HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-14, Page 5THE TOWN C9UNC1Le• tory, and the matter war the pal t committee W look into. The plan provide for a building about twenty nine feta by riot y Gert with aceomwu dation for 131 *44 14'.. On nue Mile u the entrauae it u rest 100111 anti W the other aide Ia. room for the tew- pot'rry placing of coffins, as aekr4 for by the town cuuucit. The design of the wausdeuw permits of *ddltione being made W it Tater. The Nwtiunrl Mausoleum ()mupumy, of Shelby. Ohio, the original culupeny to under- take the. wul:k of_erectingthese com- munity inion elieur, liar heroine merged with the International Statue ',lima Company. of Chicago, which her been formed ' with a espied of ir1..il0,(MUU. If t11e cuwwittes of the Lown council report* favorably un the plans to the commit the work of construction will 1,+ et umlrrtertl this tall, though it is not likely that Lhr etrueture could lie completed this beacon. A'teamet from II. .1. A. McKwan for wriest**. for .the. O. T. It. to cringe Angle/lea strut and run along Maitland stand with iia track war re'- frrrrtl to the public works committee. The D. T. R. found that an e'xte'nsion of the siding to go to the new grain warehouse of A. J. Cooper would give ata rluu•p a cul re, end.In courequence asked tor the privilege of extending the track further. the idea being to run u %eine' off this track to 111e warehouse. This war referred to the public woe Ire coiluitltw. II A rr.lur.L frau* the Bowling Club' was for pernni,.si.in to ung• a portion of Vi •toric I'.u'k for a howling green, awl the Matter -waw referred to the cemetery laid Mirk* committee. Fire Inspector's Report. Therrien of Lhr inspector of the I'i,.• red. laws net .1' Avs eiat- Mite lienmlit n1 " d -et th. ,••••s le•., .ea of Ire reading the tleyur'r r nsent wave "•1 thiuk you have a pretty full hill -of - fare for the Tire e.i 't tee " A no u•y i.1 the repot t is to folluwet Wier, work -taws, 1. nu,uieipality:`ivtrsrn µower. 11, dueli.•.i.•. .4- Ally in r .'limo\sa+h .1 -1 emlplie, ahs -h t..1. al t all L) . hind chi... an jw, al trio of II/ bus - .eu tar u .mural oop, 141x1 i, 411v 1451.4:11, -of a -nil.-h in 1hr pally, Lour. lift) now Lo .Ir.1LLN-. Formerly lout ,k .tram her re' rine--tl-artoele wt -ti 1- twat' in 0 r Superintendent Intorno of the't'. P. Il, . to answer to the request of lle town for the consideration of lmprov/d train envier, mit of tioderich. r 1 The letter stated that a Ruud service 1 was given now and pointed out the Jifllrullirs in the way of ettaiking the oh*nge naked fur that is. ,a greater length of time Between the arrived of the uuuu twin and the depat tore et the aft Putout' train. As Contractor *tabiells hod paid Iu1 notice to two lettere sent 1. by (lie ri..p-+lrkinit that -he--repsir•'--the- brukeu places in the cement sulewslke laid by hiW, it waw decided to base the solicitor write. The council then adjourned. FREIGHT SHEDS S ON AGAIN TO THE FORE. Mayor Reports Interview with Superin- tendent Oborne-The Rural Tele - p h o n e Question-Underwriter -.--tnepeelor Finds Room for Improve. mint in Our Fin Department -No 'Improvement in C. P. R. Train Service in Sight, li The IwlluurueJ regular meeting of the town rwuut•il was bold on ilium. day rveuiag'laat. with the following wrluhrrr preYe t1 : 'terve. Mayo . tin Nerve, the Urp y (enrol SIunningr. Co eight and Jordan. rhe eteet inspector 'sported that he' howl iurpected the guy wires of the I4eII .t'ele'phone fader IIs the curuer e.1 Kingston street and the elquare+ aid At- tee corner ot %Wellington and Wert etrertl, abet one at the t•orner 4.1 Cule,urg anal %Newt streets, and n•c- emlltendrrl that all wires attached to shads t,i.t' 1n.