HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-14, Page 3Ixarmrairmkrf4WRIgatrzwrunsmailwwif Attv tri THE SIGNAL: (]ODERICHa ONTARIO B00 BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound ui repaired. IiULU LKMICINU un LKATHKR GOODS !orders proWMt • Aisattended to 4,a leaving ---... HI11Ysdseiall.--_._-__...-. A • 8• TAYLOR. STKATVOI D `TYNOPNIS OF CANADIAN iJ N)RTIIWEST LAND ItkUU1.ATLONN. Any V"n•on who 1.1 the .ole head of s family. any tna a over Is yeah n old limy ay homestead of Dominion o e aiiutia,Sskechew.berta The auwt appear in Is•r•.uu ,1t the lbrnln .n Laud+ Agency ur Sub Agency fur the die inlet. `F:utry by proxy ropy be made' et any ,yrency. un oertaln .00dloona, by father, mother. rmn daughter. toolbar w .dater of hdondl,g horaest.der. .. ituruw - Six months' tend a) upon and eultiva.lou of the lend in sob of three years. ,a homesteader may live within tine miles of hie homestead on a farm et at Iowa a. scow solely owned and occupied by him or by hla father. mother, won, daughter, bother or lit certain dlaltieta s Iwwe.l.•.vler in good -tending may Ilse shpt a toteater-serotion alongside has homestead. Prier FAtm per sere, Dunes - aitivi, madedi month. in cacti of six yeah from date of homestead entry Ilurludlug the time required to earn houleetead patent' and cultivate fifty w•r.,. extra. A homesteader who hy., exhau.lo l hi. hour. ,toad right and cannot obtain s tire emotion may takes purchased houteslead in torten' diotrict . Polos 110) nor erre. Duties ---Mint -molds, sax mouths In each te5 throw year.. coin - fifty acres and erect a hone. worth Boatel. W. W. LIMY. Deputy of the Mtntatar of the Interior N.B. .Unauthorized 'niblick' ton of thin ad . _ratlaatagnLWtll not be told for. Music �LFKF.D S. COOK. TEACHER OF Planoplaying. Theory. Harmony and counterpoint_ Pupils prepared fur eyes uina- tIwo of Toronto(bneerralory of Mucic Apply at Thumaou's Mu.is `hole, Unclench. Monday. 1n ('01000, at reeidrnce of Mr. Alex. Marken rte, otitartu *treat- tladcrteh Audio at Y. M. t • A. room. near 'tnedard loan V° omre 0 urth .erect. - Watchmaning, etc. HALHKY PARK WAvclUMAxaw,.awar,Jta OPTICIAN. !041111 side of Square, Uoder4'h, (Mt. Civil Engineering - VAUGHAN M. ROHKIIT4, civil, and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario land earveyor. Innen McLean Block, Unlerieh, corner Montreal street. Telephone 137. Medical 1)ltS. EMMKRSON & TU'RNBUL1. A. T. EMMaalna, M. iI. 44' S. Tt,ssut.re M. It. om.,s {Hamilton Street- Phots Ife. Dr. Emm.rsona nontoxic North street, 0 t.wtt. St, Ileere*.church, 'phoo• 1a6. Dr. Torn nb tilt's reddemv, Montreal .meet. South greet of Public Library. '['hone 191. 1)IL %V. F. OALLO3%. ogler end residence. North -freer. Ooderteh northof e'uuutt Itoabr ry olsr.•. Tsirphoue. 1ts - Legal 11 1. K11.1.(JKAN. IIARIt14TKit, -dleeor, notary. err. Money 1u'jowl .d lowopt fele+. 1 (411.w. -Nwlh 01rr,-1, ll,denrh r. rear Niguel Oak... In eve/dorth eel Honey. '.4 Monday'. • ;1t,U. CAMERON, K. ('.. MAR!(IN- 1 TKit, solicitor. notary. p'rbli.' 'Mire. - Ilelniltan Street, Ooderlrh,' third door -from rgoale. N1LOUDFOOT, HAYS & IILAIIt lemma/err, aoliritor', eateries polder. pr, • {Ile. In the Maritime 1 ',nor, rte. 141110e, 1411 'We lrgnare, next door 1', A, 'alrn's grocery, Pri vete funds to lend at k wm.t rates of tntelwL w. l'IttUDF'O*Jt. K. t ; R. t'. MAYS. u. F. )LAI It. • ( t11ARLESOA1(ItOW, L,1. 11 , RAI RNTCR, attorney .anicllor, etc., God. rich. Money to lend at Wetted rater. �1 O. JOHNSTON. 13AItl4IM'I'ER, ill .sollrltor, eontmlesloner, eatery puhtir. ,mw.. Hamilton arrest, Uederfcn int. Insurance, Loans. Etc. - *211 MI() PHIVATK FIINioi Iona. ap'•ly to J,. 41.('%%1 k140. i, Barrister. Hamilton .(rcet, t hider i.•h, IleR. ROBF,RTMON. a iNti1'1tANt'EA1)1:o r. F'rm• AND I.mrn'NINo : Hrlt1 h, Canadian and American. . Ammer, theemees AND P eI'Inr►13. 