HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTA RIO
aC4*444+' °********4 4 44***4 444*******449444 +'x i 444 491,44'4* 1
4.4 The News of the District.
• MONUAY, Sept. 211th.
Aurae), Higgins left here for the
Loueluu F'air last Thursday.
(leo, and Mier May Sander*, of
Mafekieg, were Crewe %driturr on
Mrs. Isaiah Cullgt'atie and Miss
/,rota. of Lucknow, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T. (:4Hig*'t m -eft Thur».
Ethel Trurplejon, of (.odericb. re.
turned to the Circular Town on Friday
after spending a week under the par•
ental roof here.
MI,N UA Y..Sepi . :Lth
To BK *mono THK Renew. Normau
Mel)uugall, the Porte•l's Hill r•oader,
who has been doing very poorly alt
.nuttier and made many if his friends
think he Wise going hack. rasher rur-
prieed them by winning the Stratford
)larathml in two wmntt 141118 111111 the
torlurr'liwe. "Mae." •w lee is hitter
known among lbs ruuuets, hu.Rgaiu
gine in training and intend* g g
dean to take in the Ward race, which
incudes the hest tun in Canada, Ile
is not going flown se. break any re•
cords, but merely intend* to t'e what
'tAnse he eon catch g 't a IN•al.
t•.• hope to ere the old "Ilea Loge."
which,have carried hie) to vier ty eu
many times before, wits out unci
n4.44 414 llrtnly.r Uth.
M Nnav, Sept. .IMh.
.I, Sehwanz with hie corn -binder
doing a Itig huaitters amotig the
Towers around herr.
%Ir. and :Mrs. C. Walters, of %Vind-
..a, called on friends and lehtlivti in
the tit'ighlwrienal on Theexley of hast
tr ee Ii ,
Mt, and Myst H. Storey. of London,
who were up attending the wedding
.f the latter's,, sister, in (ioderieb,
ca1lesTiiu reTalllvea bare Iasi VFW. - -
.\owngg those from these parts who
/isitosl London lest week were the
Miawa Nettie and Lucy Fisher and
Fletcher 'Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. 1'.
Walters and Miller Srratglean.
Tt'F:sO.%v, Sept. 2Iet.
4witu Boyle *porta a wow- drixac.
butes etre looking h •l
. John.
Mi•. and Mex. Jule) Wilson, of
Auhurn, spew. Sonde) in thio alcor•
genie a number of people tone thin
ritinitytnek in the Loudon Fair last
'Wm. McIntosh is assisting Jeepli
Flynn G. Ilniab up his carpenter work
this fall. -
Mies Dice Clark. of Hrucellehl, Vie -
0,d her mister, Mra. 1Vw. 1't (isms,
last week.
Mn, John Kickley and family, of
Port Albert, ' are visiting friends in
This vicinity.
Mr. Murnt•v, of biotite i.•h, and Mr.
Misr. of Kingabridge, were in the
.erg this week.
Mire 1'nrinne (mare n,le»,r tine re-
turned after having .It•nt herr holi-
days in Montreal.
John Chautney sold a two-year-old
•oat it T McCabe this week: It is
a good one weighing 1, l_h)
W. P. Brophy lett haat FriJjy fen
Toronto, where he inlmmdtt visiting
Mends fur a few days before going
hark to college in Montreal.
W. R. Durnin, of Lucknow, parsed
through here last Thursday with a
drove of cattle which he was deliver-
ing to T. McMillan, of Seaton!), at
Tue./oral, Sept. 210.
Xerrvs. Threshing is the order of
the day, and the limners all seem
satisfied with their sunimet's work.
:.A n her from our burg attest-
dot the dance at the Forester„ Hall,
Port Albert, on Friday evening and
all report a very good time.
