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• The Signal
Te II•ph0111. :k,
tl1XTY KKt'ONu YgAR-Ina: -
GMC -MA111 t. UA N ADA
To JANUARY est, iota, to NEW
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TIIK 111014/A1t t'RINTRiti ClIe..JJd,._Posamis e.._
switch from tl.a 11 P. I;..lrt($ts i
'wide was a gold bracelet set withlliarrow being the only directorwith-NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. 21st
Connect with the electric i:rilwy}
track* it before the Dowini.in rail-'
way'cammTiolof iiiirthe Ontario--•Mt-
way and municipal board, .jointly, the
C. P. K. having a Uominot charter'
and the electric railway ►n Ootariu
cl►MI•ter. --
Farewell Presentation,
Mrs. J. E. Brydg*N and her dough.
err. Miss Francs,' lett yesterday Jur
Nanton, Alta., intending to Make their
future. I14e1_N in tIio West. \Ve are
sorry to loseae, estimable a tensity. and
many friends in Ulyderich-and vicinity
join w there 10Wrrts, Miss beets s
has for a uuntter uf years Vern a
faithful Member of the (hoer of North
'vt-rvvet A1+•tbn.liYt choral.. and severer
members of the ebrnr gathered at the
1'. P. It. elution yesterday to bid hey.
farewell. Before the train pulled o111,
tli.• choir•u*aNtrr, A. Roy Adages: on'
behalf -of the cftnir pr eeentett Mires
Itl'y.wes with an aukrtliys( piivand a
jewel case as (w* well tokrnruf esteem.
Water and Light Commission.
Among water seralona the water
and light con '. Sino agreed at its
meeting 00•
to n in area
vvaa sew
wails. The goons tea �-
(iu3Ylun, hrpptrt1ton. Ont., and
t htc lrtyhn.d Ise- Arhq*kl. ode Is
on ex -pupil of the Olalerich Cullegiete
Institute unit his value sell! recall w
luauy wiudi trlurwhrenl•ea of a brit-
!sant rtudeut.
Commendation From IM Minister Of
The L,Iluwiug lette4. has liven re-
c•ived f • Majnr' Leunb. D. M. A.,
Military Ihat•ie1 Nu. I, on the Mauro►!
.. This Alms _am _AM Ivo•
lows: President, J. B. Hawkins:
flat Yirr•preeideat, U. A. Reid ; second
vier -president, A. Lawson t secretary,
1i. L. Pxrrons; treasurer, Porter,
i'tie propoeat is t0 NIeP1 p SII,. Nl tbteN-
order red pressed -brick ole brick bus lug on
the vacant lot next to U. J. t rpPrrl
store on \Year 'Cre !...and the web
alien is advertising fur a purr •Meer
for the uuall fraena buil4ting rat pt 'ant
on the lot, fhr buiWiAg to Ire reluua
it is rY{irctwl the foundation will rr
1'rscllaJt}ayniasao600l-Choreal lw.ti*.r
('*lane, &rstdlld y .
ltunting Trips--Jasspa Kldd. C. P. IL Tkkst
Atcnt ....... s
Thanksgiving -Joseph Kidd. U. P. R. Titian
We Te1rr6 Hndr,eaa-Caserta! Bsalbar CLL
lege, Toronto t
Keaoser-n. D, n."LabO[ttot Toronto ......., 6 •
F'ur TAank+gI.Irrg-Btuniy t 1`0 1
Aouual Fdl !tale --lien Proles $
What Yon Want. National Phwrograoh CO7
emente RIe
-- • -
amu rrulg for solo Ik•Iwnhu4•N bearing interred.
at tive per coot, per +ranula, puyuLlr hulf•yearl)'•
I'bPNe+darn nturrs offer an nlwolutrly sale farad prof-
iLablr. investment. 1 would advise anyone having
money to invent to 1N• Nolle 10 call and PPP ser.
- •
Wilson -Chisholm.
Early ou Monday morning John
•%Vilson, O. T. H. conductor, and
Sandi Orr, widow of the late Alrx•
ander Chisholm, Were Hotta*( i n
mwtriuouy at till. PrG+r'rl4hunalh, by
Her. Frthe,. Mm em.•111e., and dire.
Vih+nn left on the 7:10 a. m. train of
a tip's BuKalo
County Rifle Match:
At the semiannual shoot of -thlr'
Huron K'�aitt, he test., held At Auburn
u1► 1'ulOday. the Craw tflnptly W4.* 'won
by Dunga 'N senior thaw. 'Phe
medal for best individual shooting waw-
woo by Rn,• Btndl.., (lryilerich tow14.
We expect to 1x+ ahle to give
the scores in full next week. •
Coming Musical Event
inigwelluu of the cadet corps i!!1 con•
neetion with the /iartrrich Collegiate
Inrtitlate :
fleklquuttete M. It N. 1.
'' London.on-t.,14,14.=ad.poetuplwr
Frou1 1). H. A., M. 1). No, 1.
To the PI•ineiiP►l l'JIleglale -_. -'
Put in thin fall. The ground floor wi
lie devoted to two sta,rey+, each 1", fee'
b)' (17 tort, with stairway to the llaae-
went (!mune(, and stairway to the
stones at the wart side of the
budding. The Nut -dour plan provides
file Mia.+ suites. a 1lilk4 S !twat MOM*
uanaontN Thai Plow • 13. Millar Co. i
Money nand J. B. Colborne• „ 1
Nbple Leaf Urooery and chime (tall-1[aF
riska Vanattar a
u'vraoataof Instinctive Style -w. C. 1'tid-
Batu .... y
-1 f . r. o..
Institute, (luderich. -
Annu,yl Inereti Report trills►.
Cadet 4'onp.No. (9, lisle erich, lynL
each) and for a single office, and for
caretaker's gainers (parlor. dining-
room, kitchen. beds own, lavatories.
The ,dura Howell gardwate(1e.....',..., S
Ut!te forl4atUNZit
a7 -C. S. Kwtaa. •
It les w les Sere-Cawsrw a Ilene
-' situ, • • Iii emotive( Mit with the annual
LwuU its, eta 1 air the southwest corner.
• 1
Women llea'r Fur Cuts W. Aoas•sa
Monday, Noyrber I5tl� is the date
txerl for the reeit11 by Itbe L'uli. s
inspLN•tiun report for Haft on the violet
CIIrpl. marginally noted, 1 ail directed
U,. nuts the followin • rxtw.l.. fp4auy w
euenmunic•xhou frond head! na.irrs 'ou
►he eub)e 1 :
1 ..ren l„ „
port •abeni7tnl,ogee obi . ray
t re •all.t rlor '. i attendant.. wt lu•Ver-
The top *tory will be the *Masonic
rooms. lodge room 49 fret hy :h! fret at
the back. and banquet bull and recep-
tion rlo Park :H taut by"4 Rut, to
froi.t, separated by foldindoors. III
additjaii there are Motu;Wore+, *tit-
chert and all inglenook. The building
A •..... . • Y
Hee •e ('Mat see LaulltyK Kgay__
taro. :.. . 9
A Pewter for u.' Hao•k y K. tl1Et. s
Souvenir Haw noers-J. H. Worsen t -4o, v
Furnl•nM Hun, - u;u+rM-U. F. Ham(twk. . l
Hare fur i.,1,• Jo.wpb -1
Evening Chorus uiidri direction of
. .---
- - --
Joldun. The, music W be rend.•F-
sal is ' The \Yalu Fairies." dl,„„
Heal -tier limit, of 1,ondon, will Ise the
al..a.,1ry A.1,....
