HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICII. ONTAR1ii 91 Ce41.14***119civitinkle94411491if 944444 icinitnt 44444 *44x iccic94, 444.91.1901 • The News of the District. gt4 4 +'a` 4, A5446454 +454544 444 +4441, 4646466k 45*45+4444*****444 r')DERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, Sept. 27t,h. .Lu ... 1: •ilew art left last week ou trip to the \Vast. .t II. S Nap. of the Bayttelil road, is enjoying a tr'il to the OId Uouutry. pt - ,11111010 bt•1•e—Dungwluon fair, on Thursday and Friday of next week. M,.. ma I M J.tnline hetet. arrived (, um Indian 11e:14, Mask., ,fuer k year n•nt•in the West, an.1 have been vis - m. VN INt•AVl11t FKtlarr s ('Roo'. - •1•:dwaid ul the H"vh..* t Itur, hot+ a t du•I)le rot crop, hes Parol prduc. 1 ,g tooth geutien and sacs to trial t. l)t 1!.e ttttpr be h.tr rule) :thud, several) doll treeworth this ye u• to a w:tolesalh 1u,•dietne than at tinsekvino. The (cent i-, erWauubles ginseng .red i•. used in ulr,iirines, 1)1)1 {, not s" V4l114b1,•o the latter. upon which the Obivauc•u dote. 11ut having gentian and sarsap- a1ilia Mr. JlaAbalt tuay yet ilud t hr ginerng and thus add to hit re•ceil. s how 1 Cote. 81'. AUGUSTiNE. Tu.c*wAY. Sept. \Its. McCaughey visited here last week. her the mile rout -race at Dungan - nate fair. Bernard Brnpbey is taking hu* hob- _ does this week. W;ilinRfoi N ioil Si. NI *rye last week. -, NI r. and Nine. A. K. Johnstnvirited Eyrie.' ft •Irl I. hoot week. air and Mr*. 1'. NIe(iuire slant Sun- dse huh Ashfield friend+. John ('r.jg erected a new silo last. week. sod ho io now ready ?or th •curio (l opt, • -lttt, Heorge templesy and daughters spent Mand .y with Mies Mary Nrlu- teh. )Irr. A6 let•Lly it utulerguing Um b: car le.•.s ment in Clinton hospital at. pi cent. number of people from thin vicin- ity alt.'aded Lucknow fait Tart Friday nal report haying bad a gaol time. Thr North Huron Telephone Cu. has its line completed to thin place from \t'ingham. Quite* n,uutwr of !Mill- ers bevy the 'phones in their houses. }kers Father Lim and John m.o.. also have 'phones. EAST WAWANOSH. MONDAY, Sept. nth. NI es It:1ea Robinstnt, a lonole little la-, is one of 11N• entertainers at Dun- gaen. n f air concert -Friday, (Mtrber Nita • Patera OF• Mets. KEITH At the r sAence of her daughter, Mrs. John Elliot". Els' Wawannsh. Mrs. Keith. Mier of the late James Keith, p& -wtl away on Thursday, nth' inst. De- ceased wets born in Scotland ninety years rtes, and had lived in Canada ah ut efts. years. Two ,.dna and Hee daughters survive her. HYMENEAL t. EVENT. 1)n Tuesday. S p•e,nb.r 21st. the hone of Mr, and M, Wallace Potter wee the seen,. of a pre• • y wwi,ling, their eldest daugh- ter. Mew Arletta May, being united in marriage to Reseed R. Fear. of Morris. The ceteunroy was performed by Rev. W. 11. Hartley in the presence of 'at an rorty guests. Miss Belle Pot- , sister of the bride. played the w• 1 ling march. and little Lizzie Fear. ninon oN the groom, acted as ring - leaser. After an evening of festivity the casing couple drove to their home on the Nth line of Morris. III RD ..T IIAV CITY.- -There palmed away at Hay City. Mich., on Monday. I:AL inst.. one of the first settlers of the toienship of East \Vawanoeh, in the pet Siet of Elizabeth Forsyth, relict uf:he lute Hezekiah llelps, Deceased hot reached her eightyp-flfth year. 14!-... ranee into this township with her hn.htnd. now dewar....l, in Irtitt. twilling near Westfield, and here for e nauder of years kept what was kto.wee in the early days ale ••stn 01,011 haus.