143041.N.t1. --Misses Minnie, ('.)rile
and Margaret. Canner. spent .a few
days last week vieiting relatives at
London and St. Marys Dennis
Donnelly is at present visiting his nie-
I,•r, Mra. Tens. Iiarvey Thornes
.1. Sullivan returned to hie home in
liritish Columbia on Monday after
spending a few weeks with his (ether,
lererniah Sullivan .,Misses .eerie
IMlren ami Margaret oi.trvev, M the
(..1'. I., spent Sunday s1 their home,.
here. .Miss M. O'Neil. graduate
name n( St, oseph'r, London, is
.isitinprner hoatlterihmes Among
the visit.m. lu Lhe L)pd,n Fele were
Miss Hattie Noble, 1ilu.lys end
Fleenor MoRs, John I.. Sullivan and
M, Dineen. M.rnent naso attended the
fir and Wan arcompanit'd by Hillis
eel Jim from Onderich. All report
t. %ing a tine time, and are likely ti
go sin Pete Hogan, of Lanes,
Sunda in the suburbs' of Hinge -
John Wel.lIare paid a tly-
11 to Ocderich one dry lust
..Misses Julian and Helen
tit a few days int he I'irculne
returned home tired but
IRs Ila Foley spent. a
her cousin. Miss Ethel
ing vii
week . .
Rielly' RpI
Town an
hap ,y
week viaiti
Miss Helen Ca ron tofS' )etroit. is
spending her vac • inn at her home
Master John McNee eft on Monday
to attend the Meaforth Collegiate In•
Mrs. Ana Campbell it
Mise Margaret, returned n
from vieiting friends in
and 1►ett•oit..
Mine i.ena Iticharlj,, of Cr
w' ho had been spending s Rho*'
with relative's here, left fel' her
r n Wednesday of Inst, week.
thole n nnmher (rein the village nil
neighborhood took in the (sermon Fthir
last week. Amongt.henl were Mex. Irl`
A, F:dwarls, Mism Mary Reid, Jas.
Reid, Geo, Greenslade. Mrs. %Vile.
Itot.hwell and daughter. Minn Edits,.
Mins M. Clarke, Mrs. John Reid and
Montt Edith Sp*rkmen.
Robt.• Scntchrner, if the lirnns,rt,
line, ham mold hit apple Prop to Mr.
1Vhiddon for the evep.tratnr for the
nice P11111 of 111:3111. Mr. \1'hidd.r) rens
agreeing to .1. the work rlf picking
and bagging. Thin .,hewn thatthere
is money in epplea and that the nr
''hard is often the moat profitable part
of the farm.
Mrs. Moore and children, of Even-
etnn, Illinois', end Mra. Winters end
f*mily, .f (»)reit, who have occupied
* rnttage In Jnwett'a grove rnr the
pant t 1)
three months, returned to .
unit last week, accnmpuanied by Mime
Y,limm Meredith. also of Detroit, who
had he(m * great at the hn,na of Jam.
Thxtaldaon for some wpekp.
d daughter.
WKUNKFIDAY, Sept. 221d.
Doti') fail to hear Rev. It. Dougall,
of Nttrt!i street Methodist church.
Oolerieh, iti the Auburn Methodist
church next Sunday at 2r3) p. in, and
7 p. at. ; and du nut mire the illus-
trated lecture and illustrated song* on
Monday nicht.
MONDAY, Sept. 20th.
'Phomas Hamby visited friends a
Ili.. John McLean has returned t
Chicano to open up a practice.
William McNamara and eon, of Ca
unlet, Micla are visiting Mr. Me
Nautara's moth.•[•.
Mr. and Mr.. Win. Hogan visite,
their daughter, Mot. Brady. of Lan
that, and attended the tai* whit
1'tKsuAY, Sept. 21*t.
Mies A. Johnston, 'of ,Goderich, i
visiting with Mrs. Angus (lurlun.