T11U1O40aY, fNN t1+1.
JI+' -+1 I. it ....•i. ,.ud
't 1Strindav
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this once by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
..',111 wheat, new, rler beak ii. a: to
`•doing wl..-.1, new, akar bush, a Ni to o tet
RIs. -'-- 1►
1n1 bu•6 - -. O. to O CO
nnu lwhuut, isorbu,eb 11 •r, to 0 wi
rhino, new, per bund!... ... O:L1le U h;
1'r:an, per he Al � "' �� 11 KI 10' 11 w,
11ark•y ler bu-1, . u 1. 10 0 .s
Jordan will give acombined organ rand
Piateo 14 (1(14. - �
One. Month at Hard Labor.
Jacob Brinkley, of Howirk, wile j1e•
foie Hie 110 • Judge Holt on Tues.
1 wlf-UN'11 pipe tn-I lir item palate school
gr f. LL1)e (iihb els I,11 1, a uuP•(urh
riW (11 the new belle. shop of the
Ad)' Engine \York% foul ntwthrt half
inch s.•1• Vice t11 lin. Aches in Illu't at •
the corner of North street and the
stlpOArr. 4.A letter f • F'nginlrer lr►ndi
of the Public %Yorks Dep,u•Lrnent, in
answer to a retomet for two additional
riw4ltir• ligt►t pullw fol -tile taster end Rf
fhr .Nnth dire Apo oar for up dw k•
water, said they would be supplied if
they eouLl Ise ll,d. A balan(.• Irf
the roil supbh was
ordered to !141 {4wul,
Gram Arrivals. •
Thr weeVe arrivals of grain canniest
wire an linos*: elle ste*wir \\''x-
+ . Let Friday. wit/LASS IMO .letahels
! a"' Oarr n�reng n I.. .rt ln+rn< ►.� 1..
will In wl. ,snr1 ..te 11...o I..nrt.
k„,,sider ... ,....
lent taken by the fount, of the felt.• ua
1„.„..... wt Oerlrricll �n tie( corp. alRbat/d
wilt. their wheel.'
'' "ll,rK,ssl rr(.0rt ruarlr upau tar rade*
OttllYrr+: a'i, , Ihwl (ey are •,.L. ihr 40 41ttr,
I- 1111►1 Kr:i11r3'InK, w+ i- L. the eRlrlellry
.huw0 by the.vrrlr. ire rareaatrd order drill. It
-tandoori N Ill b' main
jai (ann..' sell the future.
• and further l0 cora* ry W you and to
the uf1{cer connuauJinK the r
daGoioff11 Alittt14[rr in Aditltlwt'.r. vii
Last Week's Races.
Again the N.)drryrb dnduPtriri Kx-
Whit met with a rebuff fiu,u the
clerk of the weather on Thursday Ice..t.
when the rare* postponed fel/ill the
regular ezbibitioa days were run raft.
Owing to the stormy weather on the
day preceding tart west's races a .some
horses did here
011 ''r )antraii-ZM A.awre &Tgina ranger... w
Aunwlneement -F. F. Lawrence.. 1 -
Venlig Men \1'au(e.l for Hated -J. IFotada
Bandmaster sten.. er t -
I1011x 10 !lana Mn. Lyon 1 •
header U. T. K
When Visiting. n*rlgaallaa' M. Ryan .. „ 7
I yea lbrwseu Awberle
A. Jallir, y dud Plot Alawt-i'.
hiatal!. 1
Hrlrq 1'ourAppb•-Sattfrin geamratm, }
.L 01 Sa1C
-..:'- - -1 - :-
•-nrnYL•, y«•1 1411 '"" :A1 W to IN IP
Float, tar.lily, p'e 7 An to 3 Ir
flour, patent, per rwt 1'1.7 to s s5
'Iran. p.,r ton to ZI al
abort.. per tau "c• w lII-e' Ou
day. APlll 11 by •
) P )• M -►F, I..l rate MOM,
charged with stealing; two. engine
gore , .t leather b.•It, n e;►rlV4(r, Ik•II,
L\OIt HALE. K HA :llx)•1; \Yll,l,
Il'a be placed or urchawr'n rrnibe+. Ter..
ra,y. JOSEPH IIiAF.('NLF:It Uoderich. Irl p,
113y «•r ton • It Iu to re
N'wri, ter 5 4.0 to a no
• �!utwr, r n, N e, 10' '4 1!
fur• .•, («,rtb ' n I:: to n Is
F� CR,, rn.laer dor
Iwootrlalu ►11R• % ctrl a pew -tits. .el
ft4nu the Spring Bank / n•'tnlrr
1 ti y
13rin drsdwl guilty to for cbargl•
aid 4114 r,• meed to fine 11 i'I
for the etllcirur of the C411'111. t have
tar honor to Ire, sir, year ulNrlirnt
servant, 1►, pV(,,, 'BA \N N, Major. O.
0 1
not get which otber-
would have [afalpeted. The free-
furwH did not fill. but good rontrita
developed in the :,':gel and in the• farm-
keaden Taube t loon ,
grader Howell Hardware ro - 1
M,uounrrtwnt Rebekah Lodge
as alai This store Pans,..., t Il•srs
L10H f+ALF F CON D•11 A N D
u t, to o :
4 .0
r d$toa, window'. and lumber. Amite to If.
o, 8n'NNINCri
I. onlii to ulrl'1
Y g he[owl. t In to 1 u
1 'atilt., ea ,leder, per awl ., S7 to 5 2-.......:
(fog%...... . . •.. ..,..... ::n • to sl
Leen" --1 u1 s,
O. at. ('(shoed:
uron Leads.
Hospital Notes.
Pra tart, mrd its the MVP -(arta front race
t hots wrrr mar rntrira. Thr lryult*
Khda-I+ a '. a eh k Vaodlrr f
l °� ri1Ore Watltld Hos Iwt RlRaal
- The work of itt* ui Ira Ha•i(1i1* 1
of the PIM( eats are given IMlow. The
financial, t••sults of the da *bitted a
....... 1
Swats tlo>,we Wanllld-1bx nu. `!!greats
Al1C1ilOII Sales
to 1
sheep, ;( •�,
v per 7 nl I4
Ilam, per 111 I, IP to 11'1,,
ri(Mni. per per ' ,.....,=_,,..-., !! )5 to h .
tI5 ld ' B
'{Allem, 1«•o til a to (s
At the et of Y. M. A.