• remuv*d. *1450 that ,lir grrnusl-ILII)' in front of 1)uululi r drug ,torr be removed. uld • guard placed louuJ the wire et for corner u( Wellington street a ad and Elgin avenue. 11'h,, Meted. report icf,trt4l4d that he had met �ulwriutenJent (item.. of the ('. it, at: that afternoon end thee had gune over the height shed quern w• grleer.g.titt. Mr, Oleirn.' tamale tato ea,(gesBoer, first to etraightru out the prrseut dock front the c relw*ter to the 4le%Mot cl • y and tier 51)1114. of - Tg aildittnuatroonrma ' of taw (*eight. sheds. ur. liccott4. to gu oft( on the ..truth pint almost • 1 died fret and build a slip, extending south. est. Mr. 1)1.,1 ie. la.lited the Alun ur the liovernwrut to do the steel. 11:. war willing. however. it r definite dal r' 511 . 11 u d W e'1 , ud J b the t. .a 1 have the ('. P. K. assist in :any ,4•pu- t•ttaon plat Height wall on the tieaere- tent• the Mayor having pointed sell towers I,vblr rm,4441041. 1,1.411. taw of oraer.l ilial 111* ('. P. Il. kVA sac bbl' dully law, minim(41r•,-u.r 1111144Iw1dr of 1, Wyatt trot- .hu.1.1 be' 41.04041(141)- Irpallwt 411.1 n.Il,,ng lac assist In this way. .1 WA)' 1e ,llieimsl m 111.1 .144e. eu1u rem will. %Vurrhi) rerm.rted nfr.r hosing 4444 rr.I,u:er 0144 tl • 1.nnu4 I,o,4-r •uguras rl 40 toils/eel Mr. °bottle tirPtly rtua5otyAri 'r Re,n- ep �m� tse�'he u. rLi lac the slats of negotiat IletWeeIn 414..1(4. 411a..•..ala L.• locate available 11.1r11 the C. P. it. anal the Deitario West err .boom L.• .neem.i..l of at 4,44.1 e444.4. 1 out Nborr Railway. Mr. uhurue atbuiuwt 44,)-' 414445044 of 1,ra4 (.sa 4a44(0nt. *Inuit end hition 4rurk. not sto.)- r•pw,bn4{ a• 14 that the t'. P. K. 4:544. lit a Iran •4101.1..1)141 Wcl,1t•1.'• qua pole..• 4. 14414•ry qn . a1+•e•aa to pre4rtt the rebeeW,rje mood .sliadoet wy condoms... A ..Otani.. env* {rills TNF SIGNAL • (,(►DI'I;It'11, (►NTARII) making a connection with the 1', P. R. trarks at Meneeetung: Thi•. how rare, was duly hu* riM• 1411• 011°41111r road had not reale any request for the teimie'fiun. He cur..•tea lir kneel - 111r. Moyes in Toronto the tonna ing Jay and the matter would b•• elr:lighl- retinal w r ec e „ The a uu li 11 1 tri out. l9 real 1. railway wan attempting to make alas ;41 Madsen r•pupto,enl w bleh {ttouW us•hade 411 w lel l r o1 .ani, ,cwt 1 111th 10 r ,aide • • the An•Inrn loins unuednetr' end •a-dy 01 __.--- • 1np of root. of 4*.e hIgteet building- -I 1.1 be CATTLE MARKETS. n • . ,ry ul..l and L,ken tial nn •err alarm tat r 1 1 . 1 t nl •t MARKET REPORTS. a Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher -Ciro Stock - Lastest Quotations. • Monday Evening. Oct. 11 Llvrrpuul w'h.at futures classed Stat 141,ih- ,•r to -day lh1u Suturing> cute tad to !dither. s.'h/ca to trecember wheat cloned to-dly I't1• higher than Saturday. De. ember' (oru est' lower. and 1yr,•u4Lor oats Ste Ltg)n_r_ Winnipaa Options. W'lsulp4)( a,clube.' wheat closed tu-Jay llac higher than tiatu.dry, Gruber ual5 1110' loath. r. Wheat -feints 'tithe bid. December tee.... May oke Hats- vender 44.'. December %1%c Ltd. May 4(1s Taranto Grain Markeb Wheat, fall, burl SI le to 1•-,�. N Leat, red. owl, Wheat. goose, bush It) r, Luehel Itu. kw',wat, bush,, Sa. keys Lush Peen, Lushwt. `IU 0 TTSS f 070 X75 '380 . 041 (mtg. Lud.el 0 1 Oa er OA Toronto Dairy Market. nutter, separator. dairy, Ib. 0 M 0 24 nutter. %lure lute •lt- -T•q flutter, era agate'), Ib. rolls023 .... flutter, 14rranlrrY, sullds 0 1'hwrr nPw, Ib • 11 • 0 1:14 ):K45e. 114.114. lute. J,+sra 023 li.>in), extracted Ole ,... New York Dairy Market. NKw • rants:.tee. 11.--Hurter-lileady; 1,•, r1pIS. ;x1: ill-Ansel"tpeetal, tie Iv ''.!;44.-1{1...-4,-"/ ".! lsL'. _11.t1:.ts� 9kG w .jaay.., -u?atw-:.lP..t�.--. 'S 4y lac ae, prucrss, s,• to -.c; W *I-rn `Ira Wt), '►a ll 2011.', Imtl at ion creamer), ' • *0 • 4.t•rr..