HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 8$ Tuvww»AY, Seevem Bert 23, 1111 'rum STGNAI, : (;Oi)P' wit. ONTARIO
BACK FROM MEXICO. 'Word our heartiest layaup+athy with
•__ this work, and call upon all out• people
Mark Turnbull n_. (to diligently use all legitimate tueaur
I hr eerryIng of this measure, thusTurnbull made went gifts Turnbull awl letters of kind apprecia-
tion of the work and worth of herhusband. ,„, The magnificence and gorgeouscharacter of the worship in theRoman Catholic cathedral is, one ofthe many matters rif • which Mr.Turnbull is apt at description. antibottle idea ot the contly gifts to thechurch can lw gathered Train Hu.fact that, one chandelier in the eat he -
drat coat no less than a million doltg,„, who.. the genas surrounding itpito are of the.% itatin are of isutoldThe appalling hermit. (Atthe progress of the earthquakes atesomething which will not e. beforgotten, and. Well' it , No awful,the descliption of the litiildings un-
dulating up and down tile vessels onlitlinorten. A peculiarity of thismanifestation 01 nature is that ital t attersys.- occurs duringnight, and with -the cutting off of alllight, the po'ssille thronging thestreets, and the gruesouse, griudingnoises made by the helmet of thebuildings, the occurrence is One ofhorror. It is a common thing foe abuilding to be thrown several ft -et eiaef plumb by an earthquake, lett tberesidents merely wait for the nextiushalltnent ot shock to throw thebuilding back into line again. quiteclime to. the. church which Mr.Turnbull suinistertal a sixty -foot wallwards the -church. but little--aPPre-
• heusion of damage to the elytrchseenth to flnd place in the sthe chutch officials., Mr. Turnbull was back again in his' own pulpit last Sunday at McGeorge'sand expressed las appreciation idtieing again wind old !surroundings. afeeling which is reciproeated by the
Pulint at St. George's.
For many yews St. (entree's rectory
has been somewhat of a museum of
curios. gathered'iluring Mr. Turnbull's
sojourn in Sutith America. and since
the re.•tor's return hour Mexico All.
other large emarilettion has been
made tir hits collection of iutemeting
of many article. of Mexican montane -
lure end the word "manufacture” is
literally correct of Moat, of them. ise
the Mexietefis are great people tor
"hetet' work, whether in bead work.
drawn work, pottery, or astly of the
arts for which they are (ammo&
Ibit. emit t how the colleetion of
article. Mr. Turnbull gathered him-
self are mauy beautiful things(' which
PAWN AS Matt. (ruin friends the rector
of St. George's made. From the
seetry of Christ church. which is the
church in which hlr. 'Turnbull offici-
ated, came a testimonial in "the twin
Of a vote.of thanks, which Was ciao
veywil in the following let tor : -
To its,. Malik Tcleillir
MY Ma. Tunsitria., I hair; great
likle0,0111• oryoti the hearty vote
of t hook., and t he %ono appfeeletiule Of the
vestry. on behalf ot the cougteiratimi of Christ
church, for your serrIce. as settrw-reeter
log 1hr pa.' three month. in exchange with
our rector, Itei. Wilfred JUlie..liatelitall. This
ve,tly hope- that you will carrt away nub
you a, plea -ant memory of our chureli and
People as you are learvilig behind. Mo.; ,e;
Fnien the ladies' guild of the chureh
a handsome present was sent to Mess.
Turnblull in the fortis of a heautifill
drawn -thread tea clotli. accompanied
by a very kindly -worded note, and isi.
additifsit _twiny 111_111e
removing the terrible temptation tr.
which sit utauy ape yielding.
.This is a lovely ruin w.. ere stetting today.
AIM 'how are lot.Iy 'wt. that 1. J. t'ridham
the 1'e1101 is turtling out for nom of t...te And
dlLC1I lin &Ilya, _Tey_ (lo uhf Reliable for your
Heat ,alt .
