The Signal, 1909-10-7, Page 44 TtaultaDaT, Ot'roissi 7. 11lrt.
How the Finances Stand Suggestion
of a 'Made in Goderich" Exhibi.
tion Nest Wear --Some Rotes of
the Exhibits --The List of Prize-
Owing to the wet weather. on ,
Wednesday and Thursday
last. it was impossible to carry
out the ttack i•venls on the, pro.
gram of the liolerich Industrial
Exhibition, and these twill be
held et t hp'Agricult ural l'an'k on
Thursday next. i).t,, et I14b,
commencing aN r r11•k sharp.
The program includes there'
speeding contests, as follows ;
Farmer'. • ti.N irr pace prizes
11124 $15 and !$141. •
Open trot or pace pars.. $- re
2.40 trot or pare. parse litl'2.1.
There' will Its• a fh.-mile ama-
teur lout -rare. at r .i -Incl. Ion
%a hie!' prizes of the value of $12.
Ss and $5 are offered.
The :Clad Regiment hand will t
Iw in attendants..
!)win to the unfortunate wealth..,
infp, Kit:NAL. talnKI•ieFt. ONTARIO
If it rain. one day you can hope
kr Glen : ewe lamb, Cleo. (Hen ort and
fair weather the next, and if it keepe .end.
4,x VontentinK nowise,'
nit raining until the fine is over you
cal console ytnu•relf with the telt tit
titin that the weather mute was de-
termined to do his worst anyway{p and
thronly hope ie to, catch hien in lwt ter.
humor next year.
One of the exhibits which were es.
pm -11111y attrie(ive I--4 (lie ladies 1a255
that of %A'. Acheson & Son, who
showed ansae ill' their lines of I .t'•
tiers s unpf go4-818.' 'rhe exhibit M.-
eluded Axminster and- Wilton rugs,
with handsoulecurtain. ;anddrivel ice,
dl of the fine quality for which this
house i, noted.
A. l uv.ou Mod Geo. !(uwerhy,
.d liodrrich I.ewnship. ran a close
race for the tallest rorty. Mr. ('nr-
eon's measured 14 to l :!1 inches .old
took the first price, . Atte.- Snweiby's
was a few inches slort.e. Mr.
Cmtzoo also hal iii S. pillatoes un ex-
hibition which were, lig and flue.
Distends township is: cawing along
rte. ,'ly
,Srrret try .l iljuslun a bawl soak-
ing in the rain whie4t p.PItel doait
hu ing ;t great portion of %VednesJa'y.
curd Thursday mud 10.•k -4 - eel, ere
old. H. is all right igaii this w•cel,
howc+el. auto is hnrd at in Iroouumg
1 h.• post limiest events : • rime off next
1.1•eil,'•rl- Mo.., alio etit ttstiro ip 1stem ivKir YantKalultK
Ito• u. I II Hang' i `auIiliT 111.4, Iii I min• vent, (aro. sowerby ;
doing it w.•ith .l...o, tv 11," Itsd :i sow, one year old and over, .1. %V.
most II trolls di,plt'• :It the h urtl�jl� SiliselJ
.cud of the tuaile building. Solite 54bl. 4:lt.ant:s.
Bands • e.trps•Is, rug•. curtains and
(thee. Ionise• furnishings were taste- S 1W, littered in It55i. Snowden
lulls h,••iii. the ytislily �It' the goad, sn Bros.; p,'ll of wi itaedln pigs. Snow-,
sp•,.kingeloquently ot the. seri its of ga
Ibe lii,;h gr:utc grist+ whi.•h the tires I'l N'LTI{1'.
also ty, lactim stock. •
II it4lbul•gs, any v, i iety, J. S. Ilow-
, of I•t«
Rau two shears wind over, A. Cul-
bert & Sun, W. F. Young; shear/Ina
taut, A. Culbert & Son let aid 2nd
r uu lamb, A. Culbert & `Sou, W. F.
young; ewe, two shearw and ulcer,
' A. Culbert A Son 1st and 2nd ; shear -
ling ewe, A. Cullens & `Sow. let anti
aid : ewe' lamb, A. Culbert it Sun, %%.
F. Young.
.lisle nnM:KU. NANttt, SOT (1f LiMT:
Ewe. two shears' iiud over. -John
Itaa : shearliug ewe, John Hart'; ewe
laull.,sJolin Harr.
