The Signal, 1909-10-7, Page 5THF SIGN AL : GODRRION. ONTA RIO THE HIGH COURT. SETTLEM WHEEL RIIN GODERICH VS. young vs. Exeter Canning Company Dismissed Bisset Case against Guelph & Goderich Railway and Genteactor Pilton Settled -Several Cases Postponed -- Mr. Justice Clute Presides. ---1 . The jury sittings of the IIigh Court for this cannily were held teL week, romuteuciug un 'fbutaduy afternoon after - nod concludingdin on 111 beim 11 me noon, they g judge R ter. Justice elute. Of three went Lente al yen- the ,.tier being either settled ee•tween mt11Mr. g the earlier or aJjourued: Town of Otderiah vs. the (ilderirh 1910e1 Rigs Co.. Ltd. 'this act' anew ,net of • dispute 4W for the 'lemma which the company owed the town on the first payment of the loan of S51t141) advanced by the iiiii l- .pall(y. The detrenturt r were issued under date of February 1.1, Inlet but the pnw'eeds of the sale of the dean - too es .•tx n- tooes were not banded over to the rompauy until April lush, the ts.w'n claiming that this was on ,u•cutulr Int the a 1'ally'4 not having its plant ramlplrt4• with all the annel ' •x in- stalled, and the company claiming that the delay wag on :i:euuut of ttie t..wu's not having seconded in selling the debentures and claiming ale that It Sits ready fur the loan uu Fcbrual y isl. j' hal tr nhkt�andr- company agrrtvl to accept the am1uum1 the town received end elbow 111** 141: Ince of the 11:01.4110 to 11+ adjusted when the company ma le its first re- payment. The delwntures, however. had been earning interest from F'rbrn- aiy Isl to April 13th and 5411(!.15 arrfnel intrust was paid I,y the pur- chasers 11 the debentures. The el Mt - ray clairned it was entitled to this "anti. IN, as it held that it was hal a ly fol the payment of the luwt'a lean February 1a1. TIW amount the town paid neer to the company was 11WLI,'res clot Mss than the $,leu), And when the rowpwny same to wale its first re- payment te the town it claimed that 1 wa.. entillel to interrant fora year "n ties bl,:fAl, as the town had had the u>..•„1 the money for that'aerial. -TIIe 4•ew4)* suit war for SI.alla the baton,* due on the first payment of pr{:,1st eiter deducting the $I,:irl of the 01 igi\tat loan which• the rnmpany had not roNiTived. His lordship held that the cOmipany was entitled to in - compromise un t 51.:111 and adviser) a compromise ,tnetween the 11:arties, The town «.Nestor expreawd the wifl- iagu.*s of the t wn w effect a cone promise by chain in the date of the mortgage front F I:dh of April, the r the town the baton Bear's interest/con S1,: randt ..1 the Wheel this. The consent minute% plying theft on the part of Mies Cousins. The defendant denim the alleged slander. On application of counsel for the defendant trial of this ac ' was post p wed to the next non - )icy rittinge of the Court. on Novrin- ber 211131. W. I'roudlont, K. U„ fur plaintiff. L. F. Denney for defend- ant. Workman vs. Uulescan-An action by James Workman, of Stanley, against George Coleman, of the same townrbip, for 581111 damages to grow - II) titt4lWr•, surface sell and fencer on plaintiff's property caused by fire spreading from defendant's property iu October of tart year. The jury re• turned with a verdict for the plaintiff for WO, and His lordship directed judgment to be entered accordingly. with ao.ta of the action. W. Proud - toot, K. C., hand H. J. D. Cooke for 1'1441(AT. 4, M. Best for defendant. Bisset Ve. the Guelph & (loderich Itailway Cu. and M. A. Pigott it Co. - An action fur damages, owing to fences on