HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-30, Page 5The Barrier it wait Barren's turn; thaw to fall In- cobeceut, and not wily did Ms sp4e. ch forsake Wm, but his thoughts weut madly veering off tato a wilderness where there was no troll, 5w light, no Rupe. Wbat frightful busses were three he bared? Ttds mat" was Bru- netti TlL3 was Netda'a father! lie raised a pair of eyes that bad become turnouts and bloodshot and suridruly r1•:razel that the ruau before Wm, who pensioned in saddling upon Utile Gila heaoue crime, war tete stayer of Ne - .la's tuother, for be did not doubt .;ale's story for an blatant. lir found his lingers writhing to fes 1 the erea- • tures throat. -"Proof!" Stark was grewflvg, -}law much proof do you need? I've fol- lowed hien for ffteeu years. I've tracked film with men and dugs through woods root deserts and rnlnlrlg r:nalp... I've slept on his trail for fk(4) miles. and now do you think I'm ate ktded my vette, I say: of sty little girl: That's tum bonne. Theta ber he calls tilw'm wy girl- wy girl, du you s90erseandT-- and I'll have Ida Ilfe." fimot4l hod nu Inkling yet of the Anther's well shaped plans nor buw Ottrresetting they were and conal barr- 11S 'But Tun- yuu know?' ' 'Yea! She wears the evklenee sound fur reek, and if that Isn't awash 1 can furnish inure -re lietice anomie, to 'another you. sty' nail!! ash.t !wart at *1t. I changed .it year* ago for .-ertaln moonlit. I've eh/tutted J► more that once, but that's urn priv• jftrs s and wy awn affair. lier moue 14, 0aerridy Sennett." • dolt saw.. you know 1 w go - Ana to marry her?" Yid the Keutusk- Mat irrelevantly. "Nu" replied the. other; "1 wasn't aware e t tn. fa, t " "Vice 1 am. I'll be your son-in- law " "7bevsrs a lot of things, Burrell, for yea and roe to settle up Orin. For one mitt)(, 1 want those mines of berm. I'm her father, acrd she's nut of age. 1'11 take taem asy'way as her nest of tem." Harrell did not fullow•up thls state - mut for Its truth wasrineonlrovenl- alG so he continued: 'Well adjust that after tally l at• llimded to. But nlealrw Idle w hat do gue want me to do?" 1 wast you to arrest the wan who dined my wife It you don't take him 4 miner+ will I've got a following O til .amp. and 1'11 raise n crowd In lRren minutes--enuugh to hang this squaw man or batter down y'uur'bar- grks to get hint. But I don't want to go thati want to go by the law Js3tlk talked au much about. 1 want you to do the t rk•k." At last Burrell haw the gambler's deviltry. Iis knew Stark's reputation too well to think that be feared n emoting with (:ale. Stark had plan- ned his eettiement coldly arab with de- liberate malice. Morcove.r, he was saiU1 e0"u;th to stand aside and 1,•t 'rotate take his place and thus deny ,a0 pear the final recourse of n bunted beset. the deeperute sathrfee'tion that the trader craved. He tied bis ene- my's hands end delivered him up with tam thtrat uurstlsfled-t4) whom? Ile Asst a weapon Into the bast of his Mbar enemy and bade this ether ,•uc- Mq use It -worse than that, forced iAA to strike the man he honored. the than Ile loved, Borrel) never doubted that Stark bad can'fully weighed the effect of this upon Ns'c(a Mid had reasoned that n girl like her dadd not uadersinnd a soldiers duty *It meant the blood of a parent. if Se 'refired to net the gambler could W eak him. while every effort he made m Protect dale would but lncreatw'the ether's satisfaction. There was 4)o -P es chane of the trader:a cape-Lirk_ read blm l4) his hand. Wal it Hittite - BMW, the lieutenant wondered, to snare thin man from his purpose? Tawe you thought of Nesta? She lbws (}ale. What effect will the have linsberr 7} is hart She's more his brat than w ane / wast John Gaylord!" AM this a vicious frenzy overtook ilasse 1, and be thought of the man be. Sind ponder doer, whom he had for- d/Mimi SUB, ashy not? 