•;" providing accommodation for flys new w•ttler*. Mr. Helps ptoseeel aeesy in 18711 and for a nitmeer of y. ars the widow and fi uuily continued to reside tut the fain. Some thirty hPars ago Mrs. Help, mowed to %Ving- Aa1 and she continued to reieide there mitt twine months raga• when she went to live with her daughter at 11 t Cit y. Two Nona, James, of (holden, Colorado, and William, oj h.mdnn, and one dkughter. Mee, {lobi. Jonas, of Bay City, a, well *s thirteen gro'll-hildrrn and six great•brand- eieldrerl, survive her. The reeking W -r,. interred at 13ar elityr- NILE. TrEHDAT, Sept. 3fth. 1 b•• buy singers --Matters Nelson Ad sir and Thornae Melhy—in All the _J 111 si airy, at Dungannon fair fpn- reef, Friday. October ht h. LOTHIAN, WRDNKsnAY, Sept. Ixltb. Mies (i:ahn, of Wrens. is visiting her sister, .Nita, Thor, Sandy, Jae. Gilmore left on Monday fur an extruded visit in Chicago. Mies A -1a M'u•Kenzie hale gone to Stratford, where she it attending Nortatll. Miss Dulleat. Mackenzie, of Detroit. luta returned suspend some tiwr at her home here. Thr stork visited this district a couple of weeks ago and left a boy at 1'at Hugau'r Hake y • entries early for Dun- a& chow—Tint!*Mlay and Friday. Ootuler 71,11 at d NIL`. Mise Ella Johnstone has returned to Detroit niter epertding it couple of 'wraiths at her home. Saul Kirk was seriously ill with heart trouble, het we 'are glad to re- port he is improving. IDUNLOP. TrRoDAI-, Sept.:i4th, Hear Miss Ver:►'H. Hewer, elocu- tionist and imperannatnr• at Dungan- non fair concert, Friday, October Nth. COUNCILLOR, \h,SRR'a Loss.—On Saturday morning the fine brick resi- de/we 01 J,tr•ub Moser, wf Leeeburu, was totally consumed by tire. M1•, Moser succeedted in saving 001110 of his i tirtilture, T*uutThe greater hart of (bit! also went up in rmnke. It will be a heavy lows 111 Mr. \lower+ as, though he was instated in a lir \Vow nu Mutual a sh Co., hr did not cony nearly enough to cover lair -loss. Cat uwit KS: '., 1)y.—Last 'Sunday war Children's Day at Leeburn and the church w*, prettily decorated with fioweree and fruit. The usual ser - i lees -for the day were carried out. Mr,i. titre.) JAers Hamilton gave the 'children a very pleasing and able ad- ' taking fur het_ subject, "What the -Bible Has (lune for Us." Another interesting feature of the service was It wdu rendered by Nl eater Bert ('utt, of (i.derich. • WESTFIELD. Tt'E1+DAY, Sept. 28th. Hear the Lucknow i'igoe•rg at Dun- gannon (air. iarnes Redmond is now occur/ lag his new home. The track event, at Dungannon fair aye a gtwat eirewin,t card. Better then ever at the show next week. The frust on Monday night gave the Turn a very batt Searching. Every person who has M silo to fill is rushing alter the cutting hux. John Chautney had one of his horses very badly injured in the stable on Sunday morning. We hope be may sol tae so unfortunate ai to lose the a1. A large number from here have availed themselves of the bpportunity and driven over U) Blyth to hear the noted evangelists. Crossley and Bunter. Mrs, John Bell, who bed been visit- ing her parents. Mr. and -Mrs. John Redmondter the past two months, lett to j her husband in Alberta a few days ago, The Donnybrook bridge hies been murk improved by receiving a coat of paint. but we think there is one thing yet which is much needed, and that, is a good substantial fet.ce at 'the apo proarh on the north end of. the bridge. AMBERLEY, MoND.t'. Sept. 27th, Alex, Roma sold a tine young horse to M,ui,uel Brown last week. \)avid Nc3leer•rhy and )lie. Annie llueglass event Sunday on the bound- ary. Win 1.1,11er ret,irned horse last week after a few months' visit dawn at \VAllarehurg. Mise Sadie McKenzie, of Nannie, kat present visiting her sister, Mrs. Rod. Roe.. on