the plaintiffs property not icing rer'tecled 44 room as agreed. Judgment wan entered by consent against 11. A. Pigott & Uo. for S:IO2.SIi. without cost**, the Railway Company having paid on this settlement $3112.8I) in full 4.1 its proportion of the amount forming the settlement. F'c•rgu.on vs. G. T. R. 1'o. -An action ion fel• 51,111) damages by %Valliant J. Pergusou, ut :it. Marys, who at lie of the. accident, Oclulwr, 19114, wax xlayillg in the township of Hay. sustained by ratline through an open at dire ay in the baggage now ul the defendant company at \Vioghaw; due, as eleitued, to the defendant's negli- gence. 'Phis action one settled Iw- tNl•e),1h,•4((•) s. Dudley Hululr• n f,n pleiItll. %V. H. Biggar for de- fendant. The Batik of llawilton vs. 1). idc- 4 h.nekl end- Sohn Hwtrr,114m Ao we- t iun adjourned from- rut court, brou(:ht by the Bulk of Hamilton to recover the . nt et a 1141.(111M drawn by defendant John Hamilton. of T,1rritierry. in favor of D. Alelh.n- sad. of A.htlrld, and endorsed by hire. The rhrg5))' wax rasllwl in Ripley, hot dist -ed when forwarded to the hi smell of the (sank at \Vinghau. rrlul of this maim) was postponed till the next 114411-jlll y sittings r1 the l'o+nt D. Holmes for plaintiff. Al. G. Cameron, K. 1' . for defendant, riaby has. -Horton n n - n -ar- tr rt net a1. 4'i h *ion, which is in cmtml.' tion with the purchase by ft. A. tiatenbyp, of flatle- t -lett. of stock in the F:.plitalde liras Co. of B.an.p•"n, WA. p"sl$Mo1)'d ere the next iury'sittings hf the C •t. .ruary 1st to the nlpa17 l., pay to churned Iexs a I. and Manager igs agreed to lows : 1. The mortgage in sure reformed by making the an meets hereafter fall due upas I:ieh in each year. '2. All payments mule unite mortgage to he counted as of the day of April. 110111. The defendant pay $'2,:211, less $1,:111 and inter thereon for one year at : per cent. `.:1 Each party to pal• its own costs. 0. Barrow fur plaintiff. 11. le. Ithair for defendant. McGaw ve. Nicholson -An anion by Bourg. 11. Mc(law against Peter Nicholson. arising out of the trrrns- art' of the plaintiff and d.•fendent in connection with their work on the r4dillMtlfat1na basin in the town of Iioderirr. The plaintiff (-leirus $2.14'.1. and interest, the unmet of an order given him by the defendant on the town treasurer of North Bay, which was not htmored; ale) 5:911 and in- terest, the amount of a nuts which the plaintiff endorsed. The 5'2.111* wan the Balance. due plaintiff. accord- ing to the 4t atement of claim. after u*ynn'nt of S,in in amt. on are 1 01 $2.Sts seek in the Wilstern Commie Fluor Mille CO., ietd., which the plain- tiff lent to the defendant and which wan pledged by the defendant with the Sovereign flank. The• i'(endnnt says that the stock was given rover se part of the laaustaind in t e con, tract on the -sedimentation hake. Thr defendant further allege. that the plaintiff was to join him in partner- ship in an undo taking et North Bay. and did not do sn, and says that. the $,,0h4) order was for half tin. expected profits from the undertaking. This action was eeltled between the parries. I,. E. D'ancey for plaintiff. M•'lialighey & M.'l:urry for defendant. Young va. the Exeter ('.outing Cu. - An action by Wm. Young, of (lode. - "'h. to hale 5.2,:/11) of Mock in the de- fendant company nancelled and to have 11t,750, the proceeds of notes given h) the plelutlff to A. tj. l3ohier, who was selling stock in the defend • ant eottit/an , returned, with interest. The plaintiff signed an appiieat inn for