HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-21, Page 47'1 '4.. 4 TM:Renal% Cke011rn 21, IOW THE TOWN COUNCIL RURAL .TELEPHONE QUESTION TO THE FORE. Wingham's Experience Favors a Joint Stock Company - Bowling Club Granted Privilege at Victoria Park for Discount oft Trrees-Exx tended. Tlw itneetiiiii of rural telepl was a leading inw at the regular meeting of the town routicil last Fri• day night. tieorge Sputum, of Wing - ham. who took 1 leading part in the movement for rural telephones iu the viciuity of Wingliain. whit•la rerulted in the organization of the North Huron 'feleploone Compauy• Limited, was present, On the invitation of the council, and explained the method which had been adopted iu Witighatu in the pushing of the project., In W Ingham it came to be 0'matter of self-preservation ter the leisinswe men to do something iu the way of secur- ing Lurid telepnone connection. " it was found that tarnit•rs who hall been in the habit Of &nog their Aleingbarn were on the point of tail- . ing rural telephones and securing con- neetion with the village of 131.11totel14 they could not get it with Wingliani. A joint stock cowpony seas formed. ten men constituting the original nietnberehip, each subscribing *Oak laud after this steps were taken to float a few additional thousands tif stock atuonget the farmers ati(1 to 1.4 -- cure aubscribers for the. service. -whae _atnat..farnaers_ etiiltst did mit seem to want the telep t i lll es:as slam Mr*. .1. 144, Kt 1)eniii, :105 Th 11.1114 otivetr. should tell iter the's. was nothing Ind ZI0111 Illik 4111 l Iler. shoiwea the fur 'teeing whitlow or this practitioner, and hat.- idg beeti completely cured by Z tin• Bill Mrs. St. Denis gives lier expei • ience 1,0 the benefit, of other atfil'ete111. S110 "I.N.zeints, started on one Mille of my (eve 111111 nose. Al Orel my nose feltaiere. It/ what one feels when Navin had cold. 1 Paid no attention ti1 this. thinking it would iissm isway ...aaht.V. t111., kik WAY,- otirprise it got worse. The nose then bee,•swollen and hard, and turned it porplish red, sal well lie 10111 Of the cheek on hat side 01 111) rave. "As the disease developed pimples attd ulcers broke out. then t ht• skin eracked its places and peeled 1111 444 *lakes. Ica% inc y lace Allil Ittete 111A' Alitil Thfs couditien reacted tin my general health :old I became very ill. 1 email get no sleett• at night be- cause of the irritation and the pain, and my face w is omit a shoelt conitliton that for Two -months-1 did iiiit go out of the I lllll se. I applied temeditut which were 'anti -4'40d 10 be goixf-TOr irklit diseases, hut in vain. ••My thwtot also treated me. hill 1414 ithont effect. until one (hay he said that the only thing %shad' would 114.0 lie likely tt 4.1/1 We 0104 1.1410.14111.. "Ailillg till nolViee, I procured a supply :old fetinti hitt even the 11* '.1 few applications foul it IAA etfei-t PAYING A BET. THE SIGNAL CODP,l'Init. ONTARIO Bert McCreath Rolled a Peanut Along Toronto Street. lititlerielt Wye Ittwome (amour in to my different, waya. liert Mi-Creath. lertiti•tly tit the sten' of 'II, 110W AI 1.01,0111,0, has disetivered an ilea way. Th.. ninowins from The 'Cutout° Deily Star of Monday will be 11.411 wick interest and sauuse. Recall by BerCe tioderteh friends: Jarvis+ street, I p.m. Mutual street, IAN p.m. I 'hurch street, 1.1)7 pais. Yong.. street, 1.12i 11.111. ro *11414 1.4' good 41 bet that Detroit's Istsehall team would win the world's championship series, Bert Mil'reath, weltittowii meantwe 01 the Eureka hockey tiom, rolled a peamit frour Jar% is to )(tinge streets 011 elilit011 11,1(11‘V. ()ill 11 in 4141. 