The Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 5•
e arrier
R e x Beach
"Frew rise to Uwe 1 beard of her,
hot the bees, Instead of gladdemtik
Luc, as It wuuld have gladdened Bowe
wen, wrung out what bits ut suffering
were left lu we, and 1 fairly ached for
bar. Nobody conies to see clearer than
3wurau det'elve
d so It.
ie I
her lung to find out the
klub) of wan
l:etwett waft lie waao't Ilke her at
all, and the reason he had courted her
so hotly was Jest that be had had
eyerytb)ng that rightly belongs to a
Ia311 like Mtn and had sickened,
• tie wasted her because she Was
r1e,M arx1 pure acid different, and, real -
lung that he couldn't get tier any other
way, he had married ber. itut she wan
r treasure no had man could akpreol•
at.e and so he tired quickly, even be-
-O. _fore the little one came.
..whet 1 heard that she had borne
him a daughter 1 wrote her a letter.
whh'b i...,k me a month to et:im ose
and which 1 tore up. One day u story
,clot (44 "'•' t'"•a. Asada.U11I •
• hone to ride down and kill him --and.
mind you, I was a man who made pets
of little wild, trustlug things. 'tout 1
l'new she would surely send for we
when ber tale becawe NO great. so 1
un welted wy gear and hunt; It up
amd waled and- walled and •waked.
. Three long, endless years 1'.wultel, :11
---tm,.t-witlitu sound of our Valu. walk
AO a cord front her, without a Itillinp..e
of tor, and every hour of that time
toot by ,as ltldwly_ as If 1 had held
buy Linen'. Then she called to me, and
I went,
"1 tell you, 1 was thuitlful that day
ter the fortune that bad blade ane
fake g, ,'are ut my horse, fur 1 rude
11kt:'fleath on n w ttsdetweul. 1
through the streets of Olesrt, where
((icy lived. and past the Ilgirts of Bele
--os srtrlr4g-+.sli toio---whery 1 .
pima(' of (11•'11'14 revelry and :t stria
volved woman. silogi lig-a woman the
h t r f whlc14 had tried to leak • n
l U t►
BemdY t uryet' akulked or sneaked
lu those Jays 14 1d no !eon ever tnat
ale take back rote's, so 1 cause up to
his house from the front and tired my
. burse to his gatepost. She 'cord we
en the Jeeps and opened the d•e,r. -
Y..0 sent for Iue; said I. •\Here
1s Ie?' Isut he had gone away to a
uch;hts.rini: cusp and .wouldu'l be
'tuck until wonting. nt which 1 fort
the -way a thief must feel, for I'd
--koped to -newt Liu- hl his _own' lltuas.
- I couldn't think very clearly',. however,
because et 111r (Image In her. She
was e. thin and worn ntid sail sadder
than 803 sonars) 1'J ever seen. 1'd
t!:.ine•'d :1 heap myself. Aay 4uw that
w the .lirst thing elle 'poke about.
and the Mors came tut° her eyes mi
she breathed:
"'Peer boy! You took It very band.
di,ln t your
"lee sent for me; sold 1. `Which
road did he take?'
""11;erc's nothing you can dl!' she
moot .ted. q sect to snake sure that
).'u sill lure ale.'
"'1':4 you• ever doubt It?' sahl t, nt
alifelI she began to cry Ilke a woman
she has worn out nil emotl.,:ri
you feel the satire after what
Pre made you sufferr she meld, and
nmet have ria!- oho
!n fav ret,'•, for I net .vats much
at la!ktng. noel tin. sight of her, s.1
•rhange11, hail taken the seee•h nut of
- kW;liisaiTng 'molting but aebeet and
• pains and ashes In lir Ware. when she
saw• what she wished to know she told
the the story -the whole Miserable s(o
• ry that I'd hrnril,ehuagh.of to suspect.
; Wks r he'd married the other matt she
0,nldn't r%plala h,'rsrlL except that
It way a w'ean's whim -1 had stayed
away, and be lead come they eft.m'r -
part i•ique and part the tirnn's dare
devil fasilted Ion.
"'He's a (feted,' she told ane. '1'%e
it«rTn1T Ii'Zin�
He'll make n hai�tTwti
mint of me rel sure nn he will of the
ittilr ,,:;e if 1 stay on herr so 1 have
h.•rc'?4tat,t t -
'N I„•revrr von say: she answered,
ladyet 1 did not tiuderstau11, 41 4 till I
tart the look in her eyes. Then s'- 11
Hassel on me site hake down, for II
wawa terrible thing-f,ir it good %%oninl
to offer. .