'Pierce two teen had AMMO each other i•Iear lots' Ale farther pieces, driven by fomes Oat were older than the hills. Who rite be to stand between such pat - Mow? 1b' gambler's words rang In bis ears on want John Gaylord" and be Awe he knew what hr was doing he hed Raswered• "Very well; 111 Kite hlul an yrru," and crossed ,ln(ekly to the tour M Ida hedr.slm 0041 flung It olew tam the threshold he panned *toclutill. Thv Place was empty. A draft ducted rmr'ough the open window, flirting with IMp curtain" and telling the story of tit• cadet's e� '7f padre looking for your cont. It's blur 1* ieard Start say. "flet into (t, and wen go for him ' 'Phe llrotenant'a rntod was working 1Sst'e'arsltllgb now, M fill ronselen1e, and bo east with CIMr and fateful eyes Whillther be wee being lest, at which a 'Adtsen na•k1es$ dlert•glnl ver "5"44. Menem asyssd him. ile felt n blind 1'y at tiding polled and hauled and snivel bythin t're.atohme and 01an nn- - t anger at Gale's .(jefeet`on. hat St was the Omagh* of Nsrla 454)1 the horrible net of eviLbn which this rest' Isd esatnarvd them both that I4e0r+s1 him mart. Ile determined to Heidi thea thine hero And now. las'aelr went to )ds' bureau, took hie mineser from the telt where be had tnaa >t std ramie out intn the other hrarl. Mark, ambit tie weapon, ex- �Itefl: "ifs! diesl newel that. He won't re• eta[ P1)¢• Tie dsoeiMi am to take hem," sand Pkerrot- ryh's'Mrd not to take Muir sbosie I Sts other. "Beer you wailko lefa 2. Rex Beach COPIA t r1T,19Qa,BY rIARPER.A OROThERS Don't you intend to ars (but want' "Nu!" cried the soldier. "I've lis- tened to your Hew long enough. Nuw I'm gulag to atup them 4)1)40 for p11. You're (Vu dangerous to have arunuti." They fares' emit other silently a mo- ment; tbeu Stark spoke In a very quiet volae, though his eyes were glittering. "What's the meaning of fhb? Are you crazy''." "Gale was here iwt before you cable and told w•' who killed your wife. 1 know." "Well?" "It's pretty. late. •Tbia place Is lonely. Thio Is the slwpleat way." The gambler fell to studying fib am tatpmist and when' he did nut speak Barrett coot totted : "t'ome, brace up! I'm giving you 'a chrism." But Stark shook his bead. "Don't be afraid," Inslisted the lieu- tenant • Ihere are no witnesses. 1l yuu get flu,, nalssI • will know, and your ward 1s go d. If , it's much simpler than tits ether." Ica when the gambler still mole nu uw5 be In- sisted. "Ten wouldn't hate i ' kUl yuu like n rattlesnake:•" "You rouldu'l." 4.114 the: older "You're not that .hind, and I'm not the thud to be 4114.11.41 either. Listen. I've lived over' forty' 'ram vied f never took lista than was Bowl g -to me. 1 won't begin IotJght " " 'uiY11 get 1•utlr'shire." "Retie You don't kuo'w what 1 wean. I don't want you. It's hien I'm atter, and whell I'ulatutle W1,16 14111 1'1,1 -take carr of you. hu! `r won't run any rig!: 114111 uuw•. 1'1111 nUtthl 11511 me away, there'[ titer 1111} I1Jt 1 wof't let you or any 4)ilw•r Ulan --..r WoI aln ei- ther, not evil imy girl-- tont ine out Alf 4. ak..l'ut uII your gnu." • The soldier hesitated, then did as he watt bidden, for this ,man knew hien heeler r than led knew Iiiws.'l,f. - "1 osi}Ibt to treat you like a toad dog. but 1 t•uu't do it while your bands are 4)11.' }'4)l geeing to light fur John Gale. however,'anI ).;ot elm'[ take him" "I'll hate 111.4 carcass hong to my ridgepole before daylight." - Stark turned to go, but patois] at the door. "And you think you'll Wor- ry Sects. do you?" , "1 know It." "Is that so? Snptaase yon find her first," "\%'h:it do gull wean? Walt" - Rut his visitor was gone, leaving be• hind hill a lover already sorely vexed and now harassed by a new and sud- den ,ampnehen«ion. What venom the 11).111 dirtlIlsl: Could It Ie that he had sent Needs away?' ' $t;srk trneed Illy .way back to tris cabin ht a wilt times fiercer wad than Ise find clone, willing, (liming,bntlnc. stark past the dark trading post he went, pamsh)g to shale his 4hitched fist and grind nut 'nn oath letwes'u Ills teeth: haat the dear of Isis own Saloon, which was plight and w-hem•e creme Ilie. .011 lot of revelry, through theScOt- ter,sl houses, where be went more by feel than by sight. up to the door of 1114 own shock. lIe clotted the door behind J►lw sum; and.luoked It. for he had 'tome (oinking to do, then felt through his pockets for a watch, and. striking It. bent over his Inmp to ad - Just' the wick. it flared tip steady and atron:; at last, Muslims the narrow pla.e with Its Illumination. Then be straightened up and turned toward the lied to throw offhis coat, when 'suddenly every tumuli! of his body leaped with an Unlit rullable elalsm, as if be had uncovered 9 deadly set pent (lolled :4).d ready to spring. John Cale Mlle sltlInn-111 itis tatty, barely an erne!, length assay. 111'. gray bile eyes lilted altos born nod the deep seams of h s heavy Pave set ns If graven In stone. His huge, knotted hands were upon the table, and be- tween them lay a naked knife. CHAPTER NV1. Jolts (arra nut'll4-.`_ _- - T was n heathenish time el night to nrsuse the girl, thought Burrell ata be loth the barracks, but he must allay these fears that were besetting blw: be must see Necla at untie. The Ihw, drlf(Ing clouds ob- scured what star glow there was l4) the -heavens, dad be "stopped back to light n lantern. A few moments Inter be stood above the squaw, who crouches' on the trad- efsi doorstep. wailhtg her death song itlro the niglft "What's wrong? Where la Ne;tla? Where Is (he?" he demended and at last seized her roughly, facing her t0 • (he ((g411, but Ahluna only blinked ow1- Ishly at Nu lantern and shook her head. "(lune away," she finally informed hhn and began to weave again In her despair, but he held her fiercely. "Where has she gone? when did she ;tur fie shook her to quicken her re - 1.1r, "I don't know; 1 don't know. Long time elle'. gone now.' She trailed off into Indian words be could n.4 emit - prebend. s1) he misled Inst her Into Me house to see for hlutselt and w'It1- ont knocking flung Ned CS door open 01111 "dipped Into her e;llnntbet. Before he had swept the unfatnillar room with his eyes he knew that eho hnd. Indeed gone, and gone hurriedly, for the signs of disorder betrayed a reckless haste. "When !ltd ahe go, A-Rnunl For Godtes sok?; YplJgt-fffnl.g thle 41104et4e" be ivied. "I don't know. She come and ahe go, anti 1 dote see her; mebbe three, four hour ago." "Where's (tale? He'll know. }fe's groes after her, eh?" Th. upward glow of the lantern h.¢h(ennd tits ynnna man's pallor, and I again the meow broke Into her sad le ment. "John no* he's serve away with the 1 knife of my father. 1 em afraid; I am aMM." f "Mid be runes hack herr lust newt 'No. hie vest to the jail house, and THE SIGNAL : GODERiCII. ONTARIO he would nut let we follow. lie sou 'some latch uo Inure". This was' confusing, and Meade cried augrily: • "Why didn't you give ,the alarm? Why didn't you collie to Ute Instead ti yelling your lungs out around the house?" "Ile told rte to wait," she said aIw- ply• t,4) find 1'uleou, quick:" "Ile told we 10 wall," she repeated stoically, mid Burrell knew 6e w'a' Jwwerletts to lute her. He waw• the lump' of a great terror In the Wumali's face. The night suddenly-Le4'arite heavy with the hint of rush's►alae things, and he grew fearful, -weal,", t lug now that Gale had told him 1 /r It part of his story, that all the lin ! , knew- Stark's identity and that t • quarry Was at 1wnd, ready for tb • ' or. If not, he had learned e•u.ae•44 ' 11tsbding behind Gist par'llh,n supposed, of COUrsc; )OU knew-" "Knew?" Gale's free allowed eulu' Gun fur the first time. "Knew watt?' III* hands were quivering slightly. "She killed herself." "Mu help you God'!" "Su help hue Gott!" There taus a lung pause. "Why? "Hay, It's that of foully our staled ung here talking about that Ihlug, fan'[ Il? Well, if pull WutI( to kuow, 1 came bulne Burly that right. 