1114.1.1111 11114*' 411 W Ave minutes and a 1131f, 141111 theirs Wool b at hie heels by the t•iiiie he had finished; - used up - toothpicks route. 'Hie greater part of 111. way MeCteittli kept tip a smart, war... 'A111101114 iltiA il each time he had stailvolii.ilf..ack t he peanut.. lie ftnioheti Winner Furnished the Tools. - The man who would have tolled the prawn if Benoit' had welt id Arthur Kii t 3 Celina •Isiarderpleullet'retith's At 111 otVio. 131e---414Pidatulk1 "" Nun' ev"ITtitling !hitt the Witmer st fru nish 1.1'" in 1.'"'"""i 11'w 1"1" ""I" t"lie totithpiets and tlw issinot, end 41- every (40F 1" 111Teet"' that Int. ho..,.e !be Mil filen The beneficial effect of iron upon the system weakened through illnestv overwork or anemia, is well known. • Fer- rovim is a preparation which supplies the valuable element in the most efficient way, com- bining with it the nourishing qualities of beef and the mild- stimitiative- effect of sherry ivine. . Ferrovim costs $1.00 t bottle at druggists. ,MENTHOL PLASTER FOR BACKAC111-2, SCLATIc 14. PLEURISY. EiTit LIDA. RICKS. NEURALGIA.AltliEUNIATLS.M Each 25v. in air -tight tin box; yard rolls $1.00, can be cut ta any size. Ilevrare of wodhlesa imitations. . ; : AWIt1.01.1t -.11 tree aronietimes a man WCUTP11 room 444 the t,p by ptiehing the ot her fell. MT. In a rem ti Liddy short t Ambit! ii4g11". 44i"141446. ""tine .41 n'Y ar"-'4*".• wets it -gala t 4) the -inner tarnishing ene ilir 'get) 4 in pel e With the i 1 1 f • t I dwell •lit; ion. then the hard • K"iglv 1".1 ';'"‘" th" "11' 41 o..1A° ltszleett tit 41111111A1•111.11I. hid 1111' :01111111., pi et enlist Met reath pry- . Zito -Risk tteatioent link ire- 194.' 4.1 "" '1"w* "" 1"1"en Jarvis mil l'artton'st tr. ts saelling began to slitivr traces id to ato.aa. 1.11iP wort* seettacil less itligt y, n,LoiT1 Loo,doe• N.44 1*. wasemt he slielet iwngivii titnieanbdert‘hie1.1: ni:ingihvborsor .1.,iIi it la...ei 4410117 ,,titt,•uivy 1,..leki.1.1ini i.e. Iii,i,,..t.lti...,:.,r1; ,4tylinbiti;,:1,14 .,,,,,,r4.,,,,,,,I.:1,11:11.17.11, .4.1,:,..,:dt..,44,..,; with the Z ilia link I rTat meat until my wicioso,..• *4,,' I,, - tint in-",..., 1 inystio 1. 111fud deckled to (aerie in. The N111-1 h lave 0 is "cleared itormiletely 11 all ,sis w," i 1„.). , 1 ...1141,110,1 01,1 th,1 Burma Company svaes charging $1 1 a 1 ract•s, id the 1y. 01141P.4014• .311d. p* 1l'11 erZelll Il.7 ' t Itriltilliiiillee %V i, ilf„ tot% Mg • 111 1114111. year where the subserdwr paid for . .. In spiii• of 110. ail IP: 1i OtP1Pr. !Me- hl, own instrument and $16.5a whet.' 0 Such was the . experienee of "ilf,.. Co ...Atli. tidiest up at at v is and Cal I tAhedjesaamielPaltntagY °47rdtheteralin•stetrleupineborint; :•-it• Denis. and oetkfeliot id her sufferers toe .1 ieets slim ti at 1•_. 5. the hem. set situation was that . there, were trix, coohl tidi of siiefilar eaperlen.emetim.icie,a,:turs r...,‘,.ii.d.,.; ll lll Isynet:!,..:0,g),:.1...,...,,,,,,,, , -kehajiapr:,ti-jo,p,v. Utak is hat ore's own 11..81,9..1 i many smell c panies. resulting hii posed or pore het 1.31 healing ...setae. s, ,i.".. 11, 11,o1 to 11/P oo ff l..,i-.-1, 41411 11 switching charges 4,L'.'11ll eltm• 4m1 "'re "UM Ali tr3ee•111. battlifill 1, . :ied it A 1st I 6.4.10 before i ponies. which could be done away .11111111d rd ior mineral 11,i 0 - .•01,1411 `Weill.. 1111C....4 It is i with if the.. woorto-14U12-largr- ceuiPany in place of several smaller ones. 31r. 4 sun' curl' fnr ''11 . tirrmti,-e",•+"1,"---• Meaidnin, 31 %Yearn had dot ed :1 czea, I ing wi trim pi ,i - .1 ..l 01.111.1. lt,itte3 k,Wetilli I, -Itilltitiled WI hi..0tilt 1 spawn gave other inf"inati" whivh em f,,...to,tittg -iii 1.... hail 4..' 