HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 6Tlll'Ri411A1', t•ZReTR)IIIRH 'tel, 1109 11'1(E SIGNAL: GODPirICii• ON'r,'.IUltl GRAND TRUNK EM Winnipeg $10 � n1 t'hlrn�., vn,l Il,.hi! I, 1r.uu all i,,n.s iU ()marl)), SEPTEMBER 24th. New York and return at Single Fare and One-tlalf. v1:1 Sl.,et:,H-t Fsm.s,. September lreird to ;telt indu..iv Return limit (h• tnl*•r loth. 111111, ACCOUNT NT OF HUDSON-FULTON• CELEBRATION Thr.tigh r tr service fr tin Tot -tint. and 11'yiuiltun. via Grand Trunk nod L. high i iHvy Hailways. Low Colonist Rates $ 42.15 Vancouver. seal tle, Poi tl,iiiJ, su1 Fr11116S u, IAltt Anlreho., San Hing,,. VIA CHICAGO FROM GODERICII Daily until October 15, 1909. (ONE W -t1- Mtc. oar -4 t -t Sesame •tickets from tir.unl Trunk Agents. F. F. LAWRENCE, Down Town Agellt. Off,\ -limp•. -4 k a. tu. to tr p. ut. _ $42.15 GODER/CH TO VANCOUVER Seattle,. Spokane, Poilaud, 1,: Sepliniber• Ith lu llctolter lath. $ 42.85 GODERICH TO CALIFORNIA Mexico, Nevada, September 1.'e It t• October 15th. THE ROAD FOR BIG GAME Moose, Bear, Cariboo, Deer All Varieties of Small Game Are found nnwher.. iu greitti :A .111,1 anre or under mare facorthl. run ditinna than nn the ('enadi'"1 P;u•ifl Main Line between Mattiw•a and the Manitnha Irni d,Iry. Ask for See twins for flame and Fish.- '•1•'i•.h- ing end Shooting," Spurti.in in'. Map," etc. (set your tickets and iufntunti, from JOS. K11)1), Agent. Corner Square and West St; • 'Phony 11. Rt•ridtnce 1 't Office hoots fi:61.a. 111. I,. \:4r t. ,.,. IGRAW() r telJeslIs ft 41. 11 SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresn Water Sea Voyage Palatial Steamships Superb Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges Ideal ;iulumer Outiugs on the (iteur Likes, lieloglati Bay, )[ among.the Thirty Thousand islands, Iiti r,nntinn :end ti,•k••ts filets all tail way agents. H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nlcholsttn Mgr., Coll ingwo •d 'I',a,(1ir Mg; '41;771 CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO HUNTERS Something About Moose and Deer. It is now pretty well known *Hien;; hrnt.•rsat the hest deer hunting crnlntrjr in Ontario k on 1he lin, of the Canadian Northern ()Malin, and that huntmri receive special attention. Mr, C. Price Omen, Patwenger Agent of the line, ill a hunt eh himself who gnAa right with the parties and Ionk,i after them; in fart, fiP located moat of them. This year the line will be opened north of $eliwood into the midst of the moose country. They aro reported very thick ; the engineers saythat /boy have never wren any• thng like 11. The moor* newton up there npena trtnlwer lith, fifteen days before the deer.. We hare something aper tat On a sew piece !bet. will take Ire parties of deer hunter.. Write C. PRICE GREEN, Canadian North- ern Relining, Tnrtntn. Making Money On the Farm VI. —Seed Corn Breeding By C. V. 6N16010. Author of e etlumr inure In '1u4 I P Ayrh allure" tueynabt. 1909. b) A•nr.,c.n ere.. A.sue.ena•t JN t!ie prectdlu;; :imides itin•rovcd methuda of growing a few of the most widely grown -farm crops have beeu given. fly 'study and careful attention to details It Is pos- sible tor n farmer to make a gond profit raking common ptodue•e for the general market. . Much greater re- turas,however, may bei •,btaluell by specializing in some particular Hne and selling the products un a apeclul [market. . One of the most profitable special linea that can be followed Is bre:ding improved seed corn This Is sone - TM. 17-000U nrg or Eeaxsa thing that must be done for every