1 guess you hadn't been goue two hours. And the y twarprlae did It more Mau anvthiug etre, 1 supp,ae. She hadn't prepared a glory. l gut sueplclou*, hawed you at rpudom anti hit the hall un the :1).144 Gale'II face wait like chalk, and hie (4)1.14 sounded 111111 and dry UV tie Pali! "Von beat her; that's tvhy she did 11." F' Usk nettle nu answer V.414 Let IM(w1-•-. Where -_was _-`r.-•ill+ What lest did She play l4) this? - lie (:ace up tryiug to tbldk' and red fur Stark's salon. reasoning that w lure rue 4.445 the other what be near, anti (here would surely he some w'urd of Neela. Ile burst tbruugb the dour. A qui. k glace e over the place showed 11 .11114y of those he sought; but, spying Voh'on Ferret, he drugged -blur eatable, inqutling breathlessly: "Dave you seen Gale?" (lave you seen Lark' Ma be been 11ea11 7 "Yrs: watt hour, webbe two, hour ego. \\"y? W'at for you ask'f" • '"l'ien's the droll to pay. Those two have come together, and Neela is ebbe." "•Neel.l gone!" the Canadian Jerked out. "W'at y'uu mean by dal? Were ,•he's !Cwt. (o?" 1 don't know. Nobody knows (leaven! I'm shaking like a leaf." "itah! She's feel purty bad. She's go out by her:W.f. hut's all right," "1 tell you 5a'mrdhhlg has happened to her: There's h -I to pay! 1 found her clothes :It the house turn to rib - bulls and 1)11 muddy and wet." Ibkuu e;rlid out at this, "We've mit to find her and Cale, and we haven't a Minute to lose." "Were have you look?" ".f've been to the bowie, but Alluna la crazy and ways Gale has gone to Lill Stark, as neer as 1 ran make out. Muth of them Were at my quarters tonight, :Ind i'll afraid the squaw is right." "Rut were Iv Nosier "WP don't know. IIay'be Stark has gent 1:er." The Frenchman curried horribly. '"Gate you try hers) (shone?" \\'Ithent anwwer the Frenchman darted away, and the lieutenant (ped after hitt through the deserted .rows of log houssw. Itlrrell gripped him companion's arm with fingers of (reel and together they crept up to the door. But eve' iyefure they had gained it they heard a voice within. it was Stark's, The wills of the hoose were of moa( chinked log(' that dendenNt every w'urd, but the door itself was of talo whipsawed pine boards with ample rra.l:* 0, 1op1 ens} bottom, and they heard plainly. j The lieutenant leaned forward, then' with difficulty anwth- errd an exclamation, for he heard an. other volee now-- the voice of John 44:11.' The words rant.' to hint muf- f1esL but distinct, and he raised his hand to knock when *uddeuly'he seised i'ulesuti hisoilug Into hl( ear: "Listen! For Gist's sake, listen;" For the first Ilme 111 (4445 tempestuuua life Ren Stark- lost the Iron composure that had wade his tame n byword in the west. and at sight of lila bitterest cneuly seated lu the dark of bis own h.use walling for him he became nn ineery, nervoMsr trlgktalted uvea -_11 - was the utter unexpectedness of nig tiling that shook- him, and before he could regain trim balance Gale spoke: "•i't•e come to settle, Bennett" "What her you dohlg here?' "the gambler stawtilefed. "I was up at the auldier's place just now and heard you. 1 didn't want any Interruptions, so I came here where %ye ran be alone." Ile paused and when Stark made no answer con. Untied: "Well, let's get at It." But still the other made no wove, "You've had all. the Best of It for twenty ycarea Gale went on in bis level voice,' •but tonight I get even. I've e Iirrs1 for tithe!" "That suet in Lee's enbin??" recalled Mark. with the light of new under- standing. "You knew me then?" "Yee" Stark took a deep breath. "Wbat a d d fool I've been!" "'t'uur devil's magic mated you that Ilene, but It won't Mop this." The trader rose slowly, with the knife in hila hand. , "You'll hang for this!" sold the gate - Mer pnsteadlfy, at which Gale's face (411zes4. "fiat" exclaimed the trader ezulting• Iy. "You can feel It in yon already, eh?' With an effort Stark began to / msem We his wits as the trader continued: "Ynu saddled your dirty work on me, Ren Stark, and i'se carried It for fif- teen years, but tonicht I put You out the way you put her outs An eye for 1414 are!" "1 didn't k111 her;" maid the man. "So? The yellow is showing up nt last. i knew yon were a coward, but 1 didn't think you'd be afraid to own It to yonrmelf." "Look here," geld Stark curiously, "do 700 [rally think 1 klllnl Merrldy?" "[•know It, A man who woald atrlq a woman won* kill her -If he had t^i1 nerve." Start had new Metered himself and Maned. "Sty bate warted better than 1 thought. Well, well, that made It hard for you, didn't 1t7" he crackled. "j ..a1• arae "The papers saki the room showed r struggle." wheu the other stilt kept quirt Gale billeted: • "Iiidu't yuu?" At this Stark domed up dsfivautly, "Weil, J guess i had Cause enough. Nu wonutu except her was ever untrue to we -wife or sweetheart." "Yuu didn't really luluk"-- "T41nk b I: l thought so thou, and 1 think so uuw. She Mottled 1t but"- -.WI you knew her so well tau. I guess you've had *awe bad bights yourself, Beunelt, with that always on your mind" - "1 swore I'd have"-' - "awl so you put her blood 'tin wy Li•ad and laud.• Inc ail 6UTATrf" After 044 instant, '•Why did yell tell me this. anyhow?" "It's our last talk, bud 1 wanted yuu to Lwow buw ,well tuy bate worked." ''Well, I guess that's all." said Hr fur they had watched 449411 other wit h unwavering, unblinking eyes, JJts blade flickered in the tight. straining at the leash and taut in every nerve. Now, however, the trader's fingers tightened on the knife handle, and his knuckles whitened with the grip, at which Stark's right hand swept to his waist, and .Imultaneous- ly (;ale lunged across the table. lits blade tuckered la the light, and a gun spoke --once, twice, again and again. A cry arose outalde the cabin; then some heavy thing crashed in through the door,' bringing light with it, for with him first leap Gale had carried the lamp and the table with him, and the two had clinched In the dark. To le continued The sl trat man is more to be feared than thti garrulous chap, MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool and Chicagd Wheat Futures Close siigher-Live Stock- Latest Quotations. ' Monday evening. Sep(. :7. Liverpool wheat futures closed to -day Unchanged to '401 higher than Saturday; conn futures '.J higher. Chicago September wheat c4used IiiC, higher than Saturday. (eptewnb'•r corn gym higher, :., d .teats 1'fi' higher Winnipeg Options. Wheat--(k'tutrtr 914 •yc' December 92',14•, May ale,. (lata -October 3•2t,,-, December 31V.r. Toronto Grain Market. Wbdp fail, bush it 01 to ft A whoa et,, red, bush 100 .... }Wxham 'ketone, bush 0 96 Ra. bushel Buckwheat. bushel 0 70 0 7S Harley, botetl u :,g u 60 Peas, bushel 0 90 ..., , Oats, b,r.le•I'.. .. (4 e'. 044 Toronto Dairy Market. Rutter, separator, .dairy, Ib. ,1 23 0 A butter; store loll :, .. 0 13 0 19 Butter, creamery, lb rolls025 ..., Butter, creamery. solidi,0 N.. Cheese, new, Ib. ., 0 13 01151 eggs, case luta, dozen �.,074 -,.. Money, extracted ' Q 10 Honey, comb. dozen IS 3 00 New York Dairy Ma NF,W YORK, Sept. 27 -Butte --firm, receipts, 3767; ,r'140l#rr, extra, 705• thtr) to nest,-:rr to lkc pruc•eas. Se• h re; writterw- factors. -:Moo 10 (reamer', ;v(- to Cheese -Stead%, r.cetpts,-f 5 •tate, fu,I Cream, .pesrl t44.th• to tt7,{,c•• do., hare'). 