the boundary, 'I'be railway is booming in Amherley at present and everyone is anxious to get a rile on the first cat. N We aro all glad to hear that James clh,nald 1s on the mend after et few week~ sickness with fever. Ernie 1danders, the comedian, is funny fellow, At Dun,tannon fair concert, Friday, October 8th, t't/l•te•H NOTRs. --Service i ai the Methodist church next Sabbath after- noon will to at :1 o'clock The Ladies: Aid held its tea -meeting and gripper iast Tueeftley evening, 8epU•w- ler 21st. Supper was served in the hall from 11 to 8 o'clock, and the pro- grath,'whieh Was lea grand sum -saran. war given in the Methodist church. The church was crowded to the Aloof- the doorthe proceeds amounted to a lath client 11 NerrNs —A p.IPasing end pinofltahle literary evening was enjny- wb by the Epworth League last week. 'rale aeli,iert under e•ellltlderitj„lel 1445 '•1 &nada- and the thief feature of the !..gram war an address by J, \V, ''meatier, of I oderieh, who hes re- t e itic let nrned from an extensive tour th#'ith the West, Mr. Vanattersaid Ise heti gone a. a etude I! rather than .s a prospector oral hp proceeded to tell many interesting things about the rt.nutrt, concluding by giving it des p, ion of the Onukb dans and thein' In.uons tea of life, We feel h in- e:•hlr d to him for his visit and thank him for his rntartewy tele Monday r as Monday school Rally Des.. Fleet - ever and Sheppsrdton arhnole and elan a nuttier from Ceder Valley joined t.eth the Nile school in nbaercing this '.antral rally. The gathering was highly boccea.el in every respect. regular Rally Day program, en• titica The Rihle, l.ife'isGuide Rook,” was followed and reeved especisll?' interesting and edifying. Short ad- eiresese we rp given by Mkt; Gladys Pentland on "The 1311,1e A Niu.lnnery 'took"; by Mr., J. R. (+miopi -sett "Dur Itiey to Send the Wont. of Oced to All Nations": and by the ptstnr on "Mia- sinnv in the Sunday School" Special I, nape was furnisher) by the boys and 1•'rla from Nhenrxnr and also by Mrs. "%I. -Dwain and \liar Railie, whn rend- ered .4 1•001,10 of violin duets. The nnnyal.olfermg•for the Sunday eet•]Tued aid fond was taken and Pi to fleetly (levee donate . .Anllver• sat y aervie,, will be held at, Nile \I .1 {Indio ch iirh nn Sunday, Oester 11th, Rev, J. 1'. 1lrjd, 11. A.. B. D., • former rotator, will preach ening end evening Ebenezer •nnivet- fiery Is slated for the- following Sun- day, October 17th. R•'v. A. E. Jones. of Auburn, will preach afternoon and evening. Spediwl freewill otteringa are asked for at these spryfrpa toward tnutep board fends. Verne L. Hewer, baritone, at Dun- gannon fair O.nneert, Friday, October flth, over $111. UE: axREW MONDAY, Sept. 2411. Nis. \Yen. fierce is 9* ending ,t few days with eelativer iu Guderich. Mi. and Mrs. J. Blake, of M ifekiesg, spent Sunday with relative* herr. Join the crowd at Dungauno,u fair Thursday and Friday, October 7 and • A couple of R. Darnel's gauge o kpole-packers are busy packing the tall apples in this nelghborbixal. Leo Mc(llynn, of Detroit, has re turuld home to Detroit after spending clout a week under the parental roof bete, Jas. Maize, who has leen spending a couple of months anlunget relatives at Siesttle, Washington, basks fine after his 1 rip to Uncle Ssni s d in. (;ARLOW. TONr.uAY, Sept :'}itis. \I isle Cura Tyndall cause home Sun- day after a two weeks' visit in Blyth. Mrs, It. 11, Young and daughter, isalrrl, returned from the \Vest this week. F. W. McDonagh went to Tor- onto last week to undergo a alight operation. Unite a number from around here are taking in the euuuty- town Ex- hibition tine week, Mew. W. (}. tlams%of_ieaf•e(•tt, w the guest of her sister. Mrs. Lautefl slayer. over Sunday. The funeral of the Tate Mrs. Finlay passed through here to Dungannon cemetery on 'Tuesday, Miss Keturrh Brown, of lioderieh, spent a few days lust week with her 1 a tot, Mee. Alex. Young. %Ire. A. Young has been very ill during the last week. We hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. Children's Day was observed last Sunday at Siiufth's Hill church. 