FAT alit14P.
Heat fat sheep, ewe or wether; Jaw.
Snell, Hoist. filen.
tal•ItovEn leEttnallte(E.'
Boar, over ' year old. Snowden
Bros.. leave Salkeld : luoaat•. littered in
44554, [SeH,wden Bros. ; saw, aIle year
old and over. Snowden Bow. :
Sow, littered in 1)544, Snowden Bros.
tui, lt t w'11t•rli..
Oral: Si.w rby tock till
prizes in this nese.
Tan u I assn..
Snowden Ilros. took all
prizes in this chase.
the flout
the first
8 i iir1 Lin (.111110 some 11 m1 ,pus lit res . >: J. H^weir ,
dayta,tluns on roe secdnd sant .Mint the roof .and so m l j
days of the eek, the
Industrial F:xhi- wets. in Banger'„f Is•ing ars-i.iuily' in- I Ilium urns, henna, I'm"' rnmll, J. S.
bit' last week, exhli,itiou sea- a Howtee : ii,,! 2nd,
bull, J. H. Hi1t-
finau-ial failure, I.lit if the direcl.'I• feed The detest ms „. 1 have to gr son. 1•.1 :and 2nd, ,1. Newcombe &
j.n• building bitio t-irl.uh 1. it r 1i. II ' tons : Lc rluro,, "'lilt". sin Ie comb,
are favorenl with a fine day next mother exhibition i- held. It i- n . 4' g
Thursday they hole• fur:�1 a larg.• a>e to ,t -k merchant, I( risk e•v. .las. HIv iii.•J. S. Hnwrie. It,'. NP SW
enough attendan(;e at lite rase"!
pensive go ala smiler a defect Ivo n, ,l lell ; Plywnuilt Racks, while. O. H.
which could not be held on the !nil I entangler, Snowden Bros, lits.
days, to pull them out of the holy. Frani: Metcalf. Khlh's, yelrl'tat
Hardy ; %N nilott«s, white. Jas.
The estimated lets' 9L tit+ s•xhilei- sante, alt seal expert, who 'itu-1'l tl as n nil:Hardy. Mrs. Jas. Dickson.. l I Town -
Lion board for this - year aaggregalt• ictus of ilium raise. Probably • u; end : Attila-TUTUS-FR,lek .T. �. ftowrle :
slant $I,iHU, and d' this $:+ was I ) Miuolras, black, J. st Hnwrie, W.
het ter collection of fruit was ''levet
made up of paid admission to the Allele ewe,. A. , mare!: game, lis tatue,
hit's in Oialerich and that is ty• .an • other varir( y, J. II. Hietsou ;
_Mounds an grandstand. bast i ,. it d.•,.1 >
years figures fiJt• gae and grandstand "P " Ida,., a(, 4/WA All i. ,side, 3,trr fFarebe
Ir. At,llal'CO,id 'I he Se•.1I ch stor '• bau1tnms. Pekin, ,las. Hardy. Snow-
11.01anexhibit up.tsirs of various line, ilea
ilea turkeys. hi ooze. !sale
I f dr) gas ed.., Elie' Mesei,. Milfar amw•. Sall -ell. Snowden Bros. turkeys,.
mining '•the•. Scotchmon.- .better .un ,it her variety{ Snonele•n tiros.,
knnw'n ,very' week, and are show Ins: .ilea. Young • geese. Toulouse. Suow-
rtttPrpN•i+r wlnicl means *nee sow, -
41..n Ifru.',.T. AV. Bell, Gro. Sowrrhy
geese, any other variety, Mtrowden
Bros.. II. 'I'. Salkeld : ducks, Pekin,
II, '1 Salkeld, Snowden itros., Mrs.
k.- 't' ,:,lkehi- ;lurks; :trr7- - other-
ther5 Ariel V. Sri,w•iien urns.: pair guinea
lowl. Q"alsun tike, Mrs. D. McPh.'t.
S. Val. ei. .
ii'RINU 'Sortie.
.111,4u'L Spanish, J. S. Howl ie : Leg -
horns, broi4rl, single comb, J. S.
How, -i,•. Robert. Quaid, A. Stenzel ;
I.••ghorrss, hrowu, rose i,bulb, J. S.
