The Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 44 THUMt)iv, SRPTRitnen 2.1,IMO SIGNAL : G0DV iCH. ONTA Ri() THE TOWN COUNCIL. ROAD MACHINE CO. BYLAW AGAIN • -• SUBMITTED. Town .Water Now in Good Condition -Councillor Jordan Disappointed in Preneer Whitney -The Tax _-1_--.- Lav gr 19Q9--Where_Is Enjinser Chipman 9 l ousideratiun of ca petitiuu for the resubmission of the bylaw to guaran- tee the bonds of the Atuerican Road Machine Company of Cunada, Ltd., and I of the revised bylaw itself were tIie t. leading features at the regular meet- ing of the town council last Friday evening. A petitiuu with some 273 signatures was presented, and, un being asked to do to, Assessor Camp- bell went over the list 10 ser that the signatures were those of voter's. He reported eight 'lames of nou•voters on the list. The rule of the council, which re- quires petitions to be sent to cutn- tuittee was raised as a reason for net dealing with the petition at ower, and 011 it vote W suspend the t ulr Depot y Reeve Reid and l'ouncillors Munuinbp, and Humber voted No. the other members of the council, Reeve tial• low and Councillors •Crsigie, S allows. Dean and Jordan. voting in favor of dealing with the petition at mice. The Deputy Reeve explained that his -only reason--fen•---voting -No-www- order 1. -w order to have a committee ieok-into the genuineness of the signatures; but when the expedient of having Mr. Campbell report on that point was adopted he withdrew his opposition. Mr. Blair ex leiued that the bylaw, as revised, left out the clause with reference to the town's using its efforts t0 have a railway switch to the factory put in, as it had 110 proper place in the bylaw and Was not binding, end Made it clear that the mortgage that the Www was to re• ceive as security for the guarantee - wtcr to fie tm -the facto.) -ow--east" street, the old bylaw not making the .._. point quite clear, although it required the Company to purcbas• the factory building. A resolution W the effect 'Oust the petition he granted was adopted unanimously, the mover and seconder being Councillors Sallows and l'raigie. The bylaw was given, its first two readings, considered in committee of the whole, and is published elsewhere in this issue of The Signal. The vote will be taken on Saturday. October 18th. Water Is Better. Dr. Hunter, medical health officer. wrote enclosing a report on the town water from the Provincial chief health officer. Dr. Hunter wrote : "You will notice the great re4uction in parts of chlorine per Million since direct connection with water crib has been made. I am satisfied the town water will always maintain the sable excellent standard if the sedi- mentation basin can he pilule sec•ute ft•Inu leakage. ' Dr. Hodgetts' .report showed the sample free from any bacterial infec- tion and only eight parts per million of chlorine. C. P. R. Train Service. • His %Vorship mentioned an incon- venience in the C. P. H. train service. While it provided an early train out of WWII and a late train in, the service was not so convenient for persons comingrt4 tcwn and wishing to return the same 'day. The suggestionwas made that the railway company might put on a service similar to' the service an and out of (tttelph, a motor car to make either ane'rnr two trips a day. This matter was referred to the special committee. A blank form of Le islatul'e asking t be given the power of ad titian to the snuck .i1,lalitie s justing assess- ments so that a greater proportion of the taxes would fall on land values and'a less proport ion on impr(t,seruenth was referred to the spe(IaI, com- mittee. Money for School Board. A communication from the serretaty of the public school Ixlard advised the council that the final payment ht $4,00) on the Gibbons lot would be due Octo- ber let and that there would be other apunants coming due later on the con- tracts for the new school. This matter was referred to the finance committer. The water and light committee re• commegded that the petition for a . light on Bruce street he referred to the water and light commission to report 10 cost, and this was adopted. . _. k'james Found Wanting. - • Councillor Jordan gase an oral re port of the work of t he delegation from the municipalities of the Proviuce which waited ou the Provincial Gov- ernment with the request That the Government elect two hospitals In the Province for the care of indigent con- suulptives. Premier Whitney's reply to the delegation was not encouraging, and in Councillor Jordan's opinion Sir Ja •s' attitude in the matter was not. at all creditable to a person in the position of Premier of the Province of Ontario. On the question of oiling streets Councillor Jordan reported what be had seen in Toronto, and said that I)i-. Sheard had promised to send up infor- mation as to the cost of this method of keeping down the dust. Councillor Jordan called the parks committee to account for not bringing in a report on the cost .,f painting the buildings at Harbor Park, but His Worship felt inclined to let the com- mittee have a little more time. The Sewerage System. Something that Councillor 71fun rings enquired about was the sewerage system, on which Engineer Chipman had been engaged to make a report. Councillor Munnings thought it looked as if Mr. Chipman were oat corning, and suggested that the public works committee and the engineer get May nn the problem without Mr. Chipman. The Deputy Reeve, however. gave the information that Mr. ('hipmen would be here the following week to make a report on the system. The danger of the fast driving on the Square at nights was brought, up by Councillor Bellows, and the matter was referred to committee to be looked into. Tax Levy for tgoo. The finance ronitni'tee reported a tax rate fot the year of nineteen mills for general purposes and six mills for school purposes, and recommendeel that 2 per isent. diocounl he allowed off all payments toad.. before October 15th. imp, 1 per rent. off payments before November Pith, 2 per rent. ad- ded to payments not. made by (etwni- her lath and 5 per rent. added to taxes FOR THE CLEAN GROCERY Saturday and Monday, 25th & 27th, AND FOR THE Three Town Exhibition Days THE FALL CAMPAIGN BEGINS We ata herr 10 will w 1 hull and \\'inter floods at the lowest prices that NEW ane 600 1) merehandire Vali p'•ssibly Ir• sold for. Next Saturday and Monday tail the three Exhibition days will be Red Letter ►ass at this stow. Coupe and see what we can do for you with new end dependable goods. %Ve huvcnt room to „note many poen., here, to few just to let you know what you nary expect. DRESS GOODS. un Satuduy uud \pouchy and EExhlbitiop dugs wee are putting up the biggest I)tess Guoxl. suer we rvrr al lcuyHed, out of Ih( biggest stuck i., be pound Mae. SA( in 1)11,•M•.,, eutsprottable Black, Navy, Burgundy, (frown, Breen, h'istat•ia, Taupe 111 pieces in all, .tripes and plain, all new, 1)1.. for (1k•. \VultSTE1) SI ITI\GS- l piker only, Navy, Taupe, (trey, Nutmeg plums, h) inches wide, heavy weight, lkk., for Ifni,, POPLINS- Navy, lkuwn, Black. Burgundy, 'taupe, \%'istarill, Catawba. all wool, dtl,t-repellent tiuish, tkk•., for :or. - Waistings Imperial \%'ao,t Aug. We 1111.1 With a lot of Naistinps. The regular prier I. to 21k. You (an have ellse of theta on sale days at I2ic. This is a tale ch.uu•e. 11 piece, in the lot. Ginghams - - Mesa.. -MO--ye-tab s-.4-- l+r..k« h, itirtKiosk wed-Naeurth.aai--ewkw, Regular 121e - and 15c. on sail ,lays Ile. Sone. of the lest patterns we had this maritime are in this lot, flout a or 1 to 21' yards in each Meer. Dress Tweeds Just it small Io1 01 Dies. Tweeds,sotto'''. Gu• girls' coal, or school dresses. Mostly from 1i54• to 730, IS to :Si inches wide. Our price is now 3:x•.to311c, Not mhny yards in a piece.• They are a great big bio -gain. Coats 1'11e• new hall Coats rare bete Old a nice lot they are. Latest' .tyles in Mitek, navy, 'green. blv,w'11, ' I;re%. Collie :old see • helm :and get our price., Small Wares l'eett'I Buttons, 2 dozen for Jr. %Ichor. ilooks and Eyes, 2 du ,•t1 for 1.. 1111 .tei•l 11:titI ons ill k (s 01 trees i1 a•.-- :,psi electroplated 1'ins, good .e 111141 51:0 p, Lace Curtains .luso w'liat i. left over, not 1,1au)' ,pairs, ata great reduction, 1,, clear them out before our new Call stock colors in. Note th,- i , ricer: 5oe for ltie Si.).• for li:x• stilt/ for \x• 111.2.; for. _ 110• x1,51) for :1.'91 It_:.(4I for titl.s+' :a.lst for $2.23, and n few ex1,1 I,.ti1s about 111df•1)1'll'e •. ".•� I Cashmere Hose ;:ut a lot just ill, Llama. mike. all purr wool, bold every- where for :s a•, price •tl or 3 pairs for *1.11), sines 84, U, ill, 111 Handkerchiefs «1 1'hildreu's ruloted b o r d e r ILandkerchiel's, legality a, sale price 2 for :p•. %Vino. ours, . helustitchral, :s• regular price, tot : 1'rtrbrntdPr5d eilb Mr- lee. -ttnttaf tI)audkrpt,lerfe - Ix; t... lea. Silks 11 wnlc black Iltr•es or (coating Silk. warranted nut to cut. quern quality. Sale prier tine -and 91.21. A real '41111(1. Hosiery l'he 1.4,) o.; pairs of out 1,9si- pair.lul of 2 pairs for 2.-s• seam- less and fa.t black Hose 11 and 111 sizes, Doing now 3 pairs for 2.s. J. H. GOLBORIV E O•111111•11110 1 6111111•11111111111111111111111IMIIIIIMJ The astinnttes on which is rased ate as follows : kVA 1:1.11 e 1111eteti . 14111W» tae Hell Telephone 1'o Llcimmes .. • Markt .. - . )ebentun•• meld. .. Premium. on aehenture; nederi, ll Oman ('0,. Ltd , uder*ch Wheel Idg• Ken•iugton Furniture 1'0 .. laity ):nein Work, (0.. Ud. Mage tratem Ione„ Mi+cellrneou; ler Loral hnproe•en.ents .. r 1,an frog tax - t�er-}p Taxes, .at l • mall .. 11,7tl- I • • the rate life and work. 'fhe I're:shvtery in this booklet referred to the Doctor, as ra elan wtin had a (Jeer, vivid add far- suasive way of reaching the truth. He occupied an honored place in the Presbytrt ban church in Canasta. being l.'�a' a long and faithful member Of the As. senility's house tnissiot;cowwitt�e, a leader in Sabbath school, temperance. moral and sesial teforiu work. 11e never rejected pxlatnne of any kind which w'ereof u responsible or.ditli• cult netut•e. • • '\'lie Synods 1If Hamilton :mil 1.,11- dtue-t4.nfrw•ett ,ip«M him.'throng's Knox l'ollege the degree of Doctor of Divinity. The Doctor Made slit trips to the old �_t„ land and one tine• trot( a very yaln- able arid Useful holiday and visited Palestine. He made it a priltire (very four years to attend the elem. vols held in ceongection with the Pres• hyteriau church and was in attend- ance at, Ireland, Philadelphia. \Vash- iflgtoa and New Yet k. Ott June :tot, Irkil,o, the late Mi'. Ham- ilton w,ae 0nl41ned and inducted as pastor of Mot beta411 rind Avouh:tnk and began a pastorale of forty-three years duration. %Ir. %%'a Ikea., of (Ingham, preaehed, Mr. ('aven ail• dressed the minister and Mr, Sainuer the people. 111 IYINI the Ing clam 1-11 at Avunhatik was replaced by •p brick Law, structure in which the people wor- shipped fit. thirty years. 111 Pest the present handsome .doors Wilt eteetivrt. The sister y•ongt egation id Mother- well 111s , u`t•r. fished. touch in rlunr'h bnildiy g .luring Ali.. II oniil- tun's lung pastll•ate. In 14143 the first frauu' ell tat tire, wast enlarged and served as :a liltck of worship until 1!48'2. Isntlg foll4Ww,(4d� h)• the prevent 1x•uu1iful 1i Idiii•4)f (tell at a .cosh of The Rev, R. Martin \mol members of Knox church lose a helpful member of session and church and friend whom they will miss greatly: 11.• lea% es to tun h loss fuer sons . t' , and t at d,au h its/\ K t . Lu v. Hxluil. 1 on pre.lerrvred 1 ' 11(1('e:1 ears ago. His x01)11 are: Rev, Alexamiet Hamil- ton, of 11 lisseyai11, Man.: Rev, Jalues Ilanlilton, 1 iodrrich : 1 i. H S. H un- ilton, sr'1.•I,rr master, Balt. (Coll isle Instil ntr: lir. %%'. •1'. 'Houilton, conw•r, 44(4.1 latighp,•rs, Mti yev \LO giret raid .1e -ie, .11 home, - g tu. Or,. 10,'11, •KYR s.:s.) 1,1111 6.3141 1,1101 • /aex%1,111 1110. Printing and advert Wing Fire department _ . I.a .:nits Public work...... Parks \'barfly flunk lntere•.t Election accents! - e .meter) ... Public school Public ..drool 8ep`:.rate .rhool l'bllegisie- In-1eute Hoard of He:dt h Io,uranre.. ... firs/114 Mal ked 1'ihentore lux,ounl 4.01111(r rate uv.•rdrah L, hook 1Ii..wunta•d in Lank , Jli-rellan.•vn• .... Sit ::r: .n 1.►4, 3.,,11 24o 4, 1.911) 131 1 'AS 44,4•0 I; u, Ain 3.214, . 510 1.11 'HAW 2.45et 141 1. A bylaw to make the tl4x levy norms passed, and the emitted adjourned at a late t . THE LATE REV. DR. HAMILTON. Father of the Stratford Presbytery A 'Long and Useful Life. The funeral of the late Rev. Itolert llatnilWn, 1) -I),; who died at Strat- ford un %Veduesduy, rah 10.1., took piliO(e on Saturday last. the interment being wade at At oulwnk. 'file fine .•1141 Waa Attended by a large number of clergymen of Stratford Presbytery, six of Whtail acted as pall -beaters, and ttt by' auy',tu(ulberr of the Doctor's bunter cottgregatiots of Avnnhank and Motherwell. The Stralafortl Herald in its issue of Lo the 5111 ilea. make* the following ref- rrener: _• .._.. __.. - __ __• • The father of the Stratford Ir'reshy- teiy, in the person of Rev. Robe% Hamilton, D. D., luasse'd to the Goat lfe•yuud this mottling at_ 11::341 at lits haute, :17 i4hrew.hnty street. 7'l0• many frtendi of the Doctor hay. been anxiously enquiring I'nt• hila each day since he was taken to his bed a little over two week.' ago and Ilan) thoright that it 'night only be a shots illnless, but no dunbt the Doctors work in this land seas finished end ,tt his ",tdvanled years the public• %vete anxious as to the outcome. Howe1(r, his great vitality and spriglltlieess seemed to leave hint the past year 1104 II( passed to his WWII! d 1118 morning. Ions nun, Her. .braes Ifau111tu11, 11l1d two da ightere, Misses Margaret and les4ir, were present at his dyetlibeil. The Rev. It. Hamilton, D. 1/., was born in Sterlingshice, 44c,etland, In the vrar 414$1,, being righty -leve ysari. 444 last May. Ile was brought 11p and educated in the hest sehooIs nl SC111 • laud and whefi through with lita I lege course he tied Miss Agree loIIIervaille, of Roshuruughahire, In the year 1tkiT At that tine- it. was eu5lntinry 111 send Illiesi.rnatye, 111th1N c 11 y and after his marriage Mr. 11,uu11ton wive gent by the l'roshyterian church of Ncotland to this hind, cooling to Ham- ilton, where he ri4nained tar a few months, when he War called to the rhar•ge of Avonlseltk and Motherwell, in which capacity be remained for forty-three years. At this time he re- tired from the ar•ttye duties ss e pastor of s regular charge, but 00) Un- til his health recamr so unpeit'd that he was not able to go around did his zeal and love for the work flag. Dr. Hamilton, as we all know, was looked upon as the father nt the churches. not only Presbyterian, but the other pastors of the city were to him AS his children it. the great work in which M• was Interealed. He,was always ready to till any vacancin; the city or in the Presbytery et the shortest notice. Last year the Presbytery eelebt•ated his fiftieth anniversary as pastor of Avnntwnk and presented hint with al handsomely bound booklet, wit h his picture in the front and on the fol remaining unpaid after January let. + lowing pages a fitting eulogy of his Hunting Season Drawing Near. Already the parties are sial ling to 'e gatri,e and a very surressful season is antieiputed, pat•ticuhatly along the line of the Canadian Northern On- tario that haw become 110 1inl1)114) as a deer limiting gruudd. The deer elle• very plentit01, more so even than lost seen". There is pdenly of thorn fit• new panties. as arra ng.tut•n to are matte to place, the new_ parties in good locations where they will not di.tatl. or be distnrled by the old polies. lies. The new moome eounTrylbaf can now be rerarh(,l direct by nnil will alti:11.1 a 'peel deal .1 .attention, and as the open s.•asorl up (hen• is tlft,•,'li dal. .•,t•liei- than the d.•,•r se•„- m nlauy trill hake it in litst hrtore coIuing south bur deer. An advantage: of. huutng-.tive -w► the C. N. Ois the fart that the be,1 I ef 11rit ran he got 11.'ng the ri 11 •olw 4• ( N Nbrt 1'th Y '1 •• K y, t , It nunler• ons camps, though many prefer r in. Cas. Th( tritium (luring the hunting season stop to lel off or (nick up hunt ere right tit their erunps, std 4., everything except raft across country to aceinnnxodate the hunters. A tate of single fare for the round Ilip will be Iliad.. t0 all points, and from places outside of Toronto tlitoig1i tickets can be obtained et Grand Trunk or tee:W an Paeifle ticket offices. Pot- full particulars write t'. Price Green, Pess.•nger %Kant. Toronto, who. as most hunters know. is keenly interested in the sport and is happy to give hunter4 all atten(ion• and in- formation about the hunting along the lint i,f the Canadian Northenl Ontario, • wtlen and why --ti told in the autpantanve Style Book which we pa ever) vl0S4113. i he lady Style Hook is aom- piled by mem who visit London, Pans and ew York, by designers who know advance what the Prevailing sty will be. it's worth while'. vino a copy of this Isa,k---and i yarn for the It stones the proper r style of Frock Loan Iwo ttt which we sell 11 $25. $ami -rem Tailoring .\Il'LEAN BROS. re4et���•„' MAPLE i BUDS The most delicious of chocolate confections. They stand alone in their smoothness, richness and unique flavor. Insist on having COWAN'S. Name and design patented and registered. TILE COWAN CO. WMtTED, TORONTO. REDPATI1 SUGAR Eighteen pound. for one dollar" 1?ighttwn pounds of this rugae woe. farther I hall twenty-two of any other kind. KINCARDINE: BACON 'I'lilc Ei'lt•Uhg BRAND, 'Pito shipments made weekly, Tues- days and I''rideys. Side neem'... ....... 21e pound Back Bacon ...'22c pound The Railway official cars use 11t1s brand esclueively, where they want the fast, RIVER VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER Proof Dungannon. :.;c a pound Guaranteeed the hest. Iliptbest cash price paid to Farmer" Icor BUTTER, EGOS and LARD. J. J. McDONALD, Phone 1 , `NI. HUGH ROSE .\ IMPLEMENT AGENCY Hamilton Street, - - Goderich. '1'11( altall1011 of F411111'1* is dirrctetl t' 111.• fact 1l,nt I ,un 111 1 ion to "uppNy their wants in the line of 111l Pl. I:MI:N'I'N and \l. \e II I CRY with the best goods at right price,. I .1111 agent lot' Deering Farm Implements Brockville Buggies Paris and Wilkinson Plows Page and Frost Wire Fence Dairy Maid and National Cream Separators, etc. shall be glad to hue( 1111 opportunity of showilllr Y01' n , good,. and quit ing price's. /len aim is to supply the BEST 1MPLEM1•:V'1'S on the Markel 1„ 111e Loot(r• of phis dihtrict, HUGH ROSE. J The Signal to January Ist, 191o, 25 cents. i 1 0 I 1 I 1 1 I I I Quick Service CAMERON & MOORE The Centre of Economy Courteous Treatment It's a Pleasure to Sell One of Those MAN -TAILORED SUITS Slip oeler sire" in a becoming color and there is not - it tvornan but -1er I be charmed by the splendid lines her figure - p+re nts, dtte to\ �the -unusual 'way the aro tailored. 'I'lie woman who has gonaegtf:rilia�#c Mili -the styles and value: around town will be tulle Most pleased, as she will recognize the remarkably fine quality we are offering at $ ).Ott, and C the twenty -dollar values for . - - ' - $IS. 00 Samples of values you \\ill titid at this great Economy Centre, commencing Saturda\ morning. r }, ns,. We don't advertise specials every day, but we have them e\ cry day, They are values that make it worth \ .our while to conte and look them i r. ' 48c Corset Sale New 14 t les, flex,- to $1.110 %aloe. From one of the best Corset makers in the coun- try we hive secured a new lot of models which will be placed on sal" Saturday morning at I0s They are well -bound (corsets, Iona hip style, with strong gariers side and front, na ode of both heavy and light weight nlateIials. Size IS to :at (her special price per pair 4 QC7 c Ribbon Specials Hairta,w Ribbon,. in all 1 he popular colors, 3} in. wide. Regular 25c quality. 19C Special Silk Taffeta Hit Iain, 4 in. wide, in pale blue, pink, navy, whiteand 1 OC black, at per yard New Silks and Dress Goods Yard wide fancy %%'a..11 Silks for party dt•esees, will launder and clean perfectly, in dram, veil, pink, maize, lavender, nlle, rose, peach, reeled'', myrtle, navy, card ina1 and Meek. Spec. 3tJ Q ial per yard c 75c Serge 49c a Yard Heavy, lout de-w.4111t4,.' t;''. 1111 jr( ly piste wired and ah ,Irately the lest wearing cloth ,,f the kind orad.. if ' in matin(, navy. cream and Maid:. $191,e9 4 nal per yard . Neckwear Department Complete ling , Neckwear j u. t 1 g tgd. Venire, Baby, Irish and Irislpa Grua het showing of Doted. (:olfata, Coat Neta, \'.,k.• ;Owl StnekCollarr. Prtc- e2 50 ed from 21c to.. New Fall Underwear and Hosiery Women's Separate Garments. Women's flue quality cot- ton Iieece"i Vests and ()law - era, extra weight, full ,iz•+r. Exc(ption:41 t4111rs at 50c Underwear and Hostery (Continued) 4Venlen's medium weight Vest. and Drawer's. for early fall wear. Ev'rnvdoe :,1. esae•11, -. , :1).: alld...50c \Vnulen's 11n.• wool Vests and L)rewers, all .exceptional tallies, at 7, ind $i.00 Exceptional Values in Hosiery Troy's' and girli' 11.avy- wa•tght fast black School line•, albsizeti 11 to 11), 25c :4t Chihlren%. fast Meek rib- bed Hose, all weights and eines, every pair guaranteed ter give satisfactory 25c wear, at worm's Cashmere 11,,,,•, regular values 25c and 39c all sizes, at 2 for, - ve__ry Department is showing New Fa1rGoods in great variety. Hundreds of New Lines will be on display Fair Week. FALL MILLINERY Our 7 rionnl.d 11 :Us always excel in style and value. Why? You must know that ordinarily if a milliner happens to produce a particularly lovely hat, she (foes not base the price on the cost of material and tirne consumed in trimming, but estimates how much the style will bring. in setting the price on the productions of our artist, the time and material alone are considered, Titus, you usually get an exclusive milliner's g8,00 or $fo.oli hat here for $5.00. The assortment is extensive. No two alike. Don't fail to see our special line of imported ostrich feathers, regular $,;.00 value. for - _ - $1.75 BASEMENT HEADQUARTERS Full BEST iDAI1tY nil -nut AND FRESH zoos. 2 rese.a Shredded wheat Biscuit, regular i:1i, for ......ipk ('lark's Tongue, Ham and Veal, regular 13e. for tic ('hristie's or McCormick's Soda Biaeuits • clic hos Fi eases Salmon, rpgltlar 1.5e, for.... lfk: 2 cases Quaker Rolled Gats, regular 'Lis( pkg, for... ... HIGHEST PRICEY PAiD FOR I'RODi'CE This week we will pay 24 cents a dozen in trade for Eggs YJc CAMERON & MOORE DEPARTMENT STORES, GODERiCH BRANCH I �f♦-11111111101111D 41111111111111D- 1 1 0 I 1 1 1 11 1 • 1111111•111111IPfi•