HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-14, Page 1Sotnet
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we .ball 1>e glad to have
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The Signal
Telrph(lIIt' ;t5.
4iITT eget HD YIAlt-Na Mei
GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : 0(1,11OHI tt 1"1; 1!it)9
To JANUARY tet, tort, to NEW
for $LOO
Subscribe Now
1 am offering for sale Debentures bearing interest
at five ver cent. per annum, payable half -yearly.
These debentures offer an alaolutely saleand prof-
itable •investplent, l would advise auyune having
money to invest to he sun' to call and see me.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to •ensure insertion
in issue of same week. ,
Public llotios.
I)t tlI11' NOTIcI .
♦u'„+ i. hrn•by elven that the council of
Iha muuira('allly of the town of Uolerich will
at d. Or -t regular meeting after the expiration
of one worth from the dale of posing up of
tAe+'ss(1e.' prowiling pa the lay nds aw foorrtaltrr
IOVp nK' V
detailed. which with other land. were by
by law number Y2 of Itee o{eprl up surd e•d01r
1..11a1 :e a public highway In the mid toad of
4.d1.'t a'b.
rbc Io.i- to be .tOVprd up and -old fur
dr+4n Md ,v follow-
iir-tit All and +tiltrotor that .ronin WIN."
or •rwr4 of land and prenul-ew admit,+, lying
and prow In the town of Uuterll,, In Ilia•
vnr•ly of Harm. nod l'ros lure of Ontario. and
being eoinpu'n ed of paof 1o1 1111, In '1 be town
Hogan a. -Hewn on a reap or 1114411 01 the
town. dated Sr(temtier 174th. 1 .B; ph•parod
by 011.• .1. \lar honwld. )'rovinciwl sutveyor,
expert...it .n the regi+fly °Mee for the
of Huron. and beteg fore (artteularly
Ararat -,l ...follow,.
faw1, 1 4444 at the north we.l corner of .al•k
10111tt.1 •e,' -oath 14 degree. 71 tn.nulr+
ora along Ale between la. 14(44 and 1'34 r,
feel to the u. rt herby angle Of that portion of
4.04 hist open up a,• a public highway and
y'..cnbwl le b law No. 24 for Iso: of the town
d4oderl-h. the ce north Si degree- 2•_'mluuu•-
Girl, feet 4 ire - to the southerly limit of
Harbor (nay, t ear north 101 dee.... we+t
darts mid +outher!) lmlt of Harbor V nay p;
feet r. Inrhe•- more or to the plate o begin
And secondly' -All a
par .I or !wet of land .1 premlwe •1 mite,
Ong and being 40 lb town ug (io erteh,
le the merry of Huron an I'rtle jeer of Uhl -
aria and Wow rem wr,wd o ptrt of lot lora Ip
Ike town of Ooderir'l aa .hu Il tat% u tamp ur
plan of the -ald town dated plauder ('1h i
Ikrt preparwl b)' nue j. Ma,•I)ot1 Id) l'rol lue(nl
Seri eyor. and regi tered In the Nr) oM1.,'
Yor the ,o804y of Hurun.•being u rl\ %'art len
luls dw'nhed a+ follow','
Mettler that certain
THv,lsn*r, October 14th.
Fsll whont. tn•w, ort bush of W to $ u t.i
Spring wheal, nen. per bush a et to 0 41
Nye per purl. a o' to a 4n
Hu, ilwhest. {ear bush u °I to a Or
trete. new, per bud.., ..... 012 to U 15
Pew.. p.'r 0..•6 I, ;, It4, VI
Hone), per hu -h 0 I1 10 'o
Sereruio,c,', 11141 tun 211 .0 to .41 .0
Flour, fawn)). per rat 3 on to 3 m.
Flour. (Aleut, per cwt a GY to 3 2i
Bran, per ton • 23 W to 21 11
Shot te, per ton ..... s W to YS 1s.
Hay. per too - ' It IC to 12 in
Wuo,t per eon( 5 u, to a W
Hotter, per Ib 0 Al to 0 L
4'her.', per Ib el 15 to 0 14
lint.,. fnmb. per dux....,..-....,,, . u _ w o G
iti'. to nal
l lu to 1:+'
l) to
7'75 to
111. LO
3 40 to
0 lm to
0 15 to
Potato'',, new
('attic, ordln'y to good. per OWL
rattle, 1.1(Ort, psi awl.
Hog-, .. ...
leuub- -
She'rl•, Ver cwt.
liana. per 14,
loror,, per Ib
Lard, ter lb .I.-..- - 15 to 17
fallow, per Ib Ia to 11 I16
llldr, parr wet ............ . .... 7 into-- rt .10
Sheep skin. 11 to 4o
1 'dickens • 12 to 12
TW key. - lel to .4
0 _2
Situations Vacant
K7":I1'1'INI). A I"I'. V VACANI'IEM fur ral.nrlenrrd female operetta. in all
department.. 4 it., ktidier. on automatic. plain
and rd, machin.'-. 11u Mopes.. do-+er-. top
lets amide!. nod -111,-hen: on )ower ,ewtng
mn.utur,..-. smart worker.. ram Make good
wage+ by da) or piece work. Nothing charged
tor-rcuring the rltuattonporting hour...
forty nine per week. AVVI)' al elle b) letter
or {{ n.onal application to I.AWHI H1- KF:AI',
}:M1.1.4 pvEIt., AMSiSt IATIUN 4)14 TO K
UNTO. Is Victoria -tn.!, Toronto. 44 21.
work uu laps.'+' COM, Apply at aid to
MI.• Moult.. HoImiENS BROS.
11 No,rndwr n n.pahle girl fur Krneral
fp...a•work. Apply to N11LY. M. 4 MAM
En. N. If
l'olraen.iult►t the lnter.u:tlou of h rad ,
- _
wry bow of %`Pater Ione with the - u •sly i ---
lieu of lot No 1•rls thenar '..faith 1)4 .ere*. -
'I' KA(11EK\Vl
044along ,sod aoutl4rrtY 111111i1 tt feetr All-kl'TIl, \,.. VV., Wawano.l.. dutir-
to1he.ou4ltwe.l angle of lot No. 1,00', II Me'to , vnuueo„• ofte•r New Teat,, Apply.
north 1!'4, tree. 30 lu,nnl4+ ewer along r .-taling -alai"' and experience, to lilt' 11Alin
hetwaen (ole poi and 1411(1, I'M feett, a pot T.WAMI.F:1, See y Tera., 1'rayerlty P. O.,
Minor .doth 21 degree. "2 minute. we.L 1 out. sal
feet .1. litchi/. more or ler to the phew of he
laning. ANTED AT ONCE. -A (.DOD
Num Ital. twenty -Mrd day of September,
r a general •servant. AMU> to Map(. F. J.