Miss Jean Dunbar returned h
f • the s •r hotel, Uoderich, las
Mist. Me•('restir and MM. J. Camp
fall, of Behest, went trattrirut visitor
in this l.x•ality•
- ,tLsta.l{tia fti :iisualstuu is under .tam
deetur'a ear* cat present. 11'e ho
won 1.,, hour of her speedy iecovery,
ly •
VI NOW. Athmueeveryday exevt2hune How the Yro sanon Looks to a Kin -
days, New mussily fur extracting teeth ytimnu
toelal,hsattr thio, tWs (wit.tud I,rtaet't work.. cardiac hditur.
eta Alup'mum plane 'nun breakable.)
H. -You Imo always havedour work much lite K int-ntdinr Repealer e( last
better dyne In the dnrhU otltee -more Uu ••
• week had the Allowing artcle
better ttNeill/ie.fore De deity) the work, more luau, t
fusible for the Wtlle.11, i The Ontario \te+a Stowe Faretrin
NO'IYuE.-THF: LOCAL AGENCY ILiilWay is our 01 the live bestirs In•-
tu IJungtfanuon fur The Sigma IN at the Pu.t- LWetll Kiucarttitte and (1slrriclt. 1 t
office 'Hook and stationery titers where ware'--hnpMd-_ _{hi.. -.hit,._.. the 40414
orders wilt be reovisod for nbsoription. ..td- would he Mail) and in r•unrtin utder,
levee tg and Job work; rut nwee. well D* but the delay will 11u daub( bring its
recce tor amount. tell fur the same.
BAHOAINS IN WALL PAi'ER AT a lletter r when it dors color. The
the yeas. ") eof t Reporter, while in Til -
l'ostoalcu 'fllew.•r.elud arsedttur e
of the cat nay bs'- tlns which we hate to offer: until, ea ltVl 011.11 .1. N . Meyer.,
Ica•, tee, Lc and ttte Wr1I PaWr+.u111,1g fur 12e:the president, of the nand turd WM.
Ile, eta and Ib Wall I'atwrs• for lar : er Sc. lue
1- and 11' Wall l'aleers for ;o. M. RYAN, Dun
1VKnNKnnAY, Sept, 220d.
I Rev. Mr. Cook, of Bt•Igrave, will
- occ4y the pulpit in the. Methudis
e church on Sunday next.
Cecil Treleaven )returned to \Vat•
ford ye•alerday alter spending a couple
of weeke with friend' herr.
Special thanksgiving services will hr
w held in St, Paul's church next Sunday.
There will he service loth utortiieg
and eve ' g,
Charles Elliott is having setae itl-
provemente wade in the eerie oN•eu-
toied by M. Beninger. Jas. Elliott. of
d Nile, has the contract,
Mr. Joy, of Nashville, Tenn., and
las. Hew kite., u( liuderich, 4;)111(1 o
lrirud+ in thes urightsorhtasl las
week: •
Mrs. Thu». Leigh and children te.
•Mel to Sault Ste, Marie un Satter•
after spending the enuuner with
I.•igles father, Mr. Hewkuta.
and Mrs. 11. Hoy gase is hull
inlay evrnilag in the Foresters'
ter their_alepartltre for. their
home i 11',lton. A good time i* re-
%V. McCullough, of the Stetting
Hank, returned to his lala,r. on Thins.
day Last after enjoying a holiday as
his home in Orangeville.
The congregation .f St. Paul's
n church nee ut.tkntg arrangements' ler
the' t
Ir annual tel sue r• ,Thanksgiving.
n In
t ►P
(tight. Full peerti •Itlal'a as to pnsogretl,
etc., will be given later.
l'Ittttc \ural•:,.. Childieu's D.►y
service wi he held in St. Andrew
'hur•h tic t sinitlIy at :3 ,:.'luck.
Ufarxeat h services will be con-
ducted iti Ch est crunch next Sunday
11e1ta , - . il-assn-rm tilnet.
:'rd at 7 o•clock n the evening,
Tt'K DAY, Sept• 21el.
quite a ler f one here took in
Llie London hair.
