HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-14, Page 81
•refinatf •
144.negta$, ex% eve f44,„ 4 „a„
',0114M11 'L'14,1111-iditkiAe: tol
8 WY, OCTOARR 14, 1904
4 44
TU SIGNAL wit oNTA too
41.1til4di 4...1
Samuel Sheri*: for sixty piers a
resident of Collewne township. died
on Monday at the great ege of 'Maly -
four years. and live months. Tbe fun-
eral tele*place today to Colborne
cemetery. A further reference to de-
ceased, who was a niemiser of one ut
the fleetest and bea-known holdall -Ad
Colborne,. will be made in these cot
titans mixt week.
deuce the deceasair -Church
1 NI r. and Mrs. Mcl r Loeb 111111111144111hrOU0(11 • 11:111/..11) , Si:1114%: Cah,T11VC alld I
Crillodeu lama have reeched rung It is ‘s 10 11.11 Oil
• 't tot mosquito,
inenhood at the time of the attle:
eastly app 14. ,
044, experiences of pioneer days n•
t ',wads and suede the biwnship oi inAt.ct stiligr., sores,
tioderich their btinie until the death $ 1 • • • „
of Mr. Mclaosh laa2. when Mrs. 'Li:A. anti Itlittrics
$lw survIved by the following (411.C.1.
McIntosh usoved to ioderich to resit's. .
dren • The Misses Mary, Kate and ' .• daugct
3-1 1
iu town William, in Portland
4hLl114. 1.. _Paul s, Alexander, 111.
14/111111 Ste. Mai ie, Nlich.. nod James
A.. in town. The funeral took 'dare
on Friday tttttt ming front the late resi.
' 4$1 a Its! curel
The death of W. H. Smith, pro- ,,,treet, Itt.e. Fattier 1.1411t.' being the
prietor of the Lyrie Theatre, tool. place, 0,1,,k„,,,,, „t tat, pete,..14 c1,,,.,,,,, 11111
at Wingliam on Monday morning. In i he iuterinent WW1. iii4tie7in the Cade4
addition to. his business in ISotlerich. 14, ''.'v-ery in Colborne. John D.
the tiereased was the Proprietor of a Nicluti‘ali. of Port Huron, atid.t.'hatirs
howling alley in Willgh:1111, dist was mehit„.h, of iiidikt. w,i,.. her,. 1.,,t,
in that town in connection with his on, inows,,a. and an, nail bearno. a.,,,...
husint.ss when he was taken ill with 4„11„ (4. me hi,„.11. :1 014„ Ketty.J011„
an attack. of typhoid fever, resulting si..1,,,naw and.clunioa timing.
in his death in the Wingliam hosPilwi• - .
Flu funeral 'took I.e.' yesterday at ti7ttt BLYTH FAIR.
His wife and f • children servive.
kinicoe, Mr. Stunt' 4 old home.
4 4, n'oetiatist hem mu( 11 . i.
.1 Agnew: Mrs. th)iveiw: Colleetiv,M• -4
On Tuesday, Oetol r :All. Wili" le iiii,it,q,:i.a,plir., 3Irs. 'll'aiiiirlyn.
corded the death of I ti 11. John -
PLANTS AND -El A iwnits.
'don, 441 Essex, a form resident td"
4 Oive-titan of folsagr. Mot Feuwkli.
. •
tioderich township, am brother id
road, ;no %V. Mason : ger minims, in 14.infii. Mi ,..)
. Mrs. Jolla Graham.• 11111-0
l'...11Wirk, %V. NI+lson ; fuchsias, io
Mts. Wits. Andrews, 11 .. 1.4,1,1 road.
111 )4.1I14'' Mo. on. Mrs. Vecovit•L. Iv. Masins :
hanging I. islet. J. .1. '411.4011 t display
of 4.41311!. in 11 ..vei. %V. MaSon, ;Ili..
Mr. Johno
stn years ago wa,
tor of the "Little Britain'. s.1 Woe,.
on the Grand Trunk Railway at the
.J Huron road. Siii.••• moving t. Essex
about a waiter •if a century 41 ' hi• vont FRS,
had been engaged in building -am mt-
tracting mei woo. mato, of the Or usio
for several terms. He les% t 1141 W ••
and two ettildren. ••The leuittitis wine
t.viiislertell Lir interment in
Maitlentl i•enietery, the funeraLtaking
place on Friday afternoon from th,
reside...lie of %Vet). Andrew.. Bayne)
• Wright.