Worker,. n'i4•ntly hell al Hiller Kt
\K W York state. and attended _tea_
N•orker' from all {pu•lp of the United
groat!! to 4101.1\ an ...Geist that
the time has Court 'vi1hen more ru
Ir mwded for patients, kr well as more
c.,r,r[•erLalrleiwrruuadiuga fur the 4±u{!'
411111 •nd.mt and nmi*e'* and to this
alta, like I1.ral'd of trusters hen rented
few dollars to this year's dettclt. 'I'hN
:Gird Regiment hand gaveits eervirrN
free of :411 ears
The 3:(O nu•e sera won by Albert
lifiddthorpr'N "Minnie Hal" the line
p i1 tlr mare !Ming driven by first
- ---'- '-'---
Metal and have , one-third mute
strength. In a double Nus the Qrat
travels air d the oven twice• and
'ever darter of the up,to-date stove-
maker's art is Pulpluywl to increase
•• •ut : the .t0o(1.1 tsori* un Fr.•
' ' - '
o11 ; the• r *none IA utirld, on fi.ttur
•i ra11 11111.1.1% 1/f N'I1N4t1 , 111*
.(nattier A id wnTi alms.., un 'Kehletu)`.'-I
.. ,e.1.4
AUCTION art,•., per o• m4 to 10 , .,
OP r hiep *kin, VI n, hh
tyl F: OF THE lirr'T FAK)1H 1\ EAST JblPkrn+ ..... ... 12 to 1:•
*41 .l. , arae}
worn held in the vuri11ue brand.•.,
•sir-. '
iti..thl: r•0U(4y w.rl'k drra1iln,1,1
1 have retro rt ulanu•r . rr
from Juii.l
lion* to cell b4 public outline at a Althorn -
_ _ �--
Ile dirt sea. hied", by L. C. ruling.
-fi ntut7yi,hoodt, sM1Mb writ he
11.• nursers ' home K•lgs. tables,
Nola h. -Whit -handled the11ibl:onr ho er=
cr111)1 (441
the-vaitle nf-th •rage fortbepatrpoePs �.
10.1.,1. ou
y priory- ..
44411111. Orr
so4Tn'Ku.'.Y. (*4 fI WEK Two Wanted
at lo prka•k a. at., h4 :N• •I, 4°11 . R4-0 I -
u aaateeto. culthip:ipgA eu ern'- of Or- ria-+' ._. - - , -- --- = - .. -._.
per u01. J. hL KoIN•rtsun, of Anbun ■,
Whirr lois Nine.. Mr•n appointed pointed (•41144
1 f r Y
he4rrttty_fur ilrirer. kir
for the and 71,1151 bn,hrls of
wheat for the Infill. The following
ve s�l%ale ex ...•teat;it fileelevetor iu
chl\iru. dreaset•s,
MIYIe a icing le3Q4 Bait.
fur wtlia'11 It is intended. The tri u-
picture,!, eurtains.
In the ferment' tl•otfirst money wan
taken by Andrew A. Young's ••I!us-
lar grate, for hard coal, isii, titlark ,, lel.
ter J., who also was driven by a
pn,a•rmrnt over the Ordinary duplex
)' P
grate: fur word burning a separate
Rind tor leveler.- A . AiM. 6M..
mit-nation l i.e r.- u11.i.•in,40- seat. 1
Thr fence. an. all moth new ain•. Fdtwl4
Meer-ufRl14r4haMM/NNIbu•h. .a orarrf+ltlil'K
.111.111K rnr•k :eel a R,wrl wen al lar b,pr,a-. A
IU41.K I«'.11111g„r, 1,.1,1. % Im.d +•.-1„r11t hon.,•
a s yl mut Iv. tl, r:•11+.r uTii111- fount lntlt
NEV Wt4!iFi f> 1i1{ THE,
:t H•• •ut Hind, Application
- D+ rn-
J. o.„, b, Ir• fv^-d+1. Iti•uii,e•r .3A 1. Arndt
,. J. e
.1 It �lirtk. I+,.ir1Ao1 carr. as Nraxo r:
n,,,i• It ' •
' '-- --- -
made. Per (4111.
Accident to Dr. Mabee,
e•e+triday afternoon wan (h,• ,1r(1-
14110 1 ,I
Week Iv half-III,I,IINY• •71041, t i11•
dee Insult flue Dr.,Mabet...went for
,• r 141141 e O thlrfmxt%tew davlr: fhe-
N'.•xfur•rt, !only, dlidtand Quern and
{.1•afie1J. The rlea•xtlr is filled to .its
",rats ty,nnd the scantily of carr pie-
vents r'eP "-'tn- bei11g. lY [1Wie ws-_ rap-.
I.II)' ae IIIry Nr11LI at111P1'w 4), be (lens •
A �oi0, amanita Irf%111.. 4l n 1Mltlln 1• 1N.
air; I. (ilrnPllah, wino, sea. herrn on
AIonJ:1)' had W g., 1111 down the lake
l0 1 C h:J WArd. •-P
A Good Man in the ht Place.
-ling Al,►14oi." thio Y. M, ('. A.
r.a•angelirt, a !naked a splendid series
Pain1. un Th+a'- lav PW•11in last and
i' K
n.11.•luding on Mol itty evening. Tb.•
!Meetings were 11111 in the 1-.. M. 1'..\.
aspen with torr exception of the Snit-
111)• nneetingn. the lift petiole. meeting
11n 4unda • being held In tine court
holier anti the evening meeting Ins
KnoxehufCh• ThN meetings erre
well attended. eepeeially the S lay
meetings, Mul. the uMlst indi.rr..nt.
hearer eonld not fail 111 Ise stirred In
,•n :a , nr,•Ixtion of fhr rawer of vital
I,t I
rl•li ton, Mr. Macon 61W a hi heart
:uud a mighty physique and, in biv
o'er•,• tan. -geld thl'n' Ice fhP power [Irl
t•%, middy to supplement the. Con Vin-
pe. Y PP -
ring power of his words. I f ever n
risers. WL4 in his right sphere �I r-
g P
Mx1ma seems for to at the whet- free
whirls Ihr is flCted, and III" men of
(i. Nlrrirh 8111ngt whom he Workld for
a flew tidy. will prayf111' tan success
w1 „Ivy he ... v.