Hinsrie : I.egh•i-tis. but?, Rubt. %V,
.p t•aigie, J. H. Rut son Intl ;mil 'kxl:
L.'ghorns. white, single rout's, J. S.
Hnwrie• (Om. Newell 2nd and llril;
l'Iy th Rocks, barred,' J. Archie
Tons :Ply I, Ricks, white, ,1. H.
%Vio,, liesE. -Porter, Snowden
ferns ; t.Yarldnttee. white,'J. H.
'Vorsell tat - and 2nd. las. Hardy
huff (tpiugtons. J. S. Hnwrie, J.
Archie '1'o111, Yee. Ilaardy: Andalie-
inns, J. S. Ilovrtie; Minoteas, black.
.J, S..1lowrie, J. Aii'hie Tom : game,
brown laeast;d, reed, .1. H. Rulon ;
game. h0,1511 s, any Other variety -.1
II. Rutsnn; tut keys. bronze, banns
Salkeld Ise and'2nd; gees`, Toui.inn..
Geo. Sowerby : geese, neer. other var-
iety. II. T. Salkeld, Huhn. Quaid. H.
'I': tialkeld : ducks, Pekin, 4." W.
Salkeld & Son, Mrs. 1. 'I'..eliirld ;
pan• guinea fowl, (Nilson like ;1w•g-
horns, white, -.1. S. I lowrie.
Iong►atN,. l'it,e4---K.ITIIP.R OLD - lilt,
Le.ghorns, any variety, (len. Newell,
It. W. l'ra.igi •; %Vyandott.w, J. H.
Wo sell. Jas. Hand en
, Bt Towneend:
I a•gt•hnns, J. Ni. Howl ie: huff Cep.
ingtsnls Joe. Hardy : collection of
rabbits, Reg. Vivian. A. Snazel 2nd
and ::iii : collection of pigeons. Mrs, D.
Mel 'lire.
admissions were tit 1.031-.75. The spm.•
cial attractions this year cost tn.1t'e
than last year, also, w, that it is
easily seen where the deficit on this
year r Ltisiuese --awe in, The outlay
in connection with the exhibit`
aggregated about $2.i51u, s, that the
deficit amounts to about *MI. but
against this the dinstotsty had a ball.
anee to luring formai fTonjt TasT
of about Bites. • Wad it not leen for
the wet weather, the fair would have
been a recent, as. from the point
of view of exhibits, it was ahead
of almost any of its predecessors.
All the departments, both inside and
out„ were well filled.
An interesting exhibit was male by
the Central school and St. Andrepj's
ward school. consisting of paper work_
anti color work and nature study
spel;imens. The paler work showed
models of loxes, trunks, furniture,
etc„ and other articles made of paper,
and this and the color work were
interesting as showing what is being
done in the new kindergarten work at
the Goderieb public sehisels, 1'het.-
was also a good collection of nature
study specimens. litany of them col-
lected by • Mid* Vesta Watson, a large
part of her olleeti it [wing made
while she was taking her course at
The %V omen's 1 stitun• 1u►d a good
display of bread, cakes. preserves,
etc., as is demonstration of the test
metle.slu in cooking. The Women s
Iifetittteiis an enterprising lusty and
limes no goal opportunity of interest-
ing the public in its work.
A display which drew much atten-
l en-
tionw-rt,that of lies.. Johnsxn
firrnitute tuaa. It included a hund-
aome parlor suit in mahogany, a
dining -room suit in quartered oak,
'with buffet, that attrau•tcir vety
favorable nutiee, and an -elegant
awtl n -finished braes bed. Mr. -John-
ston's exhibit will help Li impress
upon the people serf Ii'idurich and
vicinity sthe fact that they can inse-
cure goods; of the very first quality
right at home. - -
James F. Thomson had a large dis-
play of hands nee goods, inrlinling
pianos, organs, sewing machine, and
the Edison pphonograph.. The aide -
rich fair would.nodt l.e.complete *It II -
out the Thomson display. and Janes
F. is keeping his housed the trout
rank. -
The whole of one side of the north
wing wan occupied by the -Howell
Hardware. Company with a \well -
arranged display of their goods.
Pandora range was especisAly
enent, and its virtury were explain'•
to many interested sightseers.