stock and at the same time gave Mr. Bolder notes to the amount of 53,E-1lllr, which, however. he claims were for the latter's accommodation and not in Payment of the *Heck. The plaintiff claimed that no notice of allot mon. of stork Was ever received by hitt and that tar requirements of the stabile/1 were not carried out with respect to the filing of the company's prospectus with the Provincial Mecretery. Hi. lordship, however, hekt that an allot - sent of stock had been made, awl that, if there were any irregelsrity as In the Iroepeclils, it did not render the subscription for eteek void but vnidpMr, and that. by his act in be- coming a director of the company. theplaintiff had barred ,,his right of voiding the subscelption. .Judgment nee entered dismising the action, hot without costa. W. I'roudhot, K. 1' . for pleintiff. P. Madman for defend- ant. Horton VN. (tadkte- An aetion by (Jenrge 11. Horton, of Hawick, for damage alleged to have been etl4telnPd 1'y hie property, an island, and the M'premeh thereto, a wooden hrltgt', by the ranting of the water in the hake owing to the raising of defendant's di nl, the defendant being: a e'i(1- owner. The damages claimed were P*1. Trial of this action wan Pm"' ere as fol - .n to be tel pay - April ehr u, ECHOES OF ME FAIR. „ un keenil from page 4, Flt 1. I,1) WHITS. '4 MARTA ETC. long rel n*angeld wurtzele, T. W. Hal! ; globe manicotti "taro/Ade, T. W. 14e11 ; intermediate inangold wur*zels, H arriett and E. Hayden, T. W. Bell ; .ogmr mangnldw. for sugar purposes. T W. Bell. It. W. Andrews: Swede turnips. 11. F._ Morris. O. W. An- drews : white carrots, T. W. Bell ; ear. corn, Dent. A. Curzon, F. K. Bingham : field corn. any other variety, T. 11'. Bell, f(. le. Morris : six largest haunt's. H. le. Morris, T. W. Belt ; twelve largest and best stalks Held corn. A. Curzon, (leo. Mowerhy ; sugar leets for sugar purposes, Mrs. Ill. W. ('hurrh. DAlltl' PRODUCTS. Ten p"11r,.1s table batter, rolls or prints, y. H. Juhtr'.ton, Percy Stew- rr, J. H. )Vo*.., li ; ten pounds table Iter. itt crock. \V. K. Durnin, S. H. nstun, D. %'. fl amiitun: chews,. 'se than twelve pounds. home. Mrs. Geo. I,aithwaile, J. K. %Vise.: butter, five p minds in roll, S. H. J hmton, Pena- Stewart ; tui e eruck f butter. not less than forty po und•. 1, a Hamilton, S. H. John ston. .4. J. Goldthorpe : butter, five Lae.lrlds 111 re w, S. H. Johnston, Leta 1I*rlllltm11, Geo. !Ailhwaite: twelve one -pot d prints of Nutter, Lena Hamilton, H. John.tan, Mrs. .1. 11. Johnston. 11(tI(TI('l'LTt'HA DEPARTMENT. AI'I'I. 1. not 111411,• Ten varieties. G. Andrews. J. %'. Salkeld & tarn ; x varieties. r.s'kiug. Mos. J. 'f. Sal Id. J. W. S olk.ld A Son, T. W. hell ; .1* /griefi"4. deeecrt, J. 11 Salkeld & von, MI•r. J. T. Strike's' yellow lran.p er•eIt, J. Archie Tont: onion. of Indentlurg. H. F. Morris, . W. Salkeld A Son. 1'. A. %Veils : A1z* der, T. %V. Bell : St.. Lawrene•, John . ar ,cis. le. 1: Bmgh/on; Mrintnsh 1 law. %V1)1141y, sr.; 210 -ox. p" Tin or ea Ashen. Alex. Young. 11. 1 , Rundle; *How. W. Andrews, A. ('01PL"n : weal- tBy, (i. W. Andrews, H. F. Mona.; eifl,fnn ',quoin, Alex. young, J, 1V. 4alkehl & Mon, L. P. Rundle ; king of 'fon11'kins c'unty, T. W. Bell. Jas. lar• Mamas. Rot,t. Qnald : cranberry ptpptn, Wilson Oke, Rota. Andrews. J. W. S ilkeld & Sort : PewMlkee', G. W. An- drews; Wagner, John Marquis. %'. Andrews : Hubhar4141n1'1 Il a nl 111 a h. T. Salkeld , Westlield's seek Mot. J. 