'11's n1I for the tlttfe gtrll- stye reared.
'store thntt her life tlette ld5 neon it.
five must get -her nwny from him.'
"shy' saw 1t was her (.1113' roars• nett
wont tellers her heart w:),''aMae e„
The lieutenant met 1• 1 s.k of nit
hod In, the trader's eyes and emitted
-Iu '44444 e-- boa--emettlef4' nester -tending
tad ",pprnvnl.
144V1 Solite w O
nhrn 'or their
•ethane we love for their frill
1 there neer w•)• 110 who
'1 .1 the t ,.
r h.ce her, a:,.l now
• I .t'.,s+r + r
..141 {af' l:,( \ aP
it � .dt'�: y / ,
that 1 knew she loved me 1 began
believe again there was u Coti sun
where. 1'd never seen the youugst
DO she lel We lu a here it eat sheen
and I remember 111y bouts made se
a devil ut it thlluptug on the floor, t1'
she laid h•
tr slim 1 white
linger ,
4 t
Iles loud smiled at we. All the tligi
In the world begs❑ to choke ut t
thrust and all the blued in ate co
wenced to pound at toy heart 'obeli
looked On that little sleeping kith!
The tears began le roll our of uly et'
and tCetuse they h:t4 Teen dry for fu
years they acaldel like melted met
That was,ihe only time I ever we
'flit. sight of her baby 4110 It.
"'1 tut'e her already,' I Whisper,
'anti 1'11 spend my life making b
happy' and 111:II/IU;{ u lady of he
i4hlell clinched what w•o%'ering don
the Mather had, and she b'•gau Go lel:
mildly, the fear coming on her of
t.ntiArn that ourbehenll• might fall.
ea,. for.rlyling Inc,1,1 with butb of the
to wads lite un 1101811, :11141 the %4 i!J
11• things arse 1114. friends :maim w•h1,11
rt', Would
hose made It Ida)' 10 I'd heli
,g. Mone, 1,111 n girl 4-10111 of three 4414"
4-1 hander to. ala to e. So I cowered and
`L,(ked day after day 111;4• n thief or
1 1,,
murderer .nl Ira et• thought. /,• 11 ul t
t ht. Ila
rs in❑ always farther lulu lite hidden
4,4 11aees, traveling by night with the lit•
11- t!o ane aslp•p 1 n 111)• (sura, by day
playing whtl her la Henle leafy glen.
10. whit 4113' pu's1 et• a su close behind that
is for weeks 1 1 rt•r slept, :110 my love
ur for the child Iwcrosssed dally till it he
n1. came almost nn 1180nify. '
pt, �:tYr had ehwe ayn,'etuw many flat's,
Lnt .1 • linally won. In spite of the fact
,1, that they tracked us clear to the edge
of the desert, for 1 141111 hit fat the
,.• state tine. 1:11 aim:, that Nevada was a
1,t Nildeet1e•rtl 1111' feeling that I'd Surely
,11 lose them then Sall I did. kat in
doing It 1 nearl lust %lerr(dy. 1'..n
1 see, the emistw)it nivel nal banlshlp
,i 4vas tow Much ler el prattling baby, :111,1
that tit dd. b:la•k 441rewlgh the turrets 1
sI, •a :11.1 eV into Ilse hills, where
1oa,e unlet !bell, ial1„le handed ng:du
br11 or dry 11, but she wouldn't he
of It.
\C, 11111,1e. away,' she said, 'a
tors: w.l) Irons here. alters. tile world
nod tis and the 14'•4, oar ese
&Tut: lu _a-eiusubn,,4 se.L.Jnt knowin.
1''.e toes! never le:,ru who her Lather "G
ae ..r what el emitter did.. we will
41:1'1 alt oyer on • , 1 1i
,f slut fell sick fruit re heat, the dust
Fid and thirst:
st • "1 stun timid fur t' nearest read
ar or camp „here a 44'0 an euUl)l be
)/hind; but. os he 'h wu d have It,
Meet through whhout tr Ong. 1 had
gone fart ber front men : 11 thing.,
however., 111.141 1 thought, at 1 this re•
turn pursuit v. as u tn1111ou (it 's worse
Mali the other, for 1 couldn't '0 fast
enough to shake heath, who ra with
lis bend on ley e:uttle or rude a my
until lorgr't, 1),, ,u love me well
e44•iugIs to do II F'
"1 uttered n try mid took her In my
elms, the arum Ilial bad tit lirl for her
all those years '11..11 1 kiistd bar for
ihi_Otsi Sime_"
The .11.1 44:14 'rd to light bis pipe,
w14, 1 had gone cut, but his lingers
• tler plat 0 es fur hue to take the
yo•11,�-rer away that might bud for, her
joie herr.