I.. I.. EN(1\, 1.4041).
al Ir Town 4 Ierk.
Beal .state for bale.
GiA1tNI 1,01t SALE Olt EX -
HANOI.; for home .nd lot in 4iodcricb.-
For ) I;,• acre. of 101 8. ,r,neew•Ion 4, 4'olborne
, !the 201.1. Buchanan tar,ul : brink huu.e. Mir..
4*6'u r never tailing well. a good otrllaid with
let "le . fruit. ft. 11. SUM EKMAI.I.. 1. oyal,
Iyer. ati
on 11111•.•.treet, al a tow 441 ore_ APely 4.1
owe to W'lldd AM HUHRO11'r. or ALN'TIIIN
NKK ItI:M.14 F:TT.
V In' ore.. with :u acre. lu aro{, : frame
hou.e aall 'phone In, )'floe $3.em• iucludiuK
crop. 1.0144 :, rich loam. 1.64 arm at 1144 ler
Oere broken and fenced. Tei, a+ a +nap,
land going up every year, 10141 awre,- with
IOW/ building...0o acre, broken ; price til, Ir0
sen'. gond laallty and phone in hon+.•. Any
of thew ,'.0 lite l'ttght in randy tern.. J. fl.
TNW'1/1.1.:1, 1'orkton, Back.
Al Mick dwelling. with the modern Improve
uiM0, plelvantl militated and near the Manan•.
Apply to W. IL 1'IOHF:HTeoN.
Il1 +Tagil' brick how., with weep room
on Itnev .44w•t. l'altlrnlar. can be had 1,)
wiling At •+ICN A1. Office. 3i tf
V r
1 I 411 r)r►loa
AUTO Ik,(ED OANTAL. 81; eyl,nnl
OF Ig)
To accommodate the Farmers
Ws have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
Highest current rate of interest
id in ot.
on deposits of *1.011 and upwards.
A, O. OAMRLN.M onager.
fi11:: 'Id EK %VANTF:U. LAD\' OR
gm Ionian, for a, N. Nn. r. A-(,flrkf ; delis,
to ,•uwu4 er i„ January, pea , all appliratou,
to be in fon, December 1.4. lege Aeolica
ti .-Inti. salary re. u Weed and t anlinrr,t ton,,
o i1( 144 rwwi d by TI Os. C (1441I(AM, Ulu
K..solo,.. 07 rl
I0011 Sh:\e.:RS WANTED. -WE
it have room fo am or t here goon -ewer,
ill 1111r .Ire•- u.akln - e(n.rl nirnt lulproo rr. Io
iv ark ou su.r.t- art, - 111, Apply 01 once to
3H.+Montt- H0110 M Hptr.
(11131. WANTEI) 'D13 OENEKAL
T hon.rwork For furl part icnla7r apply
to MRS. H. I I. H000F.N4 .1.41100..' 11rr•1.
`!AN1'FsU. AUUMI' ' •:NT11IIt!
mf -ome erp•rIcnee fo, k 'Pest house -
140,k. Apply 10 MRS. 11 It\
Ileoig.' • !tutor).
,,..ANTED. A l'I'AltlI'\
1 oral •
:eni. App.A ly In Mit-,
44Altl(u W'. nu
Crowded Out.
An interesting report u( the count y
W. (3. T. U. coDveutiun at Exeter last
week and other interesting news items
are crowded out this week. Look for
them in next week'N iNwur'.
Donations to the Hospital.
The following donations have been
received at the hospital : liroceries,
Mts. t'bah ; vegetables, Mrs. Taylor.
Mn. B. Vault* ; fruit, Mrs. Morrison,
Mitt. D. Ferguson, Mrs. Jones. Mr.
Wilson, Mts. Curzon, Mr. WI Mitch-
Robert Holmes' Mishaps.
The Toronto Star says : "Robert 11.
Holmes, of 472 Palmerston boulevard.
surveyor of c i,Lutn.. is laid up with a
sprained knee. A r•uriuus coincidence
it that, while he war passing a sofa. 41
needle in mete way ran into bis leg
just at the place where it was after
wards sprained and lbs end broke offs
The needle had to 1H• extracted. This
had nothing to d° with the other cAMP,
Ifuwever.. Mr Holmes will be laia.up,.
fur several days as a result of the sec-
ond injury. "
Week's Grain Arrivals.
Ihi Thursday last the steamer Tur-
ret Chief unloaded I'29,IMM1 bushels of
To Rent
house on Kewy +tre, eight monad, in
Kwrd repair. Stable, fet
fruit treed, b.•rry hu -h,.
on the let- Apply to J. W. SALKEI.11, phone
Al R. M. H. KILPAI'K, A. 0. S. M.
111 11.ons00. Kuoland 1,orwauj'l of >41. (leen, e
church liod,-rirh. 1- prepared to ghs antro,
not. I.. pipe organ. Mario and ,ocal culture.
Special attention given to the voice. Yoe par-
arLaoulgr apply to N. H. Kllpuck or A. K Cook.
y. M.4'. A. room.. over °Moe of Standard Loan
CO. Re•idt•nce: Market 01reet. near Hapti.t
Improvement of Stook
1\ ha,. obi .in,•d)nuug Vurk-hire hog
read) 40r -.'1, o,• wetted eyed. awl bred a- 101
10,1 11114 1,'•b,Krc.' -lair- 1 .11111141 ropy of parli-
l( 11401110d 111011101101110111011011l 111r I aliufuS4V1ne
r Breeder.'
Maple 14..1 c Leader And. '21[113 , ibo art. Lu
rn,u.l Jfarch .41 11. Iver Iprd L) H. S. Mel oas
owl. Fawn'. Uul ::eel ole err. S. K. y1.rMol 1..
U,.L•n' 4,
tow a -14,p. int.
(1,.o. Lake, u•w Lorett a 24417 . bmf by
It. F. Un. k k sun; 12d:roe% tgueen 3rd.
1:4412 . oak l..mlit'• a"'ilio 4711 ' I kik Lodge
4 ,ub,r•lla 2317 : 4 i nd.n•li,a Ivit Ludic,•
Ie•anit 4441 Wm era itch 7 ;Holywell Pearl
Mop. 'I - 14.11 w, 11 Urns 20.1. 111401.