Miss Ina Ray. of ' rontt, is visit-
ing at Mrs. Aitchitnn's •
key. S. 11. Moyer ape dee! the -Pres-
bytery meetieteen Wing ata mat Tues-
A ins
f Ms (' o
near t n )o •
ad ! ani
w j'
p yrsfrom 1 (e lis C. I.
over Su ay^.-
Severitl. from here attent 1 the
Vmutlg People's convention in Wing -
ham on Teieetlety.
Malt. Wilson, of Eden Mills, is isit=
ing her brother, N . M. Hump) ey
and ether r•lativee here.
Miss'.1.''. McDonald returned hit
from :McAuley. Man., last week aft
an extended- uojuurn with friend
there. .
The regidsr monthly meeting of the
\V 111'4 Institute will 1e held at the
1 , of Mn. Jos. Gaunt Thursday,
Sept etnler lilt b. Oaol program.
Mrs. (iordtio, 01 Anil Arbor, and
Mrs. Allyn and John •and George,
Winghatu, spent Sunday the guests
of the foruer's sister, Mrs. A. E. Dur-
A %VKnDtNee. -Thr marriage or Miss
Kt be. eldest daohter'af Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Woods, tows. Irwin, of Huron
township. took p ee at the home' of
the bride's' paeentls on Wednesday,
September kith. We wish the young
couple '•bon voyage."
('tle',1en ANNIVK,nscate '.-Tele• an-
niversary services of ter Presbyterian
church will be eondueted on Septenr•
leer lith, when Her. %V, A. Bremner,
.1 itipley. will preach a11 a. ti. and
7 P. at. On Monday ev nem follow-
ing, at s ticloek, the an teal thank -
'dieting .meeting of the. Women's
Feere•Ign Missionary Society will ter
held. Mt'. Bremner well give an illus-
trated leetiere on "Mitniuu Work in
India." Tilt' public are cordially, in-
vited to all these servirea. •
1(1N (Al L. \
\telt\t:st..al Sept. '..t41.1.
A t NtF: •e DIVING 1'PSTO( 'K-
it I XI. men + read( made clM..dna, W. .11
see extern nose Trice . r
cult.:Pin rs }: Lathe,. white lawn wwi
requlnr ; •a•, f r Ito. grommet.. n1 few guinea
r. A. Jkl.l.l`t, Kintali. :h -
Dan. MtLAmald 11Uede a business
trip to Toronto butt week.
Mous Umbel McInnes spent, several
dheyt last week et -her twnoe in Para-
Mike Dineen and .1. 'I'. Griffin made
re tour thrnngle Rriice county buying
cat le• this week.
Mee David Taylor and Isate, of
Detroit, are spending noire time visit-
ing friends in this Rection.
Arra. Secure Owen and Mester Char-
hamlie and Aire. Fred. denim spent a couple
id days iti Otderich thin week.
A couple of horse -buyers again
made a tour of this welkin .baring
.Milne gaol figures for .Durr ehoiee
A. B. M. 1)ovst.s JI stun KII. Mr.
and Mra, John McDonald, Misses
Cnthariii• a n d Margaret, Donald
and Mrs. Mel'harles toy In Brussels
laity attending the wedding of their
son end hrother, A. it McDonald, of
('renier.ik, 11. t'., to Miss Kathleen
Lenora Holmes, of that town.
ing the past ample .f week., *nether
change has taken piney in the'Herren-
tile life of Kintail. James Whitty
has taken .ver the general store In[si-
nens rein for the past thirty years by
his (rather, Martin Whoopps Owing to
the infirmities of old age Mr. Whitty,
sr., was forced to retire from active
service and with Mrs. Whitty and
Mine (Catharine Whltty tits moved to
Kingeehridge, and in occupying the
hnnee owned by Jerry Flynn. Mr.
end Wm. Whitty made manyetatnrh
friend,. nr 1 the r ry who wish
that their }en re tray bepn.Ionged in
retirement from edict• w•rviee. Mee.