1,14101. ITV : IN Ocean Areldent and liaannt.'e .'orporatlon Limited, of London, Fang. 1inMITI/ AND (Well%STKK hosts : The I'. 4. Fidelity and tluarnld4�ee Company. MSc* at rwddenno northeast corner of Vis and Nt..IMvids at recto. '1'honte, lea loliN 1V, C't4AlulIt, L!h'E, FIRE 111 and accident Insurance. Agent for lewliur, n.urnal and stn, k .om{anira II4.onln.•e In 511 hoes en.,9ed on beet plana and at lowest rtes, .fallt office, corner west Sheet and square or aduresa J. W. ('RAIUIK, Onderieh, shit. Pose .hone >N jl�cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE, IN - 115 111.'ItAN('E ('ll. -Yarm and ',totaled tee:,-, aaege:rty material. UMnos -J. H. Mclean. Pre.., Kimen P. le ---T. Pr -m' Vine Pte... Hrrlr.Aeld l'. 0. Thnmatt e: lisya, Sec: -Tres... Seaforth 1'. 41 INrectorn-Wil• I'hr.nry Araturth: John O. thieve, w'Inthrol{u; (oorae ltd,' :teacart/v. John Hennewela 'robin); James Evans, .- wood ; John AiBer•h Walt. Harlork ; The, F'ra e'r, lloeeaeld • John H. McLean. Kippen ; Jar. Unnnotly, 9lnton. J. W. eo, flolrne.vllle, agent tar West Ratan. Pollcy-bolders ono Iwy aarN•..menta end let their earl,' r,wei sed at Toter & Brown's, Clinton, or at R. 1(. elate g•at. ry, kliraton street. Ooderfeh. Marriage Licenses ALTER S. KELLY. OODERl(II, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optlnlan. lamer of Marriage l,tcn.iM, rW � . LANE, iOHUER OF ZIAKRi• AUC Ilcenad., Uoderleh. Ont. 1 $E&'Vnta PALOS - J RDFORDBLOCK HAHARRNHOP: L - TMa well-known and popular .land Offers Its eat.rone the hest .erVIess In aha. Inc haircutting, etc., et., ladtea' shampooing a tperelalty. Only skilled hands employed. YMa ps Leone will 4.. approcialed. N. 11. HpF:NMER, F'ruprtetnr. Auctioneerinft ('IIOMAB (IUNDRY, LIVE HT((IK a1141 general auctioneer. pones em South atn,ot, whew he will he tonne) Ar alt MOP. Whom 1104'+rying Wee, Tonna reaan nable And •vert effort toed to gave 700 Iw1.1*McUon 1'FMN• .M, AUCTIONEERINU. Alt been^h•,, n ',gaily ascents I td. rano .ala,. live -to a tyle., reel en• rW and mere') u, dins Uandtent 3.rnsdeaw with Writ + for dW.or Geo. Beckett, Haiti1ton street, Goderich Ont, Telephone No. toll Wife -"A tree, yon know, gets new. dlothee every spring -hat, parasol. II everything !" Ilash•nd-"Yes, darling, and makes 1 them all itself." T (ew3 6f the. Sistriet. Miss Edith Hodgen'.. of OliuLon. bas taken a positiou in Toronto as 'stenog- raphers A choral society has been organized at Seafertla under the direction of J. Is Yule. Miss 1.. White, of HplingHekl; lute been engaged as organist of the See- foth Methodist church. John Smith had his hand hilly cut while working in the sawmill at Wroxeter. One finger was severed. Hies May item,., of Clinton, has ac• cc toted a position at Moulton Lowlier' College, 'T'umulo, as teacher of elocu- tion. F'. Carlin, of Staire, has taken pos. erosion of the (trip House, 4eafoth, having pinch/teed it trout 11. Cat11. urban. The liar u( the North Huron. Tele- phone 1,1). from %Yiagham t+ 4t. Aug, .ustine hits sixteen telepb.nes ion. nested. W. J. Aloin hue disposed of his musical metro tent and implement business at, hcuforth to Charles Lay- ton, of ('limon, George I'atteieion, .f Monereitf, had the end taker) off. tine of his fingers while putting in rt concave in a threshing machine. Mr. Stinson, who was head clerk at Tozer el iirown's drysiods store. at Clin'on. Inas gone W Wellend, hav- ing to -might a Raciness there. Heater Hervey Burrows, sun of Ur. Burrows, Seafurth, haul Ihe• I.- hntuue to fracture his shmdder•bt,ue Nome other boys. Loma) option is becoming n live topic in (trey township. Thu petition looking for a vote of the Iatspayers will be place) in the hauttesuf the council Ntlnrtly. t 011 \1'*Jncsdsy 4' last week, in St Joseph'.: ehureh, Clinton, }tt'v. b'ethe Hanlon performed t It r wel5ling ememony uniting J.ba (trims.. and Miss Mary ('Lu•k,,IH,th of Clinton. The dtath oceurt•ed on Monday, ILh inst., at fitrnheim,-o( Mow. Win. ('len- it ao• hornier •1 1 tie 11 ) Kn neer '.