Saturday's daily paper.4 ctintained
the, annouroutent of the tient Is by
ttf Wright., _at _ Dr' roi , and pe4side
cident of it Ouderieh mar of the 111111111.
1111/0111 10R11 WPM 11444,
114.. The Signal learns f .1. J.
Wright.. under who.' roof Ise tired foi
6 initnber of years. though tle•re was ie.
bond of kinship, that tbwonforttmati-
111611 WA% Marshall Wright, a well-
known and popular citizen of tioderich
noun. years ago. He Wag rng wed in
business here. conducting an exten-
sive fishery at the foot, of Herber hill.
anti was generally 'known a,
Wright ;frith the long beard.- lie was
* nergeaut .111 the 11,111111 Hines and
was present at Sarnia durnig the
nian raid of -tr. rte protast.t) was the
SellSupol ettiliPiafit.m,,, T.
%V. Scott. lity h.
An.' • • 'women awl child. ,,i1 wh.
tiequently feel ehilly, ale • :.1.41
hausted, wilt derive sti eat benefit"(
• he use of Forrov tie, in vigi•rat ir g
• iliiir,IwIticis consists or iriui in 3 form
hey ran /1.,s. 1411., tiesli lean beef
sold pure sten y • wine Norhin;.;
,•oull.be better 111,11I 1111% CO,MbiljfIlims
,.1 strength -giving ttgettts in 'melt
$51,1N1 por 1.4,1111..
Tabt.. ,Imitquel, F. Mt 1...41r. MI
retot : hand. 1.1ete,41.
11.,w• le dahlia,. Nita. Venwi.•11
ot-t Mr-. lion 14
111 1.1111_1411V ]:•4_,__LEILEKILLTU1N.
1•Iiildren ttttt ler ten yeal
Lot el la lileknight. • .1a-. Att1.11
Mg. en Imam. thirteen yeat-$.
y !Lobel ison, Eh 4 ttttt :
41111 1111.1.1 map of
11 sloes Co11411y. 1444.4.11 101111. WI
it Ace •
T- Ittory.
Light levr.es %V. Dickson, Melia -
Ftttle -.I. row in, Mop.
Sim." ww. St11114,V. fol your ttttt 1.t.011 I- 1111441.. IIV 011.• Ur 110.
of. 1441.4 11o4o 1111.1'!•`11.11',1* 11.1
Hog. - P. fribloono. ,11+41'11.iN7•ETV, •lioe• that i• a- lull 1)1114.1 it
Poultry A. Ferguson. Belgravel etatit.te. •
Hoots- A. W. SliNtn. lilyth.
hunt -1V. %Varts041. 1,•Nlerirb,4
ordii 11. Bees.% Myth.
Dairy Miss Green, Loyal.
Wiliam titres -Mrs. J.
Illyt :old Miss MeLennan, ftelgrave,
• ..• i I ' Menthol
--fants1P,'Arre,,, ,
"rt. I c-ILtilld.>
t _•k_. el :11''
The Shoe We Hold Up
finest -looking soldier in the company,
sad. in addition to this. being of au
amiable dinposition. of musical tastes,
end a good story -teller, he berame
general favorite witb. his comrades.
Poor fellow, his end, was a very sad
one, as he fell front a fire.eficalw !Adder
thirty-five/vet to the taveinent below
and died on his way to the hospital.
Peace to his memory.
• •
Sattuday last Mr. and Mrs. J.
Doyle were called upon to mourn the
death of their only daughter. Mary
Evelyn. the butt of a family of six
children, maid in their sorrow they
have the W hole-limartetk. sympathy of
the townspeople generally. The
young lady was only in her *even-
teenth year "and was a particularly
bright girl. Sbe wee attending Lor
etto Abbey in Toronto,wadwiu.
taken ill two weeks before her death
with what proved to be all attack of
typhoid. She wise taken to fit.
Michaels hospital, and during her ill -
neat her parents wen. with her, but
fond parental care and skilled at-
tendance failetl to stay death's hand.
