'll make
It through all right." begged Runntoeq..
I "Metter you comp yonder on. de po16t,
Were you can se. dime steamboat w'eo
' •,!R' eninee roun' de ben'. Die is bad
Mace.- - lie Mdtcated the thicket, a
'laarter of n mile above which ran out
almost to the cut bnnk. "Come. 1 help
you get feel."
itmnilou shrank from his proffered
neslstance halt fearfully. hilt, r'eassur-
id, allowed the l'renehmen to help him
"My son, I thank God for your good
body and your clean heart. You saved
our Necta, and you will be rewarded.
As to this -this -man Runnlon, we
must nod him, and he must be gent
out of the country."
It required some pressure to per-
suade the Frenchman, but at last he
consented, and as the aftenoon,tltrew
to a clone the little steam calve
tquattering and wbeeslfig up to the
bar where Bowdon had built his fire
that morntior; and a long, shrill blast
Sum - hien from the point glove.
en he did not appear We priest leak
a and his round faced, silent
two and went up the bank,
but they Ti.tund no sign of the crip-
pled nlan -ouy a few rags. a trampled
patch of brush ret the forest's edge,
nevi that war all. The springy mons
sln,aed fro trail. The thicket gave nn
answer to thelr creel, although they
ement an hour In a scattered search
and ao utided tie steamboat's whistle
again and ngaln.
"IIe's try for walk it back to camp,"
:old Doret. "Melba he aln' hurt so
much, after all"
"You must be right" said Father
Marnum. "We will keep the steamer
lose to this shore, so that he can hall
( toward the shore. 'is when we overtake him,"
ee it' the fin* Moat 'boot -Yee a, 'Sfittt,'-'fesifined then' folhaome
To all orations Mattoon, to ('ort Arthur.
wl •n p"Int« In (3nelwe and New I$an,wlek.
(1st. 21st to Nov. lith
To titation., Sudbury to "Son." Mn,kaka
polnta. a..
Ask fer•'e+Ooppy "( "Fb,hIng and bhnntn,a
Open Seawdn., "Hanneman •, Mwp."
Agent, Onderich.,
Office hours n.31 ft. m. 1n R.311 p. m.
THERE are over a million feet of lumber in our
yards, =char which we shall discard in selecting
only that which ii perfect.
We aro very -pparticular about every piece of wood
we use in the Mason and 2isch piano. We won't
allow the ;;li; 411tut iraperfection•tn pass:
Every piece of timber , is thoroughly eeesoned.
We keep it in our yards from three to five years, then
it goes to the kilns where the seasoning is completed.
Mson and Risch
Each piece
11M .,
lPACO nett
1T[D -
i n1 ,S,
'OLD os
Another Bargain
Ily eperial arrangement at• are .Lir
10 otter _--..._... '
The Toronto Wekl y
The piano with a soul.
Mail and Empire
of wood is carefully inspected and \• with THE , r
numbered and is sent to ttie factory to be used t
as a certain pact of a pa"ticular piano, the wee together bolo now Whs.
This•extrenke care in the selection and 'art`.- "' s'`•' (tout n^� toile.
�t Hary I. tStll. Ytl tY1
seasoning of our—wood pays—it pays, for - To
the result is that a Mason and Risch MASON
piano w 1 11 withstand a ny climate PIANO R CO.,C*
without cracking or warping.' Limned.
We would like to tell you all � 70RONT0.
about the building of the Mason ``"`' m° y""` 11'"'-
e j tral•d Mwkkt agplalo-
Send ii -s -this- % ly o.. ..awn. why 1
coupon to -day and w;''ll mail should owo Maim, d
your bof,klct which tells the ublgale. era•..
whole story:. '
e ' ason ar..i Kisch
Piano Co., Limited,
West King St.,
aroma: --
nn' dey pick you up. You watt here, trip, hut mile after mile fell behind
Ne(in." thein, and 141111 no voice came from the
"Gone! Where?"
"Pp river wttb Runnion. They got
her Away from me last night."
"Snffertn' snakes!" ejaculated Lee.
"So that's whys' '('hen be added atm -
ply, "Let's go and git her, John-"
The trader rooked at him queerly.
"Maybe 1 won't -on the first boat!
I'm eatiti_ my heart out hour by hour
walling -malting-wnRing for soma
kind of a craft to come, and no In Bun.
"What's he got to do with it?" saki
the one eyed miner jealously. "Can't
you and Hie bring her back?"
"lle'11 marry her! Gnd, won't there
never be n tenet •
For the hundredth time that snore•
ms be ,west to the door of the post
anti strained hie eyes downstream.