'I . no. ferth.r, .1. %V. Salkeld k Sial. Mrs. ,1. T. Mnikehl : Rhode tetanal greening. tiro l.aithwaitr, .1aa, J1e.leqntos, Archie• Beatty : B•tlwin G. %V. An- drews, Itobt. Quaid, T. ' '. Bell ; Tal- rnan's sweet, Bola. Ates ew•, 1. 1'. Montle ; Americas golden russet, Ja-. %I.•Nla,ns. J. W. Salkeld & yon, T. \\ . Hell: (lana., rod, A. C.11zon: (alla- WAler,.1- W. Salkeld k Mon. Knit. Andrew.; Phoenix, Wilse4a Ok., A. r S F'nr.e • N net nesse Carron , r Ontario, L. P. Rundle, ,las. NIcM•nni, J. 1V. y*IkoI'l k Son ; Swazi!. pornmP guise, (1, W. Andrews, Mrs. .1. T. ealkeld : northern son. 11'ilmoh k.' Alex. Voting, Archie gently; \I nal, O. W. Andrews. T. W. 14.•11: Blenheim* orange pippin, 11, F'. Morris, Isaac Salkeld ; relied, C. A. %'ells, G. W. Andrews ; seedling, Mrs. A. E Nlathe- son, O. A. Wells. A. Curzon ; any other variety, Wilson Oke, M, Furse, Rundle : end., Mrs. A. E. Mathe- son, Geo. lalithw•ite : quinces, Rohl. Andrew M. Fume. PR A RM. Mix varieeti.e. fr. K. Hingham, M. Four, Mrs. O. %V. Church: t)ue4 ver•1- etire., %Vrll. Warnock, J. %V. Saalfeld k Aon, .1. Arent/. Tnmt Bartlett. C. A. Wells, Mrs. J. T. Satiric], le. K. Bing- ham ; Ditehess D•Angooleme, J. Archie Tom, Ie. E. Bingham, Ma. W. Mc- Creath; Lrmis Bonne *1...ler/sy, %Vm. Werno ek, Ie. i . Bingham : Ileurre J . 1 Arc is Tum ; seedling, J u x. ndrew Johnston, laces am ton : Whitely. rr. ; Niagara, 0. A. It old ; I etting. collection of a pieces. Mrs. l•" any other variety, -Jos. Whitely, er., Duty, Melia 8)41'11104w ; eyo lel kr J. E. Jandau ; (fermata prune, 13. I % ellaohian ei,IIar and ruff set, J. el Moulingstar. ( 11owlit, Lena Hamilton ; pillets top. MRACNaa. Mouutwellick, J. S. Cowrie-, Mrs. Wul, AlcCrrath ; mounted sufa cushion, eye- let. J. S. Howrie; cushion tun den, Mrs, Chas. Black, Mime K. Buch,ulan, It'uut.lnied oil page 11.) Four varieties, F. E. Hingham 'Lsd; Fitzgerald, Wm. Warnock, Maleolus McKay; early Crawford, Rube, Quaid, H. D. eed ; Crosby, F. K. Bingham, S. Morningstar: late Crawford. 1.. P. ititndie, S. H. Johnston; KIMvta, S. Morning.Lar, F. K. Bingham ; guy whet variety, F. E. - Blughrw. L. IP Rundle ; needling, G. 11. Pennington. Mrs. J. A. Fowler, C. A. Welly. IIRAI'Kh. Twelve varieties, Wu*. Warnock : right varieties. Win. \Varnoek. S. Morningstar: four varieties, Wu1. Warwick, Y. Morningstar: Delaware, 1Vea. Warnock, C. A. Wells; Com enrd, Mr,. (leo. Laithweite, %Von. %Varnock; Hartford, %Vw. Warnoek, Mrs. J. A. Fowler ; Meyer, Wan. Warnock ; M tore.* diamond, C. A. Wells, Wm. Wrrnol•k ; Eaton, Win. Warnock, U. A. Wells; early victor, Won. Warnock ; i'irgennes, Wm. Warnock, S. Morningstar; Clinton, Isaac Salkeld, Mts. J. '1'. Salkeld; C.unpllell'. early, Wm. Waronr•k M.arosmit, Midgets' No. 3, Will. War- nock ; Wilder, Rodgers No. 4, \Yui. Warnock, S. Morningstar; Lindley, Rodgers' No. 13, \Vw, Warnock. `t. Morningstar ; Agawam, Rodgers' No. 1:,, Wm. Warnock, H. Morningstar Alerrisnac, Rodgers No, 19, Win. Warnock ; Salami. Rodgers No, 22. *4. \lorningstar; Herlwrt. Kudgers' No. 14, Wm. Warnock, K. Morningstar: Niagara, Mrs. Grit. Laithwaite, Jus. Whitely, sr. ; Empire state. 0. A. Write; Jessica. 'Wm. %Va•nork; %'o*drn, W111. \Vat•nock. Mrs. J. '1'. Salkeld ; Moore's early, S. Morning• star : Brigipon.