Neat week i- fair week II. 4o,lerieh, uud it
will to a rood opportune r aur the fair one. of
the w)unlr) 10 taco the;r picture. 'oleo 1by
upterieh n Mnr -t(- H. s
low,, 1011.er The Squa4.•_.n 1 Atli on stints.
A l'NAN, k 1'0 ndrya, I>•.1.1.A Na.!+Hwt lase aOlau
out of upholalerina, we. ere closirgt out 001.00.
111011u0 of Quo eeveri e.,errtaul.. steeply,
buy Ieoxh yraate fabric+o' wt wholesale tlp1t-' -
.1,. -bodily or Inferior 1tad+ in stack. our
t1at(vn11 beteg 11w pro,lueS Of the heal French
en, and imported hrw•1. I url u.l,c toot
art i.to,' de (gni and colilfoote. sole IWO oto al
oith's Ort .011e. I.a.. - Irrt_' .
Copies of the prize list for the Dim.
gaunter. 1'x11 show may Ito obtained at
this office.
Melodies of Victoria ?street .Metho-
dist ebitith int.•ud giving a.liuurr 00
the night t4 1tiullagiting Day.
See the titian styles in fall millinery
at Miss Uuuogh's opening, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday of this week.
J. \V. l'r.tigie'r handsome' Si. 1.'r'
mud Ir fid tuLluw a aids on Sunday
mt,rnulg, duo to 1i dose of 11101101. 'rhe
auuua l was highly prized by itri nwnW
and its Ittee its keenly. telt. -
1'he wow hers of t he tio,le•rich brawl).
of the IP Omen's l n,t 111110 are orv(hested
to attend- it meeting at the ►gri.ul.
Lima' Society. buildlnge on :M lay,
Septetyll1•1•':.th. at _ 0 clock,
us ear. 11 Ike gt•utlewan whit sent a e•au- mg a Mrs. 1.athtyte-fate + "' 1 t H t
pilfering, wiggled Septetnht•r Isth,
will call at this utllee. he nosy learn of
something to het. ail%an Lige,
lit connection with the annual telt
pittance "Indic' day" Mls. A. Hatch-
eu\ will deliver an address in the
Baptist church next timidity evening.
All are welcome.t
At Knoa Chorda tin Sunda evening
Ow congregation had the pleasure of
hearing Si 1010, ' ('hr 1'111ldn•u's
II,.suint," sung by Plaster' Ernest
1►at is .i ynnth with :► Iht' soprano
saner.. 1geteL_ltivi1: is n pupil_ of
the ll.uh•rioh C,dlege of .Music.
1b'v. (. 1i, Hari is, 13. A., mliseionat•y
Cu hr slppul•lerl by the (1 Ji'I•i.h dot•
Diet F-pw'ort11 Leagues, was united il)
marriage t. 1 Mist Agues McLeod, of
Hyde, sskuh•hrwan, 1111 \Vednesday.
September 1JU1. Mr. and Mrs. Martis
Will sail for China in the latter part of
(k?tobc f.
One luundrtvl Ilnr lantern slide..
will be shown n eitt Tuesday evening
at North slIvet Methodist clulrt•h,
illuat1'atitg life in the new Nest
U11ukuolaa•s, Japanese, 1'hiuese. 111d -
inns. roc., lumbering," titlItling, wen -
i lg,. 'r:aihxuydileg. etc. 'rh1 pictures
ars funny. patitettt. instructive.
Guuie awl get. ac.lgaintted wi h "The
Corning ('aladiau.' Silver collet•
tett. ._
In pl•eparittion for the union evnn-
,trliat 01144sh:ler fry the two Methodist
-t llllrelles, cottage prayer se•t•t'ICes fir•
bring held on Friday evening at
1l I s k in t he following 1 ,N :
Pars. McKenzie's. St. Vincent street :
MCN. lira. ''ox's; Britannia rand:
lit°. PI, Elliott's, East street, and
George Green's, 1'iclou 1ty111. The
(aeuplr ..f the t. 1011. wan ate 1e•
tpiesa.l to 1111 1 at these centres.
Rev. .1. 11'. Iteid, 11t At wised. will.