•side nt 111' 'I r,btiry, in her right} -fifth year. The intet'sent took place sat Wing - loon. • P. Jnrlwna, jr., of the Jackson Man- ufacturing 4 of 1'baton need (iax)e- rich, hoe returned from another trip &Gross the continent, bringing Lack e Iorge nunde•r of orders for the Cone pesuy''a g.aale The tfedt h oce.rrel in Winghem bospit*1 11 Ptolidt', September 27th of Rachel 1%11Iis, wife of George. Willie, .d near "Wroxeter. The dr mewed was a native of irelent( and Was sixty-six years of age. • Mies ('atharrn.• Etant. dalrglitor of Joseph h:vans. I3e echw.eel„ was mar- ried at the new 4t. Col tete rhumb on,Wcdnesdoy °closet week to Joseph ('a g. of Tnrkers,nitb, lieenee cunt miseiuner for South Holton. Mrs. Thos. Gregory, of Exeter, met with en unfnrtonate at•.:id,•nt one des. reeently. She w )'eking grates. and avhi1e standing on a strp bolder 1.11 her mien.* ant fell, with the re- sult t h of her area war brekrn. At 1senet on Tot. oti'. 4)' le•r :id.. the marrow.. of Miss Kethteen 11:44411. laughter of \IIs. 11 igen, 11,16,Kr:.•n. lit W. 11 (lark, .f !lei volt, war ee•1.•• heated by Rev. V.I ).er Vandyke. ale :and Jnr+. Clerk will ae.id, in Detroit, • r • AI Melville 'dottrel' nrmIme, lirllssi'Im, nn %%'rdneaaley of last week Ilse. A. C. WisltMt Iiell the Henrimooiuel kn..t uniting (i*rlield HeDonold end Moss Annie 11, (bonbon. ,both .f Hr11ss••Is. Thr young coujile will emit • to re- Nide in Ilrllseels. On 1Velnesday of Inst week death wallet sway • .f the p1.,euisi.g young linen of the 1'r..marty neighlsl*•- hood, in the person of Seth Me - 1, wen, Youngest son of Dunelan Me - Leen, The young w -as thirty years of mem During the past G•tv weeks their has Iwen vent destruction of sheep by "legs PM. mg the 51'ks .f farmers ie Ihr vi, init)' .f Exeter. The Nem. r papers Pay 11:i'1'11 rtermlnt of the 4.r.',' 411,1. ...stoned tion)• (armee. live given up the raising of .hes•). Tor no ley friend.. in West Ilona of Robert I Ioiu,e.N 50' 111 rly props tel or.' Thr Clinton New Era, will lie p'.'4I.•d to 11.3111 that he eejoye his p".ioion in the customs eery ice are Toronto, Ile ha. purchased a residence on Palmer- :mon alnle -•anon *'rotes, in the oily: and with hi• wife and Gamily is very r 5.14 1.ly sit n tied. Rev, C. E. J,'ikin", N, A , R D., rest or of st, 1'..Vt'. Angle• en .•htu'•••t, 'iVingh4111, has lo •tin app.1.fted to . ft. r 1 . , Huron C''Lee- :Ion. , t o I I in II lr n lieges L• n don. This will n,•eeeeitate his is more) with his fatally 1., London, mush to the regret of the p elite .f 'Vingham. 1terold, 4hesevere yea' -old eon of Nr, and Mrs. Thu-. W,•)e*ter. Exner, 1111.1 with a 1'1 411'111 nreident on i'n.sdsy ..f loaf Week. The tittle fettow• was rid ing nn the" front of a Iruatl of wood with Mr. Webster when the hors kieke.l t•icionsly, et riking the boy and 'week- ing hie Ing between the knee end ankle. At the mane .f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pas.onore. Thames Road, en the :11th alt., their daughter Christina J. was moiled in marriage ts, lohn H- Chill. of Tuckersmith. Rev. Hugh Watson. of Eli11lville, efllrialet. Mr. and Mot ('lifT Will settle., Ilteil ferns in Hib- bert town.hip. One day lest week Chester Arm- strong. 