lo- cality, since corn shipped in from any distance cannot be relied on. it is entirely possible to increase the yield - Ing ability of a strain or cora ten bushels to the acre or more by a very few years' breeding. Seed from such an Improved strain will find a ready market at sstlsfactnry- figures. Selection of Ears. In starting out -to improve a strain of corn there are two Malo points to be considered -yield ,and quality. The quality can be determined readily by' Inspecting the ears. lu examining the ears the following five points are to be looked for: (1) Geueral appearance. The ear should be as large am It can be and still be sure to get ripe every year. It should be straight, symmet rical and not taper too abruptly. The butts and tlpe should be fairly web filled, though other more Important points should not be aacrlfl'ed for thi.. (2) Trueness to type. Every establish ed breed of corn has Its perullarities 01 shape, color, etc., that must be cunald Bred. The general type of the bre,.' should be adhered to closely, as nal formlty is an Indication of breeding (3) Maturity. No ear should be opted for seed that II not sound and wen matured. Soft. chaffy, etarehy ker nets or those shrunken at the tip, with ehaff adhering to them, are Indttatlom of Immaturity. Deep kernels go with late maturing corn. Ea' arcane dept\ of kernel cannot be expected In th, early varieties that most be crown iu the north. (41 Vitality. While all' con should be tested before It Is premed yet there are many ears that ran to thrown out without the trouble of te••t ing. immature ears are usually lark ing In vitality. If the kernel• nr.• blistered on the hack or the embryo 1b• dark or yellowish the ch:t lees are thy it will not grow. (A) sr...1m t: gement age. A high percrntnge of corn to col, is desirable, but should be secured 1, compact, fairly. deep .ICernetu r.,lhnr than by an abnormally small rob- --- Increasing the Yield. Mille quality Is Important, yield t. even more so 'this Is not •o easily determined, aetn'l Med testa twine re- qulred. Refurte starting these lost., the breed of corn to he grown •henlld be selected. ft pay. to begin tvrTti- wtth the best corn obtainable. as you are thus starting where some one etre has left off. A breed of corn that tans proved Itself adapted to your Irntity Is the best tceeeleet. There are almost at many t;n•thnel9 of breeding nerd corn as there are corn breeders. Many o0 these :ire ton cnnt- plicatwl to he adapted to the fanner who is lost starting In ns a corn breeder. After a few year.' expel- plce with n tempter method, sump of the plans for keeping a record uf. each ear from year to year and prodttrtng "pedigreed" owed corn may be t•m• ployed- Tbe breeding plot ehonld he :elk) to 600 feet long -Jost long pnon,_b let that It takes an ear to plant n r,w- It $Gould be wide enough for lthont fifty of these! rows The toll arid dr:dn:ege condlUona of the plot shnn)l Is' ns nearly uniform as pnatihlc It should be located twenty to forty rods from any other corn, so that there Win: be: no danger of mixing, Fifty '.0 the Twat ears of the desired strain leveed tse selected rind shelled teperntM?? T'. t.•h of the rows 1n the breeding pini t.. 1 be planted with one M these ears, the wet ran be done with n planter If Asa fel taken to clean nut the boxes / ite011ghly each lite ernes.- It !