The Western Canada Floor Mills
'talon frouu the fart that it was the
only.. representative.- of Uosie-riclia
manufacturing interest. at the exhi-
bition. -Purity- flour has a well-
established fame at. bow and abroad.
lent. "every little counts." and the air
vertil+en:ent which the I'utupany's
products received front this display
was probably well worth all the labor
and trouble expended. We hope that
next. year other local manufacturing
establishments will fallow the good
Hon. .1. S. I)uff is iso unassuming.
f ewr-a it d-,• a e y. take-( leingras-t hey -
Olin(' still of wan, Ile . was suite at
home on the fair ground, and ex-
preesed himself OMranch plratmrd with
what he saw.
The fruit exhibit could Mildly Ie
b'!aten anywhere in point of the final-
ity of the sp•ciuivns shown. Pears.
apples, peaches, grapes, pintos it
Wan a eight foe the gods;
It would be gm sl idea to have ii
telephone on the ground,, say in the
secretary's o111re. A goo.Lniany steps
coild be saved if the bandy 'phone
Were available.
Why not have it "Made in (Ind••
rich" ekhibition in eontiertion With
next year's fair ' R wonbl be a gelid
advertisement of out• town as It ninnn-
factltling.'entre. The list of exhibits
could include flour, salt, furniture,
organs, wheel rigs of various pints.
hosiery, bathrain woodwork, en-
gines and boilers, ready-made clnthhy••
ing, road -making machinery of the
bylaw pitmen), and perhaps a l•y
other lines: AVe hope the exhibition
directors will take hold' of the pro-'
The central space in the main
lw+ttliwnfwee arrts�ise� iy-lbw esibittiS.•
of Chas. (;. Lite. The display was not
only an exhibit of entre of the lending
lines of Me, Lee's stock,bit it. was nn
example of what can ae done in ars
ranging wick' seemingly unattractive
articles as strives, bathroom furniture
kitchen likings, and such Thing. in a
way that attract, the eve and pleas.,
the artistic sense. The display was
the object of mmeh attention and ad•
m i ration.
The perf..rninnee if the trained
dogs wawa ,pornoliii allrart' The
way the dogs themselves entered into
the spirit of the thing was one of the
moat amusing and Intel -feting feat•
ores of the performance.
The three-day fair is the right th .
Hottest Kt1.
Filly or g,•Iding, the\,'Y years Mil,
Alex, Young, !setae Sitlkelel: filly is
gelding, two year, old, John 'Knox.
oirnige'Laithwane : • filly lir ygeldi'lp,
yearling, Alex. Voting ; brood , n•.
Peter 41cIt enroll. Alex. Young. Rola.
\IeAlli-b•r; foal of 111(1, 'Peter ,a1,..
Deegan. Alex. 1'omng : pair matched
horses in harness. Tho•-. G. ENnrtt
mingle horse, Or. .t. tt Whitely. Peter
BisectI, Ito! . K
Mare nr gelding Knlf. M"l::an,
Jelin Barr. -
Stallion, Peter ‘I,•i)ougall: filly III'
¢riding, f WO year, old, laa,nanl
Withers. David Prune; yearling, filly
or gelding. I1. Salkeld. lien. Laith-
wisite: hoist must,', David frolic :
Incl of tuna, (leu. I, tit hwaite.
11 KNM14Al• I't'us'. M►:.
linsd snare. S. hirer. T.
Pringle: filly or gelding. two years
old. 11cNeil Brow., H. F. .Morris, W.
Andrews; foal of Its"t, S. E -.•r
tit itched teats. 'Phos. ill. H: 'Ito,,
If. Hnhmes diel and
Aealt le'e t.Tt• HA1..
Brooxi timate, .I. W. lkehl A Son :
filly or gelding. yuiu•lug. S. Furse,
1 -ase Salkeld ; foal of I1se1, J.- W.
Salk! Son : matched team its h ir•.
lies.. Iva n• Salkeld. farcy Stewart.. •
uk%a'v OR %} -r, merit -►.n int I5N5-
stallion. Tour yr it's old and upward,
Fred. Quaid : brood mare. .1. 1V. S ilk -
ll k Sim • (Illy or g1,eldings Iw•n veal
•.1.1. , Vero ('nnninglron, (leo. tarn :
filly or gelding. yearling. W. 'nlie.,•1 ion if edged binds, A. Snazcl
Young. .1. W. Salkeld & Son : scann one half-dozen heaviest hen's eggs,
ores lir grilling,. II. Salkeld i fns n( .lo,. %Nbitely. sr.. Lena Hamilton,
115(4. J, %N. Salkeld & Son.
