HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-10-7, Page 6ells.' Thers lay, 0 Chs. 7, N1(M1, 'pill:: SIC:SAT.: GODEH EOR. ONTARIO ♦ Proper attention to the hat and scalp is the best preventive of baldness. An occasional ap. plication of Bearine I lair Penn ade keeps the scalp in health condition., If nourishes the h.^.ir f•"'lic les :;:►d supplements the Hato-rtt -Oil-us. the head l3carinc act only prevents fall- ing hair -but stimulates new 1{ ron'th 50 cts a jar at youe ilruggrists. • DAVIS MOIR*, A simple •ffeni.e trawl). for many little ills aiellata.me th.tate not considered Nrt1.•: 'aromp madwithat'.uelinebase.to contancnon w.',h Japanese Menthol and of he rdr, f es mak aug au ethcacious remedy fur tree Threat._ fiaDetra an well as foree�eet a,tes aCStrun, etc.h' lair. thing for campers, hunters, ser Will as (or those that stay at home. 23c. a box. PAriS & 1.A\VF ENCS, Montrf&l. GRAND TRUNK I RAILWAY SYS rM Hunters' Excursions RE URN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE ctober 13 to November 6 to points in Temaganri, points Matta - Wit to Port Arthur and to timelier of points reached by Northern Naviga Hon ('u., •tis., to certain points in gee- bec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maine. October 21 to November 6 To Muskoka Lake., Penetarsg, Lake of Bare :tit+hand, Maganelawaniti Iavkeflrld, Mauiewaska to Party Sound, Argyle to Cnhuonk, Lindsay to Hali- burtin. Sharbot lake" to Calalwgie, via K. & P. Ry. points hien Kellen to North Bey inclusive, and certain points reached by Northern Nevigueit"t Co. Return limit on all tickets December 4th, or until close of navigation, of earlier to pants reacbsd.by:steamers. • 4;rrier 11111111111111 tt x Beads coPyroG►lr.li`-' :'y Ie,1r.eire a OROT►itRS s;rat. i 0o I i tggy. with d Pool blood, and his feet rested' o le a rod loa ,leas. The blanket" were soaked and llt.rrcll bad wale d an instant t long, (or the melt's•vol/ea had held s steed'', their words had been so vita that the finish found him o tunprepateJ but, throstbig the lantern Into Polson' hoed, lie had backed off a, i,ace au hurl. J him�•elf at the decor. Ile fell t Iris knees inside and nit instant late fused himself wreathes;: for his lift. bete eon beteon two raging beasts. The lied ti•nnnt knew Duret must - have euteted too, though he could not see tato, fo the lantern. shed neelckly gloom ore the chaos. He was 1, 'ke' d despe ratel w ith-John Gale, who timer ham -abou end handled hint Ilke'h lkl, fightin like an old gray wolf lietery with yeate :Ind terrible fu his ruge. Only for th lantern's light Cate would d�,ul,tk.' Caere sheathed Jtla weer ren in. his new assailant, but the more fien„'ly th -trader struggled the more tenaciously the soldier clung. As it was, Gale car sled the lieutenant with him and I strni•k over his basil at Stark Puleon had leafed into the room at Burners heels to receive the impact of a heavy body hurled backward intb hie arms to if by shute irresistible force. Ile seized it and tore it away from the thing that pressed after and'boredown Masi It with the ferocity of a wild beast. Ile saw Gale reach' over the lieutenant's.-head--:end-awing---his arm, saw the knife blade bury Itself In what he held, then saw it rip away and felt a hot stream spurt into hula face. Iki- t"r• tet glimpsed 'turret. rising from his knees, his arms about the trader's waist; and the mixt Instant the com- batants were dragged apart The lieutenant wrenched the drip- ping blade from oaken band. ' It fie luu,er gleamed, lint was warm and slippery in his fingers. Puleon held Stairs gun. -which- wu__cfllpti' and 1 l "Den Stark." said the tortured lover Iyou ro a sick uwn, and you'll be guile s lir hall aft hour at this rate. Won' '.ell de elle dwr.ut thing before you u e I Ole?" r "Bub! I'w all right." I'll get you a ductur it you'll tell