-..W'st-_ Wutnuck. Morningstar; \Vinrhel, %-y g red and northern light, %V in. Wertiock ; eu1- other variety, 1. E. Hingham. % w. %Val nock. Fut• coughs and colds use Allen's Laing Hideout. Relief is warranted or money !e()Rdari, - G If )'Crr't,;j, i Even people who are usually healthy occasionally require some kind of afood tonic. • Fer- rovim, that excellent combi- nation of beef, iron and sherry wine, if taken when the sys- tem is run down from over- work or a slight cold, will prevent a more serious illness Ferrovim gives strength to eon - "The D. k L." Emulsion sults by valescents and all thin•blooded Men with most beneficial results by hose who are run down or suffering people. $1.tll) a bottle rout after effects of la grippe. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High - sr, Chicago Lcwer-Live Stock -Lrte.t Quotations. M undd)' I: rrh4, oect. 4. Lh, rpuul wl .-, i l,' r. -s ,.used VI to %J Iogl.er, cmc S'al 10 -1d 11 I,er. ,'4)541,, Ik-a mW r aloe 11 closed a,tl ua,•r Iran &a,lutda). 1 . ,'. bar corn 1oso uw,•r, 5,1,'1 1,r, rtnbrr costs 11, lower. Winnipeg Options. w'bmit hag uaiub.r who at rluaa.l "ye• low' .•r O 4l Maturlay lhtub••r eat■ uc,higher. wheat-tk tuber :r', 14s,-tobrr oder, Cats -.,aro •r• 33sjr. 11•.,,•mber 33$r', %1.. L'Ac. Toronto Grain Market. What, fall, bush .... . 1111 to *3,102 %'lout red, bush 110) .... 41'L,wt. goatee, rush 0 I .,.. 14ve. bushel 0 7S liuekwheal, budtel ,,0 TO 0 7* L'at l,Y. Lust 0 611 0 O Inds. bushel . 090 Inds. bushel .. 043 0.9& Toronto Dairy Market. 4 uut�• arearat01 Min) *bj) nutt.r, store lou ... 019 Dotter. creamery, Ib. rolls_ 0 S Dotter. ,rean.ery. solids ... 021 t )5,'4 se. hew', Ib .. ..., 013 FLOWERS. Collection of cut flowers, W. Wal • stork, H. 1. Watwen, C. A. %Valls: dahlia's, W. Warnock, 1', A. Wells; t erl+enas, %V. Warnock, \Vmu. Watt hand templet, H. L. Watson, 1', A. Wells, .1141 Morningstar ; table bouquet, H. 1.. Watson. %V. Warnock. U. A. \Valls; tlett'a1 dealifn. 0. A. Wells. 11. 1.. Watson,: zinnias, Malcolm McKay: truss geraniums, single flower, 0. A. Wells ; 1ruse, g,•raniunlto, double, Mal- ,•olm AlcKay, C. A. Wells; phloxes, W. \Vat•mw•k,, J. S. Howrie; gladi- olus. 11. D. heed, %V. %'aruock, C. A. Wells totem, C.. A. %'ells, W. \Val'- nrM•k. %'. 'Watt ; pansies. C. A. Well., %V. %Vett, W. Warnock; petunia., single, 1'. A. \jells, W. Watt : _petu- nias, double, C. A. Wells, W. 1att ; coleus„ C. A. Wells; easine", U. A. %VeIIs 2nd ; two ieganias rex, Mrs. %'. T. Murney, Mrs. U. le. Sturdy . geryniunls, single, C. A. Wells ; ge'- ■ me, double. U. A. Wells: foliage plants, H. 1.. Watson, Mn. Sturdy ; two hanging flower 'basket., H. L 1Veteon, t'. A. Wells ; one hanging flower basket. H. 1.. Watson, C. A. Wells; exotic ferns, Mrs. %.'1', Mur- ney ; mast ort' . H. L. \Vataono Mrs. Wm. McCreath: sweet peas, J: N. Howrie '2nd; a.pw ragu., Mrs. W. T. Murney, 0. A. Wells; stocks, C. A. Wells, M. McKay ; primula ubcon- i. a, F. E. Bingham 2nd ; begonias, a, A. Wells, H. L. \Vateon, Mrs. O. F. Sturdy ; sunflowers, W. Warnock, C. A. Wells. AMATRI k. Cot flowers, NI. McKay, Mea. W. Metheath : hand bouquet, Bert Townsend. 1. H. Worrell: table• 'sou- pier, NI. McJ(ay, Mrs. I. A. Fowler: foliage plants, Mrs. W. '1'. Murney ; one hanging Basket, Mew. W. T. Mur- ney, .1. R. Huwrie; begonia., Mrs. W. T. NIurney, Mrs. G. F. Sturdy : sweet peaa, A. Curzon, Mrs. • J. A. Fowler ; sunflowers, Mea. G. W. Church, (leo. 1,4ithweitr. (GARDEN VEGETABLES, MELONS. ETC. • pnn.d until the next non•jury sitting+ D'Anj'ne, F. Ie, Hinghsm, N. Fern. t of the ('our0. ludJT Hoimest K. 1',,1 k`!tir a usperflne, B. Forst': Beurre fel Pfafliffff 'IE �insinn.Tnt iiff11118=-mil, W, . -forewarn"A .Y: -H'*t4 'integer vs. Hinkle -An adinn by Ftian Hinkle, bothck Krueger farrmers ofek net Howi,tInc slander, the alleged Minder eon.ISting in etAtementa implying Chet the plain• tiff had killed his father. The dent - en claimed were 51,1111*. Trial of this �u actionn itt jury sittingaa al the , Cousins vs, Park -An action by Mier °Melena head milliner' with Mrs. Park of eh, daring the ng and fall of ISM and the eprin Isss. a net t hoejre ; B.