Whitty in rer•nvering suflleiently from
her recent accident to go alioeit her
household dellen, We extend a
he.d•fy welcome to Mr- and Mem.
,(antes Vs hitty and trust that, with hie.
good business ability, Mr. Whitty
may rnpttre a good share of t he 'pat -
ion age .f the neighborhood.
The disappearance 0! come people is
more welcnme then their appearance.
lots of people delight In doing *
charitable Mont after ennelnding at-
rangementa with the Itmelight ,ran.
Willis Bell •ed his furniture ye
ta•rtay to (io erirh, where be will w
the future reside. Mr. and Mins 33x11
have been good citizens and wilt be
much missed in this vicinity.
Miss Gibson, of Bridger, ar•titie.IIasl
week end ban taken .•Mtrge•ut..1:-.Wta1
Millinery department fur tete
ruining season. annnuncrments of
the millinery openings which will be
held th. first week iti October will be
given Ind ter,
- Palma/tee its •ret4 New Client et.
Work in the Methodist e•hur•h is pre -
g(eesingp( rapidly. The Mick work ivitt
be finished tide week affil etre cat•pe•tl-
tets !rave already made a good thaw-
ing. At the preeeut lute the church
al Id be c pletnl for the opening
in le couple of months.
ALL Itt;.tiv 1••11,1 THK PAIR. -The
hills are.odt for the Dungannon fair,
to 1e held on Thursday and Friday.
Oetoler 7th and site, and an enpen•ially
full list of ,attractions is offered those
who attend this green. IliaLt•let CXbihi-
liou. In addition to event+ already
uutounced, there in to lie a mile foot-
race. which should tiring out the fest
rennet's of Ashfield, Colborne and
Weer Wawanoeh, the event being
open to three three townships. Prises
of S1, 11:3 and 82 are offered. On Fri-
day evening the concert in the Agri
cultural Hall will ie• given by the
Hewer Concert Company, and one of
the best programs over given in the
hall may be looked for. The talent
presented by, this computy includes
Verne L. Hewer, baritone : Ernie L.
Menders, comedian: Miss Vera 11.
(ewer, elocutionist and iulper•son-
tr: Miss Rhea Rohinmon. juvenile
ertsiner: Masters Nelson Adair
an Thomas Selby, boy singer+, and a
Intl quartette. Nu one ehnuld miss
thin tertaintitent, as the company. is
a first lass one and pleases large
eneee ierever it goes. The Dungan-
non fair always has a glial display of
the poach la of the district, and with
the gaol rope this year the display
tthntild 1* ore than initially attrac-
tive. Thespeeding contests, for
which genera\ts prizes are offered, will
he a leading fe tore, and the tituaic hy
the Lieknow 'tiers' hand will be
worth coming long way to hear.
For further infer ation or for prize
iiIfr, etc.. applicial rn sl Id he made
to the secretary, It.\Mcllwain, Nile,
Specially Se)gcted.
A mild -faced individut►1 entered the
ostof ice,
"Ito you keep stamps ?'\ he asked.
"We do, sir," atiswered\the polite
Jerk, somewhat aurprimtd, \
''What sorts do you kee1, :'" pur-
led the customer.
"All the capes that are lean 1, sir,"
eplird the official. "from a hal tiny
-Could 1 Nee some penny ones :'
1'1'001441y t he offs clerk pr dei
twenty shillings worth sheet-
enny px•rfurut.-ds and spread it net,
he counter.
"There yon are, .ir," he said, "if
on want penny stamps.. there are a
The mild -faced individual ,, looked
therm over, and then pointed to the
centre !tamp on the sheet. -
'N think," he said, producing it
penny, "i'll take that one, please f" -
The retty girl's farce may be her
fortune, but the homely girl's face is
her chap eon.