ll it it here she is. If you don't I'll -let Inti tit:. For God's aakk, Mea. speak ups, ✓ 'tile wounded w44 itrov en to rise, but ✓ could Lot„'theu rousidered for a mo- t went before he saki: "I Ikon her away.” - g "While?"e "Ci' river on that freighter, that left s I ist bight. She'll go out by Skagway. • it I'll join her later, where I can e terve' her to myseif. She a forty wiles up river 'tow and getting farther every I dilute. Oh, you can't catch her!" The three men etarekl at one another ''i tinkly. -•v%DydJO she ger-said Gale tinily. ""Because I told her who she was .,ud who you are; because she thinks Sim killed lies mother; because she east glad to get away." .Now that he east grown too weak to (unlet violent pale the marl lied malevoleutly, gloat log user what he saw In the trader's i "\ever wind, old man; l'U bring her sack," said Burrell and laid a comfort - tug baud i,u Gale's shoulder, for the islet that etes was sate, the fact of Tickets and further information may be obtained front • F. F. LAWRENCE' r' Dawn Town Agent • Oftloe hmies-1i:l l a in. to i, lt, in, $42.15 GODERICH TO • VANCOUVER Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Orr.. from September 1.e' hi to ()'rubor 13' h $42.85 GODERICH TO CALIFORNIA Mexico,,Nevada, September 13•11 to October rift. THE ROAD FOR BIG GAME Moose, Bear, Cariboo, Deer All Varieties'of Small Game Are found mashet e in Kee 'ter abate!. ance Or under an ire faroraW" en,- ditions than un the (',enarli:tn Pacitlt' Main Line between M,'tt ewa and the Manitoba bot'idery, Ask for "Oien Seasons for Gane and Fish," "Fisti- ng and Shooting," "Sportsman's Map," etc, ('ret your tickets and infornratioh from JOS. KIi)f), Agent. Corner Suitare and West Street. 'Phone (1. Residence 1211. OBae blurs - d 411a. in. to " :111 p.m. .i CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO NU RS Something About t s e and Deer. it is now pretty well known sot,, hi.nteta that the hest deer hunting colietry in Ont tri , is on the line of the (:au.ulialt Northern Ontaeit', and that limiter. receive special attention. Ali. ie Price Green, Passenger Agent of the lint', is a hunter himself Who goes right with the pirtiew and looks after there; in fact, he located in est of them. This year the line will be opened north sit Mt'ttnveu-,d' ;FILO the midst 'of the' mono- ronnlry. They are reported very thick,: the engineers say that they have never, seen any- thing like it.. The sun',.e season up there opens. October fish, fifteen tiny,. l's'fore the deer . We have something special on **Pew place that will take three parties of doer It infers: «'rite U. i'Rit;i; (9RKEN, Canadian North- ern Building, Toronto, • G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR F aralt are and l'ndertaking waremon,- Went nide Annarw, '1'ICONk : Arne ser 00.1r:1;1, ltealdenre 1711 Ntaht drilla: Al residence, Is trlllian Mt tort. smoking. The tight had not lasted, a minute. and yet what terrible havoc had been wrought! The gambler was drenched with his own blued, which gushed free' him, black Ip the yellow tliekt'r and -so plentifully that the Frenchman was Lefouled with it, while Gale, too. was kurribly stained, but whether fnon kis own or his enemy's veins It. wa : Lard to tell. The trader paid no heed to himself noir to' the Intruder,, all,'.win, Burrell to push hint back against .the well, the breath wheezing laid out o his lungs, his eyes few tencd on Stark. "l •;;ot you. Bennett:" lie cried hoarsely. t"Your mage• Is no god." IUs /crib Rhowed tbroogh ills grizzleel muzi'Ie like the fangs of Koine wild animal. Bennett, or. Stark, as the others knew hurl., lunged about with his cap- tor, trying to get at his enemy nail crying curses on them all, but he was liken c ldiel In 1'oleun's arms, Grad- ually he weakened, and suddenly re- ,i,s ,tnet• died out Of him. 