The parents accompanied the remains
of their dear one to thalerich, and on
Tile...lay morning the funeral took
piece from the residenee of It's Honor
Judge Doyle. At Mt. Peter's rhurch
mane wan said by ItrV. rather McRae,
and Rev. Father Northgraves, of
London, a relative, gave an address.
The pall -bearers were Fred $11811-114411,,
Eugene Dean. Victor Dean, tietrild
Kith.; Joseph Doyle Ind Henry Fel.-
, hold tot Halley bury s. Mr. 1 erland
was accompenied by his unele, 5.
Feu -land, and John Ihiyle, slew of
Hailevburv. was here for the funeral.
(The death of David Stoddart, jr.,
w,bich occurred on Sunday laet after a
very hi•ief Minas, removes M. 01 IMF
younger citizens who wilt he sadly
missed from the circles in whish he
moved. Mr. Stoddart NILS in 111.1441414.1
vigorous health up to the beginning of
teat week. when he was seized with
appendicitis, and alter a few days of
agonizing 1.ain lie Miler lied. on Sun-
day afternoon. The deceased was
eon of Mr. and Mrs. I 'avid Stoddart.
and, besides his parents. 'his (11111
brothers and thrte-ePrs, is suivived
by his wife end their family of-yrnmg
children -three girls and one bey. Ili.
brothers Jaines. of notiiipsvate. Rev.
%V. W., of Fishon, Mo., and lieorge. of
Toronto, joined the non of the flaunty
here for the funeral, the only alis,',.,
C I le being Herbert, of Morden. Man..
who WS!, 11116111P to be here. Thrill-
terment took place in ',Ilan 11111•1 Ve4$11.-
tery yesterday afternoon, st$rvices be-
ing condiwtes1 at the !mew and grave
by li,ev. Jas. A. Anaemia''', and at the
grave by the Canadian order of
Foresters also. The itiembern of
Court tioderiell. C. 0. 10., ettend.s1 the
funeral in a body. The pallasarers
were 11. J, A. MerttaiVrt-A.-Nairt ,
Alex. Saunders, 4i. F. Blair, A..1. Pet
tridge end NI. W. Howell. 3Ir. moat -
dart ("lave,- as tie watt affectionately
called by a host of friends) was* man
of sterling worth. He was a hernias.
maker by trade and for several years
had ruccessfully conducted his well-
known business on Hamilton street
He was a man of deep religions eon-
viction and iV/11/4 it cabled member ot
the l.oiwd of manager' of Knnx
church. and in all his relations he
shos;ed a singularly sweet and serene
dispoait ion. '11i the bettered omen (ht'
sympathy of the whole y is
One of the cosily pioneers of this tli'.-
14 a woman who was highly es-
teemed in the cirele of her acquaint-
ance, passed from this life on Wednes-
day morning of last week, in the per-
son of Mrs. Mclntinth, widow of the.
late John McIntoeh. and mother 01
James A. McIntosh, of Omit. The de-
ceeeed had reached the Opp age of
ninety.ftve gears..having.herit.ifftelit_tlf
May, Her iiirthidnce. was 0
Aberdeen, Scotland, her maiden name
being Catherine fAttiont. She was
married in 1)414, anti she end her hit... -
land came to thin country on then
wedding trip and nettled in tioderich
t 'wash p. The deepened Ives pore
...stag of a remarkable memory, and,
bf'41k having a vivid recollection of
the poly pioneer days In this rountry,
she redeembered very well having met
in the Ohl Country a man Who fought
4. in the bottle of Culloden III lila, the
feet ts-ilag interesting as showing the
remarks.Fle extent of Inn. that. was
Vey the t wo lives, just thirty.
seven years short of two centuries, or,
we might say. practiradly two full
ireatertss, tocsin's, the veteran of
We desire to thank the
ladies who ‘'isited our
China I fall -as well as
I11 customers' of the
'Maple Leaf Grocery -
Sat tirday. The many
expressions 4.11'
311011 • were encourag-
ing, as also Was the
U *34..' 1 t) tl s
accorded us.
This week we arc open-
ing out three crates of
IleW Ware for our China
Department. Most of
the new goods will be
placed on what we will
“Illargain 1ables-
--5c, to:, 15C and 254.