'rip members must be losing interest in that day, se it few bouquets were the only church decorations. FALL SKiN DISEASES. An Article for Mothers. When the children "break out" with N.1116°101+ and skin diseases, so com- mon ih the fall. don't run to useleaa and nauseating medicines. Zam•Buk is what is needed. It is a skin food as well as a healing bairn. \Its, Chaa. Lever+. of Preecott. North Channel. OHL., tells bow %kw- Buk cured her baby. She bays baby's head and face was one complete mass of sores. The itching and irrita- tion were fearful. and the little one's plight was so fearful that at one time we feared her ears would be eaten off. "We had to keep her hands tied for day. to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores. Doctor after doctor treated her in vam, until we had five donors. They all agreed it', was a frightful case of eczema, but none of them did any p•nnanent good. "As a last resource we were advised to tory '/.ant•liuk. The first box did se mach gust that we felt stere we were at last working in the right direction. We p •rsever•ed wi th the treatment until we had used thirteen bore., and at the end of that time I ant glad to say %tm•Buk effected it eure." airs. Holmes, of :in tiuise street, Hamilton. 1/4 quite eloq.aent in her praises- She says:—"Zsan-liuk (-nerd my holy of boils and eruptions, when he was No had that he had been unable to naix with other children. Prior to the boils "breaking out he hal hal a bed erupthr, but %leu, -Bok cleared this away too. and made his skin clear and smooth: It is a wonderful prep- aration. and mothers throughout the hand should always keep it handy." For eczema. eruptions. rashes, tetter. itch, ringworm, and s' 'lar skin diseases. Zam•Bua is witLout equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scald+. piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blood -poisoning. sec. All druggists and stores at :at rents a fox, or post- free for price front Ztm-Bok Co., Toronto. KINGSBRIDGE, Tresr*ty. Sept. with. Rig speeding ',rowan' et Dungan- non fair next week. Mike Howler is able to ere around *nein after his accident. J. P. Sullivan and Charles McCarthy traded drivers this week. S 1111. Johnstone, cif Owen Sound. he visiting at Michael O'Connor's. We err glad to state that John J. Dern is aIle to be around rug/0). Miss Pauline O'Reilly stent Monday with NI me Pratt (lriRln, .rt Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. Jackman, of Dungan - 'non, visited at Kingsbridge on Sunday. TII•e 1114 '1ity of the people around here intent taking in the (helerich Fair. Morgan Dalton purchased is tine heavy-deangght colt from Murdoch J. McKay, of Lochalsh. last week. Joseph Dineen and James, Bowler soft) s, , valuable horse* last week. They deliver them in Clinton on Sep- tember 20th. Jerry Connor and Patrick shone are Inky drawing hay dor the r betty horses, Priddy W. int*tul, tee com- pare in the mile race at Ihtngann on the 8th of October. John C mnonl end Tom Sullivan traded horses last week. John got e teen, of workers and gave Toni a driven .. Teas -will split, the, wind and touch the high spots now, ko,.s TonK t 1)Rtll'. The Kan bridge egg egg roan had