HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-14, Page 6'
6 TRURODLY, OCIallinit 11, 1111141
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Granites -111e, Vt. - "I was paseing
tb rough the Changeof Life andsuffertd
from nervousnesa
anduther anittiyitig
symptonis, and I
can truly say tha
Vegetable COM
pound has proved
worth tuountaias
of gold to Inc. as it
restored my health
and strength. I
never forget totell
nyafriends what
Vegetable Compound has datie for um
durieg thia trying period. Complete
restoration to health Means so much
to me that for the sake of other setter-
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you 'mai publish
this letter." -Mae. Cites. BARCLAY
. Riallaaarabiteville, Vt
No Othet medicine fbr woolen's ills
--7----=lets-reerieedamieit wide-spreadattatatice
• qualified endorsement. No other ma:-
trine we know of has Rich a reeord
of cures of feMale illses has Lydia E.
ritikliaina Vegetable Cumputiedas
• 04
I' r more than 30 years It hbeen
curie female complaiuta such as
Mita ation. ulcerative. local weak
&teases, Witold tumors, irregulanties,
ateriollie 'Rains. backache. indigestion
aR nervous prostration. and it is
unequalled \aor carrying women safely
through the nod of chatter of lila
It costs but ttJe to try Lydia E.
ankhania V CaalejaelInal. Met,
. a irs. Barclay it is ••eortli moue.
tai of gold' to ering woineu. a
"Now that we've crime to *bread le
Ile talk I offered to marry you and
do tire square thing. but 11' you don't
want to Pll pass up the formality aud
.btke you fur my squaw, the same as
t _pour father toe/ Alluna. Just re•
enemata you're alone with me hi the
• heart of a wildernews, and you've got
ts make a choice /WC beett USW Fur
wing Inshore rind make some break-
fast as woo ea It. light enough to
shown • landing place if you agree
Se eons quietly and go through with
ebb thing like a seuxible girl 111do
Where right, but If you don't then 111
do•whara wrong, and maybe you won't
be eurd—d anxious to tell your friends
abod ads 1,j1,iceread your story
%land doses) the river."
She ems itunnkes gazing over his
phookier eellerti ot a Maas -lag Nowa
lir bar. They rounded n bend where
ithe bet bank crumbled before the tin-
-Meng teeth ot the river, forming •
bristtlust ebewslatteerbie of !cantata
bitten nal awash In tbe current. The
abott shie or the curve protected a
trawl bar abet tunde downstream to a
aaggeoltike point, and toward t his
Itnixdoo poopeged tbe skiff. Theatres
Return Ticket-
' Fait! on
October 22, 23, 4, 2,
Re: %Veen nit sti,i,1118 C .
tra Detleit and Port Huron. tie ..
Buffalo, Niagara Falls. is•op asp .
Midge and Bra. k Rock, N. 'Y.
Return limit October 27.\
Good going cla::), wind
• NovetrIN:r.6
To Teniaga4.1 Dal, int. e
October 2i. to Novembct
Lake.of !lave eta .
Reture limit. Deoetuher a. or until alo. •
of aaviaatinst, if miller, I..
ramie d ateann is.
*Cure tichels ired . „
arm tccia
, F. L.111'11ENt
Down .r.“n Ag.•!,1
Offlee hour. --t,::-a.
- .
()madam Neville)
0111 o. Ask. moyone whit I.
bunt. . the line..., if ya
'alai tale is hunter n n cl av It I
Wr Mt fii:KIV sporf my.. • •
Vain be Blade resy easy tor atet la
Writing C. Pelee (riven, Piss. ng..