'v'ome away from here," the lieuten- ant ordered Gale, l'ct tiiet old man did not hear and reit: •est 1iim+elf as If tc resume the tot .:o eh- lila bare hands, whereupon t!;.' sehlier, finding himself shaking I e fr11,teun.l child and Strewing. '1 •'!lv•„eat at what be Bawl t-1 iliiy to prevent the en' ,•ai r. •,.•sired iiia emienand. "Come away,"' be shouted. Bat the words sounded foolishly flat and inane. Then Stark spoke intelligibly for the first time: "' 'rest hien! You've got to believe wb 1 told you now, Barrell." lie poured. forth a stream of uriapenkable profanity, smitten by the biller knowl- edge of his first and only defeat. "You'll hang, Gaylord! 171 see your neck 'atret'bedr" To Poison he panted elrttedty: "I followed him for fifteen years, floret He killed my wife!" rrera d—d ser' man. "No, it Ish't. Tie's for it back In Caltforlda, down in cold blood, then ran off with my kid. That's her he She's mine. Ain't I right lieutenant?" At this final,deueperate effort to flu the .rime upon hie rival eft on him with loathing. "It's no use, Stark, say she killed herself. W Ing outside the door, b0 got It frau your own lips." Until this moment stood on his own feet, said the French - under indhrtment He shot her calls Norte. Burrell torn - We heard you e were offend- th of us, and the man had but now he began to sag, geeing which Polson supported him to the bed, where he nk weakly, collapsing in every joint an enusele. "it's a 'job," he snarled. "You put this up, you three, and came here to gang me." An unnatural shudder con- vulsed him as his wounds bit at him, and then he Barrs] up viclonnly. "But I'll bent you all I've got the girl. I've got her-" "NI'cla!" cried Burrell, suddenly re- memla'ring, for this affray had driven *11 elite from his mind. • Stark crouehtl on the edge of his bunk, a ghastly gray grinning thing. One weapon still remained to him, and he used it. "Yes, i've got my daughter." "Where Is she?" demanded the trad- er hoarsely. "Whereon my girl?' The gambler chuckled. An agony Solre'el him till he hhwmghed and atom gird . Then, as the spell panned, he laughed again. "She's got yon in her bead, like the methe'r had, hat I'll drive it out I'll treat her like i did her." Gnte uttered a terrible cry and moved upon him, bet Burrell shoal- dered the trlldcr nide, himself pos- sessed by a cold fury that Intensifled ids strength tenfold. "Stop it, Gale Let me attend to this. I'll snake him tell." "Oh, will your mocked the girl's (ether. "Where le she?' "None of your d d be/einem," Again he was seised with a parorywm that loft hkpu shivering and his Atte seise Ionise lug something, relieved him r eicely. but Stark's next words pluug- id lieu Imo even blacker horror than the trader felt. "You, went want her if you eatcb (Esse. ltuuhiurs will see to that." "Cunuieu!" e Ye s. I sent him with her," 11,;, 'foyer cried' out to anguish and hid Lila free in his hands. "Hies wanted her for a long flute, so I told elm to go ahead." None of them noticed [Odeon Doret, who upeu this uunatural confession :clone (seemed to retain sufiieieut con- trol to doubt and to reason. Ile was thinking bard, straightening out:cer- tain facts and trying to square this horrible statement with things be bail even and heard tonight. All of a sud- den he uttered n great cry and belted eut lute the darkness unheeded' by title and Burrell, who stood dazed and distraught with a fear greater than tl::tt which a''s growing In Stark at sight of his wounds. 