1 � . r. Is;r•a0se pulsuir toot
,tut• au
1 1nl
1 l
1 e•.d' 1 lx• t .rac+y
r ,
14 hen. our mighedisappear. She would
f"(Ivry when the 'istiornt:!ty offend
saw Mal he had instilled a terror
Into her :lad that she feared Klin like
Jeal 1,• byt; us 1 tl.• ogle It over her
r'cheuxrseen:crd fea"ible, sl) t agreed,
was lo ritb• wed that hour %%illi the
sleeping 11:11e :It4l conceal myself at a
Place we seleerted while she would
say that the little pole had wandered
44:1? :itul Ise a 1444_ III the canyon or
anything rise lu throw 1tetmett oB.
After a time she would )(du us. %Yell.
the Ii t:. girl beye'r waked when 1
tock her • 1:t' u! .arms nor Whcr1 the
motherI'nike d•ia'u'agnln atw!'ia(ked
to me like a' 1 ntry wu44131.
"1 trate rd hard 'that MOO and
wflpl"'.l tort's at dayIL:ht. Thea,
1'n'. in,: the 441,1 , ountry behind. 1 ca ape
lams a region 1 didn't ku,,w and found
:1 Mesh an w44II114 site, lendert the
child for rue. for 1 was close Ly the
bluer where Merrldy eaa to 001111.
Ever,; richt t went Into the village in
hotxw that some wort) had arrived,
:not I 44aited patiently' for n week.
Then 1 gal the blew. 1 11'•ar, It freers
the loafer,4•ar.und the tittle tos144111e1:
Moo but 11 'timed me et 1 441'uldu't
indievy it 11i1 1 , borrowed the paper
otlitY9.144 ihE• 1FS.fiP 'st"ty, With -the
ty1s• 11:110 1111; find Irapiuq I,efore me.
It took '.14114' hours for It to seep In
e%e1 atter' that, null far yenri" 1 n•
raped etery µ•6r0 of Ile d ---d lir
an If It had (tern l.l:'hmled 011 me 111th
1st Irons They ended it is shi,ekfn41
agar, the most brut:il murder Cali-
furekt tied, rear known, nod' In -the
h,ndllnrs was tnv name lu lettersi11411
stru,•k 111,, bet ween the eyes fire a
hammer. sirs. Din Bennett had kern
foully u.nnt.'red t.y ale 111 a tit of sad•
den jealeu.), and I had 11(1app.Ireil
Will! the baby: • The lin1b,ind tad rt'
(urorittie•••.in•' lolly to 11.1 her d•.la_.
s. 1.i• said, but tis, far cone to e::tl
far • help and wit' herr;y 'AM .-Mot
::rengtth to tell lite, islet 4441 It slid
/tow'. Then Atte iT.Tjwr-went tan oft: -
it.theTOM ".,r my reurtn.- her and -P:
minim: 111e dew!' for lieioett. It 1, ,i
how t had gone off al • up Bite :he
the 11111s, turning Into a bear, that no
body, near or . 1,11.1, conk! app. ,soh.
It raid 1 heel bnwdeet (herr m'1 14,14
time Ii'1 the lli:nla got app'rr: lit rind
so came 11'111'1 Ty44 Wreak lily ve mance.
They Deter even did ate 1110 credit of
!offline. me crazy. I was n fetid Meer -
nate, rt 'beast without 'u..' and a tut
if things like That -and, :rneuller, 1
10111 niter harmed n llc'r,t thing la all
any I1?.'. However, that- wasn't .what
hart. What- (TfflliLM tie ii,To a dntt,
111'10 suffering thing
ens the Innw
her a she s
that h was on r' h ,ars
e I r t
,ouldn't get IPyo44d thin fact. '!'li-n
.isle the re.itiralfiiu that1 ii tl bad
done It, for t reasoned flint he bad
dragged e-hlgl of the truth Tr.itn her
by very fume oil the fear 1,e held her
1n and .Main her. God! - The nwful
rage (lint canoe 08er me! Bat there
fi ( was nothing 40 do. I olid sworn to
• - gunrd the little nate, so 1 cuntdn't take
vetaRealvr 1 I Couldn't go1n
rind !,rove Ivy Innneence, far flint
wrntnd ^144' the "11Hd In filet.