the flambe! un,• of having a collision on .1. E. Sullivan', bridge nn Wednesday evening lest- Ile was taking K load of egg" ton Kintail and was run Into by another vehicle with a he oiler load In it. Kegs todke sudden drtlp. Etretive, economical, pieeteent, Whet /here ran inn ask ? Devi,' Men thiol Serve 1,11111a these apeleifleetinn. And is the lest remedy for bites and "ting., akin diee*..a, MIP...tc. pet the u. and • loving wother. Five years later, early Wednesday morning, Sep- teulher let, Mr. M•rshullpassid.awey. and on Sunday wurniog, after au int pl•essive WtlWOrial +leveler/ in the chinch, sympathetic friends laid his irody to rest en Ball's cemetery. The only rel•ttivee present was hie eldest surviving wet George, of Yet kton, Sskatchrwau, hia other sons, Samuel and Jow• 111 being 0) Venrouver. B. C. -Coe KINTAIL. AN IVF: ARB OIVINO UP $TOOK• INC! uleies readgneule eluthheg, we will . stock ell entire .ck reg.M.- .J le00,4.prior:per suit. 1 pieces. i-.. ',Wins white lewd waists. regular 7:11• for ties. Itenuctnts at low prices F. A. J+:LLIS. Kiutall. OAR(;AIN WEEK. -Ot'TOHKRINT 1t Werth Wclu-Iva, K-sesove, roe. t for Y;t;.: raisin.. rycleanod by us. ( Ile fur 3sc.: McKim pie rriruth powder. r.gt.L r 2.40.. 2 for Y:e. ; elf 11104 linen crash towelling.13ir. . for tae,: Red Ettore ten. ear.. for 170. Prudueo'al highest price.. Deg nue of out premium curds. JKLLI.. Kintail, Kneel' alway* *ends a good mote sentatiun to Dungannon fair, and this year will be no exception. 1f the weather ie fine a large number from around here will go over to see the sights and hear the concert in the wetting. DUNGANNON. it A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK - ti NOW. --At home every day except Thur., A 11.., New reinedyfur exeracl Ina teeth tt+onmo thauwar -t nlettl and yy dge wink, ate. Aluminum plate. loon breaks. 1 N. 8 —You can al ways beer your work much better done 1n the dental °nice -more tin,.- better facilities r doing h A ons t ,e work. more com- e K abule for the aueaL TOTICE.—THE LOCAL AGENCY h1 Dungannon for The Signal b. at the Post- onlce Hook and Stationery ,tore, where orders will be received fur subscriptions ad• vertising and Job work. and weeny(' will be given for atpuuuts paid for the same. WHEN VISITING IIUNGANNON 1•htr o0 1, h Sud 1411i . ).4e:obe, don't for get to call at the Postoftta• and sero the ban gains in wall peter. Regular GSr. aro( :ale. 1.1)11 pap,•r.-tilling for 1'.• . regular 1s'.. 1a•„ 17,-. leg:. soiling for 12c.: "12c 1'A• , lac, selling for pr.: also alarge a'unntnein nt good tapers selling at 3u and roll •. a roll NI It VAX. Dungan nun. WRnNE..n.ty, Sept. Jltb. Mrs. \Valkomand Mks Gibson were in (ioderich yesterday., Edgar Bickle' (itdo:rich, visited friends here on Monday nil Monday last. Benton Cas-. Roswell Rutherford and Ed. Durnin left on Monday for Tornrrtn to pursue their et(Idies at-the University. We wish them all a suc- cessful year. Thos. Elliott moved on Monday in• to the inure he recently purchased from Willis Bell. Wm. Matthews moved yeaderday into the house vacated by Mr. Elliott and recently purchased from Mr. Reid. Tete DCNOANNON FAIR.—The Dun - Reunion Fair, the last and lest, will be held on Thersdsy and Friday of next week. The fair this year promises W be better than ever, which is saying a great deal. (lood exhibits, good races and te gond concert at night will slake it worth coming to seer and hear. The best talent that could bre procured has been engaged for the concert. Mee hills for full particular. Tile LeTI-: Mits. FINLA'c —The fun- eral of the Late Mrs. 