We have becn fortun-
att11I1se.iuring a line of
4....,11111aWarC - tiseftil as
t‘ ell as ornamental -
able us to: sell at sur-
prisingly lowfigures
for the %.alites offered.
The display. will he
ready -on Sattirday.,„ik.1
The fruit season is
nearing its dose. Do
not miss getting your
peaches, grapes, etc.,
before tItc quality de-
preciates. We hart a
limited stock of Si Al. -
ERS on hand. Sugars,
spices, peels, etc., fresh
Everything in Grocetiels
- pure. froth and good.
t*hoirr Toss and Coffees
. -a epeeist!,
.0. and
z‘111.11.: 1'113i1.1,4 .41511
' • ...kit li.t• r3 our loot 1110..1 with
L4u:4v Atte, we ('411 11111
hi 4 ./.'4..I Ythi 010 TOM' '114'
44444' to 0111, 1
nu-- NV Fosicp.o.%y, tkt. I;k1t.
Noe.: Cur at ii Nstrets. - The anni-
veisary set vitess at Nile church on smi.
,133$ Isst, nese quite sur,easfill. Large
...aigregxt 1r -tent -al with pleh
1.1 t heir hit tiler pant... , Itev. J.1'. Reid,
now of Al 4%.1.13. Th..
werial music and was ably assisted at
the evening service by 31 ilton
.1 Carlow. A special offering 01 gal was
asked for 1.y the trustees. •And this
mouton. 4.4.45 received. Rev. A.
letter..i4,, Auburn, will'inindort &mai-
veisary 1.:104.114•Zor next
stinday at 2:1, and p. 111 41111.
day, treti.ber 2-10. will be 'Modulo*' %
day at Nil.• chinch. Rev. NI. D. Mail
den. It A...4 Pine River, will preach.
The e llllll tinter is 111. 411)g,•
: lig for a laymen's missionary banquet
o be helduts Montl:IV eveuing. 011
1••1404. J. Murdoch, of latek•
and O. F. Blair, of Goderich, ate
to gite addiesies, ii41 in 14 11.14.14•
111r Ore.4:41111 is (.1111..C11,1.
biomass' & VANATTLR
The Rest Food for Workers.
The best food for those who work
with band or brain Is never high
The best example of this 1. found In
Quaker Oats. It. stands at the top
among foods that supply nourishment
and vigor. without .taliag trim dillvs•
tion, and yet It Is the least expensive
food one can eat.
The great rood value and low cost
make It an ideal food for families who
want to get the greatest good from
what they eat.,
Laborers, factory ur feria bands, fed
plentifully on Quaker Oats will work
better and with less fatigue than If
fed on almost any other kind of food.
All of these facts were proved and
very interesting Information about
human foods With gathered by Pro-
fessor Fisher of 'Yale UnlversitY In
1.24*. 6
For Ili'' pi. sing ,I..1-1111 Wt.
I .ve the freshest and purest ' •
1-: 4.4rr44tii1X ,...41-W,4444.44446,11.44g.
your pickles. aml ratsupts.
Hest whit• eine and elder
Give us your order.
Sturdy & Co.
Thane et West Side Sedate
'PHONE 43.
ChrIsti 11111CHItS
Shipped in sealed Outs, always
ravish and (misses, not ex pored to
the atmosphere, dust. flies. sty.
.111%1 reveived this week a 'ergo
shit 'III consisting Or tile
following !Mee:
Mai slunallow Finiterso'
Sultana Walvis,
Weis Travidlei.
lam Jams,
Fruit (huger Breads4'.•
Vane% Ntaearn..,
lios,.. 43
vvatyr $41
4.44.1 Tea,
.Aosorted Sasu1wich.ssi.44
(linger Nut.
rig liar, 44
"14 *1 Bread.
bottles.. at a prices.
Ti y p wind of own blend
liesh.goeintl t'offee at 101..
English Breakfast
Fountain Pens
tVaternian's ideal Fountain
Pens, fully guaranteed, stint
sold uti all day.' t rial. .11 mey
refunded if riot satisfactory.
l'rice, 1112.50
Remex Fountain Pens
These pens have It -carat
Rola Poilita, and are meow -
'mended by us to be the best
SINS Pen on the market. To
introduce this Pen wts have
piaeedfonfeale three (trou) at
species/ introductory price,
411.1111 eaeh. Money refunded
if not satisfactory
GEO. POR tER. Proo.