Km mmilt, RN (PUKE-IIn►:1a).
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mankind is subject. Dodd ■
Kidney Pills will cure any
case of Bright's Disease.
They have never failed in
one single case. They Sr.
the only remedy that ever
has cured it, and they are
the only remedy that can.
There are im,cat,ons of
Dodd'■ Kidney Pills -pill
boa and name -but imita-
tions are dangerous. The
original and only genuine
cure (or Bright's Disease is
Dodd', Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box at W II druggists.
s• ed, .l. K. Wise : timothy seed, J. K.
Wise ; .'lover seed, .1 K. Wise ; white
beans. J. K. Wise, 8. Fume.
' a'ontenard on page Si
The People'
All seasonable goosls, of first-
rate quality and at right prices.
White Wine and Cider Vine-
gar for t')ie pickling Beason.
dim ammo amoseammom earamieb Ms Oft
Interesting Store Talk 1
The object of this business is to sell
goods. Every article In thisstore tears the titans!' of
Il.1ucrt Value. We buy right • therefore we can sell cheap. Your dollar's worth from this slurs
is sbig dollar's wl•th
FLANNEL TIES•-- One-thuusau4-yard purchase of al -inch, heavy -wake, white, light and dark
stripe flisnuelettes. Bost value fur 12ie. They go on sale Saturday morning at Ilk. Extra
value is this lot.
FLANNELETTE MILL. ENDS• -Fifty or sixty Mill Ends at less than makers' prices, 2 or :t
to about 10 yards in a piece. Al wily light stripes.
COAdais S• -We are,hawing Kane very special values in ladies' (bats direct from one of the hest up -n, S•011110ete in the Dotuioion. On Saturday we make special prices on•011110 of thew. 'they are all
newTsaruwkd stylish in rpake. Poste and get our priers.
DRESS 00005. -Don't fail to see what we are doing in tires. Materials. They are Moving fast,
and so they ought at our pPrices. We are showing all the new shades, in prices from Use to $1.a1.
Never before have We had such a lot to show iii plain makes and selfeit riper.
DRESS TWEED8•-Just a small lot of Dress Tweeds, suitable for girls coats or school dresses
Mostly from 85c to 75c, 48 to 58 inches wide. Our prior is now 211c to 50c. Not many -yards in a
piece. They aro a great big bargain.
S/LKS•-' lnl•h wide black Dressor Coating Silk, warranted not to cut. Quern quality, SMI'
price Ylic and $1.2.i. A real snap. 1 y'
11111111111111111111. •1171111•11111 SIIII1111111119
A Great Weekly
Everybody snows that, among
weekly papers, -in Canada or. indeed,
on the continent. The Family Herald
and Weekly
Star of Montreal holds a
foreost ace.
Readers of The Signal who wish to
try this paper for the remainder 0
this year may have it for the nominal)
price of 15 cents. -
- Al1St 'EI.LANEll US.
Hull, two years old and 'upward,
Joliet Barr, E. II. Wise, Isaac Salkeld:
Droll, our year old. E. II. Wise.: hull
Ill, ander one veal*, E. H. %Vise, .1.
W. Salkeld it Kon ; row, in -alt, or
giving milk. .1. SV. Salkeld & Son 1st
and :brat. Alex. ti}rn, 2nd I heifer, two
years n1.1, .lobs Barr. E. H. \Vise _nil
end :ted : heifer, our yea,. old. !same
Ikeld, E. II. Wise. e, J . W. Salkeld &
.-la.-ife,. a.ntf..._asw,lrr ons ♦mar :E.
II. 'ise let and 271.1; herd, E. H.
II 'IMF, MI5 11'CNK.-RRMlI).
Hill, an . ago R ,le (,jaaahl. T. (I.
F:Iliidt and.7 rl--ani ; row, in snit ear
giving nrltk, It, Elliott lit and and.
It,h1. Qu til : hfifer; any age. ltnbt.
Quid lit and a 11 ThilDb...4. Elliott.