'l'he gander loukid down at ids lis-' juri•s, a1M'uel and closed• the lingers of his hand as if to see whether he still nialutained control of them, then cried out at the two helpless men:. "Well, are You going to let me krlectl to death?" It brought the soldier out of his t r:• rice. "Why -no, no! We'll get a doctor." But Gale touched him en the shoul- der and said: "lie's Ito weak to get out lock him In and let him die in the dark." Stark cursed affrigbtedly, fob' it is a terrible thine to bleed to death In the dark, and in spite ofhimself thOlea: tenant wavered: ', 1 can't du that. I promiseel" "Ile told teat Ire to my Ori IT gave her to that bound," said tit trader, but Burrell shoved him through the door. "No; I can't do that!" And then to the wounded wan he said, "I'll get a doctor, but God have mercy on your soul,:" He could not trust himself to talk further with this creatute nor be win hint any longer, fur, though lie had a slight knowledge of surgery, he w,ruld -sooner have touched a loath- some serpent than the fiesb of this monstrous man. Iie pushed Gale ahead of hill], rind the old mau went like a driven beast, for his violence hind wasted itself, and he-wes like a person under the spell of a strong drug. CHAPTER XVII. '1110 LOVk ns. AOLatI noagT. TI I - rhe itis( cruuehtug ft1 the stern of Runnlot's bunt it seemed ns If this day anti night would never end. It Keened as if the prix•esalen of natural t'veuta must have ceased, that there was no longer any time, for she had been suffering steadily fur hours and hours without end and began to won- der dreamily whether she had not skipped it tiny In her reckoning be- tween the time when she first heard of the strike on her claim end this present moment, it occurred to her that she was a rich girl wee •in her own right, and she smiled her eralked snale as she reflected that the thing )1110. lint! hinged for without hope of attainment had c•unle with confusing se, ens and had left her unhappier than et , livathos ant Hied of her -lonely vigil, Hilo rive or prism ' it cough nod said to her cotupuulue: "Yon must be tired rowing so . d - I ly ?" "Oh. I don't mind It!" he replied. .tt ttec sound of his Voles lite sat bolt upright. It couldn't be. It this we're Iltinnie/I he wnnlrl have spoken !whirr. She ventured again tremulously: "Have you nus idea what time it Is?' "About 3 o'clock, I fancy." -Who are you?" The gaestlan earns tike -a alert - "th,n't you knuwr ' N hat are you doing here, Mr Reu- nion?" "I'm rowing," he answered ears levity: "I've changed my mind, Mr. Item nlon," she fold. "I don't want to go down to the mission, i want yon tel take me back," es ",Can't do it," be said "The current Is tiinswift" , "Then set -toe ashore nod I'll walk I eek. it can't be'faj to town." "Twenly•pve Mies. We've bees age ( M rholt .thtl a Wm"" —w 'QMt "('lease do as I ask you, Mr. Hun. Rhin. I've decide( I don't want to go any farther,". He laughed, and the sound aroused her: "Put me ashore this minute!" she cried indignantly. "What do you mean?" When be made no answer, except to continue the maddenleg monotony of Ids movements, she was seized with a Mev s 41) "What ore you doing here, Mr. Rea- lsbaf" rash "resat* to' wrench the oars out of his hands and made a quick motion toward him, at which he shouted: "Sit down! Do yell want to upset Us?" The unstable croft lurched and dip- i"'d dangerously; and, realizing the fu- tility of her mad impulse, she sank back on tier knees. 'Inn told we to ,taard the first boat for St. Michael's," be said, "but I've made a few plans of my own the last hour or so." "St. t?Ilchael's! Mr. Stark told you - why, that's hupoesible! You misun- derstood him, lie told you to row me to the mission, I'm going to Father Barnum's house," "No, you're not, end I didn't misun- dsrstaud barn. Hr waots to get you otitslde, all right, but I reckon you'd rather go as Mrs. lturielon than as the sweetheart of Ben Stark." ".ire you crazy?" the girl cried. "Mr. Stark kindly offered to help me reach the father at his mission. I'm nothing to him, and I'm certainly not going to be mephitic, to you. If I'd known you were going to row the boat I should have stayed at bonne, because I detest