'Phos. Finlay toot place to Dungannon cemetery yesIPI' Clay. Tlu' deceased was )4reruty-two years of age and was for about Ilfly years a resident of Ashllt•Id. For the past three years she had male her honer with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Long, of Colborne' township. front whirh place the funeral was held. She leaves a family of two sons and four daughters to mourn her lose The services at the house and at the grave were 0 lusted by "try. Wm. Rough, of Beunriller, and the pall. bearers were. John. H. R. and Benson Long, Anson Finlay, Thos. Blake and John Make. AUBURN. WepseruIAY, Sept. An11. The Hewer male quartette io worth going miles to hear. At Dungannon fair concert, Friday, October Sth. The trustees of union school No,:, have. engaged Miss I'rarl McPherson we principal in place of A. e'. Johns, who resigned some time ago. ANNIvKRNARY MplRvur1,.`4.—'I'be an- niversary service. held in the Auburn Methodist, church last Sunday and Monday were a derided anecees. On Snndav Rev. 1)t. Dougall, of (lolerieh, preached eloquent and inspiring ser mons to large and ,appreciative audi- ences, On Monday night Dr. Duugall gave na by far the best illustrated *pe- wee we have had the opportunity of attending. The startling .cenes of Roman and Jewish history in the tirne of our Saviour, the t.rageediPI of love and hate, the desert travels, the battle of the galleys, the chariot race, the scenes at the crucifixion of Christ. RA depietrd in ioew \Vallaee's great book, were thrown nn the rtn- vtts in large life -like colored pie•tu,es, while the lecturer gave in Hne rhetori- cal style a Cvnopeis of 'the took, re- peating verbatim many of the most thrilling ;massages, the presentation in this way of the chariot race alone being wotth the price eharged to hear the, lecture. Another very intPrent- Ing feature of the evening's enter- tainment was the beautiful dismaying views illustrating the songs, "Hook of Agee." "The Holy City" and "Abide with Me," The songs were sung in good voice by Milton Tyndall. OHIT*:env. -The late Samuel Mal '- Anil was born in Nuttinghatnahire, England, on Nay lah, 1171). As ,e young man he spent six years in Australia. After returning' to Eng Land lie was united in marriage to Jemima Dennis, of Kinolton, Nott.ing- han"hire, in the year /NCI. F'.ur cal, erpr* born to them. Mr. Mee - shall with lila wife and small rhillren ramp to Caned* in the peat. 1.ee17 And settled nn a ferns in Etre \Vaw.nn.h. I1P41r Auburn. Sortie eight year* let, r their ehles1 son, John Dennis Mot - shall, died at the age 111 twelve rare. ofttipht11,1 t. "Nle, 11ai-hall1vii.(".11. of Nue first etas,. leade•t•sef the Auburn Meth*Mtist church, a position he filled until hie d,.nth, having also been Sete day sehntl superintendent for A num- ber of yeses. He was very faithful in his attendance nn divine star vice and will lie grr.tly nlia4M1 by the men • hears of the rhnrr•h, Fatima( health forest hien to heave the farm in 111111, when he took up his residence in the village of Althorn. In the year 111)1 he guttered a great los, when death took from him at the ago of seventy- seven year. his godly. devoted wife. who had moved • faithful helpmate LOSING FLESH in summer can be prevented by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION It's as beneficial in summer as in winter. If you are weak and run down it will give you strength and build you up. 1-.4..t I. • 1 0.1•0014 01414 ,n water Cut a scall book now, A4 Ihvga4ts *-. E STANDARD Or THE JUORLf. THURSDAY, Met-rR14111,” Y), 1'1' '7' When You Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way Is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. W. sauna ... n.. •..• ' w. 4.0`81 u«►w 11t'? 