HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-30, Page 22 Tau. u\'c, 91t1•rgtiled :ii, 14411 'I11i' get:N1,11.• (:(I114`1'ffiH (1NTAR.1(l her palaces were net flu•uirhed with Many of the coulluun things of oils) ; Ale pr;•bably ueVrr ow4ed it Merry W,duw hut, Mid *she war much ti • p lord nit titer rlwpeets. • UUUkI:ICa, ON 1' 11t VI. �- I Yet Quern hiizal.o•th is hooked upon PUBLISHED, EVERY 'mutts' AN ' as one of the most fortulate of t1s RV W. 111011 of history, And 114011)• people'' - . TillICAlli.NALYIILY.Ttiti a (1. Iano eel 1, .1.y w hu I it%6 t lie ei i ,11 ail vAn'. Trleph a„• ens! Nn. v4. t a,,. - , 1 til 4ad.:tnt ell . l% ilv.litii,u Al. cera s or aue•cr ouu positively unhappy heal look upot. [Intl'lot with setts M1.44111n �$l1 ore atmuui 1,1 ‘41.11,k, Why :- It,«•aura other Ni month., Yee: three month., ane. I they .,e 1 \V To Untied states i iteerna•rs, $1.50 a yeor p, pit have •uric.• than they have (rtrittly 411 3dbrnorr - Bulierib•r- alto tilt to reecho. TItlei.:s11 \\'.41:11 it. a rampm il,y•• 1114 mg. A engularly by 1.141 will ..outer a t, Tor by oe 411111 las s tihappy 1111 , p it Moil an, mato gutiaimy u- of the fv., 3t r, hely r dot. fir 4 powible. 1 mobile until he /Wes 1,i+ neighbor rid wee: +rhe nye of adder.• lade -t1'.• I. both Om Old and the new addre-• Mould )r, go ,on. lug ••.sued in one. Today he it/getting :,1 •ng very nicely without u Hying a11.•rus.ns States I..tral and ,, her snooty- edy,Hl+.mrMe, Iib 111.104lII1 111 11 few yet. r i.'rhapo he pet imo fur iso to -erten, end a.' per lone for %,,,i fa• ...iitplaiuii' of hie poverty each ,theospirnl II*er!iw., \1e.e.and by a / nonpareil s. ;ale,lweh�e lines to an loch. whi.h preventspreventshintiuo Il ,(tl)'ang an pl Hu.we•0 cants of us linty red under, p poi •at 1 oplai,r su. li as the 1 rat of the tel, year. Adverth.emente of La.%Found, iitrayed, Sit. . Ion it have. • The "sitantlaral of living • w'. n1e.l Iblse. for n a 814 ostl , orches a'arenl, 1 every Hair or lu Itrul. F'+il ln. for Kale „r to Rent, .'..nrGenll)' tends 111 int., collo l �, 1'y Articles fur 11410, rte..: out varv.edtni night L, •d\' unlet wur+li AIM 'Id 1's ill and rtl•ia'r Ilan.. Sit' each ln.erl ion .111 for first Month, 11e for each .ih .'quint month. larger advertiw to keep up with everybody else. 11 metes In eOrn00la.. n AnnouLmeute in ordinary emelt type ten everyh.oly'n pot thou wear the Yatton. 0004* i 40. No notion lea. thou 2k. whether- We were All handsomely Any special notice, the objns,t of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or ...um. clot heti in silks lir were all out At el - atoll to be considered an rdvertienneut and to ha charged sax,ordillgly. hates for display arrodd contract advertise- mwte will be given on application. Oddness sot communication. to bow, there w tild be neither rich sur pot; we should nut know what the terata •',leant.1t i- II...n ise conte have so h more than ushers that THE ntia1AI. 4 RINTINU CO.. Limited titbh. mat ..w1' talk of thew as "pew- and thorn wr as "rich." It ho the parade of luxus y alai Amory wtlinh eat en discontent 6UDICH11'44. TPl'HoU.