"What n night I slxettt1 The nett day
1 saw- t lind been Indicted by the grand
Jury and was a wanted mmt._yrum n
distance I watched mysel? ioenntr nn
nt►111w: watched the county put 'p price
upon my head, which' Itennett don -
tiled: watched pnlife nptbinn 'rise in
such n heat flint poses began to sever
the m'rfltnln5, whnt I noted In (.4414 -
ntar ens n statement In the paper That
'the sorr)w•Ing hUNh1Id takes his be-
renvernent with the quiet courage
n Melt rnnrks a brace man:' It hap
petted Ihot the Mextcnn maters
cntildn't rend nn41 Talked Mlle. Still, 1
knew they'd find me soon --It couldn't
be otherwise -so t made another ma
for it, swenring nn oath, however, (*-
fore i left that I'd come back and hair*
that gsmbler'm heart
Y "ft WIa ineky i went, for they an -
covered my sign the next day, and the
country where I'd hidden blazed like a
Mise ► IkM of dry grass. They were close on
ase' vein &m n ey behind, / my beefs. and tbeg done la flan .F
sglM tat* a revton / &dal know
' 4(�
1; ! �.
see amity
,eq.. .n ..,a 1149" 1 . • d
Minna. She was with a'buntitlg pa ty
ut I'nh.Cles, who knew nothing of u
nor of the white Iunn's affairs anti
cared less, and when 1 anws Ihr Ilttlr
1,111111v I rode My hor'fr up beside her.
I:ihl 111i' siik-chi d da her arms, then
tumbled wit of the aa1141e. They had
a harder Job to pull ale through than
Th, little one was pl:13!ntl around
da r. before o
e 1 p
. R lack m•
'1 t t rei
n t \ h
4 Iru,w14•
le t1'Party '
had ,t
mirth, 1 t 1: kin•• v e
t eel( theist, .nMl.arll
14',1 ►x I..d, Just • missing a posse who
were returning from the desert.
-Mimi 1 tt no Able to get about 1 tole
A11111a that 1 must Ire gobs_;, 1.441 as I
told her I watched trot face. 111111, saw
the sign 1 wanted. '1''e white girl had
(-Mule) nt her like she had at me, and
she couldn't gt%e her up, so 1 made a
dicker with In•r old man: It took all
the un,uey 1 had to buy that squaw,
bat 1 knew the kiddie must hive n
woman's care, mut) the three of uv
*tartest out !Owen after alone and twoke.
"Since then o three have never rest-
ed. i -left tl/ernonee In blithe and wetit
back to Mesa, riding alt the war; most•
Iv by night. but Bonnett was gone.
IIt'J run dully. mighty fait after )ler
tidy died- till lie had n killing In his
plavo, Inst•ad•of stupphls„lo face It
out the yellow In him rose tothe stir•
•face, and he left before sunup, as I had
"Le? ear ter ' rf 1 /.-, Per (led tr., k for
3/' '1 to 410 r
left, lonkIng a clean. get 114vay, teat, for
tht.,4' -I'. s tm *WIT lmthtbntou Tarsal
- :lout killing n rein ns there was stout
-the other. So my (rip war all for
1 lirmred it wouldn't Le tight t..
elf 1:. r yeti or \eela h. No you go if
blind, and I lame in to tail yell Hite
whole thine, n:a1 t" giie tnyscll ftp."
r;nle 'topped,` then poured hfulself
a.. otter drink.
give v un•elf up?" echa'tl Bur-
rell- carts fir:-.."tlnw do year..Trr�•ttttie1.
Ile had eat Ilke one In a trance during
the Iona recital, only hie Tyre salve. -
"l'm under Indictment for murder,"
said the trader. "I have been for fif-
teen years, and there's no chance In the
world for me to prove my innocence,"
'Illave you told Nectar' the young
4nnu Inquired.
1 tlr rl
°No; v, a II have todo
Sthat. I never,
eoul,. She might-dlelclicve. \Vhat'a
more, 3011 mustn't telt her yet. wnit
till i give the wont;"
"John Gale," amid the Ileutenint,
"yrm're the firmest roan I ever knew
111(1 the best." He choker' n bit "Von
saerlfeod nil that Ilte meant when this
girl wan a baby, and now when 5110
Imo come Into womsnhod you Rive
up y0nr blood for her. ily nll that's
;;rest, you nre a man! I want your
ha fel :"
'1 hen he Inquired Irrelevantly: "But
whnt about Bennett, Afr, Gale? You
tiny you never found blmr'
The Prader nnswerttl after a Mo-
ment's hesitation, "Ile Is still at
large." nt which his companion ex-
clnlmee, "i'd love to meet him In your
Gale seemed seized with a desire to
steak, but even while be hesitated out
ef- the silent night there cams t1e
retard of quk,k footsteps approaching
I rlekly', as It the Weer were in baste
and knew whither hi was bound.�..ak •�Ue ! ..s ,r
cried. "Let to. iUi igeiek! Pee got
work for you to del Optus up! This
is Hen starkr
AND A KNOT 'r�Wlr I11t14.
1,-1Y of sha:terc<l hopes Is a
11tra1slt]lr tidug, but the [tight
of such it day hs desolate lu-
t)ersl. La sol 14144 life I'uleof
1..4..1 bud never sunk to such depths
•.f Jenlx+udeAcy, fur Lilaetptlwlatlt'
pbllueopby and his buoyant faith 111
the guu411ess ut life fvrbude IL The
arrival of the freight snootier afforded
Mut Dottie dlatractlon, but there was
o111)' a small eon ignment for the store,
and titat was quickly disposed of; so,
leaving the other citizens of Flambeau
to wrdugle over their private merchan-
dise, he went back to bks sel1Wry vigil.
which finally became Au unbearable
escapee lits thoughts,
rlit least r
t1 awn them for r awl Ille,
amid the lights nod life and laughter
of Stark's saloon.
Iallllll.1h annoyed bow with his 404.4-
1,1aty, for the news of 1414 goal fur-
ies.• had tired the noun with n reek•
Ire: dist:, gilyd fur 1noney,,,and he turn
ed t.. gatuing as the one natural n
,:ase of his 11k.
It w'ue shortly after midnight that
stark calve 11110 the plum. J'ulerrn
44:ty 1101 1011 absorbed Iu his owe for -
tithes to full to butte,. lite extraorJl-
teary ferocity and exhilaration of the
e':lt••.lu keeper nor that his face was
k.. "ser, bis nostrils thinner, his walk
mote nervous and his vvlee more cut•
11:4. that usual when he spoke to'tun-
l"rt O
"' ".me t, re!"
"1'11 be w h you When I finish this
said. le player over his shout-
"I 'use here:" Stark %napped 11s coir
,maul, and Hun lou threw down 1114
I •�.i wing the relu
began to tel
within carafe)
''d thele, Idly
: 4,4'''''. Fitly that co
:n start and actauq
14:ls their affair- They
,ir to draw fo. Ile 'knew
,x.11 was the salutes keeper'
t and obeyed Ituplicity his\t;rulur's
alwuuda.' !le could Jistiuguisl4 . nth•
: they' said. nor was Ile at all .,curl•
until a knot of uulsy wen ere% ea
,.the..- l_rr nu"1 Aa,lu•.i-tai..-.'T
errer to the table where he s:l
•u I'p tears caught these wordd
It Inluu's lips:
: w
1 like'41nee •
%et'g a with
v l:d Swrl•'s reply:
:1 140 tr here 1 sept) her and with
meshy L telt her to."
1'1.• I'omeliM:ul lust what followed,
for it newly dealt baud required study.
Ile s.':1,ued his cards nut) tossed them
face up before the dealer; then he
tAerl,e:u'd 1iuuu10n say: '
"It's the uuly• 0114) 'lo cnwp: Ile
• :.hl al•q it if you offered 11ut
Ott 11413 Stark called one of
e Men at the bar asit)e, and the
; e1' began lo -flicker.
• \..t :f ••eat Irsa," the third man ne-
m, ed Iu111Iyt,'"There ain't another
• .111".r•,ncli 'ln boa n.
1;"i•::; ont.111,., ItuMllon Bald again to
nal Is
"She waft go with me, Beni She
dt44't 11 ,' We. You see, 1 made lute
to iter 111,,1 she got read and w•auted
ue liileti."
""5111 41 Hever,kuuvw whc you are un-
it's Pet lase to turn back," salt) the
"44441 you are the only wan 1
trust 10 take her through, 1 can
you. You owe me too math to
• lt. 1'11 act square with you! But,
here, .,shat's nil (Ms about any-
low'1 Why do you want that girl?
nthit yiss AAttt-r onrty for her That
way. you told rue so yourself. Any-
way, t ale't the safest kind of a chap-
eron for a ge's1 I.roking girl."