3 tol 311 '(0>1 1>. it, tili'd WA- 011(41441 at tile will he of value to. the special iiijni ii- a iin >Ike:i.e., '1, 1111-1 14, - I' tt h••1 1. a sma ll crowd gatheilal. y he might mittee which itas the matter in .hand, al..,..1, 1 111 t• 1...1 1-111 • `. 111 11,4, I • .1 i -.11 1 • • it:, ler o ne_doesn'A te iiig (htt pea. andplated aninformation -t. rc, eta -rya -11m e ...el .4. 7,41.• a ts.s..,1 t iiiia ill i ii,... iiii.iiiI,,,, 11,. ,i1,1 in 11,,, be Ablep10 give at the disposal tif the li•-'•iree Irian tlw Zini-litil, i '.... Tor- 140 pist then Knight :iptwoored ('14((44'committee. The joint stilrk idea ;into, on receipt of price. 1 0.11 are littl-Iltoll. Alitl oNtIl hid i ia nic seemed to be the method WI) 111011 against cheap mid haunt's, tli peanut. cedure which Mr. Spotton favored, in or coimitations sometimes lepreselitts1 a- Ikladc,11,1,POublc Gne. -- preferenee to the-rouniduaL . operative plan. . *TIT...TV-AR gOporif , , ° 11 1>1 te he A double pe:asiii,iml,:. swains'. Councillor Jordan wee the'01.0111n4; 1,V.•C. T. U. CONVeNTIO?:: . timsth. ior.oi„ lll jag. Th.. run started • absentee from the. 'sleeting . s, -_ • . at the northwest rttl'Ilel• of Carlton council. ' . Tim Colketitos• " - ---- -----"----- "mat -C."4 MeetMtt tt.14 at---Esetet 1311:edlitiellanTiiiiiiiiillioilig.-aillelui .1LieecisillidgewLualk"siri:1 The tax collector requested an ex- . October 74h and 81h. • ther than the road. - .. tension until November 1st of the ' The t weld* h annual eietvention of Ile threw off Ine Overeoat and started cent. - time during which the two per Huron I 'ount y Vi, °roan s t huistian in with a situ. butte. wita evidently an • discount would be allowed DR taxes. 1-,,,,peranse 1" etas held .11 Main amateur et rolling peanut*. He 00‘10. Mr. Campbell wrote that Ire Itati twain • -treet lleiliiitlisti4Ai, .11Acter, tin fai t ....mei. a stooping posture. 41114.44 111 unable to rt all the tax notices oil. 111.1011Pr 7111 and St h. straightening tip at each whack, as or have t em delivered, on itecomd These tvrre ideal autumn 144*) 14. mak- he did Ill,',. The Crowd encouraged ro0filDfOotrhAntrviergunrtiteceiabnetve4 tho.e .1.4.4eollet:tut.or•s : NIP bright i int . .4 (1),' foliage glow him. " in t he warm sliii -nine. - Thlz.-w Rh the • •.‘ 4 ee'l ymi di, :taiy fool. Bert :,•• wm, The collector- reported that he had eiiinfoitaliiiH.oei ling of hot ...fire and one id the tranL queries. collected $16,0110 Of 1414(4 taxes uji to date. On [notion ofi Councillors Mun- light ret 1, -line-111S ill 41,.. ellIll'ell -Del Ilettt tit Win 4" a,ked soittelkkly -.TIssilrisilli, for the delegates who else. nings and Dean. the- request W". Arelred 11.111 different pat 1. of the • -What wits the score ';'" came 1 granted. vomit y on '. t Ire early morning train. another quarter. - W. J. Towersey. market •• ch•rk. Anil so, it went on -Cirri her wrote caking for improvements in the 1.11114:•,,ngotIlkie:1,fetilh:t.11iiial ye.ficeted '1 hP111 for - alone' "timid Am. old man." "Are market building. The doors. he said. The president. Nliss Alm -ray. of Ex- your legs stiff 4." -Isn't this • better needed repairing. also the driveway eIer„ ellellet1 the convention at , 10:311 than ho. -key 4 ' to the seals*, and the part used as .1.m„ the suliket id' her Bible reading People name to the windows of an 0111c...required to be made smaller, bring -1.'lirist the e satircid Powr.",' bowies to watch. being quite. opett in plat -es and there - "That's right. Pay s het." et lll - fore uncomfortable. The mot ter _ was .4,', 4.4,1 d.7:4:11:::it4' , 1 .,"i,,4,'.,11.!iviliii;ene• merited one 1114.11 who took tht• troable referred to the market committee. listiT: Franehise : Ant i•0:11P014PS : LAW 10 roW11' 01111n the front fence to see Ertforeenient : Prisons • Work g it. sailots : Missii,IIS for 1. l i lll lel inen: Meanwhile ehildren were eimiing Plower Missioe ; Systematic liking : It • all directions, A litth• girl 'Temperate... in 441(04111'. Scion& ; I'm - carrying 'school ho ooks 11 teed alongside ity and Mother,' Mi•i•tings : Parlor MeCreath affect ninately welching his Meet iitics : and Press 11. irk . • prowess. Committee Reports. Tl,,' --emetery and parks t 'nee recommended: That at iresent no action be taken on thematter of got' ting tenders on painting the pavilion and stairs at the harbor 'Dark"; that the -sketch of the mausoleum. also plans and specillrat ions of t he. 1 la. Hon of saute, it& submitted by Curtiss, he approved ; that the IV` moving of dilapidated basswood trees on West street be left wit li he street inctor with power to alt. 'The report was adopted. Mr. Curtiesavaispresent witha drawing of the mausoleum it is plumate(' Cei erect. The finance emu lll i l tee recom- mended the payment Of A 1111111ber of accounts, the acceptant.** of the treas. urer'it monthly statement and the granting of the request of the water and light commissioners for tie. plac- ing of the year'S vapital eapentliture to their credit. The .port wail adopted. The piddle works ei nominee reettin- tuentleil : That Jaws Buchanan's re- quest for perinissirm to build a wide - walk on Nelson street be granted: on . condition that the work be done under the supervision .if the public Arndt& communes x abet H. J. A. Mc. The -.Ana inteseletit 0;tpli r4 1110.0. tlepal *Mel" gave an interesting a'' - ...end of I lie yeafa work_ 'Vat all truth Was 14311111A arid yid *4*.' w ha'.'.- long ago le.ta tn.! lessons ot Pei 111•11eiall4et.. 113111 11,tilre-t,, pies. toli, belie% 11111 jleItire of their, Anse in the divine powrr Just how farareachisii; IIIIy lot Ile 4*1111. Of thew tle lArt1111.111s, Ittr y4/11111.1 ind old, only Lie can tell, bet 41 1,14141 the walk from the cioseing, 1414 up fully ked they. enlist es-ist very went the nut, and the crowd, now maierielly in the recoustruetion of soil two wore strong, gave a yell of t'i',,and the betterment of all whii 1.4,11110 under 111Pit 111Hlieti.• t Church street wan rearthed w.ithoist A talk 1111 local opt' work in thole- mish•tp. the tint eirldom leaving the rich WAN givett by Mr.. firown. fol. eillewalk. Negotiating another ,'.u+ lowed by a discus " bringing out MrCreeth seetned to take fresh heart. helps hints fot r hose, alooto tti I -z and Made the remaining distance to enter the nontest in other towns. Yong.' street 141 >1 tine pace. 11 14.. had tat this earner be the tiny he would have mule the total distanee in ten minutes. Beat the Time Limit. lry flue Mira thelli WAN It long string of penple; nio*tly yonnar men. In flow* am well as behind ..11cCrea111. At I 12, he finished hie feat by giving *41.' pea- nut a whack that sent it '.pilin ing out nt to -fringe st feet v Ile was lotor1-14-1404.4°41+PeetiltItlet1 Ity trier. i. eds. win, Held Up at a Curb. '11 took, just three and one-half mire rite* tit rear+ Mutual street. Photo- grephers walked bitek was 11 in (taint • of 44* peanut roller all the way. snapping him in vat position». At Mutual street. he eneinint ema it worse obstacle than the little rain puddles which 11011 tiltherroliderruPteditiit mogress. not was the tairli and he found that. it Wall tone a trick tat toss the mit u on to