•nrre Hoes %'. Warnnek, (•, A. \Snell*: St*Pldon..1, Archie Tom, (1. A. Wella: Heuer. Clalrgeon, .l. Archie * • Howell, F.. k Hing- ham. %Vel H 4 u C. I . Tom, ham. S• Fnrwe ; Meckel. A. Curzon, et. NIorningetar; ('Iepp'e favorite, S. Fare, J. Arehie Tum : l.awrenee, J. W. Salkeld t Nun, Wm. 1%'al nock Jneephine DeMallnee, F. E. Bingham t Kegler, Wm. Warnock; seedling. A. Clermont any othee vsrlety. Archie Beattie, 8. Pares. PLOna. Bradshaw, Mn. A. R. Matheson. J. Six varieties of potatoes, C. A. Wells, Jas. McManus ; early potatoes. t'. A. Wells, A. Curzon ; potatoes, D. ['rouse. Jas. McManus ; summer squash, 1'. A. Wells, 11. F. Morris ; Hubbard wtuasfe, 0. A. Wells, H. F. Morris : white or gol4Jetl celery, Geo. l.aithwaite : wintercabbeg e, John Marquis, Mr*. Wm. Alta 'math ; turnip blood heels, C. A. Wells. M. Furst. ; long blood beets, H. F. Morris 2nd ; radishes, H. F. Morris 2n41 : carrots, S. Furor, J. K. Jordan ; too -snip., C. A. Wells, Alex. Young ; red , John Maroluis, 1). Proust. ; yellow onions, Danvers, D. Proust., John Man cis; yellow unions, John Merton*. Jew. McManus ; corn, for table. Mrs. A. E. Matheson, J. Arrhie Teen ; egg plant, C. A. Wells : cauli- floeer, (•. A. Well., Isaac Salkeld ; i*e capsicums, C. A. Wells ; tools- t ra, H. F. Morris, JAM. McManus cu outliers, (1, A. Wells. Mrs. J. T. M•*I rid ; gsrden herb., U. A. Wells; gaol produce. H. F. Morris, U. A. Wens eateffy. C. A %Volta, Mrs. Wm. reath ; watermelons, 0. A. Wells, n Manplis ; *musk melon. 11. F. Mo is, J. Archin Tun* ; elirans, M. Furse. H. F. Morrie, J. Archie T..tu. . 1t11ME MANUFACTt'HES. Bert designed end worked silk quilt, Delia Symington, Miss 11. Hnehan an : fancy quilting, Lena Hamilton 2nd ; eoun}erpane, cotton, knitted, 141451 K. F3 a Banat, Delia Symington : rag mat, honked, 1.9n t Hamilton. Mre Andrew Johnstotd ; ung rsrpwt, woollen warp, Miss K. Buchanan. Knitting - fancy wool phew' or ra►e Delia Symington ton Int and 2nd ; wool etocktngM. coarse, Harriett and E. Ilayden, (sear Self eh! wool 'stockings. flee, Harriett and K. Hayden, Isaac Salkeld : wool narks. coarse, Lase Malk,•ld ; plain silk; mittens, .1. M. H,twrie ; plain wool glove., roarer, D •1111 Mymiwgtein, J. K• Witte ; driving ga.:ntletn, 'star Maik- .1d ; fancy wool mittens (gehts'3. Deli* Syn►inglon 1st and 2nd ; bat. room •lipp.re, H. i.. %Vetaon, Min. K Buchanan. Crocheted - in cotton. Mrs. E. Porter, Delia Symington ; table mats. cotton, Mn. Andrew lohnnton, Lena 11 emilton ; baby's jacket., Mrs. P. I►,ity. Delia Nyming• ton ; fascinator. Mrs. F. Doty, Mrs, Andrew Johnston ; counterpane, Delia Symington. RN1in :RIMY. Table linen in while, H. 1.. Watson rive o'clock tea Cloth In linen, Mine K. Buchanan, Mrs. K. I'ort.'r : five (i el(1ck tea sloth, silk. Mrs. lanes I)iek•on, Mn. Wm. AleOreath: table tomtit. piece and O dailies on linen, YPre Coin - ninpthnwa Mee, P, Porter a4aMte d.illi- (six), in white on linen, J. M. !Lowrie, H. I. 1%at.aon; tray cloth in while linen or cotton, Mrs. E. Porter, Mrs, \ ' * MetJre th • ea err, .1. S. !fine - Mies . %n. A t V 1w- ,r n ale, Mi s K. R 1 lanae : tihednw work, centre piece. Mn. Andrew .inhn.ton, Delia Symington t eyelet nbirt waist, Mess. X. Porter; on towels, Lelia Ham- ilton. Mrs. F. Doty ; nn ladies' hand- kerchief', 11. 