65 the loth retiree/don of (trey tuwnahip, met with a bad accident while peeking apples. The leader on which tie wan standing fell and hr WAS P. seriously hurt as to be tendered i teseteeimes N. Mors appear to be broken, and it is hoped then no 'imm- anently Perim)* results will follow. A pretty wedding took place at t¢q home of Mr. and Ahs, Tiedemann. Grand Bend, on Wednesday, Septem- ber 2Hth, when their eldest dawthter, Violet. wile united in marriage to Bert Holt, second son of Mr. and !tire. John Holt, of Stephen. The cerrnl.ny was performed by Rev. T. A. eltesdmsn. About 1.25 eeriee were present, Mr. and Mrs, Alft•ed Tiedemann, of (bele. rich, being among the party. The people of 3Vinghsm learned with regret of the death on \Vednrs- day ofhest'work-Of-ire--tit 3Tac11e4.4s hie home in that town, Mr. Park. r was taken ill some weeks ego with typhoid fever And merle n goof ree.o-- cry, Ino took n relepee which preyed feta/ Dereaswd was horn in Morrie township thirty three years ego, and lived for some years at IIrn.."I., where the interment took place. MI'. Parker is survived by hie wife, Cetaaeneing a Caner. Clinton Newa.Recold t Bobby Mc- Leod ran away from his home in Ray. end a fortnfsht ago and came to Olin - ton, where Good Samaritans took him a and fed and clothed him. He was akeo home, but was won back amen, and the ChIldleii s Aid Society took rowdy:elf •r of hie cute. He was taken twloii Judge Holt, who made him a ward of the Soviet y, w hiola iu ono seer !tial istoi the leepieg of in lust 1Vawntorh farmer named Smith, with whutu Robby 111144 is. Ile is a bright little shaver and iu du • tune will duubtl• s makie b goad citsit u ,• Editor Chisholm's Sad Exper.ersre. The Wroxeter Planet Nut's :-%Vhile lite editor was moaning down street. I.tet Mo11du ?' with a largo pane of glues under the nem. and jltst as be had stepped past the corner of the Hemphill hio k, he' was struck by a luted of fleeing mongrel dugs, which are very numer.ua bete, with the ri•- salt that hr Aad the. glass Came to grief, touch to the esabot of 4It es, who wit ties sed the elf ale. 1\'e Jove Iwrn wondering if ,511 5liese /lags pay taxes ; if 'hey du, the town motet derive quite a rnivenue from the,u the'New St. Columban Church. The cornerstone of the new chitladi at 4t. Columb.an, L reptu:e the one burned down Ludt laullntir, w es laid on Sunday eftertiden), the :ant' lost The irttelr•.tO(1g and impressive erre- mon)' was witnessed by it Luer num- ber 4,5 !mmol'. 11 •v. h'.el leer 11 .I' J ogan, Waft . inlasl in the crren1,dty by a nu111her et other initiate of the' di.N;ese, and Rev. Nattier Kelly, ul' Copper Stiff, a former r•eeident priest at St. Cul tern. delivered tun elle fluent ,ermOn. The euilertion taken amouotaat to *T(ri. 'rhe nese rhulsh will he one of the handwmwet to the district. Ciose Call for a LW.* Giirl. Lela, the nine-year-old deughter of W. D. Sander', of He. 'Lnd concession of Stephen, the other day wet wit h a i accident that. neotrly cost 15.1 her life. The little girl was on het way: Siulou• cows, and, not icing . ciI-c4tlar saw in operatioe near the barn. childlike she Lucked up a shall stick and proceeded to cot it. tieing .mall the saw peewit through it more quickly than sir\cx- peeted, and losing her balance•. she dell forward.' A garment she was wearing on her head e•41rght in the shalt; draw' ing her iota the Paw, yeitIt the result` that a severe gash woes indicted in the back of the neck. several inches long and quite deep, and how she moceped with tour life is **marvel. The wound wits dressiest by -a physician and the patient is doing nicely. The Late Clerk McIntosh, of Grey. 'rbe death of John WI-Me/4h, clerk' of Grey townsldp, which has All a adv been mentioned briefly in' these col- umns, is a matter 4,1 deep regret 1., his many friends. Jtr. McIntosh hail not been in robust health for done time, and his madden death came roach ha he • had hiinself prophoeied. Ile was in the midst of a business c ro- v.•reatinn with another gentleman when be was stricken, end death was al t inetantoneowt, Mr. Jfcinttwli will Ise greatly utissrml in the com- munity and his iter•• will not ie easily filled. He war Horn in Perth- shire, Semiarid, sixty•two years'aa. and r tine to Canada with his parents in 1441. As * young seal Ile Wee tot - lowing Lhe occupation of farmer when he lust his left arm in'0 threshing nlaehjne. With plie•k and ambition 11,• Ni•L hilus.el( 1.1 work to fit himself t. a F1,114.4/1 4.vher, and he folio wed !his nuc alien for is • yo',-'. Seven yeare ag t he woo epp4,1otel township 'trek of limy, A11,1 leter township ter enures, end perfornletl his duties in an excellent manner. In politica he WAS le Liberel. His wife and several Children survive bins. A BOON TO MOTHERS. 