Coult 111044.e Square, tiODERIC 11
'Phone coo.
It 1,...k vials of„emwrience to
mend oft4 port'. t Tea
21 lbs. tiranutated Soifer twit
Itedpath) 111.4141
l'ot 14.11 ley, 5 for lllll .2fir
( 11 11 netti, 5 Iliet. fire
bei•-r-Parrtry Plour.tfrthw-for-tetc
Valencia. thrsogve, one dozen
Twcsin-one Shoe for if.,
White NadutFlaked Pease, per
package. ..... . .....
Fresh Eggs wanted. Zr per
S11.7:t3TX 13 C. A. NAIRN
••••1•10• ••.•••••=••••11=••••
Liebe Chickens
and Potty!
On 1Vednenday of each week 1
will buy any quantity of live
ehickens and hem,, and will pay
highest market cash price for
tame if properly fiat tenet'. Pool -
try must be starved before de-
J. R. McNab
The People's firocery
All seasonnble good*, of hist -
late quality and at right prices.
While 1Vine and Cider Vine-
gar for the pickling season.
FRESH 4.4.
Let 1114 11114.;•• yollf lotions for
Prompt (I ivory
'Phone No. lir. H4N Iton 81.
New Rang s
0 co
ace,nint of having to store\
pert of my stork of stoves 1 find a few
of them have 1.4s( remise of their
hrightm•ss. though in no way Injured.
wereivatking.41 special cut of from
lit to 211 per eent. sin these /Or quiek
selling. RS We do not wish to carry
anything but clean stock.
We are mole agents for the
Good Cheer Stoves and
, Ranges.
Another line we Are pushing 444
otesent is the celebrated
Brantford Roofing,
SOH Mile 'Or 11011F1P, torn or fact .ry.
Alt trestles in rock (nein St.so ap.
A good stock of these lines always
All kinds of Contracting. Jobbing,
4.4. eat i rig, Plimilaing, Electric Wiring
....1 Metal Work.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 166
above article and haw plenty on hand,
FRESH and CTOOD. We have it for
sale in original half-pint and pint bottles
and in half -gallon tins, also in hulk :n
•••• any quantity desired. Bring your bottle
and try some.
5. E. HICK,
117LTIPN Lao
'11110, h 52
Central Drug Store,
See the two Models tri
Two of the best lines made in Can
Rubber Tires, Automobile Seats
and all the latest ideas In first-
class Carnages.
Second-hand Maple Leaf Chopp
(13 -inch., nearly new, for sale.
Several good drivers for sale.
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey -Harris. Implements. Mel-
* lone Cream separators. Plenty
Plows, Bissell Disc
Harrows, Land Rollers,
etc., etc.
Was.roon • -H 'prams Street'
- Oodt•Hch.
For Fall Wear
We have the greatest values
men's tine shoes at
1$3.50 and $4.00
Good, solid, reliable footwear -
just the thing for Fall -weather.
We carry these in all leathers
and have a full line, of shapes
and sizes 'to fit all feet. Noth-
ing in town to equal them.
40:' "
Downing & MacVicar
North side of Square.
--a: M. 01 Perla anlvert on MO
u to apend the Thaiiioderie hog erases1 with
her daughter Mr•. Hurry Stowe, 11.1hgvion
Preston Strang armed ,houe (row hig
JOIlln in tho Wont an Saltirdio high, Ile
thinks the %Vest 4*41 great °Ducar) aud Ihteude
ifoirt there again nest *elven.
N.1.1 de l'enoier who 1141 4044 the Oditf of the
*44,11 01 Ntootrest 11.4. ikOeIliranoromod 40
the Loudon branch 44. L. htaroo. oI MOutreal.
has arrived 10)01141hr staff of the lode' hre4ch.