5 ". o.�• yea w tsar awn., Witt.. the 1 -..ti. 110 ca,usupal.d, pol- 1 sonous substances are absorbed into the bloodinr,cad of beingda.ly removed from the body es nature intended. Knowing this dant • r, d,•ctors always inquire about the cool eel , f r':: t owels. Ayer's Pitts. -Y.4. , '14.4. O. Ayer C..- I.*M1,M . - Don't'abuse the rich; ee can ell to paupers. i I: \•Ol' Real Economy if you care to -shop -where your dollar- reaches farthest don't fail to go to McLean Bros,', where they carry the best liner: of Clothing, Furnish'ngs, Hats and Caps, 'Tailoring, :old every- thing for gentlemen except the boots, at the very closest prices for good goods. McLean Bros. -('afloring OWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF 01 LED CLOTH ING v.... give you full \'clue kr every dollar spent r.5d lt.72 you dry in the w .test weather. FEIN GARHENT Cllr-RitNTEED ./.917_9 , ,,Gtr emmomemememeeis • LAI r CJ,t71A1101L0 [taftust Cul-Iralosolag.faa_ THE BEST SCHOOL r CE??NTilAL G//.f l STRATFOIsf), ONT. The hest lime to Vnt. i' nor 01aenes is now. We are I canning the largest rand. we. believe, the here business ttaining school in Western Ontario, Three rlepar•tmetes : COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. lie•` ,t money Inakin edu,•ation• Our graduates are in demand anal ere meeting with a11CCPNe, tint our free cat -theme how. Et -career & MCLecetaN, ['rine' pets. A Man in the Type "6 ' Class In (fur book showi "What Melt Wear " ':' ,Low ltttyles dosignod especially for Tall Mon who weigh from 14O to 240 pounds. ; the physiology o' Mankind developed certain facts and factors, and the wholesale tailoring system known as "Semi.rea(ly'" was developed to its present per- fect form. Everysize and type of man ie provided for, and ('very coat la made to fit n certain man Just as though he haul taken his coat off W bo measured. i. E A N BROS. LONDON. ONi ARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalog.... Fr_ - It M=r 1 ..t.. Grain Wanted 1 ant prepared to buy all kinds of grain at McGaw on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week dntinR-'-- the sewed. Highest market. price paid rand full weight guaranteed. J. N. KERNIGIIAN, Benmiller. (lents' Furnishings. Autumn Term feom August :slth in all dapart- ueente of the Central Business College Vonge and Gerrard Ste,. Toronto. t'.al,.h,gue mailed free on t•e•,luest. i1F--{fr-$HAW, Principal. ELL OT7' ‘ ' TORONTO. ONT. '1' limo -and Alexander `els. A high -r +, hoed. Muter: ny time, rlrartnar,e• readily Ks? poeltIon.. WIf*, today for Handsouen talagele, FALL SHOES The time alas conte for you to buy your Fall Shoes. Here is the place to fit yourself to' pair that will suit you for Style, Fit and Durability. Our prices Are right ; satisfaction guaranteed. FOR FARMERS ,' special invitation to farmers \ to give us a call during Fair Hilus. We have some excellent agues to show in serviceable s id leather working , boots. We ham* Granby Robbed',. G� • THE, SQU412E . M. Elliott = (IODERICN 1 1 °SPECIAL!° " Granite ware II that looks like china, has for durability i( fur superior to china. The price at present is-33,\per ent. off regular prices.11 ,- GASOLINE AND COAL OIL STOVES AT COSI' REFRIGERATORS AT COST 0 0 0 StO Vf 5 The Happy Thought Range still leads the market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens, easy to regulate. It is the heaviest and most durable range on the market today. - It. is- in - a class by itself. We have several other stoves and ranges that are equal to other makes, ranging in price from $25.00 up. Cail and see par full line and judge for yourself. Q FRESH PORTLAND CEMENT