Mts. Mel•atil of Exeter, then kindly rendeteil a Tipantifisreolo. Oti Thurstlity evening Hey. C. H. .1 ttttt lioderieh, was the epeaket of the evenitut. He was introduced lewan'icreiptest for perirrivirion for the O. T. R.' 16 ettend its tracks :Ming Maitland robe ad granted. and that a bylaw be prepared aecortlingly : 441441 the Church street sewer be built let provided for by the 'council of 1114144.mit t ee MOO I eporfi•ifirtutt- t he petition fur A sewer mi Victim etreet was not suffiviently signed -a -The le - port WWI adopted. The fire (otnmittee reomme cnded he that tclerk ;Lek for prices on two five -gallon fire exlingiiiithere, and that two pairs of rubber boots he pur- chased forthe fire company. the re- port was adopted. • New Bowling Green Proposed' . A report of the cemetery and patio' committee reconeva•nded that the bowling chit) be granted 11 a lese for ten years of strip one hundred feet in width off the west end of Vic- toria l'ark on condition that the club keep the txmlevards and grounds ad: jaeent thereto in good ethane. Coun- cillors Humber and Munninge took exception to granting a ten-yt•ar lease ow being 41>0long. while Counrillore hallows atid the Beeville moved to adopt the committee's report. The Mayor explained that a five -7~ lease would lewdly give the 141111 long enough time in the enjoyment of the premises to justify the work of levelling up the ground and building a club house such aa was propomed. Councillors Munnings and Dean moved that the ben -year 1111/11. 11P gnanted, subjecte to canellation on siz tnotrthie notice after the first fiveyetirl, years, and -Councillor Humber voted with this anitaadment.. The remein- der of the count% voted for the straight .t.n-year Was, .aahlek. •sree therefore adopted by the council. Secretary loaqi Of the bowling club was present aful explained that no d;. - dried ection lout been taken by 14 club. but that the request made to the cceineil was in order to have something definite to submit to a general meeting of tile club. DOCTORS SAID1 ONLY ZAM-BUK COULD CURE HER ECZEMA. "The H. A E." Emulsion' taken in In view of the minierous COPP* "RAPP Of general debility end Mee of which 7srm Riak has worked when all appetite is 01111P 10 give the beat of else has failed, them is little wonder results. 11 restores health and gives that In the end tbe ffectot- 'attending t (mewed v y. by -the president-, Altf191 M•terey, .04 fresh from twat earnpitign Work, and proceeded to give as icipierited some campaign ex perieneer. -Howe% el', him main II gh was ••A Plea furPmbilii- titm," ate( yet he urged that 'white ris lam for --rt -protrinttory law- , . hould bold on to what el' have until 011 41.4 Rev. S. 10. Sharpe, of tin. preeby. terian (-lunch, and Rev. Messrs. liobhs mill Fear were present and tendered tereetingit from 11,.. churl -hes they rep- resented. Rev. Mr. Hold's delighted the audience with 11 temperance solo rendered in his well known original • yl.'. Mr. M-e4'allem; Heeve-ef-Hitetor, felt it ft privilegeto be aseociated with poach a gathering, said many kind en - '011,1414111K wiirds to the ladies and bade them in their labors. Friday bing was entirely de-lf voted to reports..diseussions and plan for t he new year. The 111 lest ion drawer proved a helpful medium of information. The !met half-hour was given to mention of Haire. who have been -called I ." during the year, four in number, to whim] those who knew them +l'14 -raid affrettrmate filtrate, sorrow was expreseeil also that ten /olive inembere had removed Into other vomit ies. The etectit,u of tinkers took, tillsee during the Hoeing afternoon session antl reignited as follows : President, '411'.'