4 y R
- --- .. - -_
�" - '�-�-t
-- f
Q A+da+l'y is kohl ut twotcrvl•l
kora. glllull the 111 41IIIMIIIs of
- �4N'll%el•INII I. N ho. n11111 „11 •
n1n1eP, ram.• to it hn 1•
Kt1U1dl.'r of .i *ek. n11111(1 "
hieh. Ns111Ld, 1111 the edge a
11 - "
a %sled precipFre. a arty' user••
Mer, AlA6 • iCirkl+aN•io•t,--..The .irwek
Wan in ,1Ntsha
R' ib and every beat was
N'rdI a LNNCea giving the apeCtatOt'* a
1• P R
gwrd[•wftrrnnun s aporL as leaned
by Irate was:
Minnie Hal. A. J 1:' Ir,ern.r H Ilett 1olhorno I ,
Mwl.lilr{rhl. J/rr fee Vy
LJ7 ..) Maa• J. J. Marna. %nrirh d :< t
Moues, It. Heloan. Uwlrnchelrrtiun'W"P
4 i (
.44 Y4Mrltiar' Ilrle'.
nosier J. A. A. Young. Colborne . , I. 1 1
Tarry k.. J• Utah. e,t*od eh talent 1p . Y 1 t
Dalry H.. n. Prole*. tiOdwich tow r.+hip 1 1 1
)ttatsia- tattrairhsd.- The Pandora has
a Iundtwml• • pesragre, and the trine
min a, O( duple* nickel, are 11Araa-
LL p•q
teed nut to (wrnis6 or para ofi. AIW
gether the demonstration could not
fats tel Im ren% 1 h11YN who
P sattegded
o[ Ihr famllllr range.
with the my goods �"�
The gnyPry goods tinea! in the demon -
anpplied thruu h Messrs.
�IU[r,sh k Vanatterr of the Staple
Iw•af /inr`rry•. and leluquetN were fU[-
lished by lieu. Stewart., Horiwt.
lu. n.Y., n..hon of cr au. A good Ion. with
J •roof%3 lion 41 x-wi and Kral u.oMlihtinK•.
rhe fan. 1. 4141 -it on a Ir;u11nlprf Kr11.•:
Mod. too 111i1r: earl of Auburn, four1 •- wr•t
of Myth, 111111:4141 n half prom rilad.
TERMS. Ten IUs per ir•.n. ul Ihr
1 purr -how.
InOney' IU he pari.! or arranged nn• al time air
...ie. serail hln:ehL.i-, 01 if Iwo tl%m-:, nA
tenets 1. -)tiled the bat:met may nmorin mr
n,NK.tg.• al w nv.Onabl•• I,.rr or.4N rn.d
MKS. 1.lA KING. TH11•t, 111 Nnit1',
Propriemes., .an11ioOe4'1
� fiNTKf1 AT !)NCB. ---A' Fli {{.
`Yi�11Kn Iwo,.• la real ter'Ihe whitey,
4. (1, 11. irrn 1•44V. nirurr... Aplily lO 11. ►•,
11 1011:1. ' - -
1NALi. 11/l'YB OR l'11T1'Ali F:
AJ at' aVTl:1 , Adverl.iwrdedre. In rent a
AWAll haa,e_ar 1` . 11111, Wil flm'Nlr,n11n.
pros muted.. near a 13,plaro. pnd,•rr,• 1. •Ho•
11. sioreat.
IOAL I..TU\'p wANiTio). -Aft-
VF:KThF:R dr sere a pane„w• or ra fir
Iota's in tile. c411a1r On hie return
IU NOVO all *114fo!' 1111:►De tel'tninatio11 (m
the e111t11g CAMP 111 1(111• (•,r111 fit a rill
away., which remitted in the lh,clitl's
%Il.l: g x fr.u:l ate of the lett Moll!
I'hr yUll lig lady who was with hint
wN'ap,wt LHihwr/41W1. The • IA,ctml' Wrtll
taken to the hospital, and a few weeksRig
Nhonld seer the injured member in
working; order win.
mN• path. One of the tear-
,•Iles• tpa%..rl ..0 out of vires
n 1 the rock, the ollwr
Gng/•ring hit n u1ouN•nt t+1
,.x • senor ub lea of its- •McDv
(elrwt.. \\'hen he, too, Ilial
m1841 the Lunn 1u• rule hid
(simian' wwhN distanrr lel-
_ fore t ' klo•elillg with up-
lifted hands.
Q "t:,1111P full help Ino- thank
(.Iso." oriel the kneeling
moo : '•1 have hail n uuu•s'1'I•
1.+11% ewes ~tire fmm n lu,n•i1,1.
r )
death ."
- 4 ••\Vhnf h7►% ha r rrne•d ask
Fd the ut her. •
- Vhy,, air. 1 {pt%sed "r„and
that shoulder of teak to the
nan•owert lace Inv mule
%11ir Md, arts! tet '_ (.sue. iuG•1••
I -
In the Rot -race H. Beatty. U.NINrid
township, took float prize; Frank
Barr '•. Colborne see I; F. (le,.
finlit NPatlnth, thin!. The other
ClymprrtiWrw warp sw fall,lws: I)oukpl
all -sal \Ven. dlclkyu all
VodPH township; Arthur Keil and
H. Hardt, Meaforth : J. Chisholm and
Jae. time Robertson, * wen cb. The eec-
ner'a time was :(il minutes 21 a�4 sec-
----- --
-'• -
These Ione evening.' etc the ladle., oupor•
snotty for Indulging In funny work. All kinds
�•lhpeue+u \a shone M11dtb, Art Store. ball
street. flllnlelefa•r the bargain* In IlpbOlatlry
The%la 1rou1,6+10 lurke land in aortal
e 11.0he
of the Thank-Klviurt dinner. one sew fa tor,
Mur roue clothe- from IZridhanl
hwpl)• 1 la 01711;11;
ihr nllor. H1Rh Knrlr maovfut-. comtortwbh•
M. nee eta. tailoring.
Me name "Sallow.' ou a photograph Is a
Ruanntee of excellent mor ball al the
«uuua. Mum real beet end the Square. fog
Molt hong rw4nlrrlil in CAe pho n hie Ilur.
I carter« fur amaleune su ,wry
Head u v
yr fie "'
lo• oked and cured marl* at Moe-
filar A YAN.aTTKR'H, Hamilton street
A popular plane--•tbe rhiea 6a11 at
fhr Maple lwf (ironer], Hamilton
Choice Ie1tt,or and frM6 at
AI u1tNINH V'A!IA7TRK'N. Hamilton
The W. C. T. U. meets in the Temp.
(ramp !tall the relxlal and fourth
Mondays of each month at 3 o'clock.
Berlin pbrk sausage, franktorta,
yin K bologna peal ham sau,uags at
hi ex
N, Hamilton
•'Lifyna i. i hUull re-
p1 g y
trashing for lather or toilet. li'or
Wawhing underclothing it is unequal.
led. Cleanses and purifies.
Remember the date of ThuleASons
vi..il to OalPrlch and if your eyes'
trouble r ]
1 you in any way consult them
_ __
t1 or
slim 1511'1E11F:N'1'4
rorrAPwtmrra arR•tY *rt. N.t.
''i1" 1.
Mw ors�Idl3eysof.Toronto __• __
At thee 1 w/wthlg of tit Tw••
.! hareee,ritM,nat11rlian+fnnn Mr. Henn
1. Morris to ' '11 al Ai- I- mi...., - Hornet:de
r..nll, la rt eller+.inn a Y.. home, en
Situations Vacant
onto Mute„„ (Old it,.ya. ANy+ociation.
held in the 1'rinre Heorge hotel
T1 warna,, on Friday 'night la
se r5.