Mapl.•I,Ivl e. ha u.ppn, 31(02 .brad
b) U. 4 . 111411 A Son : 4Ink Is.1ge• w'itrhle)
Stith. 13123 : kitchearr 11:+1 : 1mak Lod tre
'will limp., :IN3 ; 4 kale IA/11g,, }:ml44lrant
174 Km,O o,dr 11.-,4. limp., 4.3 • Diamond
,iu,p. w 4101.0 Ir:. Hob 0.-11 \1'ut11,r 2441
Onto, a . ,7111 ; 11„1111..11 Victor 011114.1 1
14(7,: Holy aril slit }..,r 4.51.a; 141. Alli hon) 13571.
Price of .4001.,' 111 ,114
S. It. M , 41.1"1')1 (10 err.
1,4 I(4, Mul,. 1. li,.b•ri,b, Town -hip.
trot Sale
1' dnen, window. and lumber. Apply to H.
r 511'0404INI;M,
Auction Sales
V (0.
SHF:KI' AND HOIt4).'4.
Sir. Robert Quaid will .4.11' he public allyl Ion
at 114• form at Dunlop po-tottic'.:4 riles from
Uaterh•h. on
FKI UA I'. U(' I'OHKR 13,11.
commencing nt 1 u cluck -harp 1 pure bred
Hereford cow. r, yrnr. old, in calf : 2 pure prod
Het efonl hrlfer+. l yrnr. old. in calf :1 pure bred
Hereford heifer, g 1 year old , grade cattle
-- I ,row'. 7 year ohl.,nple,e,l to be Motif. 1 row.
'4 yearn old. +upprld to le In calf : 1 fat cow. 1
farrow row :2 .,err, ri-ing 3 year. old . 2
Lrafrr+, ri+iug 3 yrnr old ::1 heifer.. ri-Ing 2
yyear. Ohl .3 heifer '.14... 2 ,leer t th r,., StI good
Liurohn and la•Irr'der ewe...1 wood le•ire Irr
rail 1 aged more : Io.ad theft room. a year,
01.1. in foal to Anld Lan g Syne ; 1 good heat,.
i EN- Ira, jog hol',a•. tear. old : 1 drh tic limo. 1
year.. old. sired 4,) lord Robert.. thoroughly
AM broken ; 1 filly. 1 year old, by Mn -ter : 1 filly 1
year old, by Andrea1 es heavy double bar
,,r... !warty new I:verythlr•g advertised must
Notice to Creditors
Nlll'ICE '!'O CREOfI'OKi.
IV '111}: ErrATK nF THnMAS (('NEAL.
Ie.4TF: n4 THF: TOW .NSH11' OF
o}' Il t'HUN,
Notice a- hereby fp, en (isle -..Irl to K. M O.
1501,, rhxpter rt, ...ellen :04. that all nous
ha, ing Plante 4,.01,1.1 1 hr4,1A1.• r 1 "Ilona..
4 /'Neil. wd,n died on the 2'anday of tote. Pro,
ere mynin•el un or before the .11,1 dal' of No
1.011.1,, Ertl• to -end o4 dela, 01 to I he node,
.014. 0.0 fur t1'illialn .\11-1 ;u'1hy of the
town -Lip ,f A.hf,kl. 1,er•(1101 of the Ia.t- will
oft he -,lid der..a.d, 4 full -Nu,•mrnl of part ic-
Ida. of (twit '111100 duty cert\fled.
And rumor j.. further give,. that after the
'e Mot the -01,1 execu-
ur November. 1
r lel do . m
ed ate of the
kw will proceed to dlanbule the
dere:re.i ,,none t hr (erne. 010111• d (herein,
ha. ing regard ung) to tint .1: ' • of which he
Than then 144, I. notice.
J. 1.. K ILI,4IHAN. Ua),'.irh. ((ntario,
• Snlienor for - aid Executor.
41a1.d Ifo (21). d.,y of I k:toler, 1". W41)
ti rH E \I :%'Il'E1f OF THE Es -
Ir.kT}: n1 .IAM }:S Mr IL414(IS. of the
l own.hip of 1.01lx,rvu•. In the ronut) of H iron.
t roman. ,h•ceo.rd.
\n144,0. i• h(orby given 1lrlt 11 1,'r -o0. hn•
inn,-loh• •u? an-t the 0.lnee of the let. Jame.
5I.Hnrd v. 0 hodiwl on or nlrnul the 141, ds. or
S,'plemis•r. len arr n attired to •01.d prepaid
or delivered )el+a,alty to the under+ignpd,
ndmini-1 rat or- of the slid tan•, their name+
and :uldn•0•r• eel par(Irnlar• of Ibrir clalmr
in .4rli ang with a 400100 nt of their -,-curdle-.
if nny hold b) loin.
I .And take ma ire that alter the 1.1 day of
Novemb•r. tan 1111 o.ld adminhuntnr' will
pureed to di,tnhute the seen, of We wdd de
r.•nsed. having retool' onlf le the Plant+ of
whteh they tiny,- x0001% ,oeh waive.
And take notice Ilial all 'invitee• flys the
-aid wanly 'nue I.• laid to the will ndmbnl•
t rater is or before Ow le tiny of NM ember.
MARY 1,. Ult}:KN.
1 Mled at U,wlerIeh. the (kb tiny ol October.
• 4 iN nn 1 a warrant eerier the hand of the Mayer and rat Of the owners tien I hr Inwn
m1naR iTm art the thlrtamth d Of Jnl 1!en, "°""'""MiIjf'Mir ?" IPry moon- Wn loads
er de-rrlherl for (he arrear M Into. dile thereon. together with 1rr'l., nor I I. 11 Aby
1lnhern owl!" .nen taxes and rod. are .miner laid 1 .14.11. per -moot to till' A-.•+sn,enl Art,
• R. be lEr, rlapter 221. pretend to.011 by ,,1611' ,1111.1 1011 Ihr -ofd Imnd. of -0 much thereof w
nw'a•eu10 for 1 he payment of the mild armor, and redo, at my oTre. on
o'eloek In t he (0101,000
TM fMlowleg lets are peuental •..Mrs 4v1,.'.;
yr I4T1TT
Ran 111 No, tor or LAN It 1'Axsw CUM, TOTAL
olafNnmb.ew .... 1217 I5 $7.31 Vol $10.17
g M°klMoneeery., ',,.,.,,... IMg Ifi it 111) tax 5
• • I,y Lb 12111 2104ail Lel 14.0
lit 1•s a2s tel aId
" R• -atwsei•m iiimnr. Nick st 11 . iN t WO
is. 2.n ilell
4 TeTin TNesars
fitve Iso C• a.nk. PL16 West IdWU
he .old, a.. r. IJnaid 4+givinR up farming.
TERMS, Twelve month- credit w1(1 be
1,011011 (111 111+10111/ 141-1pro4 art mint note.. :\
room of)er cent. allowed for cash.
'qy,r it. or. Dunlop. ont. Auctioneer.