1, •4,;t, preach ulotls.ug and et ruin at Hitt
sera ice* at Victoria s1t't' . 1• 1 1mT
char: h 11011 Suuduy, :std iu the alto -
11.,4,1 a1 :; O'11o, k Pits. Ilit0hrox will
ad.ir the Sunday 1chekd and the
general ilutdic. Evot- bs.dy es w•el-
co:ue: Hie tweeting 111 the Epworth
League next week will he on Moods'
eve ' • Mid rail 111 '1'ul'11I Iy evening.
Au iutoioating tapir will Ito diwcussid.
11nce more let us menthe' the I..%
quirement that :dl 0,.mul •111,11.
Wilt t11 this office' oust have the sign*.
true of the sender to ensure publica-
tion. Vire. are -glad to ree•ri't' news
itelu+. lint we moat know fr wt
A new t' •-tabho went ii,to 141..1
on the ('.1'.11uu •Monday. The .0111y
eh -'ng.' affecting titslrrioh ea. in 11e
arrival of the noon tr.liu. which u°w
maitre in at-I'.::8I instead of 1'':::,, The
train leaves Toronto :.t s a. in. instead
°f i:J) ss formerly.
The. Signed had the pleasure this
week of sampling molt!" s.ddlin
peaches grown by \\ thiettu' iriiii iT
too n. They wells 4,1 splendid haver,
stud one which we nleiptIred ton4 right
and a half 'nohow its circumference rocas.
nay We should ••siy that the Bireie
so -tailing Is a epTenittite,ncre
Andrew Morden was brought to the
Jail here un. Suutrtlty' by Constable
Phippen. of Wingham.- having Iwt•n
•onvIcted of carrying liquor to
partieson the Indian list. A'line of
$;b1 and sonans - was itotwa0d 110 Otte
uulnth in jail. 111) 1 the defendant ple-
tert•td ti.spend tete th in jail.
le connection with the 11fHciai open-
ing ceremonies at the Goderich Indus-
trial Exhibiton went. a chorus
of lel 111• r child' . (n take p.irl
under the direct' u( Councillor
Jordan. A priu:tue 131 all.tib
to sixteen years of age who wish
take part it to he held at the town
hall on Saturday evening next at 7::111
o'clock. The piece. to be sung are
tial intial Airs.
James Wilson has i»surd a very
neat pamphlet of twenty -4 ' pages
advertising the t' P'ietsty medicines
and preparation. which he Iw115. The"
people 111 1'r. en .rgr e, who w
pleased to ser kiln once more in his getting out 11( such a publication is
&cellistomrd plat's. something new for a li,aterieh drug-
gist and shows some enterprise. The.'
THE DISTRICT MEETING. ...litter aggregate: sixty-two pounds
in weight and lust parted through the
- boils, this week. The printing with
Representative• Methodists of Goderich dour by the Signal Press.
District Meet at Clinton. \V, Stuart Lane. seen of ('aunty Clerk
The Miami al meeting of the Met his Lane, who has been peact('iing law at
dist church for l:uderich eiistriet was St. Catharines for several • seat s, itis
held in Wesley church, Clinton, on heanl theca!' of t he %Vest and ham gime
Thursday, St4Letnttvr filth, The fist-. to Fornix; H. ''.,•where he is establish -
lowing ininisters and laymen. were 11g himself -in his ptufessiun. Mr.
present Lane's -many friends -in aatd aroaed
,Goderich, North St.'-Hugi1 4. Goderich are atnTy to lose hien from
Dougall, Ph. 13.: \V. Holland. (bale- (hit it in, but goal men are needed in
rich, Victoria.St. 4t. Millyard. Cline the West. and in the development of
ton, %%'ealey-- tri. uilitfe, B. A., J. the Toast Previuce WI' may look atone
(Jt-oenr; W. I)oher . Clinton, On- former young townsman f/ tl/ke an
tario St.—T. Wesley Cosens, Henry 0.115.- and useful pat•(.