\V. tela, among those who cannot wake an ritual display. The world's happiness THE QUEBEC BRIDGE. is not to to brought about by ancrear- iug the number of thhlg' within the One- of the great undettakIngn of pwow1'ss4on or roan.' "Thi world i• .o fall of n unuds•r of thing.. the Department of Railways is the 1'r• 1 sot. •un• we should all 61' a bapt•y e, king•." construction of the Quebec bridge ILsi we aloe not. The ttuuble-_i1'-nut should be remembered • that this is the that Mother Nature has been iruprov• greatest project of its kind iu the Ideal, but that'the division of things, world. The bridge over the Mirth it „/ we think, is not fair; somehow or nearly N long Wife span*, but It to oilier the other fellows have got tau merely a Bingle -track railway bridge, big n chart. So, the world's hnppi• while the proposed ,Q,,etle structure wets is not to lie brought about by Will combine railway. street railway' multiplying romlurte and ronVeni- vehicle and foot teethe. esn'es. belt rather by Ow iaeuguration Originally the work wiw undertaken of a state of society in wbjcb all will by the Quebec Bridge Company, A feel that they are bring fairly treated non -partizan utgauiz at', of gentle - mud are getting their rightful share ..f men interested in the ronipletion u( Ihi World 'II supply of -good things. the -work. The history or tbs construction and of the terrible ca- tastrophe of the falling of the bridge is fresh in the minds .tit the people. After mature con.ider.ition the Oov• eminent decided to take over the pro- ject, is it hada right to do under the statute. and an act wee p.irwe, a little over a year ago placing the matter under the jurisdiction of the Hallways and Canals Department. The heel of that Department recut andel the ap- pointmeot of three of the leading bridge engineers of the world, and to them was entrusted the work of ,laking in- vestigations and diawing plane. They were given the full responsibility of putting their plans into exrputinn and construrting the bridge. It will be readily understood that, while speed end coat are two great considerations in this work, the most necessary thing of all is the perfect safety of the eompletrd structure. The eminent engineers appointed have been investigating arnd studying in Almost every land on the glolw, en deavoriug to arrive at a conclusion which would place the *incest' of the undertaking beyond peradventure. It was fnreIeen that enc) very eminent ,len might disagree, and provision was made icy order:in-council for call- ing in experts to confer in male of dif- ferences of opinion and to assist in Arriving at aitisfectory c •Itision, Much exlwr,ia havebeen called upon recently and have conferred with the board of three, with the very satisfac- tory result that all essentials have been agreed upon. Plans are now (wing prepared for A cantilever and fur a suspension bcidg,• and tenders will he called for, and it will then be decided which style of bridge will ile constructed, as either of the plans may be cnnsiderrd per- fectly safe. There halt lawn some criticism filo to the. time token '.o arrive at the overlent stage, but it is pleasing to note that a leading l'ontervativ,• paper like The Montreal Alezetta• has expressed strong apprlRat-tlr-the carr that has been ezercine'tl by the board of engin• eers and the Minister of Railways and Cane•.. in making more that every step taken is simply justified. Upon completion this bridge will be the greatest iti the world and it will be a credit to the, energy, eour• age Anti whiTty, of the Canadian people; --Who not only undertake things, but are able to bring them to a- successful conclusion. and it will likewise ile a monument to the enter- prise and' abiding faith in the flame of Canada of the Laurier ritererie EDITORIAL NOTES. A touch of winter snakes the whole n orld shiver. . The columbo of The Signal ere open for discussion of the Road Machine Co. bylaw. - if you have an up 101(10, du not' he afraid to express it. \1 ho will come forward in the Leg- e with an amendment to the A.sessile to law that will du away t* it h 1 he penalty upon improvements? Peary