"Well, well! Them two gold' to be
mnrrll'd," said Lee. "Stark licked and -
se -a• • t'—w bb martfa=i-l1 et OROS i
1 hate to nee It. John. He ain't good
enntt,lh. She could 'e' done a help bet-
ter There's a lot of reg'ler men around
'Jere. and she'conid 'a' had her pick. Of
nurse- always bean' broke like a dog
n)self. 1 nln't kept up my perwnnel sp-
penranee like I ought, but I've got some
Mew detain now, and you -wouldn't
nae. e. I bwugbt 'em off a tender-
tloot with cold feet, bat they're the 1
goods, and you'd se. a big improve'
went in me." 1
"Ile's a good man." said Gale, "bet- 1
ter than yat dr ms, "land teetentt tarn i
ap over thl9. 1 never .awn men art
se. When he learned ehent It i thought
he'd go mnd. Then hatihfeot file ricer
bnnk ever ,Ince, raging about for Rome
amens of following her, and If I hadn't
fairly held him he'd have set out single
While they were talking Burrell
rattle in. and "No ['reek" saw that the
night had affected the youth even more
then It had (isle, or at boot be slowed
Site marks more plainly, for his fate
Was (Into' Id,, erne were sunken as if
from hunger, and his whole io'iy
seemed to have fallen away 1111 his
uniform hung upon him tome., unkempt
and careless,.
•'I enn't watt much longer," said Bor.
*'II and sank wearily Into ti sent. Al-
most the nest instant he wpt on his
'mule, nln, saying to the tend s he I
had said it a SCOT* et times al
"Bnnntnn emote to me, bale! Ion Un-
derstand he's mine, don't
yw for itself
fad saved
a few extra eloltars to pre-
\,:,; „u iti,m taking the Pfaff t -cook -
i • r(' -baking, coaly - regulated -Pan-
flora in place of a cheaper stove.. In a
sc ''on or two I'anilora will pay the
difference in the fuel it will save -and
4trill keep on saving until it has paid
1%4 to
le;oDarn t pc. hal ' flue construction makes
fuel d ...biotit.e duty. Wide tire teas is an-
n-Othor furSi-.'evuomlzer, T h steeloven heats
rya'-' t cr tlau a cant oven, thus saving still
nn.t.• tuel. Further economizingealures
Mair be exPlalrii of by tbe McCiary Arent
Tito std men -Merle
take him."
"Well, who do 1 flit?" nuked ior.
The girl windier" her reiener guide woods -no figure holler) them. linnet, "Ton can't conte along." the trader I
Ruunlnn up to the level of the woods, Inscrutable and SHOW, Ionng(v1 ngnlnat MM. ""Ye niay have to follmv tbe i
then disappear with him In the tine the pilothouse emoking innumerable honied Henn to the States. Think of
aid wnn rellev(vt to race the two • I;arettes which he rolled from agii oreea your mine."
emerge upon the rtver hank again far- of newspaper, his keen eye. tipper- "To blazon with the mine"' exploded
ther on, for she had feared for an In- enny scanning every foot of their the .htggy proepectnr. "1 reckon 1'n.
,tont That toh.rn might forget. 'there .stew sac, hit when night fell at last kind of n daddy 10 your gni, and I'm
seemed to lie no danger, however, foe rid the bank faded from sight he Roan' to he In at the finish "
he wit* cr..htng through the bnt.h In tossed lac last butt overboard, ensiled t4eddenly the lieutenant uttered n
ndvnnee of the other, who followed ;•rlmly into the dsrkie.a and went be- I err, and with a hennd (late was beside
laboriously. Once Reunion gained the Ion. 11,13
Wig h patent bb would be able to cem-
W SUFISM tt p ,
I'bs usual ublring rate to erect
flaks 1 hgyy, of Signal
Sella nl ord,
If a 111411 knew• no h t root•
ing as he does, u[out !lading! with
it, he wouldn't need s.. Mitch Iwai 'tri
Lar piper jOT tit woman, -
. \ THE 1 PATIN° -.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Drava carefully alto, ..a to el rib
`boors, : lest r d.
► urnit are sad I ,s d,n,.l,.,.K r ster(gne,
We.t -hie' luwre,
'1'IIONE: Storeat ;cod
Radderua 17*
-t t talo: At ue.'Ideeee, t; Witham
T!1 l•
(Published Amman',
Enable* traders thrawrtthoat the World
lo. rumtuunkate. direct wile-jtglglitb
in each mass of goods. Hesideo being
a complete conform chi' guide to Inb'
don and Ito' suhnrbs, the Directrey
contains lists of
with the goods they hip, and the Clo
opinl and Foreign Markets they supply
or sale The ('Lowell --Hardware (i arrnngrrl under the Porth w which
they salt. sued, tudtealillYthe "
Mate meting/et - - - -
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