Newcombe; Jar. Mil r. Seaf,rtb In the article in last week's Signal
1). Rogers: N. Chuff. olweaville—T. on the year's building reeur0 in Giese•
J. Snowden, Ph.. B. ; (i o. Contain'. rich, it wear not intruded that the fig.
Blyth,- W. Ho Cooper ; V. Jackson. tires given .1 ' Id Ito taken as accurate
Dungannon—L. Bartlett.. Nile--Wrn. retatrmente of the cost of the Indio.
Conway; John Tifton. nomller-- inga. They were. given simply as
Wm. laugh; W. Thompson,. lo,lutes`- rough indication in each ease of the
born—H. Curry: W. Carte Varna style °( !milling that was being
--Wm. H. Taylor; John %Va era. erected. F.0• instance, in theCAr0 of
A communication was re Irian It: .I, Acheson's rr.idence nn Nelsen
Rev. Dr. Chown. secretary of 'per- street, the figures in connection with
once and moral reform, sum ting which were t54,I11), we are informed
that the It'tu111 cost will not be h
more than ltalf that figure. In other
ranee there inay he ditterepancies 11nr
way of : other iwtwe' n the figures
given and the :101111 est,
that in the interest of the war at
least 1111.(It) be contributed by each '+ -ir-
_ discussion • showing situ
fly nitialy Vint own e3(b t to
lowed, and the following n''rtollitinn,
moved by Rev. W. Jolitie. :and
seconded hy !try. H. Millyard, was
heartily passed : That we have heard
with deep interest ltev. Ur. (:hown's
ttt•abtny PP t*tnperattoM -itu4
I reform anti we leg to ;triose
hit that we will do our hest to lad -
van •0 the interest Of the work during
the ars
Rev, `V. Conway. Sunday school
secretary, addreawetl the meeting upon
matters 3n relation to his 'department
• of distric work, earnestly ,omunrnd-
ing the Igge•stions of the general
Monday se e , I secretary that as far nr
possible. the he instituted in each
school adult elle classes and training
classes and in a:h aehotel A mlietiun-
ary society hen ganized.
A diecussinn f wiring the organiz:a•
tion of Bible at els .Iaseen brought
out the fact that vete' such classes
are already in suer,' fol i.pP ratiiih, ht
Goderich, Blyth, et . 'laving lis-
tened to the report an to the sugges-
tions of the district . unday techool
secretary, the meeting econumende,l
that a series n( local 'tit,ites i.P
arranged by the secretary to be held
at local .entr.a, and that rev ry assist-
ance possible Ie given the He ..tory in
this work.
Re.oltitionm of sympathy e• the
death of Rev. (i. Hugein and 1 the
bereavement of several members of
the district meeting were carried.
After the reading of a coromnni djjta
tion from the editor of The Chriaterall
Guardian it wise vol by Rev. 1'. .1.
Snowden, sPeolidiel by lies. N. H.
Cooper. that "we hereby wish to it k•
preen our hearty sympathy with the I .torts,
editor in the very earnest effort he ; Andres:, McM11 hy. of 1V: unities, Mis'
Jr•+le M•Vt in hy, of New \brk. ,mm Mhs
hew Men making to make The (oar- I Ma'- aret''1 Mn'chy 01 t)ntndt, ire r. -neat
dian worth" in ever ,• We/. of theOwnlarrl0l Mr. and Mn. 11, 1.InMer.'hy,
Atetfenliit n rch. W'.• conga ai"liat. 1""^"'"4"—
him upon his success in making they 'holden B. element, of Nor.h Hay, eldef
a so worthyof appreciation and I' '„',;',11',.14;7,) 01 the 1 N. o. 10.4 wayy screw,
pp pi his wlf trand (name, err 4 then. "
ler•ause of its v,dne it n Peessil in I to•, 1t. 1 lenient s. Mr. 1 lenient will roman.
every Methodist family, and will 1111' far several weeks.
our utmnet tan increase the circulation Mr.. Hest .r Mey'a,en to, aierly Dtle• time
of The Guardian this rainingPar.' Tena, d.A(ew et' from at ue ani. work. e'
y alt+pend fweeks l taw.,. Nn. MnFn •al
Heartily carried. 1 will reretre with Mr . Is ley me Monday, neo
Moved by Rev. Dr. Itougall,.eennded t mbet 111th, and alt rinsed. , n the •est and
by Rev. 1t. Millyard, and resolves) that 'noel Mondays tinting her visit ars hare.