and Cook ought to hurry up and settle their dispute•.. Two or ,thee ttil•nths hum now. when the icy winds blow, the Pule will not be u popular 1tlar fppie of discussion. A cunt. iporary sagely remarks thnt the qui kelt way fur the Liberals to ...cure pt. 1' ill 011larin i. tet get t h e 'Whitney . Government out. St 1ahge tee chit itot thing of that he - Ln,,! .. )IAnitube is hegitfnlitg It. -hosed of the apples it can groi!, We all hope that out• neighbor Po vine.. will' n C • have many fine"isit%iaid cr,sful fruit -growers, httt there will be a g.,lnl market in Martitoha for i,n' 191 .41(4410 at •Cast Aeng as the pre..•n1 gen. ration of Uuti io - fruit- gn,.wers is cooing Imeinelw. Itoseh•ry complains that the Lib- eral party has left hire. That 411 mite errs et 'fhe world moves. and a n• kind .t Advance, Eos hery fuses to go ahead, but this does no stop the nnwatd nlerch of Liberalistic.' l'unservalisul is largely iocnlitel by uuprogiesaiV., faint-hearted Literals w lou have fallen out of the Illaretl. In (itolericlt hereafter the street,. arc W ile numbered: likewise the homier. Now if they could only number the deni ••ns tit t he town the .actor" of the utilitarian and the unpoetic wmdd tai era -hell, -Orillia Packet. TIM, is another illustration of the eld r y'ing that 111e most an away from home to heatthe home news. lu t11i1 car •, however, we can assure tint• es- ter tiled rnntenl4orary of Orillia that G aerie!' dor. not intend to du any- thing so utilitarian and unpoetii• as to dee away with its street, matinee with Which it is, in fart, quite contented. Wt• believe it it Owe!, Sound ;a place somewhere dp on the Georgian Hs) - filet 1s guilty. THE QUARTER'S WORK. Meeting of Y. M. C. A. County Com putter Last week. '1'be thiel yua terly meeting fur this Year of Do. 1114, •u cuuuty etwilm4llee of Oki Voting Men's tit beim A.soei• atit 4 was held in %%Ingham, in the A-su, ial 1) 111010•. 1111 1',Iertlly 0Ve1t- 4114:, C404II•ulla•1 21. Those paeeent N• or G. I'. lilair, Iiodelirb J. Semi. 4 ,2I l4 u ; J: -14. , E t of 9jir : tt ll. Y.,uu . (', 1 low ; 1' . lbw/bat/111and It. .tl.,xw.11, \\'uegh.uu„ued County Seel et aty l•:Ieuring. Atter d,tottonil exeitiee itv Mess's. Fl • g and Semi. lite 01., 4:441* tit the preele 15' fit. ,cede '-mewe t Sad 1 101 eolith-med. The tiros's!er'e 11 4141 t, tt hie1 'WW1 .4- fuhu.w., was then Ire,'rved : ltevipte for the qurrtrr j 114 .10. 1 . III.Litt.,meta.4ixt • , Ital,ur. ,o ttr:b.u4) at wnl 111. lot toter :11.01 h-li1Uned receal1• out tru.•tinu,k: 141131 tut 114 the 1 ear 044 .11 kcla•rtid ole, 1 'ru4+able dcllcn fur year *1111 l lit. areo 4'u,i•ei Mr. ,hitt, ley' - mentted 1lut the Ioeshlies not yet •e het crani. -.e r year J r V- � 1 1'r Ih � .til NN M 1 , tor the. p l'j!.lyddr vtrlh 1,, which 1 - c,•i*vel the approval 111 4411' 1'0111,11,1 11r. Semi 1-1'''ul111,41 led t14t :w .41 .11- Ie. pied,. by the loluldi4.0 to pliit, 411. budgets 1,,.•$coater years croon a pet 111411e111 basis. by soliciting pledges to 'mitten in force year,aflrr year, and teruiinaele at any time the; ptedgwr end. hiut.elf unable to cum- y� way,. 41 1'_'.4.. i k London Life 1) Save Four POLICIES 04 ' Payments. OD AS CO AP•Our 16-20 Re O f 1-, serve Dividend . At Fduwmt fit f r r /44 , t has larger guar- - I antees than the ordinary 20 -year En- dowment. Yet last four payments re- main in your pocket and your policy 'll shares in stlxppis earnings. Write for BouUet 16.20 vs 20-20 /. 0..