• -' 0,
w\I:'i(' 1'111: BEST P.411 1'. 1\ 1`AsT
1 11:n•0<o- dv,l itetrw lion- from Mr -..lull.
King to 4 I'nblh' 3111-1 1011 „t 1111• .\ubnrn
10,1,1 011 \
S 4T1,4: .\Y, 44 TI III F:I1 Eton,
.11 pl ...lock . 1 .. belt 34. 1 'mew...ion I,
W no mm h. r, No low lot acre. of 01.-1 01,1+-
1,11111 101 lel-11 , r 4!13111. ,weer
..111.1-111.01 44 en e1ar rrK114with
'1'40 fence, arc 11t rh sere 01re. Fifteiiii
AVM, of 1p a.l her, .04 .,,,-,,'r nit failing
-tying crook .1.41 . wit .11 .d 1 hr hue
%ming bearingunluu.R .\ „11.,'1110111 hen-,
21 r :9t ,i,,) le . 21, lar nmh•r (nsn ad
kit. lien. n`'stair- . 4(1.01 barn ,1 ill.
.lulu• 11110111111111 le 0 (14 111 t!n0111 1111114111114-• (1, f:' i. or i0 Il :. • . I. 'a 4,•
nn 11 .t 11 ...bog gra I
4- 144K
rad Isom udlr. ,ve-I .d .\obis n senile. •••
of Illy 111. rials ;old nhalf feigns,. h, .
1'4-:I41l-. Ton 11011,•11 vent. 1 441 Ihr pnrclw-c
uwmy lo la• {.aid ur ,011n'g,•'r for ,. lime of
mar. 1lnla ere earl hn!mdmy, err if e• nod
duihu. i- paid the Ial.uwe goat
mortgage a It n n.4•o11a111' role of illi •,•+t.
41(12..114'1.1,\ KIND. Tilos „la \t14V.
19rrpnrl rr0.. .4 114) 4nnr
• 4 .41um sT4 m K. 1M1'1,F4l ENT
Hour4ER1 II.II
1 hay, re -rib eel in+l('104141n+ from Mr. Henry
2. Mnrrl. to -ell 01 hl. n'•u1 rcr
11 I, , .I,•
Cann. lot m. 1•0110e001. 4,/ 01110110'. 011
tt 04 'It 27rn.
nlaturn'ing at 1 u-cl..it the 1..IIo, tog
3 parr lord 1.in4nln ran, Limit , t 'nn' 10011
1,1111001,111100-1,111100-101.oMoth,uMoth,1 Hal. genual Int ,
hoer -.:1 , 0e r. old : 1 three 4 ee r old Aria 1-r. for •d
h. To,,, Heid : 1 aged dh 1, rt : 1 .Irr..., 4041. !,
tray 0111, mittaren 10 be in r.dl : 1 .Irr..-) 11.0.
)euro' old. .(4.0,.101 t0 Iso• in rnIf; "Jenr1
+r). :11w4r 01,11.,11111/11,141 1t, be in ,.3II : 1 Jar
rn14, 2.1'110+ fol, .01010001 10 Ire 1n init. 2
nnr )ear old lees.) heifer-, eipposol 10 15• nl
calf ; 1 .Iran hull, 1 ycer ohl : 1 Durban, cow
7 year old, calf ; 1 Ay oh(re row, 14
pM: 1 Hereford heifer, 1 year old. In calf; 1
Hereford hrltrr riff. 1 Imrhan( *err calf. 1 .n•r
+ey heifer calf. 1 heifer 'Alf, 1 montho1d
3 nm4d h- old : 7 n hcn.. I l a r pro fowl. 1 purr
hod ,,al Ise dn4( 1 Mo01.•4 Ilam• binder. nr,ui,
Ire : 1 .ta.,e') Haiti, owner, 000th len ; 1
Ma,w•t tarsi. -sod drill. 1 roller. 1 Flier hnrro,..
1 win 1'Inw, 2.11,4(11' ,Ino.. I 041 hoer„...
•nf110r. 1 1114 rnkr, I Iannnag mill 1 -et «.'Ie-.
1 Mn'.;.1-11 .111144 4ntter, 1 g1 iudgmn•. 1 Kroh,
erldle. I oloiellorrow, I hat eek, 1 Inner
ira)p",fr. t I1410 It 7 1 44141114- -t)'T j'1.
rust. 1 -01 11011.101g -. 1'..,, 1.' -I, 101 1 4111 111 .
I 4.11111•r 404,'. h',ggg) lade., 2 11.11,-r., 1 •t
dodge horn.-'.,. 1 wit donblr beret• ottani
new : 1 ,rt chain- awl I,ailie+ for pinning, 1 -n t
donblr 1101 hinny..., ': art. .11.4(1,.
t'neella .man, .e rotor 1 I4,4,r thorn nodth
other dalrl M4414114, 2 melt -ere 110. I \I Il4 11.11.-
+1o0r.1 kitchen WWhir.I extrb"ism tnMr, 1 sitting
nano 1.)')" ni4n A q1101.t(4% of ho4.•hokl form
100,. 011,1 11141 nm.. and many other article, ton
nnn,erno+ In nh'M1014: ale) 01,1unl4ty of hay.
Everything mod 11e 0.41. 0. Mr. Stwel. hos
.rid hi. Game. -
TFHMM. An seams of i10.e1 amt under, rank
river Iha amount, t weave,, m(.he rr.dlt will bl'
g fl•sen on furnishing appenved )nlnt mites. A
tl bonen, of pee rent. lowed nit for (awh on
It amounts,.
01-2 Lettit con. 0, i;olherne. Aactlonaw.
wheat and oats at the Oolerich Eleva-
tor A2 Transit (`n,'. elevator. 0t,
Friday the steamer Midland Quern
dischargedlIt: ;IMM% bushels' of wheat at
the Weet'ln Canada Flour Mills Co.'s
elevator and 38,111111 bushels of wheat
at the D,,derich Elevator x 'Cransil
U1.'s elevator. The mte•:tmle'r Se•oit.i7h
Hero arrived un Muldiey with 11'2,41/1
hu.'rlr of wheat and oats for the
Otxlrrirh elevator and the steamers
\Vexfot•d uud Midland Queen are due
this week.
Y. M. C. A. Officers.
The following officers of the (lode -
rich Y. A1. C. A. were appoiuted at a
recent meeting of the board of direc-
t -it. • President, A. M. Roltertson, M.
A. ; vice-president, Or. Hayden :
teea.urrr, James Carrie : secretary.
K. Boyd : }onvener of religious.. work
4-otltwtttee, S, Belcher: rnnveurr of
looms couuuitler•, Reg, Blackstone :
eonyeye• of membership committee.