Agent, Otturallian Northern
Torontn. who will !di jai haw 1.. a
---atireatilaiL Was. to go. -Wa- fo-7111-.77;,
Tracks." --
eitatreetercateal-ratigar-fate fee /a-
round trip rat points in Smitten y nt1
North from Oetoher 12, anti 1,Vasiptg,
and .North front October 21. Al '
tickets good to tdoir over and valid t.
remit until Decemiera,
Ask neatest Ticket Agent fa
thiough fit Ioi .
ether %and
wetted tbe arurrent. but if, on the
and thew wax but one (ranee of this
oo bowunan (-cold make Mode ay
kaeON wegy stiff that lay along the
deed to are 'if this oee was where It
bed bawd dusk, for there were but
two modes of egrets frotu Flambeau,
type. IR Needle „had gone up river ,a1
the trelltibter,,porearit "Nati holseLess, for
water front. and af a sudden he de-
Btarrnateakee. something about a Pe-
etebursaugts caboe arid a woman.
cassametanem neeurred to htm, a few
know was that be doubted. Why?
eke thar neteatazile theory. Wbat he did
Berzuw-cesztatn terms of a disOcented
too dimly. engraved ti afford foonda-
gambhreelnenterta, sod yet they were
weds vitrieb he had overheard in
beapensend ovon sotaconseloustretur
larenebosess, Ow certain facts Itad been
dfil. not engin** jibe with the
Oterfeht Roes. Moreover, Ms memory
egad tale eand Ilretillant, had a
use Wed ISEIGIVE statement, which so
seenewhat differed effect• upon the
The mliser.ef 'Pokuo Claret worked Is
• • • • • • •
, Lhat cedar craft was
gooe- lie ran /tut of Stark's house
and' de wn 30 Pre riwer bank. It wait
vast on • chane, and, lf he was wrong,
au mei ter. The others' Dooki karve oo
the net up river steamer, whereas If
het su spicion proved a certainty, 1/
Ilitstric had lied. to threw them off the
ternet.=and lammion had taken her down
strwern-well. Poleon wiebed no one to
haler him, far be wouldaravt•I light.
Tbettexit way mew. Ile aarched the
no backward, lea it was not there,
adadx excitement grew la.W, likewise
isautxte. He atonable(' op to the trad-
DP and &roved to (30 rear, where.
bottom • up, lay Ida own cruft, 'Jamb
canoe, , frail and trearberoura for nny
bat a man schooled in the ways .of
wilt water. Ite it carefully ltril
the a taspering torrent, then dripped
hides 41 with feverish Mesta, for the
rimang can of a hot pandit was 'as
dna, and, althouzb war the cold,
1 -arse hours of late niche he v. -tapped
al! his gnrments until he was Imre to
tleamiddle. He seised hirrptnklie. sten-
ped in. tben knelt amidebtas and push-
ed away. Tap Writ bark •newered
m e a living thing. leaping and
dancing beueeth tbe et/atone while
poring rising ridges seeel out upon
his back andantes an they. rume laud fell.
• • • • • e •
Huntrloo drove bin Peterborough to -
Ward the shore -Bit powerful strokes
and ran tts nose up on•the gravel, rose,
stretched Cdrinieit feel dragged It far
Thar ow, then looked down at atria.
'Welt what la it-yeentirdra fieryeit
want me for a hmilhand or for • folt.
ter?' be cowered In theistern, a pale,
bared ewe tn re.
ebss cad 'ber•tiesparingteyes up sad-
'iduwn the river, theennt-tbe wiidernese
un either adore Writ du as silent
.and unpeopied as if ILI bad .been crest-
ed that morning. Shaemstetlieve time.
She would temporise, pretending to
yield, and thee hetrary him to the drst
comer. A pros be exacted under du-
nes would not be bandana
"I'll go quietly'," she said In a faint
, -TO -
ammo, spok,,np,
Mtf$nilter 1.1th to 0/.1..1a.r. 10 h.
111.XiCO, NeVitatp, Septellthei 15 la
October lath. ,
Moose, Bear, Cariboo, Deer
All Varieties of Small Game
Arr fantod bete in greater altinal
wire ot tinder 11111•111. fav‘ttable
ditione than on the Canadian Perin,
'MAID Line between Mattawa and the
Manitoba bimodal y Ask for 'Op. e
Wartime for Cattle and Frill," "Viab-
le, and Shooting.' "Sport•toti. -
Map," eta
thst, yonr tickeln and inform .11..
JOS. 1<11)1), Agent.
(lore* m.1ti4re WI Word. Street.
Phonon !analogise* 120.
°Mee hours e:g1 m, to ga)
"I knew youlki see tbat I'm acting
square. Come! Get the cramp unt of
yourself while I make a pnaof eoffee."
Ile hekl out hh4 hand to assist her,
and she accepted it. but ',tumbled ae
she ruse, for dm had been crouched in
era position forams-erni hours, and her
limns were ittlff. Ile (-might bet' Ana
swung her ash.. 'Then, instead
purling her feet to the ground, he
preened her to bfteself mustily and
Leased her. Stw gave a stifled cry and
fought hlm off, bat he langbed and
held bee the•eloser.
"No, no, nor' she gasped, writhing
like a wild thing, hat he crursheti ide
Ilpa to hers-eando and then let her go,
whereupon she drew nway from hint
panting, dtalseveled,J1er eyee wide and
fined welt horror. Mk *caulked her
Bps with the backed' her hand, an ft'
to Prime rriark.. while be reached
into the canoe and bsought forth nn
ax, n bundle of fread.and a coffeepot.
Then, stTh chtuicileg, ha itilltrrre nor11"
few Mirk. of driftwood and built a
fire She had it 1(30,1 instinct to flee
and sought. for a mewmpeof eseape, hut
tbey were wed oat upon the bar Oat
stretched a distance...4 1(11feet b. the
WOrlded NG* OG 0t0, owe ,4 the feta
row mat was the searrely moving.
half stagnant • atter of .a tiny hay nr
rdtte, on the of her the ift. gliding
ennrent tuggtng, at the bearlied evine
while the entre mai of the graveled
ridge dwindled olown to nothing 111111
C3Dvnirarr.tir.- nedtPEO OnOrintRa
• • rata drab
der 1..1
.. andb er aoI sy sId be rta teased ed
I her, and With 1110 oath be followed. It
%van au unequal race. and he hatelled
her 'wtth omits strong hands when be
,.vertook her. ,
'So! You lied to me! Well. rin
1hrough with this foolletturan. If
lama: -go back tau your word like this
you'll 'bawl sue At' before tbe priest,
so 111 forget my promise, too, and
you'll be glad of the ettance to marry
"let tue go!" ,slie panted. "I'll mar
ry you. Vet, )1.0. 1'11 do it only don't
touch inc
Ile led he back to the tire, whieb
had begun to crackle. She was sto
ta•ak now that sbe sank upon ,the
+tones slily -enter.
' "That's right. Sit down and bel..
while I make something hot to data:
You're ail In." After n time be con
Metal as he busied himself about Illa
task: "Sa •, vou 0 ht to be glad to
ma me.. I've got a lot on -money. or I
will lime, and once you're Mrs IWO-
Mon nobody 'Weyer koow about thhi
or think of you as a squaw."
Ile was still talking when tbe girl
sprang to her feet and sent a shelll
ery out over the river. but instantly
Ile Wee Up and upon her, his hand
aritaf her moatb, •vrtitie sbe tore at it
soreataltia the name of roleon Beret
Ile slicaoed her to • smothered, sob
1 Mg mumble and turned to sea far
Oilalati tbe team Of tbe great'solted
alai, a Luau in a bark canoe. The
raft bad just swung past the bend
aboverand was still a long way off. lao
fir away, In fact, that aerie's algiett
1..1.1 not reaelied it, for its uctupaht
laid mitt averingly to the swiftest
•Itanuel.' ills body rising and.falling lo
the smoothunending rhythm of a
master ha.D1 1111111 under great hit.taAia
arms mating now and then as the
paddle glinted and devils) across to
the oppoidte sale.
Itunnion glanced Oda hurriedly,
t lieu c•ursed . as he saw no , place of
concealmeut. The Peterborough skeet
eut upon the bar conspicuously, as del
he and the gtri. But the chance re-
mained that this man, whoever he
was, would pass by. for his speeduwas
great, the river a, mile in width and the
bend- sharp.. Necia ' had cried Puleun's
aline, but hee, companion saw Do re-
-ambiance to the Frenohman in this
otrange looking voyager. In fact, Ise
sauld nut quite make out what was
peaullar about the twin -perhaps Ms
..yes were Dot as sharp as hers -and
then be saw that the boatman was.
naked to the waist. By now he wax
drawina opposite Gann with the speed
Of a hound. ,
The girl, gagged and held by her
:•aptor's hands, straggled and moaned
despairingly, and. crouchiug back of
Ilie boat. they might have escaped die
cover), in the gray morning light bad
it not been for the telltale tireasi tiny.
crackliug blaze no larger thau a man's
bat. It betrayed them.. The clan Ing
craft upon withal -their eye% are
fixed whipped about, alincat lam ing
front the teater at one stroke. then
,ame toward them, now nothing ant a
harrow thing, half again the width 1?
a Mall's body. The current carried it
down:abreast of them, then past, atel
itutudon rose, releasing the girl, wan
.ried out with all her might to the
lantman. He made no sound in reply
hut drove hia can ee shoreward with
quicker strokes. !tarns evident li.
a old effect his Medina ear the lower
end of the spit. for Dow wan with
In hearing distance and dr Ins closet
ricgy itstant.
.'ecla heard the gambler call:
. ter off, Dont! Ten ean't
She aaw a gots In Runnionaa ban
and a terrible, sickening, fear swept
ever aerator he was slowly walklag
kee abreast' tof the
. aline ns It rifted.
"Beeteseat or rr n firetarpatenea
Ittmnion agate. and she screamrd•
"Min tty. la laaeonl Baal kill you!"
At tier words unstion retried Wit
antl-lt Rbe boom t be
3 behind rove berate with tbe
ormndtng board, ea w the
y 301,' spurt of stook° and the ,Litter
Of the bufet :is It %eel Wide. It was a
len:: shot and had been fired as n finni
warning, but Doret made a.. outcry,
por did he CPR** coming lustead ale
pa/laicals/la Use . b a ler e Jib 1 a.atialtle
steady WOWS- Mot took oery ounce
or effort le hits body. Bowdon threw
Nieto 1110.,eno and replaad the spent
shell. OD rime the careening. crazy
craft In a sidewise drift, and with It
the girl •sw coed; g • terrible tmgedy.
atm Warted to run down 130grayeted
1 itlae Wand her enemy. not realizing
the Willie .ir monient of ber netion nor
knewitie clearly what she would do,
lbe ast as edrew neer else saw Run -
men raise las gen again and without
thought of her own safety threw her -
a. a neon hint Again hits glint went
wale as he strove to hurl her off, but
111.4 former taste of lIff strength w Ils
lt,I hin•:' to this now that abe height
for Piiiii's Jas. 1 Ro
uulon nonrigid no-
rrily and thrual her awny, for he had
milt. d 1111 the C01101 was close.
'1,4,I One go, reit dertIr he cried and
:ilea.; steam But again she ran at
late Tills time. however, ehe (lid not
oli her elremitly nMla
enInat Ma, bit paws-
ima -....aa ••• ie. a • to to . fire., she
!trust at bat elbow, then dodged ont
t to 4 *IV Her blow was crafty and
a , il timed, find Me *hot went will
.`i ' • lie legal: 11 1111, and zeroth she dr
etr.teral II n toroth and danced
oat of hl a rem•11 She Dan nimble and
kI-I n4 qua ketted now by a cold
eat illation (4.811 that depended upon
Thr.e ilittee in all mite thwarted
I bai ((Idle the rin,o, drot e elofter
ter, )net .nt On the fonrth. as Ole
.111,013 the
1 lie
rooks But the delay
futal to Mtn. for though the
aim close agalust the bank and
IUD 0 III 11 seemed to offer a
Morel him
be uthewilbe
tartlet uhn. Run
Ob.:: utterance to a
They grappled and ,fought, alone and Ian
evrtrange, feral. w ulug and. as If be
were crying Ilke a fighting boy. Taco
a,s the gambler raised his arm the
Canadian lifted himself up on the bot-
tom of the cauoe until he stood
stretched to his full height and leaped
As Reunion tired he .prang out and
was into the water to his knees, hi
backward kick n1110114 the craft from
underneath blur out iuto the current.
where the deer seized it. He ita.1
risen and brume' all lo one moment
launching himself at the Nhore
panther. The gun roared again. 1.
Poleon came up and on with the ro-
of the great brown grizzly that 1.
missile can stop Buonlon's weapm.
blazed ID 111. face, but he neither felt
nor heeded It, for Ws bare bands were
upon bus quarry, the Impact of ble
body hurling the other from bit f.et
and neither of them knew whether
any or allot the last buth•ts had tal.ei.
effect. '
Poleon had comelike no arrow
straight for Ills dark the Instant he
glimpsed it an insensate, unreasoning.
raging thlug that no weight of lead
nor length of blade could stop in Ills
haste he had left Flambeau Without
weapoe, of guy laud, for In isle tilled
such thiegs are euperfluous, and he
had miter feetatt with auy but thou.
God gave him nor found any tiring
thing that his !lauds could not mas
terallierefere he had rusbed head•
long against this firmed mid waiting
reachleg for film ever (beer at.(1
loser 1111 the burning powder Paula
bix eyes. Thr y grappled .and relight.
aloe, and unseenand yet it Was no
fight, for aunnlon. though a vigorous.
heavy inuarled manwnsaenten down.
amothered and crushed beneath the
onslaught of this great naked fellow.
who alt the time 3(1,1 'd 00,1 irtaned
and mewed in ti panting fury.
They lacuna half across tbe spit to
aae farther nide, where they fell in a
art laic convulsion, slipping
•hat ae congrd and belated
there- rar:bler fought fog Lt.
,Ife reale •t •Ceti tleth of lite orb
••• r !,•:1 '.!iltUrted tar, 02
snanned ahd Ike (be 111117.21e Lrf a
wolf, aline all e he he -4d that
barrio, intirticulat note of lewd
huuger at his •iu ib� Causal ma's
clinched hands crushed latet,r ale)
fell ule.n ns if mailed with tete'. Me
fingers wet, like tearing thqgs that
could not be I, 'iced. It was a right-
ful combat, lialtous from itx In all
yy-litmatissabottie of a man aga a
maddened beast whose teeth tore and,
whose claws ripped, whose every
move wag Irresactible And so It was
ever Rhona..
Poiron roil.. and ran to the fallen
girl, tenting rebind kitu u huddled and
Misted likeness ‚4j umn, tle picked
r up tenderly, mogniga nrd croon-
' But is her limp heed lotha back,
wing her pale, blind features op
to th !mavens, he began tu cry. this
time elite it woman. Tears all from
his camas -burning tears, the agony of
which geared Ms soul. the lald her
carefully beside the water's edge, and.
leading hertiend anal shoulders in the
(Took of his left arm, bre wet Ms right
IOW 5144 bstaed her beecrouching
over her, half nude. driephig with the
sweet of Itt. great labors, .a tender,
palpitating Spire of bronted miracle
RtItt irtnew. wtth all htx rim and bete
rcpared by apprehetudon and plty
The short moments that lie worked
whit .Wier IMRE RIM tottllieridlirr
dyed beneath Ids nilintstrathine, and ,
her first frightened leollt of eonnelona-
netts was changed to a Melting India
It -what happened, l'olemir ehe
• std. -I wag nfrnidl."
Ile mood np to his fell height, shak-
ing and %%eel( se the water dint drip-
ped from Mtn, the very hones In him
tlionolted For the erat time he it
t, red weeds. "Tank (kid - It goebr
nod ran hlti hand up over Ms wet face.
It here la he./ She nettled to her
(Besmeared intim the river. An instant at him, P.• at rnt. k to Ite rld of MY'S n 'frig htedly hen, 'toeing the
later, when he- earned to tbe clearer ~ring ei.aeallt. afrork rim he !Dieted. event:Me figure beyond, be -
water of the eddy to fill the coffeepot, e. I. 8,1 a: .1, I 141,14 at n man Silently esti to iiuII -r _lip
An honest, sturdy and persistent
desire to build the highest pos-
sible grade of instrument, made this
plant of ours grow to what it is to -day
It A it E
OUR plant didn't grow big because We wanted to
make the most pianos, but because we wanted
to make the best. It takes more epace to make one
good piano than to make four of the made -to -sell
Besides the regular machinery used by piano
makers we have many machines of our own invention.