1'4 When Children Are Injured. Children are always elstaining tint bruises, burn'*, et.., and not infte- .411r4t1y eu11Lract'ringwornl, 4'sI dis- ea.rs and similar skin a -nolle'' et sehco'. Mothers will end %.am Huk without equal 5 r• ail these ac • ''lent- :tn'1 diereses. Airs. Th.nl is Allen, . 1:A1 %Vater I. set, Si, Marys` •11)111.,). .says: -•'\I t' daughter Mlbnrv,I. Icor veer. "I le wits wcwedy burned toy hallow .n :1 11,41 Hatiron. sits WAs 11111ned on th.• Iwo!. lo'o'p, send on the thigh t'eryha114'. 1 at one.. n;i .Iird N., • % inelhok, which rased Um, 1sie, asst in l lie ...MM.* of a 5.•*.,4 ttlr ' hi West Uerw ghly he Geol." Mee. ll*o.gg.• .\1.1.idge. 12 Louie. - street. SIrat fs,rd, ear.: "While play- ing barefooted al .11t the yard lay .oto 11,11 1'1111, six yr ti, old. seemed .n :a basket glees bottle. which cut very diel Iy into his big toe. The mit wee v.. drop that 1 mem f .r a doctor ,end lied the runt properly dressed,. t I n .• ohes I 1 ) h 1 N tor' le 4' , , o 1 n HI .1 lot tl t w n , , u•. daily. t 1 tail' Cutler tinetreatmt)l, hnn',•ve,, the wound .wand to get ns hotter. trot on the eonteeryy iatl U' met in. A kindly neighbor then res Ind %,un•liuk, We obtained a supply, and alter a few applin tition% the eleid .crated to 1v.t Itrt 1eV, 141141 the p tin was very- mnrh 7th -writ fn n few Jays, under the %•tin-Huk treatment, the Wood Assmwlel it betterappear- ante, and from that time-henling was very rapid. InHalnmati.nand a.renese were finally completely banisheJ, and in ten day. from the first application .f %am -Rot we took the batdlage% f • the foot. I feel sure tint int our %am -fink the child would have hand a, very had time, and might have had to eoerilice the toe." Not only for rut•, burns, heater., Pte„ 144 %Inl•Huk effective, hist also for serieue skin diseases aitch so eczema, ringworm, nlcere, etc. It also cures poisoned sorer, chronic wounds, had leg. piles, festering sore ' Napped hands, cold .ore., fest trite, and ell .kfn injuries and diereses. Druggists and atrttrs everywhere sell a' lots a box, or poet -for f w price' frons Zun•Huk '1 mento 7 3 boxes 41.25. You are warned Against harmful imitat' sometimes represented to he "just as good." CURRENT LITERATURE, 1YuMAN'S }f('MK C.onga:410N,--11 Is possible to gel en amazing amount of interest oil of practical artir•Ies, when they are hentllr,l Ne are those which appear in the Woman's Hom • Com. pardon for ()molter. 0.1111 an au tic!.' in that mint dining William Aro • .trong'n advice. In the Nmbit tilts nll..'.i'r Jlt.udeht *hv..* nl Jg,,,t1.y.1),f..tlfict Mr. Armstrong We mein a cavern( .1,s i el inveetig 11 inn, nasi hi. sodeh•.sls G+ •told *1 ie., ,' it•.t, In ' 4'lert Cute In health,- 1)1. Womb' Quo chit! son wares le danger Hag ow. n m .n�j'. p n p n l e r oldsfashi„nr'd r, med es. "Why t Left. the Mlinistry' is o'stert• ling cnnfesei"n by "nunlry Larsen, who is anonymous for mbvi.,ls tensions. ("Ar from the couIry ry parson Iles the 'berate of action of Kellogg Darland'e more of leaven Khris. Marion Howland et Chinon has written her hig-hearted wnmsn'. story of Joan of Arc. Besides thee%, there ars many special Attksie* In this issue, but perhaps the beet thing in Tiiv tsD.a Y, (NTong)t 14, ASIS 3 the whole issue is Myra Kelly'. 'Slone. in (1tidvn•' -tit es woudeltoil h ist never wrote auylitiog bea- nie'. than this There are also goo 1 shuir.by ALnt E. \Vilkins Fos si..., Katharine 114,1tau.1 Mown leen... I4ail.