-Firm; teetop51*. YJs; slate, full a:, 144, ■pa,'lal4,•1Ltri, 10hat.'; do.. Isnot, rkiie . 51,11 d. rpaial. atta.' to 1344c. • • Ede Phut; ra.t-tyle, ;,t. state, Vena- r)loon awl marry, while• hennery, fancy. ' • to 4k'.' du.; gathered, sac to d••. fro 4. ISM )'. h.ro,rr). Mc to itc L.. frothy 1 • jt4i� Y5I(44 y L31Le HEART DISEA is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said, ' I never yet made a fust-nwrt em ex- amine, ion in a rase et death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely itnitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills One way to fate.ehfllctlltt••a i5 tutu pour (lack ml ttrvn. Nee that you get the real thing 1'nacrupuloi+ maker' are putting a counterfeit of "1.1,.' 1). A 1.." M thou I'leslrt•, The µ,•mine is male Davie k Lawrence l','. 't o • rtl• by I DUNGANNON FAIR. 10111, al flu,,, pike 1.1 Syu.iugtutt; collodion of n11tutan Perri*, Mi•s M uuLglue. And,ew Kbk : oil p.tiiiting, aoiwale. !sties T. theeby, Abe. J. 11. Bailie ; collection .•f ins-ct+ lnumlule'.lt by ley it gh•I land', fattest • yea's, (' dvin' Bailie; r1111rt t 1.111 oil toxiuus 'rill seeds, named, by 11.1)• ur KID Irr fifteen a eats, Calvin Bailie. J I! i1(i KM, Heavy It trees -- '4' J. Nickson, Wall 011. Light hours- %V. F. (Ilhrk, N'. tltdrrLi'h 1 11: Owldrr. V. M., l.nck• t.on. Cattle -•1V. A. iVilson, l.ucknow ; J. .1. %Vaehinµttn,. Adhurn. pigs - etephru udrew.; Ualrrieh. She, p '%act. t:u.•II. ('1,14,. Puultly .I 4.. Lyon +. 1,ur•know. . (trait -.las. Johualu11, Auburn. Dairy lir•.durl. .1. Walkout and J. H. SleN,b. I luttg auu.N1. • O 44 •. t.1 toeiuLu tuss r - Slien Jean Mullets1ielies'. eg.'txblea and root 0- Jae. Cin wen, Dungannon. Mich --W. Wet noel. t3oJr,ich. Mtnufaclmt.. J. %1'alk'uni and J. R. M*Nnl., DuUgsuuoI, Implements S. Stothere, (itm11erich. 1•s i••s' work M,s. 'fiesta Stolhere, Dungannon): Mie. Maty Phillips. Bel- fast ; Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Dungan- non. Fine arty --Mrs. J. It. McNali and Dr. Bice, Dungannon. Alenthol in the force of Davis' -Men. thus Salve' it the beet application for moequitu and insect bites and stings, u'.1 so •rl, etc. 2i^. a lin al drugeteta. THrwIu*V, Ot-n)wgR i1, 190 ooks on top of the stove, bakes in oven at same time and h krit; Pandora ul_en at same m -' tir ,curl ';et ,t•rf_�ct rr••ulttt. That's because c u,kalt draft is also bakil g draft. I'iut'y are w constructed that heat 1e'.,, -ti .i el.c.11.x under every pot hole and around oven twice before passing 1111 chimney, " wasted heat --instead fuel does double duty, ,ate Pandora owners bulb III,C and money 111 Woutatieu not Like lobe a panders owaeft, urn.) .• Itrrm busulw. rad '‚s151 ,1 awesome- - &as hrUmrrl tire rN,.,g..,-bcR. had Yul.l.a•rl, fwu of i.ree Kallen. r.s-h. -h01114.11.111- • tau of 11.e ten, uu be' -t in of Are. torn and ta11,M 14111( -1044. Ily Laud 1 be 11• met VII y many %••won 414 g Moo- etch ur fuer W three. gal Appl.:e.•r r.••;.nelu,a 40 tarry 'a aerie bark nn• .444nun •wish .1.01 45 k -I awl .111 14w• tower. *oh rut er.+e tatty n temper try 4.110 iur 1 hr pulp Me rW u.rY tat her.r....y oral by en) of getting 1te 'tu►l4'I1111 lip o44.4' the r the• 1411 awl by luxe rlrrk110Al 1 'l't. HrIK e•1.• of Aluwn men. else .hs- lac i 4 n, -t■ . .Lou liar, and not * permanent troy. AN 1.1 the. temper of p•rutslwut melange- ''rea+I to of Irl.e twr015 wdh • t. g!"""1"1.4""'"• Vo burls- "'fled OIWIIe Yot the privilege act ra♦w,ioa( Lhr clerkly. none 1441.1111.1 hl Are lull. w t'. t'• it bridge Mr. Otn-,rt•,r said the 400//11 cmpld). aabl.4 about twenty f t Dom rlydnc rLLilwry tuns pang hiul nut ren l of Are 11111 by arhl. haul. the 1.e. wagon unIf err -Ire,.. un. re' to41n clerk' "t"'" Mien mail..II rwtUesl t) Ihr (', P. R. a, whoa•h ggt)um• ere hail: X0511,,- +darn tete rt• gf*ph. an electro' •1141c11111 Are hall ape Ie,a `rhe Me 'or said that Mr. Ob line had lr'w('"pums Lieu." fax. ere pre --ash w,d i• en Mr. IP au* and %I r. Horton with Imo •need anal want. to Idieelu the the j arc bee. Levu citlngulabne. 