-46"-f411'l eft -4-70 -ted � , f1. W. H. ROBINSON, District Agent, Seaforth,lOnt. tithe the pled;,:. by giving melee t,.' the treasurer t.. this 'effect. '1'4,. e. - ,night profitably: take to heert. %amid obviate the necessity 44 making "i'it - l'ollnyuiee,' by E.iwrld Lucas x y. -411y r411Vuss, with It. Attrndunt \\ 1111,' Is a War sketcu of At merit. unrertantt y-, •• 1irr;.41,asI. --and a 1. wdy,' by \V/ool It west proposed 1.y J1.- lilair, and la•.\Vi1s011; "Nut•oaa Mutaudis," ,duly +titsrrd, , lixt the ruwuy secreta y ' I; l'llllurd Hawrtd Fol Jtwiny," Lr.aiithln•ized to take up with the ly Ele:anor11:- it•ter,aald' rite Pon- ,oonr- 1'r.et•ulrinl c 1'r the 'natter tit rustles of Fettle," by Hopkins Moor - tram -fel .t uleudwrrhip t any hours•, are other stroll. stories alike co,lut y Asocial' ltl. any Down or • only in being good. city Association, to the end that atfy THE CANADIAN NI.v1i.V'.INR: •-7`he y- g 1n:u) bay'. ,g a 1.. Al Association C tnvdian. Magazine for October is an at any to go to the city ulay. exceptionally stroll.; r, lwThe hair his year's wrsula•rrhip allowed in lust angor hrowiSnorted "1'he cost lirearwt the city Assuyiatiou without further Round -til,," ng atl ,account by N- nstt---1454 -'merle---trisoef«Sema•--l.,-he • torr- M teeervieb,..etlita `. -..tha &L*gu Made always through the rotnty eine. of the capture for'the l'anaall:u, .rrtelery. f 6.o.'ouneut or tits PAhlu herd of wild The deprlrtuhent*l sub-comutitt••es, bulTat.a•s in-\Lrotau4, \t r. \lacla:irh • ' tnatia- will4yia-pen end on otrta tel glint... wer0 asked for their policies what +a gigantic and thrilling under- 4u,t plans of work for the year i4 -buffaloes these various lepvrtinent'. Ar thesa• erre only4 A suggestive character they were referred hack to the cmu- tnitte•e$ for hale *beings. crystelliata bull, atter whicthere sub*• tris ,,would ie• ,1111T1.111'rtY to tinny their plans into effect. The ro.4nayr w•eretary reiewted -the following work dune during tile poor- -Fey hyZli lo. d tr�Mttions : Two Bible study ltersiuns with an • went. This bridge will form put o the great Transcontinental Rails which will connect the Atlantic ' ith the Pariflr upon Canadian il(tr•y and over which the pt'odul. - of the West will peas through t. ('AniediAe ports • on both 111 el Atlantic and the Pacific upon Canadian territory, completing another link to bind the Empire to- gether. The people of Lana4a, while re- gretting the delay and the unfortunate cirenmatanrea Attending it, will sup- port the G.vet nrnent. in tieing every endeavor to complete this bridge in time to carry the traffic of the new Transcont.ivent alline. THE CAUSE OF D;$CONTENT. 1I "The *verag'. laborer is tods'.-loving better than Queen Elisabeth did in her time." Stich is the interesting re - teeth -in of the Secretary of the United Motes Department of AgricultnM. Talo, QOM, Hew neva. sew such a tiring es an el./ tric Tight ; she never had a ride on a railway train or a steamboat : she never sent a telegraph 11••a•age nr talked neor a telephone ; 1' .average attendance oft went). Fifteen Sunday afternoon meetings of *410804 rung will) au average of fie tern taking part. Two athletic Illrete with thirty-six .Cud thirty -right entries respectively. slid Al tended by an average 01 N. people. Ten social .'vent. with an average of t witty -t hive. 7'wenty physical events with an Average fit twentythree taking part. Evangelist MAsou bed been re•11re1 for it uto0th s work in the county, to begin about Orlolwr Sth. 511. Flem- ing also retorted favorably on 1 the work he :accomplished. And the bene- fit And inspirattim-he had received, at 111eSilver Bay runfetenee and train- ing institute. CURRENT LITERATURE. alive. Alt uuustutlly interesting article is contributed by .1. A. \1..cdonald, ed- itor