•v, Mts. Jelin Vsu V 41'41 ,0.41 !tete Iseiglle 11'igh;iu• EAST WAWAN7if1 • , !Isom III t 4 1?, h. -pt. 27. 11. T4tt4Nshl11• OWN' 11. 1'11., t••tlllr•d 111..5leal4)' 110101,114 to adj,lnlulurul ; /m•Ntl.ra.. alt iWeeitYth-elt;ept Mr. 44+eee- ing1, 1.1 les .5 last meeting read x111 c.atldruled 5.11 11L0linn of 1'4u114.i1- 111'e4ilIleeltle lull wale, Bylaw Ne, 11, 114441, 11111 11441 1he RraV41 A1141 1r':reur.•r to bum uw 11tikfilly for t„w11- ship p1uAltars, was doily 1. ad and p'seed. The following 4434 401111 3 trete• presented and ordered to lie paid : J. Aletiill, building' appruachee and furnishing niau•I tel for Ilrlgratt bridge, cot et'. ioi 11, $zISI iii ; Atoll y flrlggitt, putting i11 the . sur4(ttg p sue lot 111, c••nrrssf.,n 11, *3 ; 'Vin 'bit• lies iuiJcrhiu,.hiov r,11Nisitr tot 42, 41,111.1.43. 1+, fin : Vint It L,.ve, part l•ayenelt building Edw.ude bridge, 44041ecssio11 11, 1051 11 ; \'int St la)rr. put Implicit'. building culvert on Hailaha11 Main, $11441 ; Wild. %V et- s.n, inNprctiug building Edwalilh la Mgr., concession 0, Ill 1:1.! i ; \\111. 1Vieln4411, io4)iNN•4.110$ 1111 Oiling til - vert on Ifallalien drain, 411s -es ; Henry hKeIwalds, repairing eulvert. Iu sideline :13 and :it, e•uuc('esiun :i, $1.:11; trivet A. 'mother, bal- ance t..it.aet 1101111 blanch ihtlisaihdn drain, $11 ; i•'.441 11 it b, than ink lid.' and putting in drain opposite lul'30, e.nut'saiun 11, $111. 10 ; Fred It nth, put- ting in culve,4,' a Psion 4, 84 ; Malik ('twplell, .1.awiog td• :tail Putting in (edam'. .n ,i.lrlil .• :hl and 3), i.uceseiuu 5, 43 ; '%'nl. l'i-11ell.r- t he et.-1rR•t-lntpmet r-%nnrh fit nL, h n Ilallahan drain, 414.11• ; John %V, Mason, repairing bridge 1111 mideline :{11 end 111, coorr.sh.l* 11, 82 ; I'. 11'. scut(, expenses 1. '{'ur.11tu at trtldieg alerting re Pre vin.•ial sanitarium., $J; John W. Howler, cleft uing river bot- tom and repairing approach lo ricer. concession tf, * 3 ; Hohn. H. Scott, work with tram and shovelling gnt.d, 44it1; \IeKian.n arid Ilene, grav riling concession ti end widening road .n coneessi.1) Il*, s114i 21 ; Pat. Gibbons, IIIYIN,eIYng 141•4444Itlllg en vete resstnn 11 *'t r Tt sir. Itadtty, -gravetting .n sideline:et end 31, ronceseiun 2, 1131.IC1 ; 'rhos. 05I L1►ghan, ins4t0etiag revelling, eorteee.inll 2, $1.:11: %%1o, ' due, Inderbrushils: of cueres•iun ', e11.1•; %Vm. 1)ubje, thawing int- end repelling ro:ul on Pfdcline :Xt and 31, coucealyon :), s L ; 'Yu1. lixrruft, gravet, $7.4i.: Robe. Shell', gravel, 41)e : s•aak 3Iet 'e, shovelling gravel, $21(t;; Harvey Metier, genet, *145:11r John Iiedluond, grnvrl,Iit:t ..1 ; D -vitt lternsey. gravel, $Y..I ; %Vito. Netb- ery, gravel, $3,:4.: Jonathan Pat lissom shovelling gravel, 1113; E. Staplrtps'. shovelling gravel, $1.2.1 ; Pete,' King. grav•1, 112.1)0. Thr council them ad- journed to meet :again on 1Vednm-day, Oct -otter 24th next. ALF:x. t'oterg,• F'1 F:1.1,, (•asst. hleSinaY, Oct. lilt. Mr. Culbert, of Ashfield, spent Sun- day at J.1'haimiey's. - 31ra. D. Gr,tsriek, of liens til, event a few 'Jaya of l.1st week visiting her son at h'ordvice, 31beet Ile/ore, and :'i u•gau'1 And • preen, of 1Viighaul, spent 4 Ley 111141er the parental roof. (Seise n nuulher from hate vicinity 4..uk in %%'ieuh.n fair, Int owing to be w, t t"ea1 her report as dull 1 inn .11 tis, Italic. Sharman, of (lode' ieh, who lona leen visiting her anter, hits. lien. Tiedele•, of St. Augustinc. fur the past week, hes cone In llfeev*le to visit herLrnther Irf.,r rr'lul „ In her haute 111 (helm orb. A. A. Naylor: who for thepest month has leen teething at \\•bile• elowel). hes guar to Stratford 111 at- tend 1In' N.rmel Seined (herr. Lir. Naylor bar been engaged as Ieaeher in I11.' Fall*' school When he gots tbru), «i4h his Normal (entree. 11, !hots: t1.1-- 1.r:.t VK1/. - 1 Dietl). wr•,irtirte took Oars, no W. rin esti le, �.