PI I.1.F:ID :554,15 1114 .a ltMltll (LIBI•:
lilt Ent,
('os.'. in e,l( or giving milk, 111
1•:,w.,',, he,l'r. :Iraq age, rad. I,iss•
son. -
1KII,): •Y .1 ili'..0&gll1
Mat ftny ar,o, (iia. Liitls.vit •.
L•hn 'Knott ; r.1ti•, in silt nr giving
an L. tie". I,eiihit-tet•, .1ohee ICuux.
SII (i,n. 1,.ilhw.iilte; heifer, tan_
ye os oil. in ,-ff or ert•ing milk, (I.'-..
I.'ithwaite•t Mrs. Gen. is illlw:eitr ;
h• iter, under two yews old. Airs Ileo.
f;,YRtt'ailrti;'tt inTt.clttiwltre _
• mt.ote. F STrLle.
Cow.. giving 'nil or in calf. John
Harr. .II. Mnikeld, W. F. Yonne
heifer, two Tears old, H. F. Morrie, S.
F'ufse, J. A%. Salkeld A Son: heifer,
one year ntd, John ,'lark, Peter Me-
`tltotrgath 1%', P. Young; heifer Petit.
meter • year, John ('lank, John
Barr, li, Furey : twn•y-ear-old surer,
John Harr, J. W. Salkeld A Simi 2nd
and :ird ; yearling steer, .Inlun flair,
W. F. 1-wnrng. John Harr: stetrr calf,
W. F. Young, John Clark, 14. FittaP
herd, John }iarr.
Fent steer, John Htrr let. and 2nd :
fat heifer, John H try : fit cow, Thos.
(i. MIlbutt.
bin' UN'f wins
Henn, t an she its And over, ,Ins.
Srb'll; shearling ram, Rola. then, J s,
Snell ; ran Iamb, Bolt, -
Snell, R:+ht. filen : ewe, Lw•o idles .. and
over. ,Ins. Snell, Rohit. filen : shl'ar•lidg
ewe, ,tan, Snell, Rote. filen ; ewe
limb, Jas, linea let and 3rd, Roht
Rts.wden Br,.. took first Pelee in all
1 he sect.bilts in this elem.
MRtsmwriteK tiOWNa.
Ram. two shears and over, fire.
Olen; rain lamb, (Bun. Glen Ist end
Bud t ewe, two aksgt. j nd over, (leo.
Aleft kik aunt, and i altil eftng ewe, Deo.
Isaac Salkeld.
%G RIl't' I: r(RAL I'itt)Dl'(`174.
I' oR;%1Ns. .
' Michigan ann1ei wheat, J. K.
Wise : Oat W•011;', golden -hall fall
wheat, I. K. %Vier, `irs J. 1'. Salkeld :
any other variety fall wheat, white.
maned, J. K. Wise, J W. Salkeld &
Sou ; aur other varietyfall wheat.
1•r t
III' amber, named, a K. Wirer, J.
W. Milkeld & Son ; spring wheat, any
variety, named. .k K, S Wise ; six -
lowed barley, any variety, named, J.
Kr Wise, J, %V, lfarlkefd-ti -Starr,
two -rowed barley, any variety.
nwumed,-1.,K.. Wisit.-;._large power-asey--
%ari'•ly, Ironed, J. K. Wise, S. Furse' ;
small pens, any variety, mrned..1. K.
Wise, S. rinse ; whits oats, any.
satiety, named, J. K. Wire. H. F.
Morris : I.Laek Data, any Vat iety,
named, .1. K. Wi-e. S. Furor ; flak
Let us have ;rout orders for
Prompt delis 'Ty.'
P. 5. RYAN
'Phone No. Illi 11•:unilton 8t.
Store. 153.
Residence, 185.
Store will be closed Wednesday
atlernoons during July
and August.
.,111i a>e=1.
Signal offers
The Family Herald and
Weekly Star
III Coteah,uaUon with
The Signal
till remainder of 11541 for a1 cents
Address all orders to
Goderich, Ont.
The Shoe We Hold Up
for your exnndnation i• tirade by one of the
forrmint shoe designer. of the country. It 1.11
��M,fbu.tds-viront.tiy-ieertt-;nslt ts wklttotty
p ram.
-_---ifiWk lt►tllialt-.4X118TVI,R
are ses„re.I it. weaver end tans ,e•rs ice as welt
Conte and liar a yeiu line !Mei with n tm,r
There art. all ,Ir..+ and wade h -..e we ren guau
*Mee a el a. rend as If you hurl your •h,..•.