of 'Che•Torunto l?lots% and is en- titled 'Peer vonali tier et- the- Pewee 1,:ou• (Steno." It was Mr. \Iacdon;dd who tnrucd the tide against the "conscrip- tion- re,olntion At the 4' 1lfert•nce. •t --it ,....wears-,tor+=t•ig aur_u who niet the deleg..tesnt',' writ mol lit read- ing. Annul4* I4 ie i t ivate Serie- tory to Ur. Gu . malt. ' contrib- utes ;a frank criticism of t he yew On- tario "Headers." Ili. ,lain pasha. is that enough cuuridrr[tiutt %As 11,.1 given to the literary qualdy of their contents note Was .'l.. algll al trill 1011 given to selections that would tend to elevate honest Labor and leishaudty in the opinions of the young. 'Chen. ale other gond articles, w 4h short stories and poem's. Good at Fractions. Lucre Nrw'rr's FOR 04'm11±g. -, The complete novel in (Irtotwr Lippin- cott s is "Melissy," a tale of l'nwloy- lend as it is today. The author is VI dilates Ma014..41 Heine, who also wrote "Ridgway of Montana." Any - our who reads 111111 of Mr. Hainr's Western tales ran 'have no dullht that he has oetl4tlly lived in,that country and eacytiired tots Local cell)• at first hand. Nlelisry"-is the pertly daugh- ter of a rru'.ty but reetty grwwt•beartrd Arkansan who hats moved NV..tw..id, Though car, Ieesness 14e I ,sea a urine. which I.-cohi• s the property fit an ex - city roan whu.has ineurren the enlnity of the rattir'men try daring to bring sheep into what they have considered Heir awn territory. Some dramatic 1.1.11011 take place err the chat tiling little her„ine and her manly lover are so plat•rd 11141 one can.s3(eIy proplil-.y that "they lived happily lever After meant.' There in a amigos. short t 1L• by 1 )Bila tit ward Ih4111ar, called "The lliucinish,r 1'.f Doom." Jane III•Ifield'- "One Leg to Go On" is it striking little story with a al which s one read The . teacher wens giving her claw their first lesson in fractions. An ohje•r lesson seemed to lie desirable. •31 u) Uc(1►uley." -he s.id, "if there Was a mince pie 011 your dinner tabh . and your mot hee asked you you would have A third lir a four what would t oto any :" • A fourth," said Mary Suave of ll,e children title t4, and the teacher asked. "Why w•nild you have A fourth :'" t"('ease.". said Mary"1 don t like mince pie." --October •Lippine. tt'... Why George Didn't Stand Up. Mr. X. ells :1 ptorninent member of I the' B. P. O. E. At, the hieakfnst I tabie the other morning he wee re dating to his wife an incident that i uccurlel 414 the lodge the previous niggbt. Thrne.ident of the order , ,u-eJ& fill The -pi to the brother who could stand up and truthfully say that during his married life he had never , kissed Kay wiiti1An but his own wife,_ . i "And. would you believe it, Mary not 11 one stood up.- "George,- his wile said, "why didn't you stand tip %.* . 1 •t\\'ell," he r'plied, "1 was going re. 1 bit I knew 1 looked like the devil in a silk hat." . The Point of . se pt. 2..,1, 1P.$). Father -"Did • •• 4 know. Helen. ,they:Vediec„yet •.t ,,,.. \oath Pole?' Little Hetes • \•et .lid they Had Sant,. Clam A New 1f iGi)itaf "Arithiii 1'b'• following lints, to be sling to h• tune of Lavallee's "O ('anfuia" were committal by Mrs, Merry E. Powell Mel'nlluch, of Toronto : U i .n M1a' in pr.ta-o of thee we sonic; Fr too orhvin,rhill. our ant hem prondle run:. W.th fertile plains and moontsln, grand., With lake, and rhea-. clear. Inernnl baaty. thou dust d and 'fhrnn.Mrnt the Tele. Lm,1 ted of Host -' w,' 0,1/Implore. HI... ear dear land 1111. day and evermore. Pte.