•pre•nb••r 22.,.l, iel theL.gn•'.f Mr. un 1 Sirs 'i l.,s. i,e.v'r, 11...4 .4119041 r, 1Lu y, 1' •ing ,.11 1.' 1 in ea.•dl.sk I.. Alex. M. 31,1 hew di, 'les 'ewe. shift The• Lets'' Seri (i ••1 13. Ret', -Me. beiges at in the prep. n,.• of intoned - 1••• oil 'lives a,1 1 it i1•n.l •, 1 sr:1•ri 4,y' Al us. 4.'i, r. - On snnday h .dr.. •tib. r.• passed All •.4 ,.t- 44 .• 1'41.111'00 '511erdrngbtrr. Sirs, 1..t1., .•f Ji .-n.•, h. tow .f the pies rpt' ta' •n.. 1. or Rosen roomy, .la K tot 141..1 .o..n 4 • reli. l of the lase Jae. 1 1,11 1).:.'r:r.1J wee born in 1'.won' 11)1 111 lets. ,vol Was merriest to her her lot : 1..10.1 ill IS5 in 10:1.1 thee- !etlll'ti 1.11 1..1 i. ren. smite 111, \• Pliehl and i•1 lees, moved In int 34, I...nee-4 .n 1. h:a-I 1'' en :l nosh. 1 evil 1.;' there a nil 1 lip .1••:ulr .f'.\I1'. Visit 111'4, r•m tN. a ,, pro-, tors, "int was a member of the Mrtitedist rhnrcb, and. won eel-epalost highly for 1)1•r kindly disp..11i,.* and irl lire, she eves f.lu• wets an 1 three olaughtets Joseph, of Stongtt- ton, x lake : Rohe., of E art'Vaweitesh : Gill,, nl' 1shifted : Abram. of Slrat- (otd Urs. Dunbar and. Mrs- Luvn,. 1/4/1 /I .f East. IVawanosh, and %its. field win, of .lrhfleld. The funeeel Hoek place nn Tuesday to Veal field ceme- tery, •itrv. J. Cook, her pte't ,i•. cote 1111001g the service, I rm. PORT ALBERT. MONDAY, 1)1,4. lib. 31.. N Florence Stevenson, of Lon- don. renewed old acquaint mires in this brag Last week. li.'rt Urn•d441 strived home from On - West on Saturday. We tinder.lend be ie going to enter Kingston 1'niver- city shortly. We wish him fusee •sts in hie good work. A 1.ITTI.K 4)014 TAMPS --Jlnrh .ym- ppaathy is 1.441E0Pd to Mr. anti Mrs. Nelson Pierson in the death of Iheir infant .laughter. Laura, which ''sant.• red last 1\'elne.elay, l'he little One had horn ailing for .nun Lime. 11,. funeral, whi. h took place on Friday if Yon ave a tweet.;lar Maw Luua Tw,kkr, lave Leet flesh are ihrrMearil Yell► Coe MEOW rev 1Tre.1.. au a. MissClark, Supt. Grace lfos- pitol, Toronto, Jetties they kiwis used it with the best results. fM. WWI 11.00.stass. UAVIs a I.:1N K1•:i 13 4u., Montreal. last 1.. Peo Albert .•.•utrtery, was largely 1 4moiled. 1teV. '1'. Hicks, of 1' i, 1103..1 .ond..el. J the f •rat sere SUNLIGHT SOAP al s I 11dvl/ .�.Ja • 0 Sunlight Soap cannot spoil your clothes. There are no Injurious chemicals ln'Svrer- light Soap to bite holes in even the most delicate fabric, $5,000 are offer- ed to anyone finding adulteration In Sunlight• Soap, ed. r - FINE TAILORf(i) CLOTI1ING FOR MEN .esiejo FITS WELL - ' LOOKS WI -LLL. • WEARS WELL 444. When made by „ The Tailor, DUNLOPWest St. 1 it 'IrhoHc 5(► Ci M 11 1 A U R n 'Phone" Excellent Underwear Values _ NeW il)"Illr line t4,-buy).le -tloist. i W4•atees , eel ii lrayaied tttt11 1.1,1•('i 11 11,•e t.au1 4.1 :1111111S1 4.41-1 items:eI. ..0 r P1oiuine d in noir shuwir.g are the gat moque front .slleh well known eiller4 w, T11111luills, 4',nivans, 1eer» 41d :e Zenith Iirstitl, Galt. Kni' - 1.l}, 1'outlook). Ladies.' white rood natural Vsele 1iilt Demme to teatih. Fell weight, wept!' 3.1.0., for Specie/ bee i41'I'urithull's pee fret-Ihling Vesta acid Ilet wets, nice essnifortable a,imeld, viewed iiiiiiiii_ _-41 . each. Leonard's :(11-44''.1 Vesta A1111 i)l'iwere, cite, 41's, 1111i.11, light «eight, special value s, . The celebr::tte.1 1V4lsey euulbiiiat ion... leolies'Idol, 'Fetid-, with 11.111.1 or"Men1.•. frau !readies' knit t'•nest Cover , lune, • tortes .. ... 1 7:e•. each. •; $• ..., au i t • 0 :,II., 2.4'. eat+. `Children's Underwear a-. Special Feature \1•s, nary an Inn,l,'II 1' variety of turbot~' and. Oehler/Se 1!nder- garulrnts 111 :ill mI yle..tnd 'veighls. I.i suit every requitement. - • - 1 Jlildreseelloeav4 11111411 Vost.e:111,1 Ih'Awe11514,411 - 1.1.•. each. l'hlldrese.ull-w.e.l \'.