K. Boyd ; convener o( physical work
rouumittre, k. Colborne. The con•
vette'. of rueial committee has not yet
(arse appx,intnl.
Royal Templar Rall rL' Night._ -_
Alond•ty night Was rally night for
Eureka Council No. lit1, K. T. of T,
and members and ft ir,d' to the
her of about fifty gathered at the
'1'ru.prranoc Hall and • petit a very en-
4'Hanle evening. The occari(ln was
honored with the•presenc.of Rev. W.
1'. Fletcher, nt Drayton, (Irani! Coun-
cillor of the H, T. of T. in Ontario.
who g we an earnteet address on the
work of the society. Rev. .las. A.
A,,del.on occupied the chair and
complimented the local hranM, on the
good progiese made the past year.
Rev. C. lt..1,.,i.,, also g eve a short ad-
dress. Prof. Ileinirkr's urrhestya
gave several selections, Alook a
Foto, and Lillian and Frnser Newell a
duel, all of which Were h appre-
ciated, After hunch the gathering
broke up.
Ran Away from Home.
Three toys whose homiest are in
Toronto made an excursion to Oodo-
rich tut week, and, among the points
of Intel est here, visited the jail and
p 'lice .inn t. The oldest of the boys
1+ about sixteen, and the episode is
nothing more than t boyish prank.
The L,.y.' names are Thomas Miller,
Tufford Yanden and Claude Kells.
They had only fifteen cents among
theta when they started away from
houu:. and they s(ole their way to
Boxley ieh on some. C. P. R. freight
car.. Arrived here, they begged for
s 1110 11oieg to tot at some private
[tourer, and they were eventually
taken in 4harge by the °nicer+ of the
law'. When brought before the
pollee magistrate they were remanded
until 1'urwlay to allow of time to
hear from their parents, and on Tues-
day they weir meet home. the hoyr'
parents having remitted the cost of
their transportation.
The Sedimentation Basin.
The work on the sinking of a well
near the sedimentation haain, for the
pet p'ts'• of keeping the water lumped
from tinder the basin while the floor
is being repaired. is progressing slow-
ly. The work has 'wen in progress
W. el al week, already, and the well is
still reverts! inches from the de 11th
required. The engine which Wn. in
use 111.'Iltet to pump out the water was
found to be nut sufficiently powerful,
and a more powerful our IN uuw in
operation. It ii' (mite probable it may
be found necebwary to dig out all
)tt•ulna1 the basin, and, although i1.
cannot be ,aid definitely yet. it is
likely the best met !eel of repairing the
Hour will be found to he the laying of
p4410011.allyy a new floor 4/1 CP1111.11( rein-
forced w,Lh steel upon the present.
floor. 1Vhile in town last week Engi-
neer Chipman was asked to look at
the basin, and he considered the
method being taken L11 repair the
With the• heel, Il is 11 pity Ihr
burin io 1101 in rep4ir, 4444 the stormy
weather of this week has Made the
town water very dirty again.
The town supply ;it present cornea
direct from the take: in fact, the burin
has not been in use since the intake
from the lake was repaired.
Fifth in the Ward Marathon,
Norman 11 -Dougall, the famous
long-dialanre (111.1Iler of Porter's Hill.
showed u, well in the \Vast Marathon
rare at lofnnto hast Saturday. The
course WW1 I44 miter, and, among I'24
competilol-, the swift. titan from
(i.xlerirh township came in Rflh. The
winner o1 the r lee WaS, John Near, of
the ('entrap V. M. ('..A., 'Toronto, and
his time was 1 hour, :Al minutes
and 12 .1-:, 50rnnd., nearby eight min-
utes Mower than that made by T
Longboat lust year. The Porter's 11i11
m,111 wart (rat r•Iling in fart 0 (piny
and a 1• l.' 1rut / ,, 's 11'1
may well reel 44 1 f 114 t less
S 1
From a Toronln young man who
foltllert)• remidrd in Uolerirh The Sig-
nal has received the following : "You
cannot say 1444' h about Ili. great.
ran maul. by N. .t. Mel/few/di here
hast Saturday. '1'nt, onto paper', MP ton
busy landing the runners of the Queen
l'it y (who, by the way, in many 0x004
nimhed miler Irl 1 McDougall) to
o the Mosel No justice. He really
ra a remarkable race, rnnridering
tha t wan the first time that he had
un o'er the emirs.% while every man
al. I idled ahead of him has run
",,, s
UyPI' 111' f'I tl 1 twiny limes. 1`-
I y m M
CoitK alp r within striking dint more
of the lead • 4 at. all times, and a few
miles lwfore he finish 1 confidently.
ex sled hire 1 win the race with one
of him well k Imistm of speed. Ile
was pitted again, the cream of Cana -
than runners, and 'the fact that he
heat 12t. of tt)en) home is a great tri•
hnte to him running abilities, Every
Iluron Old Roy in Toronto is proud of
the great showing the game little run-
ner made. lints off for Mclhtmgall 1 "
There am ',homer aph • and pdtolrltr.Aph-. 1m1
when on get theft el It. It. Mellow. you know
l''wrwrtithr -waxer earner Aloin n -m1 overt
and 1
Von should 'OO how 111e Pandora saner ex
hots all the bent from the tom before It gee,
into the pipe. Monday In Wattle-dmi' hes,.
Howell Hardware ('o.
U.rmentm of finalitygerm?new thaat1t anyone
might 1s. prowl to weal bhp kind VI 1 want
et F. J. Pt ldhan, s. 1 all un him and Mare your
oder tor 41111 or ometr.nl.
That was a great blow yneterday. At Wlhner
Mmfb'. Art. Rion. Ifsed -trent, pelisse. were hod
17 hit and knocked down all over the mere.
n, In many lime.. fall and mew.
The two-year-old rhlld of Mr. and
Mrs. William Brownlee tell and broke
her atm on Friday.
The Ball Telephone Company nt
Canada has lately completed tie etrec-
tion ..I a longalistau•'r Ilia.. flute Ihnr
1011 11011 440 1.uA1141W. '1hts her tree
found LI add greatly to the facility of
roto at bet wren these two
The Order of 1'median Home circles
will meet in Ihr 'l'tvuperaurr HN11 uu
Friday, 0111 het• 1:d11.
The liver y h11lir w'ele cleaned tight
uu1 last Fl jddy by the ru.h 1t, 4►uu-
gauuon I .a r. S 42•.4114.0 who
Wanted to )go to the fait' 1144,1 42,•rfulr•r
to stay at brute.