- our dear land ,hi- day and eoern,ore. Ile o t.',inv 14' fur time our father. wrought. Thy heed anti ears nneeltlsl.ly they ...oh!. \Vi,.It .le sift., hand and Nark,. ndnd They felled -the fora4 dome o. b',tent at lave, to loave behind A herivai a of home.. ' Lord lint) of Ho.te' we now Implore, Nle., our de+u lend In. day and ever mote. Plea our do *eland th4. day and evermore. Hb a l'anwl*' the homeland that we love. Tc.s lr'wdau.aao,r+waf -from l:^•t *M .- Thy Mxhteml• law, thy tit.? ice fair. olive nlat,hle* Iilserts: We !husk oor 400 ill 0 we o,:.y-hn r.' Thv glurton. de., 4nq, Lord U.d of Woo.' ' , . inn Pte-- nor dear Land , t,, --day ani r, emit),,•. 111 m:• den. I31d' hi, day .fid evnrmnr.• 1'11111hvn 1111I0 brave Rood bl(1od. otherwise they will be Irony, sickly ant delicate. 1f yont children aro pfal•, enmity eah•ol,Ued, give them 1". rr.'ti 1?, the 4nMenne 4ng tonic, which 4s Chili /coal of fresh lean beef, citrate of iron and pare old Spanish sherrywine. Nothing (id he more benefcial acin such eases. 111 a bottle. 1 -TFA-1-1 DISPLAY -$H'- CLO THING and MEN'----FURNIS1-111 GS ' MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS. BOYS' SUITS and OVERCOATS. 1Iats and hurnoihings now ready for your Tnspectioni )1 cordial invitation is ,e,xtended to you to cntt%o any time you like. and see \\1f lT regulon. 1cZ ttfi4T t''att-Tfj O:- Our efforts to secure tf.e best and most dependable gnods wilt, -we are` sere, he appreciated by a- discriminatingr public.- We have the most top -to -date goods th'at can he secured, and this, store is to be' known as. The House of Real Values. �• , 20th Century Clothing \,•r,ls no puffing 11;, it 11114 n 111e4 ional n't„ttatiun as heing the bge.t pr.olnln.d 4n Camel,.rxr•Inniv.. style, •r, ,i correct in every detail. :Nein Century inthe best. Huy it. Medetollpecial order if you wish. :11si samples to choeise from. Boys' Clothing In mostly dolhir-I,n-telco stvle, in n14vn so I greeh shades, ext re good val001, 111 $5. so, 46.00 and 47.00. NOTI'. A GOODPEN•KNIFE ):111.12 flee with each Solt or over coat. ' Special Ationt 511 Suits, :f -plebe, mingle -10 rasted ilei regular IVO!) to Si; special 43.25 All Wool Underwear The gi eateet values ever shown, at Woe: per garment. Be sure and moo t 111',.'. w Yotemit' agetw•iea ;4411hl',•ntur•yClothing, NingHale Peabody Overalls WALTER C. PRIDHAM T 'i HOUSE Or REAL VALUES J Another Bargain By special arrangement we ere able to otter The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire with THE SIGNAL_ the two together from now to Jati nary 1, 19111, aloe, ; from now to Jae- ttarsl- 1911 t1. 4. - TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. The urinal clubbing rate to present )subscribers of The Signal. Sendaall orders to THE SIGNN L W. ACHESON cls SON Annual Exhibition Sale SI:I3TEMBER 28, 29, 30. Thiel special rale far III Io.t week of S, 1,.rmlwe h ai preea.rd with ,Irterrtllnati00 ten give t' ,• boodle n rev.1,111)4 u(„hl,1 ter (8114 do for lbt>!1s ■ha - buy from ricer • Blankets t Liegedaeuh'e 1e•d eine. while, all pure w(k'l iilankein, pink or Lou,. • earapts, 1sloest prier 41.454 a pair', last meek tat Sepia'' o•1' $2 95 for (r •Cotton Blankets-------- rift pair 1.1ge white , r grey, double -bed sire. pink or blue -JC border. Mai km., mule' I.- ice el 2.x sale...... ..:, . ........... One 0 .....wi1111 yaisl• Alai k Fhortu'let to Shirt.rg, in 4 PW, hent pa, ll Flannelettes - ✓ xlr a Ile Of y Midil 'tilde warp, regular 13. 441;1111 y, Tuesday, 10c \\'.•dmeiday and 71 ores •y, pan. yard...... Dress Gools and Suitings - 14.e 1' , all • 1 'avg. rt 11 hao.lsomeet crowing of Ihrss Mntet ials w1' Have , )sass 11I.1lel , Iwo. (• 1 your tte1'!int, anti prices t..ra are Very Moderate. late \V1' heiro'a,•ed . ••n • renlArkah,. bargain. f or tit ,• ` 1show days. ;,II t„ ;,.. inches whir, ,.11 went W41(2ags and Dross (hoods, about lila) yards, regtllor 41.1111 and 11.23, al per yard .,,sass .. 