Godert h
We werepleseed fast week tier:livvv-z-ren --
from W111.1: W Won. of Huns. ateetansshe
▪ been revisiting hi.. harm •nd bleeds in llot
towu. Will Is 111 the drug Invites"
The annoutweineut ha, been received in lush
01the marriage of Jamie Percy Ailteubead,
Kagton. Md., to hilirgaret Rickard.. daughter
of Mr. Koalas France. Melotoer g
the sighed aou of Ite John Altetihoad V, ti
forint/Ay of norierion. The *veldt ug took uhtee
on deptensber Ord.
It''e-v'''" CAMERON •IntWIN 1
Additional Specials
• •
for ibis week sad next.
4 d07411:11111.11'S Mocha Gloves. regular 51.4.14'. apee1a14..... ..... 7:k‘.
&Somas men's negligee and flannelette Shirts._ rosulorNdr.
and 7:ec., to clear at one price . . 34.,
4 dozen men's and boys' four-in-hand Iles. regular 25c.. clear-
ing 2 for .
Irgroes of boys' bow *fief. in all colors, to clear each.
50 dozen handy Bachelor Butt(ma, can he put on 1*14 second,
regular I5c., to clear. 1" Ileek110/111, 1 dozen. 6c.
(Mee our adv et tisement on page 4.)
"Northway" Suits and Coatsi
Suits and Coats with "Northway" on the label can be bought with
absolute confidence that material is good, style right and fit fault-
less. You will find "Northway" labels on most of our suits and
coats, and each garment represents one of the best "Northway" styles.
You can have suits made from Broadcloth, Venetians, or Fancy
Stripe materials, and Coats made from Twills, Beavers, Diagonals,
and Kerseys in black and colors. .
We sell "Northway" Suits at $15 to $25.
"Northway" Coats at $10 to $25.
Other Coats, not "Northway," $8 to $15.
Elderly Ladies' Coats, black only, very
stylish, braid -trimmed, $15 to $35.
Those $15.00 Broadcloth Suits tistivP---- a--
The Suits we are wiling at 515.111) are rertainly exceptional value. They
414'.' *4414..' from high-grade, ell -wool broadcloth, cut in one of the beet styles
t he season has produced. (Mort are -navy. brvinvitreelt;-Irerlind---bi•ek•
ire only
Women's Woollen Underwear
tiari owl night elflpilahitO *4.i.'
411,•.1 1,1 %Val IIIPI• 1.(1114'1. Y..,1 will HMI
i11,1 the 11011 iteight4 here f,,r 1•••twreti
season's wear. All ivri.•...1 very 111114 *'4'a*ely
I lore nil, SI1111•• ro.31 wool values :
White Vests 25c
1, olie4' thbod Undot vest., high neck,
,Ipetl front, long slooVeht NOft.. finish.
Really except i II
VII.lie. 8,4. each • • • • 25c
A Better Vest at 35c
This Vest is made in the same mill, but Is
one*tality better than the 25c line. It ie a
little neevler too and a little better finish.
We find it 14 111.' of our beet sellers, drawers
to ni,tch, per garment
Cream Vests 40c
Thin is a good betweer.-aeasone gortnent,
made from mat yarns, Mhtii11111 weight sod
nicely finished. We consider it
extra good 17/1111P nt 9.1t/IL
PRICES, 5k, 75c and SI THE fiARAIENT
The Sale of Samples
Have you availed yourself of the money-eat/Ina
chancee our sale 111 svmples offers yon ? We are
clearing out the aamplen of one of the foreneed
reutimfacturent of Ihulerwear, %Vainta andllirettnes
Canada. There are hundreds of garments 411 0111
counters'. Ladies' and I 'hildren's Flannelette I oder-
wear of all kinds, Ladies' Dressing Racritten and
I/lensing Gowns, Ladies' Waists and Children's
Drensen. All ere selling at prices that mean a saving
of at least 2h4- to :Inc on every dollar you speed. 11
cannot pay you to make up a garment yourself whee
you ran buy them ready to put, on at such in ices.
Over-all Aprons 50c 45l24"4..44,'.4444.4444.'.1441,'---"---
rhose over -ell Aprons cover the whole dream. They are made from famt-enlor in•Ints, and
• Onmein 11 variety of grind pattern*. Heber dart or light rehiring's. We import them direct front
the English makers, or pricer, would have to h.* good .deal more than we ere welting 50c
them at. Siz dozen just in this week, at your rimier
se -y-
41 44