Now is the liaise when the
Ilene should gel busy, jmll1ipg 1141111
the 11141 0'. t.1
of our Merchants are
offering (bib week. Twent)-.i>, ,•eltr
a duke!) greenlet (u bra /0111 'Ring plica.
The reghlar monthly meeting of the
Daughters of the Eus der will tie held
on Aiunday,'tlttulwr lSth, in the 'tub -
lir library at 4 o'clock. A full attend-
ance is requested in view of makingmr-
raugeinente fur the e g Ili 0/101.
Thr \Vrstrru ('auada Flour Mille
Company. I.W., has issued its annual
statement, .huwiug prutiIs of about. 'Li
per crit. Iti aridil' to a stx•k'minus
of 1:. per Pout., thele has been 1111 in -
swears .to l-pee.crla>t-tuIlse 1t»lLyeal'1)4.
The Ooderi'h Collegiate Institute
was tepreaented at the spirts in rr.n-
nectinu with the Clinton Collegiate on
Friday lust by Fergus M.•Naught and
Roy Walter. 11114 tortuer carried off
first prize in the lmllyards „race and
the latter tarok Hr,t in running hop,
step and jump.
On Saturday last a case of indtreut
assault came up fur hearing before
His Honor Judge Holt, but was post-
poned on accent'''. of the absence of
counsel for the defendant, a young
man named Robinson. The offence
is alleged to have been coonnlitle.l in
Ambfirld near the village of Amhrt'ley.
The 4'ollr late Institute games will
iso hrlrt.at the Agricultural Park. on
h'riday. October 142nd, commencing at
11 o'clock and continuing through the
morning lu>d afternoon. No admis-
sion fee will be charged. a)td everyone
in invited to be present. Several of
the events will be open to ex -student,
students of other high school. in the
county, and Y. M. C. A. members.
The prizes will he on exhibition next
week in the winnow of Porter's book-
Work is now being rushed on the
new boiler and structural steel works
which the Doty Engine Works is
erecting near the Ranaford salt block.
The building will be of large dimen-
sions : the Main walls are of cement.
It is intended that the Jailer works
will he completed by December, and
that when equipped fifty hands will
he employed. 'I'he Doty Company
has just closed a large contract for a
steel roof and steel work fur a chemi-
cal plant at Thornbury, Ont. One
hundred tons of steel will bre used in
the construction of the roof and the
The Clinton papers rep pet a double
pre/mutat' which was made to Mts.
John Hodgen., of that town. mother of
F. R. and H. 1':. H.slgene. of (loderich,
prior to her recent removal to Go(de-
rich. The pleasant affair took place
at the parsonage of Wemley church,
Alm. Hodge -no tieing prevented with
addresses from the Luber' Aid Society
and the Woman's Missionary Society
of the churl', accompanied by a cer-
tificate of life -membership in the
Missionary Society. Mrs. llodgena
ham been president of the Ladies' Aid
Society for twenty-four years and
treasurer of the W. M. S. for 1 wenty
year" -- - -
CHURCH NOTES. 4r,,'1:4'
Rev. J. ltadke, 0 Alden n, will hold
It 01'4vire for (fermium in the 5'. M.C. A.
hall next Sunday, at 11 a.m.
Rev, W. 1'•oper, of Myth. will
preach bol 11 uonruing and ..e ling on
y Lty next at Vietori,. ,•a eel .51.-I h.-
.114 rhu>rh.
11e eermnn themes at the Baptist
church Eery ices next N lay are :
Mon,in , '•lion l tarso;".'.ening. "Con-
victed tut not Ponterlwt" Every
testy wel ',
'Win. \las,,n, the Y. \I. 4'..5. scan•
gelt1t, who Is rtudurliog a -Pries of
meeting.* in town this week, will ad-
dress Knox Church rongregalion next
Sunday evening.
Next Sunday afternoon, tin . plate Uf
the 10g1.1wr Sunday ,ohool me+..ion, a
Chihli eu'aSPIV 1,.'wd) he bald at SI.
Ueorg,-'- church a1 :1 o'clock, I.1 which
parents of he o •
A nt h scholars and (risen of
Ihr 11,'bin.l ale invited:
The young holier belonging to Mrs.
Brost Hell's clone of N.rr1h 4' -•'et Meth
.xliot rhurrh 11141 re(l)Nted to attend
in (it'I 1.114,1 bels nett Sunday -nine
N I ri lo. k. The n. 4. M
t T ,. 1 Il 1
pre0et to dim/eine the fro,' 'on r.f
class organization with nitre's and
rapt. Alm.ttong and Lieut. Hot -
gess will ruminet their farewell inert -
Ings in the Salvation Army hell Sun-
day, October lith, at a and'411. nt.
1'hey will (cave the following \Vel-
nealay for Toronto to rot lend the
°firer•: mourn previn115 to taking a
new appointment.
Annni.,'t•nary eervIrea wilt he held
next Sunday at:%ion church, li,41arleh
township. In the afternoon, et 2:31r
o'clock. Rev. W. ('.wiper, of Blyth, will
',roach, amd at 7 o'clock in the even-
ing Rey. J. Hamilton will be the
speaker. On Monday evening a fowl
sipper will he served from 0 to H
o'clock, and Miss Hart, elnrutionlmt
and soloist, will provide the ptogram
In the church,
M. B. hllpaek, A. 0. M. M., London,
Eng., ha. been appointed organist of
St.. feorge'a church and assumes the
duties of the position next Sunday.
Mr. Kilpack ham been in this country
rmly a emnparative!y short time and
romps here from Pete, borough. Hp
conies highly r,o,m111ett.lel1 as a
1Parhr 4 banns kan and votedWitWith*. . -('ewy nrlMull-presided stabs
organ the past. t son Sundays.
1'he A. Y. P. A. of Mt. (Ieorgi's
church held it« annual election of
officers on Tuesday night. with the
following remelt : Patron, itis. M.
Tnrnlslll : president. A. '4. Mitchell ;
vire-prraident, Janie') Carrie ;*Pr•t•r-
iery, Mists Ball : tireso rr, Miss R.
Doldthottie : organist, Miss Thnrlow :
rsecntive committee, Mimes Walton
and Laura Craig and Mr. Fletcher 1
social committee, Misses Evilly %they
hard, Ethel Williams, Alma Gold-
thorpe and Jennie Wells, M. H.