•IIAY, /r'TUHF:It '!'r 11.
mono reseK at 1 aIAN•k, the (oohs-, r,ir :
1 pan• bad 1.1144.14 r4u 1.1u11.-. a 1,err I,nd
fvfonf ram lali.lr-, 1 -µ,s emoted Iwo Wim,
101.1'•. 1 jean old; 1 ran•. 3roar uhf dei, er. ,1 n.i
n Toni Keil; 1 Aged Ari.1'r: 1 .1.', y row, 1.
roan a1d, mapUo-.d to M• ie r,.lf : 1 J.rr,.•y n,w.
• year, obi, rpppo-.r) to b' in coif: 2Jeo.e4
,. :1 pair. •,Id, rand{o-,d to b• In calf : 1 Jet-
wy row, 1 F •,n ohs. •up(•r«d a be 111 ,nN: •2
me 1Mru 1 Jersey heifer... supepN,s+d to M• -nl
k I l
•:df: 1 Jer.ir blit. 1 $ear old: F Durham row.
' icor- Old. 1n calf , 1 Air -hire coo. IY Fran
old: 1 Hereford heifer. 1 ,caraold. in calf. I
'N1TT11( i.__A• Fk 1V VAI'A\t•11:M
K• for evoerlrnr.rl female operator.Vn all
drWKtlnr'Irt.•1iY., knitters onu1Umuo ie. Min
;and rib muldaer. ' kW, ;nowt-, dolor•. f
ler.. winder. and •(Itetter. on {ower ..ewI
lu.rrnine+. .Smart worker+ este make RNN
w:yfe+ by ,lav or Meer work. N,N hid(eharIud
for we -oaring the +{I 4:ellwl. a1'Or w111g noon.
tarty' nine pt•r week. Apply At dine 11 1«torr
i )
air1 rvefx ap gdu•allon to AlNret Ht. KE.II'.
EN11'1,11Y FAA' ASS114.l A'rh1N O►' TOR.
15.1 . lo Victoria .tart, Toronto. aN-a•
the fll'1DWIIIg 11tHPP[N Were PII'Clrla
far nor rm:uing yr:u• : Pae*ident.
Or• Flllnbur)•; Vier ••-esident, Malde
J. Beek ; Nt•eretary. E. Fhxxfy ;
treanil','1•, W. W. Sloan: enditers,
\V. (1. 5.1'•Txgg7u•t •and K. dlc-
NI. :\ strong exreutiv.. a mitten
sea , appointed. The (reaNmer re-
I Ki a halancr. nn hwnd of IEKq. The
memlri411hip of CfLe Atooviwt.ion now
ierefnrd baiter PAH, 1 IhInhatla -torr tell. 1 Jer
t•1 heifer calf. 1 heifer emir, 1 monttreid:yplR•.
month, ad : ;u hen•. 1 lair pea faw L 1 pure
new. I Mase)".Ham. owner, uPa r'.S new ;. 1
1111.+Iry Harri. send drill. t 'roller. 1 Jh.• harem'.
I lain. yluw:Y d11Rlr 1h,a +. 1 .et hnm,m-. 1
a""'''. mill. t'PNa•nl• I
woollier. 1 hay rake, 1 J
I d
Muiwr11 +truce r Iter. 1-Kriu 1.0ne• 1 Rrd'a
1-S411r, I ahr1•nP.rn,a, I hay rack.! tutelarti
.,111011, 1 light 't Miro .. vomit!• towire -f-
w„rk.m.lwllr. ,Its- A
i l 4 Apply at once to
111))105.\-I4KIW _ _...
"- --- -=---- -
j L
eF}'TION No. 1, Went Wawallonh,Moir.
10 r011111••nee after '%1- fear'.Alt).•
'' cumin to ..•....i,t-a
totals oder four hundred. It wan de-
cider to hold A baM{net on Friday.
NUVenitr.r l2,
�• C. i. Spo►ti Tomorrow.
The AOOt1Al. games in connection11
with the Collegiate Institute will be
held toil11l'1'lyW IFt.1d:►y1, n,msgenrulg
At ti (i :lock in the lFlvrning. Thr
r.,H. 1 rt hoh.lr n, t -angle ,Nigh.: entree-
I ratter IPdr. 't'I41KKl Pole, t 1 .4.1r-, t �11
11/41•11 Marne•+,. 1 .«4 dwlbit- borne.., neati$
ne•w. ; I •et .•halo, and pour.•. for Vtua P1l, t -et
double !igen hanN+,s. 1 -el- -ingle borne., 1
1",.rnla •num w rator. 1 (herr 1•..111.1. 41111
donor date) utPn.il-. Y crook Owe-. 1 Wild Wee
vl rlaf f' Ir.
dud. w1.n
- - -
W general servant. Apply to MILS. F'. J.
morn ep ectimothir events. Nllell a% time
a'pellliii K. ale CrsNI'Vrd for the
afternt5'n. so that those of the
tuwnNpreoplr who wish t1 nor some
r,t the rieita and who ' .usual!the
Thr Town sire En m
g e'
The WWII .fire engine is (Ming re-
t Hired. hoe years the condition of
the en,;illr, h7ty leen n frelnenL topic
of debate at wines! Meeting. and the
• [yf$Ini11fY of Various engin, -rnxkel•n
hove been 1 ikon am W the extent of
the ( 1 p*.1 which would 1W aPC1'n-
mire 1n gent the machine in gond shone,
wall it hNltwl like nn PxpPnditurr of
anvwh..re up to Iit1.7JN1. Along with
ot111•1 repairs. u new boiler war said to
IN• needed. An expert lneehank some-
time* tarns up' in unexpected daces,
weVer, and a few days ago the fire
....intuit tee had the engine taken up W
castle to ve one u( ow in-
vputio51 IIf PIY,a'1ri111,Y' naa•.rl
Q I have tool +t inure wonder-
flit escape 1 hon that," reldiel
ttie %(road 1teiVe11.•r.
(] •'Hal ran Idltlt 1N• sW%11111'.+`
N' 1
n.+ke el his na.rnislied friend.
(I' As I !revery, 1h,• dais-
ger. tits (path." said tie• o1 her,
111)' anile didn't slap at all.
Q This it ('11117(4114 % exiret•irnei•.
and lois been for •mann• a ears.
We 11444.• MAL tlen161e11 1111
_ _
1'...\V. Graham. lately hook -keeper
w,nh fhr Doty F:nginn Works t om•
I y, b ..Pa Ind hill,ognrcton with
P y
A Clinton tram of horsey+, lwlong!
in to Air. Murchison, !note a lively
dash round the .( 11arP „n �pturda
d ]
aftel'tLuon. They wrrr et,epped in
front of Morrow & Morgan's grocery
Though the :tied Kr. nt band
( R R
some time ago concluded rte program
of summer concerto, Bandmaster
Hel3N& announcer. that if a favorable
(opportunity II begiveoccurs an extra roirPt'(
aL lluglnii r _1)rtl Store on Munch].
and Tu+sdsy. No ember 1st and 2nd..
Ate you tlPaf 7 It so, we coq make
y, ,u hear with (.ILP Aonusticon. Taube
& Mons will gladly de o
6 Y m nett•ate thin
wonderful instrument at D ll n I o 's
(frog Store on Monday and TutlMda .
NUV rtlllrer !met 611d :.rad. y
(.righty -eve tp•r rent of beadlao6sw
are the result of eye strain. if you
are trouhlad that ser
i uq s
W c11Iseult Tauten! A, Sons atth pnni,
Drug Store. on Monday and Tuesday.
November Ist and Sad.- --_--___ y
TM. habit of quick decision mw
lend 11, NUIt11e wren and hasty choiree
now and then, bat
nam. table, en a le. 1143 sof ioto Mm table.
if tine ne
ton. 41111 galore.. and igloo*, Minot arthie-nee
moste ou• to mention:./ONO a X4•J�1111111111)" of hay.'
F..rri thlleg .l b' •1AA. a-. at r. MOt1'1, 114-
1. 11 hi+ farm.
TI.RM4,-All.um+.daloomno l tinder.ea+h;
over (hat xrrwuut.Iwrh'r n.oe h-'rmht ssIl be
p'r, on 1s nirh4l st.{adoral nolo* rune.. A
0i+,11un1ofsppe4'remit, elluwe,t'off tTrs...i•11 0,
rrfillt einmlOt4.•
if *i(R M'R(((4. THIrr•N, lil'NIra�tI1'_ a
1'reprrirt,.y, Adi 1'
owls tan N. n wi N.I olty+.rn„•
, 1f•:.\I'H...R. \VA awe,., --LAD( O1{
j K,•nt1111144.lot S. S. No.6. Asheekl ; dptle.
to milometer Ivo January, relit; all applieetooto
10 be ,I, 14(0' t1W'el O1N'r 1-I, 14,11 AOVllrw
w11141rre eived hr. Tn.'s. 1'11NUKAM. than.
8414.1, a; Pt
1,..►Protwe et two or 7TibfC-re :PwPrA.
in our drag+ ulnknn depart mete, improver. to
Work w, waist. and cart+ Apply at ee to
11wPCoutt•. HOU1JKVy U
(rut in an appearance in the afternoon
dna Per the more intere,tin of the
)• R
evert!*. There :are E111'LY-seven con-
teat.; oh the program. The 111%trlon-
ti -
tion of the ori,' whish ale now on
rxhilr41141 in George Porter's store
window, will take plane the fnlloN•inR
1.1111 y, ()ctober:S)tlt
... • _.. ,. -. .. . _
The Electric Railwa y
Thr Ontario West Shore Railway
-nweenusemwwwionw -----___-
-- - ----
Company has five _.singe of filen at
T 1$
?tRl7 WAN
T rade work. For further partlrularP apple
ro�lUi L ,K firrix:Kari. IJRhthoueelltreoL.
o , ane..at_ _ = eneretone - eta-
tiara unloading rails send other
mwtrrial-( one near the Pews �terian.
church, APhfleld ; one at Eighteen-
mile River: one at'.\h•Lean'N creek•
rrrnte. W_.arake fl""d
'ice tfristat rat that crthP en4tginep crh Id be
pot on near the bottom of the boiler
end +� cold -water preenure of Iti►; Iles,
wan SnrCPNNflllty ijilitikt-incl week
* � of ---week-
nenP or likngP. A fest such an thin,
it iesaif
s, ia_Uue that a rear many
boilers in artive orae would int stand.
\Viltiam t'arr (4lieP is the name of the
mechanic who is working on the en-
pace of
gong. g d since he changed Working
rule! br h:as IMI'71 workin at the
tire hall on the engine, which was
brought h�3'k to its eremites' p Iter
Ulf it, Tfitlty-1YttFp rmrnrit trtaptf
on Friday Chairman Munnmge of the
(err c IPP ups given authority to
arrange for Cwrradir� N board for
arise until h• is aide to complete rtrte his.
bib and L.1 eid,o' new nu PN for the
- _
Tw7b'Cii :try Wedfflngs. -
O11 September 151 IL MISS KWh
Atwr ID.•ul, of Calgaryturn g of
Lnc now•, Ontario.
mn. Way finite in
marriage 11, Ernest Richard !Maud, up
Mackie I1•uwh. Milk River. Alta., the
W[•Itrlltll{ "king ' {stare at ('algary,
The In-kle-•seal grease sere .ser, '
their h,m,•ymo on At Moll', fhr hennli-
nilsnnmiPt' resortorAllMrta.Miry+
Hem inn will reu(4'mbt•rrd student of
the (LINL•I'irli Collegiate 'instttit,,
Her Meters, Aline Ethel, graduate
mit.,,,,, n( t ohdUO, OnlNfln, ,,,. of
ffp,rknne, wa+i prrwrnt at the eefr•
many. `--
On &'pt.I*th r lstth, m lrliet num-
Gage wile. ,011'nlnized at KDOT chin•('
'mi ne, ll',1li(.Ir y, by '1drv. J. A. (:lurk,
the runt)a,'Lilgt _tint'' e' it'
or a,iy'.,ao . 1 a:a 11' - w
___ Filar_
on the whale it i+
likely t0 with high:
tionni disaster, nor• so fair as
schooIeamptow _whe
ha.. della politic school inspector for
ga ectraraeter and ---•---
right aims.
we Ten„w. --h-as any NI•Mnll.4
dengue threatened liter
- 'w'm._7t44411 T- -
Peet 1C3n11ty f(W RgtnP 'Pp1Y1, him re-
signed his position. Mr. Fmbu
R I ry will
be rrmrmtrerall ass roomer principal
p fN►
(if fhe• iiateriili Oldie schools.
-The -�U "Ci�E
Yonr Pa p,
wilt a ,recisG+ the mane
and from properly
tin F4 pool At-
g.Rlassea, no If you have eye trouble
don't tail W conitiiit'Taube A Sone ••
Hese firms ToaoNro
aarr,,al�q CAPITAL, • 11,f1I1f1.1 0
nosed ,-r. for-s0,rePat hi,.. -.1
work.2141:43'040 Mho. T1. KVHULt., St.
-• • ._ .._ ___-.
and [M1 to •tllxrh- of • tire- Eighteen -resile
About eighty men in all aro
Pmptn3'Pd. The rxfln reg1411' 1 tor,. thewittn
prop ei•l c f f e r a t t b i .
` T' ►Mrk•jcivitig sea., „ft ,• tf i...._...
mincer.. and heart felt f hank.
to 44 .41 fat the safety, the'
;tooter. the prosperity 11f our
,`Yv -v-y-ry--�.�
Itllrilll Old
Th jis' "(Tie'
Tot Pxhihition ham alms n
a p) bt-..aneeting-place fou OW
!limonites, and many who have en
toyed Its hospitality will be still
further pleased t. learn that it is in-
tended w substitute a cortege for the
tent, perhaps by the time of next.
ear's exhibition, se that Huron ma •
have a permagPgt
)<+(lh+p'e�rng�ibore, on Monday and
Tuesday, November Int and 2nd.