Stark lalel n cold hand on nuenion's
shuul.ler close pp to his neck.
"Never Mind what 1 said. She's
Misr, and yon'ye got to promise to be
str:ligbt with her. I've trusted you be-
fore, and If )ou're not on the level
titer may so. It w1(1 save you a kit of
;'O(,, all right:" exclaimed Runnio)
testily: "Only It kinks mighty queer."
ile melted into the dnrkness, and
Stark r•nlrned to his eahln, where he
paced bark ,ir.i R:rth Impatiently. nett!•
Ing evilly 110e -and then, consultIng his
watt* at free/molt h,tervals. A binek
(oek-hed-leseose-to •mettle - on lido {ee,
but It vauf1ltwt-when Seely canto, and
lie act her wish a smile. •
"4 was afraid you had weakened,'
he mild "I•:%"erythlug' Is ready and
waitlrlg. I've gut the only 0111)00 In the
place, a Peterborough, and hlreld n
good oarsman In put you through, Ire
etro.'tllte himoto-mike as fast time as
he e:in enr! to Ionnl the first stenuer
that overtakes you. Too bad this
freighter that Just got In isn't going
the other way. ilnwever, there's 'tattle
to he.nnother any hour, and If nue
'!"'t to along you'll find enough
blankets floc/4:01 In (he 5klff, so you
needn't 111
tum o 'n '
h r .. Il 11
� be there e c 1)e-
torr• ensu
In Al'
T111.11 he 1141 1',r out luta the dark•
they'-stmrl.(rd down re tit.
rRv'r'a batik, descending to the gravelly
water's-edge,_wlrt:t•e_rowa of clumsy
hand sawed boats and poling .sklrrs
were ehn(lng nt 41,•ir pnlnters. The
up river steam,' a ,.. jnst clearing.
t'tarl:'s low w•h(. 4 was answer'•, :a
hnnitrelt e:irrts below, and they search -
1'4"..111 iI-i4Arker 1,1, 4 hent proved to he
a"111.11:'1 f1'U1'•
e t.
1, i•ver)thin;;•' he inquired,
v.1111•14 the 141:ul trgnlnted uiontel•
lixibly. Sir. holding Neck by the 111111.
k (wiped her I a. 1; lo n neat In the
ant gambler aside,
rapidly lu him,
of l'uleou, who
l,adcrilg what
Id wake Bum
erly. Well,
lade a bad
that ltun-
Dodd's .r. ttl only
medicine that
a will cure INA -
Kidney hBrighetes �ke
t'. D+.
ease this dis
ease W*i in-
11 uKid°ey Pill
euredesft. Doctors
themselves confess
((441 wi4hout 1?od41's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia•
hetes, Dodd's IGdney
!'ills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes
Imitatiuns-bo , ruameand
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that dart
is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box u all
Buell was not abed, but he waited a
long moment after his summons before
the door was opened. during which he
heard the occupant moving about and
auother door close la the rear. When
he sus allowed entrance at last be
found the young Hurn alone in a smoke
tilled rul, with a bottle and two
empty glasses on the table. .
tear- at the sound vM
t-.' "Mee gale
itad,whislered to Burrell, "Keep him
out!" nod the lieutenant had derided
to refuse his late %isltor admlttauce
when he lighted 041 the expedient of
concealing the trader in the bedroom
at the rear. It was only natural, be
reasvnud, that Cale should dislike to
face a 111111 like Stark befofe he bud
reguiued ltts composure.
"Go In there and wait till 1 see what
he wants," be Ind said, and, shutting
`� the old I on 1p,_Ite la4[ goge forth to
admit Stark. Stnrk entered and closed
the dour.
"I've got some work for you. Menten
ant: It's gut to be tlouc toulgbt, right
flow! You repr4seet the law, or at
h:ant yt)w've taken every occasion to so
declare}ourself, so now I've come to
you with -Suomi hing big. it's a serious
-aa- frith a peaceful
Mali, I want to go by the law." Ills
eye* es-wue•L•wl the worth,' Le uttered.
em to carry theweight
ot this
tole cumwulllty on your shoulders,
I'in here to give you some lnforma.
44111 t 4L, yon through,"
1',•491') Von ran trust him nit rtyht."