Al.1VA1 S IN 81(1('K Now is the time to do your Fall painting. We have a full line of colors of Sherwin-Williams Paint, also white lead and oils; Roofing We are agents.rocthe famous Regal Roofing, manufactured by H. W. Johns - Manville Co. This roof is fully guaranteed. For Eaveatroaghing, Tinsmithing, flaunting and Heat mg we tai, givo you prompt attention. and all work fully go or"nt•ed. Seen 'Phase se Nome Time its CHAS. C LEE I0, 000 Over one thousand students P.enrolled by out chain last E"s year. It pays to attend a ..i link of this great chain, for "IN UNION TH RRR 14 lTItRN(1TH." O' The demand for our rad - nates is THREE TIMES the supply. O Other 'reboots engage our 'r; W graduates no teachers. A spacial course for teachers. 0 Graduates of Igo year•` lige are flow earning $2.IMI(1 per J ea O annum. courses — STF.N,MIHII'HYan V r 1Tk and l0IK4Pill% = Fill Teta Open Aug. 31. 1•"' \Veit,. for pnrtirulaa's, OODERICII BUSINESS COLLEGE ONO. seorroN, I'RIN. A Man in the Type "6 ' Class In (fur book showi "What Melt Wear " ':' ,Low ltttyles dosignod especially for Tall Mon who weigh from 14O to 240 pounds. ; the physiology o' Mankind developed certain facts and factors, and the wholesale tailoring system known as "Semi.rea(ly'" was developed to its present per- fect form. Everysize and type of man ie provided for, and ('very coat la made to fit n certain man Just as though he haul taken his coat off W bo measured. i. E A N BROS. LONDON. ONi ARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalog.... Fr_ - It M=r 1 ..t.. Grain Wanted 1 ant prepared to buy all kinds of grain at McGaw on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week dntinR-'-- the sewed. Highest market. price paid rand full weight guaranteed. J. N. KERNIGIIAN, Benmiller. (lents' Furnishings. Autumn Term feom August :slth in all dapart- ueente of the Central Business College Vonge and Gerrard Ste,. Toronto. t'.al,.h,gue mailed free on t•e•,luest. i1F--{fr-$HAW, Principal. ELL OT7' ‘ ' TORONTO. ONT. '1' limo -and Alexander `els. A high -r +, hoed. Muter: ny time, rlrartnar,e• readily Ks? poeltIon.. WIf*, today for Handsouen talagele, FALL SHOES The time alas conte for you to buy your Fall Shoes. Here is the place to fit yourself to' pair that will suit you for Style, Fit and Durability. Our prices Are right ; satisfaction guaranteed. FOR FARMERS ,' special invitation to farmers \ to give us a call during Fair Hilus. We have some excellent agues to show in serviceable s id leather working , boots. We ham* Granby Robbed',. G� • THE, SQU412E . M. Elliott = (IODERICN 1 1 °SPECIAL!° " Granite ware II that looks like china, has for durability i( fur superior to china. The price at present is-33,\per ent. off regular prices.11 ,- GASOLINE AND COAL OIL STOVES AT COSI' REFRIGERATORS AT COST 0 0 0 StO Vf 5 The Happy Thought Range still leads the market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens, easy to regulate. It is the heaviest and most durable range on the market today. - It. is- in - a class by itself. We have several other stoves and ranges that are equal to other makes, ranging in price from $25.00 up. Cail and see par full line and judge for yourself. Q FRESH PORTLAND CEMENT Al.1VA1 S IN 81(1('K Now is the time to do your Fall painting. We have a full line of colors of Sherwin-Williams Paint, also white lead and oils; Roofing We are agents.rocthe famous Regal Roofing, manufactured by H. W. Johns - Manville Co. This roof is fully guaranteed. For Eaveatroaghing, Tinsmithing, flaunting and Heat mg we tai, givo you prompt attention. and all work fully go or"nt•ed. Seen 'Phase se Nome Time its CHAS. C LEE