In view of the fart that so many mini- l worm catches the ohitu-
cinalithee within the district are intond• , The early
is it -41104-1.14. -ls AIS'. thy.
Iw•.igu1• cul Subhath srh011l V0115011-
ti0ai le i11 Ito held :at Limd,stItt., uu
oho hth :old :nil 4,1 November. The
peons am 4,111 1.,- woollen.. • . In. fav
11.(11 well be Iuteu by Ilea. S.'I'. Bart-
lett, yd 'Toronto, getter.' sei•mlary of
1:pw11rII, Leagues -awl 114nday schools
lot the Methodist (hutch ul l',urulu.
turd Ito !Ito' u. L. Klnmin, 1lni• vet-
eran-- tine s:••wi---mieeessesey-.- -•t luta,
olio is note ..n furl„11,;1,4 in 'Tor:into.
111 North slre•rt Pfrthioli.t ehutrh
next suudu'. morning the pulpit will
hr , sopa I ty' Rev. A- E. .lune•. of
'PHONE 43.
One own blcuJ, bosh ground
1 lI t'
Coffee, 0111) 111• pet•'ouna.
Experienced tet drh ike•r's tell
that, after testing packaged
1',•;11, they prefer our. Black
Ilia at Ink• and :sic.
rets c;wrs
1)1,1,-. jns1 parsed
intosttek, all size ,.tttir,, plain
and stuffed. our .pcci a1 1)1ewe
in pickle bottle.. at .Sr
Only purr Spices lceta in stuck.
11,,r Vinegar .:des are far
b,•yinul our ex p11' t a t 1 0 n s.
People err not taken,• chances
wit h poor Vlnezu•. 1Ve keep
the Lest in 1Vhit.. Witte and
I Illy Iyew t:hiwse i. -ening v.elI.
1 fitly tai p.•1'i' ''''
.,h'-patel.I5I t'1 ttnk•-e toe- :.::Ll9e-
1,lc parkitttP Molt .1 tit 7te
li:t.k,,go Orange A . t Lie
I'.e• oaekage Jello L c •.ern
1 ,'wider.... ...- Ilk•
111• pack:we(kwan'Fl•uit ne
,acleyfe• Royal V,nrt, :if Inc
iq.•{Mg.. Kismet,' soap,
lite tL.-Je_IeV4134 It: xlrae{,A
Verde A Leucons. $ 1 r dozen _:71N•
randy nod tub Milter, per
pilon _y1,•
Psalm Books
For North Street
Methodist Church
We 'have on rade a splendid assurt-
•nnent of The Hook of- Psalms which
leen adopted in the North St.
Methtmliet Church for responsive read-
ing. Below is a list of stylts of bind-
ings, amd prices :—
Iaiwp('1oth, gotta p T The . each.
Loop Cloth, extl'a large print, price
:711', soon.
Mull l'tuth, good print, price ;i;c, each.
Null Cloth, extra large print, pricetiic,
and 711s..'at'lt.
Morocco hound, small size, gaud print,
pike :e1'. each.
Moisten' bound. larger adze and larger
print, prier N:lr. eaeh.
4' tort Milne &ima e, (iOUKRII'l1
Phone zoo.
\ 1r necetanu y f.tctors in the cul-
inary department of ever y
la,wauebuld. Wu aim Lu sweet
the 'noel exacting demands
made upon us fur the supply
..( lt..t r..r nd 1.',140 to Asir
%re a 0 Ir•qui1it ie. III eVtry
luno•. 1. is our 1.11t it..to .
k- rep iu k e•vetythitg under
the above • earl that is PI'RK,
Quaker Oats. reg. roc packages
for &.
Bee Brapdd Soda, g , reg. 5c,
for 31, or 2 for 51.
Bee Brand Starch, reg. oc, for
7c, or4 (or 250.