'I he ,r::rx tun (111M1enrl 111 and J.
pi 4•••1 his s 'rye;,. then Stark laid a
band on the p w -.144,1 shored the light
( .41 ''II11111 the 'urfent, calling sootily:
.••t;nn,hy :lb.l get 1 lurk!"
•'(4o.slhy. sl r. elm 'thank yon ever
mock" the ::i:a replied, fro numb
r,'r,l won :l ' 111 to say 11111'1' or 111 pollee
45111119.r she ons 60114/4/ or 151'4,
's her limo emu She 11110 beef, @wept
f"t 1444 Of, b• reason er fear for
L,1 elf stn' mere.
N. irk did not return to his rntrh', Ant
' eat ba: k Instead to hlr'nlwnr, wt1�h
61' wily 1''l' .,, Itoret still sprawl
t'. 1' (irllon' on 11, 1:11,1.', 111,, hall
Ion :shove his sateen face, latnrk then
went en 1 end doe It lownnl the bar -
arrer'ks, .A 11c11r ',dols! the drawn cur -
talus el .the oaken s waw turd tai eer
B ell said quietly: "It's a little late
fur • lie conversation. Come to the
I've + a murderer for you."
"You've had a killing In your place,
"No; I've st made a discovery. I
found 11 all u•t by accldeut, too -pure
aa•bleut. Ily elven, you can't tell
me there Isn't a ,eneticent Providence
overlooking our a •airs. He's a friend
of yours and n Gig y respected party.
Iles a glorious exai• •le to this whole
river. lie's everybod 's friend. lie's
the xhlning mark of 11 whole coun-
try. Ile's the t)enevol t renegade,
Squaw Man Bale. Gayle ' U 111s name,
and i anea fool not t , know It
The dl.ctr.$(1l had not riffted the
soldier :Is Stark expected, and is an-
ger began to 11ft itself.
"The mat's a murderer. Ile's wRnt-
ed In California, %%here I came frog ,
Ile's been indicted, and there's a price
on his head, tie's hidden for fifteen
years, but he'll flung as sure as I stand
Murrell knew he must gain time for
thought. One false step -might ruin
nil. Ile could not face this on the
spur of the moment; so, shruggiug his
shoulders with an air of polite skep-
ticism, lie assumed a tune of good na-
tured raillery.
"Fifteen years? Murder? John Gale
a murderer? Why, that's almost -
pardon me '1f 1 sella --I'm getting
sleepy. What proof have you?"
"['roof!" blazed the gambler. "Proof!
Ask Gaylord: Proof! Why, the we.
luau be murdered was my wife!'
1'o 1, - row issue 4
Why We Are stronger:
The old Greeks and Romans were
great admirers of health and strength;
their pictures and statuary (nude the -
muscles of the men stand out 11ke
As a matter of tact we have attic
!ruts ^and strong urea -man fed on
One strength making foods such am
Quaker Oats -that would Win In any
contest with the old Roman or Greek
It's a Metter of food. The finest food
for making strength of bone, mum*
and nerve Is One oatmeal. Quaker
Oats le the best bcrans,' (1 is pure, no
husks or stems or blank specks. Farm
err' wives are finding "that Ly_,.1'l�cdltu;
the farm hands plentlf'lly on Q -ticker
Oats they
a l11irle re
m u go to their work with greater
vigor and the expense of tuieb 1• e411cr
in less' than with other foods. •
There in a 1404411 let eat e•ntithe l
"Why (inns 1)111 Those who don't
want to raft AIWA), blow out the gas,
or absorb a few slabs of fiy-paper.
Lightning doesn't strike twice in
t h,' saute place, unless the place
leasn'1 eliminated ,
sat ,
l the flr•s t ,•
1 to i
TlituMWuae, Reieratlasa 211 1909 6
.%I 11(1'.
Great Northwestern-
The Great Northwestern isI oing to
be a bumper. Merchants that have
not exhibited d fur• trtie never
Perhaps l '1' 1'
before, are this year putting on fine
exhibits, and all indications go to show
that the .fair i, to be a grand success.
We Wish to meet you in our booth in •the
north wing. We will have some pretty
• Souvenirs, and we wish .to show you
some of the interesting thinge we ural
in. Let us mention in particular T11E
PANDORA RANGES, of which we will
have a full line. Now, people are talk-
ing all over the -country about this range,
.utd we will be plt:atsrtl tO shute ttnon to
Watc'i..-IIct$ber tit; iq; 2p; ._-Trutt.
,hear 'more about these dates next
We have a car of Portland t; ernent
just to hand,
he Howell Hardware Co.