1.. %nation, J, R. lfnwrie Hardanger or Norwegian, J. K, Flow. tie, Delia Symington; Venetian, J. R. Hnwrfe, Della Symington t in lana stitches, Delia Bymin , Mn. An. drew Johnston t In eq ern ores.-.Nteb. Mark, torn, the alleged los Wkltilj... 0o.it'°11. A. sella, so Aodnw ls.i (est 1Nro a), Nn. • coaeletlag of statemenea im•e toe p lt1lseAlafl (41Ntle 1, 0 10 013* ,'a+ -e lots, dozen .... 075 .... Honey, extracted .. . 010 ,. New York Dairy Market, • N) -:w' Y.,f1K, Oct 4 Hotter -1•Yrn,w reop,s. assn l'rrau,rry. 'I.• IsI'. Ile. es- tt.o' la, third to first, $'4.: to Mc, pro - c *s. 3r to ./7r, wester, factory, 1'9.• 10 7b 'natation.rtamery'. ',c to 3110. 1 1,. •.,,a• Steady, re bels. *704 State roil 1.. ale specials, 1:.y. to t6%c. f.,r, ). 1'.',. du. . commoto to good. Utero to ll%' skims, full to o*' -'*al► 3.: to 130. . reesofirr,_ 11.002 ' traits. syl4upW and rnWrl w hennery, *Nita f4,, )'. Lc to •du. gatl.rr,.) whit& VC w 5: du . brown (ones. :be to Ser: do, ',Missed brown, :M• to 14- pastern. ex- tra forst, ,r'4.- to 9614x. forst, :74r• to Tao; iM.nlldr, 21.v. to :dy%V CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unchanged -Hogs Slow 'and - Lowes at Budale. 1.5'NIN)N, Ir'; 4 I.,e.l.u,. ,-ablws for rattle are lower. at 125 to 7'*%,- per Ib. for Canadian steers, dressed weight: w f0arlatur hoof la uuoted at lgtc to., 111A,c per 11, Union Stock Yards. TI IKONTO, Oct. 4.- -There were 47 carloads of live stork at the Union Sko-k Yards, e.nslsting of 1042 cattle, 7 lo'.s. 45:1 sheep end '19 calves. Exporters Throe was 1,.,t a large number at port ars and Bosse weer hr1.1 over Tuesday, when 11w American buyers LP, un '.and Export 1„11', N to 33 Butchers. Thee WV?* few but. nee,' cattle that sold over t6 per .'wt. 1'I tine picked tattle sold at C 3• to i• 514 but there were -err few 14,111 uvrr SL, not a c ar lead. .5 far `as we hoard Loads of good. 14 75 to f,.: ketilun,. $1,14 to, $inla 77, CvrlN\ MTh t0 Z. ryas. *.::cw*4 Feeders. e:• for will wO p' �iJ�tl J� CURES every sort os Msscular pals. such as Sciatics. Stkdaes. Cricks, Tic. Twitching of the Muscles. Lumbago and Headache. Don't throw sway Money for worthies* habitations. by 'in• acre0Wuus makers. Get the seasiw. b Racplater DSc. is 5* air-tlfbt ria boa. 1 rand null $LW. Maned 1191414 receipt sof pros. w sample la! ac. Wt CuaaaNTLE that they will relieve pain man:ker lima any 01411 plater. DAVIS& LAW4ENCRCO.. Montreal. LEEBURN. 'Int kasha V. Sept. 18111. .carnes Chisholm has purchased a sterol engine anti Mower mutt will now lie Lail.' ti, do .410 -tilling and ' raw -rut- tin(;. Thy. ''s*I'4W'rmllneil had Note.: ku.•p mut of his way. Much sympathy is exprea*wl tit• wards Jarmh Muer.' in thr.lms. by I1re 1v t'RtalfTtl'lTtreal4ti•Iir•e tin The t gee shute rout last salt lr,ha)• i*ing, 'The origin of 111- fire is a. trlyslrry. SIJNLF NT 11OAP `� t 1 ,lallll,vffatm 1` 0., VIII L ..l wiro AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEWIFE knows that Sunlight Soap means a wonderful saving of time and labour in house- cleaning; Whether with hot or cold water, nothing gets the dirt off so quickly and without Ialury as Sunlight Soap. Use it the Sunlight way. Follow the directions. «e vrrwl 1.1111,1P of Marmots littera were sold ,s Whuh) B, t'ouatlln .1 M to 1460, am wl he saes, by sales s.len below. Milkers and Springers. A Ilnil\..1 suet' of e.11k..rs urea *prier - ass sold from C.. to !A rash. Veal Calves. There Is',,* Rood demand for good, to claire vert taboo., at 13 to 90 74 per cwt. ('lark., Ilea' inlIk f,.1 orale are worth 31 per cwt • Sheep and Lambs. There was a 't:,tr trash. In sheep and Iambs at about .keds Priem. Export ems, scold ■t s1:o\to *3118: rams. 1^-:D to M. Iambs.. PPI to *6 41 per ,1„t. H gs 11 P Kmndv' r.,pOrts selects• fedjand watered, at r ✓d. ares' 17 4111. f o.b , .