11 rat rw mane.' to the •alts ightelling out 01 foam runt+ boo.r'wll 411.4•'14 ba. to b. to, •.1 the .eek, which rhuwrd Mat 115 Was L) leant . 45.'neul no•Irph-nae .nn it, by d or 01451.1- wbuuS w Irlelal me' yrs ,akin eine Itllrr4.el In the m24.atter. � pour Lienar. 'jun Am hall LIrone m ludo An.. ler smatter the Mayne tip ate" clerk • Weer :Wwm 4„g Ai re halt s .aid to wee hat g written to the Mini,.tet of ( r .one f i tow rlarru arrrr4s0n1wut Puhlir• 1% rke t, sew if the town /soul) y 1. 11-1144.4? ' 14" be'' •Iltsalf Io Ihr hr. „en whirr i',-,:,""1717,4 rd.n not Mr•111 .\tour lir five iron eli•ct*1.•*ghee the alarm bell hoe lawn p+d H.1, eteen light poles, mach ** had Ite•rn put in on .v,ndniwr •Wn,M lie r«medral by •1141.0.4 of 1 ere wlwnn t«I• Krsyb to r,nn•ruua'nh .ul the eolith 4414.1, for petting 111 on the Mb11 KouK..441)1 We *•null 111,.4.11, 1,411: *10 rollm''rr•isl whet f. Hr had n 1t re- eine.. se n, ow I, dal ale/ Ib40 %Ober 1.e 1,144.1. 1n•ielsl ,t reply was Far. 111111l11..111.111• Intro, w wpoi, ..4111• 4•10,11 I- w.l t) hear bees unlined for night patio* par A rr•1ue.t fr Ja nos Rnehannu, pore. �. jr., for t44•rmiesion'40 fay a cement In ennelm-.len 1 110111.1193:1,e attention 10 sidewalk tenser. the front of his two '•lu.ug tem a k• .1;.:71,"e per"ele. 1111tH, e• rrfrrou( In ra4rorulfas.l Arr bo.iars un Nets,/t1 street. *1 Lila own r{llnguldwr wn1 pump. rebel talc.•, all of ripener. and have the a ,wane.' the whirl, re'• neehr.thlr 11044 1:',,r.door:. tnwu wee in the habit of staking cit 4"'l''' .i r A. Ile: 11+.•4011 9115 for std. the .m The Wheel Rigs Settlement, - ('4m'n1r lobe allowed ort fhe are '5514140(41, A letter from the t rail nolieie•'r /or l'a,ibri,i road walk, .54 Oh r en P.I wilIt t•.fesenee M the not'. of 111+ to im t., con 1111ittee. • Rural Telephones. ' The rural telephone gireetie n the nett minter tinder di«•ussiun. Mr. Odeon, of Hamilton. rvprrs•nlbag the hell Telephone Company. was 4.11. 1 •• 1- sous.*• 1. In hr bwlh n 1 Mimi to , en c t 11.1 1 t II 1 1 explain the met a t which r 1 method. t 'isn't talent • C paniea ur asst,,**•- down be' 11.:ae rl.a Bleb I Iriu45 lions isle formed and *II • 4111'4411 eras'. re'•.• -t 1, '',Pew, , * ,'n' , /1 hl Ir' K•'• Lunr.l l 'Ihr u.wn when 11,:"1.1.,.... w: •1.) Menlo which the "fell Telrpb•nt. Com- ••err, 1' . Iwoe- $1 Iv, to 1e• Irl'I. of win h' pony ieetrep 'rel t• make with smell 1.4".',„741 pd 01/0101411 1.1 tMdM.u4wnt. 5-". .mii.na, *4411) to ire 11 err+ au* I.. In ww e,.. t I earl•.+ b5•ewdb ?M• �� K detrlsl.l.t • r vp14• 1 e{ w.•t lac have IM: hal the capital rxp•ndilutY neclre*ry,..nlr'rnthMovl elintrl'y . re,. r.).t of rrmeting pours and ,l ring. "raw el11atrrle from w Ansnrial pnlnt Of •ir' b. w. m•url)' 14,11 AK needs. o- follow'.• inµ wires, together with the m*Irrial. The town will bat to be ow fa w4ne1• • week!, at a liberal estimate, not rt• -u•'4.-.145 ff.". . nnh.g neat 4ear, sur 4,vo rr,sl" IID and ",w ha�f man b. 4s"h rear, {1911, 1a older g Iyer. mile. Supp'''ing an 'n alar nM pa)mrnt ddr on the 41.e tore- on gr of fair all tla•ri hers cwt' trite. the 1.4 of rehruary. Ill:. am•mnt. of roarer. the in.troniente, at $144 earl', would tsing n•pa)aI.lr by the N' "lir' 150. 0" 44440 roe >R;'- The interest on this $172 of 1)41101 Apr,•. Th • inl.•re-t . 1h.• 501011,11 fur Ian mud 1„e' half )nemlh. .is per r.•nt capital expenditure. at (1 per cent.. nwwn,t. to #}n :-.. M• 04talno!. hl-.� heave )re', would he 7`111.:,; allow gl a yP*I' for Ihrar wit. p4wsu 10the town.* . 411 Material) batteries, $2t1 for switching 41114. !tell Ing "4,•' the loon lac Ih.