1441,1 do. . ea, to al to gaol. Il%c to 14p. 519114)4,, 7s• to '13.• F,grs--Rory•:. reeetpts, 5t;o2; state, Peno• sylvanla and nearby, hen eery, white. fancy. We to Se. gathered, white, :4, to IV; browfl, :wittier.. farcy. :Pc t„ 430; gathered, brown. _(A to 10. w,setern extra first. S ie- to 26.0r first, 344, to Sc, CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady --United States Mar- kets Fer Hoes Slow and Lower. LVNUUN, set' Londen, cables for rattle at, (41•. ..1 Lit, I., 115,, p1' th for 5 saadian ', , dressed weight, re• frlgeral or beet quoted at I)'ac to I1,hc' per Ib. Toronto ,isnctlon Live Stock. Tt1HUNT°. `"Vt. 27. - Receipts o: ljv'• slos'k at 11. friars Stork Yard. - were fkl carton I-. e•otsaisting • of (4)70 rattle, 2,4 hog-, :ski she•e•J' ati l It ralveh. Exporters. One loud of set-. hat steers, 3544 lbs, each, told at P'.Y, per ell. These were brought In 1'y S !.. illnap and add by 1t Iutehers, (posse to rhnh e 4 up here were /carr!, and geld at SP 1.1(1 Weep R. week age, but the ensinnot, h. medius, were a little easl.r. Prime p4 k',) Iota, V,.0 to 4410. loads of good, ' , 1. 1 , mrstlum. 44.50 to N a., ,•omni.,,.. 11 1.. t1:, , 'own. 12.7. ts. 11.23. Milkers and Springers. A limited !oleoer of milkers and springer• sold at 114 to fr nub There were no high-pr1 "1 milkers on tile. Veal Calves. flere1/4s light; orient firm, et 4? to PIK pet cwt. Sheep and La'rbs. Nr+1Hs1 an sheep erl I4mbg. woe eta NM, lRlrea were q e'lel ad' „514, •14444' Swss reed hi 04.110 t" 14 per ell.; re.r O 0 d d's are the only medicine that Kidn will cure Dia- eyhetes �ke Bright's Mia - MM thin di.� ease was in- Pills tPIlls cured IL Doctors Dodd.: odd i uKidaey Pi1M themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pill they ere powerless against Dia• hetes. Dodd's }Gdney Pills ars the first medicine 111145 ecured Dubetes- 1 nutatioverns -hoz, aaaie stat pill, arc advertised to du so, but the utedicias deal (o4) labotes is 1)odJ's Kidner Pitts. lludJ'. K,Juey Pitt & e fifty cents a baa at all drugs -was. L3_lu to 44 pen .wt.; lambs, *4, to 554. per 551 Hogs. YYket master dealers quoting 16.Z 1•w 104.1., fed and watered. and -11 1 o b ears at .vultr7 pet1la. Montreal Live Stock. IrUNTK1, AL�, Sept.:- -A( the iduutreui Stork Yards eat end Market, the le- elyta'uf 5 1rr'554, rFd'_.1f0-, s3ucktattl!•the lr�" fur ww•k rn,ilna rpl. S '-ltihrrl••'wu7 WILL*, 14,4, hug* unat o4) 5.114vrs. volute the offerings this 111'0r101es rons1lstr.t of 1:77,. cultlr, lltg, $l .'e4 141,41 Iau,bs. '(W nulls 11110 Wr calves: • (Jaime to the (outlawd llby%'1'aa supplies of cattle cvulug,furwurd, p 5.41 (4 .r, tome- s bat 11) mesas of Ihr' requlrc4ue1ts of ties triad., and the fact that a lu4'5e per• ueatare 4)l U,rn, are toult1luu and V11'4.V11'4.14,41'r. gra11lw, ata 141144) teeth) SvmUnuee to P'• 'vsll 11) Un• lnarkrt, and yrhroa b1�5. d11w'11waret �llid1Pr) uafawl.ble. Sud, ax b0)• TM n, ,Pottle C1114.13111)114 amplr•auppli.•s 4.1 b",•t „11'11.•e� U fur a few days. the :'lleecdarl.r was rath- er amen, and Ir, reanwitaWu'r trade wit. slower than we -••I •'44»' 515%., ... froth Liverpool this -uhlg reported truJr W aside vey slaw :,l,d m•t,d a further dr - priers ,,l yp• P,. llt,' 1»•r Ib as oouipared with 11:4x. of it we' -k a><' . ron- aequeull) there *:,s no drr11h.ud ;ram 'r1 - porters herr. 411,.1 1144i- l., 41,4, 1 r4p,-et was dull A fewart) I 1 .4,-r: saki at. GIFu..but the htitk of -Ili.' t 4 4 1 a1114 dour a tolov at ii :V t $4. g....11 ft To to Ii 7:, fair at >N t„ 31.:5: lu 33.73: surd tax at /3 to N. 1 •r SLAY wi,44 mod -s nl,erlt - sal 37 5, 4- v, - lent IDs A weaker feeling developed In if, mar- ket fur toga, and purrs •einee (nth day week stow a further Jr. l,,l.