Each one of these machines does its part of the con-
struction of a Mason and Risch piano in a better way
than It could be done without it.
Mason and Risch
The piano with a soul
There are many features in this instrument
which no other piano contains and we require
special facilities to construct them.
We want to tell you the whole story of
the building of a Mason and Risch piano.
Send this coupon to us to -day and we'll
send you our booklet "Inside Infor-
mation" which tells the story of the
making of a Mason and Risch
piano and why you should have
,it in your horne in preference
to any other make.
The Mason and Risch
Piano Co, Limited,
32 West King St.,
Street .. •
&ad Snag
Swwl rear Its
testae beside* melds -
lag tli• mums Mgr I
&mad own • Kum owl
Mich Maas rain des esse
edemas see tie n
(CIfareuIlioanlgtroituble wiwaanthot sorewpaanr.eds
Even a child can ice a
cortivms cake perfectly, in three
minutes, with Cowan's
Icing Eight delicious
flavors. Sold everywhere
Etch the name -
11 •
bar IDWad
011W1 wised berm:rat tete and aped the
rabid* nn-
- ••• limpia 4 aip and fell. pltlful.
To be continued
aglid. wised MHO Aram SegraW1-'
,'',aaaaaaaU riaaailiaaaare'alcee Asia ailF7Kina7A4t 7,14)1
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It stands for all that is best in spool silks.
By their exceptional strength, lustre, elas-
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SILKS have obtained a unique posi-
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But, above all, they appreciate BELDING'S
SILKS because we keep our range
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BeIJng wpoolis whan empty hrifil proneNos•.
Write for rho II.t -or amok yone dealer.
Another Bargain
11) aperitif arrangement o i•
to tiff,,
The Toronto Weekly
Mail and Empire
the two together from now to1*17 te,.
1, 19111, 5Ie, troni now to J.
miry 11. Bill. SI.Oi-
• NEW SUBSCItrbuts.
auThhatelribe a of The Signal,
eisslasitto ran- to meet
nil all orders to
11' A MAD kis w am much ahout Mak-
ing A51 he Joe, &bout Ending fault witi
it, he wouldn't need !III 11111,11 brain+ to
supet ior to womxii.
r- --1
, Funeral Directors
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Ordoes astatertr ottonaod to et on
boars, niglot a
I I IV 0
urniture anti rndertaking waren:pin.
Wise side Square.
'PHONIC: Store Sit llotier:ch
Night call- At rmlaitnee 1.1 Witham
Published Annually,
Enables II &idea • 1.11r..twhout the W..61
1.1) 1'1,11111111011A 1 II al N 11 11 EDK11,11
ill 1'1101 .1' weal.. Iteaidee 1a•i1.11
a comniet, 41 goide to lam -
lion and 1ls aithurlm, the Pirrearvy
contain@ !lets 1,f
vt if h the goods they ahip, and the rel
001,11 arid Foreign Markt-tit they wrplY
&ir*flgediindprt aso—r-tiTO. glad
they nail, end indicating the approzi•
mate mailings:
Imetling bamtfeetwers, Merchants
etc., in the principal provincial town,
and induntrial centres of t he 1•nitiail
A copy of the current edition wilily
forwarded, freight mild, ott rerrila
postal order for 201.
I Maslen seeking agencies CAD wirer
their trtule cattle for LI, or large
advertisement., from E3.
The London Directory Ct., Lid.
25 Abchurell Lane, landon. E. C.
Special Offer
We have made arrangementwith
CaTirour Rattairrrno t so CO
AMAX EXTENRION, of Toronto, one of
the leading, ablest edited, and moat
influential (lethally papers of Canad4.
by which we can offer
The Signal and Catholic
Register and Canadian
for ollie gest for the bargain sum cf
The (7ATI101.1c RIVIIISTKR AND(' awl
DIAN FATIM11117,1, Of Toronto, la Flew
the property of the Catholic i'herch
Extension *wird y of tatisdas tt 3A
brilliantly -edited, well -printed,
seventy column paper of ten pates 01
more each week, ancl tinder its do
mandrement has berome leohng
•sponent of Catholic thought in
Address all orders to
Cloderich, Ont.