you." lie rested again on hi! oars and said, with deliberation: "Stark 'kindly offered,' did be? Well, whenever lien Stark 'kindly' offers anything I'm in on the pity. He's had his eye on you for the last three months, and he wants you, but lie slipped a cog when be gave me the oars. You tweeter be afraid, though. I'm going to do the square thing by you. We'll all In at the missies and Ire married, and then we'll see whether we want to go to St. Michael's or not. thein h p'rawmaiiy- I'm for going back to hlaiuls•au." Tip' Cart's Inmr'y. her Indifference, l lm n '- r ,' ,,,, •,: r.Ulde of Stark, urged Mm, and, strongest of all, he was drawn by his cupidity, for she would be very rich, so the knowing ones sal. Doubtless that was why Stark wabted her, and, being a pian who acknowl- edged no fidelity to his kind or his Creator, Itunhbrtt determined to outwit baa principal, I''i et. Burrell and rill the rest Neem Saw what a frail and helpless thine she was. Nothing about her was great save her soul, and that was im- measurably vexes( and wearied. She had Just lived through a grief that had made her generous, and now she gain- ed her first knowledge of the man - animal's gross selfishness. "You are abaointely daft" she said. "You can't force me to marry you." "I ain't going to force you. You'll do It willingly." "I'll elle first. I'll call the Brat man we see. I'll tell Father Barnum, and he'll have you run out of the country. It would only take n word from me." "If you haven't changed your mind when we get to his place i'll run through without stopping, but there isn't another priest between' there and St. Mike's, and hey the tome we get to the mouth of the river I guess you'll my 'Yes' to moat anything. However, I'd rather marry you at Holy Cress If you'll consent, and I'm pretty, sure you will when yen think it over." "We won't dice -use it." "You don't understand yet." he con - tinned slowly. "What will people say When they know you ran away with mer "I'll tall them the troth." "Buhl I'm too well known. No man e16 the river would ever have you after "Ton -you"- Het voice wail n-quiy- er with indignation and loathing, but her lips could not frame an epithet it for Mtn. He continued rowing for some time said: "Wilt you ma -Jeer "No. If this thing is ever known Poisson will kill yon -or fathom" Por a third date he rested on his awes Te tis opntsas+ • Pontine, a de' . a to °made, glows heir 'emu a it contattfspenuine Cana. distt'Bear grease. Mk, a jar. "Lifebuoy Soap" is delightfully' te- fteshing for lather or toilet. For wa.hi,y underclothing il. is unequal. led. ('leanees and purifies.. Only ,tleres,ful remedies are"Je�r imitated, it in evident that "i), 11t i.." ltyntnnt l'leater% suecesefully relieve s rheumlc pain., resekache, plenrlsy, ke, "The O. k i.." hare been an wide - Le' in'ilated. ATpid disappoi tmont,,l (let rtie genuine, •alo only by the Devi, k Iawrenee Uo,• For Pale Delicate People �• �Y�.��Illlll Sl<'Il Builds up Streugtl ; brings back the ruddy glow of health by creating a natural appetite for nourishing food. Get only the D. & L., the original. r50e. and E1.GU, at all druggists. Davis a Lawrence Ca, MoaueaL Kellogg's Is Not a Medicine Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is not a"medicine" —it's a dainty, whole- some table delicacy with a palatable flavor that calls for more, more, more. But—it has all the r♦ medical - value of the good, old-fashioned "cures" your mother used to givoyotr-it's Nature's Own Food.. Purified. It is because of Kellogg', "Secret" that Toasted Corn Flake Eaters are a happy, healthy people. Try it yourself—and be sure it's 10c. •� "e'er C/Jfy/ r All C" V CaM+ Gown V/V/// Toasted Corn Flakes i y &B e, 1N Mee jS eta, LINIME —•LIMITED -- roc . c AinaaK/ THE )I;IUINAL AND ONLY UI (ALINE Bks' IRE 0 TIE MERITS K AINARD'S ‘IINIILNT =s.1=rte =me"' –411 snag TAIL+ FED ,'CL O T,<i I NG I FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by 1 DUNLOP Lh=Tailor West St =MM. J. BKOPBEY & SONI —MS LSADINO— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Organ carefully etueneas to at alt boon, alight ,t dr, mew rod and Towel drier—fated Only on Pandora For Sale by When a knife is dull a Pandora owner neve wastes time hunting for a "steel." She just walks over to the emery rod attachment to Pandora, jives knife six or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. This combined emery rod and towel drier ii a patent- ed attachment you cannot secure on any other range. Just one of the many fm- prosement■ that CO to make Pandora. the handiest range you can buy. 14 HOWELL HARDWARE CO (MAPLE LIAM LA3tL) Its richness and exquisite flavor give an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. Be sure you get COWAN'S — the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label, THE COWAN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. 133 F m •••4 0 0 m - - 1 ty 7 `r • � r ^r err (/) •r, 7 cu ▪ nE 2 V % E a�;n n, O .) CA be O z"o erg A , • D ,'xig 74 Bay Street, Toronto. TI1F LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually, F:nablea t:adeu Ihrough'illl Ivo, id s.0 communicate dhoti, with English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS Meech class of goods. Besides bei a complete will(( al guide to t dnr arid its eontains lits (hurlers, the t)irrctroy EXPORT MERCHANTS U itY ath nd goocel ,h ship, and the ('al- e arketeIhey enemy, STEAMSHIP LINES arr'aDgei undfir they Mil, ander indricetini gets to which mateISIhings; gtbe appn,ri PROVINCiAI TRADES NOTICES et leading Menefee! urers.Venison rte.and, inthencipal provincial tome and industrial centres of the ['sited A traps of the current edition will le forwarded, freight paid, on rreipt of postal oiler fur 20s, Dealers seeking agencies sail slaws. .r their trade cards for LI, or large aiu,ertbemetts from 13, The London Directory Co., lid. BS £behurch heir, London, i 1 REMOVAL NOTICE We beg to apnoea's* to our pat. rows that es have removed to new premises ow HAMILTON STREET whet k Snyder's. (Eisai T. ready to fill all for �t' HEATING METAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING, Etc. In workmanlike manner, at closest prices, W. R. Pinder 'Phone ice, BUGGIES BUGGIE0 S See the trio I erieis u GRAY and MOUNT PORESt BUGGIES Two of the best lines made in Cal - a da. Rubber Tires. Automobile Scats and all the latest Ideas in first- class Carriages. Second -band Maple Leaf Chopper (13 -inch), nearly new, for sale. Several goof drivers for sale. Robert Wilson Agent for Massey- Harris Implements. Me!. IOW Cream Separators, Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers, etc., etc, Wareroims -Hamilton $tree', Goderich. r 'PHONE 15 OR 24 wasekoaae Car, west A When on want Iaad YanL `street and ) Tim fixe' at Deck Sollars COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ItrAti Coal weighed om the market deo w`'are Ion get nasi lbs, for a ton. WM. LEE. Ord.rn left at C. C. LEK'S Hardware Star cast aide of Rooare, promptly attended In, Special Offer We have made arrangements with (IATH'tt.nRRiIiMTNR AND ('A\• AMAX IfxTRxcIoN, of Tor into, one of the leading, shiest edited. and moat influential Catholic papers of Canals, by which we can otter The Signal and Catholic Register and Canadian Extension for one yea' for the bargains muni "f $1.60 The CATHeL[l' RROIcTRIt Axt('At 1'IAN Ex -memoir, of Toronto, is now thenrpert of the Catholic, Merril Estenaten Society of Canada. It 1n a brilliantly -edited, well -printed, seventy column paper of ten paged fir more each week, and under Els n"w management.. has become a leading exponent of Catholic thought In Canada.: Address all orders to THE SIGNAL, Uoderich, Ont. 1 M MEM