When a tnan has goad manners it's
a sign he i 't at breakfast with his.
The satisflu'tory thing about mak-
ing love to n (Barren is she will believe
you mean it
Said Point. Peary unto Cook, •'Ila',
you've got :another look," "Weil,"
replied ilits Brooklyn doctor, "Heaven
knows l'in not, * knocker."
when aha knows you
Them I+ more ('atarrh In, I.h1. section of the
ermine, than all tither diseases miltogether,
and .In111 the 1t,tf.w yeti+ It Wits snppo..ed to
he 'mumble. For a great ninny year •lector+
ei r
nrM .•.edit a hx'al Ma and proscribed
lit faring (e
punted 1t In
tarrh to tw a
fore net alae.
Inial remethe., and by eon.
rune with (oral tis'stment, p
rumble. 'Menet 1 11 proven
eonslltntIotlal di.mwe rind the
ennaltutional t reneneo!. Hnll's 'alwrrh Pure.
nihln l.the only Pon+Otitlortured by n*kr ors on 111..
market. 11 IN taken Internally In from In
don. to A tsa+peklnf,tt. - tt *eta at • . ea the
Mend and mucous surtaeew of the ops . 'they
otter one hundred dollar. for any cane 1 elk, to
cnre. !lend for circulars and temtimonia
Addles. F. J. t'HKNF:Y A ('t)., (dn,
Sold hy llraR(rl•l+, ; it,
Take all. Family Pills for ron.Unat Ion,
Leek now ,.r.. -Bops- 21,-21
Milverton. atept. 'Lt, 21
Winghe e
Atwood Sept, 111, 2P
Ripley. . Sept. 2f1, 29
Godelich. Sept. A, s9. 30
Brum/els. Sept.:11, Oct. 1
Kirk ton Sept. 31, Oct. I
(iorrie Oct. '2
flyth Oet. b, fl
Parkhill Oct. A, A
T.,awater ....Oct. L. A
Dunttannne Oct. it $
Ha/field......, ;p. ' Oct. 1* 13
Sept. 24, 29
Sept. dt, :'ll
accorded u Ieygtl.y teterview with
that gentleman. Ile memo eel teal tu!
what pro/oven was lying oracle, Mr.
Mayo» said they were pushing m.et•
tete as speedily ns pursilile, Iota found
that thangt•a in plan, bad delayed
titan tuneewhat• A1Jetuly' they had
'ended between forty and fifty thous-
and airs at lioterich. Three Mewl been
brought down' frost. Putt Arthur on
the eleatnthip Turret Court. Th..
Porter 1.1ayel Itetl also left Petra -
la,rnugh with et cargo of steel mils,
which were unloaded at tioderich
•ileo. Mr. Moyes letagbingly re-
marked that some 'en11lt• who hail
steevd test neither ties or Holt had
been bought. would have to use ruler
whet methods in their attempt to
....little the work. ' Ifo showed The
Reporter where week was just 61,0111
terminated.- art---Menrertttn e, • in feta
tow1•ship of Coltsnne, giving the
West Mhos. Head r.Onrrtiin with
the C. 1'. It. spelt-tn. '1'o funks Gus
t ,.
, c
Uo n the n• oa had cal o m
haled a portion of the Atlrill *stats,
dlsu a block of laud 1 '1'ugiuK lu Apra,
Smith, which la$ 1s•tween the Attain
estate and the C. P. R. (tails and
ties Rte now hying platted upon the
ground fur laying, lie stated that he
was goitg.ue have reel/els of lighter
draught bring tie.- and rads to Kin-
cat'dtne so thatithe r.u.uvetiun work
would twrl,rtmerllt.tt evitfr from- hath
rtidw of the line. Asked as to when
the t'ail's would he laid. he replied that
the work would IR•f,lune this fall and
he expected to have st (east (wrnly
milia of the road emnpleted. 'flee
concrete archer and abutments fur the
bridges Were bring put up amid the
'woelf Wltallinigt"-rrediBttile:
1)n being asked whet power nut
be used to generate electricity, Mr.