• n% * .IIS • the ails. of Int ;s. Thi- nnsmN .6h inters•' sou ill. al re' Ibr rc:l_s. •cr err -1 *µ Beat the Noderieh t' he. Kora Conrfwauy,'which was witted st the rrer/H entreat of rt* High (Lieut. Was te,d1 and, sae showing how the settle - en, works.1At, We n•p•o,h4tra per- m of 1 he entire ei'.4 4, 'ter : Irh•phone (10.'4 charge I*'*ng 8 per ap•r(rnr. willnr.rl.s•e.ut11 act to -_ T 111411 l4 U4'nt 1. ,and.$I a year S.'r 4534)Ij' w : 1 I.e.- of 011 ' for nt lea., ler ----Tr.-Inner.. This metier m total t ked tmire a a"14111 * T "'"pts ell i 1ai:f', 4nnwnlh )ear l hr- our d ii _ per milt as the amt p( aper- sac Its. tow41 .tw,st. tar )0.e',- ,a.n ..( ant"• Cable Unchrngsd-Hogs Active' and Steady at Fast Buffalo. Lt,N11t,N• (ht. 11. -London rabies: ter •etlle are lower, at l;.' to 1 per Ib. 111a• 1•.e' ':maGlau .:Nees -de Pseesl weight; rr- Ir,crtaL,-: beef or gpu1.-J at 114e M !lase. pa, Ib. Union Steck Yards. r'I0'NT.). •/)ct 11.=Revelpta of live• st.,,k at the1lbwu Stuck Yards Wer-• el cerl..pds, consisting of 17107 cattle. Y itoe.. 45G .M.•11 and lambs aunt 21 calves ;epeeists. There wee ...ming doing Ir, the export • Iris 1N cattle (''011 wren, aodl enough, •tn'1114N,g burheri netters act goat qulinty. were being 1.r1.1 f,'r Tuesdays snorkel, 111.111 the export d«alen 0.411 be an deck. 'etchers. - Tlere Were tea prime picked butchers• tottltiuf a•:e, and tory vier. baton had u.rr for Tueadal's warke, Ttr best unt- il. Ir. the bylrl.ere. class watt to -da) went u •uu,l p.4, t., $i.,h, tn.-Muth at 14.50 to 1 N ..r..,u,nL. 1.L:Ar to N ,h ••saes k te , t., 14.'.,12 Isom 1-5 t1 :u te 1: - stockers and -Feeders. TL. re' was.,,.n-&Jerable t. ogle In feeders. allhtan ! Luunres got xis Iuads of rtlweat feeders sal one toad of on - la to ,fetters. eta ere. IoW lac 110.• lbs . at 44 du N Si. end bulls at ir4 71 t1 NI uv a ,:ought,, received four toads t aidl-,b, feeders: which they Sold at 44 Si. al 2. 14 ft, 14 v, and .ane 1••t ur n,ugh, +•'-, t alb'. :.l 3.4.0 per , wt. Milkers and Springers. Thr \nuns ter o1" cows c uml14m to this 'market I lu-r,•ae1n4. About twenty 'uf fine ors and springers. With excel- lent 11,1* Ing quaint•', eo14 at prices rang - Ing all t e we)' from $41 to $lo each, but there wa pota eon mon quality tow Ib •tbe le' • , lot:_ w'lticl: were reader boug't uI, Viral Calves. nunne. 1. nod, bought the nee beet •r au* . from fl. i. 1 t 11. Rey. r •n reel r:/lvra w;Js of1ut . *ell were r 1 w b)1l ll.ry are new, wink -fed '(1 rtal of the valves offered void at 57 le 5) ter 1st. eh and Limbs. 1'pw41r.lw of F . sheep anJ lambs were un eels. T►.Je 1 then 4151 about steady e t Iran week's p es. Export ewes, 1350 W 15.00. rauu, -' :0 to $. 1. per cwt.; lamb. It 2, to 51. with a selected lot N Onn' two tone 1,o4r were on sale to -day. Dealers are quoting rlaei down. at 18.73 for Ante red and wat.red ■t the market. 'and 57 B+ fv p Cara a country potato.. Montreal Liv Stock. MW:T 41.51.. 0 4,- epeclal.h-.At the Muuttral Stock Tattle W st Knd Markel, the 1,,cr1M. 1f 11ve 111,,4 fur the wrest en nail 4141. s ...rt. Y .., ra 11e, Vie sheep , and iambs; 1. : 41.'g.' and - calves. 1'n. --vrrPMwtr.-Maw' wwepteg--evi atese4-.4-1eN cattle :rat) sheep and tenths, 1471 hogs, and 45u .414ves. There Iris nu further !binge 1n the ...ottani. of the. marks - ter cattle since tart Wed4..day, ;Il, es lug about . beady Nupplvs seer, heavy. Ich coo• fisted tercel) of Jtaeltetst tine orthweet • wch tna•k ant .4, the- eve. on quality --F,tl- ed ng of _them_ The weather_ N .-tial and .A6rsh:it .w 1'e' than 11 has en ul tall, 'y, -lbs WO'srlxtg at buy• err was ? ,rµ4.. Inelud•n4 aee.Tal frurr Ot- taw',a lin Quebec. end. as they all re- .lutr. 1 stn 1:. the drnian)1 wee good. art an roller t ,1e' pas dune. Coble &Jet es from 1.tv. , F Iv. 14run45er and out J *leant'. 