Rllpark and Norman Lewis ; recep -
Moo committee, IfMp.. (around and
Martha Wells and
icing and lookout
Dorothy Tancot1,
Sturdy and Rete
Salkeld and Ja1ll0'H
r°mtuittee, Misses
Pl'otul(ewt and Mac
Dr. Hayden ; 4 i.-
(oSunlit tee, Misses
Fdri„ Tye, Alwa
Dinsmore, 'rout
Canoe ; sanctuary
Holt, 4orbouL,,
I humid,
The thirty-seventh 1'to)'ineia1 ron-
ventiou u( the Young Men's ('hrislian
-Aesox•iations of 1►nl;,('i,, and (lusts
will inert at Ottawa Nov(•n))wr 4th to
7th. Alr. Towr.on, industrial sAtPr-
tary of the international . - ter,
will tell about the) to aro d y. ailment
of Association
miners.- lumbermen, , 4n I'ailwa. t rccon-
struction camps and in large in-
dustrial establishments. Other speak-
ers will 11e Principal O'Meara, 0
Wycliffe College ; Mr, Morrison, who
Ilan boon working among the turn on
the Orand Trunk Pacihe, near Prince
Rupert, and W. M. Birks. of Montreal.
The annual thank-ofel•ing meeting
of the W. F. NI. N. ofKnox church
was held an Tirsday last with a fair
attendance of ladies. The speaker, of
the day wait Mrs. Sewers. of Bruce -
field, Presbyterial president, and she
gave .so earnest and thuughtfui.ad-
dress upon 'The Work of the Holy
Spirit in our Lives." urging{ upon all
to pray tor a greater baptism of the
Spirit. If the work in the home
church were revived, she said, there
would be a corresponding revival in
the foreign work. Al the bu1inees
meeting of 'the Society the following
officers wetw elected for the ensuing
year : President. Mrs. Anderson ;
vice-presidents. Miss Morris and Mrs.
Strang ; secretary. Miss Stirling;
treasurer, Miss Ralph; Tidings seere-
tary, Mrs. Taylor : convener of cloth -
big committee, Mrs. S. ('lark. Thr
annual meeting of the Huron Presby-
terial Society will ire held in Blyth on
November 11th, and the members were
urged to attend in ar large bets
as possible.
Y. M. C. A. Evangelist.
Mr. Mason, the big -lumber -jack"
evangelistic secretary of the Young
Men's Christian Association, will lie
in Dlxlerich from Thursday, the 14th
inst., till Monday, the 18th, inclusive,
conducting services for men and boys,
under the auspices of the local Y. M.
4'. A. On Thursday night, Friday
night and Mousday night he will speak
to men and boys' only in the Y. M. C.
A. rooms, the services commencing at
S o'clock. On Sunday afternoon, at
4 o'clock, there will 1>e a mass uyret-
ing for men and boys in the same
place. On Sunday evening he will
speak in the Presbyterian church to
everybody who can get ieade,
"I.Ilmlwr-jack, college atudrnt, 1'. 'M.
('. A. county secretary. evangelist" --i.
him history In brief. 1(e is a big cyan
with a hig heart. a so(11'winner. lie
ie a plain, earnest, pleasing speaker
with a genial, attractive manner.
Men. don't fail to hear the hig fellow.
He w ants to meet every man in (lode -
rich. •
Th: Signal hopes for the paving of
the Road Mau'hine Company bylaw at
the P )is next' Saturday. In express-
ing this hoer it is not going to pretend
to any liking for the p.liey of granting
special favors by way of 11011 118„ 11)1011
or guarantee. 14) manufacturing or
other industries : neither is it going( t0
advocate the taking of any blind risks
by the lawn ur the piling up of the
uulnicipal liabilities t0 -an inordinate
height_ Its policy is to build up the
town by snaking 11414 best 1)t ()ppialrlun-
it ie4 as they phe4Pkrt themo,elvrm, and
in the present instance liodefi»h Ilse
an 1P11411t ' y which, if availed of,
will assist IIIaterielly in that advanee-
ment and deve'loputrnl of the town
which rulely every citizen has al
The question is, A e we going to re-
main forever it little town of t • or
Hy,' 1h0uwu11l pwopI., mare We going
to set out'mlvem resolutely to the tank
of building up a growing, prosperous,
active I. ity which in time will
he known as the f,r'nuoat .'144 y on 1 he
Lake Huron roast ? \V, have here the
situation and the transportation facil-
ities for a tufo. city. We lack the
population and the busin4're. The ern
of Forge* 'spurt. the captains of Unbol-
t y, do not yetrecognize our advant-
ages; ear must convince them, and
having ria ylnor
then it will not
the, palter lie nrrrsaary to entice thein
with 1..nns and guarantera and
We ale waking some en:W es. It
is not long since ear voted a loan of
il:d l,(MNI, without interest, to encourage
the establishment here of the %%loe.'I
Itigs factory, 1'he tatrpayersare now
asked, not for a loan, the town pitying
the interest, but merely for an endorse-
ment of the Road Machine Uongany's
1 1111111 to the extent of *4lb.t$Jl, the
town paying nolhiug. either principal
or interest, 1(1)14.54 the company alwwl-
1111r1y fail,', This is n dimtinet advance
spoon the Wheel Rigs proposition. \Ve
rue gelling ahead. .511 that the I -ale -
payers are asked in this rase to do is
1° show their ronfldeyce in the. (NIasI-
bilithen of rime's for the Company.
There Is, id rourw', a relrtain .degree of
risk, but, with Ihr security offered, it
is it alight one ; are we not prepared
to take it and do at least so mach to
demonstrate our own confllcnre in
our town as a future important inches -
tit 151 centre Y
A. to the Company's ptro.pecta of
success. The hll'iness and the ;nen
behind it, have been Investigated by
representative citizen" the Mayer,
the presilent of the hoard of Trade,
and others and evervlhing1.declared
to be satisfactory. the gouxls to ire
marts by the t'mmlrmy ate to Inert/M-
ing drwand ; snd the Canadian market
will be largely in the hands of the
Company any which proposes to establish
itolf hep.
The town's detentions debt isnot
alarming. The iudustrirs to w!blrh
we have in the past advanced Loans
are repeying then, and there is none
hold enough to say that the town
would he better off If these industries
had not been encouraged and assisted
in !orating themselves here. The
larger our p{.lpu hatIon the smaller. pem
portlooately, are our liabilities, la It
Stanfield . L'u.brwkable 1 ral.rwear - Hie
Loan Hew..
HeaderU 1•, K.. .... 1 T
New Itaoge0 at Halu.rodi'rtrw- W.R. leader S
)'heukset,n,s lay V. F. Lewra4H•e s
1'be god Deer huntinit In Panora 1•, N, U,
Knitter 1411 l'elepho.e ('o.
Fel! Uuterl.:h Hu.(pew college
Header- l;oderkb Hominis. l'ollege.