Reftance Baking Powder, reg.
litz” (or 15c. Reg. 15c for rocarge roll Toilet Paper, reg.
for z5c
Maple Leaf (iroccry
i Su. ces or to 1, NAIRN
ii, 1 t Hard—itr it. ev utwK lh••
J. tv, 1 rn le w • l . Toronto 'over Sunday'.
Itotleer ...sae a trip to llaronto,tnt.
114151 .,, McMehitndn. of lateen. writ to
town del net he week\
11, 5dw- shed his rpth.r. fron lo.ndou, a•
hi- Merest o toesIo ntay.
Harry 14. of Ware, Me . , lilted hit,
f, lends in to Ie.1 week.
I:nbt. talon oft cu )Im0dnx tot Ike a. course
at the IMrliu In Poe.- Toile ••..
a1t.. mud 311-- on left on The -day to -'pond
'be -welter to bud aton, Mich.
loaghten. Patch., i. i+in
'ntharine tans.
sprirkee will 11• Jusrpta (iibsuo, ..f
Itigerst•Il. Mr. Gibson, who, is the
paesideut of the l) :t11ial1ce.
will• need no-intro.hetiun to the
re qd., of (J„ leri.h, tae hia stanch 11,•1 r.
Lao wietei in con neeti.n with 'h.•
Jurat opt' calilpaiglt is out for-
gtAtru.i TGs :,1410. uti Silnday night
will Ito with;leferenee to Ow temper-
ance Sit Audi iltl.
Next Sunday Wonting Juse•pit.
Gibson, pte.ident of the . L)nt 111 ,
hr.ulch of the .1)ulniniuu Alliance,
will address Knox- chuck r atgrega-
r,.in' In_ Thr -Intvretts-vf-tenrperntr e.
n the afternoon. at..a ucles•k, iustr:ad
,.f r'rgulat'$tblsttb writ 101 ..•.4t111,
the chi •rayl/ service, entitled " %Von-
tieiful Words, 01 life." prepal•d by
the 1Sento al--Asse•inbly's S,tht.at1,
seined cimiluitlee, Wilt be held in 11.11
nuditiiunt of Cie eh 11. In the
evening the pastor's mer tit ,ti..will Ito
es(k" iltlly fur young men.
Albert g. 4 u,, of
ins hi. tool het,
Mt '+:dhow., Bar
0?1 ,1 '.1.1 1 , her dna
84.'- Aisle Arlin left ,ye
1)11.. where she w'•'
street. he, returned
aur at London.
•rd:ty for (400kan.
nd two or three
11101. +.
Is. %f da Npenlw ret urnek` t , resin , on T 4,u.
dA nrtei ,1lcriettig the sionntre wen Tv'i. r
In liaetericn. '
Andrew McM inside left ycst day. morning
oil his , eet,11,1 1I, W1111,4011 after - wilding some
wets, 1n town.
Mrs. w'o.:\yltoben sin, of Otttwa, - •isiting
011 friends to town, and Is the go 1 of M1,
alai YIN. t 1 ••:anti
Sunday butt was 'tow.," th Le:agt
day at Noah street %le•th,slist chard).
. 1
.11111 1111'''-1 log and suet -eyeful w•rvices
well• h,•:d. rhe :alditol°fttw alts
l:uul.oun Iv .1. coral, with flags and
hunting in lh•.1:'cagu. colors, Ipd and
At Ole morning service the
add(.=- by the pastor. Rt•v. III.
1)ou:a ll, was adiliesse.l especially to
rIle ua'IIIIe1- ut (be 1r tgnew, junior
and senior, whit sit in a iswly in the
rwtttte of the slouch. - ru the el ening
them _WSM a plait e)tnl _eery lee, all Ail-
ttiros(•s '4..1.I-. -roto: flIi34lr si rift ,f'in-
•gwetnr : A. PL Robertson. president
of the Lague, and 1.. 1'. Fleming,
O 1111111y see:et:try of the k. M. 1'. A.
The addrresees were strong, enstrue•
live and inspiring. The musical t.r•
vie.• was led by a choir of young men.