59 Three 'mod, ed yard. of 72 inches wide, ■ubleaehed, plain Sheeting, Sheetit gs free iron. dressing and heavy weight, regular price per yard 25e, .1Q pC ✓ ale days e,• O C Carpets Twelve hundred yards English Tapestry Carpets, 27 inches wide, extra heavy pile, and in patterns suitable for any room. regular tt5rnd a 75e, at pyard ............................................ 5c e[ Linoleums Two, three cud four yards wide Linoleum... fancy, plain and 50e iolald, at' per yard, 35c, inc and ....... .................. .......... Rugs. Magnificent showing of' English, Brussels. Wilton and \'elvet $3 Rugs. 313, :4134, :44x4 yards, at each, $1:.. $'' 42:. and . Butterick Patterns for October are in stock. 0 W. ACHESON & SON THE CLEAN GROCERY REDPAT/H 'SUGAR Eight.•en pontdr for one dollar. Eighteen you r of this sugar Roes farther than wen.ty-two•of any other kind. KINCARDINE BACON 'I'Hg EPII t•Ita BRA NO. o shipments made weekly. Tues - and Friday.'. ids Bacon... .,. 210 trued Hack Bacon Gc pound The Hallway otNriel rare tree thin brand exclusiv.ly, where they want the hest. RIVER VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER From Dungannon. Sic a potted li,uuauh•eed the hent. Highest crash prire paid to Ferment t,r BUTTER. EGOS and LARD. J. J. M( DONALD, Ph on• 111. West SL This is Pickling Time. We can supply yuur,nerds In Corks, Gem Jar Rings. Bottle Wax, Spices, Etc. -- - Everything fresh and pure. Waterglass Egg Preserver, 15c a Tin. The only guarantees egg preserver NLOP, The Druggist. brd Block, - (.oderich The Goods The F The Work That we ul into our lothes are away above par, no matter what price you pay. 'Phone 180 Martin Bros. TAILORS and FURNISHERS easy to operate for a new one. Come in and see our display, and get a free Souvenir Special Bargains at Special Prices for this week. Y Worsells' Stoves & Range Come in and see the exhibit of the best and largest stock of Stoves and Ranges.__. _There_ is. nothing in town to equal them. Every one selected from Canada's best stove makers, aaaaaaaai many of them direct from the Toronto ExhibL ition. . Every o n e guaranteed a perfect baker and fuel saver, and moderately priced. We'll take your,old We have repairs for every make of tone, stove as part ay range or heat r. Prisco Lanterns do not Llnw out, flicker or give trouble, f13r to $1.00 each. Coal Oil Heaters do not, smoke or emelt, give a strong heal and easy nn oil, $5.00 each, Stove Pipes Elbows, Mortis, Mats. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers The world'. Lest., all sty len, At. $2.50 en. h.. _ .._..,...,.�._. i Bird Cages Cup*', Springs, etc. Paroid Roofing• (`hoaper and better than ahingley' We are sola Agents'. // Apple Peelers i'arets and Slivers. every slake and size, at 7:0' each. King Cutter Razors, $ 1.50 each •:ver Ready Safety itesor, with 12 blades. 41.(ifi each, IXL Pocket Knives R,4er'e, Hoker's. Martin Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint and Varnish goes farthest, Iraka heat and wears longest. We are sole Agents. Lacqueret The blest Varnish Stain nladr, in all rotors for floors, wood- work, furniture, etc. (let a free sample. /'Special Cut Prices on Fencing and Wire. We have a ebmplete stock of Hardware, Paints, Tools, Tin and Roofing, etc. We do Repairing, Plumbing, Eavestroughing. GraniteWare, Worsells'--Hardware and Stoves Donee in and got a ft -PP Snnvenit. We are open every n'fght until 0 p n,