111 •ees .1 kc to 4ye Per Ib but at the ram lime they reported trod slow In trite good testi tr. There A, P .... ,1"•.....a s.� espnrt. re Lotto a1 ) !'irirnt lock cunong un ,a t•od rootless tont alt to .la trete frellaht 4l.yserenentl. .54.44 • ehulee. nur(4wrsl noir. .ner5 sera 1115 r al the to Lc. ,:e• 1 'o py.' to Pee, b , at IIIc to 1c. Io•., it,m nt .'tc it. 1y'; good buys at tae' to :lily per Ib ; (annum bulls of 1.46 to /a. earl rows at 11.* to 11.5:. per 100 Ib. A f, at 411 of the market tot nma11 meant was (Fr .tresses feeing et sheep and lambs prices show a, advance of Or per fb. - as compared with those • realised oe Wednesday Inst. The offering,' were fairly :latae, for which the demand was kir„ (seen local buyers, and Wes of b mhs w, -e n.ade 0t 4454 to f.4o, and sh0rp at Vie l0 V..• per lb. Celves con- tinue 50 10me for Kurd In fairly largo nrrntlera Mr 1M sewn, rad meat with ,t reedy sale el prices ranging from 11 to 5li tach, ni to site and quality. Owing to Ir.cr.•a*ed supplies of hogs thio more. 4.,s, 5 *water feeling developed 141 the r+arkrl, and prior+ 4001404 w sharp deoltpe arid' to see Per where -sea even ae this rent/etlun the demand-fParn packers was not kers, as acme at than Md ample sentinel, on Hand, and fully expected lower pekoe *titer to the work. Trade was slow, with entre of selected Iota at 1150 to N.s per 10 Ibi.. +walglled off PIM East Bullate Cattle Market. F:A8T n1IFFAI.O, Oct 11.--('atue-Ha- .eWt4,-4ti0-wall; mow; good Wanda; Mena won 10c to 2i.e Ipwet. Petri"' He'rt, .14 10 shipppmI. i„ to PIC bunJhen, .71 to N is, Leiters..� 11.4 to Ia.7(1; row,', 42 Be to N. bulb, re. T5 to tie; '.to. -kers and feeders, 1.7.140 to N.75, Mock heifers. 15.7, 10 51.10; fresh cows and wprlagers slow and 11 to q lower. to fit V1IIP - Ile••►IM 1580 lead, srtive and •Irady. h to N.7S N:.gs-Re-elpte, 16,080 best 154141 a. - tom end about stead heavy, N 20 t., 1. 2i; mixed, 0.10 1n *N; 'orken, 17.40 l0 15.10; pip.N.71 (0 p.W roughs, 17.17 to 4.5• slap. N to tr4 Sn, dairies •n.1 $7 75 to 45.40. N ome end tAmhs-Ri...Ws, 21,070 heed, .here active; ewes 1544 tower, Iaxnbe Now and 1Ic lower; Iambs. S to 11.75; year - lain, Ivo re 50 40. welh.rS. w to R 15, ewe*, p. 1d t0 H.Mo; sheep. mixed. M tet M.A;•L1uae* ) .abs. IR Is 44.41. atmµ. - mew fallout dew %e'4onto.•., year,. frau, t 1- A rl�stisl commit Ire of the town d8:40..i.11,1 the .•i(ht r.•nlh and wnrlrrb41. pa reun.•ii 11/1. been illvt•4li atbl the frla.S:rr*4.4 lear•rrrnll•wn• Aeeru g ti I41K at .Ileo A,I I -I a,t AMP are. 1 Irl illk )wlN'11 Inez er of r ,rel 1 ide ph. At Mea tally net 1;, tar t.Nlader/d n. n l.. -,°,........"1"t„,61 -lurNr--tiyr ideal agent iv holt% t i tl,' 1.,( , .A -rosea 141+ j..ka at - '--..writt'hlu for 1 i1MteA41 of rent. a,r•r reel. rsr,tnnd ra1.. 1.1x4, 14Ire i g: *,i, throw- •rnr. on the 0 nl.?). thr:•e w rind 1.101.1"100.3 act tog elf a relies of his cotnu,isaiun 011 Wi- llie 1nitspi 1•t of future 41144lr,as • of Thr 111, torte rommil.l •'e err •n- leleiu.wa, ('nuncillot• Mur,nirlgs 111011• dell Heat the public srhn,d It lard i,. tionrd that tart „f Paris they hod re.t.i.,ted to open a s•parite acrunn1 101111 telephones ata root of 110. and of us own 111 lake carr of fr.iymesite \ Re Ui '*'n weld that nit of Wheel- t' ' •g 1111" on Prep '11Y x141 'he new' `, **.e'14 *114.14. 