•-1,. and 111•:ew,•IN, 'lateral alt) white, Tuve hull's mule, (lel.. •... ... ......:t M'. each. Children', leads I ll;Anse*. all el ea•s, from. .., - seen'.:. Mlle. iter pair' B1t%•s' t'u4ki'i1;ear111 fleece -fined and all-A%o4.'' 11eI1 ti fla'a'1t'-1int'd Shirts and I)1 It\','r•, rr See ow- leader ill ail 'sizes at 54s, !ry robot. 'Phone SO MILi,AR'S SCO UCti Akyta 'I'S(llne �--�-IMINIMMommel _._._ MID J ,ver..tyaF. i PRESERVING EGGS FOR OUT DOOR WO is THE WETTEST WEA ► NOTHING E -)71.nr'1@ WATCai'ROOF Iii LED = CAi2T'w E MTS "THEY LOOK WELL WEAR WELL AND W111. NOT LEAK 4 • f7:I1z1etff ,,.4" a ::::• 3:t1 C1310 Cornet Ir.3. a.. TC1a*,J (Aa if 'floe . al,avay to pieretcl• eggs for witness also the test Way, its by tieing Waterglass Von just, mix wale, glass with w:et,'nt.nl put les eggs In, and they wttt keep tot' t wo years. • Try tt (AT9; only 1:e•. For sale by F. J. BUT LAND Druggist, Goderich. ••THE STORE THAT PLEASES." HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW For He Keeps a "Little Digester" • Handy Mr. Glassco, of Toronto, wrote ns on May 13th last: TH11 COLUMN MIIDICIN* CO., 5')9 Chwrcb St., Toronto. Dear Sira,- I wish you would send me another boa of your "Little Digesters". All the members of my family have been using them and have obtained the most saris• factory results. I congratulate you on your success' In putting up a tablet for the eine of Indigestion. I suffesed fur )•ears sod tried everything that was recommended to me. Nothing gave ole relief, until I was persuaded to try "Little Digesters". Now I never suffer from Indigestion. I enjo!• my mesh and am not afraid to eat, because 1 know • "Little Diges- ter" after earl' meal will digest my food. 1 sec ,inntend them to all my friends who suffer from indigestion and would farther say that you may publish the above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from Indigestion wbu will be glad to know there is a safe and ant e awns for them. m Yours very truly, (Signed) lits S. GI,ASSCO. • "Little Digesters" coat a5 cents at your druggists, or by Mail from Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. se 4.'i' The Most Interesting Daily The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Home Pages -the daily instalment of a good story -the Social and Personal columns -the illustrated daily Fashion Hints. But the "Star's" strongest appeal to the wide-awake woman Is the unusually interesting way in which it presents the news of all the world, day by day. There is not a dry line In ityetit is not sensational or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean, wholesome, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's worth reading about. Subscribe now awl take advantage of our present rate of 1.5 4-; ; �it Year Tah paper and "Toronto Daily Star •• trstA.r for ono our- S? .1) Ovar'anto.d Fountain Pon yawn for 60e. added f0 abet subscription pekes. Toronto Daily Star Y `l�fE1f- 1 t1' Ma124t;,'s 1' ilvtjnie car -1 11 • • i6'r1 14WAN BABY CARRIAGE " 1f His Majesty.-tbe baby -could talk he would always insist on a carriage car.') c.ENIiROf+1 " Baby long" fon comfort more than for anything else in the world and the specially selected and tested triple -curved springs -exclusive to the GLIM m this carriage car the acme of baby comfort and luxury. SON -Make "Then -the tfEN01110N is built In Canada. An unavoidable accident may make the purchase of a part necessary. Your dealer can supply you with the pert you want. when you want it -if it's a GIN fr •' . I le Sold by all firef•elau dealers. Writs to we If year • dealer doesn't carry thorn. THE. Geadron Manufacturing Co., Limited Ge VAN• TORONTO. 1 jatimmuparmasIMP /1111411,7 41 OM i81 tt1 ER' tt� f�omicK'S volt enyoysd a package •Ix months ago. They were delicious. Hut much more so improvement In pence's, and materials has In rater crispness, finer flavor, a more deilefous quality. They ars superior to all. Prove It. Make a test. Try 'them now. •