:arcade to raster.
ti wholesale tailoring
as compared with
tetail tailorin
In our larger volume.
In our Cash Selling.
Ia our Direct Buyingn
Ili our Economic System.
In our Team -work Tailoring
Selling to one merchant ni a jQ]wis.,...
dare's no drummer's expense."
toll selling saves the loss from the
nen who charges it up
1w►lrta ',pm, l °nil „ill. • I., es,
MI ase •n ler 1 •,t..,1 Sser -
lasYN IA or, r, fru St I. as horn
'• fore SI ,a I l i . mit Ira lhan Is.
ea/ oaths Is 15e moil tailor r .n
tiSst94.4' "
$..tsar Tiede cess r
ass III
-. nese
Hamilton Street, - - - Goderich.
The attention of fanners is direct d to the fact that 1 sun in a priest
tiuo to supply their wants in the line IMPLEMENTS and MACIlIK-
BRY with the test goals at right prices. I NW *cent for
Deering Farm Impkmenta
Brockville Buggies
arcs and Wilkinson Plows
ge and Frost Wire Fence
Maid and
tional Cream Separators; etc.
We shall be gl'td ►r have an opportunity of showing YOU our
goods and pieta prices. Our aim is to supply the HEST IMPLEMENT',
on the marks to the fanners of this district..
Fall Garments of Rare Loveliness
FORTUNATE indeed will those Ladies he who have decided to choose their
new Fall Coats to -morrow. If you have made up -our mind and will take
advantage of our invitation, we will show you to -morrow one of the most
beautiful and complete showings of hand -tailored Coats that ever gladdened a
woman's eyes. It's magnificent, and we want you to come if only to look.
Two Specials in
Ladies' Winter Coats
Ladies' Long Winter Coats, of
fine quality , imported broadcloth.
Semi -fitting style, new military
collar, self -strapping on the Coat,
with colors in black and
Ladies' long -length Winter
Coats of fine quality Beaver cloth,
semi -fitting style, silk braid trim-
mings, velvet collar, in black and
navy, a perfect fitting
Other Coats at $5.50, $7.00, $9.00,
-12.00,-,'15,00. -
Ladies' Flannelette Ya
Night Gowns, 75c.
Ladies' Flannelette Night
Gowns, in pink and white, sev-
eral different styles, yoke made up
of tucks and insertion, neck and
sleeves trimmed with frill. •
Sizes, 56 to 6o. Special . . 75c
Black Dress Goods
is still the favorite for
fall and winter Suits and we are
now showing the greatest range
of black Suitings ever shown in
this Store. Coming direct from
the maker, the values are right.
Our prices are the lowest always,
quality. considered. We would
like to show you our Sedan -finished
Broadcloths and silk-warp--Rara-
theas, which we think are superior
to anything we have ever seen, 52
inches wide, at per yard,
•i*ia19r $1.28 and . . $1.50
5c. -Flannelette --5c.
30o yds. of Flannelette in a var-
iety of styles in pink, blue and
grey, • suitable for children's wear,
go on sale Saturday morning,
at per yard 5C
As the season advances, our showing of new Fall Hats seems to grow more
beautiful. Any new idea introduced in the great fashion centres is picked up and
reproduced in our Millinery Department for the be%lefit of our patrons. Have nu
secured tour new Fall Hat ?
Grocery Department
Always k�ding in the newest and choicest goods, and nothing ever gets a
chance to get stale. Here are a few specials for the weekend. We would advise
getting in a good supply while you have the chance.
ass rang Tomatoes, fillet cans Peas, Wow Corn, to go on sale Saturday and Xoeday,
t cans, assorted, for...... �„ lie
will cans Salmon, regular Iflec a can, &pedal, emelt.. 10e
Just a word here to the odd farmers which'we tfiink will be ofinterear to
you. Always on top with the highest prices for Butter and Eggs (no doubt you
have bythis
time recognized thisfact). Commencing this week we are paying z5G
a dozen for new -laid eggs and we hope to secure twenty-five cases for immediate
shipment. in taking in produce, we give cash as well as trade, and all kinds
handled in our Grocery Department.
Cameron & Moore,
•opOamml. 1/11111o0/111