- toter to drill the corn In the hrr.ul hit plot wince 1t 1s too narrow to cut Ovate to advantage ert.s4Ni0' Two three border rows should he planted )round the edges of 10.' plot Cars o1 the Yreedino Plot. The breeding plot shield, *444 tie fnr Iilized nny Irejtrr then any of the oth .r field* on the fares, and tile prepare ties of the Reed lied 'Slid cultivation should be the same. The prime ...l, feet it to develop n strain of corn 1114 will yield well under overage fir Id run d)Uons. The extra work Ihn( le put ren the breeding plot should be apptgli 1y f I • nue eons itself and not to the sou About the time cultivation erases nil suckers should be cut off. This can be quickly done with a atrnlght bladed Guru knife. 'rhes.. suckers take 'tour !aliment needed by the good stalk, and produce inferior pollen to fertlilzl the silks. The most Important part of the wort; is detasaeling. When the tassels beglr to appear go threngh the plot lull carefully pull them out from every other row. This should be dune every day for a week or more -as long as tassels couUuue to appear. At the same time any imperfect stalks in the ,ether rows should be detasaeled. If there are any rows that show a marl ed tendency to sucker, carry the Pars too high or low or have any other marked defect, they should be detas teled also. Comparing the Yields. As goon as the corn Is all ripe the e c •tasseled nn from the twenty fi c d rows should be busked, keeping the produce of each row separate. The corn from the tasseled rows, as web as from the tmperfect rows that were de tasseled and from the border rows, should be discarded. At the time of husking the detasseteed corn any pe rullarity of the stalks lu a row should be noted. The number of stalks In each row should • also be counted. The weight of the corn from a row divided by the number of stalks in that row will give the weight per stalk, which Is the proper basis for cotnpartsnn It • will be found that there is a very great difference In yielding abfity, some row. yielding twiceor'tlree'llineFea much as others. This yield. togetb• e- with the number of good seryl ears to the; tow, forma' the beets for determining from which row to select .-ars to plant neat'yeara breeding plot. The rest of the ears worth saving hould be stored zrway to plant to the increasefield. The tn<?ease tfetd-ts not -for pose of improving -the corn, but merely 1„ secure larger quantities of ttta`t Weir -has-been Improved to ie plot., Each year seed from the Ugliest quality and, best yielding of the individual rows•1s saved to pl:nit :he nekt year's breedlug plot and the .•tnatnder used In the increase field. In this' set y tic 'itendard keeps lel- rovlug'from ycar•to•y'enr. Ten bush- --it toile acre Increase is by no means 1,16 Mint limit 10 which the impmtement, to be carried.. ttdeed, almost the_ 'sly limit he the care and time \'- .towed upou the taeestbtr plot - The Seed ,Corn Hous.'• Wbt•re several hundred bushels of corn are to be salved for seed, as is the rase where a specialty is being made of'well bred seed. corn, It Is nec- essary to have some sort of special seed corn house. Thts may be Plied with slatted reeks, eon wtticb the cora h laid, or the ears maybe btmg from the ceiling with binder twine- The latter is; the better method, as it per - mita a more thorough eh -inflation of alr around the.corn. The use of two THE MARKETS Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Low or, Chicago Higher -Live Stock -Latest Quotations. • i:,'4. St 1/1 :N 1.ivrrpoo1 wheal lot erre -turd tu•da tpi to lad tower tlrua reaturday;'corn, i wwrr. ugu Sept. wheat closed lye highr than Saturday"' urday; Sept. ,vol ',,a• h, wer, 1u • 1.1 14414 ! I,•5•1, The beneficial effect of iron