• .•l L,. ter 1111) Its.-, . lot with.tuuditgt ' the fact • that supplies were much s,nuller, hnt,as paek- ers were fairly supplied. the demand ws. nut so keen as It I:.,a b'« n .,f I:.te, and sales 7. ,'oflaee7Wnlw wrr,• 04)4)''1' slaw', and the market quieter. rieleetrd hos sold wt la.u) 1.. 35 per lou 14.. weigh l ulf ,-aryl. Cable 'advices trent i11 the )eluting mar- kets w5 ereasi ee-,itmott-,..a.te dull.. and toted a further dedltle In ',rives of :Y tee to per cwt. Thr market fur.•sheep_.and tun.hs ,on- Uaues weak. and pt.." a slit... • farther deallue of tic to '7.• Iver ;b. nine.' this day week. At this reductloa,. however, the droland was gruel from bath lural and. Atner'kal. buyers, Lad. as actt,ve. trade was dune, several . arluuds beim:. taken - for lb,- latter ,,-''runt. )4l...•p kohl •1 Vac - And Iambs at e4.,- 111 "4.14 per IL Valves were scarce. for which the drm,tud was goer, and salve w..r, th:'d. at priers rang - lag frond 4 1" 3I:. • a, n. as to 1.17.11 11114 uuAt 1(alltYQ e'anadl4n Paetfl' 114. ploek mar- ket thy 1 rnsrlptu tier tl,.' week 1 ndlug Sept. .e [were 4514 .:.45:Y fur ('•hurt 11c- ,-uunt :old IYu 41,111, .1,. e{{, and lambs. 91ki hugs and 4,1 "aI\'e'r, .1114,• Ih. offer - lugs for sal. . 4i rhe Inas n, t to -410) (Vt- 1,-t0te.1 4)t 74), ..51(4, h;. >h. '•p mid Juinbs, I$, bug" East Buffalo Cattle Market. k:A4r 1)t' F't'.s1.• ' ti' -pt 2;. -Cattle _Ite- .r4pta, Said^Real. a.•li%r :4)W fur W 16, higher; prim" sterns, lt4',,.tu 37; shipping. 65.115 to 36.55; bulvhrt s', $4.7i to *450. heifers, 33.45 to 46 (4, rows, $: to 15: bulb, 43 to 84.10, nut -kers un,tates'ders. U.60 to 1.4e65; stock heifers, $9.25 to 33.14., fresh cows and .,prlu5ers ate^rdy, Hurts-Ite.•elt,ts, 14.4,4(1 I.e•u.r; slow: 4145 705• to 1&• It,w"r. others • slrad, , )1rnvy, q.d 1, 41443 n.ix,•d. 4.111 to 3s.7k y..rke1s, 17.35 W f 50; hIgs. 4571,-iG ib.- settee. $i 144 W 17.60. stags. 11 to ;16.76: dairies and gras3440', is to Sheet' a(ui 1.,"nbs 1:,•i'e i:`7 -, 74,94, head; active, sheep sl,dy . laud," la higher; lambs, $5 to 47 Cu. 7..arIo,;' *Lein to C. W, w el hers, V. to 41 It. "tar+ tl 47, to 14.75; ■hrrp. colied, 3': 5, 44;,.4 1'..nnd:a IuU%tN. 3.Z W $1.41. Chkago Live Stock. CHICAIIUI, Sept. :: cater- I(eeelpt. eetlrrtated.' 7,4,4.0; r,,ark,•1 fin' low,'.. al.' - *Liu w 1111.40. ,-utas, ttl.uu t,• 44, s,. heir• o 13.W to 114; bulls, t3 to 9911:.: 'ala'.• ! A; atoet�[cer, uud,fe.,ters, s't 77, t.- t Hogs-tteeeipts s'stnnaUd ,.t :Ido - ket ilk' luwrr. ,q., d, ,• ,1.757,-('.9d ' e Lutchere, 3e.::. to 3% 1'. 11541 m t 1 . to 13.50. chola. light. is to 1., R w, ung. Ik 10 to a's, pigs. (4 1" i;, hulk cif sales. $4 20 ).d Sheep and harsh"- 11,. opts; 0s(imnted at 7.,344, market plc 1,, Ile low,•r, sheep, H Z to V. 0. lamb.. It 1.1 3., yrarllage. R toit.u, • YOU'LL fed better for work, play or rest if you eat Quaker Oats at least once a day, 1 a IIIINLIIINT SOAP no you know the difference between working and having the work done for you? Sunlight Soap actually makes the dirt drop out saves you time and money but Injures neither hands nor clothes, That Is just the difference b e t w e e n Sunlight Soap and ordinary Soaps. 1 allow Directions v Tuu9aukr, asrrlel[ttlRa SU" WOO CIS OUR EXHIBIT 11 \1 1111 1111 Great Northwestern 11 11 The 1 1t',ll Northwestern 15 going t0 be a bumper. Merchants that have not exhibited for years perhaps never 11 1111 . before, are this year '.:'ting on fine exhibits, and all indicatio, go to show that the fair •is to be AI gr ..id success. We wish to meet you in our booth in the north wing. We will have some pretty Son\'enir., and 'ere `wish 111 show pole 'some of the interesting things we dell in, •Let u,,nlcntion in particular TH,E. 