;Moyes smiled and said: • '•1 see you
=are skeptical ore to the Maitland River
ower scheme. 11 ell. you need net
Is', I know tete power is there, even
ifIhere ere game who try to belittle
the passibility of ever 'securing
power (rota that saner. As you
k •, 1 have just returned a tout a
trip lei Italy and Switzerland. My
visit was in quest of information and
it has disclosed seek modern idram of
dealing with the water power proposi-
tion of the Maitland River from hydro-
electric standpoint that it has teeesei-
tetrd a complete change cat plans,
whirl) means an addition of fifty te,
sissy per cent. to the development
thought possible under American en-
gineering conditions."
then showed the plans pre-
pared Ly three of the leading auutu-
faetnri,g concerns in gout hem E,ir-
• ie which are being acted upon and
Mr. Moyes says the resell will he that
this coittetry will ere the installation
of a plant that for the highest utility
of power deveh.pntent. in proportion,
will entree)( in engineering merit those
of Niagara itself.
Mr, G. M. Mackendriek also saw
Mr. Moyes and a full explanation of
matters was given to hint.
'I'lw road looks good and those who
supported it can reel immured of its
Thr more applause a man gives and
the less advice, ihr more popular he
Will In•,
The utmr clothes a woman wants to
sarpass her neighbor, the more some
tither wnntitn wants to Nurpaes her.
to make your baby strong and
well. A fifty -cent bottle of
will change a sickly baby to •
plump, romping child in summer as
well as in winter. Only one tent
• day- think of it -and it's a nice
Y cream.
Cd a small bottle now. All Druggists
Kellogg's is good for
An - ody--Anytime
Heal" ' Food is indigest-
ible a • clauses Satiety.
That's y you cannot
eat the enormous
amount r.rcea$arytosup.
ply ell the nourishment
the body requires.
IZeilogg's To,'ttt . Cora
Flakes is Pre -di' sled.
The rtttri'ive ole tits
of the Corn are retai eat
by K•'11.Jgp'a Seer t
Method. Strengthen .
feeble, over-worked \
5tom: c`ir -etnd digctts
and assimilates iac:i ec:•
1JIe Food,.
Kell•.•7'4 -- a
.taiuty (able dt?ic cy-
a Food..[nt attx:sa►ci::,
nnJtime. 13o,wre it's
When You
Take Cold
One way is to pay no attention
to it ; at least not until it de-
velops into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An-
other way is to ask your doc-
tor about Ayer)t Cherry Pec-
toral. 1f he son, " The best
thing for colds." then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
W. ruble. ear fora Ne..
}1 we u,:o ran la
'°" nesse fe.r
Wbcu the arc constipated, pei-
sonoussubstallces are absorbed into the
blood in lead of benlgJrtly removed from
the body as nature intended. Knowing
this dan er, doctors always Inquire about
the cund ou ui the bowels. Ayer's Pills.
-Yaa. La tea J. J. Al. Co.. towel(, at.... --
• n1'. %.1.!•4:4' sad
'c.o.d. parlor Mt'
• '11
d,•r >iP A 1.1.0, • .
Witteht•. Ilred refs ,' 1,
'.1 1'0.11104.. Witte nlain l' hx Il nd.on.e
l l'r11
The best • tt rlLLtr'>ur timers.
is new tVt• are tun tting the largest
end, w1• le -hese. 1)tr lest hi•i11rres
owlish,/ it, 1V,- teat(lh,tario.
Tht., d.p.,,terwrrae:
(:•'1 it money tIl.kitig *line .1
Dor '•
er gri dates ttr it ,ern ami and
are meeting with encet'as.• tint Our
free cataliegur net
M:.LI.0 err A Mel.ACH LAN.