uponthe system weaken through illness, overwork or anemia, is well known. - Per- rovim is a preparation which 1,., supplies the valuable element r in the most efficient way, coul- d bining It'itii it the nourishing ! fivalit#ie:l of beef. and the, ml�It1- 1•v stimulative effect of sherry t1illc. Pcrrovim costs $1.00 t bottle at druggists. ed Winbfpeg Options, ' Nrle,pr;; Ile tuber wheat .10511 un t Laugrd tram. Saturday'.:. th'tuter opts 1'!i,) lower liV i,rat--t)ctuber tit .c. December frac • fit\ 4k•tola•r 31ii, Irecelt<ber 30p4c. Torohto \Grain Market. ltWt at, fall, bpah Si W to it 0t tS heat, red. bah 1 to . • W t.ral, goose, lush Ike.•, built et 0 75 ]toe kwheat, bushel 070a 075 Italic). busk 0 54 ,... isbrt .... _0 so ..... 1,x10, bushel ... 045 .... Toronto Dairy Market: liottsr. separator. deli..., Ib. 0 7J 0 23 flutter, Stott! lot■ (114 0 1f Hatter. creamery, ib n.l to u 2:• .... Rutter. creamery, wJ.Js u 2i Chester. new, Ib, 0 l:t 013,4 Eggs, sale Iota, down 0 2: , .... honey, extracted 01U 1h•tn'y- comb...dlsea .--••-• 2'S. 7•W New Vatic Dairy Market. �1:W strilK, Sept. :v Rutter, stead]•; 1..,.•ipts, 0K) creamery. special.. sere fru, sa01, 3g4e to :,7',kc; wraterrt fat' to 2alac, western Imitation cream- te J. BROPIIEY & SON .. steady; rge,riDll, 12.+'". State, •.,n.. specials. 1514.• to 1014c, du , ;Sys.;, do„ eommoo to good, -I114, skims, fail to epeeist. 4%(tc to M MENTHOL PLASTER 1 -OK BACKACHI', SCIATIC,,. PLEUItiSi. STIT9.IIES, CitiCK$. NEURALGIA. KHELMATISM Each 25c. In air -tight tin boz; yard rolls $1.00, can be cut to any size. Beware of worthless imitations. Davis & LAWRI(NCI. 00.• /footrest. f 1•'Irm. rec. iItt. 11,_43 State. :....,`,,,.!')144'11.4 and n'arty, white hennery, w 11.. g..tl •rad white. :2Ito °k-. lawn 0eneew- l.rt2'y; 7P' t:..91. o ffc; lathered brown, 26, ! -e western, extra rust. 10 '4• ; fir -t, .s• to tic; se- conds. 2a. to 22 241/0; CATTLE' MARKETS. • Cables Easy -Eclat Buffalo Cattle Are Steady to Lower. I.v21JVN, tett. 3u 4.oudon 'rah! fur--e•ettie-see tenk..s.-:.t 12 t -2.e.. to It' lt2c 1•'r II.. for Cat a.lian •tes•rs, dregs - ed weight ress.e•d-weig)it retriesr,r.•r (we..: L nursed at 1•' Sr; - to rte tier Ib. eros o tine Ito. X ,:u01 HILL 0P CO 811. whinge. one at each end 'of ache ear, keeps ft from warping, at it wi II warp 1f'Ued by ono string its the mid Ile. One of then -chief ergtltremrrrt w -of-le seed corn house is adequate w Pottle - .tion. In. the northern section *where 'Revere coldweather comes cnrtyl stmt nrtlfcial heat will be necdrd, The 'ora may'tle hung !tithe Sneed hens •• as aeon ns It is gathered- AVthls tits a It r•ontalna n Targe auxmnt of linden •rr. it. the windows shook! all h.• Irtret .e,1 to allow it to dry rapidly Art1P3 al heat should. be applied gradlnSi It first, as too much when the •carnia'• hull of molett[Ire' will Injure Ir. After • the corn 1R'weell.drhd out ices•-eentiln• Don. will •lye mcrdred, though) tom" wlloald befgiven*st all times. Boat will be needed from' this time on 'Omen vary cold o1-datap Mids. In, Search of Coal, . A party M Prneptrtor,t has left Prizes! tt1lbbrt on a six months" trip to tale country, iyi1ig between litre •la Crosse and Athabasca Lake. They have been sent out by the Land. branch of the Canadian DepaHm, tit of the luiterior, and will work th••Ir way aerosol to Fort McMurray by'.wut- er, and r.