5455 m 4,4444 i,4vphu,' .ebw)1 unlit 1110 d14r•411 444s to lir \Mw,eial10(1 on altlnrt eye) y real, mod ie*nrd by the t•iineil SW 5u1.1. Thr •'rvtre are costing IDP IIIeTTer44 •filTTI.r �T+ . reeominen.1 •.1 *hr per )I r load 511. nand o0 el, %Vhere thr H'tt Pi.b-j'itmr mend of"r-,mm!, 1 11ffl' -o •nun. eq. Cott any had a trunk 1 114 ir. would Ire et WO` n 1••p rat. lease 14:\t•' a 1 oval ka•hvillua1r ir .s•i r. GM et \gq a mile enit r •et- tile InrnJa•rrryn1ti'imtint 4 with Ilie-lt•ntk hoe. 111. Iliheun said b0 h ail hen through Ooderich township arsenal liaise dining the pail yens'• en' drowsing to irkere,t the levelers, a►n1 George IMithwake, of the township, who was present at the council tnrit- iM4, hie don,,.a good deal of work in age*ting the mouse, HP raid he wan Opener.' to put romr time on the prmjre,again the ,,:)ming terrine. e•"it mm4.4 11111 at ta,•+rnr. tarti .n h.• I .ken in the tea.hrer o1 get - line 4.n.1r,. on 1161011111f Ile feta 114 m1 d anAttire/ay .at ani s, . Peak. The, Iepolt was• unsigned, wh;rh-fed ('o.ln- rillor Jordan to raise the objection t bat three lead been no alerting of the committee; in fart, that no meeting of the rolnrnfttee had lwen railed• anti. tam thin was Ptnflrmed by the clerk, t he report wan not remoter ed. Ttie fll•.T comltiittee ivromm,n.lel . liiheon p.dnted out the two the pm chase of 7tM) fete of Partition mrthode of proceeding. either form- hoer m Mle Ilya he Cntln Per.h.t 44114*. a joint stock rompeny and arcus- her Company, nod the report was adopted. R autrsrriptions for stock in town or 'meager the farmers, or forming a no -operative association amongst, the farmers. After explaining the ti1*1. kr Nn Olhenn and Mr. Potter, the local agent of the Hen Telephone t loin - Y. withdrew and later In the even - NI • sensation was made to roe- respond with O e $PQIW{t, of ^'"'^^•�or to tint iilm'i i`) come to Oodkrich and meet a joint meeting of the,munch, Huard of 1 Trade and businesmen Rener.ally to dinette* the muter. The council ham already been in rommnnicatlnn with Mr. ep..tton. who took a leading Par'' in the movement for rural telephones in thevieinit.y of Wingham whkh, fart. and Reeve (fallow read a letter t new en4ne to he an •eeempliehed ,in !from hila giving some elf their ea• 11erirn, Ps. The Mausoleum Pitt Curtin., of ,Norwalk, O, • was pree- "IL He hail plans of the mausoleum Propnae,j to he erected at the ceme- Lisennfor Moving Picture Shows, The op.'-i•tl committee t•P?'nmmrn• dial that a license fee (4 *'1 per month Lr chlr4Pd moving pin: ere 'Mows in the town : that no Itemise fee he charged the theatre at prenrnt ; that, In view of the 'architect's r.•p••rt on m11t*1'Ixt-tfi'ttn4'.1wetg nn the 011th -ins lot and the old +whnnl building., no action he taken at pessent, 111 Ihr m at - ter of building wailing roosts at the dock. The report we+ adopted, wit h the exception of rheum. 1. which Wee oh*ngod to make the Ii0Pnee fir N:1 for the Larger show and *9 for the smaller one. On motion of Coenelllnr Mnnninge and Reeve 0*Ilnw. a rveolutinn urging upon the notice of the .tinisterof Puhlir %V.,k. the need of improve - 'tient.. at (ioderirh harbor, and *eking *n apprnpriltf.'n for the work, was pawed% Reber. (fallow read • letter from 1 ,;.4 y4,. sssl real4 O,ewuau. 511.124, t:5 arJ ur W t30 aid 415 One caq buy an imitation and look like one. There are half a hundred ready-made clothiers trying to imitate the eu►i-ready system with out putting the sterling tailoring into the gt1r- t11t#,f1t4. • Ili :t month the staying form fats away and the - wearer looks like the clothes -an imitation. Genuine Semi -ready Tailoring may cost a little more in the beginhing, but it costs less in the end. The way to. know is to look always for this label -it's the Sign of Surety: 1 .441 Malt trmi-readH OttiluruTg NI. l,l'..\\ l:l (.)S, 9, 59* EOUC Baking triumphs are every- day occurrences with Purity flour. Highest grade in the world. Home - made bread awarded first prize at the National Exhibition, Toronto, was made from Purity flour. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR KILLS CO.. Liu. Milts at Winnipeg, Goder,ch. Brandon 1 Cooking Demonstration. We to pleasure in announcing a cook ,demonstration given by• an ex ert on the McCrary nge to he Held on October 18th, 19th (Sc 20th -next 7 ' ' 1 e t Mt �Dnv s � '• E IAL• and ) n WEDNESDAY-at G erich at which we respectful ' request your presence. Beside the ex- pert from: the firm,' firs. Beck, of The St. . -Lawrence, has indly consented to assist in the ba ng, and we are making ever' prep r- ation to make this demonstratio a huge success, for we ---- -- -ll to aboutPANDORA ANDES. THOUcotree' and biscuits- Served. P� R The Howell hardwareCO 1 G.DERICH'AGENTS. I.IMITF.D a Naas HUGThI ROSE IMPLEMENT AGENCY Hamiltoa Street, . , - - . - G�rich. The attention .d farmers is direen d to the fact that 1 au* in a ppooswi- t' t,, 4upply thrix w4t la in the line act IAlPLKMKNl�utd MACHIN - 1.: IVY with %4e' Is et good. at tight prior.. i am *gent for Deering Farm Implements Brockville Buggies . Paris and Wilkinson Plows Page and Frost Wire Fence Dairy Maid and • National Cream Separators, etc. We 4%41 Ile 01.1 to hoe,. an opnr f)inn,•w' flit tat 11hitgf VOLT our g ns*ssh gipto iirh,es1r11 . tut two to tempi y the IIES ' IMPI.KM*NTM nn tltr 111*rks to the lane,•,-. of this distort. HUGH ROSE. Prince Rupert THE REASON 'WHY lfl0i IS THE BEST STRENGTHENING - TONIC for Feeh1,- Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to'•Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is beta it combines the two most world famed tool, s -- the medicin 1, strengt ening,y-lin loge ements 774 l.iacr Oil a Tonic iron, without oil or grease. tante% good, and agrees with ever r�rase.. We return your money M About qus'otioe if Nicol doer not accomplish all we claim for it. N. C. DUNLOP, 19;iiiighsi, GOA 4 rich, Ont. YOUR OPPORTUNITY 1 PRINCE Iii f PKKT, the Pacific (:omit terminus of the (fend Trunk Paciflc R*ilway. in destined to becrwne one of the greatest commercial and industrial centres of population on this continent. No ei,y in Its making eve'rpresented to the world greater posalMlitiew than Prince Rnterl. InvrslurnthrnsRhontthe I'nited States and Canada, men with foresight, keen discernment and financial experienee, are inveal4ng and in%Pstng heavily in lhi' 110* city nI the Last Great Weed. Pi ince itupert offers :another oppntl 'ly for making a fortune In Real Estate, for which the Parifle Coes( cities hare been the wonder of the world. The nne hest way, the .ilio sure way for all lac share in the rapidlyin 4r'reetnft values, and participate in the wealth remain to be mae in Prinrw Rupert, in through Investment in the shares of TUE PRINCE RI'PER'r REAI. ESTATE INVESTMENT (70., LTD., or'gsni,ed to ...online the savings of investors, bath large rand small, for perinanen investment in Prince Rupert real estate. upon the seme plan that has treated tall real iodate fel tones. Ynit may live right where you are, story by yon. present task, and our benefits will pile op month after month and veer lifter year:..wfMrtvetfltwdRt a limited number of ell*11.5 of iei5 1 • patty at par *10.44 ,• 1 per *Imre. payable 111 r rent. Iowa and 111 i.e'r rent. monthly, ora disriunt of G per cert. for yeah. 'rite men who is ninny unable to purchase well a51Prt444 prnp'rt y may invent his 411rplua funds in the shares of this Company and "share pm rata in the Iwrge pronto certain to accrue from the nphuilding of its Meiners and the increasing value of its realty holdings. To the small investor who desires snnt*t.hing more than just safety for hie stoney, we offer here aboolutr safety and a high earning 011 the inVPehluent. Every detail of the business is a *natter of public record *nd has 4,4. Indonieuurnt of the beet business intermits in the Northwest Best hank references. Your business solicited, Write The Prince Rupert Real Estate investment Co., Ili Loo Building, V*nenuv, r, n (l trip• •• hair.*.. t, yl - •