SOCIAL KVI:NINO.-The members of
the O1derich tt*bekah Lodge are
holding a gociat evening in Oddfel•
lows' Hall. oq Fridge], October 29th, to
which the public are curdislly invited.
Admiesinn V. areata. Dlxrn open at
8 o'clock. l t.
INt70gppRA4 fin BY RPfItitAL ACT
er fene•rt•4nt. _CAPABLE.
, to MR8, THAR
OA11 1044.
read 1ketween here and Kincardine
aRgr agate 14/ in.. {.51111 trlTili, *}nark
3111 carloads, of which about Pin car
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches do the
Notice to Creditors __-
loads have already arrived. In adds-
:lira ten carloads of track
faNtrnin l4 IIaYP arrived, and hand-
villages of
_ .
I)UNE}A}1I}� -
uTll'h: TO ('R};UI'I'liKft.
cure an track -laying cars also ,are
y R
here. It ie hoped w 'dart on the work
R taill made hg the
15th of next month. The matter of w
rrntse on the
Tewyraa(ttVlVu ft.r=y -1'b* W. '(.
etc., are needed to furni711 This home.
and donations will he grail received.
Anyone wishing ,
Y g to help in this sea y
is Lard kiorllytormnrminiefilewith
Mrs. Ms..•kiln. regent •o1 the Dough-
fern of the F.mptrP.
AL the monthly meeting of Ahmee•t
Chapter of the )anghtei^1 of the Kar
pile a rennlntion of thank wan peened
tel the Weeterq l nnu(4La Flour Mill..
1''1t11pan] for rte generous gift of
g ;:)Ia
't the n, N'irt , 111 bill 11( Alexandra
hospital. This generosity Is wurLh
J ge• y
id imitation• and if other rata 4enieN
should emulate this example their
roar ihuUolls wnnld nn don►rt tM
gratefully received by timer of our
t.iWnn (mole who -
ise 1 are- pulling forth NO
milr11 rtiurt Cn maintain our hnn lllal.
The itaughtern of the Empire par sew
holding A ern on i1Nre411 N•r Int. There
kill I+P a Pwh•N taide of tangy wrtirlPN.
mills. home-made cooking, etc., and
Mrs. Id. 11. Smith will be pleased t0 re•
eeive any article.. of fanP work for
grounds. It motif dThe a ver/ reason-
able and pmper thin fi
at hv6Le p, contribute something
want, tine (,t„jeer, send WP *re nitre
ur1, sit%t..tynaP would he w , re'ou,,,,
-, _
The Pin(fdrq Demonstration.
A novel, attractive and surf -east of
'It'd,. was 1 he Pandora demonstration
at the. Howell hardware Co.'.. store
nail the tiro three hllsinee, days of
(.11N is eek Thr ...ye MRN arranged
toy ler a maria*! II +it••wtion to
art wbo li)1Kht be interested of the
'medal mrritn of the Pandora range.
manufactured try the McCrary MfR.
I' o, 11f !.'.radon, /hu,•, and sold in bode-
rich h the Howell Ilstdwrre (4m.,
L'ed. dor• Rowell waw *Mutest h i' F•
I. Ki traveling upon entative 01
the Mrl'lar) Company. and by Alen.
B/'ek, of 'The Ht. l,awrenre," and veto
eras hundrwl Mt1.,na. inchaling pglNad
.. rrinkhn o� Gm
! R men -folk, were 'tree-
etll all t IP three IIs N. Tea, rnl4y,
ft, geld jys ung feu +t single tore
ggo. N) far siY Ila]41, commencing Fri-
dx y• returning on or before the MI-
lowing Wednesday. lkl not. fall to
take advantage of this exceptionally
P ll
Inug hliday. secure tktetrl and all
iown t -ke frlr►n FRANK.(M a -hmwLAWRRAs, fl ,
town o 9 p.t agent. (Mire -hrFnrg, f1
a. rtl. to i) p, in.
`I tTenlrA r, i)rflglmr Xlnl. erlMfOa �aie Of
farm at -the Althorn hotel, at h. oetaee a. m
Alas Jus.1a KIN11. nroved.newsn. TNIw. ti1•v
liA t1 4)01, '. theohee 'Ge %tint Ion ole oft wo
,Rat NOrn ,sew•. *oolong naivete eta. At the
,, .Morar (.Met (:*!noun. n1 r.A. o'rluek ,loop.
Tal NUM,. A,rtlOm•er.
Trkae. y. ()etcher 'b: (-leering 4nMbn •.MIP
•Of •torn, ,11 alk, lutple4nrnl., rnarrr-w' l.( 1 rtnlpr
and eoen, property of F:. Hort. Flew 1,Ine Inorth
(Ilntanl, a MMtvP Farm awn been wild.
T.Or.nor. aurtiwprer.
1vrhNRPnwr, IMlober 2 (ale of /arm
owe. tel linnwohnld forint lire. etc,
o! N. J. hlorrh, it h1+ !Mout 1104' 110 wl, rmm•
m114h1'i11g at 1 o4,Ferk. Everything mond he
• and
to, HI:HrrN, FARMER.
p n►4 F AriF'
to H.ft:ii:
W.paolklt the Patron of the
Nolieet.here).ygymn pnn11ani
1gr,,rhaytrr.r+r. +Lenon :a. tont all { rnn,
looringetalnu *gainer the estate of T11mnw,
�U')i..U.-wl.odied onthe •131hdays; J1)ne,)yrrl,
:. ____ _
UOIiNF; TO KENT. --A f10U Bi11{
is hmrreonx$ Hnr�r,rn*+rr.•uta.hrrrhed
nwlh kitawn
RALE Rolm nteCnoNTtn.
Highest current rate of interest
are tYrynirnl on Or before IhP . d4Y id No
vemlrer.IMP. tomend°, &liter to Ib.• Imd.,
1awr++hlp M A+h tlrld. ev.N 11tor of the w -t will
to ned. ,0111:11111'oA.for Wildcat M,•1'n e r or ill
rmr-. tnoi4rr: . mow!_ arid
nerf. F'or term- nolo partlenLar, apply t0
tl Kti. LYNN. _ _ , _
Pa id our
o11 de olilt. of IRA/ an Wards.
P p
orihr -rant etalenemof parte.
one 'deice i+ further Riven tAat atter 1Ae
004 3,1 Awl of November, ken, the.+anA sleet.
for wit! to distribute the eclat++ of fhr
home on KrnrP +LrPrt, eight m1m+, in
wax repatr. .toMe,frn tree% be Ati+Mer
on the het. Amer to J. W. HAI,K1CLn, ph01e
- -
A. 0. (IIMt LLKa sl►
MUOIIr the WMun. entitled thereto,
Aavin roKwM oral to the claim.* o► 14Ateh he
stew have nMAre.
J. 1. KILWRAN, Ooderleb. (3nlario• •-__
Molieltor for maid ExPontor.
the 121h day of October. Isla. tel p
_- _-. _ _.