•turtr by deer trains. The object of ,the expedition is to dSscoverto ' definitely what oral deposits *rr in the north, and to find further a ut crops Wrtrh the Tndial• rel'in to have fornut from time to time., Only Coppers Alerted. At . he royal mint at Ottawa only copper coinage it being turner/I out at present. In fact, 11e eflver coin have been struck this•year. The rea- son ;ix that there 1P no ,demwd on the ,part of the bankers. The usual tun of copperingtte is half. w ton per day, bat last k only one, and a half tone went th ¢h. The mint authorities raty thal if the Canadian public won'el refuse to scat -pt U. S. coins the necessity for from Canadian '•nines.,. would i be! at once felt at the ,mint. Thera it $+„(10,0X0 Wor'jh of Pi1va'r t'olhege in reserve for any sudden de. - manti. Porn time to, thine English Sovereigns are being naannf*ctured but (('anus,*n $b`pit'ctls have been\ - ME LCA[INO - IFuncral Directors and Embalmers Osiers car.aully stgnasd to at bat•,., alibi .. a.r r SestSStN !S all 1 M PI rl IVITtitt 1%11 f:11� ob C2� yMAN &B !wtrice 25 etS. �fm WPD'S LINIMENT --LIMITED-- + Its10 C C tipN5OSf4 5. du 1 THE i}Ri(i1NAL AND ONLY- tiL�YINc 1;1 I( ARE UI I11I1 A I IONS SOLD ON flit nl t I,1 FS 01' !INARD'S LINIMENT ess � elswlssl>•ao mess= 1'ItJE TAILORI't CLOTHINCi FOR MEN FITS WELL_ LOOKS WF.L.L WE'AR'S WI=LL When made by 1 DUNLOP The Ta,lsr West St. as=e>mmo—=—= en tip TI Ial)NT° 1. Sept • Receipts 'Of live .toot at the 1'nedl Stuck Yards were bit carload- ,•on-istine of 2136 c:<ttie, 642 .h'ep ate] 41 calves, Exporters. `1'hrre w'..• e:,. ...1. I rapurt eattte re- pe,rte•d. an of the •1 r.'rs holding for Tuesday, t.t.rn the • ,i..1 A,ptrrteun buy - .er -u, . sl'•'si 1 t.. , m desk. B utchers. -. L'ruu•__}ut 1 1 .1. d t •utchert• cattle were quoted at W '--!`3: aa,r1n_-tart uric• extra heifer, w••t.: .o,< 100, IW , was bought I:y 'Janes 11, l ughlht at a Per eat , a+ well as a (est„e quality cow, 124C It.s• at E•..f per cwt:: toads of good. to tes. medium. $4 So to' 16.13. summon. H to $4 S•: Vows, 1$ t„ 14 a0, canoeQ, 512 L, r':• ter .-wt. - i Stockers • Feeders. 4 ntly a very few of rltl rr class were on sale, a haw feeding bobs ring about sn that wine offered. Rr) r -n. otative s of the distillers fee.,'ers erre •,a. the market; I'f Milkers • SpringersPiedit•.untre•e was ,m d•, k early anal pinked up a load of over Jy good to eltokv milker. and sprinters at Priers ranglna :1u the way. from $4S to 14; each. Ind they • •• eves! ones at that _ - -. Meal Calera. ttce•r 10 calves sold at the usual prices. i for the Winter Months The next few months will be spent Indoors. You shriuld ma':e your house loo:: as attractive as possible inside:. Floors should be repainted or revarnished-,wainscoting cleaned and painted, stove pipes enameled, cupboards shetd�,, walls; radiators and"•erything in and about the hote,e `'brightened up.” Sherwin- illiams Brighten Up Finishy; include a paint and varnish and stain and enamel for every purpose. �'You will find the operation of "brightening up" not laborious, but interesting, and t e improved appearance of your ho will delight you. Ask'your dealer for StfERw/N-W/LL /.IMS BrfghtienOp Finishes =:1 to 16 per sat., with :1n geld one or two 44,fel C ••r. - e• 7i" Sat,,' ',WILLIAMS CO. Montreal %renfo W,"• 'pe or 's tr, att)• at P.-•' Soe- of the' carr..• wemre Minh: 1.1 +.Rip wmatt 10 afi•., <•ou, !', town that • of veal. Sheep L Lambs. Trade in sheep - l r.m'it way shout stead,. Espr,rt re'• • Wild at 5110 to 14 per tat ; ram., t2 to r.. - lamhr. 114 tc Hags. As far as. we could al ,'rts'r. from dew ern and dealers generally. there Is 11111' thane,. In the Mn wduatioe, the farmer l ring boson of the situation, as ha liar 1.. n all sumi4 er That li, 1f price, are dowered he. the farmer, wUl not mill Montreal Live Stock. ' • 11ONTItI:A1., Sept. 30.