On Tuesday evening the anneal
!waive. "at home" vi:e•, given and was
; a vi.ry attractive Pveet,. Represent a-
tivet of sister societies weir ;swoon
and re»polded to the greetings of the
president, 'A. PI. Rulwrtla.n, not the
1.....4 apt of the responses (wing that
of thi•.h'legate of 1( nos ihtit t) Y. P.
S. G. F:. Plies Edith \Viggins. Tlp,
Collegiate and Business College stud-
ents were (fit en genxt nutihl'rs, Bet.
.1. A. Andet'son's appropriate !,Late.,.
I he One music, the prumensuling au11
the dainty luncheon nerved tram :1
LtulleL Ateru..features of 'anevening
which should r .hent happy relation-
ship. and steengthe•n interest in the
religious work of the yrmng peoples
3erhrHM, and Mrs 1:1 h- of
ifetiiiflf, TER MI--Veetltflr arse Ott - 5
AP.wa stool? wtt. the Mose. 1smooch.
Mi-. Mel menial left on Tricolor masala
her return to Ann Arbor, kWh., after ependl
the - Inlmer with her st+ter. D1.-. J. f'. M.
Mt , (100111 7.1. Cox, of I.ondon, Fang.. who
had t.en'11.1?ing Mr.. teat hart ric 4'0x, left no
Tuqesday for I•'re'.ton. whence .he w II len, a for
1og.I' n Isar steamer [Aureole. k, her 1,1.
MR And Mr. I1. •(1.1). 1.' Ton. -I left last
week. as, Ile.: return t) their hone at .New
York.We aro M,'''• .1 t 1 be ells 1.1 r.p.rt
that Mr. IneTouzrl'. health hl - Been mitt le
ing to vnte•on local option i4, January al's notice. ;
nett, we,ps members of the ooderieh I A denent Joh with a fat eatery will
dletrico toileting, desire to place on *POMPOM many a man from politics.
Oood Words from the Fraternity.
Clinton New FAA :.1. W. Vanat rel.
formerly of The Goderich Signal.
after a trip to the Pnrifie mist lest tot-
tered into partnership w'iI h If. 1. Mn1 -
vish,, in 111.' grocery business in the
comity town. The New Eno joins
with Mr. Vanatter'i (natty it-irttds in
wishing the nog lana, prnsin•rity and
1i'ingltam Times: Mr. J. W. Vault
ter, frmx-rttrrthwr of years ertnitretr.1
with The (od,rieh Signal, has 1)1r-
cbase•rl an interest in the Maple tarot
grocery in that town foul 'wilt COn-
(en,lev to tweed. in (elotieh, Mr. Van -
atter has °In best wishes in hi. 110w
\Vhen a girl didn't speak to a marl
her n101 her told her 1101 '441.1sign
they didn't meet.
Il,n'1 toy to gran!' an pppnt•tuilit%
by putting salt on its tail.
A we4ttL8.11:aw So 1011,11 imagination
else. tw•uld • think, her figura was ..wi:-
low). if it 10ok.d like 4,a fowl of mush.
1,11% I. I. ar neressnI y In a 1411111:111
W10, 11 1 .1, attired the habit Am Ionone,
is, too .1 111 111. -
I -'K11• the' Ine•klill1 1.0%.011 we
Ittve the flrahest and purest '
Every lhin' !pm 0 'et fur slaking
seals pi, kli•. :nal cAl»non.
Beet whet•• wine and rider .
VINE(i - R S.
Give us your order.
Sturdy 6c
Phone et W t Side Sal are
'rhe Signal is pleased to be
able again to announce the
cuutplelion of clubbing ar-
rangements with The Tor-
onto Weekly (lobe, where-
The :,tgrsl and
The Weekly Globe
will Ise sent to any adder s
in Canada or (3teat 11,i1-
_ malar one year for 51 60.
Special Offers
To New Subscribers
Asa special inducement to
new stlhset.iln•r•r, the Lao
psprte will 1w seta from
row until the lit of Jan-
os' y. loll for the priee•of
1 y.•.u'a subscription -SIM.