. Murray, Nifteter vice-president, Mrs. Brown. flotlerich corresponding secrete, y. Mrs. Ilooper, Ezetet ; recoiding secretary, Mire. (.1. Acheson, Boderich ; treasurer. M11.. Stoneman, Berman. ho -al option, enti-nareoties, century of fl'Aileh!ge for women, white dare trade N% bite Tidinge, and Exeter 'hospitality to the ronven- arm Were /111.1ptell, awl thus closed a partiiadatly helpful county 'conven t f4m.. • Cottrell in a widttom is bad enough, but in a man it is stwfuls,.., Your foods are in two classes: Foods that please you by their taste, and foods that you depend on be- cause of what they do for you. Quaker Oatii-tas-arthe good qualities of both claws. 6 WE 1113 aid E BUYERS of all kinds of RAW FORS and SKINS We Guarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Priem and Qulck returns. wx P1Y =PK 1140, /lb \ .11sod kir our I 90(1-49K) PRiCE LET PRIiE REVALON mama congratulated hill, 1111 hill wiciasodn1 petahninn (ee. A young lam dy et him and carried him off in triumph. McCreath ttad refused to take a bet that he rould,not do the distance in twenty minutes. Beauty and Simplicity are twin qualities to be sought for. Seat ch the town over and you'll find nowhere are throw quitlitiett exemplified ter a higher degree than here. WE STUDY BEAUTY IN ' FURNITURE and give it to you each Mee, 'leen in our stock. Wood quality and reasonaldenem01 prtre-are aterraeaured yaw - GEO. JOHNSTON FURNITURE an I UNDERTAKINII 'PlIONES , ' STonn-hil Retains/Mt-178' he Nis • lobs Ulster Overcoat q Semi -ready is on evcry tongue. q We want to put Sem! ready on every Inek. J Its the first name you think of when you think of high-elass clothing \Ve show the Se10i4 ady Mani ,ohUlster 'hie Beason in $15 value-, rid 4 1 a Canadian Coat kn - Canadian weather At 1 19, 820 and 825 Zerroll-trakz gilyr 1TAZIorrnic MA,EAN BROS. 11101111=i111111111111M 1111111111111111161111m=1111/111 ilk The Buyers' Reminder Money -savers in this Week's Offerings I GIRLS' COATS. -Five little girls' i.: oats. A sample lot at about one- quarter off regular prices, 8 to 12; year sizes. Four sample tweed Coats, regular--$8.-5or-$i-0.50- and $13.Oo You can buy one for 116.5o ; ladies' sizes. DRESS GOODS. -Our special sale of press Goods in all the leading colors -69c. for. 4c. -is a great money-s4er. Every piece new this Fall; fine finish. RIBBONS. ---Ten pieces all-sil k Ribbons, regular 15e. line for loc. Black, brown, navy, rstty-,--eiliT, cream and white. HOSIERY. -Don't forget our big Stocking bargain tabte. There are over 400 pairs in this lot -all -wool, seamless and fast black, 8}, 9, 91, 10. 35c. for 25c., 40c. to 50c. for 35c.. ribbed. 41 FLANNELETTES. -Our big pur- chase of 36 -inch Flannelettes that we are selling at loc., sold in many places for 1 24C, is going fast; so it ought at mac. J. H. GOLBORNE 0emem...11111111111111111111/1/111/1/ 1 1 111111111111111, ej 011110 CAMERON & I it's New, It's Here! iN ALL OUR various stocks, the latest yles are represented. We make a care- ful study of every hint of fashion, and w are ready to adopt the newesfideas the minute they stand approved. Conse tently our stock at all times com- prises an exposition of the newest and,best go to be had. In addition, there are many money -saving opportunities e the folio 'ng that strengthen_the_induce- ments to bring von to this store. 