•ears. al sentry whits. Montreal Live Stock. Mc) rrIt*:A1. lis 1 4-1!Idle,'4L1-At the Monln•W Stock 1'ar1w, West t<nd Market, the n•.114, * of 11oe Stork tar the week ending ,x•tula•r 2, were :WO rattle Lea sheep and lambs. 16, twigs anrt. go . )vs, whit. Ch. offrrin4s to -day amounted to 1400 cattle. 10-3.1 sheep and lambs, 7'A half* and :50 .:J4k44 fully 76 ;NT rent of the patio offend consisted of M.udtuka du- rnPlellc and north's:,'.( ranch stuck Iti•:fle t' class ,,o dnlun Thr undertoov eonl1'oura .say on Account '•f the Iwrr'.• .uppll.•s. loll buyers were many and the weatbrr rout and priers show' ,In I hang•. The dem.anl fir .,port, rn W,01 eery• limited, as ...able a4Nrrs from IA%err.rd noted a turas decline, owing to isrge. arrlvai.l taw extra • h.Jre •tens .oi. 81 Same, bet tr.• bulk of tie tr.Abor was dour, M ,-l.elt- stock at 44.- to :0. gond at 1,14, to 444," , tar at 44.- 1. 4'•. 1,,''11um at :eve to 11!.., rommew. at :loo to tr. and Interior at e 10 Me p'•r It, 11.,ol buns bn,ught 10 1. 3)4.,.sand canners 714e to 21{.• tw•r 11. .A Stronger („•11r4 pr.•.al)n1a4,r larnbe, raw ane to sn1*Ilrr .'ff,'rina. aid ,r• pr)se.1 !rut lye Per lb Mater al !ly- per 10 lit/sheer 00 ea*1Pr (,'.4I,, dtvetnpwl, with, '111.. 1,1 114r 10 314'' 1'r. 10. (Valves wet.: start. for whl,l, 111•err war a grwul enquiry nt priers sengl0, from AI to lISJrarh. PT1rv- tor ors we., '''.;,tit under a fairly gran) •. Aeet. arld snot 447.' n 1• r s uppers. and sob, of 144.14, t.d lots were mads at 1271 (s•, cart.. weighed o(f can Cable advice. from n11 10.. Irn.Nr s. (o,.ten morrows or, Carrolton 'Isrporon Inst week noted n far- ther der -line iX .1 to 411 nor rat., 1,1 spur 4 1 mfr: llnued Imr.?411.01*'. At the NoM5.ltah Pedfir T.Ive Kb. -1, Market the roe-r•1pts for the Week Pnllnc fit. 1. v.ere '17.7 '0:0)).• fir exusiet nerount rind 1'M .' III,•, '•141 cheep and Iambs. g,• bor. and WA 1'.' •- for 'oral rnneumprnw, The offprint,. 11.1. morning ."isles. -1 o1 1100 r'111r•. 117, '1,, snot Lunhs, lift 1,,,g- Andcalves 127 �.rat r* East Buffalo Cattle Market. F'.:P11' 411.1.1•'.(4'. '\. )'., (h) 4 (little Rer:elpts. Moat r,•nd geld active rod strung l0 site i•,::nt r. ca.u0lon. stow sed hareh' .teat') ;rime meters, *1.71 to 17. •hhppina, is t, P.'-'. butchers. Di le, to 16 90. heifer*. tt'c. to Z.77; rows. 3: To Z. bulls, DI to Z. 'tikes alai fowlers. 1' 70 to $476, stork I ..Itc;s, *3.31 to 3) 7'.. fresh oew•• snot sn• I..Izeta, srlice or t it to *3 Mgt et, 1 t•. is Vests Ite-'; e, 110 bend: ndfe- and M1 bleier, 26 t.. IY 73. flog#•-lteertpl.. 1'.'10 hPri. rblw' nd 1f1- to .rt, np !ewe. "ovv. 411.30 to ** 40' I. ed, ft I; to. al.n•-t.o, :;ors. 02 10 to.ts Pigs. SSW to 1. - • .. roast.. *7 lit K J. Mass . *6 tv f9 /.• .t. 1. Des, .,*'.(3 A. r; v. arnr..r', *7 40 to 4'' C.. !Sheep and lan1.--;4.r'Ipta 7^,4''1 Le:.•I sheep. active Yet •toady. lamb*, stow mrd 1rle lower. lan.1,., t:. to 3. 6 c•,cl)...-, la 73 in R ro at • l'44 5" fro to 1.14 eet'e. NM 0. 9473 -•.a•'.. mfrc•kV tr, *%7. Cartels 1.c.1.', r •., 07'7, Chicago Live Stock. 4•IIT('.400, ()rt 4.. ('altle--It,ti•r let Win-: Po: market. sten' 1 , 1Jr to ri a' ,w. r, ste.Pra. *, alt to P rows and, 1.11.•,,. 1160 to 30. lolls, 1 1. 94 W. rots,. Rt 1r 33- stonier.' .end Indere. Dryer, K•: