HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-30, Page 44 illtusauAY, SSPTSISAss :kt, IO&$
Attendance Large, and Finances Bene -
tit Correspondingly --Fair Held on
Old Caledonian Grounds -Success•
ful Concert on Friday Night List
of the Prize -Winners.
The I n 14m,w fall fair, held till
T4ureday and Friday of lust week
brought out a slur exhibition of the
products of the splendid agricultural
district of which Lucknow is the "en-
tre. The competition for the prises in
almost all classes %yam kern. tend the
special events created unleli interest.
The attrrldanre was large, IN,th et the
fair and at the con,•ert on Fri'Irky even-
ing, and the receipts are considerably
ahead of last year's. Thr fair was
held this year sun the old Caledonian
grounds the meow in years pest of
many stirring contestH at Highland
t lovelier' al
central; games a lucre
• w 'irritate e an improve,'
pelt P
im other rest . 1 1
went over the grounds formerly oa(iel.
For the concert on Friday night 14'lth-
vin MacDonald, solei., and' Harry M.
Bennett. e, nIrdian, were the stars,
and the program was fully enjoyed.
The officers and dine -tone of the
Lucknow Agricultural Society are:
President. Walter Wilson: vice•pn•Ili-
dent, J. McDiarmid: second r'
vie.' rsi-
dent, A. McKay; erreta�jy. J. L.
Naylor; treasulwr, D. N. Later -eon..
Directors,. Kinloss - A. Nichnlso r. A.
Purvis : LiTifl 1 . Hunter. ,hi*
Lane ; %Vest Waw'auoah -W. MtQuit.
lin, \V. S. Mcl'rlstir: Huron- W. W.
Smith, T. Moore; Lucknow --tiro. 11.
Smith. Associatedire•lors: Kinins.
J. Crowston, H, Mathers: Ashfl'eld
Wm. Kickley, J. Alton : West Wawa -
nosh -K. Cameron, G. Greer: Horan
--Ileo, Mclver. A. Thompson, (i Role
- erta(,n, W. Martin. Geo Pollock :
Lucknow-J. G. Anderson, J. (i. Mur-
doch, J. Lyons, Rev. C. W. Sanders.
The judges who acted at the lair
k w :
Lott weeere
Heavy hones -737f
Light horses -Root. (ilendinnen,
Cattle -hut. Snell, Clinton.
Sheep and pigs -\V. H. Arkell. Tees -
Poultry -War.
Grain --H. S. Henderson, White
church; 8.. R. Brill, Termwaater.
Roots and vegetablei-T.-
Dairy and table supplies -H. S.
Henderson, \Vhitechurch : S. H. Brill,
/ i
Fine arts and flowers -:-Rev. C. W.
Sanders, Lucknow.
Ladies' work - M re. B. J. Crawford.
Duoganoon; Mr. T. Soother,
gannon: Mrs. Munn, Ripley.
Miscellaneous --Rev. (. \V. Sanders,
School competitions -Rev. C. W.
Sanders, Lucknow.
Special ecentis-Dr. llcl'rimmon,
Ripley; A. Anderson, St. Helens; 1►.
Following is
Int 1'URTKD.
Imported mare, three year and over,
Wm. McQuillin 1,t and 3rd. Win. R.
Martin 2nd : foal by imported dale,
Wm. McQuillin 1st and 3rd. Win. R.
Martin 2nd.
IIKAry/41144/70 HT 41•AN OIAN Hseo1•
Span in harness and wagon, Jas.
Forster, J. F. Davidson. John McKen-
zie (con. 24; brood mare, John McDiar-
mid. R. J. Pollock, John Welwtieer : foal
of 1900, R. J. Pollock, J. McDiermid,
Saml. Morrison ; two-year-old gelding,
Jas. Barbour. M. J. McKay, McIntyreM
Bros.: two-year-old filly, Jae. Harbour,
W. R. Martin, tiro. (filen : one -year-old
gelding. Peter .Moffat, Jas. -Lane. S.
Morrison : one -year-old filly, Geo. T.
Rohertsion; female, any age. .1. Mc-
Kenzie, R. J. Pollock, Jan. Barbour.
Ariftle 1LTl'RA.L.
Span in harness and rig, W. R.
Martin, David Stroud, Walter Itich•
ardson, Jas. 'Forster, A. W. Patter-
son ; brood mare, .J. Mel►iertnid,
Saint. Phillips; foal of lt409 west,
Phillips 1st and 2nd ; two-year-old
gelding, J. W. Leggatt. David Alton,
W. R. Martin : two-year-old filly.
\Vm. Taylor, G. A. Mrl'IPnaghan.
John Webster: one -year-old gelding.
R. J. Pollock, \Vealey Hende>:snn ; ons
year-old filly, John Mason. R' 1. Pol-
lock, Ileo. T. Robertson : female, any
age, l'anadian•ht•ed, W. R. Martin.
Span in harness anti rig, J 15. Fm' -
titer, W. -ft. Caerehell, 444e34 -4---P-444404,01-4
brood enter, J. Mason, W. R. Ferrier,
David Alton : foal of LHON, Geo.. T>
Robertson, 1 McQuillin, P. J. Downey;
two-year-old gelding or filly, Alex.
Purdon, WesleyHenJereon ; one -year-
old gelding or filly, (leo. T. Robertson,
McIntyre Bros., \Vm. (> "; hest
foal in class 't or 4, Mam1. Phillips.
Span in harness and carriage, Win.
Maxwell, W. C. Johnstone : breN.d
mare, Henry Mollie'ss, Angus McKay.:
foal of IOW, Angus McKay : two-year•
old gelding or filly, .I. Mason, Watson
Bre., H. blethers; one -year-old geld-
ing or filly. W. R. Ferrier Tit and -
2nd; single carriage horse, Arth. Me--
Kiunon, W. A. McEwers, F. Colwell.
H(AD it )RNKs.
Buggy horse in harries, Levi led t,
Dan McKinnon, W. McKenzie: mare
Geo. T. Robertson. Miles Jlcllihnn
Joe, !Lyons; foal of IWMI, Jae. Lyons.
M. McMillan, (;e,. T. Rolwrtsnn : two -
ear -old gelding or filly, Watson /iron_
• \Vebeter, 4'. (iaynor; one -year-old
g elding or filly, H. Mathers: span of
road horses, \`'. Henderson. \V. Rich-
4/11.%1411 t'.trrl.lt.
Wade cow, Ma'4R1r Lyons, J. Web-
ster : t wo-year-old heifer, John Me -
Leek! ; ono -year-old heifer, Peter Ter-
rance, J. Mcleod ; heifer cult, Win.
Taylor, (isms llror, : two year-old
steer, .1. Melocil. J. We -better : one-
year -old steer, J. McLeod, S. Phillips ;
steer calf, J. Webster lot and 2nd
dairy cow, any bested, owned and kept
in the, village of Lucknow, 1)r. A. M.
yi,nn,•e • lar• r ttll•re aI1t eoeteeshoNn
in any other sting[ over two years
of age), J. Jlel.rod : herd of eight
female•., two calve*, two yearlings,
Iwo t wo,ye u• -olds, two Milk cows.
throe yearn l w• tore, J. Mcl.ey.d.
=tt♦♦Aaig a h•h'11-44.14li.ti +.++4 tt► ►l r)u.�__
Two -rear -old hell:•r, H. Dor Int
end .nd : - two-year-old steer, 1t.
therein 1st. and mud :I fatted cow.
.deer or heifer, It. Ihlruin 1st and•e
"rel: best throe st,k steers, It.
I )uruin lid and '2nd'.
hull c+tlf. \V. K. 1 ,4443%eu ; heifer
r elf, • \V. E. •Tre•I.•et, o : female, ant
age. It. Detente, .1. I•:. Agnew • herd,
one limit., and [hoc.• females, W. E.
I'l e•lcaven.
Intyre Brom. pumpkin pie, Jas.
Lane. D. Alton ; iii el cake, McIn-
tyre tiros., A. McCarron.
n, John Adams. Jas.
Alton : Baldwin, A. ,'ultra, A Son
lot turd 2nd; Ben thesis, Melntyre
Bros., Thos. Moore ; culverts. \V. R.
Ferrier.Ferrier.Mclut)•ir. Btos.: ('ayeige rd
streak, 1). Alton. \\'. 14: Ferrier
neteduchess, John McKenzie (cuts. 34, Jus.
.1.1. err t 4-weivr 44-4110,---a4114%, tel'
variety, Peter 'Terrance, Allier)
Alton : (iracrusteins, D.. Alton, A.
Allow ;•wealthy, T. Moore, It.H1. d1.
Kenzie : king of Tompkins county.
John \\' -1,st.ar. Jas. 1.ane ; tallow %ter,
eeter'rrul:u *tel Maul'1'i•Irs, Jolu1
.\I Kenzie Icon. 11, Red. \L•Kesizie
Ls)-uz. pippins, Peter '1'4irraiee, 31,•-
1 ntyre IJ r o s.: Illeoheim pit Dios,
tinter Bros, ; ribston pippins Jacob
\liller, Real. McKenzie : Ontario,
Theo. Mimeo ; It h.el•,Island greening,
Peter Tori once. Iced.. McKenzie ;
Rox1*n•o russet, Jnln \\'chisel, W.
It. Fe't•rirr: golden rusael, Melees"*
Ilio>s,. Alex. Minith : Carmelo. or
.uow,.'1'. Moore•, Albert Alton ; Is firth-•'
eau espy.' ROA. Ttry)ler, Jes. Alton :
\Vat uses, Ito 1. NIeKenzie. A. CullH'1t
k See: ; any other fall variety, Rohr.
+ or 'er
t o. airy h
1 r:utclr Bros, a.
'r , )
,' t ti
n'ii,tir rr.�i. 1 y, I'rt.a+1. Torrent e: Ett 1
tlel'tiet-oii • [levee varieties. tall,
4.4'1. I( -I
..•.1 talo. I'ur,: Ileus„ Greer
Moe, : ewe, Ili -''i- .Brut., Purvis
Ifr.rs.: shearling rein, Greer Bros.,
%V. struthe•s fi Sons : en -i• Iamb,
1'ut sit ihos., (freer ih,,.. ; rant Iamb,
(1r.•ei Bow.: sh.'urling
tele, Greer tiros. let tied 2a4,
oessit lr tele 1+.
�\ged ram, AV, R. \1 •1',maid. A.
4'u1Li•t t : Son ; ewe, A. Culbert A
Soo 1st +std Cod : sheat ling rem, .1.
Culbert. A ele n Ins and 21141 • ewe
lunar, W. B. Ile llonald..A. ,`others sl -
son : earn lamb, -A. t'rrlr)'rt^it,,$on,
\1'. R. Mclhmald : she tiling ewe; A.
Colbert 1t Sun.
.Illd.l•MiilRI iiiie es.
Aged ram, I). Hrudet.on, J. A. NI 4 -
Donald : ewe, (fen filen, 1). Hende•r-
.Ini ; •shcat•ing tom, .I. A. ifctioUald,
11. Henderson : tetter laugh, tiro. lilyli
.I. A. Vt'Don dT: rut) iARlh, t11et, -
Men, I). Henderson ; (dwarfing ewe,,
11. Ilruderson, J. A. McDonald : pen,
D. Henderson. 4
Hest ram. any age or breed. W. R.
I3.1!:. Jets. Alton ; anti', Jae, Alton.
%%•"\mine. rev, fan -WONT' fry 40110,
las. Alton, I. Andel%• : lspu•, (ar-
son" in u1sl, i. Andrew, J±%s,, Alton,
Jas. Alton : sow, .las, MOM ;
-rower! in 1910„ Jas. Alton
meet in 14141, las. Alton.
tv,, u.
sung, f
float-. far
13,rar, J.
rowed in 11141,
furrowed in 111x1,
Three bacon hogs,
IIISack Minorcan.'.Vru. St ether's A
'Son, \\'m. Ki.-klry: Brehm dark,
Anderson; Leghorn. wh' P. D.
Anderson : Leghorn, brown, 1►. ` n -
(levee'; Plymouth Reck. ,barred, 1.
Anslera.m : Plymouth Rock. while.
Amd,•rson .; black Sp (Melt, 1). Ander-
son ; H burg, spangled. gold or sil-
ver, D. Anderson; %Vyanslottes, white,
1), Anderson, Greer Bros. ; Langshnue,
I). Anderarm ; geese, (freer Bn,s. •
ducks. Pekin, .f). Anderson, Wm.
Rickles: ducks. 'any kind, D. Ander-
eon, \Value (torn : canary birds.
John Adams l.rt and 2nd. .
McDonald; sow far=
A. .Mel )onald: boar
A. McDoneld.
as. Alton. 1. An -
1 Hll'KeNa i /11.14111). .
Andalusian. D. Anderson : black
Minureas. 11. Anderson. Wm. Kick -
ley ; i eghiwn. white, D. Anderson
1:••Klorn, brown. D. Anderson : PIy-
n,uuth Nook. D. Anderson. (freer
11,- ;.I'IVSIIouth Rock. white. 1►. An-
ersutu: lianiburg, black and whits;.
11. Avid-el'wrieri_ Wyyandottre: meter[•. :
Anderson ; IVyandottee. any other. D.
Anderson 1st and 2nd ; Hd.tdan., 1).
Anders*,n ; ducks. Pekin, Wm. Kick -
ley ; ducks, any kind, Win. Kickley,
%Vatter Mont : reeomnrnded, for pair
of Anron,ts, J. R. %Vebster..
. Fall wheat. white, J. McDiarnlid.
Thee. Moore ; fall wheat. rc,l. 1. -Me-
liar:ud, Jae. Alton ; gnus. wheat,
Allier! Alton; oats. block, J. NVeho.'r:
eats, while, long. I. S1cl)iartuid, Doe
o•! Altn, .1. \\'elestt.r: it., while.
omit, .I. Alton,- J. Nle l)iarruhl:
roa'rd I..t ley. Albert, Alton, P. .1.
I i to oey. .1. Mc Diermid : pens. large,
.1 is. Alton: glees, smell. T. Moss.', P.
.I. Downey, W. W. Smith: rye,
Albert Alton: timothy, Jas. Al-
t •,n, P. .1. DuWney, 1, NeUiar-
pid '
s'w'. J. McDiarnid; white beans, W.
11. Ferrier; 1'..I. Downey ; corn. yel-
low. T. MCTliarniid„LAP. Alton; corn,
any tither, .I. Mcl►iarmnid, .I. 1Ve1rafer:
1.*g Hour. I). Mn llongli I.t and 2nd ;
big tiatineal. I). Mallet:eh Int and
-`niT: -tat g.'orant ,finer arritngi'(t ratter-
-6m44 ..f .ern. (train and grammes • in
straw. name,. Ed. McQuillin : three
surifluwers, .Las. Alton, P. R. McNay.
lohu \IcKen/.i.• Iron. It, M.. ie
Ihu.. : 111, %.4rieties ,f winder, Jolla
Me Kenzie .,ryn1. it, Rod. McKenzie
1.•st varlet s• mooed avid..,' Iti.4. Nlc-
Kcnzir'„1', '41,•Kuuzie teen. L: .lLmmarr
{.etas,•1), .4h.ot, .las. Alt.m.:.fall IH'ara,
\. l'ulls•rt k Sort, 1V. It. Ferrier ; win•
ter peers, ,tis. Albeit. W. \V. smith ;
I',mem., gotip •-. 11. McDonald, Crete -
Boo. _ %%' o r .1 .• 11. I I. \Irl)ontld i
*4il/wa •.•; Alex. smith, Il. '41eDomald :
initNlt7tt.\..rt d
Une ,
Jeest.-colls•rliuu threethreeu+tw1• d %i tit .
grapes, II. 'I.01loual.l : largest collec-
tion 14.110 1 %.u'ieries graiws. H. -Nlc-
Or Is Osery (loud Meal Followed'
By Discomfort
Su certaiu are we that "Little
Digesters" will cure tudigestion every
time -for every person -sur YOU -that
we will give_ you your money beck
without • word if they fail.
You can enjoy a good, hearty meal
of wholesome food three times a day,
-d.yuu take.a.taWat after each meal.
Read huw "Little Digesters" cured
Mr. Thudy.
"For two years 1 buttered with Indi-
gestion, and obtained nu relief Irons
anything I took, including several
prescriptionafrom prominent physicians:
Every meal was followed by acute pals
until I feared to eat, consequently
became run down for lack of nourish-
ment. "Little Digester" were recom-
mended to me by a friend and I tried
them with remarkable results, two
boxes completely curing me. It is three
months since 1 took any, and I have
not suffered a pain, no matter how
heartily 1 eat. I would certainly recom-
mend them to anybody suffering with
lndigation." (Signed) E. TEODY.
141 Yorkville Ave., Toronto.
June 12, taos.
"Little Digesters" can be had frons
your druggist by from
int ormarl Coleman
Medicine Co., for u cents a hoz sof
par`ail., Eat 14)ui nen, Wilson \Vrletter,
4'alvin Smith: neck race, Willie Hale
ick. Ernie
't' i. s 1
Sclesed ehildirn'r competit• in
llowere and 9cgetallets grown from
seeds supplied by the Women Insti-
tute -Display of I..Irn+, Lorenzo
Ilow•e)'. Margeret. M.'I)iarmliel: die -
Play of sweet keels, \%'slur Heid, Abhie
esker rs' s p s
zt .7 1f11BMrtillm .
Jus. Spence. Willie Huthirk : six heels,
Jas. M4'IANHI, Clyde Reid : six carrots,
Willie Hetrick, 1. (Imagism : six cars
corn, %Villi* Re•id, Jas. Spence: twelve.
onions, Alibi.. McKenzie.
Quarter -utile rare, Wesley Joynt,
1)i-inkwutrr, Cecil A 11 i n :
leirkeet - of water -rarer. •Iamra
Hunter ; bagpipe competition. K: Mc-
Lennan. N. Alet'allurn. \\'. IL Young i
Highland Meg, *lapel NIel4 neld,
Jeer honer- irieh jig,
Aaron Firzell; .Anry AIrIA•rHi: I). E.
McDonald : sttilo� s hornpipe.
McDonald, An►y Melwoitl, Flora Mc-
Donald; hest dressed Highlen.ker. %V.
H. Young N \Ic4alltem A McPher-
l..- i il:" I)KI'Alt'I''II-N'I'.
\Vuollru blank('ts. Albert Aloe.)
Jets. Alton. \IIS. 'Pito.. \louse: rroetwt
coulpterlvmr. 4,1x',''4' illy 0. \Ire. A.
%te-Anon. 111s. .las. Lsae : knitted
e..untespane. Airs. 1. NIo.,lw,
s 11 .
r gnat. wool. A. t It
'1'tuulyu; patch {
j;.•s. All's. '1'a1Jyn ; patch guilt, cot-
ton. Niro Tends le. Mr.. A. M.4'..i .Il ,
I.u: h ynilr. silk 1.r velvet. M. A. Bur -
e . ,•
gi•sc�. \Ire. '1'umlyusr, t lady's and -
wear. holey. Moe.- 44Vnf. McKenzie:
role cum lames' e
n la
nc% work.N. flan-
1.14'ml4t tan. Alva. l awlyn
I,to y tlofe 1111 .N Lena Livfneston.
watt : owl of Tnlloeh. .1. NrIht•renn;
;t. J. (i rays W. H. You; y.
'1'h. -r - 1, Wore ratarrh in . t,f• ,.ration of the
u elute team all etMrali.ersw.
11111111:Aa !.o-4 few ryes. 4t w*s-nppeed ftp
b• imcunil'lr. For a great many y.an doctor.
r.rn.utUleed it .1 to.el direr.° and pre... Abed BACON. CUUKB
lu,d rrmr,iie-, and by e•on•.aotly failing to
rine 144 I''eal trentment.-prunuura'ed It 4.-
rmrehle. ".'i.'nee ha. pens'., catarrh In lea - lA•t un have •
.rn-t it n'ional .ti.cw.e and ihrrefurr re.tulre* FLUI'4- A
•,'l -a u: 4nnn14rrnt tne.0 .44.11-*1'atanheedo.
n.�,v,nfartured by F. J. (•h, my k l'u, Tuxedo,
4. the.
only e. H..t out nn:, '. n
y U 1 care n the
l l to
m:.rkrt. 1. I. Wta•n {ntcrmilli In doses from In
drop. in tea+
l of rf 11 set. d
D(NpI tl on the
stun . htnnrnt.un yat•n, double and tete.' and mureu..urfarr- of the ,.ystenl. They
single:- H . \Veheter,•..:1lta. T. Moore : offer one l,undred bolter enr,tny rase It fall. to
Hams," M•Nl.,' ..V,pr*.' f,.,,ry ,fa l
tow. I.. Li'yng-ton. N. Hanson,'laggie
L ens; erribietelered shift waist. N.
atrim. .11.. A. H t .troat Sirs
'I'.uulyn: drawn work. Mrs. 1'+au-
ly'n. N. ,lanae, S. A. Burgess : enl-
lectiein knit'tnig 011 cot tun, I.. Living:.stem, Sirs. Tatulyn, Mrs. 1'. Moore;
collection knitthig in erne,.. Ips. 'l'am•
lyn, Mrs. '1'. atrium, Sir.. A. Mel'tir-
ro11 • ripihroidery tin linen. Ito kind.,
N. Hanson. \laggie Lyons; L. Liv'ing-
This Week's Store News 1
1 and GOOD
I!>)Pr'11a1,dIeP can posslbl 1)e cold T d \V 1 1 y d Thursday, tl 6 Exhibition Lays
wig be lied Letter Days chi* star• Cottle and see wh we can do for you with new and d d
goods. We haven't tel yuuta+ wary prices hate few Just to let you know what
Read {t alt ou will And in Ws few Specials that are much under regular prices.
We are here with
Fall and Winter Uliolir at the lowest pricer that NEW
for. urs ay, ee new t anthe tree x ib
n epee .tide
r u w a you may expect.
DRESS GOADS. \Ve err krrp{nq up the biggest l)rerte Heeds rale wt, ever
ted, uuL "4' the hlflgest stock to he found here., Satin Uuchers,
unspttltahle- Black. N vy, Burgundy, Brown, (herrn, \\ retarir, Taupe --10 Orem in all, rtri{ws and plain
all new, tkk., for ilk„ or one more week.
\VORMTKI) SCI NOS -4 pieces only, Navy, Tempe, (trey, Nutmeg Hymen, 40 inches wide, heavy
weight, 011c., for 4*. -
POPLiNS-Nav . Brown. Black. Burgundy, 'Taupe, Wistaria, Catawba, all wool, dust -repellent
Huish, 4141•., for 50k.
Im,pettal Waisting. \Ve met
with a lot of \Vitiating*. The
regular pike ,15c to lac. You
eau have thew foe 121c and 15c.
This is a rare chance. 9 pieces in
111e lot.
• Igo^ant
4d "1 s t )
.► I e t Scotch,
En41{sh awl Canadian makes.
Regular 1220. Fend ts•, on sale
days lir. Moms of the beet
patterns we had this summer
are in this lot, from 3.ot• 4 to 241
yard* in each piece.
Dress Tweeds
Just a sun ill Int of Drew
Tweeds, suitable le,.' girls' coats
or school dresses. Meetly from
else to 75c, 48 to fill inches wide.
Our pre. is now lac to fe/c. Not
many yards[ i.. 'a piece. They
area great big t'at'gain.
Mi -inch o ids black Dress or
Onatiu *)lk, warranted not to
cite. Queen quality. Sale pries
re and $1.225. A real snap.
ce Curtains
Just what is left over, not
many pair, ata great redua•tiun,
to clear them out hefon• our new
Fall stock comes in. Note the
prices :
tills fur 40c 441,• for It'N•
*1.41) for 8&: *1.25 for 414•
*1.50 for *I.d11 *::.lel fur
VIM for 42.244.
Cashmere Hose
r lot
ort In
utakP all pure wool,sed
Pvr •
where for d1, our price :MC lir
pairs fur nem, sizer Mi, H, 101, Irl.
Coats selling already
The new Fall Coate are here
and a nice lot they are. Latest
*tyke in black, navy, green,
brown, grey, taupe. Come and
are them and get our price*.
Ste the kilted pipers, wi' their 1
nets an' fru dere an' glitterin' gear
Dungannon show -Friday. Oct
tet ll.
The People's Groc
All sew-on/tide goods, pfrels,
rat.. unlit • and et rd b
White Wine and C►8se Vies,.
gar • for the pickling s
1 R
home-made fluor torte. rag or fancy,
N.' Illnanp..!►Irs. 1'. Memo ; collection
of novelties, Mrs. Tstutyn; collection
ofdressnakigg. Sirs. Jae. Lyons. Mrs.
It, A1. Thormeuen• Berlin wool work.
flat, Ifni. Tam n, Mr.. J. M.Kenzie
(con. q: pillow s June, par. any style,
Sirs. A. Mr('Arroll, N. Mimeo) : table
•emus piece. L. Livinvaton,, Nieto/ie.
Lytuts; laundry bag:, Iles- Writ. Alto
Kenzie, Mrs. A..Ilt•('Arroll : netting.
V. Hurn, S. A. Burgess: patch on old
g' mens, 1. Congrani, Mrs. \\'n1. Mc..
Ker - ie: darning on hose, Airs. 'Tato
lyn. Mrs. 'Wm. McKenzie; heavy
mitts, en's, Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs. \Vett.
McKenz. , peen's her mitts, Nin.
Wm. Mc mzii•. R. *4Velwter: wom-
en'* fine ,ni s. L. Livingston, Mrs. T.
ons• knitted gloves.
•nzie, Mre. T. Moore :
Mrs. \Vat. Ales.
Moore ; [nen
Mrs. %V'un. Mc
women's fine h.
Kenzie, Mrs. A. Mcterrroll: men's\
finesIeks, Mrs. 1Vn McKenzie, Mrs.
Trendy n; men's Ilea • Socks, Mrs.
%Vim. McKenzie, I. ('or • ram ; Lady's
.navel, kuiittril
or cra:Fe , Sire. Tam -
lyre, Mrs. John Elliott • emir het
fibremite, Mrs. Tamlyn, ..i anunn
ret table 'retches, _sir pieces, .. Liv-
ingston, N. hereon: tray cin'., N.
Hanson, :Nem. D. M. Thnmpaon ; tat-
ting, - L. Livingston, 8. A. Burge. :
,mbre.idery, shadow, N. Harmon. 1.
Livingwron ; rnlhroidery, eyclel. foie
gir,.pons, Mrs. Tandyn: embroidery,
bardatger, Mrs 'Taimyr), N. Hansel
crochet 1.ytry's 11.4n net. I.. Livingston.
Mrs. 'I. Moore: Genre cruets apron.
Mrs. Tamlyn. Mrs. A. Met' (troll :
lealy's dressing a Irk. Mrs. i'anti)•n,
Sirs. T. AL,nre: laundered •.herr, Mrs.
'ranrlyn, Alaggie Lyme.: best .rased
.4,11!, T. 'Webster. J••hn NM'Kten44e
lean. It. It."'om ie•tel.,l -F(nry dee
orltnl tahteeloth, Mr*. Johan Elliott
point erre, M. A. Bnrgi•+: leee, point
end duchess, M. A. Burge -es.
week ALM.
Lady driver( with mingle to fess• and
buggy, I.. Lett, Rena Dorton, N. Me
Kenzie ; gentleman'm t%invest, single,
L. Lott., Arch. McKinnon, F. Cottrell ;
mate or gelding, any age or clam,
Wm. McQuillin, David Henderson.
Bell, three yearn or over. McKay
Brom.; bull, two yearn old, Peter Tor
ranee ; 11,11, inc year (41d, John \\ pie
iter. 1Mr11'tsp»nrrw,; tett rate, xt gnw rthw
and under twelve months, W. Rich -
season, (len, Moffatt ; hull calf, six
months and under, M.Kay lime.,
Purvis Bros. ; agld row, John Web-
er/at ;
eb.erat; three-year-old cow, McKay
Bros., Purvis Bros.; two-year heifer,
McKayAr1st and 2nd ; one -year-
old heifer,
PnrvM Hro'., .4 Webster;
heifer calf, nix 'month.. .and under.
McKay Bros„ (iro, Moffatt ; female,
any Age. Purvis Bros, ; ball and four
of Ms get. McKay Retie.; herd. Mc.
Kai Bros.. J. Webster.
Ked {total o,• 1', J. Downey ; white
p4.tatoes, Thos. Moore, Rod. McKen-
zie; nuingolds, ,,..l, Hagen Mt Donald,
Jas. 1. tier ; nlangolds, }'rllntr, (leo.
I;nherterm, J. Metsiarmid: hoot", short
P. J. 1)Jwuey, Greer Bros.: leets: lung.
Maggie Lyons, las. Alcon: Un•nips,
Swrl*, (ireer liras., H. Mcl)nneld
.turnip'...any other variety. John
\\'rhster, Jacob Miller ; Held carrots,
I Nlcl►iarnlid. (freer tiros.; eart'uts,
bete,. _Maggie. 1 Ions, Jacob Miller ;
parsnips, .lett. ; 4011110,0rr. 1.
(',engram, Dr. Spens.•; nnione, \V. W.
smith, '1'. Moore : top onions, Reel.
Mr'Kcnzie, A. Alton : enhhagc, early.
John Adams. Walter lion" ; c;wli-
iinteer. lir. Spence, Maggie Lyons:
pllolpkine, W. K. Ferrier. John
A41111114 ; Iaree sgunshee. tarn. II.
Smith, Walter Horn : muskmelons,
1'.• R. McNay. .las. Alton; citrus'*,
tier). 8, Robertson, Albert ,Alton
celery, Walter Horn ; table tynaelc
Albert Alton, 1'. It. McNay : sus
beets, any variety, Greer firm,.
t'ongrem ; eolleetinn of Held root , J.
Au•1►iarmi.I : wimple collection,ree•r
SpM•cial collection but y r, .I As.
butter or
.yon*, 1. 'on -
aid ; crock of
butter, 1. ('engram • six pounds table
hatter, L (Jong's( 1 ; factot'y che.,P,
H. Yuan let a '2nd ; home-made
bread, .1. Metnitemid, Mrs. Peter \Vat -
son, A. Me('art•oll ; home-made breed
ft Treleaven lino.' flour, \\'. It.
Ferrier ; bpme-Inside hreed, male
from Five Roses flour, J. McI)iarmiel
hex rom,,, honey. Alex. Smith ; jar of
honey, Alex. Smith, D. Alam ; honey
comb In frame, Alex. Smith : maple
syrup. nod. McKenzie, Welter linen :
collection canned fruits, Walter
Horn, Alex. McOarrnll ; collection of
Nal.. any age, Durham, Hereford haktnns�, tan. Lyons, T. Moore, A. Mc-
oe Polled Angora, McKay Bros, Carroll ; apple pie, Jae. Lyons, Mc -
Lyons, I. ('(merlon : tt
4w,e,-14, Attlee.-ifww. Al
putter r.r prints. las.
gram, Hagen McD
cure Send for circular. and te.tlmontal..
Addn•_. F. J. o'HF:XF.\" k ('4)., Toledo*
Ohio. *Phone No
. soldL•U .t•,
Take Ila14• F`a..iIv Plll. for Mier 1potion.
IAM, kt .
rorders t., r
ilamilton St.
Store, 453.
Residence, I8S.
Store wilt be closed Wednesday
afteenoors during July
and August.
The Shoe We Hold C.'p
for your examination la male b) one of ;he
forettmet .hoe dealt/nen elf the counter. It .- a
.our that t. as honestly built
a. it 1 skilfully
are as.ured It• wearer
',mil. aHd have your
There a re a l l 4
antro at1, as coal
made to order
Netted with a welt
trD we ran goer
had year thee.
1 You Get thean
& MOORE I aiimmi Immo= an'
We Get the Business
Y(iU simply must
in -Dress Goo.
Store. Ever
me to this Store and view the grandest and most wonderful display of Fall Fashions
and Ladies' Man -Tailored Suits and Ready-to-wear Garments ever displayed in this
Dress Material possesses that beauty and charm, delicacy of' coloring and 1listinction so
much sought for th's season. You will find such' an elegance of fit and finish and prices so low that it will
rove conclusive) to you that this is the proper place to buy your new Fall Suit, Coat, Skirt or other garments.
ome and look em over, even though you are not ready to buy.
Pieties. frontN. Hanson, Mts. 11.
\i Temlyn : box, N. I lemon. lona
l.ivir,ggstun : p!acque. John McKenzie,
N. 1lnnson : eolleet ion. di. iienson
John McKenzie, Mrs. U. NI. Thom
rue .1.1< %env.
('oll•cl inn of amateur photogr pity.
\Irs 11. W. Tatelyn, lona Livi. •*tor.
1111 Marine view, Mrs. 'I't ily-n, N.
Iltnson : figure. N. Hanson lona Lit•-
4ng..ttitl; 1'0111a1s, eremite or single,
N. Hanmon, Iona I.ivin ton ; Cana-
.dian landscape, Leena, vingetun;...N,-..
Hanson e twit single sainting, Lena
Li v i ngstddn
Wester Colors . 're. Merlyn, N.
!lantern : figure" int{ng, Loma Liv
trigs on To :un 'A; ft oven*, Their
lus.: Ian(Iecn •, N. Hansen, Lena
Livingston : p. ming nn glass or pot•
-trey e•ftlt t' . ir.,tston, ',etre, T'rrnh'n,
('rayon - rayon drawing, airs,
Tamlyn. 1
rye Livingston.
' FLOWit:HM,
Gu•g4 t ttnnonment Hewers er beirse
plant AI,•x. Mc('ar•o't,'John Adams
leen et of Hnwrre. ffagrn'-Melbmnhl,
Nli S. A. Burgin. ; rent 'towel... Nlil-
dt d Mpent•r, A. Mel'anon : collection
r wild flna•rrs, presses{ and mounter',
1ln•I NfePhersnn; •autumn heaves,
Sirs. D. M. Thnnfps.n, W. A. \\'elven.
Collection of entitle or reldit{ee. Mee,
4'amlyn ; vote of stiiITe1 birds, Cana-
Ilan, named, John Adams, ,1:... Lyons:
1•taepf s;tlffed birds. foreign, na111141,
Jan. Lynn•; 11th.+ fine shenee, J. O.
Murdoch er Co , .1. E. Agnew ; pair
(:ours) shotr,e,.-,1•-11. ,ltiudault A Vo -,--J.
S:---tl_trnw"_.1iRfr'-ttne whore. J. R.
Agn.w, .1. 14. Mnldoch & ('o.; roller -
lion cement work, J. J. 1innder•son.
coneetion of noxious wccdi, \V. A.
Wilson, Willie Andrew: &wore.ted
load of sehord children, Mr. Helton,
literates : ep ee{mnn of pe'rlmnnship.
leer filen-teen, M. Mitchell. Fiancee
S{x'nor'; drawing, any enhjcrt. Ethel
Mt -Pherson, Mildred ypPn,P ; boys'
race, over twelve, Ernie Million,
Launr.lot. Morrison ; girli race. over
twelve, Fanny Anderson. Ethyl Mc-
Pherson : boys' rare, tinder twelve,
- -- Il'abiek, John McInnes ;
Rirli rare. under twelve. lintel An-
derson, Jennie Fisher; race, Hest -year
Charming New Styles in Millinery
in this department, under new management, you find a charming assort-
ment of Hats, copied from the latest -Paris -models. All are hand -made and shapes
are so graceful and colors so well chosen and carefully blended that we think
every woman can find what will best suit her individuality. The day of the peach
basket hat is over, so is that of the Merry Widow, and the heavy hat which is
a burden to wear.
In the collection arc Moire Hata as attractive as they are original, and
plain Silk Hats and Velvet Hats in large rolling brim shapes, G(ainsboroughs,
Sailors, Cavaliers, and the new three -cornered hat of Napoleon's time. They
--ar 1444 -need with --fancy- widgs-a d -aigrettes; taffeta bows, -shirred -silk, -}stand
ornanlehts, all in such handsome style and good taste as is so uncommon at such
_very moderate prices. Will you come and see them ?
$4.95 $6.50 $8.00 $12.00 $16.00 $18.00
People wonder how we do it. They can't see how such splendid fabrics and
nuc uu►terly-_workmanship can- be retailed for so little money. But we buy them
direct from the factory, and it's because we sell them direct to you at factory
pries. That's why you get more snap, nspre grace, more perfect fit and infinitely
hettet workmanship for your money at tfii,s`store. Our $16-oo and $i8.00 Suits
are top-notchers, every one of them, and are recommended to us by the highest
-tandard manufacturers, and, what is more, we will back every one of them by
our liberal guarantee. A new one for the asking at any time if not satisfied.
Will you pass by such a Suit proposition T W1p you T
I )oing an independent business in this line, we can furnish you with a better quality at lower prices. Don't
take our word for it --"The proof of the pudding is in the eating "-sti come and examine our goods -convince
2 We. heist Fr,mch Vtllegatr, XXX 'I.1r. par gr,I. 2 eases Eddy's fleet Pastor ,,%,rhes
Beet Shredders Cocoanut lir Iter M. 2 caiteri elfres choice large Lemon,.:..
rr casae Canada Laundry Starch.... 1 Its* for 23c.
This week we will pay 24c. doz. for Eggs and 21c. lb. for Butter.
int lierset-
IMO 411•1111•111 IMMO 04111111MINID 61111111110041.•