-(Spr.•Ia1.)-'At tM $$ontrcat Stork Pard*. t1',+t ),bel Mss kel, the receipts of live stuck for the week. ending Sept. 11. were WS cattle, sheep lambs, 2375 Cut's, and yr .ailw, Nbit. `the supply for tnral ron- rq.nrt4M,-j�►..OralMg consists of 145( attlr _r0 53,19.3 and lambs, 1300 hogs and :airs ••elves .. weaker (reline. •lcveloped In the mar - 4., 14,11 nx.rr, trig fur cattle and prlrti were tutty_1,c,p$1 IL ,lower than a week eau Ties was attributed to the thereat.•.I re.•etpts, the larger percentage of curl,• • 1nun stock mad a lighter demand than last week. The attender:.., a buyers was large uo account of the tint' cool weather and as they all wanted • few rattle a fairly at. f1;ve trade dobe..,.A feature or the ntnrket Na• tie tI4plal'•af a few loads of very rM,l••e nor/twat ranch cattle, which met with a good demand at 14.10 per c,wL There was r.. demand from exporters, owing to the fact that.cables were again weaker •o.d noted it further decline In nth:is of '.e to ?'e per Ib., and even at tidy reduet em trade in Liverpool was err. error 'rite- topprice realised la tuts mar. ke t for ehoiee Ontario steer, was 64ee. K• ud, 461•• to :r . fair, 4c to 414c; medium, _?,,.• to rye, bulla•, 31ac to 41%c, ,and can. tors 144, to •, per Ib .t "nrnrtfhat .nrtsr-frett,p m"'DrevatieJ it aekst--toeg.wr=Osehia-:tu-luiireaied =a pilrfl and prises, as compared with a wc •-s ago.. show a decline of about i• r It, ;1t thts r.41 astloft there wilt a K•rrl frum tea, kers and dealers and e 4•,isk trade sot +1050, with sales of seh.•1,•11 lots of S..., per cwt. welshed oft from-fxverpoot - 1.40,• a and its tnl reoorted trade Ir 4 • L.tu. bacon ,low and the reefing .v:•I•. try 4-mitin with the weakness in ..a t..: :.tots.— 1.0 Nivea show nu change, AS n1;'"11,0 w;th a week ago. A ('.4l. r.. of 0 • market for small meats i• Un• wraker (..alma In lambs and privet/ ;,se ,I0.'unrd '.c ro )%c per Ib. since trite .t,,c week on : aunt of the veru 14404 .•'pts •ral t4 pruspeedts of the Pante "r.I ii( for .,rtn" itttle time 1,1 nurse -14-0,0 whore -redaction the demand tarn.. !cute lar, wis los! and an active trade '4 .4 .1"ur at "A'l,, to 6c per Ib. An easter f rain¢ ober pr..salled In sheep and the r•q, prier era li/.,1 was 364c per Ib. The mond f:,r e:. h.., was geld of which -a, pas were limited and the undertone I" 11 a rearket walt strong. with Pales of fir414s 14 as a+,4c to 4',4c per 10. u-lb!_CantulLu Paane Ilvcatock mat- • -.rrlr,e.- for the week ending Pspt. s. rr 1:4t4 rattle for export account and bele, _14- sboep and Iambs, 1Nt and 4'6 ..++Ions, while the offerings rr:•rl;.,t this morning for sale eon- •, of 77.t ,:,I!I,. 1514 sheep and Iambs, 11,441, East Buffalo Cattle Market, ' itl-rt' \,,n, 1t.T . sept -20.=Came 440 road; geed, l,Ctive and vnq. cams o stow and tOc• to 26r: low• prem.• .b r ;w. fr 66 to *7: INDping, K.B Ise' 1,0 her., t4 ft0 to 14.44, heifers, to $S :a (owe, 12.75 to 16; bulls, *.7711' , 14 14, elockl•rs and feeders, 0.2S to IN tit• heifer", •l•'- tr. 111.66: froth "serf and ,• 9rn t� to $.t hlgh521 1 -0 « re Mgrs, 1100rr, head. activto14e and Isicl r.lH In t117S, ad; yiwaa_.tccclt•lpte 1$,000 belbw and f -'•My; 1 vat•.., leets pet, mixed, PS , puler,., 5741h. fit3s, Maw, a7 to run¢ he. rt st to $7 M: Ptasw, N to , dslrb• x and reamers. 117 n to m G. JO'HNSTON EML'ALMER e'en FUNERAL ,')/RECTOR 'nrnit nes and Craton satne:a al•er,nms, Wan. 14. Square. '1'8011E�"'0OTC *1. (1n114::,h Ib -teen., 1711 Night col.: At residence. Al William Str..I t ays for itself in fuel saved Don't allow a few extra dollars to p%e- veftt you from taking the perfect -cook ing, sure -baking. easily -regulated Pan- ttara tit ptacr of a cheaper stove. In s season or two Pandora will pay the difference in the fuel it will save—and it toi11 keep on saving until it has paid for itself. 10 Pandora «pt, i d Ane construction ..takes furl do 410171 fitly. Wide ttre six is an- other nue eront,miz,r.�Fl r steel oven heals 7 leer t an q cart oven, shun sus ung s111) more fuel. Further cco54tmlxing fcaturei 'be explain.d by the McClary Agent. '1'I1I LONDON DIRECTORY , 1Published Annually) Eilitges trade' II throughout Ilio to erommltri''al'' direct with I:ngli.) MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each clues cit goods, HIiddrP 10n. �" <e.nhep .rrt* 1 golde to luny ,lure and ua snhelrlls. the I)nrcRhy contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with ate $44444.4Ihey ship; akin),, i•,,I. unini and Re. igu Markel..lhtysupply; STEAMSHIP LINES :l I ltgt'.1 un111.1• 1h.• Willi In whisk they pall, and Indicating the 441411 i 1104.1.• .•ului, ; I'ltl1YINl'IAI.'l'ItADE NUT10Ey; of loading 44nufatlurcr., hares1 le., in theinei1il province) r„wnsagesindustrial rtrines ofK 111.. 1}Ipso i ugdtllu. A ....fly of the current wfitinn tvillir forwarded, fr.dgbtletid,,nh r..,. pc5lal urdet' for 20a. "ipt of lireters seekiig agencies an McIver 1 i.e their trade earls Inc El. ur large /IA •rti►elue•utp trent 1,:3. The London Director} Co, , Ltd, ala hums Lane, 1.o1lt1on REMOVAL NOTICE t\'r 1 eg 1.1 announce to 111;1 p:,1. 1'n110 that, we have re•rmut.•.l I,, new prvuli.t.. tea HAMILTON STREET no t• 11 4 -.h at' `nyder',. t;se'r'f •, ! . •• • ".• Alston" ts will 1n,d u. •'' 1 , 1i11 4111 r lel.. fnr• HEATING METAL WOi,i{ ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING. Etc, In workmanlike manner, at closest prices. W. R. Pinder Phone 155. MC1ar For Sale by HOWELL HARDWARE CO "It doesn't ±~ vet tflCtj E ('7 (;) 0 0 d •_ aw esewl UGGIES BUGGIES See 'It • :9 y Models in CRA and L1'INT FOREST Two ter bei' !.n ) trade in Can - add. Rubber T n. Atitomobde Seats and all rh late• t ideas in first - dal C.1riage; Se old -hand N! •'e Leaf Chopper (:3-inchi nes: • new, for sale. Sereral goof d , ors for sae Robert V,'icon N; ,^y :torr, 1s. dements, \74el- lotte Cream gen; 14tors. Flea Plows, ISitaell Disc \ Harrows, Land Rollers, etc .et:. 11..i',ttltia -Hamilton Slit'''. 'PHONE 15 warehotec %Yarn y ••t want 1:. ,4 yard - 1' 1).. '1 01 len. i,• 24T I COAL \ ' /' titan) 4 r F C o A\ Irl a Y S Q V t' 0 Ile Ait r'ovl w`tgheI nn the market cal W err yon get 1000 Il+.. for , ton. WM. LEE. 'lid. IS left at t', C. !Are fre-ptirs-,-* r' st tide. of }knob. r•Ontpl'y iter 1,r4 is. Special Offer 11-c have made arrangement- a!th N{Trntt.tt' FigoinTNH a %so Intro EXTB7f)41r,v, of Toronto, one of Ihe 1wading, shiest edited. and moo influential Catholic palters or Cana.l'. 114' which we can oiler The Signal and e.',itthclic Register and Canadian Extension fnr .fnr ) lit for tit,' barg.4itt aunt $1.60 The CAttiout. ftvi.isTEll .1`tlllt.l Ytr 1.1EXTRxa►nv, of Toronto, iP now the property of the (a(helic Church Estensinn Society of ('onede• It t• a brilliantly -edited, well -printed, seventy column paper of ten Trogrw or more eneh week, and and"r 1(1 new m.•hsgemont haP hettnpe * leading eipnnent nt Catholie thought 18 (?,nada. Addtest all (Arm to THE Sl(iNAL, Ooderich, )nt.