'PANDORA RANGES, of Which we will have ;t lull Zine. Now, people are talk- ing 111 over the .0t1iltry about this range, and ye will be pleased to show them to you. Watch October •tt;,'to, 2o. Von will ear more about these dates next ‘reek, We eve" a car of PortTanti einem just to hand. The Howell Hardware Co. 1114 11 \I I f I 11. 1 • TALCUM POWDERS \re Lave a Targe assortment of nice 'I tL urns, the !inert luannfactured, and have thele in different odors : ' N.sdr•uc4 , �'lotrt, Ylairnbnr--Rnae, 'Nat 'surer- Fresh -Cofer, Taylor's Valley Violet, Williams' Coronation, All lite above at 'tic a tin, Also Printer's t.nrhtnd of Violets, at :tic a Lin. \Ve also hate cheaper'I',tteuws, from 19.. up, at F. J. BUT4A/VD'S Drug Store Goderich "THE STORE THAT PLEASES." i 1 u The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronto Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Provhice of Ontario. ' Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" Is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. - These things do not just happen. There must be a reason, • In this case there are several reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market Reports Is to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaper—not an "Organ"—political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to woolen. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. - Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better tbaa any other newspaper, $1.50 A Year .tai eager and the "'Toronto Oar/y Star" together for one year ---12.20, Guaranteed Fountain Pen p,ren for 50c. eddied to above subscription prices, 4 1' Prince ert YOUR OPPORTUNITY PRINCE HC PI':iHT, the Pacific Const ter nlinu* of the Gram! Tru_..- Pae'ille Railway, (w destined to (s'ronul ane of the greatest t'onimet•cial and industrial renters of population on this continent. No city (n its making ever presented In the world greater lx>•sihil(ties than Prittee Rupert. 111vestorsthrougltuu( Ihr 1'nited Slate's Itnd t'Itnnda, me n with foresight, keen discernment and financial ex`e• n•riene, ateal • vest inganti neetlting heavily in this note city of the Last (it•ent. West. Print,' Rupert offers ern nlhet omen (mety (tor making a fortnmr (n Heal Est for which the Pnritlr Coast Lilies he a beet. the wonder of the *eel." The one best way, the one sure Way flue all to «hate in Ill.* tnpiftly (n •rear(ng %•wine, and p,uti.ipdue in the. weairh re•rtain to Iw• 'o'•'•• i1. I''into iZ,IJN•rr, N throw/1i invest utet3Tt*'. he shntes of 'PNK I'ItIN1'1'; Rl1P(RT R(IAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO., I:i'(l,, nem.. i,. ,b r.. ,•nmh(ne III.'.oVing,. of investor", 'with large sad small. for psrtnanen (nveetment in Prince Hotpot Lteal estate, upon lb.. more plan •h•t fin.' created all real tiglate flntune*. You may live right where vont *t,", stay by your present task, and ynln• Iwnell15 ell! pile 11p month after month and year after year. \\ a ptjer to investor 4 a lihtitrd number of Mimeo of this Company at. par $111.131 per /Mare. payable 111 per cert. Jwww weal l4) peer Gout...ttaat►tl►�, wa aatitia_iuui 4)i The nets who is alone nnahle to putrhase w•s'll .••Ieel,sl roper,y may Int est Iltg 4411rfil,t4 (4513.13 in lbn 'hetet of th(s (' pane and sh-5„•• nn, rata in the Targe prelltm certain I . fit; t•uo f the opl."ildo g or it. husdneesand the increasing s•sl,reui its redly holohn4.. To th.• pmall inee'l'.r who d.ain's something ntnre 1 haft jets[ ...rely tor bis money, we offer here ahanluto safety and w high ...truing on the investment. Every detail of Ihw lousiness ix a matter of public sec" -,1 and hs,. the indorsement. 1)Y the hoot business int et eats in the N.•tthwest. Heat frank references. Your Mtsiseae sot ii:iled. 13't(te The Prince Rupert Real Estate lnvLstment Co., Ltd 41" I,' limiIJing. V'anr"ov• t, it 1' I'riner Rupert, R (, •