L IAO l' E I1;
And Its Keeping Qualities
SOMEpeople find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity
of flour at one time -sufficient to last fur a long period.
Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best
adapted to lengthy storage.
There are two important reasons 'why PURITY FLOUR
possesses these qualities. One is that it is made entirely from
Manitoba Hard Wheat. The other lies in the fact that the careful
milling necessary to produce " Purity " absolutely excludes all
low-grade particles of the wheat berry. It's the high grade
Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps -stands longest storage.
That's "Purity."
"Purity" flour may cost a little more,
but is more than worth the difference.
Try it. Watch results both for quality
and yield.
"More Bread
and better Bread"
W ri i, CANADA Fax: s Mui Cu , tants')
Mlle at W,na.p g, po6.ncy 11,106,,,.
We Lave w ytirge• ',tsxurtrtlent of nice Talc the finest
u►atelfactur,d, and have them, in different ,slurs:
Nadruro, Viol/t, Nadroro Rose, Nndruco Flt.hh Cohn,
Taylor's Valley ` Violet, Williams' Coronation. All the
above at Vic a tin.'\ Also) Palmers Harland of Violets, at
_a tin, 1,eVe also 1tave\ heaper'rah from lar op, at
Drug Store- Goderich
Instead of being a mono.
follows drudgery becomes a
plossure when Sunlight helps
you. Remember - Sunlight
dote all the work, at halt the
cost and In half the
time of other Soaps.
I'Mlow directions
Prince Rupert
PRI N, ' I: 111' 1'I;11T, the 1'nerllr ('unvt teretiitnes •rf the (11,und Trunk
1'acille Railway, is destined t, heeente one of the Krevatost colonies -vial
and ind❑(trinl rent rem 4-f population on this contdneni., N0 'ity in its
makingever presented to
the world 1 (r
%tl1txMYlllt litthou
Rupert. Inv,s
4 i'1,t throng' hrt a
1 t t.1'.• United g nhual 1'ttuG'' and Carso(' u, mini :wit h
foresight, keen discernment and Iln,rnrial exEeriener, err ii,ve,lDrg*Rtd
investing hP4vily in this now airy of the Last Itrat. \Vest. Prins
Rupert offers another (ppm( unity for making a fie 1.111,' in Kraal I':•n:tl,•,
re, which the Pacific ('oast cities have 1e'm the sweatier of the a''tld.
The ono les( way. the one 14111',' itny for all to share 141 the rapidly in
r'1',aaing rf*I111•s, 81141 (1.11iir•ip•ue 111 Ihr %V••nith eert,,in i s l..• ..orale in
Peine.• Klits•rf, is thrush inv,''!o„•nl in the Orator, of.T11h: 1'Itl\t'l'
Ill'PER'P ILEA!: -E TATE IN VI:s'I'MEN'l' ('U., (.4'U„ 411•) 44141/(9( to
enm(ine the savings o'f investors, Is,Ih lam,. natJ smell], for permanet
investment in Prince 'invert real Prtate, 11)x►1n the mune p122. flat ha,
emitted all Peal estate f,i4,in,a. '4'o,I may live right where you are,
stay by your pre•4ent task, and year"llwnellt, will pile „p mouth After
month and year after year. \VP otter to tnvvat4l(I4 a Ii11ited ler of
shares of this Company nt par t(!1,(m p.rt. altar.. pavxb44' 111 (ser vont.
down and 111 per rent. monthly, or A dis.• ant t'I .i per cent. fur ennh.
111e n•an who is :dun. nr,fth1e 4o Interims,. well I(lertert prolix/it-1y tufty
invest his surplus funds in the rhare•s of Ihi1 1'ilnlvotny and Of; o,• pre
rata in the Targe prefile eertail 111 11'.1"?» from the tip)"is'd•eg of its
Ilnaip.115 and the ifl,'(- ill4 value of its realty hnlllin Zs, To the small
investor who desires swami hing more. than just anxiety for him motley,
we offer hne ahsnlnt, safety and a high earning on the investment.
Every'Yt1', bnslnr)te is „ matter of piddle rec,ed end ham the
itrdot'Semrllt oft he best lu5in,•s interest^ to Ihr So rtrwest. Het/thank
u,felstnces. Voir huslnems snliriled. 1Vrite
The Prince Rupert Real Estate inrf;stmPat Co., Ltd
11': 1,•'o thudding. Von. .n• •1, 1k 1). Pring, Kup"►4., 14 C.