Ex.wllent I'uderwear Value.- U. Millar( o 3
Fant, for Sale K. H Mowenall, Loyal .,, 1
ehenlist Time -'.Palter(' 1'ndhaw
Inns ruction to Pipe 4 .rear. Plano and %'opal =
Culture -M, B. It:a e n
Alen., Stilt. end u,areoal. 'nominal a
Moore s
11'hy etentlutd', Make I'nd,•rwear elan.
Nelda Limited. Truro. N. e ,
Ku.(ling - labor Bureau, Toronto . _ I .
('hrla le Blrrwt. I'. S. Ewing s
('Alhu Hall 'rrlk--Mehr,). & Vawtter e
Hew }fur. red Sklne-Revelloo flees,.. Mont
real 7
Readers. - d Vanatter •i
Mpea•ia1 I aft slur J. 'olborue 1
Readers --Howell Hent were l'p
Pandora Hang, Rowell Hardware Co 5
iU(tbwap Nettr.alwl 4Vette -Hadvatt Rrei T'- -
('oat Ma► n 4444 Muted Rotteew Bros
u hlrtem and Peultry \\anted 11". r. Rid
dell, Auburn 7
Pure lair. Uu-M. F:. Hick e
Notice to l'rodltorw-J. L. Killers&
Doors, Wledowa etc.. for rime a C. Mot,
nide.. ... 1
Honest Goods at Home( Prlose-F', A. JAIL".
KI10t.11 ... ,,, 7
Auction gale of Farm-
Mask Jells King
Auburn .. H
Auction Male of Farm Stock, Mc, Harry
Morris, Loyal. 1
not good business to bring in an ir-
duatry employing at least fifty hands
at good wage.?
The polling on Neptember
showed that 524 out of MIS voters were
in favor of the proposition. Let us all
got together and by passing the by-
law on Saturday next by an over-
whelming majority show that we are
united in our determination to build
up a Greater (ioderi,h.
Join the (flood Road. movement Ly
helping in the establishment of a fac-
tory in Qalerich to make flood Roads
some day we may he able to pick
new facto, ies off the gooseber ry
hushes ; tart up to the present time we
have to hurtle for them.
The last vote was a very strong in-
dicati0u of the ratepayers' faith in the
Road Machine Company proposition,
1t needs lo 144' only a little stronger
t his time.
If we have faith in the future of our
town as a manufacturing centre, we
must he prepared to show it. This is
all that is asked in connection with
the Road .Machine Company propo-
sition. The town votes nothing hut, its
confidence in the enterprise ; unless it
1 fails there it not a Pent of cwt to the
town. And why should it fail?
Read MUItitlsN & V.tsboorylt's ad-
vertisement on page s this week.
Harlin sausages, fresh shipment
owl i11 at Holtman eft VANATTk11'4,
Ilaluli nt eareet.
For bronchitis and asthma, try
Alleu'r (.ung Balsam ; the beat cough
prwweripiion known.
vee the bargain tables in our China
Department Saturday. blooms,' &
\' 4,MATTRu, Hamilton .terse(,
Thr W. 44', '1'. I'. meets in Go. Temp-
erance Hall the second and fourth
Mondays of each month at :b o'clock.
Sweet p u l a r u. s, cranberries,
peaches, gra1H•s, rte„ 1 hairsigtai ds, :tt.
& VANATT1g'M, Hamilton
"1.ifel y Soap" is delightfully re-
freshing for lathe or ti/let. For
washing underclothing it W unequal.
1e11. (tleaomes and purifies.
Feints. l(rlober l's h. clearingauetlo,, sale
of purebred and grade Hereford rattle, Llanelli
And tetraster wheel7, and hor.e,, at Robert
lluald m fano at Dnnlop, conimencIng at 1
o'clock. T. tit S1101•. auctioneer.
Mrn'anAv, October 11811 Aelrtlwl Ids M
olA furniture. Itnro
at the
resident.* on t°eMre.Mnf Ih• entire contents of
rnmmencine at 2 oelorkMHO, 1AMass
mimer1'4s, propeleln"I'. (I o, Nei Marr,
TMrspAy, ,k•tober ('eh.- Administrator
wile of farm, fano Mork. Implement.. 1441., 42.
longing to the e,lele of l be late Nixon sturdy,
11uis.steam . admtnmlrator. Trus., lll'xuar,
WrusKwn4r. (Ictober 'J1 'tearing alleUon
ole of farrn stork. Implements. ere. property or
Mr. rhallinger. base line. two and onehalf
ndle,. from Clinton. Trp,... Hu'vmar, 101w
SAFI•an,r. October Gln\. Aoctlos eat. K
funs at the Auburn hotel, at 10 ocbrk a. m,
Maw. Ju,.1A Kart, proprietress Tees. Otto.
111(6. auctioneer.
left/bet 17. Sale 01 farm
+tock. Iniplemenlm. hourohold furniture, etc.,
of H. J. Morris, at his farm near 1nya1, eon,
',Denting at 1 o'clock. everything most tM
sold, ns r. ,Monis has sold hl, farm.
Ill%N nae, auctioneer.
W'0148 :LI.-1'U1t V F: 1.1., 4) n wrinontlY.
September *eh M. North .trset Mettiadist
Ilanon0ge, by Iles. 1)r. !Megan. May Is-
obel, youngest daughter .1f Mrand Mr. A.
11. Cornell. to Carleton. wooded sin K Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. W'mrlell, hnth of Doderieb.
IJ)W E 1tRiD. At 1'entrwl M.Mmti.t ehorob.
Calgary. Alberta, on September (Ata, by
Roe. W, .1, Wilkin, tenser Klnhard l.sws,of
Milk Inver. Alberta. to Mary lldlt.h Reyt
daughter Maw Data John H. Reid. et Lek
now. ()Maria.
WILLS. IN Ma I4tNALD.-1n Detroit. ea Sp
tetnb.'r 1110. Hamid (1. '1'111,on, son er 1). C'
W'lllees. formerly of Seittort.h, to AdeAWe .
detlu.akl, all of 1)s(r.4 - - - -
%%'KRMreit -In A+haeld, mn sto.ds,.'4
bmf Mat 4111111 Jens Johnston., bN00Sd
wife of John tYsheter. aged 71 years.
Iw1YLE. At Rt. Miohs l'e ho.p Wtg\
on awarder, I le /bit Mtk. Maw
Doyle, only denehtor of Nt wad Mow v . J
Hoyle. aged 114 year.
STUDUAKT la OoA yt}thssh, o. Oe►
bar h. David MteMdar. aged lisps.
MORRIS,- la ('elberwe, on Mody. Ayre'
11th, 1110et.c1 Hewn., aged le yearsmamba
01 ,
CIA, Me=r1oha..,
sa1forw sf ' `Carl.
f.RUofVYI\mss 004444.44 taehlpQrtsArein
( r"'cs