- `� - -
veld Ettate,tor bale.
_ _ _ ......= . _ _ ._
- -- ---- -
1 A K M . F (1 K y A 1,K O R K X-'
n'HANOE for honer and lot In (i,alerich. -
,.-----.�_�__._, .._._.--- .. _. eve acro+ of tot l( c mee•+Ion n, Colborne
' - -" --- --' nM John Hnrhwnnn hirmt: Mark Mm+r, barn
TOWN OF OODi RICH. own a never failing well, w trawl orrhnrd with
fin%•lsos fruit, ft, H. Hu K/WA 1,1.1 Loyal,
T7iLARttlli7t'8 SAW( 0? t*ANIOa ►(IR TAfiRH, keel u)jt RAt.k •--N1NK•1 0014 HOUSE
PROVINCE OF ONTARiO, TOWN Or OOnEnti H. Tor WIT : V on Aster .treet•at a low Noire. Apply at..
Rt !Dille of a warrant under Ste handle' the Mas'/e[ and +oral ,.l the rrwpnnitfon'WI the town Mane to IVIIILI AM HI'1tKn q'y m ACl "Plan
t vtot nm,Ki.x.r.
OIIheMcA,AAlwitthe1.ATtlrweth of wry. MIR 4amrmrlNtlmt rne..be•Jarj!z 1-
heMnafter de.eritsd, for the arrears of lax.., dole therm.. 411Krt er with "1"1`. n
h •.-" .."". .
IvK4Tt LAND 1"(fK ti7CTF: '
(I ern that miler, 'etch tnar- send root- are sooner IMM 1 *hall, par+nano to the AP m Ary, 1'
rt. 8.41. IIMi, rAwpl er Y11, em„e`0.l to .ell nl rpobin. nowt{nn the land- or w ninth teof .w Iwo Marna with :r! acre. {n coop frame
mar be tleerteswry for the payment of f.hr +afA arrears .04 rortw, at myefnrc,,xl - h3ne wI, with
10im. l'Trtee V,`uA'O,111{ng
erne,f per
HAT("KDAY, THE SIXTH DAY OF NoVF:MNF:tt, P,•r,• broken and fen.ed, Tnl. {+ A '4ND. N+
At. eleven o'clock {n the forenoon lend i+ vine al rcery year. U. w1•n•r with
@ e
Tho following tore are patented good nal Aing., Or broken nrtrY• 4u per
IJr4rrrrT 4' ,Lv1N n m•u, acre' trend tonality and [Anew In honor. An
Na. Leri or L4Re TNxs.. of thew can be bought. In raw/ terms. J, )�
Rnnnirq Nember4 ........., 1911 1.5 47.'17 i "IN, 1O. r1 TICWALIC', Yorktun, Sack.
124P L5 ; .. w1 10.27
Pn 7. iT:t 1 ht iffy 1TAd.
ler of the to. I(1•V, J, MIILIy. of Mid.
Il4(Nort., tell_ formerly of ('rinan• On•
Dano, when• fie rved w thirty y*irr'
rtnrat P, and
pw l Villiwm (innlnn, of
Mercer Indian Agent. Cal air
y4 ypart dro1'
After the • rrreninn 1141 y
to ('ronb cafe, where a daint Y
hmchenn ens partaken of. The
bride looked charming In her travel-
ling Molt 11f navy blue 6roadrloth with
Bruuelei net whim and het of navy
Aloe. The wedding gift* were nnm.r•
mut and handsome. Noticeable among7
them were myna' pieces rat cut -glass
and china. The room'*
R gift Lm the
hot. 14.44.-i+iPeiii(ea . - r
wild, aP Mr. Moate nit+ wilA AI+ lIM M. Tw11wr
_ tiles, , --"1iw
-Pre nerves! et NmaTl"Iwfillwr,
tt1�IDs)t. RmttaP�l. -
Masonic Temple for Goderich.
The pmjeet for the •erection of a
dpaP,enic tem IP in (ioderich hese now
eh,l1 a very definite stage, the
d(asonle TI•m 1
Tempts Aa341 Iatiom of (lode-
rich. i united, has in 'secured wPro-
v{ncixl charter, and the directors and
entrees of the Aas.,Pia(ion having been
duly Appllintel. A meeting o the
eharehnldPrs of - 4' Association wait
held nn Thursday night, (k t11Frer 7tb,
par the slPrttnn of dinFcton. and at w
(,cij((har`..t. Pn- mrwlting of + Ja di
slid every,
one was pleasie[1 with the handsome
and hosra dw manner in which the
Hnav1.11 Hard Ware Co. entertained its
nesse, Visitors were shown the Pen-
dors range baking with a pan.r pipe.
showing that the heat. is all tined in
1 eel
the 1 *adds range And deem not n up
the ehimne The nirkrl g
Y•1 n even her a
lrndrnr.y to hnld t.hr b *t, this insar-
fitly not only economy of fuel tau the
desired , ve nn•a41 of temperature. He.
Ing of nickel, the Duro ran tM earl!]
washed. Pbe NNmi-stoPl IlAings are
*pother fP.tnrN : that/ tate kiln d
---�._._--� ..
81.41 41'. In Uatrrte-h, on seatNasser, octet*,
UN n. In r4p1. and Mrs. John Me*ay. • Pon
(Donald Hector)
plCg MoHti)' ,1 -.a, )ienmulPr. On 4V PA
nnrlwy, tN•tOMr !1, h Her. Wm. Haugh
HaMn.lon Hotpot. neat. 0/ It toren. to L,se/
Manr$nr. at LF.•,nnulPr.
rater Rtl1. At %redeem, nn Monday.. , 40
monrA. �nH,t! Hinton egad l.eara to
INOLiR. - IA 0o�erten, on •�•y�unNtwy.Oaleker I
flat, Marlon R APs.+. -PA err ser as.._
17 1.1 of la 2,w1 s;0
Antchltlaoe'r /horny „ i 10URE P'OH HALE. _- A NBW
D9 1.1 1'1.11 911( la i 1 4Hek dwrnin w pr1
' •• e, lel 1.1 AM •t,wi N.fn R• with the modern 1m ve•
" 1st td ex4 :w/ N.1 reerb,. pl*P►nyl e{t1*Iel w(d nearth4Hyaare.
)'ark! Maywood a ssrvf, AM Ilk 5 IT :CO s.ei s Ii ADDIy to W. H. FtO_----THON.
" i 1-( zsF ale
" 1-4 3.41 2.01 aro lions 3 FOB HALK. - A TWO•
t °emotion C. Mocks •• •• Pt.li Wes L.s I1.3A ase Ilse nn tones ed\rreAr FwlirtJmilwiiralminiinrel$�ih by
O,.w..Nr r_._ .... ...,.,, . H', I. NOowo TNiw,.nrr rwlMnR ser alllNALnMRea. sats
Crwrlas more heat tfi meet than ordinary
mew. wed W 7Mn,
Asrw*,vra t.'si`...•.�__..aar•-+�+aw'T>.M1r,.«+ .. 4-