1 1 1 1 M 00 RE -1-1111111111111=0 AIDS Ladies' Department Women's Warm Wither Under- wear at Favorable winter l'ildikwear -well-shaped 14at111ents, wed weght, but very 25c .4.t -'ti,. *4111 m awar. Si ie al at Exeeptional garmetrts at rifilc. Moine of them are nearly all -wool, >Mil with such thick, woolly net -wino( that they are tem mer than the 50, lira% s warm, n s. et tttttt Warm Union Suits at 75c Solt, wazal g Antietam, 4411,1, AA Appeal It. .1 dainty woman. with all the warmth 7m needful on a zero day. at, a suit I t...)C T ck MI -wool Garments at $1.00 en'it Vests teal Drawers, Puritan and omen brands. Fine -ribbed, all -wool vest, hu neck, limbo' front and long sleeves :r..t to 34, r gannet' t very co fortable wear. Sizes $1 Satlne U rskirts, 55c .00 ' Three dozen I'es' linderokirte, made of • fine black aatit'*,zitit t three 55c frills and in full sizes. Ladies' Broadclot and Worsted Sults-Exceptional lues -$12.50 This line for Saturday tiellin eclipses any thing offered this season. . Eve line in the coats speaks of taste and skilled w kmanship. Skirts are very smart -tailored st Ma,- terials are a superior quality of se triped • worsteds and broadcloths. Special valiii• At See the Skirts at $3.45 We call special attent. to the line quality in the P111111/1111 Skirt,,, blue and black, see them Naturday if you want to es - cure the hest skirt Yalu, possible at $3 45 50 14 Soft Flannelette Kimonos at $1.98 gr ond ers thnt Made of soft. ttrr. lavender ak but light kimone flannel in dainty pinto., women will like. s \Rises 24 to 414. si Special value at \ . Ladles' 25c Cashmere Hose Lc Ten dozen only black Huse, Masco split mole. Regular 2S -c value fur 19c .,tir line of boys' all -w me at :Mc. 1 1 Men's Depart nt Men's Overcoats Extraordinary Value at $8.75 \ • At $&75 WP submit to you a large line 01 nien's heavy. winter Overcoats in all the new stylee of cut, including the military .tyle for young men. which His doer around c8.75 the neck. A regular 515.00 coat for .J0 Men's Heavy Wool Sox, 15c One hundred and fifty pairs of workingmen's heavy wool Hoz will lie put on the 1a counter Saturday morning at... I 'PC Men's Mocha °loves 75c soiLim Acwes.anasimtiamsst speeialIlee 01 &'. til eo. 7oc5hac Men's Coat Sweaters 98c' Exceptioual value in these Coat Sweaters for 1111-11, made of a heavy all -wool 001 51401 yarn in grey and red and Woe and red. Special value 9jQ Men's and Boys' Caps 15c Mein, and boysmixed tweed cloth Cape. sizes 6 to 74, will be pot on pale oSame 15C Iday mrning to clear at., each • Cameron & Moore's Milli y is Beautiful 1 1 1 1 -le* often one We have a right to feel for it is charming. We from Paris and London. best and latest styles. Each da idea, some new fashion carried Cameron & Moore's Millinery show - cordially invite you to view the newest wear. Come often. Come taste the la They are here. ars Ibis remark. Yes ! roud of our Millinery, ve imported models ave copies of thT sees some new to effect at s. We head - ideas. We 11 BASEMENT Will you be a juke and try our GROCERIES? We guarantee to money on every purchase. SPECIALS FOR ONE WkEK ()pot Laundry Starch, 4 Its. for roe 2 tatekatges tow Brand Bakipg Soda forrx• Cross th Blackwell's Pickles Masortedh per bottle :Ow save you Choice line fancy Blecuits Inc per lb. Choice line Battalea Pickles, Pc per bottles or :i for 25C FOR SATURDAY ONLY 2 cans Oorn for.... s Inc 2 Van* l'eoka for lloe •--- - Some Toseatosa toe .15c _ _ . ._ _-_,........ ..__ . Bess, beesitvaseed lo pekoe, but we still continue to give 21141.. best quality Granulated Sugar for 51.41). 1111, department peva more for farm produce than any other store in the county. For strictly fresh eggs we will pay 27e. dozen, Cameron & Moore, DEPARTMENT STORES. OODERICH BRANCH. • MN 0 anNEMI Ii/11111/111/11111111111111111111111/11 4111111111111111111 eA*91,,,,4 0 0 dee