That, is, the remainder of
this year is given free.
For the balance of this year
only—from now to January
id; 111111, the two papists
will l»' tent for 30c.
Adel rose :
Are You Run Down ?
Or f ing lagged :rl.d ,as,1t 1„1 1 1351.1 the 6,11 wetther of summer?
1\ a hate :3 or (111 lh. haat mak, . in lust Ilea at :,t1•., iter. and $1.110.
'Wee Alan have one of the beet ti,.ker. of BRED, IRON ANI) WiNK
for sa IN HI'I.K in any quantity desired.
Central Drug Store,
Groceries, Provisions, Fruits,
Chitin, tilaes and Crockeryware.
','HONK ii. it.1.w1.TON arr.
iSMART 51101E3S1
For Fall Wear
We have the greatest 'alucs
men's fine shoes at
$3.50 and $4.00
Good, solid, reliable footwear
just the thing for Fall weather.
We carry these in all leathers
and have a full line of shape.,
and sizes to fit all feet. Noth-
ing in town to equal -them.
Downing & MacVicar
Nortn side of Square
Sao Evss r. John Holtzhauer. &gest
74 hanged himself herr on Monday.
He haat shown signal of derangement
for some time, and war closely
guarded by his relatives. Being inbre-
ed from the home., his granddaughter
found him hanging by is small curd in
the driving sled. Coroner Milne, of
!Myth. 'viewed the remains, hut de-
cided that an inquest errs not neer...-
tory. The• fun••• 11 took place front
the residence of his daughter. Mrs.
John Ltaddon, on Wednesday to the I'.
P. K. station and interment was nonan.
kt Preston cemetery. A service con.
ducted hy Rev. A. N Jones. waw hell
at the home Tuesday evening.
Stage Manager -"But you laughed
in the death seine. Y -ow- tuttste't
Actor _"1Vith the salary you gine
the I can only greet death with joy.
Are now on and neVer had we such an excellent or
'in Godiririh and vicinity to pay us a visit. Feel
free to walk in and see_ our showing, which. is
particularly good these Opening Days.
large showing of Millinery. We want every lady
The latest shades in all the new' fall Dress
Materials. The neW Sung, in fact everything new,
with always our standard of good values pre-
dominating. See our advertisement on page 4.
Cameron & Mo oore.
Continuing All Fal Week
Our formal exhibition of new Milline will con-
tinue all through Fair week. If you ha -e not yet
visited the showroom, make it a point • come.
There is MillThery here that is worth seeing-- linery
you can't afford to miss looking at before you rder
your Fall hat. Yob will be heartily welcome when er
you come and will not be asked to buy unless you wis
We wish you to feel free to come and go at your pleasure,
The Famous "Northway"
Man -Tailored -Coats and Suits
I3est styles of the famous "Northway” man -
tailored suits and coats can be foun in ourd big
coat department. "Northway" garments are known
from coast to coast as the best in Canada today.
Styles are right and threy are honestly made from
best materials. Dozen of garments here to make
your choosing easy. Of most, no two alike.
"Not:limey" Man -Tailored Suits, $15 to $30
Man -Tailored Coats, $I0 to $25
65c Cheviot Vc
fanhinnahle fabric for your
rotit than a cheviot. It will
hard to find anything more ,,er-
viepAbli., either. A new line
pelt opened tip this week three',
from Paris. It in a genuine all.
wool French cheviot serge and
exeeedingly good value. We
(show all the season'n correct
colorings as well as black. Good
weight. Arm weave, 111
inches wide, Very spec- 65c
ial, per yard
Instead of the last Saturday and
Monday of the month, we take Tues-
day, Wednesday and 'Thursday, Sep-
tember 2g., 29 and 3o—the days of the
Goderich Industrial Fair --for our usual
month-end specials. Watch for the
list —it will, be a good one, one that
will make itIsay you to visit the store
Make use of this store on Fair days
-to rest, to meet your friends, to
leave your wraps and parcels ; in fact,
any way that suits you. Just come in
and- make yourself at honsc--It *ill
be open all day each day of the Fair