Pri nci pars,
fes" t
Over ane• Ihuusand student..
enrollee) by mut chain last
year. It pays to attend a
pink of lids great ehsin, (or
"IN UNPIN 'r 11 It It
The demand for aur Rrsd-
uatrs is THREE TIMES the
' other schools engage our
graduates ng t•aehere. A
special c •se fur tt•acllet•s.
(1ratlnttet of two years ego
are now rattling 32.10) per
an ,
Three courses . Com se F:lt-
r1.aL, M•ryYtwttt.%env anll't'F:I.-
Fall Term Opals Avg. 31.
Write for patrtienlats,
(11?0,'I',tljit\ PIC IN
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Course.;
Cushion* Free
W. W..tendb J. W. Wa te/iedt. 3-- C,A.,
re, .i Vice-1'...,.ir,.'
v -a
free August. :loth in all tt'l iT
merit. of the
Central Business College
Vonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
t'.e1tinguc mailed free nn request.
Corn Flakes
The hoe We Hold Up
for year era Inst leis I. meds hy nee of tl.e
((Premed +poo da.lsner. of CA ' (ciente,. It IN a
.tide that. 1+a+ hon.ttly hill as It 1+ nkllhdly
SHOP; COM yut(1' ANO NT't'I.R
are *s.no t It. wearer and Inc.' retries. a. well•
Come and have )n..r fere. Muni with a pelt
There are all .Ise. and width., s• we tan gena
ante. a At, an good a. If you h .d your oboe.
made to oMer
TII I`It»U.vv. sari ellen. 41, t'RM 'T
II: 1O1• ,ALL•I
Real Economy
LC,yitlt i arta_10-shl p where ) e)ut
dollar ' reaches farthest don't
fail -to ge- 1N-- McLtlan
where they carry the hest lines
of eta -thing, Furnishings, 1{ats
and Caps, 'Tailoring, and every-
thing for gentlemen except the''
helots, at the very closest prices
for good goods.
McLean Bros.
(lents' Furnishings.
'Phe luotw chancre it boy haw to get a
good education the he won't take
The People's Grocery
All settsomtble nal., of fired -
rate quality and a ghtpricer,
While Wine and ' der Vines
gar for the pickling cc n.
i+rt us have your orders for
Fld)t!R AND FF:E11.
1'reenipt delivery.
f---- P g. RYAN
Ne, 1(11 11 lUw St'
PHONES Store, 153.
Residence, i85.
Store will lee closed Wednesday
afternno. s during Jul••
and August.
The time has come for v011 10
buv your hall Shoes. _ 11ere is
the place to fit yourself to a pair
that will suit toll for stale; F t
and Durability Our prices are
right ; satisfaction guaranteed.
(1 special invitation to farmers
To give us a call during Fair
days. We have some excellent .
values to .shots' in serviceable
solid leather working boots.
We handle Granby Rubbers.
G. M. Elliott rl11 ,QUARE
that- looks like china bat fol dnritl)ilityr la fir
superior to china. l'he price at present is 331. per
cent. off regular prices.
A'I' ('(IST
The Happy Th(.ught Range still leads the
market in economy of fuel. Even -heating ovens,
easy to regulate. 1t is the heaviest and most
durable range on the tTtarket today. It is in a
class hy itself. We have several other stoves and
ranges that are egttstl to other makes, ranging in
price from $25.00 up. Call and see our full line
and judge for yourself.
Now is the time to do your Nall painting).
We have a full line of cotors'(tf Sherwin-11'illianit
Paint, also white lead and oils.
iVe are agents tor Tt' ranula: RI i•,tl f;0• fin};,
manufactured by II. W. Johns - .\l.111tllle Co.
This roof is fully guaranteed.
Fier Etvest•aughing, Tinsmitbing, mid Deming we r•n,
give vnu freogipt, at.tont iin snit all week (filly gm trantr'ent.
Stere 'Phone ss
House *Phone e la